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Last active May 5, 2021 01:25
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Notes on "Nuclear Systems" by Todreas and Kazimi

Notes on "Nuclear Systems"

These are just my notes on the textbook "Nuclear Systems" Volume 1, by Todreas and Kazimi. The textbook seems to be a classic on "Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals" of nuclear power reactors.

Chapter 1: Principal Characteristic of Power Reactors

This chapter attempts to give a friendly, high-level comparison of the different kinds of nuclear power reactors out there. It gives some reference as to their similarities and differences, and general performance and safety characteristics.

Neutron Energy Range Energy Range Name
0 - 0.025 eV Cold Neutrons
0.025 eV Thermal Neutrons
1 - 20 MeV Fast Neutrons

Note: Thermal Neutrons have probably bounced around a bit and are at room temperature. Note: Fast Neutrons are of particular interest, as they are what TerraPower is designing for.

Reactor Types

  • LWR - light water reactor (category)
  • HWR - heavy water reactor (category)
  • PWR - pressurized water reactor
  • BWR - boiling water reactor
  • PHWR - pressurized heavy water reactor
  • SGHWR - steam-generating heavy water reactor
  • AGR - advanced gas reactor
  • HTGR - high-temperature gas reactor
  • SFR - sodium-cooled fast reactor
  • SFBR - sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor

Terminology and Jargon

  • core
  • moderator
  • coolant
  • generator
  • control rod
  • fuel pin
  • fuel pellet

Chapter 2: Thermal Design Prinicipals and Applications

Core Energergy Production Parameters

variable units description
q'''(r) W / cm^3 volumetric energy generation rate
q''(s) kW / m^3 surface heat flux
q'(z) kW / m linear power / linear heat generation rate
q dot kW energy generation rate per pin
Q dot MW core power
Q''' Qdot_th / V_core kW / L core power density
Q^m Qdot_th/M_IHM kW / kg_IHM core-specific power

Obviously, the q dot through q''' above are related by spatial integrals.

Terminology and Jargon

  • IHX - Intermediate Heat eXchange
  • IHM - Initial Heavy Metal
  • CHF - Critical Heat Flux
  • DNB - Departure from Nucleate Boiling
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