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Last active July 3, 2024 20:24
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Get Wish History URL in Genshin Impact 4.7 on PC from cache


Win+R and paste following

  • All versions (Global/China)
powershell iex (irm '')
  • for (Powershell 6+)
pwsh -Command iex (irm '')
  • *NEW* shortened URL which redirects here
iex (irm '')

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Officially supported: Powershell 5.1 and above (Default installed on Windows 10 and above). Older OS will not be supported, but you may try upgrading your powershell version.


Version 0.12.2

  • Fix for new API URL in 4.6
  • Added short URL

Version 0.12.1

  • Typo message fix

Version 0.12.0

  • Deprecated and removed fallback methods
  • Now cache path lookup checks for latest modified subfolder

Version 0.11.1

  • Fix for Genshin 4.0

Version 0.11.0

  • Fix for Genshin 3.8

Version 0.10.0

  • Now if a user has both global and china version of the game, it will load the URL from whichever is last open.

Version 0.9.0

  • Fix CN suffix to game_biz=hk4e_cn
  • Fix check validity for URLs beginning with https://webstatic...

Version 0.8.0

  • Added new method from MadeBaruna. Now supports 3 different methods (should be totally foolproof 🤞)
  • Automatically checks for expired/invalid link
  • URL date is now retrieved from URL timestamp parameter Removed URL time since it's unnecessary to check for URL expiry

Version 0.7.0

  • Combined Global and China server scripts. Now will check for Global first before China log files. Can be overriden to force check China server by adding china to the parameter like this:
    powershell iex "&{$(irm '')} china"
  • Pass on args to elevated powershell correctly
  • Use more accurate file path pattern from here

Version 0.6.0

  • Added back old method as fallback option (when webCache gets destroyed/new install)

Version 0.5.0

  • Changed game path lookup to search in log file instead of install path
  • Added China version (needs testing)
  • adjusted URL lookup pattern

Version 0.4.0

  • ChromeCacheView no longer needed. Script will now read cache files directly
  • Credits to @PrimeCicada for finding an alternate path

Version 0.3.0

  • Added handling of different game path
  • Fixes issue with older installs of Genshin with different path
  • Added fallback option for manual entry of game path. Drag and drop your shortcut or exe file (either launcher or game works), the cache path will be grabbed correctly

Version 0.2.0

  • Added date of URL to output
  • Add warning for URL older than 24h

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial release
# script version 0.12.2
# author: jogerj
function processWishUrl($wishUrl) {
# check validity
if ($wishUrl -match "https:\/\/webstatic") {
if ($wishUrl -match "hk4e_global") {
$checkUrl = $wishUrl -replace "https:\/\/webstatic.+html\?", ""
} else {
$checkUrl = $wishUrl -replace "https:\/\/webstatic.+html\?", ""
$urlResponseMessage = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $checkUrl | % {$_.message}
} else {
$urlResponseMessage = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $wishUrl | % {$_.message}
if ($urlResponseMessage -ne "OK") {
Write-Host "Link found but it is expired/invalid! Open Wish History again to fetch a new link" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $False
# OK
Write-Host $wishURL
Set-Clipboard -Value $wishURL
Write-Host "Link copied to clipboard, paste it back to" -ForegroundColor Green
return $True
$logPathGlobal = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/miHoYo/Genshin Impact/output_log.txt");
$logPathChina = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/miHoYo/$([char]0x539f)$([char]0x795e)/output_log.txt");
$globalExists = Test-Path $logPathGlobal;
$cnExists = Test-Path $logPathChina;
if ($globalExists) {
if ($cnExists) {
# both exists, pick newest one
if ((Get-Item $logPathGlobal).LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Item $logPathChina).LastWriteTime) {
$logPath = $logPathGlobal;
} else {
$logPath = $logPathChina;
} else {
$logPath = $logPathGlobal;
} else {
if ($cnExists) {
$logPath = $logPathChina;
} else {
Write-Host "Cannot find Genshin Impact log file! Make sure to run Genshin Impact and open the wish history at least once!" -ForegroundColor Red
if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
Write-Host "Do you want to try to run the script as Administrator? Press [ENTER] to continue, or any key to cancel."
$keyInput = [Console]::ReadKey($true).Key
if ($keyInput -ne "13") {
$arguments = "& '" +$myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'"
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList "-noexit $arguments $reg"
$logs = Get-Content -Path $logPath
$regexPattern = "(?m).:/.+(GenshinImpact_Data|YuanShen_Data)"
$logMatch = $logs -match $regexPattern
if (-Not $logMatch) {
Write-Host "Cannot find Genshin Impact path in log file! Make sure to run Genshin Impact and open the wish history at least once!" -ForegroundColor Red
$gameDataPath = ($logMatch | Select -Last 1) -match $regexPattern
$gameDataPath = Resolve-Path $Matches[0]
$webcachePath = Resolve-Path "$gameDataPath/webCaches"
$cacheVerPath = Get-Item (Get-ChildItem -Path $webcachePath | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).FullName
$cachePath = Resolve-Path "$cacheVerPath/Cache/Cache_Data/data_2"
if (Test-Path $cachePath) {
$tmpFile = "$env:TEMP/ch_data_2"
Copy-Item $cachePath -Destination $tmpFile
$content = Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Raw $tmpfile
$splitted = $content -split "1/0/" | Select -Last 1
$found = $splitted -match "https.+?game_biz=hk4e_(global|cn)"
Remove-Item $tmpFile
if ($found) {
$wishUrl = $Matches[0]
if (processWishUrl $wishUrl) {
Write-Host "No valid link found! Make sure Genshin Impact is installed and open Wish History page at least once." -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
Write-Host "Genshin Impact cache not found! Make sure Genshin Impact is installed and open Wish History page at least once." -ForegroundColor Red
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@DiaborMagics2 yes, should work.

Awesome thank you so much! Will try soon.

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Unfortunately it gives me the same error.

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jogerj commented Jun 25, 2024

@DiaborMagics2 write me here. Some known issues involve having the game path containing unicode characters (non-latin characters), too old powershell/OS, or DNS errors (try ipconfig /flushdns then ipconfig /renew). Can't really tell without having a full output

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I figured it out, I guess. Nothing wrong on my end. the ipconfig commands also changed nothing.
However, I tried it on instead of and there it worked. So I think its on hotgames' end. I can at least continue keeping track now. Many thanks!
Just a shame I now have to switch sites and don't have all the data in one place, but it is what it is.

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jogerj commented Jun 25, 2024

@DiaborMagics2 the script will only return a valid wish URL, it'll prompt an error otherwise when a link is not found or expired (for sample output, run the script some 24 hours after you last checked wish history). Any other error would be an error on whatever tool/website is used to track your wishes.

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ArberSupremo commented Jun 26, 2024

@jogerj I think still uses 6 months wish history, does a script that makes you extract only 6 months instead of 1 year of wish history exist?

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jogerj commented Jun 26, 2024

@ArberSupremo Doesn't matter, same wish url. The url is used to fetch the data and scrolls through the pages until earliest wish is loaded. In normal circumstances, if existing data for wishes up to the last imported wish is already loaded, there should not be no new wishes appearing before that point, so the script stops scrolling further. The extension from 6 to 12 months of wish history is a one time exception that breaks this rule.

In you'd solve this by force import (which ignores existing wish data)

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