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Last active September 24, 2022 20:09
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name = "req2flatpak"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Generates a flatpak build manifest to install python packages defined in requirements.txt files."
authors = ["johannesjh <>"]
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
python = "^3.10"
packaging = "^21.3"
PyYAML = "^6.0"
yaml = ["PyYAML"]
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
import argparse
import json
import pathlib
import re
import shelve
import sys
import urllib.request
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import product
from typing import List, Iterable, Optional, Union
import packaging
import pkg_resources
from packaging.tags import cpython_tags, _normalize_string, compatible_tags, Tag
from packaging.utils import parse_wheel_filename
class Arch(str, Enum):
"""Linux architectures supported in this script."""
x86_64: str = ("linux-x86_64",)
aarch64: str = "linux-aarch64"
def from_string(cls, arch: str):
arch = re.sub(r"^linux-", "", arch)
return cls.__members__[arch]
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class PythonInterpreter:
"""Represents a python interpreter on 64 bit linux."""
major: int
minor: int
arch: Arch
def from_string(cls, interpreter: str):
"""Constructor that parses a string representation such as '39-linux-x86_64'."""
major, minor, arch = re.match(r"^(\d)(\d+)-linux-(.*)$", interpreter).groups()
return PythonInterpreter(
major=int(major), minor=int(minor), arch=Arch.from_string(arch)
def tags(self) -> list[Tag]:
"""Returns a list of tags that are supported by this interpreter."""
def _linux_platforms(arch: Arch):
"""Returns a list of python platform values for a given architecture."""
# based on packaging.tags._linux_platforms
linux = _normalize_string(arch)
_, arch = linux.split("_", 1)
yield from packaging._manylinux.platform_tags(linux, arch)
yield from packaging._musllinux.platform_tags(arch)
yield linux
def _platform_tags():
python_version = (self.major, self.minor)
abis = [f"cp{self.major}{self.minor}"]
platforms = _linux_platforms(self.arch)
yield from cpython_tags(python_version, abis, platforms)
yield from compatible_tags(python_version, abis[0], platforms)
return list(_platform_tags())
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class Download:
"""Represents a package download from Pypi"""
filename: str
url: str
sha256: str
def from_pypi_json(cls, json: dict):
"""Constructor from pypi's json format parsed into a dict"""
return cls(
filename=json["filename"], url=json["url"], sha256=json["digests"]["sha256"]
def is_wheel(self):
return self.filename.endswith(".whl")
def is_sdist(self):
return not self.is_wheel
def tags(self) -> list[Tag]:
"""Returns a list of tags that this download is compatible for"""
if self.is_wheel:
_, _, _, tags = parse_wheel_filename(self.filename)
return list(tags)
return []
def arch(self) -> Optional[Arch]:
"""Returns a wheel's target architecture, and None for sdists."""
if self.is_wheel:
tag = self.tags[0]
if tag.platform.endswith("x86_64"):
return Arch.x86_64
if tag.platform.endswith("aarch64"):
return Arch.aarch64
return None
def matches(self, platform_tag: str):
if self.is_wheel:
return platform_tag in self.tags
return True
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two downloads are considered equal iff their url is equal."""
return self.url == other.url
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class Requirement:
"""Represents a requirement consisting of packagename and version."""
package: str
version: str
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class Release(Requirement):
Represents a release as packagename, version and available downloads.
Provides methods for selecting downloads that are compatible with specific python interpreters.
downloads: List[Download] = field(default_factory=list)
def downloads_for(
self, interpreter: PythonInterpreter, wheels_only=False, sdists_only=False
) -> Iterable[Download]:
"""Yields suitable downloads for a specific python interpreter, in preferred order."""
cache: dict[Download, None] = {}
for (platform_tag, download) in product(interpreter.tags, self.downloads):
if download in cache:
if wheels_only and not download.is_wheel:
if sdists_only and not download.is_sdist:
if download.matches(platform_tag):
cache[download] = None
yield download
def wheel_for(self, interpreter: PythonInterpreter) -> Optional[Download]:
"""Returns the preferred wheel download for this release, for a specific python interpreter"""
return next(self.downloads_for(interpreter, wheels_only=True))
except StopIteration:
return None
def wheels_for(self, interpreters: List[PythonInterpreter]) -> List[Download]:
"""Returns a list of wheel downloads, for this release and for the specified target interpreters."""
return list({self.wheel_for(interpreter=i) for i in interpreters})
def sdist(self) -> Download:
"""Returns the source package download for this release"""
return next(filter(lambda d: d.is_sdist, self.downloads))
except StopIteration:
return None
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two releases are considered equal iff packagename and version are equal."""
return self.package == other.package and self.version == other.version
class PackageIndex(ABC):
"""Base class for querying package information from indices such as pypi"""
def get_release(cls, req: Requirement) -> Release:
"""Queries release information from a package index."""
def get_releases(cls, reqs: Iterable[Requirement]) -> List[Release]:
"""Queries release information from a package index."""
return [cls.get_release(req) for req in reqs]
# cache typealias
# this is meant for caching responses when querying package information
# a cache can either be a dict for in-memory caching, or a shelve.Shelf
Cache = Union[dict, shelve.Shelf] # type: TypeAlias
class PyPi(PackageIndex):
"""Provides methods for querying package information from the PyPi package index."""
_cache: Cache = {}
def cache(self) -> Cache:
return type(self)._cache
def cache(self, val: Cache):
type(self)._cache = val
def _query(cls, url) -> str:
def _query_from_cache(url) -> Optional[str]:
return cls._cache[url]
except KeyError:
return None
def _query_from_pypi(url) -> str:
json_string = urllib.request.urlopen((url)).read().decode("utf-8")
cls._cache[url] = json_string
return json_string
return _query_from_cache(url) or _query_from_pypi(url)
def get_release(cls, req: Requirement) -> Release:
"""Queries pypi regarding available downloads for this requirement. Returns a release object."""
url = f"{req.package}/{req.version}/json"
json_string = cls._query(url)
json_dict = json.loads(json_string)
downloads = list(map(Download.from_pypi_json, json_dict["urls"]))
return Release(package=req.package, version=req.version, downloads=downloads)
class RequirementsTxtParser:
Parses requirements.txt files in a very simple way:
It expects all versions to be pinned.
And it does not resolve dependencies.
# based on:
# using functionality from pkg_resources.parse_requirements
def parse_string(cls, requirements_txt: str) -> List[Requirement]:
"""Parses requirements.txt string content into a list of Release objects."""
def validate_requirement(req: pkg_resources.Requirement) -> None:
assert (
len(req.specs) == 1
), "Error parsing requirements: A single version numer must be specified."
assert (
req.specs[0][0] == "=="
), "Error parsing requirements: The exact version must specified as 'package==version'."
def make_requirement(req: pkg_resources.Requirement) -> Requirement:
return Requirement(package=req.project_name, version=req.specs[0][1])
reqs = pkg_resources.parse_requirements(requirements_txt)
return [make_requirement(req) for req in reqs]
def parse_file(cls, file) -> List[Requirement]:
"""Parses a requirements.txt file into a list of Release objects."""
if hasattr(file, "read"):
req_txt =
req_txt = pathlib.Path(file).read_text()
return cls.parse_string(req_txt)
@dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class FlatpakGenerator:
"""Generates a flatpak build module that installs specified python requirements."""
interpreters: List[PythonInterpreter]
package_index: PackageIndex = PyPi
def _buildmodule_sources(self, reqs: Iterable[Requirement]) -> list:
"""Helper function, returns the 'sources' section of the flatpak build module"""
releases = self.package_index.get_releases(reqs)
downloads = {
for release in releases
for wheel in release.wheels_for(self.interpreters)
def source(download: Download) -> dict:
source = {"type": "file", "url": download.url, "sha256": download.sha256}
if download.arch == Arch.x86_64:
source["only-arches"] = ["x86_64"]
elif download.arch == Arch.aarch64:
source["only-arches"] = ["aarch64"]
return source
return [source(download) for download in downloads]
def buildmodule_as_dict(
reqs: Iterable[Requirement],
pip_install_template: str = 'pip3 install --verbose --exists-action=i --no-index --find-links="file://${PWD}" --prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} --no-build-isolation ',
) -> dict:
"""Returns a flatpak build module in the form of a python dict"""
return {
"name": module_name,
"buildsystem": "simple",
"build-commands": [
pip_install_template + " ".join([req.package for req in reqs])
"sources": self._buildmodule_sources(reqs),
def buildmodule_as_json(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
module = self.buildmodule_as_dict(*args, **kwargs)
return json.dumps(module, indent=4)
def buildmodule_as_yaml(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
import yaml
except ImportError:
exit('PyYAML modules is not installed. Run "pip install PyYAML"')
module = self.buildmodule_as_dict(*args, **kwargs)
return yaml.dump(module)
class Req2FlatpakCli:
"""The commandline interface for this scripe."""
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser
options: argparse.Namespace
output: str
def setup_cli_options(cls) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
cls.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=FlatpakGenerator.__doc__)
help="One or more requirements can be specied as commandline arguments, e.g., 'pandas==1.4.4'.",
help="Requirements can be read from a specified requirements.txt file or from stdin.",
help="Target interpreters can be specified as, e.g., '39-linux-x86_64'.",
"--cache", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=False
"--format", "-f", default="json", choices=["json", "yaml"]
def parse_cli_options(cls):
cls.options = cls.parser.parse_args()
# parse requirements
if reqs := cls.options.requirements:
cls.options.requirements = RequirementsTxtParser.parse_string("\n".join(reqs))
elif req_file := cls.options.requirements_file:
cls.options.requirements = RequirementsTxtParser.parse_file(req_file)
del cls.options.requirements_file
assert (
len(cls.options.requirements) > 0
), "Error parsing requirements. At least one requirement must be specified."
# parse target interpreters
cls.options.target_interpreters = [
for interpreter in cls.options.target_interpreters
assert (
len(cls.options.target_interpreters) > 0
), "Error parsing requirements. At least one requirement must be specified."
def generate_buildmodule(cls):
generator = FlatpakGenerator(interpreters=cls.options.target_interpreters)
if cls.options.format == "json":
cls.output = generator.buildmodule_as_json(cls.options.requirements)
elif cls.options.format == "yaml":
cls.output = generator.buildmodule_as_yaml(cls.options.requirements)
def write_output(cls):
if hasattr(file := cls.options.outfile, "write"):
def main(cls):
# process commandline options
# generate the flatpak build module
if cls.options.cache:
with"pypi_cache") as cache:
PyPi.cache = cache
# write the build module as output
if __name__ == "__main__":
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