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Created March 26, 2011 10:25
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Like fgrep / egrep (symlink it as egrep-count to regexp match by default), but for more than one pattern at a time, generating tsv output, and where you list all the patterns and what you want the count columns to be named as a JSON object on stdin.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use JSON;
use utf8;
my $prog = basename($0);
my %opt;
getopts('he0f:n:i', \%opt);
usage() if $opt{h} || $#ARGV < 0;
sub usage {
die <<EOU;
usage: $prog [-e0i] [-f col] [-n col] <spec.json> [files]
given a JSON {"match pattern": "column name", [...]} spec in arg 1 and a list
of files to match you get a TSV counting matching lines, one row per filename
-e: egrep style - count by regexp match instead of by substring match
-0: print "0" for non-matched lines ("" by default)
-i: interactive (updates counts live every second)
-f: the name of the filename column ("file", by default)
-n: count non-matched lines and put them in a column <non-matched-name>
# if "-". read and JSON parse stdin into %colheads, otherwise from arg 1
my $jsonspec = shift;
my $ate_stdin = $jsonspec eq '-';
$jsonspec = do { local $/; <STDIN> } if ($ate_stdin);
my %colheads = %{from_json $jsonspec};
my @matchers = keys %colheads;
# make options more source code readable
my $byregexp = $opt{e} || $prog =~ /^e/;
my $filename = $opt{f} || 'file';
my $nonmatch = $opt{n};
my $notfound = $opt{0} ? '0' : '';
my $live_tsv = $opt{i};
$| = 1 if $live_tsv; # don't line buffer when interactive
# print column headers
print $filename;
print "\t$colheads{$_}" for (@matchers);
print "\t$nonmatch" unless !$nonmatch;
print "\n";
my %count;
my $noncount;
my $fh;
my $last = 0;
# print one row per file on ARGV, one match count per column
@ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV; # assume STDIN, iff empty
for my $fn (@ARGV) {
$noncount = 0;
# read the file
if (!open($fh, $fn)) {
warn "Can't open $fn: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
my $found;
for my $find (@matchers) {
$found = $byregexp ? /$find/ : -1 < index $_, $find;
if ($found) {
$noncount++ unless $found;
if ($live_tsv) {
my $now = time();
counts($fn, "\r") unless $now == $last;
$last = $now;
# print match counts
counts($fn, "\n");
sub counts {
my ($fn, $terminator) = @_;
print $fn;
print "\t", $count{$colheads{$_}} || $notfound for (@matchers);
print "\t$noncount" unless !$nonmatch;
print $terminator;
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johan commented Mar 26, 2011

Example usage:

> echo '{"^#":"#","^_":"sys","^$":"''"}' | grep-count -e -0 -n lusers passwd shadow
file    #   sys ''  lusers
passwd  13  55  0   8
shadow  25  55  0   8

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