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Created June 10, 2019 22:11
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An implementation of the recursive backtracker maze generator algorithm. The API allows users to specify the probability for replacing a '.' with a '#', and generate potentially unsolvable mazes. Setting the probability to 0 guarantees that the generated maze is solvable.
module RecursiveBacktrackerMazeGenerator
// ++++++++++
// + Random +
// ++++++++++
module Random =
let _rng = new System.Random()
let nextInt lo hi = _rng.Next(lo, hi)
let nextDouble () = _rng.NextDouble ()
// +++++++++
// + Array +
// +++++++++
module Array =
let swap i j (a: _[]) =
let x = a.[i]
a.[i] <- a.[j]
a.[j] <- x
let shuffleInPlace xs =
let n = Array.length xs
for i = 0 to Array.length xs - 1 do
swap i (Random.nextInt i n) xs
let shuffle xs =
let ys = Array.copy xs
shuffleInPlace ys
// +++++++++++
// + Index2D +
// +++++++++++
module Index2D =
let up ij =
let struct (i, j) = ij
struct (i - 1, j)
let right ij =
let struct (i, j) = ij
struct (i, j + 1)
let down ij =
let struct (i, j) = ij
struct (i + 1, j)
let left ij =
let struct (i, j) = ij
struct (i, j - 1)
let get (xss : _ [,]) (struct (i, j)) = xss.[i, j]
let set (xss : _ [,]) x (struct (i, j)) = xss.[i, j] <- x
let inBounds xs ij =
let struct (i, j) = ij
0 <= i && i < Array2D.length1 xs &&
0 <= j && j < Array2D.length2 xs
// +++++++++
// + Int32 +
// +++++++++
module Int32 =
let inline isEven x = x % 2 = 0
let inline isOdd x = not (isEven x)
let ofBool : bool -> int = System.Convert.ToInt32
// ++++++++++++++++++++++
// + The maze generator +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++
let inline wallGrid n m =
Array2D.init n m (fun i j -> Int32.isOdd i || Int32.isOdd j)
let inline neighborsAndWalls ij =
[| struct ((Index2D.up >> Index2D.up ) ij, Index2D.up ij)
; struct ((Index2D.right >> Index2D.right) ij, Index2D.right ij)
; struct ((Index2D.down >> Index2D.down ) ij, Index2D.down ij)
; struct ((Index2D.left >> Index2D.left ) ij, Index2D.left ij)
let recursiveBacktracker n m =
let makeOdd x = x + (Int32.ofBool (Int32.isEven x))
let n2 = makeOdd n
let m2 = makeOdd m
let xs = wallGrid n2 m2
let visited = Array2D.zeroCreate n2 m2
let rec go current =
Index2D.set visited true current
let goNeighbor (struct (neighbor, wall)) =
if Index2D.inBounds visited neighbor &&
not (Index2D.get visited neighbor)
Index2D.set xs false wall
go neighbor
neighborsAndWalls current
|> Array.shuffle
|> Array.iter goNeighbor
go (struct (0, 0))
n2, m2, xs
let randomize probability xs =
let n = Array2D.length1 xs
let m = Array2D.length2 xs
let modify i j x =
if i = 0 && j = 0 then x
else if i = n - 1 && j = m - 1 then x
if Random.nextDouble () < probability
then not x
else x
Array2D.mapi modify xs
let pretty xs =
let n = Array2D.length1 xs
let m = Array2D.length2 xs
let sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
let append (c : char) = sb.Append c |> ignore
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
for j = 0 to m do
if j = m && i = n - 1 then ()
if j = m then append '\n'
match xs.[i, j] with
| false -> append '.'
| true -> append '#'
// +++++++
// + API +
// +++++++
let createMaze hashtagProbability rows columns =
let rows, columns, maze = recursiveBacktracker rows columns
rows, columns, pretty (randomize hashtagProbability maze)
let printMaze hashtagProbability rows columns =
let rows, columns, maze = createMaze hashtagProbability rows columns
printfn "rows: %d" rows
printfn "columns: %d" columns
printfn "%s" maze
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