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Created October 20, 2015 20:27
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// Type definitions for React Router 0.13.3
// Project:
// Definitions by: Yuichi Murata <>, Václav Ostrožlík <>
// Definitions:
///<reference path='./react/react.d.ts' />
declare module ReactRouter {
import React = __React;
// Transition
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Transition {
path: string;
abortReason: any;
retry(): void;
abort(reason?: any): void;
redirect(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): void;
cancel(): void;
from: (transition: Transition, routes: Route[], components?: React.ReactElement<any>[], callback?: (error?: any) => void) => void;
to: (transition: Transition, routes: Route[], params?: {}, query?: {}, callback?: (error?: any) => void) => void;
interface TransitionStaticLifecycle {
transition: Transition,
params: {},
query: {},
callback: Function
): void;
transition: Transition,
component: React.ReactElement<any>,
callback: Function
): void;
// Route Configuration
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DefaultRoute
interface DefaultRouteProp {
name?: string;
handler: React.ComponentClass<any>;
interface DefaultRoute extends React.ReactElement<DefaultRouteProp> {}
interface DefaultRouteClass extends React.ComponentClass<DefaultRouteProp> {}
// NotFoundRoute
interface NotFoundRouteProp {
name?: string;
handler: React.ComponentClass<any>;
interface NotFoundRoute extends React.ReactElement<NotFoundRouteProp> {}
interface NotFoundRouteClass extends React.ComponentClass<NotFoundRouteProp> {}
// Redirect
interface RedirectProp {
path?: string;
from?: string;
to?: string;
interface Redirect extends React.ReactElement<RedirectProp> {}
interface RedirectClass extends React.ComponentClass<RedirectProp> {}
// Route
interface RouteProp {
name?: string;
path?: string;
component?: React.ComponentClass<any>;
ignoreScrollBehavior?: boolean;
export interface Route extends React.ReactElement<RouteProp> {}
interface RouteClass extends React.ComponentClass<RouteProp> {}
export interface IndexRoute extends React.ReactElement<RouteProp> {}
var DefaultRoute: DefaultRouteClass;
var NotFoundRoute: NotFoundRouteClass;
var Redirect: RedirectClass;
var Route: RouteClass;
interface CreateRouteOptions {
name?: string;
path?: string;
ignoreScrollBehavior?: boolean;
isDefault?: boolean;
isNotFound?: boolean;
onEnter?: (transition: Transition, params: {}, query: {}, callback: Function) => void;
onLeave?: (transition: Transition, wtf: any, callback: Function) => void;
handler?: Function;
parentRoute?: Route;
type CreateRouteCallback = (route: Route) => void;
function createRoute(callback: CreateRouteCallback): Route;
function createRoute(options: CreateRouteOptions | string, callback: CreateRouteCallback): Route;
function createDefaultRoute(options?: CreateRouteOptions | string): Route;
function createNotFoundRoute(options?: CreateRouteOptions | string): Route;
interface CreateRedirectOptions extends CreateRouteOptions {
path?: string;
from?: string;
to: string;
params?: {};
query?: {};
function createRedirect(options: CreateRedirectOptions): Redirect;
function createRoutesFromReactChildren(children: Route): Route[];
// Components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Link
interface LinkProp extends React.HTMLAttributes {
activeClassName?: string;
activeStyle?: {};
to: string;
params?: {};
query?: {};
interface Link extends React.ReactElement<LinkProp>, Navigation, State {
handleClick(event: any): void;
getHref(): string;
getClassName(): string;
getActiveState(): boolean;
interface LinkClass extends React.ComponentClass<LinkProp> {}
// RouteHandler
interface RouteHandlerProp { }
interface RouteHandlerChildContext {
routeDepth: number;
interface RouteHandler extends React.ReactElement<RouteHandlerProp> {
getChildContext(): RouteHandlerChildContext;
getRouteDepth(): number;
createChildRouteHandler(props: {}): RouteHandler;
interface RouteHandlerClass extends React.ComponentClass<RouteHandlerProp> {}
var Link: LinkClass;
var RouteHandler: RouteHandlerClass;
export interface RouterProps {
createElement?: (ComponentClass:any,props:any)=>void;
routes?: Route;
// Top-Level
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
export class Router extends React.Component<RouterProps,any> {
// run(callback: RouterRunCallback): void;
export class IndexRoute extends React.Component<RouteProp,any> {}
interface RouterState {
path: string;
action: string;
pathname: string;
params: {};
query: {};
routes: Route[];
interface RouterCreateOption {
routes: Route;
location?: LocationBase;
scrollBehavior?: ScrollBehaviorBase;
onError?: (error: any) => void;
onAbort?: (error: any) => void;
type RouterRunCallback = (Handler: RouteClass, state: RouterState) => void;
function create(options: RouterCreateOption): Router;
function run(routes: Route, callback: RouterRunCallback): Router;
function run(routes: Route, location: LocationBase | string, callback: RouterRunCallback): Router;
// Location
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface LocationBase {
getCurrentPath(): void;
toString(): string;
interface Location extends LocationBase {
push(path: string): void;
replace(path: string): void;
pop(): void;
interface LocationListener {
addChangeListener(listener: Function): void;
removeChangeListener(listener: Function): void;
interface HashLocation extends Location, LocationListener { }
interface HistoryLocation extends Location, LocationListener { }
interface RefreshLocation extends Location { }
interface StaticLocation extends LocationBase { }
interface TestLocation extends Location, LocationListener { }
var HashLocation: HashLocation;
var HistoryLocation: HistoryLocation;
var RefreshLocation: RefreshLocation;
var StaticLocation: StaticLocation;
var TestLocation: TestLocation;
// Behavior
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ScrollBehaviorBase {
updateScrollPosition(position: { x: number; y: number; }, actionType: string): void;
interface ImitateBrowserBehavior extends ScrollBehaviorBase { }
interface ScrollToTopBehavior extends ScrollBehaviorBase { }
var ImitateBrowserBehavior: ImitateBrowserBehavior;
var ScrollToTopBehavior: ScrollToTopBehavior;
// Mixin
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Navigation {
makePath(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): string;
makeHref(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): string;
transitionTo(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): void;
replaceWith(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): void;
goBack(): void;
interface State {
getPath(): string;
getRoutes(): Route[];
getPathname(): string;
getParams(): {};
getQuery(): {};
isActive(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): boolean;
var Navigation: Navigation;
var State: State;
// History
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface History {
back(): void;
length: number;
var History: History;
// Context
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Context {
makePath(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): string;
makeHref(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): string;
transitionTo(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): void;
replaceWith(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): void;
goBack(): void;
getCurrentPath(): string;
getCurrentRoutes(): Route[];
getCurrentPathname(): string;
getCurrentParams(): {};
getCurrentQuery(): {};
isActive(to: string, params?: {}, query?: {}): boolean;
declare module "react-router" {
export = ReactRouter;
declare module __React {
// for DefaultRoute
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.DefaultRouteClass,
props: ReactRouter.DefaultRouteProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.DefaultRoute;
// for Link
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.LinkClass,
props: ReactRouter.LinkProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.Link;
// for NotFoundRoute
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.NotFoundRouteClass,
props: ReactRouter.NotFoundRouteProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.NotFoundRoute;
// for Redirect
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.RedirectClass,
props: ReactRouter.RedirectProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.Redirect;
// for Route
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.RouteClass,
props: ReactRouter.RouteProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.Route;
// for RouteHandler
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.RouteHandlerClass,
props: ReactRouter.RouteHandlerProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.RouteHandler;
declare module "react/addons" {
// for DefaultRoute
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.DefaultRouteClass,
props: ReactRouter.DefaultRouteProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.DefaultRoute;
// for Link
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.LinkClass,
props: ReactRouter.LinkProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.Link;
// for NotFoundRoute
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.NotFoundRouteClass,
props: ReactRouter.NotFoundRouteProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.NotFoundRoute;
// for Redirect
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.RedirectClass,
props: ReactRouter.RedirectProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.Redirect;
// for Route
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.RouteClass,
props: ReactRouter.RouteProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.Route;
// for RouteHandler
function createElement(
type: ReactRouter.RouteHandlerClass,
props: ReactRouter.RouteHandlerProp,
...children: __React.ReactNode[]): ReactRouter.RouteHandler;
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