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Last active August 17, 2023 11:51
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Automate setting GitHubToken secret variable
# Install Azure CLI:
# Install AzureDevOps extension: az extension add --name azure-devops
# Login with the account that access DSC Community pipelines: az login --allow-no-subscriptions
# Run this script and pass the PAT in the parameter.
# TODO: Fix as PSCredential so that PAT is not part of PowerShell command line history
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$organization = ''
$azureDevopsProjectsJson = az devops project list --organization $organization
$azureDevopsProjects = $azureDevopsProjectsJson | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
if ($azureDevopsProjects.continuationToken)
throw ("The property continuationToken was set to the non-null value '{0}', so the command 'az devops project list' must be called again with the argument '--continuation-token', this is not yet supported." -f $azureDevopsProjects.continuationToken)
# We got all the project names in property 'value'.
$azureDevopsProjects = $azureDevopsProjects.value
$projectNames = $ # Use to debug: | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like 'DscResource*' }
foreach ($projectName in $projectNames)
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message ('Looking at project: {0}' -f $projectName)
$pipelinesJson = az pipelines list --organization $organization --project $projectName
$pipelines = $pipelinesJson | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
foreach ($pipeline in $pipelines)
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message ("`tUpdating pipeline: {0}" -f $
# The arguments "--secret true -prompt-value true" was not needed, it kept the variable as secret.
$variableUpdateResultJson = az pipelines variable update --name GithubToken --pipeline-id $ --organization $organization --project $projectName --value $PAT
$variableUpdateResult = $variableUpdateResultJson | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
# If $variableUpdateResult did not return anything the variable did not exist in the project.
if ($variableUpdateResult -and $VariableUpdateResult.GithubToken.isSecret -ne $true)
Write-Warning -Message ('The variable was NOT secret in the pipeline {0} of project {1}.' -f $projectName, $
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