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Forked from ppcano/carousel_view.js
Created January 13, 2012 19:27
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Save johanvalcoog/1608255 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ember Touch ScrollView without iScroll, and using movejs for transfomations.
Luh.Ui.ScrollMixin = Em.Mixin.create({
scrollOptions: {
hScroll: false,
vScroll: true,
duration: 750,
velocity: 0.2,
simultaneously: true,
initThreshold: 10
panOptions: {
numberOfRequiredTouches: 1,
preventDefaultOnChange: true
_height: 0,
_scrollableHeight: null,
_width: 0,
_scrollableWidth: null,
_positionY: 0,
_positionX: 0,
_distanceY: 0,
_distanceX: 0,
_startTimestamp: 0,
init: function() {
var pan = this.get('panOptions');
pan["simultaneously"] = this.scrollOptions.simultaneously;
pan["initThreshold"] = this.scrollOptions.initThreshold;
if ( this.scrollOptions.hScroll && this.scrollOptions.vScroll ) {
pan["direction"] = Em.GestureDirection.Horizontal | Em.GestureDirection.Vertical;
} else if ( this.scrollOptions.hScroll ) {
pan["direction"] = Em.GestureDirection.Horizontal;
} else if ( this.scrollOptions.vScroll ) {
pan["direction"] = Em.GestureDirection.Vertical;
this.set('panOptions', pan);
didInsertElementEnd: function() {
* Dimensions can be setup on view declaration.
* Setup dimensions on the view is required when view dimensions are updated after inserting the element in the DOM.
_setup_dimensions: function() {
//var height, width;
//var parentId = this.$().parent().attr("id");
var parent = this.$().parent(); = '#'+get(this, 'elementId');
// TODO: all the ancestors cannot have height 100%--> because returns window.height
// it should be one ( extend to its child ), which returns the correct height ( either parent or parent.parent...)
if ( !this.get('_scrollableHeight' ) ){
set(this, '_scrollableHeight', parent.height());
if ( !this.get('_scrollableWidth' ) ){
set(this, '_scrollableWidth', parent.width());
if ( !this.get('_height' ) ){
set(this, '_height', this.$().outerHeight(true));
if ( !this.get('_width' ) ){
set(this, '_width', this.$().outerWidth(true));
// console.log( 'id ' + + ' parent ' + this.$().parent().attr("id") ) ;
// console.log( ' width' +this.get('_width') + ' scroll ' + this.get('_scrollableWidth' ) );
panStart: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer('panStart', recognizer );
var translation = recognizer.get('translation');
this._transformOnChange( translation.x, translation.y );
panChange: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer( 'panChange' , recognizer );
var translation = recognizer.get('translation');
this._transformOnChange( translation.x, translation.y );
panEnd: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer( 'panEnd' , recognizer );
var translation = recognizer.get('translation');
this._applyElasticEffect(translation.x, translation.y);
if ( !this.panOptions.simultaneously ) {
panCancel: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer( 'panCancel' , recognizer );
if ( !this.panOptions.simultaneously ) {
_applyElasticEffect: function(positionX, positionY){
// it does not move
this._transformPosition(positionX, positionY);
var time = - get(this, '_startTimestamp');
var distanceY = get(this, '_distanceY');
var distanceX = get(this, '_distanceX');
var newPositionY = this.scrollOptions.velocity*distanceY/time * this.get('_height');
var newPositionX = this.scrollOptions.velocity*distanceX/time * this.get('_width');
this._transformOnChange( newPositionX, newPositionY, this.scrollOptions.duration );
_transformPosition: function(positionX, positionY) {
var result;
result = get(this, '_positionY');
result+= positionY;
set(this,'_positionY', result);
result = get(this, '_positionX');
result+= positionX;
set(this,'_positionX', result);
result = get(this, '_distanceY');
result+= positionY;
set(this,'_distanceY', result);
result = get(this, '_distanceX');
result+= positionX;
set(this,'_distanceX', result);
_restartElasticEffect: function(){
set(this, '_distanceY', 0);
set(this, '_distanceX', 0);
set(this, '_startTimestamp', );
_transformOnChange: function(positionX, positionY, duration) {
this._transformPosition(positionX, positionY);
if ( !duration ) {
duration = '0s';
if ( this.scrollOptions.vScroll ) {
positionY = get(this, '_positionY');
if ( this.scrollOptions.hScroll ) {
positionX = get(this, '_positionX');
//console.log( ' distanceY ' + distanceY + ' positionY ' +positionY );
_correctPosition: function() {
var maxHeight = this.get('_height') - this.get('_scrollableHeight');
var maxWidth = this.get('_width') - this.get('_scrollableWidth');
var positionY = get(this, '_positionY')*(-1);
var positionX = get(this, '_positionX')*(-1);
var newPositionY = undefined;
var newPositionX = undefined;
if ( this.scrollOptions.vScroll ) {
if ( maxHeight < 0 || positionY < 0) {
newPositionY = 0;
} else if ( positionY > maxHeight ) {
newPositionY = maxHeight*(-1);
if ( newPositionY !== undefined ) {
var that = this;
set(this,'_positionY', newPositionY);
if ( this.scrollOptions.hScroll ) {
if ( maxWidth < 0 || positionX < 0) {
newPositionX = 0;
} else if ( positionX > maxWidth ) {
newPositionX = maxWidth*(-1);
if ( newPositionX !== undefined ) {
var that = this;
set(this,'_positionX', newPositionX);
_debugRecognizer: function(name, r) {
var change = get(r, 'translation')
var positionX = get(this, '_positionX');
var positionY = get(this, '_positionY');
console.log( name+ ' x ('+r.translation.x+') pos ('+positionX+')' );
console.log( name+ ' y ('+r.translation.y+') pos ('+positionY+')' );
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