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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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A better programming language
# Derivative Values
Often when programming we want access to values which are actually the result
of calculations on other values.
(In some fields, such values are called "invariants".)
There are more complex examples, but let's start with a simple one.
We have a rectangle, defined by its `top`, `left`, `width` and `height`.
The interface gives us access to these four properties, but also to three other
derived values:
- `right`
- `bottom`
- `area`
In Java these might be accessed by `getRight()`, `getBottom()` and `getArea()`.
Now if we alter the `width` property, this will affect the values of `right`
and `area`. There are three techniques we could use to ensure this happens:
1. Calculate the value on-demand whenever it is accessed.
setWidth(newWidth) => @width = newWidth
getRight() => @left + @width
getArea() => @width * @height
2. Store the derived values internally, and update them every time a property
is set:
setWidth(newWidth) =>
@width = newWidth
@right = @left + @width
@area = @width * @height
getArea() => @area
getRight() => @right
3. Cache the derived values internally. Invalidate the cache when a relevant
property is set. When reading a value, recalculate it only if the cache is
setWidth(newWidth) =>
@width = newWidth
@right = undefined # invalidate
@area = undefined # invalidate
getArea() =>
return @area
ensureAreaIsCached() =>
if @area == undefined
@area = @width * @height
# getRight() would follow a similar pattern
To extend this to the general case, we should consider a case when calculations
are heavy. For the sake of this argument, consider that `+` and `*` operations
are very difficult on the target architecture, compared to reading and writing
values, and comparing them.
Each of these techniques is inefficient and optimal in different circumstances.
1. Always recalculating on demand (without caching) is inefficient on every
read, but optimal on every write. Worst scheme for doing a lot of reads, best
for doing a lot of writes.
2. Always recalculating in advance is optimal on every read, but inefficient on
every write. Worst scheme when doing a lot of writes before reading. (E.g.
changing width and height before reading area would recalculate the area once
3. Has a slight overhead on both reading and writing, but could be considered
the best solution in the general case.
Whichever scheme we choose will be optimal for some tasks, but sub-optimal for
some other tasks.
So then, what should we do?
Our ideal language would let us express the relationships between assigned
properties and derived values in an abstract way. At compile time, or runtime,
developers should then be able to request a version of the `Rect` class that
will use one of the specific techniques above. (It might even be desirable to
ask a class to switch technique at runtime, somewhat like the V8 engine does.)
# Bi-directional (and multi-directional) associations
In fact our ideal language would go further, by making associations work both
- A consumer of the type would be able to set the value of `right` and the
instance would update to change its value of `left`, keeping `width` the
same. (Performing a translation, as would happen if you had set `left`.)
But now we must consider some details:
- There may be a case when the consumer wanted to resize the rectangle rather
than translate it: by setting the value of `right`, the `width` would change
but `left` would remained unchanged. (In fact this was already an
issue/assumption when we allowed `setWidth` on our rectangle earlier!)
- A stronger example would be when the consumer wants to set the area. Then he
must also indicate whether he wants the width to adapt to fit, or the height,
or both, and about which axis should the scaling take place?
Extending this to more complex situations would require much harder mathematics
when deriving in reverse. In such cases we might want to use a system like
Maxima or Mathematica to find solutions for us.
In some cases, no solution will exist. In other cases, a solution might only
be achievable to a specified accuracy, using an iterative approach (e.g.
Newton). Consumers of the class should be made aware of this, and given
options. (This would suit an interactive programming environment, although a
text-based compiler could spit out mutable warnings to achieve something
# The goal
The goal, which I should perhaps have stated at the start, is DRY (Don't Repeat
We should only have to define once what a rectangle is, and how its properties
relate to each other.
After that, it should be the task of the machine to present the rectangle type
in a form that is most desirable to the developer for a given task.
I can envisage such a system as having a specification language something like
Zed, followed by transformation rules that will turn the specification into a
working implementation.
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