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Created February 29, 2020 11:50
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ed25519 chaumian blind signatures
from scalar import Scalar
from ed25519 import G, KeyPair, challenge
from group_element import GroupElement
class IssuerSession(object):
def __init__(self, kp):
self.x = kp.x
self.P = kp.P
self.k = Scalar.random()
self.R = self.k * G
def public_key(self):
return self.P
def public_nonce(self):
return self.R
def sign(self, challenge):
return self.k + challenge * self.x
class UserSession(object):
def __init__(self, P, R):
self.a = Scalar.random()
self.b = Scalar.random()
self.R = R + self.a * G + self.b * P
self.P = P
def challenge(self, m):
return challenge(self.R, self.P, m) + self.b
def signature(self, s):
return self.R.serialize() + (s + self.a).serialize()
if __name__ == "__main__":
keys = KeyPair.random()
issuer = IssuerSession(keys)
user = UserSession(
message = str.encode('blind message')
e = user.challenge(message)
s = issuer.sign(e)
sig = user.signature(s)
print(keys.verify(sig, message))
import hashlib
import os
from field_element import *
from group_element import *
from scalar import *
G = GroupElement(
class KeyPair(object):
def sign(self, m):
k = Scalar.hash(self.prefix + m)
R = k * G
e = challenge(R,, m)
s = k + e * self.x
return R.serialize() + s.serialize()
def verify(self, sig, m):
rb = sig[:32]
s = Scalar.deserialize(sig[32:])
e = challenge(rb,, m)
res = s * G - e * self.P
return (res.serialize() == rb)
def from_seed(sk):
h = _hash(sk)
x = int.from_bytes(h[:32], "little")
x &= (1 << 254) - 8
x |= (1 << 254)
self = KeyPair()
self.prefix = h[32:64]
self.x = Scalar(x)
self.P = self.x * G = self.P.serialize()
return self
def random():
sk = os.urandom(32)
return KeyPair.from_seed(sk)
class VerificationKey(object):
def verify(self, R, s, m):
rb = R.serialize()
e = challenge(rb,, m)
res = s * G - e * self.P
return (res.serialize() == rb)
def from_point(point):
self = KeyPair()
self.P = point = self.P.serialize()
return self
def challenge(R, P, M):
if (type(R) == GroupElementProjective):
R = R.serialize()
if (type(P) == GroupElementProjective):
P = P.serialize()
return Scalar.hash(R + P + bytes(M))
def _hash(m):
return hashlib.sha512(m).digest()
class FieldElement(object):
q = 2**255 - 19
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __add__(self, other):
return FieldElement((self.x + other.x) % self.q)
def __sub__(self, other):
return FieldElement((self.x - other.x) % self.q)
def __mul__(self, other):
return FieldElement((self.x * other.x) % self.q)
def __neg__(self):
return FieldElement(self.q - self.x)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.x)
def __and__(self, other):
return self.x & other
def invert(t):
return FieldElement(pow(t.x, FieldElement.q - 2, FieldElement.q))
def square(x):
return FieldElement((x * x) % FieldElement.q)
from field_element import FieldElement
class GroupElementProjective(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def __add__(self, other):
# 11M + 1S + 6A
A = self.z * other.z
B = A * A
C = self.x * other.x
D = self.y * other.y
E = _d * (C * D)
F = B - E
G = B + E
H = C + D
x = A * F * ((self.x + self.y) * (other.x + other.y) - H)
y = A * G * H
z = F * G
return GroupElementProjective(x, y, z)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self + (-other)
def __neg__(self):
return GroupElementProjective(-self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __str__(self):
return "({x}, {y}, {z})".format(x = str(self.x), y = str(self.y), z = str(self.z))
def double(self):
# 3M + 4S + 6A
sum2 = (self.x + self.y) * (self.x + self.y)
x2 = self.x * self.x
y2 = self.y * self.y
z2 = self.z * self.z
e = x2 + y2
f = x2 - y2
j = z2 + z2 + f
self.x = (e - sum2) * j
self.y = f * e
self.z = f * j
def serialize(self):
return GroupElement.from_projective(self).serialize()
def zero():
return GroupElementProjective(
class GroupElement(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __add__(self, other):
res = self.to_projective() + other.to_projective()
return GroupElement.from_projective(res)
def __sub__(self, other):
res = self.to_projective() + (-other).to_projective()
return GroupElement.from_projective(res)
def __neg__(self):
return GroupElement(-self.x, self.y)
def __str__(self):
return "({x}, {y})".format(x = str(self.x.x),y = str(self.y.x))
def to_projective(self):
return GroupElementProjective(self.x, self.y, FieldElement(1))
def serialize(self):
return int.to_bytes(self.y.x | ((self.x.x & 1) << 255), 32, "little")
def deserialize(s):
y = int.from_bytes(s, "little")
sign = y >> 255
y &= (1 << 255) - 1
x = _recover_x(FieldElement(y), sign)
return GroupElement(x, y)
def from_projective(p):
inverse = FieldElement.invert(p.z)
x = p.x * inverse
y = p.y * inverse
return GroupElement(x, y)
_q = FieldElement.q
_d = FieldElement(37095705934669439343138083508754565189542113879843219016388785533085940283555)
_eye = FieldElement(pow(2, (_q - 1) // 4, _q))
def _recover_x(y, sign):
y2 = y * y
x2 = (y2 - FieldElement(1)) * FieldElement.invert(_d * y2 + FieldElement(1))
x = FieldElement(pow(x2.x, (_q + 3) // 8, _q))
if (x * x != x2):
x *= _eye
if (x & 1) != sign:
x = -x
return x
import hashlib
import random
from group_element import GroupElementProjective, GroupElement
class Scalar(object):
l = 2**252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493
def __init__(self, value):
if (type(value) == Scalar):
self.x = value.x
self.x = value
def __add__(self, other):
return Scalar((self.x + other.x) % self.l)
def __sub__(self, other):
return Scalar((self.x - other.x) % self.l)
def __mul__(self, other):
t = type(other)
if (t == GroupElementProjective):
return _scalar_multiply(self.x, other)
elif (t == GroupElement):
return GroupElement.from_projective(scalar_multiply(self.x, other.to_projective()))
elif (t == Scalar):
return Scalar(self.x * other.x)
def __mod__(self, other):
return Scalar(self.x % other)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.x)
def hash(m):
h = hashlib.sha512(m).digest()
return Scalar(int.from_bytes(h, "little") )
def random():
return Scalar(random.randint(1, Scalar.l - 1))
def serialize(self):
return int.to_bytes(self.x, 32, "little")
def deserialize(s):
return Scalar(int.from_bytes(s, "little"))
def _scalar_multiply(scalar, point):
mask, num_bits = 0, 0
while scalar:
mask = mask << 1 | (scalar & 1)
scalar >>= 1
num_bits += 1
zero =
res = zero
for _ in range(num_bits):
res = res + point if (mask & 1) else res + zero
mask >>= 1
return res
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