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Last active August 14, 2017 19:45
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Simple implementation of IEquatable<T> if you can't use Equals.Fody
public class ChannelIdentifier : GenericEquatable<ChannelIdentifier>
public ChannelIdentifier(LiveId liveId, SampleRateId sampleRateId, int channelId)
: base(EqualityComparer.Create((ChannelIdentifier p) => new { p.LiveId, p.SampleRateId, p.ChannelId }))
this.LiveId = liveId;
this.SampleRateId = sampleRateId;
this.ChannelId = channelId;
public LiveId LiveId { get; }
public SampleRateId SampleRateId { get; }
public int ChannelId { get; }
public class LiveId : GenericEquatable<LiveId>
public LiveId(int liveObjectIndex)
: base(EqualityComparer.Create((LiveId p) => p.LiveObjectIndex))
this.LiveObjectIndex = liveObjectIndex;
public int LiveObjectIndex { get; }
public class SampleRateId : GenericEquatable<SampleRateId>
public SampleRateId(int id)
: base(EqualityComparer.Create((SampleRateId p) => p.Id))
this.Id = id;
public int Id { get; }
public abstract class GenericEquatable<T> : IEquatable<T>
where T : GenericEquatable<T>
private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> equalityComparer;
protected GenericEquatable(IEqualityComparer<T> equalityComparer)
this.equalityComparer = equalityComparer;
public bool Equals(T other)
return this.equalityComparer.Equals((T)this, other);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType())
return false;
return this.Equals((T)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.equalityComparer.GetHashCode((T)this);
public static class EqualityComparer
public static IEqualityComparer<TObj> Create<TObj, TKey>(Func<TObj, TKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer)
return new GenericEqualityComparer<TObj>(
(x, y) => keyComparer.Equals(keySelector(x), keySelector(y)),
obj => keyComparer.GetHashCode(keySelector(obj)));
public static IEqualityComparer<TObj> Create<TObj, TKey>(Func<TObj, TKey> keySelector)
return Create(keySelector, EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default);
public class GenericEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
private readonly Func<T, T, bool> equals;
private readonly Func<T, int> getHashCode;
public GenericEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> equals, Func<T, int> getHashCode)
this.equals = equals;
this.getHashCode = getHashCode;
public bool Equals(T x, T y)
return this.equals(x, y);
public int GetHashCode(T obj)
return this.getHashCode(obj);
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