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jogeshpi03 /
Created February 12, 2021 11:36 — forked from patric-boehner/
Amazon AWS S3 User Policy for Updraft Plus

#Bucket Properties for Versioning and Lifecycle


Turn on versioning. This allows us to preserve, reterieve and restore versions of each backup file. This is important incase a backup file is ever overwritten with a bad or corupted file.


We will create a lifecycle rule tp ultimelty deal with deleating old backups, since the user we have assigned to updraft can no longer autoamticaly delate old backups based on the plugins settings. For this example I set the limit to 30 days.

jogeshpi03 /
Created May 21, 2018 05:29
Laravel's Dependency Injection Container in Depth

Laravel's Dependency Injection Container in Depth

Laravel has a powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) / Dependency Injection (DI) Container. Unfortunately the official documentation doesn't cover all of the available functionality, so I decided to experiment with it and document it for myself. The following is based on Laravel 5.4.26 - other versions may vary.

Introduction to Dependency Injection

I won't attempt to explain the principles behind DI / IoC here - if you're not familiar with them you might want to read What is Dependency Injection? by Fabien Potencier (creator of the Symfony framework).

Accessing the Container