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Created June 10, 2019 17:39
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test net ports from mr bush
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
# Make all errors terminating
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# If the value for $target_node contains letters, assume it's a hostname and try a DNS lookup before proceeding,
# but don't output the lookup results. If the lookup fails, the script will exit at this point.
if ($target_node -match '[a-zA-Z]') { Resolve-DnsName $target_node > $null }
# With an IP or resolvable hostname supplied, run the port test. If no errors are thrown, output a success message.
try {
(New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient).Connect($target_node, $target_port)
Write-Output "Port $target_port on $target_node is OPEN"
# If an error is thrown during port test, write a failure message.
catch {
Write-Error "Port $target_port on $target_node is CLOSED"
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