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Created February 11, 2021 23:19
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Debian 11 waagent.log
2021-02-09T00:58:32.839858Z INFO MainThread cloud-init is enabled: True
2021-02-09T00:58:32.848959Z INFO MainThread Using cloud-init for provisioning
2021-02-09T00:58:43.487153Z INFO MainThread cloud-init is enabled: True
2021-02-09T00:58:43.489651Z INFO MainThread Using cloud-init for provisioning
2021-02-09T00:58:43.492226Z INFO MainThread Running CloudInit provisioning handler
2021-02-09T00:58:43.497379Z INFO MainThread Detect protocol endpoints
2021-02-09T00:58:43.500033Z INFO MainThread Clean protocol and wireserver endpoint
2021-02-09T00:58:43.502899Z INFO MainThread WireServer endpoint is not found. Rerun dhcp handler
2021-02-09T00:58:43.506083Z INFO MainThread Test for route to
2021-02-09T00:58:43.508661Z INFO MainThread Route to exists
2021-02-09T00:58:43.511120Z INFO MainThread Wire server endpoint:
2021-02-09T00:58:43.518690Z INFO MainThread Fabric preferred wire protocol version:2015-04-05
2021-02-09T00:58:43.522209Z INFO MainThread Wire protocol version:2012-11-30
2021-02-09T00:58:43.524895Z INFO MainThread Server preferred version:2015-04-05
2021-02-09T00:58:43.789430Z INFO MainThread Initializing goal state during protocol detection
2021-02-09T00:58:43.795922Z INFO MainThread Fetching new goal state [incarnation 1 (force update)]
2021-02-09T00:58:43.839716Z INFO MainThread Certificate with thumbprint BBECFD8A2014AB7B9301748D8B228F50CA0E6DAB has no matching private key.
2021-02-09T00:58:43.846683Z INFO MainThread Fetch goal state completed
2021-02-09T00:58:43.852344Z INFO MainThread ssh host key found at: /etc/ssh/
2021-02-09T00:58:43.859403Z INFO MainThread Thumbprint obtained from : /etc/ssh/
2021-02-09T00:58:43.863350Z INFO MainThread Finished provisioning
2021-02-09T00:58:45.903673Z INFO Daemon Daemon Azure Linux Agent Version:2.2.47
2021-02-09T00:58:45.906393Z INFO Daemon Daemon OS: debian testing/unstable
2021-02-09T00:58:45.908867Z INFO Daemon Daemon Python: 3.9.1
2021-02-09T00:58:45.911030Z INFO Daemon Daemon Run daemon
2021-02-09T00:58:45.916885Z INFO Daemon Daemon No RDMA handler exists for distro='Debian GNU/Linux' version='testing/unstable'
2021-02-09T00:58:45.925866Z INFO Daemon Daemon cloud-init is enabled: True
2021-02-09T00:58:45.929171Z INFO Daemon Daemon Using cloud-init for provisioning
2021-02-09T00:58:45.936839Z INFO Daemon Daemon cloud-init is enabled: True
2021-02-09T00:58:45.939722Z INFO Daemon Daemon Using cloud-init for provisioning
2021-02-09T00:58:45.942454Z INFO Daemon Daemon Clean protocol and wireserver endpoint
2021-02-09T00:58:45.945920Z INFO Daemon Daemon Provisioning already completed, skipping.
2021-02-09T00:58:45.949109Z INFO Daemon Daemon Detect protocol endpoints
2021-02-09T00:58:45.952338Z INFO Daemon Daemon Clean protocol and wireserver endpoint
2021-02-09T00:58:45.955384Z INFO Daemon Daemon WireServer endpoint is not found. Rerun dhcp handler
2021-02-09T00:58:45.959102Z INFO Daemon Daemon Test for route to
2021-02-09T00:58:45.961860Z INFO Daemon Daemon Route to exists
2021-02-09T00:58:45.964006Z INFO Daemon Daemon Wire server endpoint:
2021-02-09T00:58:45.971778Z INFO Daemon Daemon Fabric preferred wire protocol version:2015-04-05
2021-02-09T00:58:45.975442Z INFO Daemon Daemon Wire protocol version:2012-11-30
2021-02-09T00:58:45.977949Z INFO Daemon Daemon Server preferred version:2015-04-05
2021-02-09T00:58:46.518723Z INFO Daemon Daemon Initializing goal state during protocol detection
2021-02-09T00:58:46.525726Z INFO Daemon Daemon Fetching new goal state [incarnation 1 (force update)]
2021-02-09T00:58:46.967289Z INFO Daemon Daemon Certificate with thumbprint BBECFD8A2014AB7B9301748D8B228F50CA0E6DAB has no matching private key.
2021-02-09T00:58:46.975884Z INFO Daemon Daemon Fetch goal state completed
2021-02-09T00:58:47.007876Z WARNING Daemon Daemon Could not mount cgroups: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct' -> '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu'
2021-02-09T00:58:47.013501Z INFO Daemon Daemon CGroups Status: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct' -> '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu'
2021-02-09T00:58:47.018854Z INFO Daemon Daemon RDMA capabilities are not enabled, skipping
2021-02-09T00:58:47.022231Z INFO Daemon Daemon Installed Agent WALinuxAgent-2.2.47 is the most current agent
2021-02-09T00:58:47.171673Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Agent WALinuxAgent-2.2.47 is running as the goal state agent
2021-02-09T00:58:47.180927Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler WireServer endpoint read from file
2021-02-09T00:58:47.184957Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Wire server endpoint:
2021-02-09T00:58:47.200930Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Fetching new goal state [incarnation 1 (force update)]
2021-02-09T00:58:48.158967Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Certificate with thumbprint BBECFD8A2014AB7B9301748D8B228F50CA0E6DAB has no matching private key.
2021-02-09T00:58:48.180512Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Fetch goal state completed
2021-02-09T00:58:49.222180Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Distro info: debian testing/unstable, osutil class being used: DebianOSModernUtil, agent service name: walinuxagent
2021-02-09T00:58:49.236851Z INFO MonitorHandler ExtHandler WireServer endpoint read from file
2021-02-09T00:58:49.240599Z INFO MonitorHandler ExtHandler Wire server endpoint:
2021-02-09T00:58:49.258623Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Start env monitor service.
2021-02-09T00:58:49.261579Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Configure routes
2021-02-09T00:58:49.264239Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Gateway:None
2021-02-09T00:58:49.268896Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Routes:None
2021-02-09T00:58:49.271987Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Hostname record does not exist, creating [/var/lib/waagent/published_hostname] with hostname [dd11g2]
2021-02-09T00:58:49.285431Z INFO MonitorHandler ExtHandler Route table: [{"Iface": "eth0", "Destination": "", "Gateway": "", "Mask": "", "Flags": "0x0003", "Metric": "0"},{"Iface": "eth0", "Destination": "", "Gateway": "", "Mask": "", "Flags": "0x0001", "Metric": "0"},{"Iface": "eth0", "Destination": "", "Gateway": "", "Mask": "", "Flags": "0x0007", "Metric": "0"},{"Iface": "eth0", "Destination": "", "Gateway": "", "Mask": "", "Flags": "0x0007", "Metric": "0"}]
2021-02-09T00:58:49.310255Z INFO MonitorHandler ExtHandler Initial NIC state: [{ "name": "lo", "link": "<LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000\ link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00" }, { "name": "eth0", "link": "<BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000\ link/ether 00:22:48:5d:6e:e1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" }]
2021-02-09T00:58:49.328363Z INFO EnvHandler ExtHandler WireServer endpoint read from file
2021-02-09T00:58:49.334300Z INFO EnvHandler ExtHandler Wire server endpoint:
2021-02-09T00:58:49.337863Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler WALinuxAgent-2.2.47 running as process 1056
2021-02-09T00:58:49.343225Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler CGroups Status: The cgroup filesystem is ready to use
2021-02-09T00:58:49.347912Z INFO EnvHandler ExtHandler Set block dev timeout: sdb with timeout: 300
2021-02-09T00:58:49.347633Z WARNING ExtHandler ExtHandler Failed to create a cgroup for the VM Agent; resource usage for the Agent will not be tracked. Error: [CGroupsException] Failed to get paths of agent's cgroups. Error: join() argument must be str, bytes, or os.PathLike object, not 'NoneType'
2021-02-09T00:58:49.351399Z INFO EnvHandler ExtHandler Set block dev timeout: sda with timeout: 300
2021-02-09T00:58:49.546161Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler Created slice for walinuxagent extensions system-walinuxagent.extensions.slice
2021-02-09T00:58:49.666225Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler ProcessGoalState completed [incarnation 1; 110 ms]
2021-02-09T00:58:49.980155Z ERROR ExtHandler ExtHandler Command: [iptables -w -t security -L OUTPUT --zero OUTPUT -nxv], return code: [4], result: [Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
Zeroing chain `OUTPUT'
2021-02-09T00:58:49.981545Z INFO ExtHandler ExtHandler [HEARTBEAT] Agent WALinuxAgent-2.2.47 is running as the goal state agent
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