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Last active June 10, 2023 12:41
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Instructions for Installing MB-System for Sonar processing

This is documentation for installing MB-System-r2279 on Ubuntu 14.04 as of Nov 2016. Although documentation for mb-system has improved dramatically over the past few years, it can still be difficult. In particular, I have not found step 1.4 in the documentation and missing this step will result in being unable to use gmt shared libraries such as "gmt mbcontour" which is necessary for producing contour lines in maps.

##1) Install GMT 5.1.2 I am using directions from Andrew at: I've added step 1.4 to get this to load shared libraries from mb-system.

##1.1) Install relvent dependencies sudo apt-get install -y subversion ghostscript build-essential cmake libnetcdf-dev libgdal1-dev libfftw3-dev libpcre3-dev

##1.2) Get the packages and then untar each into opt directory We'll store and build everything into /opt/ and then install into /usr/local

cd /opt
svn checkout svn:// gmt5-dev

Visit the GMT download page and download the latest versions of the packages titled “gshhg-gmt-x.x.x.tar.gz” and “dcw-gmt-x.x.x.tar.gz”.

##1.3) Setup Configs Enter into the gmt5 directory and make a copy of the cmake template and then edit it.

cd gmt-5.2.1/cmake
cp ConfigUserTemplate.cmake ConfigUser.cmake
gedit ConfigUser.cmake'

Change GSHHG_ROOT to be the absolute path to the gsh directory and set COPY_GSHHG to True. Change DCW_ROOT to be the absolute path to the gsh directory and set COPY_DCW to True. Then save and close ConfigUser.cmake.

 98 # Set path to GSHHG Shoreline Database [auto]:
 99 set (GSHHG_ROOT "/opt/gshhg-gmt-2.3.5/")
101 # Copy GSHHG files to $/coast [FALSE]:
104 # Set path to DCW Digital Chart of the World for GMT     [auto]:                    
105 set (DCW_ROOT "/opt/dcw-gmt-1.1.2")
107 # Copy DCW files to $/dcw [FALSE]:
108 set (COPY_DCW TRUE)

1.4 Tell GMT where to find future MB System libs

cd /opt/gmt-5.2.1/share/conf/ gedit Change GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS to be: GMT_CUSTOM_LIBS = /usr/local/lib/

1.5 Make and Install

The build may take a while.

cd /opt/gmt-5.2.1 
mkdir build 
cd build 
cmake ..  
sudo make install 

1.6 Test GMT

gmt pscoast -R-130/-30/-50/50 -Jm0.025i -B30g30:.Mercator: -Di -W >

2 Installing MB-System

A somewhat outdated guide can be found at:

This guide was developed with version MB-System-trunk.r2279.tar.gz You should be able to download the exact "trunk" revision from the SVN System at: However, I encourage you to download the most recent release and try to install it.

2.1 Move the file to /opt and then untar it

tar -xvf trunk.r2279 mv trunk.r2279 /opt/mb-system-r2279

2.2 Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y xorg-dev libmotif-dev libmotif4 libxp-dev mesa-common-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev build-essential gfortran nautilus-open-terminal libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev libnetcdf-dev netcdf-bin gdal-bin gdal1-dev gv

2.3 Configure and install

These steps will take a while. Watch for any errors or warnings.

cd /opt/mb-system-r2279
sudo make
sudo make install

2.4 Test

Test with running mbinfo on any .mbXX file.


You may have to run step 1.5 again after you've installed mb-system. Also be sure that mbsystem binaries (mbprocess, mbedit) are found in /usr/local/bin if you have trouble. Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH should include /usr/local/lib. It should be this way be default on ubuntu, but if it isn't, you can add it to your ~/.bashrc file.

`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib`

User guide:

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