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Last active May 31, 2023 11:19
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Wait for multiple JavaScript events to fire
* Waits for multiple DOM events to fire
* @example
* waitForEvents(window, [
* 'DOMContentLoaded',
* 'online'
* ])
* .then(function(result) {
* // do stuff
* });
* @param {object} eventTarget - element to listen for events on (default document)
* @param {Array<string>|string} eventNames - array or csv string of event names
* @param {boolean} strict - if true, does not resolve until events fire in exact order
* @returns {Promise<Array>} resolves with event objects in order
function waitForEvents(eventTarget, eventNames, strict) {
// Default to document if no eventTarget is provided
eventTarget = eventTarget || document;
// Convert eventNames to an array if it's not already
if (!Array.isArray(eventNames)) {
eventNames = String(eventNames).split(',');
// Trim whitespace from event names
eventNames = {
return String(eventName).trim();
// Throw an error if no valid event names are provided
if (eventNames.length <= 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid eventNames');
// Initialize an empty object to store the event objects
var eventObjects = {};
// Store the index of the last event that was fired
var lastEventIndex = -1;
// Create an array of promises, one for each event
var listeners =, index) {
// Return a promise that resolves once event fired
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
// Define event handler inside promise
function waitForEventHandler(e) {
// In strict mode, only resolve the promise when events are fired in order
if (strict && index !== lastEventIndex + 1) {
// If not in order, store the event but don't resolve the promise
eventObjects[e.type] = e;
} else {
// Remove the event listener once the event has fired
eventTarget.removeEventListener(eventName, waitForEventHandler);
// Store the event object in the eventObjects
eventObjects[e.type] = e;
// Update the index of the last fired event
lastEventIndex = index;
// Resolve the promise
// Add the event listener
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventName, waitForEventHandler, false);
// Return a promise that resolves when all events have fired
return Promise.all(listeners).then(function() {
// Return event objects in the order they were added
return {
return eventObjects[name];
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Event objects are now returned in the order they were added

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Added strict param, if true does not resolve the promise until all events have fired in order

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