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Last active July 2, 2022 17:16
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Problem returning property that is using class for a class-based DSC resource
# For some attempts
using module SqlServerDsc
$ConfigurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = 'localhost'
PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true
PSDSCAllowPlainTextPassword = $true
Configuration Example
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'SqlServerDsc'
# For attempt 3
$permisison1 = [DatabasePermission] @{
State = 'Grant'
Permission = @('Connect', 'Update')
node localhost
SimpleResource 'Grant-SQLTEST-sqluser'
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'SQLTEST\sqluser'
DatabaseName = 'AdventureWorks2'
ServerName = 'localhost'
InstanceName = 'sql2017'
# Attempt 1 - throws compilation error
Permission = [CimInstance[]] @(
New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration -ClassName DatabasePermission -Property @{
State = 'Grant'
Permission = @('Connect', 'Update')
# Attempt 2 - throws compilation error
Permission = [DatabasePermission[]] @(
[DatabasePermission] {
State = 'Grant'
Permission = @('Connect', 'Update')
# Attempt 3 - throws compilation error
Permission = [DatabasePermission[]] @(
Example -OutputPath c:\dsctemp -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData
Invoke-DscResource -ModuleName <modulename> -Name SimpleResource -Method Get -Property @{
Ensure = 'Present'
ServerName = 'localhost'
InstanceName = 'sql2017'
DatabaseName = 'AdventureWorks2'
Name = 'SQLTEST\sqluser'
Permission = [CimInstance[]] @(
New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration -ClassName DatabasePermission -Property @{
State = 'Grant'
Permission = @('select')
New-CimInstance -ClientOnly -Namespace root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration -ClassName DatabasePermission -Property @{
State = 'GrantWithGrant'
Permission = @('update')
enum Ensure
class Reason
class DatabasePermission
[ValidateSet('Grant', 'GrantWithGrant', 'Deny')]
class SimpleResource
$Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
[SimpleResource] Get()
$dscResourceObject = [SimpleResource] @{
InstanceName = 'SQL2017'
DatabaseName = 'MyDB'
Name = 'MyPrincipal'
ServerName = 'MyHost'
Ensure = 'Present'
Permission = [DatabasePermission[]] @(
[DatabasePermission] @{
State = 'Grant'
Permission = @('CONNECT')
[DatabasePermission] @{
State = 'Deny'
Permission = @('SELECT')
Reasons = [Reason[]] @(
[Reason] @{
Code = '{0}:{0}:Ensure' -f $this.GetType()
Phrase = 'The property Ensure should be Present, but was Absent'
return $dscResourceObject
[System.Boolean] Test()
return $true
[void] Set()
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