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K nearest neighbours
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Overxflow
""" Vector difference """
def v_difference(x,y): return [abs(x[i]-y[i]) for i in xrange(len(x))]
""" Vector difference for weighted euclidean distance """
def v_pond_difference(x,y,w): return [w*abs(x[i]-y[i]) for i in xrange(len(x))]
""" Returns index of max first element in list inside another list """
def max_distance(l):
i,m,mp = 0,float("-inf"),0
for sl in l:
if sl[0]>m:
m = sl[0]
mp = i
i += 1
return (mp,m)
""" Defines p-distance family """
def p_distance_function(p,x,y,w):
if p==0: return max(map(abs,v_difference(x,y)))
if w<=0: return (sum(v_difference(x,y)))**(1.0/p) # If w<=0, distance function isn't a metric.
else: return (sum(v_difference(x,y,w)))**(1.0/p)
""" Wilson prototype edition algorithm """
def wilson(prototypes,p,k,w):
error,new_prototypes = 1,[]
while error:
error = 0
for i in xrange(len(prototypes)):
prototype = prototypes[i]
c = prototype[1]
cp = knn(prototypes,p,k,[prototype[0]],w)
if cp[0][1]==c: new_prototypes.append(prototype)
else: error=1; prototypes.remove(prototype); break; # Slowly method :( #
return prototypes
""" Condensed nearest neighbours algorithm """
def cnn(prototypes,p,k,w):
S,G = [prototypes[0]],[]
# First phase #
for i in xrange(1,len(prototypes)):
prototype = prototypes[i]
c = prototype[1]
cp = knn(S,p,k,[prototype[0]],w)
if cp[0][1]!=c: S.append(prototype)
else: G.append(prototype)
# Second phase #
error = 1
while G!=[] and error==1:
error = 0
for prototype in G:
cp = knn(S,p,k,[prototype[0]],w)
if cp[0][1]!=prototype[1]: S.append(prototype); G.remove(prototype); error = 1; break;
return S
""" K nearest neighbours algorithm """
def knn(prototypes,p,k,test_samples,w):
classes = []
for y in test_samples:
k_nearest,l= [],0
for prototype in prototypes:
c = prototype[1]
prototype = prototype[0]
distance = p_distance_function(p,prototype,y,w)
if l<k: k_nearest.append([distance,c])
(pos_max,max_dist) = max_distance(k_nearest)
if distance<max_dist:
k_nearest[pos_max] = [distance,c]
l += 1
h = {}
for nearest in k_nearest:
if nearest[1] not in h: h[nearest[1]] = 1
else: h[nearest[1]] += 1
return classes
""" Core k nearest neighbours """
def core(prototypes,p,k,test_samples,w,wil,cn):
# Make Wilson edition #
if wil==1: prototypes = wilson(prototypes,p,k,w)
# Make CNN #
if cn ==1: prototypes = cnn(prototypes,p,k,w)
# Classificate KNN #
return knn(prototypes,p,k,test_samples,w)
""" Stringify output """
def __str__(classified):
for sample in classified: print "Class of ",sample[0]," -> ",sample[1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
prototypes = [([1,2],0),([1,3],0),([2,2],0),([2,3],0),([5,2],1),([5,3],1),([5,4],1),([4,3],1),([4,4],1)] # Train samples #
test_samples = [[1,3],[5,2],[25,25],[0,0]] # Test samples #
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