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Created January 6, 2021 14:14

An update on my job at the Aragon Association

A few years ago, almost three years to the day, I announced on my blog that I had taken a new job working on the Aragon project:

I have had a great time working with many smart and passionate people there, and with the many teams working on decentralized governance tools in the Aragon ecosystem and beyond.

However, it is now with a heavy heart that I share with you that I have resigned from my post at the Aragon Association. I no longer recognize the place that I used to love to work. I believe it no longer reflects my values, nor the values of the Aragon Manifesto.

If power becomes centralized, it doesn't have to answer to anyone but itself. Decentralizing power is essential to minimizing corruption over time.

We must strive to create systems in which a large number of diverse stakeholders have a say, in order for common goods to be responsibly governed by their communities.

I decided to go public with why I'm leaving because the Aragon community deserves to know more about what the Aragon Association has been doing in their name. The Aragon Association has a reputation for transparency, which I think was well-deserved in the past but has been lacking as of late.

A good step toward improvement would be for the Aragon Association to publish all meeting minutes and financials for public review. I hope the community asks for and receives this information. Another good step would be to involve ANT holders and contributors more in Association governance. I hope the community asks for and receives this as well. These measures would help ensure community oversight and accountability at the Association.

I'm optimistic that with a group of passionate community members helping out, the Aragon Association can get back on the right track. I wish I could continue contributing to this effort but my energy has run out and now I need a break.

Thank you to my former colleagues for keeping the fight for freedom going strong. Thank you to the community for your support over the years. May we meet again soon.

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Bradymck commented Jan 6, 2021

Cheers John. Happy new year and I hope you find your energy and passion in what comes next.

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I always respected how you wear your own ideals on your sleeve, and at the same time generously engage in discussion with any and all view points from the community. I hope you stay involved in the Aragon Community over time, even if not in a professional capacity. Enjoy your break, all the best.

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You should create a union just like Alphabet:


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Why doesn’t Aragon and also Aragon users create a decentralised association at

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