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Created August 15, 2013 14:48
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Save joeyAghion/6241428 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hubot script for storing the "points" accumulated by different users. E.g. "+10 John". Adapted from in order to add new "+N <name>" syntax.
# Adapted from
# Description:
# Give or take away points. Keeps track and even prints out graphs.
# Dependencies:
# "underscore": ">= 1.0.0"
# "clark": "0.0.6"
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# +N <name>
# -N <name>
# <name>++
# <name>--
# hubot score <name>
# hubot top <amount>
# hubot bottom <amount>
# Author:
# ajacksified
# joeyAghion (adapted 2013-08-14)
_ = require("underscore")
clark = require("clark")
class ScoreKeeper
constructor: (@robot) ->
@cache =
scoreLog: {}
scores: {}
@robot.brain.on 'loaded', => ||= {} ||= {}
@cache.scores =
@cache.scoreLog =
getUser: (user) ->
@cache.scores[user] ||= 0
saveUser: (user, from) ->
@saveScoreLog(user, from)[user] = @cache.scores[user][from] = @cache.scoreLog[from]
add: (user, from, amount=1) ->
if @validate(user, from)
user = @getUser(user)
@cache.scores[user] += amount
@saveUser(user, from)
subtract: (user, from, amount=1) ->
if @validate(user, from)
user = @getUser(user)
@cache.scores[user] -= amount
@saveUser(user, from)
scoreForUser: (user) ->
user = @getUser(user)
saveScoreLog: (user, from) ->
unless typeof @cache.scoreLog[from] == "object"
@cache.scoreLog[from] = {}
@cache.scoreLog[from][user] = new Date()
isSpam: (user, from) ->
@cache.scoreLog[from] ||= {}
if !@cache.scoreLog[from][user]
return false
dateSubmitted = @cache.scoreLog[from][user]
date = new Date(dateSubmitted)
messageIsSpam = date.setSeconds(date.getSeconds() + 30) > new Date()
if !messageIsSpam
delete @cache.scoreLog[from][user] #clean it up
validate: (user, from) ->
user != from && user != "" && !@isSpam(user, from)
length: () ->
top: (amount) ->
tops = []
for name, score of @cache.scores
tops.push(name: name, score: score)
tops.sort((a,b) -> b.score - a.score).slice(0,amount)
bottom: (amount) ->
all = @top(@cache.scores.length)
all.sort((a,b) -> b.score - a.score).reverse().slice(0,amount)
module.exports = (robot) ->
scoreKeeper = new ScoreKeeper(robot)
# "+11 john"
robot.hear /\+(\d+)\s+([\w\s]+)([\W\S]*)?$/i, (msg) ->
name = msg.match[2].trim().toLowerCase()
from =
newScore = scoreKeeper.add(name, from, parseInt(msg.match[1]))
if newScore? then msg.send "#{name} has #{newScore} points."
# "-2 jane"
robot.hear /\-(\d+)\s+([\w\s]+)([\W\S]*)?$/i, (msg) ->
name = msg.match[2].trim().toLowerCase()
from =
newScore = scoreKeeper.subtract(name, from, parseInt(msg.match[1]))
if newScore? then msg.send "#{name} has #{newScore} points."
robot.hear /([\w\s]+)([\W\S]*)?(\+\+)$/i, (msg) ->
name = msg.match[1].trim().toLowerCase()
from =
newScore = scoreKeeper.add(name, from)
if newScore? then msg.send "#{name} has #{newScore} points."
robot.hear /([\w\s]+)([\W\S]*)?(\-\-)$/i, (msg) ->
name = msg.match[1].trim().toLowerCase()
from =
newScore = scoreKeeper.subtract(name, from)
if newScore? then msg.send "#{name} has #{newScore} points."
robot.respond /score (for\s)?(.*)/i, (msg) ->
name = msg.match[2].trim().toLowerCase()
score = scoreKeeper.scoreForUser(name)
msg.send "#{name} has #{score} points."
robot.respond /(top|bottom) (\d+)/i, (msg) ->
amount = parseInt(msg.match[2])
message = []
tops = scoreKeeper[msg.match[1]](amount)
for i in [0..tops.length-1]
message.push("#{i+1}. #{tops[i].name} : #{tops[i].score}")
if(msg.match[1] == "top")
graphSize = Math.min(tops.length, Math.min(amount, 20))
message.splice(0, 0, clark(_.first(_.pluck(tops, "score"), graphSize)))
msg.send message.join("\n")
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