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Joey Piccola joeypiccola

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albatrossflavour / auto_patch.pp
Created October 12, 2020 03:28
Example Puppet plan to patch nodes
plan profile::auto_patch_run (
String $patch_group,
Boolean $security_only = false,
Enum['always', 'never', 'patched', 'smart'] $reboot = 'patched',
# Query PuppetDB to find nodes that have the patch group,
# are not blocked and have patches to apply
$all_nodes = puppetdb_query("inventory[certname] { facts.pe_patch.patch_group = '${patch_group}'}")
$filtered_nodes = puppetdb_query("inventory[certname] { facts.pe_patch.patch_group = '${patch_group}' and facts.pe_patch.blocked = false and facts.pe_patch.package_update_count > 0}")
sbinlondon /
Last active February 22, 2024 22:40
Get the synth wave glow theme working for VS Code on Mac

Get the synth wave glow working for VS Code on Mac

These notes are pretty much the same steps as the two extensions list, it's just that I had to collate them together because neither seems to list it fully in the proper order.

  1. Install Synthwave ’84/Synthwave + Fluoromachine theme on VS Code (I used the Fluoromachine one)

  2. Install Custom CSS and JS Loader

  3. Command + Shift + P to open command palette > "Preferences: Open settings (JSON)"

bgelens / Convert-PesterResultToJUnitXml.ps1
Created August 13, 2019 05:47
GitLab does not support NUnitXml as provided by Pester. Instead, it supports JUnitXml. This helper function takes the Pester output and generates a JUnitXml from it to be consumed by GitLab pipelines
function Convert-PesterResultToJUnitXml {
param (
$junit = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
$junit += "`n" + '<testsuites name="Pester" tests="{0}" failures="{1}" disabled="{2}" time="{3}">' -f @(
brikis98 /
Last active March 14, 2023 23:43
A hacky way to create a dynamic list of maps in Terraform
# The goal: create a list of maps of subnet mappings so we don't have to statically hard-code them in aws_lb
locals {
# These represent dynamic data we fetch from somewhere, such as subnet IDs and EIPs from a VPC module
subnet_ids = ["subnet-1", "subnet-2", "subnet-3"]
eips = ["eip-1", "eip-2", "eip-3"]
# Here's the hack! The null_resource has a map called triggers that we can set to arbitrary values.
# We can also use count to create a list of null_resources. By accessing the triggers map inside of
dcasati / export-kubeconfig-from-aks
Created February 6, 2018 15:30
az aks get-credentials --resource-group k8s-demo-ss --name k8s-demo-cluster-ss --file kubeconfig-ss
rem Please set your password to Metadata of the server
@echo off
REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager" /v DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon >> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\log.txt
REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager" /v DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\log.txt
REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager" /v DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon >> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\log.txt
wget -O "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\"
wget -O "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\UserMetadata.txt"
ECHO Start-Transcript -path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ProvScript.log" -append >>C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ProvScript.ps1
ECHO [System.Environment]::I
doctaphred / ntfs-filenames.txt
Last active May 9, 2024 13:27
Invalid characters for Windows filenames
Information from :
Use any character in the current code page for a name, including Unicode
characters and characters in the extended character set (128–255), except
for the following:
- The following reserved characters:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
Last active March 25, 2023 01:16
Puppet SCCM Client Install as a package

SCCM Install using Puppet "package"

This script was donated by a customer of ours. They have sent us a sanitized version of the script to share.

Please use this at your own risk, and fully understand what it is doing before using it!

The Problem:

SCCM Installation fires off in the background and you have no idea whether it worked or not. Also, if any other installs try to start while the SCCM setup is running, you will get an error.

jessereynolds /
Last active March 21, 2022 09:42
Puppet - Node Purging via APIs

Puppet Node Purging via API

When you're decomissioning a machine that has been managed by Puppet you may want to programatically clean up the node. There are two parts to this:

  • revoking and deleting the certificate of the node in Puppet's CA
  • deactivating the node in PuppetDB

The following should work for Puppet 4.x and Puppet DB 4.x (including Puppet Enterprise 2016.4.x, 2017.1.x, 2017.2.x).

I've used certificate based auth, and the examples are being run from the puppet master so make use of existing certificates for authentication. When run remotely the cacert, certificate and corresponding private key for authentication will need to be present.

arebee / Search-FileIndex.ps1
Last active June 23, 2024 07:25
Use Windows Search from PowerShell
function Search-FileIndex {
Absoloute or relative path. Has to be in the Search Index for results to be presented.
File name or pattern to search for. Defaults to *.*. Aliased to Filter to ergonomically match Get-ChildItem.
Free text to search for in the files defined by the pattern.
Add the parameter to perform a recursive search. Default is false.