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Created May 21, 2019 18:29
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# Set the logs retention policy for your default AWS account in region eu-west-1 to 5 days, execute the command:
# ./ exampleFunction 5
# Need to have Resource: "*" in IAM to get access to call all regions in SSM (Systems Manager)
# Reference:
# DO NOT FORGET TO SET `export AWS_PROFILE=your-aws-config-iam-profile` ;)
export LOGS_PREFIX=${1:exampleFunction}
echo "Update AWS Cloudwatch Log-groups with a log retention of $RETENTION_DAYS days:"
while read -r region; do
# ap-northeast-3 (Osaka, Japan) and ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) needs a subscription so is ignored by default, remove if necessary
if [[ $region == "cn-"* || $region == *"-gov-"* || $region == 'ap-northeast-3' || $region == 'ap-east-1' ]]; then
echo [Ignoring region: $region]
echo Searching in region: $region
# AWS Codebuild
while read -r a b; do
if [[ "$RETENTION_DAYS+0" != "$b+0" ]]; then
aws logs put-retention-policy --region $region --log-group-name $a --retention-in-days $RETENTION_DAYS
echo Updated $a to retain for $RETENTION_DAYS days and it was $b.
done < <(aws logs describe-log-groups --region $region --log-group-name-prefix /aws/codebuild/$LOGS_PREFIX --query 'logGroups[*].[logGroupName,retentionInDays]' --output text)
# AWS Lambda
while read -r a b; do
if [[ "$RETENTION_DAYS+0" != "$b+0" ]]; then
aws logs put-retention-policy --region $region --log-group-name $a --retention-in-days $RETENTION_DAYS
echo Updated $a to retain for $RETENTION_DAYS days and it was $b.
done < <(aws logs describe-log-groups --region $region --log-group-name-prefix /aws/lambda/$LOGS_PREFIX --query 'logGroups[*].[logGroupName,retentionInDays]' --output text)
done < <(aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path /aws/service/global-infrastructure/regions --query 'Parameters[*].[Value]' --output text)
echo "All AWS Cloudwatch Log-groups are in sync."
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