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Created July 3, 2012 09:06
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MySQL Replication Status Checker
# MySQL Replication Status Checker
# This script will run the SHOW SLAVE STATUS query on the specified server, and then report it if Last_IO_Errno or Last_SQL_Errno do not equal 0.
# Most effective when used as a cron job that runs once every minute.
# Version 0.1
# DB Info
# Machine's name. Change to something else if you want to.
# Array of email addresses to send emails to.
EMAILS=("" "")
# Array of cellphone numbers to send SMS's to.
# Run query.
sql_result=`mysql -h${DBHOST} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G" | egrep "(Last_IO_Errno|Last_SQL_Errno)"`
# Do checking.
if [ `echo $sql_result | awk '{print $2}'` -ne 0 ] || [ `echo $sql_result | awk '{print $4}'` -ne 0 ]; then
# Seems to be borked...
for email in ${EMAILS[@]}
(echo "Warning: Replication on ${HOSTNAME} seems to be borked. DO SOMETHING!") | mailx -s "Replication Error: ${HOSTNAME}" $email
msg="Replication failure on ${HOSTNAME}. DO SOMETHING!"
# URL Encode the SMS
#msg="$(perl -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "${msg}")"
msg="$(python -c "import sys; import urllib; print urllib.quote_plus(sys.argv[1]);" "${msg}")"
for cell in ${CELLPHONES[@]}
# Use e.g. cUrl to consume some service that sends SMSs.
exit 0
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