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Created May 27, 2020 16:44
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Pester 5 MockUp Fails on SwitchParamater
BeforeAll {
Remove-Module -Name 'DscResource.Common' -Force
New-Module -Name 'DscResource.Common' -ScriptBlock {
function Assert-Module
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (-not (Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ListAvailable))
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.ModuleNotFound -f $ModuleName
New-ObjectNotFoundException -Message $errorMessage
if ($ImportModule)
Import-Module -Name $ModuleName
} | Import-Module
$script:moduleName = 'DscResource.Common'
Describe 'Assert-Module' {
BeforeAll {
$testModuleName = 'TestModule'
Context 'When module is available' {
BeforeAll {
Mock -CommandName Import-Module -ModuleName 'DscResource.Common'
Mock -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith {
return @{
Name = $testModuleName
} -ModuleName 'DscResource.Common'
Context 'When module should be imported' {
It 'Should not throw an error' {
{ Assert-Module -ModuleName $testModuleName -ImportModule } | Should -Not -Throw
It 'Should call the expected mocks' {
Should -Invoke -CommandName Import-Module -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope Context
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