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Created October 28, 2011 09:06
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User script to view SVG files both as image and text at

Click "raw" below to install. Requires Google Chrome, Firefox + Greasemonkey, or some other browser supporting user scripts / content scripts / user javascript.

// ==UserScript==
// @name inline SVG images
// @namespace
// @description When viewing SVG gists, show the image instead of its source code, by default, and links to switch between the two
// @include*
// @match*
// @version 1.0
// ==/UserScript==
(function exit_sandbox() { // see end of file for unsandboxing code
var sel_svg = '#files .file[id$=".svg"]' // context node for all following:
, sel_box = '.data'
, sel_raw = '.data > table td[width="100%"]'
, sel_num = '.data > table td:not([width="100%"])'
, sel_hdr = '.meta .actions'
, A = tag('a')
function init() {
$(sel_svg).each(function inline_image_and_add_header_links(n, all) {
var me = this // jQuery doesn't pass it in arg 1, as forEach would
, th = $(sel_hdr, me)
, td = $(sel_raw, me)
, tw = $(sel_box, me).width()
, ai = A({ href: '#', click: show_as_image }, 'image/svg')
, at = A({ href: '#', click: show_as_text }, 'text/plain')
, svg, viewbox, w, h;
th.prepend(ai, at); // add header links
// parse and inject the SVG image (as innerHTML can be lossy on XML content)
svg = td.find('.highlight').text().replace(/\xA0/g, ' '); // XML source code
svg = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(svg, 'text/xml'); // make XML document
svg = document.importNode(svg.documentElement, true); // (HTML)SVGSVGElement
svg = td.prepend(svg).find('svg:first'); // insert in doc, and jQuery:ify it
// set width and height to fill the width of the image, subject to what
// the viewBox declares (ignoring any width/height absolute units crap)
svg.css({ width: tw });
if ((viewbox = svg.prop('viewBox'))) {
viewbox = viewbox.animVal;
if ('number' === typeof (w = viewbox.width) &&
'number' === typeof (h = viewbox.height))
svg.css({ height: tw * h / w });
$(ai).click(); // show the image version by default
function get_files() {
function is_svg() { return $('.meta[data-path$=".svg"]', this).length; }
return $('.file').filter(is_svg);
/* page structure, one file:
<div class="file" id="file_octocat.svg">
<div class="meta clearfix instapaper_ignore readability-extra">
<div class="info">
<span class="code">
<a href="#file_octocat.svg">#</a>
<div class="actions">
<div id="gist-embed" style="display:inline;">
<a href="#" class="gist-embed-link">embed</a>
<input class="gist-embed-box" type="text" value="&lt;[...]&gt;">
<a href="/raw/1007813/[HASH HERE]/octocat.svg">raw</a>
<div class="data type-text">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><!-- line number; we toggle its style="display: none;" -->
<pre class="line_numbers"><span id="L1" rel="#L1">1</span>[...]</pre>
<td width="100%"><!-- where 100% means 853px after hiding the above -->
<!-- we inject our <svg xmlns=[...]>[...]</svg> tag here -->
<div class="highlight">
<pre><div class="line" id="LC1">[...]</div></pre>
function show_as_image(e) {
var me = $(
, at = me.parents(sel_svg)
e.preventDefault(); // don't scroll to top
me.css('color', '#000').siblings('a').css('color', '');
at.find(sel_num).hide(); // hide line numbers
at.find(sel_raw).children('svg:first').show().siblings().hide(); // show svg
function show_as_text(e) {
var me = $(
, at = me.parents(sel_svg)
e.preventDefault(); // don't scroll to top
me.css('color', '#000').siblings('a').css('color', '');
at.find(sel_num).show(); // show line numbers
at.find(sel_raw).children('.highlight').show().siblings().hide(); // and file
function array(arrish) { return []; }
function tag(name) {
return function make_tag() {
var args = array(arguments)
, elem = document.createElement(name)
, arg, key, val;
while (undefined !== (arg = args.shift()))
if ('string' === typeof arg)
else if (is_object(arg))
for (key in arg)
if ('function' === typeof(val = arg[key]))
//elem.addEventListener(key, val, false); won't handle $(me).click()
$(elem).bind(key, val);
elem.setAttribute(key, val);
return elem;
function is_object(obj) {
return null != obj && Object === obj.__proto__.constructor;
// This block of code injects our source in the content scope and then calls the
// passed callback there. The whole script runs in both GM and page content, but
// since we have no other code that does anything, the Greasemonkey sandbox does
// nothing at all when it has spawned the page script, which gets to use jQuery.
// (jQuery unfortunately degrades much when run in Mozilla's javascript sandbox)
if ('object' === typeof opera && opera.extension) {
this.__proto__ = window; // bleed the web page's js into our execution scope
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false); // GM-style init
else { // for Chrome or Firefox+Greasemonkey
if ('undefined' == typeof __RUN_ME_IN_PAGE_SCOPE__) { // unsandbox, please!
var src = exit_sandbox + '',
script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'application/javascript');
script.innerHTML = 'const __RUN_ME_IN_PAGE_SCOPE__ = true;\n('+ src +')();';
} else { // unsandboxed -- here we go!
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