My current goals:
- Go through my checklist before EVERY move.
- Stop playing hope chess: if you can find a single weakness in an idea, abandon it and find a new idea.
Before I move, every single time, I should first check the entire board for:
- Checks
- Captures
- Attacks
These three need to be applied to my side and my opponents side.
- control the center of the board
- try to bring out your nights and bishops first
- connect your rooks
- castle your king
- don't move the same piece twice before your four opening pieces are out
- bring your queen out early
- make too many pawn moves
- Don't play Hope Chess: make moves that support some idea
- Don't trade for fun
- Only make a trade that provides good numbers, or good positioning
- How to Get Good at Chess Fast - blog from small-time teacher who has improved his own game significantly.
- On Learning Chess as an Adult – From 650 to 1750 in Two Years
Beginners focus too much on this.
- For White: the London System
- For Black: King's Fianchetto Opening??
King's Indian Defense
black plays 1. Nf6 2. g6 3. Bg7
Dutch Defense:
black plays 1. f4
Other resources:
- Advanced French
- Caro Kahn
- Danish Gambit
- Evan's Gambit
- King's Indian
- London System
- Scandi
- Sicilian Defense
- Vienna Gambit
- Alapin Sicilian
- Caro Kahn
- Closed Sicilian
- Evan's Gambit
- Grand Prix
- King's Indian
- Queen's Gambit
- Ruy Lopez
- Sicilian Defense
- Vienna Gambit has some training tutorials called "vision", but those only train the names of the board coordinates.
This paper recommends training your vision daily at the beginning:
- 14 days visualizing forks and skewers
- 14 days visualizing knights and how they move
- Good 4-part blog on
- Opening Principles - with NM Caleb Denby
- look for opening weaknesses
- target a piece to keep it from developing
- Eric Rosen vs DimonZh - 2021
Frequently focus on:
- forks
- going up the exchange
- forced checkmates
- pins
- piece sacrifices
Always look for these first:
- checks
- captures
I'm an adult chess learner, trying to pick up chess. You can contact me via