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Last active June 26, 2021 19:36
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ODH en -> cn Oxford Dictionary script
// Modified from
/* global api, hash */
class encn_Oxford {
constructor(options) {
this.token = '';
this.gtk = '';
this.options = options;
this.maxexample = 2;
this.word = '';
async displayName() {
let locale = await api.locale();
if (locale.indexOf('CN') != -1) return '牛津英汉双解';
if (locale.indexOf('TW') != -1) return '牛津英汉双解';
return 'Oxford EN->CN Dictionary (customed)';
setOptions(options) {
this.options = options;
this.maxexample = options.maxexample;
async getToken() {
let homeurl = '';
let homepage = await api.fetch(homeurl);
let tmatch = /token: '(.+?)'/gi.exec(homepage);
if (!tmatch || tmatch.length < 2) return null;
let gmatch = /window.gtk = '(.+?)'/gi.exec(homepage);
if (!gmatch || gmatch.length < 2) return null;
return {
'token': tmatch[1],
'gtk': gmatch[1]
async findTerm(word) {
this.word = word;
let deflection = await api.deinflect(word) || [];
let promises = [word, deflection].map(x => this.findOxford(x));
let results = await Promise.all(promises);
return [].concat(...results).filter(x => x);
async findOxford(word) {
// helper function
function buildDefinitionBlock(exp, pos, defs) {
if (!defs || !Array.isArray(defs) || defs.length < 0) return '';
let definition = '';
let sentence = '';
let sentnum = 0;
for (const def of defs) {
if (def.text) definition += `<span class='tran'><span class='eng_tran'>${def.text}</span></span>`;
if (def.tag == 'id' || def.tag == 'pv')
definition += def.enText ? `<div class="idmphrase">${def.enText}</div>` : '';
//if (def.tag == 'xrs')
// definition += `<span class='tran'><span class='eng_tran'>${[0].data[0].text}</span></span>`;
if (def.tag == 'd' || def.tag == 'ud')
definition += pos + `<span class='tran'><span class='eng_tran'>${def.enText}</span><span class='chn_tran'>${def.chText}</span></span>`;
if (def.tag == 'x' && sentnum < maxexample) {
sentnum += 1;
let enText = def.enText.replace(RegExp(exp, 'gi'), `<b>${exp}</b>`);
sentence += `<li class='sent'><span class='eng_sent'>${enText}</span><span class='chn_sent'>${def.chText}</span></li>`;
definition += sentence ? `<ul class="sents">${sentence}</ul>` : '';
return definition;
const maxexample = this.maxexample;
let notes = [];
if (!word) return notes;
let base = '';
if (!this.token || !this.gtk) {
let common = await this.getToken();
if (!common) return [];
this.token = common.token;
this.gtk = common.gtk;
let sign = hash(word, this.gtk);
if (!sign) return;
let dicturl = base + `&query=${word}&sign=${sign}&token=${this.token}`;
let data = '';
try {
data = JSON.parse(await api.fetch(dicturl));
let oxford = getOxford(data);
let bdsimple = oxford.length ? [] : getBDSimple(data); //Combine Youdao Concise English-Chinese Dictionary to the end.
let bstrans = oxford.length || bdsimple.length ? [] : getBDTrans(data); //Combine Youdao Translation (if any) to the end.
return [].concat(oxford, bdsimple, bstrans);
} catch (err) {
return [];
function getBDTrans(data) {
try {
if (data.dict_result && data.dict_result.length != 0) return [];
if (!data.trans_result || < 1) return [];
let css = '<style>.odh-expression {font-size: 1em!important;font-weight: normal!important;}</style>';
let expression =[0].src;
let definition =[0].dst;
return [{ css, expression, definitions: [definition] }];
} catch (error) {
return [];
function getBDSimple(data) {
try {
let simple = data.dict_result.simple_means;
let expression = simple.word_name;
if (!expression) return [];
let symbols = simple.symbols[0];
let reading_uk = symbols.ph_en || '';
let reading_us = symbols.ph_am || '';
let reading = reading_uk && reading_us ? `uk[${reading_uk}] us[${reading_us}]` : '';
let audios = [];
audios[0] = `${encodeURIComponent(expression)}&spd=3&source=web`;
audios[1] = `${encodeURIComponent(expression)}&spd=3&source=web`;
if (! || < 1) return [];
let definition = '<ul class="ec">';
for (const def of
if (def.means && def.means.length > 0) {
let pos = def.part || def.part_name || '';
pos = pos ? `<span class="pos simple">${pos}</span>` : '';
definition += `<li class="ec">${pos}<span class="ec_chn">${def.means.join()}</span></li>`;
definition += '</ul>';
let css = `<style>, {margin:0; padding:0;}
span.simple {background-color: #999!important}
span.pos {text-transform:lowercase; font-size:0.9em; margin-right:5px; padding:2px 4px; color:white; background-color:#0d47a1; border-radius:3px;}
notes.push({ css, expression, reading, definitions: [definition], audios });
return notes;
} catch (error) {
return [];
function getOxford(data) {
try {
let simple = data.dict_result.simple_means;
let expression = simple.word_name;
if (!expression) return [];
let symbols = simple.symbols[0];
let reading_uk = symbols.ph_en || '';
let reading_us = symbols.ph_am || '';
let reading = reading_uk && reading_us ? `uk[${reading_uk}] us[${reading_us}]` : '';
let audios = [];
audios[0] = `${encodeURIComponent(expression)}&spd=3&source=web`;
audios[1] = `${encodeURIComponent(expression)}&spd=3&source=web`;
let entries = data.dict_result.oxford.entry[0].data;
if (!entries) return [];
let definitions = [];
for (const entry of entries) {
if (entry.tag == 'p-g' || entry.tag == 'h-g') {
let pos = '';
for (const group of {
let definition = '';
if (group.tag == 'p') {
pos = `<span class='pos'>${group.p_text}</span>`;
if (group.tag == 'd') {
definition += pos + `<span class='tran'><span class='eng_tran'>${group.enText}</span><span class='chn_tran'>${group.chText}</span></span>`;
if (group.tag == 'n-g') {
definition += buildDefinitionBlock(expression, pos,;
//if (group.tag == 'xrs') {
// definition += buildDefinitionBlock(pos,[0].data);
// definitions.push(definition);
if (group.tag == 'sd-g' || group.tag == 'ids-g' || group.tag == 'pvs-g') {
for (const item of {
if (item.tag == 'sd') definition = `<div class="dis"><span class="eng_dis">${item.enText}</span><span class="chn_dis">${item.chText}</span></div>` + definition;
let defs = [];
if (item.tag == 'n-g' || item.tag == 'id-g' || item.tag == 'pv-g') defs =;
if (item.tag == 'vrs' || item.tag == 'xrs') defs =[0].data;
definition += buildDefinitionBlock(expression, pos, defs);
let css = encn_Oxford.renderCSS();
notes.push({ css, expression, reading, definitions, audios });
return notes;
} catch (error) {
return [];
static renderCSS() {
let css = `
div.dis {font-weight: bold;margin-bottom:3px;padding:0;}
span.informal {margin: 0 2px;color: black;}
span.complement {margin: 0 2px;font-weight: bold;}
div.idmphrase {font-weight: bold;margin: 0;padding: 0;}
span.eng_dis {margin-right: 5px;}
span.chn_dis {margin: 0;padding: 0;}
span.pos {text-transform:lowercase; font-size:0.9em; margin-right:5px; padding:2px 4px; color:white; background-color:#0d47a1; border-radius:3px;}
span.tran {margin:0; padding:0;}
span.eng_tran {margin-right:3px; padding:0;}
span.chn_tran {margin-right:3px; padding:0;}
ul.sents {font-size:0.9em; list-style:square inside; margin:3px 0;padding:5px;background:rgba(13,71,161,0.1); border-radius:5px;}
li.sent {margin:0; padding:0;}
span.eng_sent {margin-right:5px;}
span.chn_sent {color:white;}
return css;
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