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Created April 23, 2020 13:05
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Diablo PS1 gettext files
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msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgstr "THE SIN WAR"
msgid "Not long after Leoric took possession of Khanduras, a power long asleep awakened within the dark recesses beneath the Monastery. Sensing that freedom was within his grasp, Diablo entered the nightmares of the Arch-Bishop and lured him into the dark, subterranean labyrinth. In his terror, Lazarus raced throughout the abandoned hallways until he at last came to the chamber of the burning Soulstone. No longer in command of his body or spirit, he raised the stone above his head and uttered words long forgotten in the realm of mortals. His will destroyed, Lazarus shattered the Soulstone upon the ground. Diablo once again came into the world of Man. Although he was released from his imprisonment within the Soulstone, the Lord of Terror was still greatly weakened from his long sleep and required an anchor to the world. Once he had found a mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly depleted power. The great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above, and chose to take the strongest of them - that of King Leoric.\n\nFor many months King Leoric secretly fought the evil presence that twisted his thoughts and emotions. Sensing that he had been possessed by some unknown evil, Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise the corruption growing inside him - he was sorely mistaken. Diablo stripped away the core of Leorics being, burning away all honor and virtue from his soul. Lazarus too, had fallen under the sway of the Demon, keeping close to Leoric at all times. Lazarus worked to conceal the plans of his new Master from the Order of Light, hoping that the demons power would grow, well concealed amongst the servants of Zakarum.\n\nThe priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege. His once proud and rugged form became distorted and deformed. King Leoric became increasingly deranged and ordered immediate executions of any who dared to question his methods or authority. Leoric began to send his Knights to other villages to bully their townspeople into submission. The people of Khanduras who had once grown to see great honor in their ruler began to call Leoric the Black King.\n\nDriven to the brink of madness by the Lord of Terror, King Leoric slowly alienated his closest friends and advisors. Lachdanan, Captain of the Knights of the Order of Light and honored Champion of Zakarum, tried to discern the nature of his Kings deteriorating spirit. Yet at every turn the Arch-Bishop Lazarus would waylay Lachdanan and admonish him for questioning the actions of the King. As tensions grew between the two, Lazarus charged Lachdanan with treason against the Kingdom. To the Priests and Knights of Leorics court, the prospect of Lachdanan committing treason was ridiculous. Lachdanans motives were honorable and just, and soon many began to question the reason of their once beloved King.\n\nLeorics madness was growing more obvious with each passing day. Sensing that the advisors of the court were becoming increasingly suspicious of foul treachery, Lazarus desperately sought to contain the eroding situation. The Arch-Bishop masterfully convinced the delusional Leoric that the kingdom of Westmarch was plotting against him, secretly planning to dethrone him and annex Khanduras into its own lands. Leoric flew into a rage and summoned his advisors to his side. Manipulated by the Arch-Bishop, the paranoid King declared a state of war between the kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch.\n\nLeoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they did not believe in. Lachdanan was appointed by Lazarus to lead the armies of Khanduras into Westmarch. Although Lachdanan argued against the necessity of the coming conflict, he was honor-bound to uphold the will of his King. Many of the high-priests and officials were forced to travel to the North as emissaries on errands of diplomatic urgency, as well. The desperate ploy of Lazarus had succeeded in sending many of the Kings more troublesome advisors to their certain deaths..."
msgstr "Not long after Leoric took possession of Khanduras, a power long asleep awakened within the dark recesses beneath the Monastery. Sensing that freedom was within his grasp, Diablo entered the nightmares of the Arch-Bishop and lured him into the dark, subterranean labyrinth. In his terror, Lazarus raced throughout the abandoned hallways until he at last came to the chamber of the burning Soulstone. No longer in command of his body or spirit, he raised the stone above his head and uttered words long forgotten in the realm of mortals. His will destroyed, Lazarus shattered the Soulstone upon the ground. Diablo once again came into the world of Man. Although he was released from his imprisonment within the Soulstone, the Lord of Terror was still greatly weakened from his long sleep and required an anchor to the world. Once he had found a mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly depleted power. The great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above, and chose to take the strongest of them - that of King Leoric.\n\nFor many months King Leoric secretly fought the evil presence that twisted his thoughts and emotions. Sensing that he had been possessed by some unknown evil, Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise the corruption growing inside him - he was sorely mistaken. Diablo stripped away the core of Leoric’s being, burning away all honor and virtue from his soul. Lazarus too, had fallen under the sway of the Demon, keeping close to Leoric at all times. Lazarus worked to conceal the plans of his new Master from the Order of Light, hoping that the demon’s power would grow, well concealed amongst the servants of Zakarum.\n\nThe priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege. His once proud and rugged form became distorted and deformed. King Leoric became increasingly deranged and ordered immediate executions of any who dared to question his methods or authority. Leoric began to send his Knights to other villages to bully their townspeople into submission. The people of Khanduras who had once grown to see great honor in their ruler began to call Leoric the Black King.\n\nDriven to the brink of madness by the Lord of Terror, King Leoric slowly alienated his closest friends and advisors. Lachdanan, Captain of the Knights of the Order of Light and honored Champion of Zakarum, tried to discern the nature of his King’s deteriorating spirit. Yet at every turn the Arch-Bishop Lazarus would waylay Lachdanan and admonish him for questioning the actions of the King. As tensions grew between the two, Lazarus charged Lachdanan with treason against the Kingdom. To the Priests and Knights of Leoric’s court, the prospect of Lachdanan committing treason was ridiculous. Lachdanan’s motives were honorable and just, and soon many began to question the reason of their once beloved King.\n\nLeoric’s madness was growing more obvious with each passing day. Sensing that the advisors of the court were becoming increasingly suspicious of foul treachery, Lazarus desperately sought to contain the eroding situation. The Arch-Bishop masterfully convinced the delusional Leoric that the kingdom of Westmarch was plotting against him, secretly planning to dethrone him and annex Khanduras into its own lands. Leoric flew into a rage and summoned his advisors to his side. Manipulated by the Arch-Bishop, the paranoid King declared a state of war between the kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch.\n\nLeoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they did not believe in. Lachdanan was appointed by Lazarus to lead the armies of Khanduras into Westmarch. Although Lachdanan argued against the necessity of the coming conflict, he was honor-bound to uphold the will of his King. Many of the high-priests and officials were forced to travel to the North as emissaries on errands of diplomatic urgency, as well. The desperate ploy of Lazarus had succeeded in sending many of the King’s more ‘troublesome’ advisors to their certain deaths..."
msgid "In the ancient days, before the rise of the Western Empires, the dark and terrible entities known as the Three Evils were exiled to the world of Man. These eternal entities wandered throughout the waking world and fed upon the lusts of men, leaving chaos and attrition in their wake. The Evils turned father against son and prompted many great nations into brutal and petty wars. Their Exile from Hell left them with an insatiable hunger to bring suffering and pain to all those who would not kneel before them, and so the Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the Far East for countless centuries.\n\nEventually, a secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East. Employing disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within powerful artifacts called Soulstones. Mephisto and Baal, trapped within the swirling, spiritual constraints of the Soulstones, were then buried beneath the dunes of the desolate Eastern Sands.\n\nThe powers of Hatred and wanton Destruction seemed to diminish in the East as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third Brother, Diablo. They knew that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting peace within the realm of humanity.\n\nThe Horadrim followed in the wake of terror and anarchy that spread throughout the Western lands. After a great battle which claimed the lives of many brave souls, the Lord of Terror was captured and imprisoned within the last of the Soulstones by a group of Horadrim monks led by the Initiate Jered Cain. These monks carried the cursed stone to the land of Khanduras and buried it within a secluded cave near the river Talsande. Above this cave the Horadrim constructed a great Monastery from which they could continue to safeguard the Soulstone. As ages passed, the Horadrim constructed a network of catacombs beneath the Monastery to house the earthly remains of the martyrs of their Order.\n\nGenerations passed in Khanduras, and the numbers of the Horadrim slowly dwindled. With no quests left to undertake, and too few sons to sustain their guardianship, the once powerful Order faded into obscurity. Eventually, the great Monastery that they had built fell to ruins as well. Although villages grew and thrived around the shell of the old Monastery, no one knew of the dark, secret passageways that stretched into the cold earth beneath it. None could have dreamed of the burning red gem that pulsed within the labyrinths heart..."
msgstr "In the ancient days, before the rise of the Western Empires, the dark and terrible entities known as the Three Evils were exiled to the world of Man. These eternal entities wandered throughout the waking world and fed upon the lusts of men, leaving chaos and attrition in their wake. The Evils turned father against son and prompted many great nations into brutal and petty wars. Their Exile from Hell left them with an insatiable hunger to bring suffering and pain to all those who would not kneel before them, and so the Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the Far East for countless centuries.\n\nEventually, a secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East. Employing disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within powerful artifacts called Soulstones. Mephisto and Baal, trapped within the swirling, spiritual constraints of the Soulstones, were then buried beneath the dunes of the desolate Eastern Sands.\n\nThe powers of Hatred and wanton Destruction seemed to diminish in the East as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third Brother, Diablo. They knew that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting peace within the realm of humanity.\n\nThe Horadrim followed in the wake of terror and anarchy that spread throughout the Western lands. After a great battle which claimed the lives of many brave souls, the Lord of Terror was captured and imprisoned within the last of the Soulstones by a group of Horadrim monks led by the Initiate Jered Cain. These monks carried the cursed stone to the land of Khanduras and buried it within a secluded cave near the river Talsande. Above this cave the Horadrim constructed a great Monastery from which they could continue to safeguard the Soulstone. As ages passed, the Horadrim constructed a network of catacombs beneath the Monastery to house the earthly remains of the martyrs of their Order.\n\nGenerations passed in Khanduras, and the numbers of the Horadrim slowly dwindled. With no quests left to undertake, and too few sons to sustain their guardianship, the once powerful Order faded into obscurity. Eventually, the great Monastery that they had built fell to ruins as well. Although villages grew and thrived around the shell of the old Monastery, no one knew of the dark, secret passageways that stretched into the cold earth beneath it. None could have dreamed of the burning red gem that pulsed within the labyrinth’s heart..."
msgid "The absence of prying advisors and inquisitive Priests left Diablo free to assume total control over the Kings battered soul. As the Lord of Terror attempted to strengthen his hold upon the maddened King, he found that the lingering spirit of Leoric fought with him still. Although the control over Leoric that Diablo held was formidable, the Demon knew that in his weakened state he could never take complete possession of his soul as long as a glimmer of his will remained. The demonlord sought a fresh and innocent host upon which to build his Terror.\n\nThe demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the Kings soul was left corrupted and his mind crazed. Diablo began to search throughout Khanduras for the perfect vessel to act as his focus, and found such a soul easily within his reach. Enjoined by his dark master, Lazarus kidnapped Albrecht - the only son of Leoric - and dragged the terrified youth down into the blackness of the labyrinth. Flooding the boys defenseless mind with the essence of pure Terror, Diablo easily took possession of the young Albrecht.\n\nPain and fire raced through the childs soul. Hideous laughter filled his head and clouded his thoughts. Paralyzed with fear, Albrecht felt the presence of Diablo within his mind as it seemed to push him down, deeper and deeper into darkness and oblivion. Diablo gazed upon his surroundings through the eyes of the young prince. A lustful hunger still tortured the demon after his frustrating bout for control over Leoric, but the nightmares of the boy provided ample substance to sate him. Reaching deep into Albrechts subconscious, Diablo ripped the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.\n\nAlbrecht watched, as if out of a dream, twisted and disfigured forms appeared all around him. Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him chanting choruses of obscenities. All of the monsters that he had ever imagined or believed that he had seen in his life became flesh and were given life before him. Large bodies comprised of living rock erupted from the walls and bowed to their dark master. The ancient, skeletal corpses of the Horadrim arose from archaic crypts and lumbered off into the red washed corridors beyond. As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow against Albrechts shattered spirit, the bloodlusted ghouls and demons of his mind scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening passageways of his waking Nightmare.\n\nThe ancient catacombs of the Horadrim had become a twisted labyrinth of raw, focused Terror. Empowered by Diablos possession of young Albrecht, the creatures of the boys own imagination had gained corporeal form. So strong was the terror that grew inside of Albrecht, that the borders of the Mortal realm began to warp and tear. The Burning Hell began to seep into the world of Man and take root within the labyrinth. Beings and occurrences displaced by time and space, and long lost to the history of Man were pulled screaming into the ever-expanding domain.\n\nThe body of Albrecht, fully possessed by Diablo, began to distort and change. The small boy grew and his eyes blazed as tendril-like spines ripped through his flesh. Great, arched horns erupted from Albrechts skull as Diablo altered the form of the child to match that of his demonic body. Deep within the recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. When the moment was right, Diablo would venture once more into the mortal world and free his captive Brothers, Mephisto and Baal. The Prime Evils would be reunited, and together they would reclaim their rightful place in Hell."
msgstr "The absence of prying advisors and inquisitive Priests left Diablo free to assume total control over the King’s battered soul. As the Lord of Terror attempted to strengthen his hold upon the maddened King, he found that the lingering spirit of Leoric fought with him still. Although the control over Leoric that Diablo held was formidable, the Demon knew that in his weakened state he could never take complete possession of his soul as long as a glimmer of his will remained. The demonlord sought a fresh and innocent host upon which to build his Terror.\n\nThe demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the King’s soul was left corrupted and his mind crazed. Diablo began to search throughout Khanduras for the perfect vessel to act as his focus, and found such a soul easily within his reach. Enjoined by his dark master, Lazarus kidnapped Albrecht - the only son of Leoric - and dragged the terrified youth down into the blackness of the labyrinth. Flooding the boy’s defenseless mind with the essence of pure Terror, Diablo easily took possession of the young Albrecht.\n\nPain and fire raced through the child’s soul. Hideous laughter filled his head and clouded his thoughts. Paralyzed with fear, Albrecht felt the presence of Diablo within his mind as it seemed to push him down, deeper and deeper into darkness and oblivion. Diablo gazed upon his surroundings through the eyes of the young prince. A lustful hunger still tortured the demon after his frustrating bout for control over Leoric, but the nightmares of the boy provided ample substance to sate him. Reaching deep into Albrecht’s subconscious, Diablo ripped the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.\n\nAlbrecht watched, as if out of a dream, twisted and disfigured forms appeared all around him. Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him chanting choruses of obscenities. All of the ‘monsters’ that he had ever imagined or believed that he had seen in his life became flesh and were given life before him. Large bodies comprised of living rock erupted from the walls and bowed to their dark master. The ancient, skeletal corpses of the Horadrim arose from archaic crypts and lumbered off into the red washed corridors beyond. As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow against Albrecht’s shattered spirit, the bloodlusted ghouls and demons of his mind scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening passageways of his waking Nightmare.\n\nThe ancient catacombs of the Horadrim had become a twisted labyrinth of raw, focused Terror. Empowered by Diablo’s possession of young Albrecht, the creatures of the boy’s own imagination had gained corporeal form. So strong was the terror that grew inside of Albrecht, that the borders of the Mortal realm began to warp and tear. The Burning Hell began to seep into the world of Man and take root within the labyrinth. Beings and occurrences displaced by time and space, and long lost to the history of Man were pulled screaming into the ever-expanding domain.\n\nThe body of Albrecht, fully possessed by Diablo, began to distort and change. The small boy grew and his eyes blazed as tendril-like spines ripped through his flesh. Great, arched horns erupted from Albrecht’s skull as Diablo altered the form of the child to match that of his demonic body. Deep within the recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. When the moment was right, Diablo would venture once more into the mortal world and free his captive Brothers, Mephisto and Baal. The Prime Evils would be reunited, and together they would reclaim their rightful place in Hell."
msgid "'Seven is the number of the powers of Hell, and Seven is the number of the Great Evils.'\n\nDuriel, the Lord of Pain\n\nAndariel, the Maiden of Anguish\n\nBelial, the Lord of Lies\n\nAzmodan, the Lord of Sin\n\nThese are the true names of the lesser of the Great Evils. For ages uncounted each have ruled over their own domains within the Burning Hells, seeking absolute dominion over their infernal brethren. As the Lesser Four continuously vied for the control of those forces that dwelled within their realms, the Greater Three held absolute power over the whole of Hell. The Lesser Four used dark and evil measures in their quest for power, and herein begins the legend of the Dark Exile.\n\nMephisto, the Lord of Hatred\n\nBaal, the Lord of Destruction\n\nDiablo, the Lord of Terror\n\nThese are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark, sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils, the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.\n\nWith the ascension of Man and the subsequent standstill of the Great Conflict, the Three Brothers began to devote their energies to the perversion of mortal souls. The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning. This change caused many of the Lesser Evils to question the authority of the Three, and so brought about a great rift between the Prime Evils and their servitors.\n\nIn their ignorance, the Lesser Evils began to believe that the Three were afraid to continue the war with Heaven. Frustrated by the cessation of the war, Azmodan and Belial saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two demon lords made a pact with their minor brethren, assuring them that the wretched plague of humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate, achieve victory in the Sin War and ultimately ride the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into the very arms of Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers...\n\nThe Brothers fought with all of the savagery of the Underworld, and to their credit, annihilated a third of Hells treacherous legions. In the end, however, they were overcome by the Horned Death led by the traitors Azmodan and Belial. The Prime Evils, weakened and bodiless, were banished to the mortal realm where Azmodan hoped that they would remain trapped forever. Azmodan believed that with the Three set loose upon humanity, the Angels would be forced to turn their focus upon on the mortal plane - thus leaving the Gates of Heaven abandoned and defenseless. Those few demons who still pledged allegiance to the Three Brothers fled the wrath of Azmodan and Belial, escaping to the realm of Man to seek out their lost Masters.\n\nAs the warfires died out upon the battlefields of Hell, Azmodan and Belial began to argue over which of them held the higher authority. The pact that they had made quickly fell to ashes as the two demon lords took up arms against each other. The legions of Hell that remained were polarized behind either warlord, launching themselves into a bloody civil war that has lasted to this day..."
msgstr "'Seven is the number of the powers of Hell, and Seven is the number of the Great Evils.'\n\nDuriel, the Lord of Pain\n\nAndariel, the Maiden of Anguish\n\nBelial, the Lord of Lies\n\nAzmodan, the Lord of Sin\n\nThese are the true names of the lesser of the Great Evils. For ages uncounted each have ruled over their own domains within the Burning Hells, seeking absolute dominion over their infernal brethren. As the Lesser Four continuously vied for the control of those forces that dwelled within their realms, the Greater Three held absolute power over the whole of Hell. The Lesser Four used dark and evil measures in their quest for power, and herein begins the legend of the Dark Exile.\n\nMephisto, the Lord of Hatred\n\nBaal, the Lord of Destruction\n\nDiablo, the Lord of Terror\n\nThese are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark, sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils, the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.\n\nWith the ascension of Man and the subsequent standstill of the Great Conflict, the Three Brothers began to devote their energies to the perversion of mortal souls. The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning. This change caused many of the Lesser Evils to question the authority of the Three, and so brought about a great rift between the Prime Evils and their servitors.\n\nIn their ignorance, the Lesser Evils began to believe that the Three were afraid to continue the war with Heaven. Frustrated by the cessation of the war, Azmodan and Belial saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two demon lords made a pact with their minor brethren, assuring them that the wretched plague of humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate, achieve victory in the Sin War and ultimately ride the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into the very arms of Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers...\n\nThe Brothers fought with all of the savagery of the Underworld, and to their credit, annihilated a third of Hell’s treacherous legions. In the end, however, they were overcome by the Horned Death led by the traitors Azmodan and Belial. The Prime Evils, weakened and bodiless, were banished to the mortal realm where Azmodan hoped that they would remain trapped forever. Azmodan believed that with the Three set loose upon humanity, the Angels would be forced to turn their focus upon on the mortal plane - thus leaving the Gates of Heaven abandoned and defenseless. Those few demons who still pledged allegiance to the Three Brothers fled the wrath of Azmodan and Belial, escaping to the realm of Man to seek out their lost Masters.\n\nAs the warfires died out upon the battlefields of Hell, Azmodan and Belial began to argue over which of them held the higher authority. The pact that they had made quickly fell to ashes as the two demon lords took up arms against each other. The legions of Hell that remained were polarized behind either warlord, launching themselves into a bloody civil war that has lasted to this day..."
msgid "The war against the zealous armies of Westmarch ended with a horrible slaughter. With the army of Khanduras ripped to shreds by the superior numbers and defensive positions of Westmarch, Lachdanan quickly gathered together those who were not captured or killed and ordered a retreat back to the safety of Khanduras. They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.\n\nKing Leoric, deep within the throes of madness, went into a rage when he learned that his son was missing. After scouring the village with the few guards that remained with him at the monastery, Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere. Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrechts whereabouts, Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him, and that they would pay the price for such treachery.\n\nThe mysterious disappearance of the Arch-Bishop Lazarus left no one in Tristram with whom the King would take council. Overcome by grief and dementia, Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason.\n\nAs Lachdanan and his fellow survivors returned to confront their King, Leoric sent his few remaining guards against them. Believing that Lachdanan was somehow part of the townsfolks conspiracy, Leoric decreed that he and his party were to die. \tLachdanan, finally realizing that Leoric was beyond salvation, ordered his men to defend themselves. The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. Lachdanan won a bittersweet victory as his men were forced to kill all of Leorics deceived protectors. They cornered the ravenous King within his own sanctuary and begged him to explain the atrocities he had committed. Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against both his crown and the Light.\n\nLachdanan walked slowly towards his King and sorrowfully drew his sword. Full of grief and rage, all honor having been cast to the winds, Lachdanan ran his blade through Leorics shriveled, blackened heart. The once noble King screamed an unearthly death-cry, and as his madness finally overtook him, he brought down a curse upon those who had so betrayed him. Calling upon the forces of Darkness that he had spent his entire life combating, Leoric condemned Lachdanan and the others to eternal damnation. In that last, fleeting moment within the heart of the Monastery, all that was ever virtuous or honorable about the stewards of Khanduras was shattered forever."
msgstr "The war against the zealous armies of Westmarch ended with a horrible slaughter. With the army of Khanduras ripped to shreds by the superior numbers and defensive positions of Westmarch, Lachdanan quickly gathered together those who were not captured or killed and ordered a retreat back to the safety of Khanduras. They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.\n\nKing Leoric, deep within the throes of madness, went into a rage when he learned that his son was missing. After scouring the village with the few guards that remained with him at the monastery, Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere. Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrecht’s whereabouts, Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him, and that they would pay the price for such treachery.\n\nThe mysterious disappearance of the Arch-Bishop Lazarus left no one in Tristram with whom the King would take council. Overcome by grief and dementia, Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason.\n\nAs Lachdanan and his fellow survivors returned to confront their King, Leoric sent his few remaining guards against them. Believing that Lachdanan was somehow part of the townsfolk’s conspiracy, Leoric decreed that he and his party were to die. \tLachdanan, finally realizing that Leoric was beyond salvation, ordered his men to defend themselves. The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. Lachdanan won a bittersweet victory as his men were forced to kill all of Leoric’s deceived protectors. They cornered the ravenous King within his own sanctuary and begged him to explain the atrocities he had committed. Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against both his crown and the Light.\n\nLachdanan walked slowly towards his King and sorrowfully drew his sword. Full of grief and rage, all honor having been cast to the winds, Lachdanan ran his blade through Leoric’s shriveled, blackened heart. The once noble King screamed an unearthly death-cry, and as his madness finally overtook him, he brought down a curse upon those who had so betrayed him. Calling upon the forces of Darkness that he had spent his entire life combating, Leoric condemned Lachdanan and the others to eternal damnation. In that last, fleeting moment within the heart of the Monastery, all that was ever virtuous or honorable about the stewards of Khanduras was shattered forever."
msgid "Since the Beginning, the forces of Light and Darkness have engaged in an eternal war: The Great Conflict, whose victor will rise from the apocalyptic ashes to hold sway over all creation. To this end, the Angels of the High Heavens adhere to strict militaristic disciplines. Seraphim warriors strike at the enemies of Light with swords imbued with righteous wrath and justice. The Angels believe that only absolute discipline can properly restore order to the myriad realms, while the demonic denizens of the Burning Hells hold that absolute chaos is the true nature of all things.\n\nThe battles of the Great Conflict rage across both time and space, often infringing upon the very fabric of reality itself. From the Crystal Arch at the very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the warriors of these eternal realms journey to wherever their timeless conflict carries them. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both veneration and insight.\n\nThe greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Arch-Angel Tyrael and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing completion. His quest was to destroy both wielder and weapon - a charge that he was destined never to complete. Izual was overcome by the legions of chaos and, tragically, was lost to the Darkness. His fate stands as testament to the fact that Angels and Demons alike shall fearlessly enter into any domain - so long as their hated enemies dwell within.\n\nAlthough the Great Conflict burned hotter and longer than any of the stars in the sky, neither side could gain dominion over the other for long. Both factions sought some way to turn the tides of the war to their favor. With the ascension of Man and his mortal realm, the Great Conflict ground to a mysterious halt. Both armies paused in a breathless stalemate, waiting to see to whose side Man would eventually turn.\n\nMortals had the unique ability to choose between Darkness and Light, and it was held that this would be the deciding factor in the outcome of the Great Conflict. Thus, the agents of the nether-realms descended to the mortal realm to vie for the favor of Man..."
msgstr "Since the Beginning, the forces of Light and Darkness have engaged in an eternal war: The Great Conflict, whose victor will rise from the apocalyptic ashes to hold sway over all creation. To this end, the Angels of the High Heavens adhere to strict militaristic disciplines. Seraphim warriors strike at the enemies of Light with swords imbued with righteous wrath and justice. The Angels believe that only absolute discipline can properly restore order to the myriad realms, while the demonic denizens of the Burning Hells hold that absolute chaos is the true nature of all things.\n\nThe battles of the Great Conflict rage across both time and space, often infringing upon the very fabric of reality itself. From the Crystal Arch at the very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the warriors of these eternal realms journey to wherever their timeless conflict carries them. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both veneration and insight.\n\nThe greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Arch-Angel Tyrael and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing completion. His quest was to destroy both wielder and weapon - a charge that he was destined never to complete. Izual was overcome by the legions of chaos and, tragically, was lost to the Darkness. His fate stands as testament to the fact that Angels and Demons alike shall fearlessly enter into any domain - so long as their hated enemies dwell within.\n\nAlthough the Great Conflict burned hotter and longer than any of the stars in the sky, neither side could gain dominion over the other for long. Both factions sought some way to turn the tides of the war to their favor. With the ascension of Man and his mortal realm, the Great Conflict ground to a mysterious halt. Both armies paused in a breathless stalemate, waiting to see to whose side Man would eventually turn.\n\nMortals had the unique ability to choose between Darkness and Light, and it was held that this would be the deciding factor in the outcome of the Great Conflict. Thus, the agents of the nether-realms descended to the mortal realm to vie for the favor of Man..."
msgid "Years after the last of the Horadrim had died, a great and prosperous society grew in the lands of the West. As time wore on, many Eastern pilgrims settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and soon established small, self-contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over holdings of property or routes of trade. These squabbles did little to upset the lasting peace of the West, and the great Northern kingdom of Westmarch proved to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures of barter and commerce.\n\nDuring this time, a bold, new religion of the Light known as Zakarum began to spread throughout the kingdom of Westmarch and into many of its northern principalities. Zakarum, founded in the Far East, implored followers to enter into the Light and forsake the darkness that lurked within their souls. The people of Westmarch adopted the statutes of Zakarum as their sacred mission in the world. Westmarch began to turn towards its neighbors, expecting them to embrace this 'New Beginning' as well. Tensions rose between the kingdoms of Westmarch and Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.\n\nIt was then that the great northern lord Leoric came unto the lands of Khanduras and, in the name of Zakarum, declared himself King. Leoric was a deeply religious man and had brought many Knights and Priests with him that comprised his Order of the Light. Leoric and his trusted advisor, the Arch-Bishop Lazarus, made their way to the city of Tristram. Leoric appropriated the ancient, decrepit Monastery on the outskirts of the town for his seat of power and renovated it to match its time-lost glory. Although the free people of Khanduras were not pleased with being placed under the sudden rule of a foreign King, Leoric served them with justice and might. Eventually, the people of Khanduras grew to respect the kind Leoric, sensing that he sought only to guide and protect them against the oppression of Darkness."
msgstr "Years after the last of the Horadrim had died, a great and prosperous society grew in the lands of the West. As time wore on, many Eastern pilgrims settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and soon established small, self-contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over holdings of property or routes of trade. These squabbles did little to upset the lasting peace of the West, and the great Northern kingdom of Westmarch proved to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures of barter and commerce.\n\nDuring this time, a bold, new religion of the Light known as Zakarum began to spread throughout the kingdom of Westmarch and into many of its northern principalities. Zakarum, founded in the Far East, implored followers to enter into the Light and forsake the darkness that lurked within their souls. The people of Westmarch adopted the statutes of Zakarum as their sacred mission in the world. Westmarch began to turn towards its neighbors, expecting them to embrace this 'New Beginning' as well. Tensions rose between the kingdoms of Westmarch and Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.\n\nIt was then that the great northern lord Leoric came unto the lands of Khanduras and, in the name of Zakarum, declared himself King. Leoric was a deeply religious man and had brought many Knights and Priests with him that comprised his Order of the Light. Leoric and his trusted advisor, the Arch-Bishop Lazarus, made their way to the city of Tristram. Leoric appropriated the ancient, decrepit Monastery on the outskirts of the town for his seat of power and renovated it to match its time-lost glory. Although the free people of Khanduras were not pleased with being placed under the sudden rule of a foreign King, Leoric served them with justice and might. Eventually, the people of Khanduras grew to respect the kind Leoric, sensing that he sought only to guide and protect them against the oppression of Darkness."
msgid "It was long ago that the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael bestowed upon us the secrets of the mysterious Soulstones. Tyrael bequested upon our Order three of these Stones so we could contain the vile essences of the Three Prime Evils who had been let loose upon our world. Although the artifacts were constructed in realms far removed from our own, we found that they were simple to understand.\n\nThe Soulstones effect only beings that are non-corporeal and thus have no power over living, breathing creatures. When invoked, the Soulstones bring into being a strong 'spiritual' vacuum. Any non-physical entities caught within this vacuum are drawn into the burning recesses of the Soulstone and are forever trapped within. These spirits are released only when the Soulstone is deactivated or destroyed.\n\nThe power of the Soulstones proved to be much more difficult to employ when used against the great Prime Evils. Voraciously disposed to possessing hapless mortals, the Three Brothers found that they were immune to the effects of the Stones while occupying human souls. Sadly, we were forced to hunt down and kill the innocent victims of the Prime Evils so that their demonic essences could be subject to the effects of the Soulstones.\n\nMephisto and Diablo, once found, were easily lured into the Soulstones. The capture of their brother Baal, however, became complicated when the Soulstone that was to be his eternal prison was shattered and fragmented. We found that while the shards still held the power to lure the demon to them, they could not properly contain it. Tal Rasha, a fellow Initiate who has since been immortalized in Horadrim lore, theorized that a mortal of strong will might be able to contain Baal within his own mortal soul. This sacrifice meant that the essence of any mortal so chosen would be forever tortured while locked in eternal conflict with the enthralled demon. To this end, Tal Rasha volunteered to contain the raging Lord of Destruction.\n\nPiercing his breast with a shard of the Soulstone, Tal Rasha took within himself the essence of Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The Initiates body was shackled, chained and buried deep within a tomb under the desert. The sacrifice of Tal Rasha has kept Baal imprisoned for many years now, and although the demon was imprisoned without the use a whole Soulstone, we believe that our victory may be a hollow one. Should Tal Rasha ever escape, he would have the formidable powers of Baal added to his own. By ridding the world of this present Evil, we may have created a nightmare worse than that which we first sought to contain..."
msgstr "It was long ago that the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael bestowed upon us the secrets of the mysterious Soulstones. Tyrael bequested upon our Order three of these Stones so we could contain the vile essences of the Three Prime Evils who had been let loose upon our world. Although the artifacts were constructed in realms far removed from our own, we found that they were simple to understand.\n\nThe Soulstones effect only beings that are non-corporeal and thus have no power over living, breathing creatures. When invoked, the Soulstones bring into being a strong 'spiritual' vacuum. Any non-physical entities caught within this vacuum are drawn into the burning recesses of the Soulstone and are forever trapped within. These spirits are released only when the Soulstone is deactivated or destroyed.\n\nThe power of the Soulstones proved to be much more difficult to employ when used against the great Prime Evils. Voraciously disposed to possessing hapless mortals, the Three Brothers found that they were immune to the effects of the Stones while occupying human souls. Sadly, we were forced to hunt down and kill the innocent victims of the Prime Evils so that their demonic essences could be subject to the effects of the Soulstones.\n\nMephisto and Diablo, once found, were easily lured into the Soulstones. The capture of their brother Baal, however, became complicated when the Soulstone that was to be his eternal prison was shattered and fragmented. We found that while the shards still held the power to lure the demon to them, they could not properly contain it. Tal Rasha, a fellow Initiate who has since been immortalized in Horadrim lore, theorized that a mortal of strong will might be able to contain Baal within his own mortal soul. This sacrifice meant that the essence of any mortal so chosen would be forever tortured while locked in eternal conflict with the enthralled demon. To this end, Tal Rasha volunteered to contain the raging Lord of Destruction.\n\nPiercing his breast with a shard of the Soulstone, Tal Rasha took within himself the essence of Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The Initiate’s body was shackled, chained and buried deep within a tomb under the desert. The sacrifice of Tal Rasha has kept Baal imprisoned for many years now, and although the demon was imprisoned without the use a whole Soulstone, we believe that our victory may be a hollow one. Should Tal Rasha ever escape, he would have the formidable powers of Baal added to his own. By ridding the world of this present Evil, we may have created a nightmare worse than that which we first sought to contain..."
msgid "The Black King lay dead, slain at the hands of his own Priests and Knights. The young Prince Albrecht was still missing, and the proud defenders of Khanduras were no more. The people of Tristram looked about their lifeless town and were greatly dismayed. Awash in feelings of both relief and remorse, they soon realized that their troubles had merely begun. Strange, eerie lights appeared in the darkened windows of the Monastery. Misshapen, leathery-skinned creatures were seen venturing forth from the shadows of the church. Horrible, wounded cries seemed to linger on the wind, emanating from deep underground. It became apparent that something quite unnatural had infested the once holy sight...\n\nTravelers on the roads surrounding Tristram were accosted by cloaked riders that seemed to now constantly roam the deserted countryside. Many villagers fled Tristram, making their way to other towns or kingdoms, fearing some unnamed evil that seemed to wait in the shadows all around them. Those few who chose to remain seldom ventured out at night, and never tread foot upon the grounds of the cursed Monastery. Whispered rumors of poor, innocent people being abducted in the night by wicked, nightmarish creatures filled the halls of the local inn. With no King, no law, and no army left to defend them, many of the townsfolk began to fear an attack from the things that now dwelt beneath their town.\n\nThe Arch-Bishop Lazarus, frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good judgment, Lazarus whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them that Prince Albrecht was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared, they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of Hell itself...\n\nThe few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to Tristram and recounted what they could of the ordeal. Their wounds were terrible, and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the hearts of all of the towns inhabitants. It was a Terror that none of them had ever known...\n\nDeep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, Diablo gorged himself upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming shadows and began to harness his depleted power.\n\nHe smiled to himself in the sheltering darkness, for he knew that the time of his final victory was fast approaching..."
msgstr "The Black King lay dead, slain at the hands of his own Priests and Knights. The young Prince Albrecht was still missing, and the proud defenders of Khanduras were no more. The people of Tristram looked about their lifeless town and were greatly dismayed. Awash in feelings of both relief and remorse, they soon realized that their troubles had merely begun. Strange, eerie lights appeared in the darkened windows of the Monastery. Misshapen, leathery-skinned creatures were seen venturing forth from the shadows of the church. Horrible, wounded cries seemed to linger on the wind, emanating from deep underground. It became apparent that something quite unnatural had infested the once holy sight...\n\nTravelers on the roads surrounding Tristram were accosted by cloaked riders that seemed to now constantly roam the deserted countryside. Many villagers fled Tristram, making their way to other towns or kingdoms, fearing some unnamed evil that seemed to wait in the shadows all around them. Those few who chose to remain seldom ventured out at night, and never tread foot upon the grounds of the cursed Monastery. Whispered rumors of poor, innocent people being abducted in the night by wicked, nightmarish creatures filled the halls of the local inn. With no King, no law, and no army left to defend them, many of the townsfolk began to fear an attack from the things that now dwelt beneath their town.\n\nThe Arch-Bishop Lazarus, frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good judgment, Lazarus whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them that Prince Albrecht was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared, they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of Hell itself...\n\nThe few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to Tristram and recounted what they could of the ordeal. Their wounds were terrible, and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the hearts of all of the town’s inhabitants. It was a Terror that none of them had ever known...\n\nDeep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, Diablo gorged himself upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming shadows and began to harness his depleted power.\n\nHe smiled to himself in the sheltering darkness, for he knew that the time of his final victory was fast approaching..."
msgid "The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm is known as the Sin War. Angels and Demons, disguising themselves while traveling amongst men, attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes. Over time, the forces of Darkness discovered that mortals responded much more to brute force than to subtle coercion, and so began to terrorize Man into submission. The Angels fought to defend humanity against this demonic oppression, but all too often their austere methods and severe punishments succeeded only in alienating those whom they sought to protect.\n\nThe violent battles of the Sin War occurred often, but they were seldom witnessed by the prying eyes of Man. Only a few 'enlightened' souls were aware of the supernatural beings that walked amongst the huddled masses of humanity. Powerful mortals arose and accepted the challenge of the Sin War, allying themselves with both sides in the Great Conflict. The legendary deeds of these great mortal warriors served to earn both the respect and hatred of the nether-worlds. Although lesser demons kneeled before those possessing power and strength, they also cursed the very existence of mortal man. Many of these fiends believed that the deadlock brought about by the emergence of Man was a perverse offense to their 'higher' role in the great scheme of things.\n\nThis jealousy of Man led to harsh, atrocious acts of violence by the demons against the mortal realm. Some men learned of this deep hatred and used it against the denizens of the Underworld. One such mortal, Horazon the Summoner, delighted in summoning demons and then breaking them to his will. Horazon, along with his brother Bartuc, were members of the Eastern mage-clan known as the Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their lore for generations. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. The denizens of Hell sought revenge against this bold mortal, but Horazon managed to keep himself well protected within his arcane sanctuary.\n\nBartuc, the brother of Horazon, was eventually lured to the side of Darkness. He was granted exceptional strength and longevity, and fought alongside the legions of Hell against the cursed Vizjerei, and eventually his own brother during the Sin War. Although Bartuc was renowned amongst the warriors of many realms, his dominance in battle came with a terrible price. An insatiable lust for mortal blood pervaded his every thought and deed. Bartuc soon became as fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies as he did of shedding it, and in time he came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood."
msgstr "The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm is known as the Sin War. Angels and Demons, disguising themselves while traveling amongst men, attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes. Over time, the forces of Darkness discovered that mortals responded much more to brute force than to subtle coercion, and so began to terrorize Man into submission. The Angels fought to defend humanity against this demonic oppression, but all too often their austere methods and severe punishments succeeded only in alienating those whom they sought to protect.\n\nThe violent battles of the Sin War occurred often, but they were seldom witnessed by the prying eyes of Man. Only a few 'enlightened' souls were aware of the supernatural beings that walked amongst the huddled masses of humanity. Powerful mortals arose and accepted the challenge of the Sin War, allying themselves with both sides in the Great Conflict. The legendary deeds of these great mortal warriors served to earn both the respect and hatred of the nether-worlds. Although lesser demons kneeled before those possessing power and strength, they also cursed the very existence of mortal man. Many of these fiends believed that the deadlock brought about by the emergence of Man was a perverse offense to their 'higher' role in the great scheme of things.\n\nThis jealousy of Man led to harsh, atrocious acts of violence by the demons against the mortal realm. Some men learned of this deep hatred and used it against the denizens of the Underworld. One such mortal, Horazon the Summoner, delighted in summoning demons and then breaking them to his will. Horazon, along with his brother Bartuc, were members of the Eastern mage-clan known as the Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their lore for generations. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. The denizens of Hell sought revenge against this bold mortal, but Horazon managed to keep himself well protected within his arcane sanctuary.\n\nBartuc, the brother of Horazon, was eventually lured to the side of Darkness. He was granted exceptional strength and longevity, and fought alongside the legions of Hell against the cursed Vizjerei, and eventually his own brother during the Sin War. Although Bartuc was renowned amongst the warriors of many realms, his dominance in battle came with a terrible price. An insatiable lust for mortal blood pervaded his every thought and deed. Bartuc soon became as fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies as he did of shedding it, and in time he came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood."
msgid "1 Charge"
msgstr "1 Charge"
msgid "1 Scroll"
msgstr "1 Scroll"
msgid "Abandoned"
msgstr "Abandoned"
msgid "Absolute"
msgstr "Absolute"
msgid "absorbs half of trap damage"
msgstr "absorbs half of trap damage"
msgid "absorption"
msgstr "absorption"
msgid "accuracy"
msgstr "accuracy"
msgid "Acid Beast"
msgstr "Acid Beast"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"
msgid "adds 20% to an item's"
msgstr "adds 20% to an item's"
msgid "adds %i points to damage"
msgstr "adds %i points to damage"
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Adjust"
msgid "Adria"
msgstr "Adria"
msgid "Adria the Witch"
msgstr "Adria the Witch"
msgid "Advocate"
msgstr "Advocate"
msgid "Aguinara's Hatchet"
msgstr "Aguinara's Hatchet"
msgid "All Resistance equals 0"
msgstr "All Resistance equals 0"
msgid "All Spells"
msgstr "All Spells"
msgid "altered durability"
msgstr "altered durability"
msgid "Amber"
msgstr "Amber"
msgid "Amulet"
msgstr "Amulet"
msgid "Amulet of the Dead"
msgstr "Amulet of the Dead"
msgid "Ancient Tome"
msgstr "Ancient Tome"
msgid "Angel's"
msgstr "Angel's"
msgid "Anvil of Fury"
msgstr "Anvil of Fury"
msgid "Apocalypse"
msgstr "Apocalypse"
msgid "Arcane power brings destruction"
msgstr "Arcane power brings destruction"
msgid "Arcane knowledge gained!"
msgstr "Arcane knowledge gained!"
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus"
msgstr "Archbishop Lazarus"
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus' Lair"
msgstr "Archbishop Lazarus' Lair"
msgid "Arch-Angel's"
msgstr "Arch-Angel's"
msgid "Arch-Bishop Lazarus"
msgstr "Arch-Bishop Lazarus"
msgid "Are you sure you want to buy this item?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to buy this item?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to identify this item?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to identify this item?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to recharge this item?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to recharge this item?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to repair this item?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to repair this item?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to sell this item?"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to sell this item?"
msgid "ARE YOU SURE ?"
msgstr "ARE YOU SURE ?"
msgid "Arkaine's Valor"
msgstr "Arkaine's Valor"
msgid "Armor"
msgstr "Armor"
msgid "ARMOR\nCLASS"
msgstr "ARMOR\nCLASS"
msgid "AC"
msgstr "AC"
msgid "Armor class added to life"
msgstr "Armor class added to life"
msgid "armor class: %i"
msgstr "armor class: %i"
msgid "armor: %i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "armor: %i Dur: %i/%i"
msgid "armor: %i Indestructible"
msgstr "armor: %i Indestructible"
msgid "Armor: %i "
msgstr "Armor: %i "
msgid "atrophy"
msgstr "atrophy"
msgid "attacker takes 1-3 damage"
msgstr "attacker takes 1-3 damage"
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Attack"
msgid "View Automap"
msgstr "View Automap"
msgid "Awesome"
msgstr "Awesome"
msgid "Axe"
msgstr "Axe"
msgid "Azurewrath"
msgstr "Azurewrath"
msgid "Azure"
msgstr "Azure"
msgid "Azure Drake"
msgstr "Azure Drake"
msgid "A Dark Passage"
msgstr "A Dark Passage"
msgid "History"
msgstr "History"
msgid "Back to Level %i"
msgstr "Back to Level %i"
msgid "balance"
msgstr "balance"
msgid "Balrog"
msgstr "Balrog"
msgid "Baranar's Star"
msgstr "Baranar's Star"
msgid "Baron Sludge"
msgstr "Baron Sludge"
msgid "Barrel"
msgstr "Barrel"
msgid "BASE"
msgstr "BASE"
msgid "bashing"
msgstr "bashing"
msgid "Bastard Sword"
msgstr "Bastard Sword"
msgid "Battle Axe"
msgstr "Battle Axe"
msgid "Bent"
msgstr "Bent"
msgid "Bilefroth the Pit Master"
msgstr "Bilefroth the Pit Master"
msgid "Blackash the Burning"
msgstr "Blackash the Burning"
msgid "Blackest Blade"
msgstr "Blackest Blade"
msgid "BlackJade"
msgstr "BlackJade"
msgid "Blackoak Shield"
msgstr "Blackoak Shield"
msgid "Blackskull"
msgstr "Blackskull"
msgid "Blacksmith Oil"
msgstr "Blacksmith Oil"
msgid "Blacksmith's shop"
msgstr "Blacksmith's shop"
msgid "Blackstorm"
msgstr "Blackstorm"
msgid "Blacktongue"
msgstr "Blacktongue"
msgid "Black Death"
msgstr "Black Death"
msgid "Black Knight"
msgstr "Black Knight"
msgid "Black Mushroom"
msgstr "Black Mushroom"
msgid "Black Razor"
msgstr "Black Razor"
msgid "Bladeskin the Slasher"
msgstr "Bladeskin the Slasher"
msgid "Blade"
msgstr "Blade"
msgid " "
msgstr " "
msgid "Blessed"
msgstr "Blessed"
msgid "Blessed by a benevolent companion!"
msgstr "Blessed by a benevolent companion!"
msgid "Blightfire"
msgstr "Blightfire"
msgid "Blighthorn Steelmace"
msgstr "Blighthorn Steelmace"
msgid "Blightstone the Weak"
msgstr "Blightstone the Weak"
msgid "Blink"
msgstr "Blink"
msgid "Blocked Door"
msgstr "Blocked Door"
msgid "BLOCKING"
msgstr "BLOCKING"
msgid "Bloodgutter"
msgstr "Bloodgutter"
msgid "Bloodlust"
msgstr "Bloodlust"
msgid "Bloodmoon Soulfire"
msgstr "Bloodmoon Soulfire"
msgid "Bloodskin Darkbow"
msgstr "Bloodskin Darkbow"
msgid "BloodSlayer"
msgstr "BloodSlayer"
msgid "blood"
msgstr "blood"
msgid "Blood Boil"
msgstr "Blood Boil"
msgid "Blood Claw"
msgstr "Blood Claw"
msgid "Blood Fountain"
msgstr "Blood Fountain"
msgid "Blood Knight"
msgstr "Blood Knight"
msgid "Blood Ritual"
msgstr "Blood Ritual"
msgid "Blood Star"
msgstr "Blood Star"
msgid "Blood Stone"
msgstr "Blood Stone"
msgid "Bluehorn"
msgstr "Bluehorn"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Blue"
msgid "Bonehead Keenaxe"
msgstr "Bonehead Keenaxe"
msgid "Boneripper"
msgstr "Boneripper"
msgid "Bonesaw the Litch"
msgstr "Bonesaw the Litch"
msgid "Bone Chamber"
msgstr "Bone Chamber"
msgid "Bone Demon"
msgstr "Bone Demon"
msgid "Bone Gasher"
msgstr "Bone Gasher"
msgid "Bone Spirit"
msgstr "Bone Spirit"
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bongo"
msgid "Bookcase"
msgstr "Bookcase"
msgid "Bookshelf"
msgstr "Bookshelf"
msgid "Book of Blood"
msgstr "Book of Blood"
msgid "Book of the Blind"
msgstr "Book of the Blind"
msgid "Book of Vileness"
msgstr "Book of Vileness"
msgid "Book of "
msgstr "Book of "
msgid "BOOK ONE"
msgstr "BOOK ONE"
msgid "BOOK TWO"
msgstr "BOOK TWO"
msgid "Bountiful"
msgstr "Bountiful"
msgid "Bow"
msgstr "Bow"
msgid "Bow of the Dead"
msgstr "Bow of the Dead"
msgid "Brain"
msgstr "Brain"
msgid "Bramble"
msgstr "Bramble"
msgid "Brass"
msgstr "Brass"
msgid "Breakspine"
msgstr "Breakspine"
msgid "Breast Plate"
msgstr "Breast Plate"
msgid "brilliance"
msgstr "brilliance"
msgid "brittleness"
msgstr "brittleness"
msgid "Broad Axe"
msgstr "Broad Axe"
msgid "Broad Sword"
msgstr "Broad Sword"
msgid "Brokenhead Bangshield"
msgstr "Brokenhead Bangshield"
msgid "Brokenstorm"
msgstr "Brokenstorm"
msgid "Bronzefist Firestone"
msgstr "Bronzefist Firestone"
msgid "Bronze"
msgstr "Bronze"
msgid "Brutal"
msgstr "Brutal"
msgid "Buckler"
msgstr "Buckler"
msgid "burning"
msgstr "burning"
msgid "Burning Dead"
msgstr "Burning Dead"
msgid "Burning Dead Captain"
msgstr "Burning Dead Captain"
msgid "but it will cost 50 gold"
msgstr "but it will cost 50 gold"
msgid "Buy basic items"
msgstr "Buy basic items"
msgid "Buy items"
msgstr "Buy items"
msgid "Buy premium items"
msgstr "Buy premium items"
msgid "BUY STAVES"
msgstr "BUY STAVES"
msgid "Cabalist"
msgstr "Cabalist"
msgid "Cain"
msgstr "Cain"
msgid "Cain the Elder"
msgstr "Cain the Elder"
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr "CANCEL"
msgid "Cape"
msgstr "Cape"
msgid "Cap"
msgstr "Cap"
msgid "carnage"
msgstr "carnage"
msgid "Carver"
msgstr "Carver"
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr "Cast Spell"
msgid "Cauldron"
msgstr "Cauldron"
msgid "Cave Slug"
msgstr "Cave Slug"
msgid "Cave Viper"
msgstr "Cave Viper"
msgid "Screen Adjustment"
msgstr "Screen Adjustment"
msgid "Chain Lightning"
msgstr "Chain Lightning"
msgid "Chain Mail"
msgstr "Chain Mail"
msgid "Champion's"
msgstr "Champion's"
msgid "chance to hit"
msgstr "chance to hit"
msgid "chance to hit : %+i%%"
msgstr "chance to hit : %+i%%"
msgid "Chaoshowler"
msgstr "Chaoshowler"
msgid "Character Information"
msgstr "Character Information"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Character Info"
msgid "Character loaded"
msgstr "Character loaded"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Character Info"
msgid "Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Charged Bolt"
msgid "Charges: %i/%i"
msgstr "Charges: %i/%i"
msgid "Cheating detected"
msgstr "Cheating detected"
msgid "Cheat Menu"
msgstr "Cheat Menu"
msgid "Chest"
msgstr "Chest"
msgid "Civerb's Cudgel"
msgstr "Civerb's Cudgel"
msgid "CLASS"
msgstr "CLASS"
msgid "class of armor and shields"
msgstr "class of armor and shields"
msgid "Claymore"
msgstr "Claymore"
msgid "Cleaver"
msgstr "Cleaver"
msgid "Cloak"
msgstr "Cloak"
msgid "Closed Door"
msgstr "Closed Door"
msgid "Close Quest Log"
msgstr "Close Quest Log"
msgid "Club"
msgstr "Club"
msgid "Clumsy"
msgstr "Clumsy"
msgid "Cobalt"
msgstr "Cobalt"
msgid "Codex of Enlightenment"
msgstr "Codex of Enlightenment"
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr "DISABLED"
msgid "ENABLED"
msgstr "ENABLED"
msgid "Combo Button"
msgstr "Combo Button"
msgid "Composite Bow"
msgstr "Composite Bow"
msgid "Composite Staff"
msgstr "Composite Staff"
msgid "constantly lose hit points"
msgstr "constantly lose hit points"
msgid "Constricting Ring"
msgstr "Constricting Ring"
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr "Controller Setup"
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr "Controller Setup"
msgid "Corpse Axe"
msgstr "Corpse Axe"
msgid "Corpse Bow"
msgstr "Corpse Bow"
msgid "Corpse Captain"
msgstr "Corpse Captain"
msgid "corruption"
msgstr "corruption"
msgid "Counselor"
msgstr "Counselor"
msgid "Cow"
msgstr "Cow"
msgid "Crackrust"
msgstr "Crackrust"
msgid "craftsmanship"
msgstr "craftsmanship"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
msgid "Creepy"
msgstr "Creepy"
msgid "Crimson"
msgstr "Crimson"
msgid "Crimson and Azure become as the sun"
msgstr "Crimson and Azure become as the sun"
msgid "Crown"
msgstr "Crown"
msgid "Crucified Skeleton"
msgstr "Crucified Skeleton"
msgid "Cryptic"
msgstr "Cryptic"
msgid "Crystal"
msgstr "Crystal"
msgid "current and max durability"
msgstr "current and max durability"
msgid "Dagger"
msgstr "Dagger"
msgid "damages target's armor"
msgstr "damages target's armor"
msgid "Damages undead only"
msgstr "Damages undead only"
msgid "DAMAGE"
msgstr "DAMAGE"
msgid "damage potential - not bows"
msgstr "damage potential - not bows"
msgid "damage: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "damage: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgid "damage: %i-%i Indestructible"
msgstr "damage: %i-%i Indestructible"
msgid "Damage: %i-%i "
msgstr "Damage: %i-%i "
msgid "dam: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "dam: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgid "Dark One"
msgstr "Dark One"
msgid "Deadeye"
msgstr "Deadeye"
msgid "Deadly"
msgstr "Deadly"
msgid "deadly heal"
msgstr "deadly heal"
msgid "Deadly Hunter"
msgstr "Deadly Hunter"
msgid "Deathshade Fleshmaul"
msgstr "Deathshade Fleshmaul"
msgid "Deathspit"
msgstr "Deathspit"
msgid "Death Wing"
msgstr "Death Wing"
msgid "Decapitated Body"
msgstr "Decapitated Body"
msgid "decreased durability"
msgstr "decreased durability"
msgid "decrease dexterity"
msgstr "decrease dexterity"
msgid "decrease strength"
msgstr "decrease strength"
msgid "decrease vitality"
msgstr "decrease vitality"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Default Settings"
msgid "Default Setting"
msgstr "Default Setting"
msgid "deflection"
msgstr "deflection"
msgid "Demonspike Coat"
msgstr "Demonspike Coat"
msgid "DEMO"
msgstr "DEMO"
msgid "Devilskull Sharpbone"
msgstr "Devilskull Sharpbone"
msgid "Devil Kin"
msgstr "Devil Kin"
msgid "Devil Kin Brute"
msgstr "Devil Kin Brute"
msgid "Devil Wyrm"
msgstr "Devil Wyrm"
msgid "Devourer"
msgstr "Devourer"
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr "dexterity"
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr "dexterity"
msgid "DIABLO"
msgstr "DIABLO"
msgid "Diablo Help"
msgstr "Diablo Help"
msgid "Diamond"
msgstr "Diamond"
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr "DISABLED"
msgid "disease"
msgstr "disease"
msgid "\nCenter Screen"
msgstr "\nCenter Screen"
msgid "Divine"
msgstr "Divine"
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Done"
msgid "Doombringer"
msgstr "Doombringer"
msgid "Doomcloud"
msgstr "Doomcloud"
msgid "Doomgrin the Rotting"
msgstr "Doomgrin the Rotting"
msgid "Doomlock"
msgstr "Doomlock"
msgid "Doom Fire"
msgstr "Doom Fire"
msgid "Doom Guard"
msgstr "Doom Guard"
msgid "Doom Serpents"
msgstr "Doom Serpents"
msgid "Down to catacombs"
msgstr "Down to catacombs"
msgid "Down to caves"
msgstr "Down to caves"
msgid "Down to Diablo"
msgstr "Down to Diablo"
msgid "Down to dungeon"
msgstr "Down to dungeon"
msgid "Down to hell"
msgstr "Down to hell"
msgid "Down to level %i"
msgstr "Down to level %i"
msgid "Do we have a deal?"
msgstr "Do we have a deal?"
msgid "Dragon's"
msgstr "Dragon's"
msgid "Dragon's Breach"
msgstr "Dragon's Breach"
msgid "Drake's"
msgstr "Drake's"
msgid "Dreadjudge"
msgstr "Dreadjudge"
msgid "Dreamflange"
msgstr "Dreamflange"
msgid "Drink and be refreshed"
msgstr "Drink and be refreshed"
msgid "DROP"
msgstr "DROP"
msgid "Dull"
msgstr "Dull"
msgid "Dur: %i/%i, "
msgstr "Dur: %i/%i, "
msgid "dyslexia"
msgstr "dyslexia"
msgid "Eaglehorn"
msgstr "Eaglehorn"
msgid "Ear of %s"
msgstr "Ear of %s"
msgid "Eerie"
msgstr "Eerie"
msgid "Eldritch"
msgstr "Eldritch"
msgid "Elemental"
msgstr "Elemental"
msgid "Elixir of Dexterity"
msgstr "Elixir of Dexterity"
msgid "Elixir of Magic"
msgstr "Elixir of Magic"
msgid "Elixir of Strength"
msgstr "Elixir of Strength"
msgid "Elixir of Vitality"
msgstr "Elixir of Vitality"
msgid "El Chupacabras"
msgstr "El Chupacabras"
msgid "Emerald"
msgstr "Emerald"
msgid "EMPTY"
msgstr "EMPTY"
msgid "Empyrean Band"
msgstr "Empyrean Band"
msgid "Enchanted"
msgstr "Enchanted"
msgid "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgid "English"
msgstr "English"
msgid "ENTER NAME"
msgstr "ENTER NAME"
msgid "EQUIP"
msgstr "EQUIP"
msgid "LOAD ERROR"
msgstr "LOAD ERROR"
msgid "Etherealize"
msgstr "Etherealize"
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continue"
msgid "Extra charges"
msgstr "Extra charges"
msgid "Falchion"
msgstr "Falchion"
msgid "Fallen One"
msgstr "Fallen One"
msgid "Familiar"
msgstr "Familiar"
msgid "Fangskin"
msgstr "Fangskin"
msgid "Fangspeir"
msgstr "Fangspeir"
msgid "Farnham"
msgstr "Farnham"
msgid "Farnham the Drunk"
msgstr "Farnham the Drunk"
msgid "Fascinating"
msgstr "Fascinating"
msgid "faster attack"
msgstr "faster attack"
msgid "Faster attack swing"
msgstr "Faster attack swing"
msgid "faster hit recovery"
msgstr "faster hit recovery"
msgid "fastest attack"
msgstr "fastest attack"
msgid "fastest hit recovery"
msgstr "fastest hit recovery"
msgid "fast attack"
msgstr "fast attack"
msgid "fast block"
msgstr "fast block"
msgid "fast hit recovery"
msgstr "fast hit recovery"
msgid "Festerskull"
msgstr "Festerskull"
msgid "Field Plate"
msgstr "Field Plate"
msgid "Fiend"
msgstr "Fiend"
msgid "Fine"
msgstr "Fine"
msgid "Fireball"
msgstr "Fireball"
msgid "Firebolt"
msgstr "Firebolt"
msgid "fires random speed arrows"
msgstr "fires random speed arrows"
msgid "Firewound the Grim"
msgstr "Firewound the Grim"
msgid "fire"
msgstr "fire"
msgid "fire arrows damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "fire arrows damage: %i-%i"
msgid "Fire "
msgstr "Fire "
msgid "Fire Clan"
msgstr "Fire Clan"
msgid "Fire Drake"
msgstr "Fire Drake"
msgid "Fire hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Fire hit damage: %i-%i"
msgid "Fire Wall"
msgstr "Fire Wall"
msgid "Fire "
msgstr "Fire "
msgid "Flail"
msgstr "Flail"
msgid "Flamedart"
msgstr "Flamedart"
msgid "flame"
msgstr "flame"
msgid "Flame Lord"
msgstr "Flame Lord"
msgid "Flame Wave"
msgstr "Flame Wave"
msgid "Flaming"
msgstr "Flaming"
msgid "Flash"
msgstr "Flash"
msgid "Flayed One"
msgstr "Flayed One"
msgid "Fleshdancer"
msgstr "Fleshdancer"
msgid "Fleshstinger"
msgstr "Fleshstinger"
msgid "Flesh Clan"
msgstr "Flesh Clan"
msgid "Fly Mode"
msgstr "Fly Mode"
msgid "Food"
msgstr "Food"
msgid "Fool's Crest"
msgstr "Fool's Crest"
msgid "Foulwing"
msgstr "Foulwing"
msgid "Fountain of Tears"
msgstr "Fountain of Tears"
msgid "fragility"
msgstr "fragility"
msgid "frailty"
msgstr "frailty"
msgid "Franais"
msgstr "Français"
msgid "Frog's"
msgstr "Frog's"
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "from %s"
msgid "Frost Charger"
msgstr "Frost Charger"
msgid "fully recover life"
msgstr "fully recover life"
msgid "fully recover life and mana"
msgstr "fully recover life and mana"
msgid "fully recover mana"
msgstr "fully recover mana"
msgid "Full Helm"
msgstr "Full Helm"
msgid "Full Plate Mail"
msgstr "Full Plate Mail"
msgid "Fungal Tome"
msgstr "Fungal Tome"
msgid "Game Menu"
msgstr "Game Menu"
msgid "GAME OVER"
msgstr "GAME OVER"
msgid "GAME SPEED"
msgstr "GAME SPEED"
msgid "FAST"
msgstr "FAST"
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr "NORMAL"
msgid "Gargoyle"
msgstr "Gargoyle"
msgid "Garnet"
msgstr "Garnet"
msgid "Generosity brings its own rewards"
msgstr "Generosity brings its own rewards"
msgid "Deutsch"
msgstr "Deutsch"
msgid "Gharbad The Weak"
msgstr "Gharbad The Weak"
msgid "Ghoul"
msgstr "Ghoul"
msgid "giants"
msgstr "giants"
msgid "Gibbous Moon"
msgstr "Gibbous Moon"
msgid "Gillian"
msgstr "Gillian"
msgid "Gillian the Barmaid"
msgstr "Gillian the Barmaid"
msgid "Glasskull the Jagged"
msgstr "Glasskull the Jagged"
msgid "Gleamsong"
msgstr "Gleamsong"
msgid "Glimmering"
msgstr "Glimmering"
msgid "Gloomy"
msgstr "Gloomy"
msgid "Gloom"
msgstr "Gloom"
msgid "Glorious"
msgstr "Glorious"
msgid "Gnarled Root"
msgstr "Gnarled Root"
msgid "Goat Shrine"
msgstr "Goat Shrine"
msgid "Godly"
msgstr "Godly"
msgid "Goldblight of the Flame"
msgstr "Goldblight of the Flame"
msgid "Golden Elixir"
msgstr "Golden Elixir"
msgid "GoldFlip"
msgstr "GoldFlip"
msgid "Gold"
msgstr "Gold"
msgid "Gold Viper"
msgstr "Gold Viper"
msgid "Golem"
msgstr "Golem"
msgid "Gonnagal's Dirk"
msgstr "Gonnagal's Dirk"
msgid "Gorefeast"
msgstr "Gorefeast"
msgid "Gorestone"
msgstr "Gorestone"
msgid "Goretongue"
msgstr "Goretongue"
msgid "gore"
msgstr "gore"
msgid "Gossip"
msgstr "Gossip"
msgid "Gothic Plate"
msgstr "Gothic Plate"
msgid "Gothic Shield"
msgstr "Gothic Shield"
msgid "Gotterdamerung"
msgstr "Gotterdamerung"
msgid "Grand"
msgstr "Grand"
msgid "Graywar the Slayer"
msgstr "Graywar the Slayer"
msgid "greatly increases a"
msgstr "greatly increases a"
msgid "greatly increases a weapon's"
msgstr "greatly increases a weapon's"
msgid "greatly increases the armor"
msgstr "greatly increases the armor"
msgid "Great Axe"
msgstr "Great Axe"
msgid "Great Helm"
msgstr "Great Helm"
msgid "Great Sword"
msgstr "Great Sword"
msgid "Grimspike"
msgstr "Grimspike"
msgid "Griswold"
msgstr "Griswold"
msgid "Griswold's Edge"
msgstr "Griswold's Edge"
msgid "Griswold the Blacksmith"
msgstr "Griswold the Blacksmith"
msgid "Gryphons Claw"
msgstr "Gryphons Claw"
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "Guardian"
msgid "Gutshank the Quick"
msgstr "Gutshank the Quick"
msgid "Halls of the Blind"
msgstr "Halls of the Blind"
msgid "Hammer"
msgstr "Hammer"
msgid "Hammer of Jholm"
msgstr "Hammer of Jholm"
msgid "Hard Leather Armor"
msgstr "Hard Leather Armor"
msgid "Harlequin Crest"
msgstr "Harlequin Crest"
msgid "harmony"
msgstr "harmony"
msgid "haste"
msgstr "haste"
msgid "Hazeshifter"
msgstr "Hazeshifter"
msgid "Healer's home"
msgstr "Healer's home"
msgid "Healing"
msgstr "Healing"
msgid "health"
msgstr "health"
msgid "Heal Other"
msgstr "Heal Other"
msgid "Heart"
msgstr "Heart"
msgid "Heavy"
msgstr "Heavy"
msgid "Hellslayer"
msgstr "Hellslayer"
msgid "Hell"
msgstr "Hell"
msgid "Hell Burner"
msgstr "Hell Burner"
msgstr "HELL HORROR"
msgid "Hell Spawn"
msgstr "Hell Spawn"
msgid "Hell Stone"
msgstr "Hell Stone"
msgid "Helmut"
msgstr "Helmut"
msgid "Helm"
msgstr "Helm"
msgid "Helm of Sprits"
msgstr "Helm of Sprits"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Attack"
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr "Cast Spell"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Character Info"
msgid "Combo Button. Brings up help for combo buttons."
msgstr "Combo Button. Brings up help for combo buttons."
msgid "Command Summary:"
msgstr "Command Summary:"
msgid "> Back Scroll Text"
msgstr "> Back Scroll Text"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventory"
msgid "Centre map"
msgstr "Centre map"
msgid "Scroll map"
msgstr "Scroll map"
msgid "Miscellaneous Help"
msgstr "Miscellaneous Help"
msgid "When viewing the map, note that you can scroll around the screen with the directional button."
msgstr "When viewing the map, note that you can scroll around the screen with the directional button."
msgid "Auto-map:"
msgstr "Auto-map:"
msgid "Reading more than one book increases your knowledge of that spell, allowing you to cast the spell more effectively."
msgstr "Reading more than one book increases your knowledge of that spell, allowing you to cast the spell more effectively."
msgid "Spell Books:"
msgstr "Spell Books:"
msgid "You can re-assign any of your controls to different button assignments by going into the options menu and by selecting the Controller Setup."
msgstr "You can re-assign any of your controls to different button assignments by going into the options menu and by selecting the Controller Setup."
msgid "Customizing Buttons:"
msgstr "Customizing Buttons:"
msgid "Select an item, then hit your action button in order to drop an item from your inventory."
msgstr "Select an item, then hit your action button in order to drop an item from your inventory."
msgid "Dropping Items:"
msgstr "Dropping Items:"
msgid "Experiment with the absolute and relative movement styles until you find one you are comfortable with."
msgstr "Experiment with the absolute and relative movement styles until you find one you are comfortable with."
msgid "Absolute & Relative Movement:"
msgstr "Absolute & Relative Movement:"
msgid "Useable items that are small in size, such as potions or scrolls, are automatically placed in your 'belt' located below your health and mana vials."
msgstr "Useable items that are small in size, such as potions or scrolls, are automatically placed in your 'belt' located below your health and mana vials."
msgid "Picking up Objects:"
msgstr "Picking up Objects:"
msgid "Learn or re-map your Quick Mana and Quick Health buttons. Using these can really save you when you are in trouble. Scrolls or Potions are consumed from your inventory first, then from your belt."
msgstr "Learn or re-map your Quick Mana and Quick Health buttons. Using these can really save you when you are in trouble. Scrolls or Potions are consumed from your inventory first, then from your belt."
msgid "Quick Mana and Quick Health:"
msgstr "Quick Mana and Quick Health:"
msgid "Memorized spells and those available through staves are listed in your full spell book. Selecting the spell from this menu will ready the spell for you to cast when needed."
msgstr "Memorized spells and those available through staves are listed in your full spell book. Selecting the spell from this menu will ready the spell for you to cast when needed."
msgid "Skills & Spells:"
msgstr "Skills & Spells:"
msgid "Movement, and aiming targeting cursor"
msgstr "Movement, and aiming targeting cursor"
msgid "START: Pause Game"
msgstr "START: Pause Game"
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr "Quest Log"
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr "Quick Health"
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr "Quick Mana"
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr "Speed Spell Book"
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr "Full Spell Book"
msgid "HELP"
msgstr "HELP"
msgid "SELECT: Options"
msgstr "SELECT: Options"
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr "Toggle Spell"
msgid "Use belt item"
msgstr "Use belt item"
msgid "View Automap"
msgstr "View Automap"
msgid ">: Previous Menu"
msgstr ">: Previous Menu"
msgid ">: Previous Menu SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr ">: Previous Menu SELECT: Resume Game"
msgid "SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr "SELECT: Resume Game"
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Hidden"
msgid "high durability"
msgstr "high durability"
msgid "hit monster doesn't heal"
msgstr "hit monster doesn't heal"
msgid "Hit Points %i of %i"
msgstr "Hit Points %i of %i"
msgid "Hit Points : %i of %i"
msgstr "Hit Points : %i of %i"
msgid "Hit Points : %i-%i"
msgstr "Hit Points : %i-%i"
msgid "Hit Points : %+i"
msgstr "Hit Points : %+i"
msgid "hit steals 3% life"
msgstr "hit steals 3% life"
msgid "hit steals 3% mana"
msgstr "hit steals 3% mana"
msgid "hit steals 5% life"
msgstr "hit steals 5% life"
msgid "hit steals 5% mana"
msgstr "hit steals 5% mana"
msgid "Hollow One"
msgstr "Hollow One"
msgid "Holy"
msgstr "Holy"
msgid "Holy Bolt"
msgstr "Holy Bolt"
msgid "Holy Defender"
msgstr "Holy Defender"
msgid "Horned Demon"
msgstr "Horned Demon"
msgid "Horror"
msgstr "Horror"
msgid "Horror Captain"
msgstr "Horror Captain"
msgid "Howlingire the Shade"
msgstr "Howlingire the Shade"
msgid "Hunter's Bow"
msgstr "Hunter's Bow"
msgid "Hydra's"
msgstr "Hydra's"
msgid "Hyena's"
msgstr "Hyena's"
msgid "Ice Shank"
msgstr "Ice Shank"
msgid "Identify"
msgstr "Identify"
msgid "Identify an item"
msgstr "Identify an item"
msgid "Identify"
msgstr "Identify"
msgid "Identify which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Identify which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "illness"
msgstr "illness"
msgid "Illusion Weaver"
msgstr "Illusion Weaver"
msgid "Immolator"
msgstr "Immolator"
msgid "Immune : "
msgstr "Immune : "
msgid "Incinerator"
msgstr "Incinerator"
msgid "increases an item's"
msgstr "increases an item's"
msgid "increases a weapon's"
msgstr "increases a weapon's"
msgid "increases a weapon's damage"
msgstr "increases a weapon's damage"
msgid "increases the armor class"
msgstr "increases the armor class"
msgid "increase dexterity"
msgstr "increase dexterity"
msgid "increase magic"
msgstr "increase magic"
msgid "increase strength"
msgstr "increase strength"
msgid "increase vitality"
msgstr "increase vitality"
msgid "indestructible"
msgstr "indestructible"
msgid "Indestructible,"
msgstr "Indestructible,"
msgid "Inferno"
msgstr "Inferno"
msgid "Info Menu"
msgstr "Info Menu"
msgid "Info Screen"
msgstr "Info Screen"
msgid "Infravision"
msgstr "Infravision"
msgid "Innsign"
msgstr "Innsign"
msgid "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventory"
msgid "Invisibility"
msgstr "Invisibility"
msgid "Invisible Lord"
msgstr "Invisible Lord"
msgid "Invulnerable"
msgstr "Invulnerable"
msgid "Iron"
msgstr "Iron"
msgid "is not available"
msgstr "is not available"
msgid "Item Repair"
msgstr "Item Repair"
msgid "Ivory"
msgstr "Ivory"
msgid "I have something for sale,"
msgstr "I have something for sale,"
msgid "I have these items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "I have these items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "I have these premium items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "I have these premium items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "I have this item for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "I have this item for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "Jade"
msgstr "Jade"
msgid "Jagged"
msgstr "Jagged"
msgid "just to take a look. "
msgstr "just to take a look. "
msgid "King Leoric's Tomb"
msgstr "King Leoric's Tomb"
msgid "King's"
msgstr "King's"
msgid "Kite Shield"
msgstr "Kite Shield"
msgid "Knight's"
msgstr "Knight's"
msgid "knocks target back"
msgstr "knocks target back"
msgid "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self"
msgstr "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self"
msgid "Lachdanan"
msgstr "Lachdanan"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Language"
msgid "Lapis"
msgstr "Lapis"
msgid "Large Axe"
msgstr "Large Axe"
msgid "Large Chest"
msgstr "Large Chest"
msgid "Large Shield"
msgstr "Large Shield"
msgid "Lava Lord"
msgstr "Lava Lord"
msgid "Lava Maw"
msgstr "Lava Maw"
msgid "Leather Armor"
msgstr "Leather Armor"
msgid "Leather of Aut"
msgstr "Leather of Aut"
msgid "Leave Healer's home"
msgstr "Leave Healer's home"
msgid "Leave the shack"
msgstr "Leave the shack"
msgid "Leave the shop"
msgstr "Leave the shop"
msgid "Leave the tavern"
msgstr "Leave the tavern"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "LEVEL"
msgid "level 15"
msgstr "level 15"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "LEVEL"
msgid "Level Up"
msgstr "Level Up"
msgid "Level : %i"
msgstr "Level : %i"
msgid "Lever"
msgstr "Lever"
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book One)"
msgstr "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book One)"
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book Two)"
msgstr "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book Two)"
msgid "Library Book"
msgstr "Library Book"
msgid "life"
msgstr "life"
msgid "life"
msgstr "life"
msgid "life stealing"
msgstr "life stealing"
msgid "Lightforge"
msgstr "Lightforge"
msgid "Lightning"
msgstr "Lightning"
msgid "lightning arrows damage %i-%i"
msgstr "lightning arrows damage %i-%i"
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr "Lightning "
msgid "Lightning hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Lightning hit damage: %i-%i"
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr "Lightning "
msgid "Lightsabre"
msgstr "Lightsabre"
msgid "light"
msgstr "light"
msgid "Lionskull the Bent"
msgstr "Lionskull the Bent"
msgid "Litch Demon"
msgstr "Litch Demon"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Loading..."
msgid "Load Character"
msgstr "Load Character"
msgid "Load Game"
msgstr "Load Game"
msgid "Long Battle Bow"
msgstr "Long Battle Bow"
msgid "Long Bow"
msgstr "Long Bow"
msgid "Long Staff"
msgstr "Long Staff"
msgid "Long Sword"
msgstr "Long Sword"
msgid "Long War Bow"
msgstr "Long War Bow"
msgid "Lord of the Pit"
msgstr "Lord of the Pit"
msgid "Lord Sayter"
msgstr "Lord Sayter"
msgid "Lord's"
msgstr "Lord's"
msgid "Lots of Mana"
msgstr "Lots of Mana"
msgid "Mace"
msgstr "Mace"
msgid "Madburner"
msgstr "Madburner"
msgid "Madeye the Dead"
msgstr "Madeye the Dead"
msgid "Maelstorm"
msgstr "Maelstorm"
msgid "Magical"
msgstr "Magical"
msgid "magic"
msgstr "magic"
msgid "magic"
msgstr "magic"
msgid "Magic "
msgstr "Magic "
msgid "Magic is not always what it seems to be"
msgstr "Magic is not always what it seems to be"
msgid "Magic Rock"
msgstr "Magic Rock"
msgid "Magic "
msgstr "Magic "
msgid "Magistrate"
msgstr "Magistrate"
msgid "Magma Demon"
msgstr "Magma Demon"
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Mail"
msgid "maiming"
msgstr "maiming"
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Main Menu"
msgid "makes an item indestructible"
msgstr "makes an item indestructible"
msgid "MANA"
msgstr "MANA"
msgid "Mana Shield"
msgstr "Mana Shield"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: 1/3 tgt hp"
msgstr "Mana: %i Dam: 1/3 tgt hp"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: %i - %i"
msgstr "Mana: %i Dam: %i - %i"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: n/a"
msgstr "Mana: %i Dam: n/a"
msgid "Mana : %+i"
msgstr "Mana : %+i"
msgid "many"
msgstr "many"
msgid "Map of the Stars"
msgstr "Map of the Stars"
msgid "Massive"
msgstr "Massive"
msgid "Master's"
msgstr "Master's"
msgid "Maul"
msgstr "Maul"
msgid "MAX"
msgstr "MAX"
msgid "Maze"
msgstr "Maze"
msgid "Memcard Menu"
msgstr "Memcard Menu"
msgid "Memory Card Game Menu"
msgstr "Memory Card Game Menu"
msgid "Memory Card Not Formatted\nWould you like to format it?"
msgstr "Memory Card Not Formatted\nWould you like to format it?"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr "PLAYER 1"
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr "PLAYER 2"
msgid "ROG"
msgstr "ROG"
msgid "SOR"
msgstr "SOR"
msgid "WAR"
msgstr "WAR"
msgid " MONO"
msgstr " MONO"
msgid " SOUND"
msgstr " SOUND"
msgid " STEREO"
msgstr " STEREO"
msgid "Merciless"
msgstr "Merciless"
msgid "Messerschmidt's Reaver"
msgstr "Messerschmidt's Reaver"
msgid "Meteoric"
msgstr "Meteoric"
msgid "might"
msgstr "might"
msgid "Mindcry"
msgstr "Mindcry"
msgid "Mithril"
msgstr "Mithril"
msgid "Moonbender"
msgstr "Moonbender"
msgid "MORE"
msgstr "MORE"
msgid "Morning Star"
msgstr "Morning Star"
msgid "Movement"
msgstr "Movement"
msgid "Mud Man"
msgstr "Mud Man"
msgid "Mud Runner"
msgstr "Mud Runner"
msgid "Murky Pool"
msgstr "Murky Pool"
msgid "Mushroom Patch"
msgstr "Mushroom Patch"
msgid "Music"
msgstr "Music"
msgid "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason"
msgstr "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason"
msgid "Mysterious"
msgstr "Mysterious"
msgid "Mythical Book"
msgstr "Mythical Book"
msgid "Naj's Light Plate"
msgstr "Naj's Light Plate"
msgid "Naj's Puzzler"
msgstr "Naj's Puzzler"
msgid "New Game"
msgstr "New Game"
msgid "New strength is forged through destruction"
msgstr "New strength is forged through destruction"
msgid "NEXT LEVEL"
msgstr "NEXT LEVEL"
msgid "Nightmare"
msgstr "Nightmare"
msgid "Nightscape"
msgstr "Nightscape"
msgid "Nightwing the Cold"
msgstr "Nightwing the Cold"
msgid "Night Clan"
msgstr "Night Clan"
msgid "None"
msgstr "None"
msgid "Non Item"
msgstr "Non Item"
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr "NORMAL"
msgid "Nothing for sale"
msgstr "Nothing for sale"
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr "Not a Diablo save"
msgid "Not Identified"
msgstr "Not Identified"
msgid "Nova"
msgstr "Nova"
msgid "NOW"
msgstr "NOW"
msgstr "NOW LOADING"
msgid "NOW SAVING"
msgstr "NOW SAVING"
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
msgid "No automap available in town"
msgstr "No automap available in town"
msgid "No help available"
msgstr "No help available"
msgid "No Immunities"
msgstr "No Immunities"
msgid "No magic resistance"
msgstr "No magic resistance"
msgid "No Pause in town"
msgstr "No Pause in town"
msgid "No required attributes"
msgstr "No required attributes"
msgid "No resistances"
msgstr "No resistances"
msgid "No response"
msgstr "No response"
msgid "no strength requirement"
msgstr "no strength requirement"
msgid "Number Of Players"
msgstr "Number Of Players"
msgid "-%i%% light radius"
msgstr "-%i%% light radius"
msgid "Obsidian"
msgstr "Obsidian"
msgid "Obsidian Lord"
msgstr "Obsidian Lord"
msgid "of armor and shields"
msgstr "of armor and shields"
msgid "Ogden"
msgstr "Ogden"
msgid "Ogden's Sign"
msgstr "Ogden's Sign"
msgid "Ogden the Tavern Owner"
msgstr "Ogden the Tavern Owner"
msgid "Oil"
msgstr "Oil"
msgid "Oil of Accuracy"
msgstr "Oil of Accuracy"
msgid "Oil of Death"
msgstr "Oil of Death"
msgid "Oil of Fortitude"
msgstr "Oil of Fortitude"
msgid "Oil of Hardening"
msgstr "Oil of Hardening"
msgid "Oil of Imperviousness"
msgstr "Oil of Imperviousness"
msgid "Oil of Mastery"
msgstr "Oil of Mastery"
msgid "Oil of Permenance"
msgstr "Oil of Permenance"
msgid "Oil of Sharpness"
msgstr "Oil of Sharpness"
msgid "Oil of Skill"
msgstr "Oil of Skill"
msgid "One"
msgstr "One"
msgid "one handed sword"
msgstr "one handed sword"
msgid "Oozedrool"
msgstr "Oozedrool"
msgid "Open Door"
msgstr "Open Door"
msgid "Optic Amulet"
msgstr "Optic Amulet"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"
msgid "Ornate"
msgstr "Ornate"
msgid "osmosis"
msgstr "osmosis"
msgid "Overlord"
msgstr "Overlord"
msgid "OverLord's Helm"
msgstr "OverLord's Helm"
msgid "PACK"
msgstr "PACK"
msgid "pain"
msgstr "pain"
msgid "Pain Master"
msgstr "Pain Master"
msgid "paralysis"
msgstr "paralysis"
msgid "PAUSED"
msgstr "PAUSED"
msgid "Pearl"
msgstr "Pearl"
msgid "Pedestal of Blood"
msgstr "Pedestal of Blood"
msgid "Pepin"
msgstr "Pepin"
msgid "Pepin the Healer"
msgstr "Pepin the Healer"
msgid "perfection"
msgstr "perfection"
msgid "Phasing"
msgstr "Phasing"
msgid "pieces"
msgstr "pieces"
msgid "piece"
msgstr "piece"
msgid "piercing"
msgstr "piercing"
msgid "Pit Beast"
msgstr "Pit Beast"
msgid "Plaguewrath"
msgstr "Plaguewrath"
msgid "Plague Eater"
msgstr "Plague Eater"
msgid "Plate"
msgstr "Plate"
msgid "Plate Mail"
msgstr "Plate Mail"
msgid "Platinum"
msgstr "Platinum"
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr "PLAYER 1"
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr "PLAYER 2"
msgid "Player Attack"
msgstr "Player Attack"
msgid "Player friendly"
msgstr "Player friendly"
msgid "Player One"
msgstr "Player One"
msgid "Player Two"
msgstr "Player Two"
msgid "PLAYER %d"
msgstr "PLAYER %d"
msgid "Plentiful"
msgstr "Plentiful"
msgid "plenty"
msgstr "plenty"
msgid "POINTS TO"
msgstr "POINTS TO"
msgid "Poisoned Water Supply"
msgstr "Poisoned Water Supply"
msgid "Poison Spitter"
msgstr "Poison Spitter"
msgid "Portal to"
msgstr "Portal to"
msgid "potential - not bows"
msgstr "potential - not bows"
msgid "Potion of Experience"
msgstr "Potion of Experience"
msgid "Potion of Full Healing"
msgstr "Potion of Full Healing"
msgid "Potion of Full Mana"
msgstr "Potion of Full Mana"
msgid "Potion of Full Rejuvenation"
msgstr "Potion of Full Rejuvenation"
msgid "Potion of Healing"
msgstr "Potion of Healing"
msgid "Potion of Mana"
msgstr "Potion of Mana"
msgid "Potion of Rejuvenation"
msgstr "Potion of Rejuvenation"
msgid "power"
msgstr "power"
msgid "precision"
msgstr "precision"
msgid "Press $ to read"
msgstr "Press $ to read"
msgid "Press $ to use"
msgstr "Press $ to use"
msgid "Press $ to view"
msgstr "Press $ to view"
msgid "Press button for %s"
msgstr "Press button for %s"
msgid "Press START to continue"
msgstr "Press START to continue"
msgid "Press > for Previous Menu"
msgstr "Press > for Previous Menu"
msgid "Press _ to continue"
msgstr "Press _ to continue"
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "> BACK"
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "Profiler"
msgid "protection"
msgstr "protection"
msgid "Pukerat the Unclean"
msgstr "Pukerat the Unclean"
msgid "Pulsecrawler"
msgstr "Pulsecrawler"
msgid "puncturing"
msgstr "puncturing"
msgid "Purifying Spring"
msgstr "Purifying Spring"
msgid "+%i%% light radius"
msgstr "+%i%% light radius"
msgid "quality"
msgstr "quality"
msgid "Quarter Staff"
msgstr "Quarter Staff"
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr "Quest Log"
msgid "quick attack"
msgstr "quick attack"
msgid "Quick Drop Weapon"
msgstr "Quick Drop Weapon"
msgid "Quick Spell"
msgstr "Quick Spell"
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr "Quick Health"
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr "Quick Mana"
msgid "Quiet"
msgstr "Quiet"
msgid "Quilted Armor"
msgstr "Quilted Armor"
msgid "QUIT"
msgstr "QUIT"
msgid "radiance"
msgstr "radiance"
msgid "Rags"
msgstr "Rags"
msgid "Raven's"
msgstr "Raven's"
msgid "readiness"
msgstr "readiness"
msgid "Reality Weaver"
msgstr "Reality Weaver"
msgid "RECHARGE"
msgstr "RECHARGE"
msgid "Recharge staves"
msgstr "Recharge staves"
msgid "Recharge which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Recharge which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "recover life"
msgstr "recover life"
msgid "recover life and mana"
msgstr "recover life and mana"
msgid "recover mana"
msgstr "recover mana"
msgid "recover partial life"
msgstr "recover partial life"
msgid "reduces attributes needed"
msgstr "reduces attributes needed"
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Red"
msgid "Red Death"
msgstr "Red Death"
msgid "Red Storm"
msgstr "Red Storm"
msgid "Red Vex"
msgstr "Red Vex"
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "Relative"
msgid "Religious"
msgstr "Religious"
msgid "REPAIR"
msgstr "REPAIR"
msgid "Repair items"
msgstr "Repair items"
msgid "Repair which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Repair which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "Required:"
msgstr "Required:"
msgid "Requirements not met"
msgstr "Requirements not met"
msgid "Resists : "
msgstr "Resists : "
msgid "RESIST"
msgstr "RESIST"
msgid "Resist All : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Resist All : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist All : %+i%%"
msgstr "Resist All : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Fire : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Resist Fire : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Fire : %+i%%"
msgstr "Resist Fire : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Lightning : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Resist Lightning : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Lightning : %+i%%"
msgstr "Resist Lightning : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Magic : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Resist Magic : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Magic : %+i%%"
msgstr "Resist Magic : %+i%%"
msgid "Restart In Town"
msgstr "Restart In Town"
msgid "Resurrect"
msgstr "Resurrect"
msgid "Riches abound when least expected"
msgstr "Riches abound when least expected"
msgid "Ring"
msgstr "Ring"
msgid "Ring Mail"
msgstr "Ring Mail"
msgid "Ring of Engagement"
msgstr "Ring of Engagement"
msgid "Ring of Regha"
msgstr "Ring of Regha"
msgid "Ring of Truth"
msgstr "Ring of Truth"
msgid "Rising Sun"
msgstr "Rising Sun"
msgid "Robe"
msgstr "Robe"
msgid "Rock"
msgstr "Rock"
msgid "Rod of Onan"
msgstr "Rod of Onan"
msgid "ROGUE"
msgstr "ROGUE"
msgid "Rotcarnage"
msgstr "Rotcarnage"
msgid "Rotfeast the Hungry"
msgstr "Rotfeast the Hungry"
msgid "Rotting Carcass"
msgstr "Rotting Carcass"
msgid "Royal Circlet"
msgstr "Royal Circlet"
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Ruby"
msgid "Rusted"
msgstr "Rusted"
msgid "Rustweaver"
msgstr "Rustweaver"
msgid "Ruthless"
msgstr "Ruthless"
msgid "Sabre"
msgstr "Sabre"
msgid "Sacred"
msgstr "Sacred"
msgid "Saintly"
msgstr "Saintly"
msgid "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgid "Sapphire"
msgstr "Sapphire"
msgid "Sarcophagus"
msgstr "Sarcophagus"
msgid "Savage"
msgstr "Savage"
msgid "Save Character"
msgstr "Save Character"
msgid "Save Game"
msgstr "Save Game"
msgid "Save / Load"
msgstr "Save / Load"
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Saving..."
msgid "Say Goodbye"
msgstr "Say Goodbye"
msgid "Scale Mail"
msgstr "Scale Mail"
msgid "Scarab Amulet"
msgstr "Scarab Amulet"
msgid "Scavenger"
msgstr "Scavenger"
msgid "Scavenger Carapace"
msgstr "Scavenger Carapace"
msgid "Schaefer's Hammer"
msgstr "Schaefer's Hammer"
msgid "Scimitar"
msgstr "Scimitar"
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scroll"
msgid "Scroll of Apocalypse"
msgstr "Scroll of Apocalypse"
msgid "Scroll of Blood Star"
msgstr "Scroll of Blood Star"
msgid "Scroll of Bone Spirit"
msgstr "Scroll of Bone Spirit"
msgid "Scroll of Chain Lightning"
msgstr "Scroll of Chain Lightning"
msgid "Scroll of Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Scroll of Charged Bolt"
msgid "Scroll of Fireball"
msgstr "Scroll of Fireball"
msgid "Scroll of Firebolt"
msgstr "Scroll of Firebolt"
msgid "Scroll of Fire Wall"
msgstr "Scroll of Fire Wall"
msgid "Scroll of Flame Wave"
msgstr "Scroll of Flame Wave"
msgid "Scroll of Flash"
msgstr "Scroll of Flash"
msgid "Scroll of Golem"
msgstr "Scroll of Golem"
msgid "Scroll of Guardian"
msgstr "Scroll of Guardian"
msgid "Scroll of Healing"
msgstr "Scroll of Healing"
msgid "Scroll of Holy Bolt"
msgstr "Scroll of Holy Bolt"
msgid "Scroll of Identify"
msgstr "Scroll of Identify"
msgid "Scroll of Inferno"
msgstr "Scroll of Inferno"
msgid "Scroll of Infravision"
msgstr "Scroll of Infravision"
msgid "Scroll of Lightning"
msgstr "Scroll of Lightning"
msgid "Scroll of Mana Shield"
msgstr "Scroll of Mana Shield"
msgid "Scroll of None"
msgstr "Scroll of None"
msgid "Scroll of Nova"
msgstr "Scroll of Nova"
msgid "Scroll of Phasing"
msgstr "Scroll of Phasing"
msgid "Scroll of Resurrect"
msgstr "Scroll of Resurrect"
msgid "Scroll of Stone Curse"
msgstr "Scroll of Stone Curse"
msgid "Scroll of Telekinesis"
msgstr "Scroll of Telekinesis"
msgid "Scroll of Teleport"
msgstr "Scroll of Teleport"
msgid "Scroll of Town Portal"
msgstr "Scroll of Town Portal"
msgid "Scroll of %s"
msgstr "Scroll of %s"
msgid "Secluded"
msgstr "Secluded"
msgid "see with infravision"
msgstr "see with infravision"
msgid "Select Character To Load"
msgstr "Select Character To Load"
msgid "Select current spell button"
msgstr "Select current spell button"
msgid "Choose Difficulty"
msgstr "Choose Difficulty"
msgid "Select file to load"
msgstr "Select file to load"
msgid "Select memory card"
msgstr "Select memory card"
msgid "Select Save Slot"
msgstr "Select Save Slot"
msgid "Sell items"
msgstr "Sell items"
msgstr "SELL STAVES"
msgid "Serpent's"
msgstr "Serpent's"
msgid "Shadowbite"
msgstr "Shadowbite"
msgid "Shadowcrow"
msgstr "Shadowcrow"
msgid "Shadowdrinker"
msgstr "Shadowdrinker"
msgid "Shadowhawk"
msgstr "Shadowhawk"
msgid "Shadow Beast"
msgstr "Shadow Beast"
msgid "Sharp"
msgstr "Sharp"
msgid "Sharp Beak"
msgstr "Sharp Beak"
msgid "Shield"
msgstr "Shield"
msgid "shock"
msgstr "shock"
msgid "Short Battle Bow"
msgstr "Short Battle Bow"
msgid "Short Bow"
msgstr "Short Bow"
msgid "Short Staff"
msgstr "Short Staff"
msgid "Short Staff of Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Short Staff of Charged Bolt"
msgid "Short Sword"
msgstr "Short Sword"
msgid "Short War Bow"
msgstr "Short War Bow"
msgid "Silver"
msgstr "Silver"
msgid "Sir Gorash"
msgstr "Sir Gorash"
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr "Skeleton"
msgid "Skeleton Captain"
msgstr "Skeleton Captain"
msgid "Skeleton King"
msgstr "Skeleton King"
msgid "Skeleton King's Lair"
msgstr "Skeleton King's Lair"
msgid "Skeleton Tome"
msgstr "Skeleton Tome"
msgid "skill"
msgstr "skill"
msgid "skill"
msgstr "skill"
msgid "Skullfire"
msgstr "Skullfire"
msgid "Skull Cap"
msgstr "Skull Cap"
msgid "Skull Lever"
msgstr "Skull Lever"
msgid "Slain Hero"
msgstr "Slain Hero"
msgid "Slain Townsman"
msgstr "Slain Townsman"
msgid "slaughter"
msgstr "slaughter"
msgid "Slayer"
msgstr "Slayer"
msgid "slaying"
msgstr "slaying"
msgid "Small Axe"
msgstr "Small Axe"
msgid "Small Chest"
msgstr "Small Chest"
msgid "Small Shield"
msgstr "Small Shield"
msgid "Snake's"
msgstr "Snake's"
msgid "Snotspill"
msgstr "Snotspill"
msgid "Snow Witch"
msgstr "Snow Witch"
msgid "Soldier's"
msgstr "Soldier's"
msgid "Some are weakened as one grows strong"
msgstr "Some are weakened as one grows strong"
msgid "Some Magic Immunities"
msgstr "Some Magic Immunities"
msgid "Some Magic Resistances"
msgstr "Some Magic Resistances"
msgid "Sorcerer"
msgstr "Sorcerer"
msgid "sorcery"
msgstr "sorcery"
msgid "Soulpus"
msgstr "Soulpus"
msgid "Soulslash"
msgstr "Soulslash"
msgid "Soul Burner"
msgstr "Soul Burner"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Sound"
msgid "Volume Adjustment"
msgstr "Volume Adjustment"
msgid "Sound Volume"
msgstr "Sound Volume"
msgid "Sparking Mail"
msgstr "Sparking Mail"
msgid "Spectral Elixir"
msgstr "Spectral Elixir"
msgid "speed"
msgstr "speed"
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr "Speed Spell Book"
msgid "spells are decreased 1 level"
msgstr "spells are decreased 1 level"
msgid "spells are increased 1 level"
msgstr "spells are increased 1 level"
msgid "spells are increased 2 levels"
msgstr "spells are increased 2 levels"
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr "Full Spell Book"
msgid "Unusable"
msgstr "Unusable"
msgid "Spell Level %i"
msgstr "Spell Level %i"
msgid "Spider's"
msgstr "Spider's"
msgid "Spiked Club"
msgstr "Spiked Club"
msgid "Spineeater"
msgstr "Spineeater"
msgid "Spiritual"
msgstr "Spiritual"
msgid "Splint Mail"
msgstr "Splint Mail"
msgid "Split Skull Shield"
msgstr "Split Skull Shield"
msgid "Spooky"
msgstr "Spooky"
msgid "stability"
msgstr "stability"
msgid "Staff"
msgstr "Staff"
msgid "Staff of Lazarus"
msgstr "Staff of Lazarus"
msgid "Staff of Shadows"
msgstr "Staff of Shadows"
msgid "Staff of %s"
msgstr "Staff of %s"
msgid "Staff Recharge"
msgstr "Staff Recharge"
msgid "Staff\n(%i charges)"
msgstr "Staff\n(%i charges)"
msgid "Stalker"
msgstr "Stalker"
msgid "Stareye the Witch"
msgstr "Stareye the Witch"
msgid "Steelskull the Hunter"
msgstr "Steelskull the Hunter"
msgid "Steel"
msgstr "Steel"
msgid "Steel Lord"
msgstr "Steel Lord"
msgid "Steel Tome"
msgstr "Steel Tome"
msgid "Stonecleaver"
msgstr "Stonecleaver"
msgid "Stone"
msgstr "Stone"
msgid "Stone Clan"
msgstr "Stone Clan"
msgid "Stone Curse"
msgstr "Stone Curse"
msgid "Stormbane"
msgstr "Stormbane"
msgid "Stormshield"
msgstr "Stormshield"
msgid "Storm Lord"
msgstr "Storm Lord"
msgid "Storm Rider"
msgstr "Storm Rider"
msgid "Storm Spire"
msgstr "Storm Spire"
msgid "Strange"
msgstr "Strange"
msgid "strength"
msgstr "strength"
msgid "strength"
msgstr "strength"
msgid "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith"
msgstr "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith"
msgid "Strong"
msgstr "Strong"
msgid "structure"
msgstr "structure"
msgid "Studded Leather Armor"
msgstr "Studded Leather Armor"
msgid "sturdiness"
msgstr "sturdiness"
msgid "Succubus"
msgstr "Succubus"
msgid "Svenska"
msgstr "Svenska"
msgid "swiftness"
msgstr "swiftness"
msgid "Sword"
msgstr "Sword"
msgid "Tainted"
msgstr "Tainted"
msgid "Tale of the Three"
msgstr "Tale of the Three"
msgid "Talking to %s"
msgstr "Talking to %s"
msgid "Talk to Adria"
msgstr "Talk to Adria"
msgid "Talk to Cain"
msgstr "Talk to Cain"
msgid "Talk to Farnham"
msgstr "Talk to Farnham"
msgid "Talk to Gillian"
msgstr "Talk to Gillian"
msgid "Talk to Griswold"
msgstr "Talk to Griswold"
msgid "Talk to Ogden"
msgstr "Talk to Ogden"
msgid "Talk to Pepin"
msgstr "Talk to Pepin"
msgid "Talk to Wirt"
msgstr "Talk to Wirt"
msgid "Talk to %s"
msgstr "Talk to %s"
msgid "Tavern Sign"
msgstr "Tavern Sign"
msgid "tears"
msgstr "tears"
msgid "Telekinesis"
msgstr "Telekinesis"
msgid "Teleport"
msgstr "Teleport"
msgid "That which cannot be held cannot be harmed"
msgstr "That which cannot be held cannot be harmed"
msgid "Thaumaturgic"
msgstr "Thaumaturgic"
msgid "the ages"
msgstr "the ages"
msgid "The Arch-Litch Malignus"
msgstr "The Arch-Litch Malignus"
msgid "the bat"
msgstr "the bat"
msgid "the bear"
msgstr "the bear"
msgid "The Blackoak Bow"
msgstr "The Blackoak Bow"
msgid "The Black King"
msgstr "The Black King"
msgid "The Bleeder"
msgstr "The Bleeder"
msgid "The Bonesaw"
msgstr "The Bonesaw"
msgid "The Butcher"
msgstr "The Butcher"
msgid "The Butcher's Cleaver"
msgstr "The Butcher's Cleaver"
msgid "The Celestial Axe"
msgstr "The Celestial Axe"
msgid "The Celestial Bow"
msgstr "The Celestial Bow"
msgid "The Celestial Star"
msgstr "The Celestial Star"
msgid "The Chamber of Bone"
msgstr "The Chamber of Bone"
msgid "The Cranium Basher"
msgstr "The Cranium Basher"
msgid "The Curse of King Leoric"
msgstr "The Curse of King Leoric"
msgid "the dark"
msgstr "the dark"
msgid "The Dark Exile"
msgstr "The Dark Exile"
msgid "The Dark Lord"
msgstr "The Dark Lord"
msgid "The Defender"
msgstr "The Defender"
msgid "The Deflector"
msgstr "The Deflector"
msgid "the eagle"
msgstr "the eagle"
msgid "The essence of life flows from within"
msgstr "The essence of life flows from within"
msgid "The Executioner's Blade"
msgstr "The Executioner's Blade"
msgid "The Falcon's Talon"
msgstr "The Falcon's Talon"
msgid "The Flayer"
msgstr "The Flayer"
msgid "the fool"
msgstr "the fool"
msgid "the fox"
msgstr "the fox"
msgid "The Gladiator's Bane"
msgstr "The Gladiator's Bane"
msgid "The Grandfather"
msgstr "The Grandfather"
msgid "The Grizzly"
msgstr "The Grizzly"
msgid "The hands of men may be guided by fate"
msgstr "The hands of men may be guided by fate"
msgid "the heavens"
msgstr "the heavens"
msgid "the jackal"
msgstr "the jackal"
msgid "the jaguar"
msgstr "the jaguar"
msgid "the leech"
msgstr "the leech"
msgid "the lion"
msgstr "the lion"
msgid "The Magic Rock"
msgstr "The Magic Rock"
msgid "the mammoth"
msgstr "the mammoth"
msgid "The Mangler"
msgstr "The Mangler"
msgid "the mind"
msgstr "the mind"
msgid "the moon"
msgstr "the moon"
msgid "The Needler"
msgstr "The Needler"
msgid "the night"
msgstr "the night"
msgid "the pit"
msgstr "the pit"
msgid "The powers of mana refocused renews"
msgstr "The powers of mana refocused renews"
msgid "The Protector"
msgstr "The Protector"
msgid "The Rainbow Cloak"
msgstr "The Rainbow Cloak"
msgid "The Realms Beyond"
msgstr "The Realms Beyond"
msgid "The Rift Bow"
msgstr "The Rift Bow"
msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgstr "THE SIN WAR"
msgid "the sky"
msgstr "the sky"
msgid "the stars"
msgstr "the stars"
msgid "The sword of justice is swift and sharp"
msgstr "The sword of justice is swift and sharp"
msgid "The Tale of the Horadrim"
msgstr "The Tale of the Horadrim"
msgid "the tiger"
msgstr "the tiger"
msgid "The Town Elder"
msgstr "The Town Elder"
msgid "The Undead Crown"
msgstr "The Undead Crown"
msgid "The Unholy Altar"
msgstr "The Unholy Altar"
msgid "The Vizier"
msgstr "The Vizier"
msgid "the vulture"
msgstr "the vulture"
msgid "The Wages of the Sin War"
msgstr "The Wages of the Sin War"
msgid "The way is made clear when viewed from above"
msgstr "The way is made clear when viewed from above"
msgid "the whale"
msgstr "the whale"
msgid "the wolf"
msgstr "the wolf"
msgid "the zodiac"
msgstr "the zodiac"
msgid "thieves"
msgstr "thieves"
msgid "Thinking Cap"
msgstr "Thinking Cap"
msgid "This item is:"
msgstr "This item is:"
msgid "thorns"
msgstr "thorns"
msgid "Those who are last may yet be first"
msgstr "Those who are last may yet be first"
msgid "Those who defend seldom attack"
msgstr "Those who defend seldom attack"
msgid "Thundercall"
msgstr "Thundercall"
msgid "thunder"
msgstr "thunder"
msgid "Time cannot diminish the power of steel"
msgstr "Time cannot diminish the power of steel"
msgid "Tin"
msgstr "Tin"
msgid "titans"
msgstr "titans"
msgid "Toad Demon"
msgstr "Toad Demon"
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr "Toggle Spell"
msgid "Tome"
msgstr "Tome"
msgid "Topaz"
msgstr "Topaz"
msgid "Torka's Amulet of Power"
msgstr "Torka's Amulet of Power"
msgid "Torn Flesh of Souls"
msgstr "Torn Flesh of Souls"
msgid "Total kills : %i"
msgstr "Total kills : %i"
msgid "Tower Shield"
msgstr "Tower Shield"
msgid "Town Portal"
msgstr "Town Portal"
msgid "TO HIT"
msgstr "TO HIT"
msgid "to hit: %+i%%, %+i%% damage"
msgstr "to hit: %+i%%, %+i%% damage"
msgid "to use armor or weapons"
msgstr "to use armor or weapons"
msgid "To %s"
msgstr "To %s"
msgid "Trapped %s"
msgstr "Trapped %s"
msgid "Trap Disarm"
msgstr "Trap Disarm"
msgid "trouble"
msgstr "trouble"
msgid "Two"
msgstr "Two"
msgid "Two-Handed Sword"
msgstr "Two-Handed Sword"
msgid "> BACK < DEFAULT"
msgstr "> BACK < DEFAULT"
msgid "T'farc Evol's Tomb"
msgstr "T'farc Evol's Tomb"
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "> BACK"
msgid "Undead Balrog"
msgstr "Undead Balrog"
msgid "Unholy Altar"
msgstr "Unholy Altar"
msgid "Unique Item"
msgstr "Unique Item"
msgid "Unraveler"
msgstr "Unraveler"
msgid "Unseen"
msgstr "Unseen"
msgid "unusual item damage"
msgstr "unusual item damage"
msgid "Up to level %i"
msgstr "Up to level %i"
msgid "Up to town"
msgstr "Up to town"
msgid "Useless"
msgstr "Useless"
msgid "user loses all mana"
msgstr "user loses all mana"
msgid "Use belt item"
msgstr "Use belt item"
msgid "Valiant"
msgstr "Valiant"
msgid "Valor"
msgstr "Valor"
msgid "vampires"
msgstr "vampires"
msgid "Veil of Steel"
msgstr "Veil of Steel"
msgid "Vicious"
msgstr "Vicious"
msgid "vigor"
msgstr "vigor"
msgid "Viletouch"
msgstr "Viletouch"
msgid "Vile Stand"
msgstr "Vile Stand"
msgid "vim"
msgstr "vim"
msgid "Viperflame"
msgstr "Viperflame"
msgid "vitality"
msgstr "vitality"
msgid "vitality"
msgstr "vitality"
msgid "Vortex Lord"
msgstr "Vortex Lord"
msgid "Vulnerable"
msgstr "Vulnerable"
msgid "Warlord of Blood"
msgstr "Warlord of Blood"
msgid "Warmaggot the Mad"
msgstr "Warmaggot the Mad"
msgid "Warpfire Hellspawn"
msgstr "Warpfire Hellspawn"
msgid "Warpskull"
msgstr "Warpskull"
msgid "WARRIOR"
msgstr "WARRIOR"
msgid "Warrior's"
msgstr "Warrior's"
msgid "War Hammer"
msgstr "War Hammer"
msgid "War Staff"
msgstr "War Staff"
msgid "weakness"
msgstr "weakness"
msgid "Weak"
msgstr "Weak"
msgid "Weapon Rack"
msgstr "Weapon Rack"
msgid "weapon's chance to hit"
msgstr "weapon's chance to hit"
msgid "Webwidow"
msgstr "Webwidow"
msgid "Weird"
msgstr "Weird"
msgid "Welcome to Diablo"
msgstr "Welcome to Diablo"
msgid "Welcome to the"
msgstr "Welcome to the"
msgid "What have you got?"
msgstr "What have you got?"
msgid "What once was opened now is closed"
msgstr "What once was opened now is closed"
msgid "Wherever you go, there you are"
msgstr "Wherever you go, there you are"
msgid "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward"
msgstr "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward"
msgid "Which item is for sale?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Which item is for sale?\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "while in stores"
msgstr "while in stores"
msgid "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives"
msgstr "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives"
msgid "White"
msgstr "White"
msgid "Wicked Axe"
msgstr "Wicked Axe"
msgid "Windforce"
msgstr "Windforce"
msgid "Windspawn"
msgstr "Windspawn"
msgid "Winged-Demon"
msgstr "Winged-Demon"
msgid "Wirt"
msgstr "Wirt"
msgid "Wirt the Peg-legged Boy"
msgstr "Wirt the Peg-legged Boy"
msgid "Wisdom's Wrap"
msgstr "Wisdom's Wrap"
msgid "Witchfire the Unholy"
msgstr "Witchfire the Unholy"
msgid "Witchmoon"
msgstr "Witchmoon"
msgid "Witch's shack"
msgstr "Witch's shack"
msgid "wizardry"
msgstr "wizardry"
msgid "Wizardspike"
msgstr "Wizardspike"
msgid "Would you like to:"
msgstr "Would you like to:"
msgid "Wounded Townsman"
msgstr "Wounded Townsman"
msgid "Wrathfire the Doomed"
msgstr "Wrathfire the Doomed"
msgid "Wrathraven"
msgstr "Wrathraven"
msgid "Wyrm"
msgstr "Wyrm"
msgid "Wyrm's"
msgstr "Wyrm's"
msgid "_ SELECT"
msgstr "_ SELECT"
msgid "_ SELECT > BACK"
msgstr "_ SELECT > BACK"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Yes"
msgid "you can't heal"
msgstr "you can't heal"
msgid "You do not have enough gold"
msgstr "You do not have enough gold"
msgid "You do not have enough room in inventory"
msgstr "You do not have enough room in inventory"
msgid "You have nothing I want.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "You have nothing I want.\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to identify\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "You have nothing to identify\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to recharge.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "You have nothing to recharge.\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to repair.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "You have nothing to repair.\nYour gold : %i"
msgid "You have %u gold"
msgstr "You have %u gold"
msgid "You must be at least level 13 to use this."
msgstr "You must be at least level 13 to use this."
msgid "You must be at least level 17 to use this."
msgstr "You must be at least level 17 to use this."
msgid "You must be at least level 8 to use this."
msgstr "You must be at least level 8 to use this."
msgid "you want to remove?"
msgstr "you want to remove?"
msgid "Yulm's Mystic Amulet"
msgstr "Yulm's Mystic Amulet"
msgid "Zamphir"
msgstr "Zamphir"
msgid "zest"
msgstr "zest"
msgid "Zhar the Mad"
msgstr "Zhar the Mad"
msgid "Zhar the Mad's Memoirs"
msgstr "Zhar the Mad's Memoirs"
msgid "Zombie"
msgstr "Zombie"
msgid "+200% damage vs. demons"
msgstr "+200% damage vs. demons"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"
msgid "%i"
msgstr "%i"
msgid "%i Charges"
msgstr "%i Charges"
msgid "%i gold %s"
msgstr "%i gold %s"
msgid "%i Scrolls"
msgstr "%i Scrolls"
msgid "%i-%i"
msgstr "%i-%i"
msgid "%i %s charges"
msgstr "%i %s charges"
msgid "%i%%"
msgstr "%i%%"
msgid "%li"
msgstr "%li"
msgid "Card Formatted"
msgstr "Card Formatted"
msgid "Character saved"
msgstr "Character saved"
msgid "Format error! Memory card may be Unusable"
msgstr "Format error! Memory card may be Unusable"
msgid "Game Saved"
msgstr "Game Saved"
msgid "Memory card is not formatted"
msgstr "Memory card is not formatted"
msgid "Memory card is unusable"
msgstr "Memory card is unusable"
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr "Not a Diablo save"
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Please wait"
msgid "Save error!"
msgstr "Save error!"
msgstr "SAVING GAME"
msgid "Not a Diablo saved character\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr "Not a Diablo saved character\n\n_ Continue"
msgid "Not a Diablo saved game\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr "Not a Diablo saved game\n\n_ Continue"
msgid "No memory card files\n\nPress _ to continue"
msgstr "No memory card files\n\nPress _ to continue"
msgid "Saving options please wait......."
msgstr "Saving options please wait......."
msgid "%s of %s"
msgstr "%s of %s"
msgid "%s Shrine"
msgstr "%s Shrine"
msgid "%s Skill"
msgstr "%s Skill"
msgid "%s Spell"
msgstr "%s Spell"
msgid "%s %i Dex"
msgstr "%s %i Dex"
msgid "%s %i Mag"
msgstr "%s %i Mag"
msgid "%s %i Str"
msgstr "%s %i Str"
msgid "%s. How many do"
msgstr "%s. How many do"
msgid "%+i damage from enemies"
msgstr "%+i damage from enemies"
msgid "%+i to all attributes"
msgstr "%+i to all attributes"
msgid "%+i to dexterity"
msgstr "%+i to dexterity"
msgid "%+i to magic"
msgstr "%+i to magic"
msgid "%+i to strength"
msgstr "%+i to strength"
msgid "%+i to vitality"
msgstr "%+i to vitality"
msgid "%+i%% armor"
msgstr "%+i%% armor"
msgid "%+i%% damage"
msgstr "%+i%% damage"
msgid " Master"
msgstr " Master"
msgid " Music"
msgstr " Music"
msgid " Sound Effects"
msgstr " Sound Effects"
msgid " Speech"
msgstr " Speech"
msgid " Video Volume"
msgstr " Video Volume"
msgid "---------"
msgstr "---------"
msgid "There is much about the future we cannot see, but when it comes it will be the children who wield it. The boy Wirt has a blackness upon his soul, but he poses no threat to the town or its people. His secretive dealings with the urchins and unspoken guilds of nearby towns gain him access to many devices that cannot be easily found in Tristram. While his methods may be reproachful, Wirt can provide assistance for your battle against the encroaching Darkness."
msgstr "There is much about the future we cannot see, but when it comes it will be the children who wield it. The boy Wirt has a blackness upon his soul, but he poses no threat to the town or its people. His secretive dealings with the urchins and unspoken guilds of nearby towns gain him access to many devices that cannot be easily found in Tristram. While his methods may be reproachful, Wirt can provide assistance for your battle against the encroaching Darkness."
msgid "Earthen walls and thatched canopy do not a home create. The innkeeper Ogden serves more of a purpose in this town than many understand. He provides shelter for Gillian and her matriarch, maintains what life Farnham has left to him, and provides an anchor for all who are left in the town to what Tristram once was. His tavern, and the simple pleasures that can still be found there, provide a glimpse of a life that the people here remember. It is that memory that continues to feed their hopes for your success."
msgstr "Earthen walls and thatched canopy do not a home create. The innkeeper Ogden serves more of a purpose in this town than many understand. He provides shelter for Gillian and her matriarch, maintains what life Farnham has left to him, and provides an anchor for all who are left in the town to what Tristram once was. His tavern, and the simple pleasures that can still be found there, provide a glimpse of a life that the people here remember. It is that memory that continues to feed their hopes for your success."
msgid "I sense a soul in search of answers..."
msgstr "I sense a soul in search of answers..."
msgid "Wisdom is earned, not given. If you discover a tome of knowledge, devour its words. Should you already have knowledge of the arcane mysteries scribed within a book, remember - that level of mastery can always increase."
msgstr "Wisdom is earned, not given. If you discover a tome of knowledge, devour its words. Should you already have knowledge of the arcane mysteries scribed within a book, remember - that level of mastery can always increase."
msgid "The greatest power is often the shortest lived. You may find ancient words of power written upon scrolls of parchment. The strength of these scrolls lies in the ability of either apprentice or adept to cast them with equal ability. Their weakness is that they must first be read aloud and can never be kept at the ready in your mind. Know also that these scrolls can be read but once, so use them with care."
msgstr "The greatest power is often the shortest lived. You may find ancient words of power written upon scrolls of parchment. The strength of these scrolls lies in the ability of either apprentice or adept to cast them with equal ability. Their weakness is that they must first be read aloud and can never be kept at the ready in your mind. Know also that these scrolls can be read but once, so use them with care."
msgid "Though the heat of the sun is beyond measure, the mere flame of a candle is of greater danger. No energies, no matter how great, can be used without the proper focus. For many spells, ensorcelled Staves may be charged with magical energies many times over. I have the ability to restore their power - but know that nothing is done without a price."
msgstr "Though the heat of the sun is beyond measure, the mere flame of a candle is of greater danger. No energies, no matter how great, can be used without the proper focus. For many spells, ensorcelled Staves may be charged with magical energies many times over. I have the ability to restore their power - but know that nothing is done without a price."
msgid "The sum of our knowledge is in the sum of its people. Should you find a book or scroll that you cannot decipher, do not hesitate to bring it to me. If I can make sense of it I will share what I find."
msgstr "The sum of our knowledge is in the sum of its people. Should you find a book or scroll that you cannot decipher, do not hesitate to bring it to me. If I can make sense of it I will share what I find."
msgid "To a man who only knows Iron, there is no greater magic than Steel. The blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld fire and metal is unequaled in this land."
msgstr "To a man who only knows Iron, there is no greater magic than Steel. The blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld fire and metal is unequaled in this land."
msgid "Corruption has the strength of deceit, but innocence holds the power of purity. The young woman Gillian has a pure heart, placing the needs of her matriarch over her own. She fears me, but it is only because she does not understand me."
msgstr "Corruption has the strength of deceit, but innocence holds the power of purity. The young woman Gillian has a pure heart, placing the needs of her matriarch over her own. She fears me, but it is only because she does not understand me."
msgid "A chest opened in darkness holds no greater treasure than when it is opened in the light. The storyteller Cain is an enigma, but only to those who do not look. His knowledge of what lies beneath the cathedral is far greater than even he allows himself to realize."
msgstr "A chest opened in darkness holds no greater treasure than when it is opened in the light. The storyteller Cain is an enigma, but only to those who do not look. His knowledge of what lies beneath the cathedral is far greater than even he allows himself to realize."
msgid "The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall. Farnham has lost his soul, but not to any demon. It was lost when he saw his fellow townspeople betrayed by the Archbishop Lazarus. He has knowledge to be gleaned, but you must separate fact from fantasy."
msgstr "The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall. Farnham has lost his soul, but not to any demon. It was lost when he saw his fellow townspeople betrayed by the Archbishop Lazarus. He has knowledge to be gleaned, but you must separate fact from fantasy."
msgid "If you were to find this artifact for Griswold, it could put a serious damper on my business here. Awwww, you'll never find it."
msgstr "If you were to find this artifact for Griswold, it could put a serious damper on my business here. Awwww, you'll never find it."
msgid "Griswold speaks of The Anvil of Fury - a legendary artifact long searched for, but never found. Crafted from the metallic bones of the Razor Pit demons, the Anvil of Fury was smelt around the skulls of the five most powerful magi of the underworld. Carved with runes of power and chaos, any weapon or armor forged upon this Anvil will be immersed into the realm of Chaos, imbedding it with magical properties. It is said that the unpredictable nature of Chaos makes it difficult to know what the outcome of this smithing will be..."
msgstr "Griswold speaks of The Anvil of Fury - a legendary artifact long searched for, but never found. Crafted from the metallic bones of the Razor Pit demons, the Anvil of Fury was smelt around the skulls of the five most powerful magi of the underworld. Carved with runes of power and chaos, any weapon or armor forged upon this Anvil will be immersed into the realm of Chaos, imbedding it with magical properties. It is said that the unpredictable nature of Chaos makes it difficult to know what the outcome of this smithing will be..."
msgid "Don't you think that Griswold would be a better person to ask about this? He's quite handy, you know."
msgstr "Don't you think that Griswold would be a better person to ask about this? He's quite handy, you know."
msgid "If you had been looking for information on the Pestle of Curing or the Silver Chalice of Purification, I could have assisted you, my friend. However, in this matter, you would be better served to speak to either Griswold or Cain."
msgstr "If you had been looking for information on the Pestle of Curing or the Silver Chalice of Purification, I could have assisted you, my friend. However, in this matter, you would be better served to speak to either Griswold or Cain."
msgid "Griswold's father used to tell some of us when we were growing up about a giant anvil that was used to make mighty weapons. He said that when a hammer was struck upon this anvil, the ground would shake with a great fury. Whenever the earth moves, I always remember that story."
msgstr "Griswold's father used to tell some of us when we were growing up about a giant anvil that was used to make mighty weapons. He said that when a hammer was struck upon this anvil, the ground would shake with a great fury. Whenever the earth moves, I always remember that story."
msgid "Greetings! It's always a pleasure to see one of my best customers! I know that you have been venturing deeper into the Labyrinth, and there is a story I was told that you may find worth the time to listen to...\n \nOne of the men who returned from the Labyrinth told me about a mystic anvil that he came across during his escape. His description reminded me of legends I had heard in my youth about the burning Hellforge where powerful weapons of magic are crafted. The legend had it that deep within the Hellforge rested the Anvil of Fury! This Anvil contained within it the very essence of the demonic underworld...\n \nIt is said that any weapon crafted upon the burning Anvil is imbued with great power. If this anvil is indeed the Anvil of Fury, I may be able to make you a weapon capable of defeating even the darkest lord of Hell! \n \nFind the Anvil for me, and I'll get to work!"
msgstr "Greetings! It's always a pleasure to see one of my best customers! I know that you have been venturing deeper into the Labyrinth, and there is a story I was told that you may find worth the time to listen to...\n \nOne of the men who returned from the Labyrinth told me about a mystic anvil that he came across during his escape. His description reminded me of legends I had heard in my youth about the burning Hellforge where powerful weapons of magic are crafted. The legend had it that deep within the Hellforge rested the Anvil of Fury! This Anvil contained within it the very essence of the demonic underworld...\n \nIt is said that any weapon crafted upon the burning Anvil is imbued with great power. If this anvil is indeed the Anvil of Fury, I may be able to make you a weapon capable of defeating even the darkest lord of Hell! \n \nFind the Anvil for me, and I'll get to work!"
msgid "Nothing yet, eh? Well, keep searching. A weapon forged upon the Anvil could be your best hope, and I am sure that I can make you one of legendary proportions."
msgstr "Nothing yet, eh? Well, keep searching. A weapon forged upon the Anvil could be your best hope, and I am sure that I can make you one of legendary proportions."
msgid "I can hardly believe it! This is the Anvil of Fury - good work, my friend. Now we'll show those bastards that there are no weapons in Hell more deadly than those made by men! Take this and may Light protect you."
msgstr "I can hardly believe it! This is the Anvil of Fury - good work, my friend. Now we'll show those bastards that there are no weapons in Hell more deadly than those made by men! Take this and may Light protect you."
msgid "Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry too if someone took my anvil!"
msgstr "Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry too if someone took my anvil!"
msgid "There are many artifacts within the Labyrinth that hold powers beyond the comprehension of mortals. Some of these hold fantastic power that can be used by either the Light or the Darkness. Securing the Anvil from below could shift the course of the Sin War towards the Light."
msgstr "There are many artifacts within the Labyrinth that hold powers beyond the comprehension of mortals. Some of these hold fantastic power that can be used by either the Light or the Darkness. Securing the Anvil from below could shift the course of the Sin War towards the Light."
msgid "Hey - You that one that kill all! You get me Magic Banner or we attack! You no leave with life! You kill big uglies and give back Magic. Go past corner and door, find uglies. You give, you go!"
msgstr "Hey - You that one that kill all! You get me Magic Banner or we attack! You no leave with life! You kill big uglies and give back Magic. Go past corner and door, find uglies. You give, you go!"
msgid "You kill uglies, get banner. You bring to me, or else..."
msgstr "You kill uglies, get banner. You bring to me, or else..."
msgid "You give! Yes, good! Go now, we strong. We kill all with big Magic!"
msgstr "You give! Yes, good! Go now, we strong. We kill all with big Magic!"
msgid "I see that this strange behavior puzzles you as well. I would surmise that since many demons fear the light of the sun and believe that it holds great power, it may be that the rising sun depicted on the sign you speak of has led them to believe that it too holds some arcane powers. Hmm, perhaps they are not all as smart as we had feared..."
msgstr "I see that this strange behavior puzzles you as well. I would surmise that since many demons fear the light of the sun and believe that it holds great power, it may be that the rising sun depicted on the sign you speak of has led them to believe that it too holds some arcane powers. Hmm, perhaps they are not all as smart as we had feared..."
msgid "Master, I have a strange experience to relate. I know that you have a great knowledge of those monstrosities that inhabit the labyrinth, and this is something that I cannot understand for the very life of me... I was awakened during the night by a scraping sound just outside of my tavern. When I looked out from my bedroom, I saw the shapes of small demon-like creatures in the inn yard. After a short time, they ran off, but not before stealing the sign to my inn. I don't know why the demons would steal my sign but leave my family in peace... 'tis strange, no?"
msgstr "Master, I have a strange experience to relate. I know that you have a great knowledge of those monstrosities that inhabit the labyrinth, and this is something that I cannot understand for the very life of me... I was awakened during the night by a scraping sound just outside of my tavern. When I looked out from my bedroom, I saw the shapes of small demon-like creatures in the inn yard. After a short time, they ran off, but not before stealing the sign to my inn. I don't know why the demons would steal my sign but leave my family in peace... 'tis strange, no?"
msgid "Oh, you didn't have to bring back my sign, but I suppose that it does save me the expense of having another one made. Well, let me see, what could I give you as a fee for finding it? Hmmm, what have we here... ah, yes! This cap was left in one of the rooms by a magician who stayed here some time ago. Perhaps it may be of some value to you."
msgstr "Oh, you didn't have to bring back my sign, but I suppose that it does save me the expense of having another one made. Well, let me see, what could I give you as a fee for finding it? Hmmm, what have we here... ah, yes! This cap was left in one of the rooms by a magician who stayed here some time ago. Perhaps it may be of some value to you."
msgid "My goodness, demons running about the village at night, pillaging our homes - is nothing sacred? I hope that Ogden and Garda are all right. I suppose that they would come to see me if they were hurt..."
msgstr "My goodness, demons running about the village at night, pillaging our homes - is nothing sacred? I hope that Ogden and Garda are all right. I suppose that they would come to see me if they were hurt..."
msgid "Oh my! Is that where the sign went? My Grandmother and I must have slept right through the whole thing. Thank the Light that those monsters didn't attack the inn."
msgstr "Oh my! Is that where the sign went? My Grandmother and I must have slept right through the whole thing. Thank the Light that those monsters didn't attack the inn."
msgid "Demons stole Ogden's sign, you say? That doesn't sound much like the atrocities I've heard of - or seen. \n \nDemons are concerned with ripping out your heart, not your signpost."
msgstr "Demons stole Ogden's sign, you say? That doesn't sound much like the atrocities I've heard of - or seen. \n \nDemons are concerned with ripping out your heart, not your signpost."
msgid "You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want lots of money for it. If I was Ogden... and I'm not, but if I was... I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice mug of ale or a piece of cheese..."
msgstr "You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want lots of money for it. If I was Ogden... and I'm not, but if I was... I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice mug of ale or a piece of cheese..."
msgid "No mortal can truly understand the mind of the demon. \n \nNever let their erratic actions confuse you, as that too may be their plan."
msgstr "No mortal can truly understand the mind of the demon. \n \nNever let their erratic actions confuse you, as that too may be their plan."
msgid "What - is he saying I took that? I suppose that Griswold is on his side, too. \n \nLook, I got over simple sign stealing months ago. You can't turn a profit on a piece of wood."
msgstr "What - is he saying I took that? I suppose that Griswold is on his side, too. \n \nLook, I got over simple sign stealing months ago. You can't turn a profit on a piece of wood."
msgid "You recite an interesting rhyme written in a style that reminds me of other works. Let me think now - what was it? \n \n...Darkness shrouds the Hidden. Eyes glowing unseen with only the sounds of razor claws briefly scraping to torment those poor souls who have been made sightless for all eternity. The prison for those so damned is named the Halls of the Blind..."
msgstr "You recite an interesting rhyme written in a style that reminds me of other works. Let me think now - what was it? \n \n...Darkness shrouds the Hidden. Eyes glowing unseen with only the sounds of razor claws briefly scraping to torment those poor souls who have been made sightless for all eternity. The prison for those so damned is named the Halls of the Blind..."
msgid "I never much cared for poetry. Occasionally, I had cause to hire minstrels when the inn was doing well, but that seems like such a long time ago now. \n \nWhat? Oh, yes... uh, well, I suppose you could see what someone else knows."
msgstr "I never much cared for poetry. Occasionally, I had cause to hire minstrels when the inn was doing well, but that seems like such a long time ago now. \n \nWhat? Oh, yes... uh, well, I suppose you could see what someone else knows."
msgid "This does seem familiar, somehow. I seem to recall reading something very much like that poem while researching the history of demonic afflictions. It spoke of a place of great evil that... wait - you're not going there are you?"
msgstr "This does seem familiar, somehow. I seem to recall reading something very much like that poem while researching the history of demonic afflictions. It spoke of a place of great evil that... wait - you're not going there are you?"
msgid "If you have questions about blindness, you should talk to Pepin. I know that he gave my grandmother a potion that helped clear her vision, so maybe he can help you, too."
msgstr "If you have questions about blindness, you should talk to Pepin. I know that he gave my grandmother a potion that helped clear her vision, so maybe he can help you, too."
msgid "I am afraid that I have neither heard nor seen a place that matches your vivid description, my friend. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr "I am afraid that I have neither heard nor seen a place that matches your vivid description, my friend. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgid "Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?"
msgstr "Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?"
msgid "This is a place of great anguish and terror, and so serves its master well. \n \nTread carefully or you may yourself be staying much longer than you had anticipated."
msgstr "This is a place of great anguish and terror, and so serves its master well. \n \nTread carefully or you may yourself be staying much longer than you had anticipated."
msgid "Lets see, am I selling you something? No. Are you giving me money to tell you about this? No. Are you now leaving and going to talk to the storyteller who lives for this kind of thing? Yes."
msgstr "Lets see, am I selling you something? No. Are you giving me money to tell you about this? No. Are you now leaving and going to talk to the storyteller who lives for this kind of thing? Yes."
msgid "I can see what you see not.\nVision milky then eyes rot.\nWhen you turn they will be gone,\nWhispering their hidden song.\nThen you see what cannot be,\nShadows move where light should be.\nOut of darkness, out of mind,\nCast down into the Halls of the Blind."
msgstr "I can see what you see not.\nVision milky then eyes rot.\nWhen you turn they will be gone,\nWhispering their hidden song.\nThen you see what cannot be,\nShadows move where light should be.\nOut of darkness, out of mind,\nCast down into the Halls of the Blind."
msgid "The Gateway of Blood and the Halls of Fire are landmarks of mystic origin. Wherever this book you read from resides it is surely a place of great power.\n \nLegends speak of a pedestal that is carved from obsidian stone and has a pool of boiling blood atop its bone encrusted surface. There are also allusions to Stones of Blood that will open a door that guards an ancient treasure...\n \nThe nature of this treasure is shrouded in speculation, my friend, but it is said that the ancient hero Arkaine placed the holy armor Valor in a secret vault. Arkaine was the first mortal to turn the tide of the Sin War and chase the legions of darkness back to the Burning Hells.\n \nJust before Arkaine died, his armor was hidden away in a secret vault. It is said that when this holy armor is again needed, a hero will arise to don Valor once more. Perhaps you are that hero..."
msgstr "The Gateway of Blood and the Halls of Fire are landmarks of mystic origin. Wherever this book you read from resides it is surely a place of great power.\n \nLegends speak of a pedestal that is carved from obsidian stone and has a pool of boiling blood atop its bone encrusted surface. There are also allusions to Stones of Blood that will open a door that guards an ancient treasure...\n \nThe nature of this treasure is shrouded in speculation, my friend, but it is said that the ancient hero Arkaine placed the holy armor Valor in a secret vault. Arkaine was the first mortal to turn the tide of the Sin War and chase the legions of darkness back to the Burning Hells.\n \nJust before Arkaine died, his armor was hidden away in a secret vault. It is said that when this holy armor is again needed, a hero will arise to don Valor once more. Perhaps you are that hero..."
msgid "Every child hears the story of the warrior Arkaine and his mystic armor known as Valor. If you could find its resting place, you would be well protected against the evil in the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Every child hears the story of the warrior Arkaine and his mystic armor known as Valor. If you could find its resting place, you would be well protected against the evil in the Labyrinth."
msgid "Hmm... it sounds like something I should remember, but I've been so busy learning new cures and creating better elixirs that I must have forgotten. Sorry..."
msgstr "Hmm... it sounds like something I should remember, but I've been so busy learning new cures and creating better elixirs that I must have forgotten. Sorry..."
msgid "The story of the magic armor called Valor is something I often heard the boys talk about. You had better ask one of the men in the village."
msgstr "The story of the magic armor called Valor is something I often heard the boys talk about. You had better ask one of the men in the village."
msgid "The armor known as Valor could be what tips the scales in your favor. I will tell you that many have looked for it - including myself. Arkaine hid it well, my friend, and it will take more than a bit of luck to unlock the secrets that have kept it concealed oh, lo these many years."
msgstr "The armor known as Valor could be what tips the scales in your favor. I will tell you that many have looked for it - including myself. Arkaine hid it well, my friend, and it will take more than a bit of luck to unlock the secrets that have kept it concealed oh, lo these many years."
msgid "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
msgstr "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
msgid "Should you find these Stones of Blood, use them carefully. \n \nThe way is fraught with danger and your only hope rests within your self trust."
msgstr "Should you find these Stones of Blood, use them carefully. \n \nThe way is fraught with danger and your only hope rests within your self trust."
msgid "You intend to find the armor known as Valor? \n \nNo one has ever figured out where Arkaine stashed the stuff, and if my contacts couldn't find it, I seriously doubt you ever will either."
msgstr "You intend to find the armor known as Valor? \n \nNo one has ever figured out where Arkaine stashed the stuff, and if my contacts couldn't find it, I seriously doubt you ever will either."
msgid "The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill his endless sacrifices to the Dark ones who scream for one thing - blood."
msgstr "The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill his endless sacrifices to the Dark ones who scream for one thing - blood."
msgid "...and so, locked beyond the Gateway of Blood and past the Hall of Fire, Valor awaits for the Hero of Light to awaken..."
msgstr "...and so, locked beyond the Gateway of Blood and past the Hall of Fire, Valor awaits for the Hero of Light to awaken..."
msgid "A book that speaks of a chamber of human bones? Well, a Chamber of Bone is mentioned in certain archaic writings that I studied in the libraries of the East. These tomes inferred that when the Lords of the underworld desired to protect great treasures, they would create domains where those who died in the attempt to steal that treasure would be forever bound to defend it. A twisted, but strangely fitting, end?"
msgstr "A book that speaks of a chamber of human bones? Well, a Chamber of Bone is mentioned in certain archaic writings that I studied in the libraries of the East. These tomes inferred that when the Lords of the underworld desired to protect great treasures, they would create domains where those who died in the attempt to steal that treasure would be forever bound to defend it. A twisted, but strangely fitting, end?"
msgid "I am afraid that I don't know anything about that, good master. Cain has many books that may be of some help."
msgstr "I am afraid that I don't know anything about that, good master. Cain has many books that may be of some help."
msgid "This sounds like a very dangerous place. If you venture there, please take great care."
msgstr "This sounds like a very dangerous place. If you venture there, please take great care."
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about that. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about that. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgid "I know nothing of this place, but you may try asking Cain. He talks about many things, and it would not surprise me if he had some answers to your question."
msgstr "I know nothing of this place, but you may try asking Cain. He talks about many things, and it would not surprise me if he had some answers to your question."
msgid "Okay, so listen. There's this chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says, that might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna PAY for this... you... uh... yeah."
msgstr "Okay, so listen. There's this chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says, that might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna PAY for this... you... uh... yeah."
msgid "You will become an eternal servant of the dark lords should you perish within this cursed domain. \n \nEnter the Chamber of Bone at your own peril."
msgstr "You will become an eternal servant of the dark lords should you perish within this cursed domain. \n \nEnter the Chamber of Bone at your own peril."
msgid "A vast and mysterious treasure, you say? Maybe I could be interested in picking up a few things from you... or better yet, don't you need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?"
msgstr "A vast and mysterious treasure, you say? Maybe I could be interested in picking up a few things from you... or better yet, don't you need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?"
msgid "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written."
msgstr "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields that we know - between the utopian kingdoms of the High Heavens and the chaotic pits of the Burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky. Neither side ever gains sway for long as the forces of Light and Darkness constantly vie for control over all creation."
msgstr "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields that we know - between the utopian kingdoms of the High Heavens and the chaotic pits of the Burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky. Neither side ever gains sway for long as the forces of Light and Darkness constantly vie for control over all creation."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. When the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War."
msgstr "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. When the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known that the Three Prime Evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our world. The Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the east for decades, while humanity was left trembling in their wake. Our Order - the Horadrim - was founded by a group of secretive magi to hunt down and capture the Three Evils once and for all.\n \nThe original Horadrim captured two of the Three within powerful artifacts known as Soulstones and buried them deep beneath the desolate eastern sands. The third Evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in pursuit. The Third Evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror - was eventually captured, his essence set in a Soulstone and buried within this Labyrinth.\n \nBe warned that the soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the faith. If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child."
msgstr "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known that the Three Prime Evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our world. The Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the east for decades, while humanity was left trembling in their wake. Our Order - the Horadrim - was founded by a group of secretive magi to hunt down and capture the Three Evils once and for all.\n \nThe original Horadrim captured two of the Three within powerful artifacts known as Soulstones and buried them deep beneath the desolate eastern sands. The third Evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in pursuit. The Third Evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror - was eventually captured, his essence set in a Soulstone and buried within this Labyrinth.\n \nBe warned that the soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the faith. If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child."
msgid "So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the Burning Hells known as The Dark Exile. The Lesser Evils overthrew the Three Prime Evils and banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm. The demons Belial (the Lord of Lies) and Azmodan (the Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during the absence of the Three Brothers. All of Hell polarized between the factions of Belial and Azmodan while the forces of the High Heavens continually battered upon the very Gates of Hell."
msgstr "So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the Burning Hells known as The Dark Exile. The Lesser Evils overthrew the Three Prime Evils and banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm. The demons Belial (the Lord of Lies) and Azmodan (the Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during the absence of the Three Brothers. All of Hell polarized between the factions of Belial and Azmodan while the forces of the High Heavens continually battered upon the very Gates of Hell."
msgid "Many demons traveled to the mortal realm in search of the Three Brothers. These demons were followed to the mortal plane by Angels who hunted them throughout the vast cities of the East. The Angels allied themselves with a secretive Order of mortal magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at hunting demons. They also made many dark enemies in the underworlds."
msgstr "Many demons traveled to the mortal realm in search of the Three Brothers. These demons were followed to the mortal plane by Angels who hunted them throughout the vast cities of the East. The Angels allied themselves with a secretive Order of mortal magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at hunting demons. They also made many dark enemies in the underworlds."
msgid "So it came to be that the Three Prime Evils were banished in spirit form to the mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the East for decades, they were hunted down by the cursed Order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The youngest brother - Diablo, the Lord of Terror - escaped to the west.\n \nEventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstone as well, and buried him under an ancient, forgotten Cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and awaits the time of his rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of youth and power to possess - one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will then arise to free his Brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War..."
msgstr "So it came to be that the Three Prime Evils were banished in spirit form to the mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the East for decades, they were hunted down by the cursed Order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The youngest brother - Diablo, the Lord of Terror - escaped to the west.\n \nEventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstone as well, and buried him under an ancient, forgotten Cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and awaits the time of his rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of youth and power to possess - one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will then arise to free his Brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War..."
msgid "All praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Survivor of The Dark Exile. When he awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that few mortals know. He told me the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the pits of the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this world and all who exist here the Sin War."
msgstr "All praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Survivor of The Dark Exile. When he awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that few mortals know. He told me the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the pits of the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this world and all who exist here the Sin War."
msgid "Glory and Approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three. My Lord spoke to me of his two Brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the east. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of the Three."
msgstr "Glory and Approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three. My Lord spoke to me of his two Brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the east. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of the Three."
msgid "Hail and Sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls. When I awoke my Master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form. Diablo attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my Master was too weak from his imprisonment. My Lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son Albrecht and brought him before my Master. I now await Diablo's call and pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the Lord of this world."
msgstr "Hail and Sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls. When I awoke my Master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form. Diablo attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my Master was too weak from his imprisonment. My Lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son Albrecht and brought him before my Master. I now await Diablo's call and pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the Lord of this world."
msgid "It seems that the Archbishop Lazarus goaded many of the townsmen into venturing into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son. He played upon their fears and whipped them into a frenzied mob. None of them were prepared for what lay within the cold earth... Lazarus abandoned them down there - left in the clutches of unspeakable horrors - to die."
msgstr "It seems that the Archbishop Lazarus goaded many of the townsmen into venturing into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son. He played upon their fears and whipped them into a frenzied mob. None of them were prepared for what lay within the cold earth... Lazarus abandoned them down there - left in the clutches of unspeakable horrors - to die."
msgid "Yes, Farnham has mumbled something about a hulking brute who wielded a fierce weapon. I believe he called him a butcher."
msgstr "Yes, Farnham has mumbled something about a hulking brute who wielded a fierce weapon. I believe he called him a butcher."
msgid "By the Light, I know of this vile demon. There were many that bore the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the Cathedral. I don't know what he used to slice open his victims, but it could not have been of this world. It left wounds festering with disease and even I found them almost impossible to treat. Beware if you plan to battle this fiend..."
msgstr "By the Light, I know of this vile demon. There were many that bore the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the Cathedral. I don't know what he used to slice open his victims, but it could not have been of this world. It left wounds festering with disease and even I found them almost impossible to treat. Beware if you plan to battle this fiend..."
msgid "When Farnham said something about a butcher killing people, I immediately discounted it. But since you brought it up, maybe it is true."
msgstr "When Farnham said something about a butcher killing people, I immediately discounted it. But since you brought it up, maybe it is true."
msgid "I saw what Farnham calls the Butcher as it swathed a path through the bodies of my friends. He swung a cleaver as large as an axe, hewing limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood. I was separated from the fray by a host of small screeching demons and somehow found the stairway leading out. I never saw that hideous beast again, but his blood-stained visage haunts me to this day."
msgstr "I saw what Farnham calls the Butcher as it swathed a path through the bodies of my friends. He swung a cleaver as large as an axe, hewing limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood. I was separated from the fray by a host of small screeching demons and somehow found the stairway leading out. I never saw that hideous beast again, but his blood-stained visage haunts me to this day."
msgid "Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!"
msgstr "Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!"
msgid "The Butcher is a sadistic creature that delights in the torture and pain of others. You have seen his handiwork in the drunkard Farnham. His destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village."
msgstr "The Butcher is a sadistic creature that delights in the torture and pain of others. You have seen his handiwork in the drunkard Farnham. His destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village."
msgid "I know more than you'd think about that grisly fiend. His little friends got a hold of me and managed to get my leg before Griswold pulled me out of that hole. \n \nI'll put it bluntly - kill him before he kills you and adds your corpse to his collection."
msgstr "I know more than you'd think about that grisly fiend. His little friends got a hold of me and managed to get my leg before Griswold pulled me out of that hole. \n \nI'll put it bluntly - kill him before he kills you and adds your corpse to his collection."
msgid "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
msgstr "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
msgid "I've been looking for a map, but that certainly isn't it. You should show that to Adria - she can probably tell you what it is. I'll say one thing; it looks old, and old usually means valuable."
msgstr "I've been looking for a map, but that certainly isn't it. You should show that to Adria - she can probably tell you what it is. I'll say one thing; it looks old, and old usually means valuable."
msgid "So, the legend of the Map is real. Even I never truly believed any of it! I suppose it is time that I told you the truth about who I am, my friend. You see, I am not all that I seem...\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to keeping and safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released...\n \nThe evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror - known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago. The Map that you hold now was created ages ago to mark the time when Diablo would rise again from his imprisonment. When the two stars on that map align, Diablo will be at the height of his power. He will be all but invincible...\n \nYou are now in a race against time, my friend! Find Diablo and destroy him before the stars align, for we may never have a chance to rid the world of his evil again!"
msgstr "So, the legend of the Map is real. Even I never truly believed any of it! I suppose it is time that I told you the truth about who I am, my friend. You see, I am not all that I seem...\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to keeping and safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released...\n \nThe evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror - known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago. The Map that you hold now was created ages ago to mark the time when Diablo would rise again from his imprisonment. When the two stars on that map align, Diablo will be at the height of his power. He will be all but invincible...\n \nYou are now in a race against time, my friend! Find Diablo and destroy him before the stars align, for we may never have a chance to rid the world of his evil again!"
msgid "Our time is running short! I sense his dark power building and only you can stop him from attaining his full might."
msgstr "Our time is running short! I sense his dark power building and only you can stop him from attaining his full might."
msgid "I am sure that you tried your best, but I fear that even your strength and will may not be enough. Diablo is now at the height of his earthly power, and you will need all your courage and strength to defeat him. May the Light protect and guide you, my friend. I will help in any way that I am able."
msgstr "I am sure that you tried your best, but I fear that even your strength and will may not be enough. Diablo is now at the height of his earthly power, and you will need all your courage and strength to defeat him. May the Light protect and guide you, my friend. I will help in any way that I am able."
msgid "If the witch can't help you and suggests you see Cain, what makes you think that I would know anything? It sounds like this is a very serious matter. You should hurry along and see the storyteller as Adria suggests."
msgstr "If the witch can't help you and suggests you see Cain, what makes you think that I would know anything? It sounds like this is a very serious matter. You should hurry along and see the storyteller as Adria suggests."
msgid "I can't make much of the writing on this map, but perhaps Adria or Cain could help you decipher what this refers to. \n \nI can see that it is a map of the stars in our sky, but any more than that is beyond my talents."
msgstr "I can't make much of the writing on this map, but perhaps Adria or Cain could help you decipher what this refers to. \n \nI can see that it is a map of the stars in our sky, but any more than that is beyond my talents."
msgid "The best person to ask about that sort of thing would be our storyteller. \n \nCain is very knowledgeable about ancient writings, and that is easily the oldest looking piece of paper that I have ever seen."
msgstr "The best person to ask about that sort of thing would be our storyteller. \n \nCain is very knowledgeable about ancient writings, and that is easily the oldest looking piece of paper that I have ever seen."
msgid "I have never seen a map of this sort before. Where'd you get it? Although I have no idea how to read this, Cain or Adria may be able to provide the answers that you seek."
msgstr "I have never seen a map of this sort before. Where'd you get it? Although I have no idea how to read this, Cain or Adria may be able to provide the answers that you seek."
msgid "Listen here, come close. I don't know if you know what I know, but you have really got somethin' here. That's a map."
msgstr "Listen here, come close. I don't know if you know what I know, but you have really got somethin' here. That's a map."
msgid "Oh, I'm afraid this does not bode well at all. This map of the stars portends great disaster, but its secrets are not mine to tell. The time has come for you to have a very serious conversation with the Storyteller..."
msgstr "Oh, I'm afraid this does not bode well at all. This map of the stars portends great disaster, but its secrets are not mine to tell. The time has come for you to have a very serious conversation with the Storyteller..."
msgid "I wanna tell ya sumthin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my specialty. This here is the best... theeeee best! That other ale ain't no good since those stupid dogs..."
msgstr "I wanna tell ya sumthin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my specialty. This here is the best... theeeee best! That other ale ain't no good since those stupid dogs..."
msgid "No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but somewhere under the church is a whole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin' and just waitin' for someone to get it."
msgstr "No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but somewhere under the church is a whole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin' and just waitin' for someone to get it."
msgid "I know you gots your own ideas, and I know you're not gonna believe this, but that weapon you got there - it just ain't no good against those big brutes! Oh, I don't care what Griswold says, they can't make anything like they used to in the old days..."
msgstr "I know you gots your own ideas, and I know you're not gonna believe this, but that weapon you got there - it just ain't no good against those big brutes! Oh, I don't care what Griswold says, they can't make anything like they used to in the old days..."
msgid "If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got and get out of here. That boy out there... He's always got somethin good, but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got."
msgstr "If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got and get out of here. That boy out there... He's always got somethin good, but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got."
msgid "Can't a fella drink in peace?"
msgstr "Can't a fella drink in peace?"
msgid "The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah, what a pretty lady. So nice, too."
msgstr "The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah, what a pretty lady. So nice, too."
msgid "Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me... she's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little."
msgstr "Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me... she's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little."
msgid "Cain isn't what he says he is. Sure, sure, he talks a good story... some of 'em are real scary or funny... but I think he knows more than he knows he knows."
msgstr "Cain isn't what he says he is. Sure, sure, he talks a good story... some of 'em are real scary or funny... but I think he knows more than he knows he knows."
msgid "Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together, you know, back when... we... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgstr "Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together, you know, back when... we... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgid "Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh hero? I was a hero too..."
msgstr "Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh hero? I was a hero too..."
msgid "Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there, you know? Lost a leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so sad..."
msgstr "Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there, you know? Lost a leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so sad..."
msgid "Ogden is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me much, but as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like I been spendin' more time with Ogden than most, but he's so good to me..."
msgstr "Ogden is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me much, but as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like I been spendin' more time with Ogden than most, but he's so good to me..."
msgid "Pleeeease, no hurt. No Kill. Keep alive and next time good bring to you."
msgstr "Pleeeease, no hurt. No Kill. Keep alive and next time good bring to you."
msgid "Something for you I am making. Again, not kill Gharbad. Live and give good. \n \nYou take this as proof I keep word..."
msgstr "Something for you I am making. Again, not kill Gharbad. Live and give good. \n \nYou take this as proof I keep word..."
msgid "Nothing yet! Almost done. \n \nVery powerful, very strong. Live! Live! \n \nNo pain and promise I keep!"
msgstr "Nothing yet! Almost done. \n \nVery powerful, very strong. Live! Live! \n \nNo pain and promise I keep!"
msgid "This too good for you. Very Powerful! You want - you take!"
msgstr "This too good for you. Very Powerful! You want - you take!"
msgid "Ogden and his wife have taken me and my grandmother into their home and have even let me earn a few gold pieces by working at the inn. I owe so much to them, and hope one day to leave this place and help them start a grand hotel in the east."
msgstr "Ogden and his wife have taken me and my grandmother into their home and have even let me earn a few gold pieces by working at the inn. I owe so much to them, and hope one day to leave this place and help them start a grand hotel in the east."
msgid "Good day! How may I serve you?"
msgstr "Good day! How may I serve you?"
msgid "My grandmother had a dream that you would come and talk to me. She has visions, you know and can see into the future."
msgstr "My grandmother had a dream that you would come and talk to me. She has visions, you know and can see into the future."
msgid "The woman at the edge of town is a witch! She seems nice enough, and her name, Adria, is very pleasing to the ear, but I am very afraid of her. \n \nIt would take someone quite brave, like you, to see what she is doing out there."
msgstr "The woman at the edge of town is a witch! She seems nice enough, and her name, Adria, is very pleasing to the ear, but I am very afraid of her. \n \nIt would take someone quite brave, like you, to see what she is doing out there."
msgid "Our Blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram. Not only is he a master craftsman who has won many contests within his guild, but he received praises from our King Leoric himself - may his soul rest in peace. Griswold is also a great hero; just ask Cain."
msgstr "Our Blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram. Not only is he a master craftsman who has won many contests within his guild, but he received praises from our King Leoric himself - may his soul rest in peace. Griswold is also a great hero; just ask Cain."
msgid "Cain has been the storyteller of Tristram for as long as I can remember. He knows so much, and can tell you just about anything about almost everything."
msgstr "Cain has been the storyteller of Tristram for as long as I can remember. He knows so much, and can tell you just about anything about almost everything."
msgid "Farnham is a drunkard who fills his belly with ale and everyone else's ears with nonsense. \n \nI know that both Pepin and Ogden feel sympathy for him, but I get so frustrated watching him slip farther and farther into a befuddled stupor every night."
msgstr "Farnham is a drunkard who fills his belly with ale and everyone else's ears with nonsense. \n \nI know that both Pepin and Ogden feel sympathy for him, but I get so frustrated watching him slip farther and farther into a befuddled stupor every night."
msgid "Pepin saved my grandmother's life, and I know that I can never repay him for that. His ability to heal any sickness is more powerful than the mightiest sword and more mysterious than any spell you can name. If you ever are in need of healing, Pepin can help you."
msgstr "Pepin saved my grandmother's life, and I know that I can never repay him for that. His ability to heal any sickness is more powerful than the mightiest sword and more mysterious than any spell you can name. If you ever are in need of healing, Pepin can help you."
msgid "I grew up with Wirt's mother, Canace. Although she was only slightly hurt when those hideous creatures stole him, she never recovered. I think she died of a broken heart. Wirt has become a mean-spirited youngster, looking only to profit from the sweat of others. I know that he suffered and has seen horrors that I cannot even imagine, but some of that darkness hangs over him still."
msgstr "I grew up with Wirt's mother, Canace. Although she was only slightly hurt when those hideous creatures stole him, she never recovered. I think she died of a broken heart. Wirt has become a mean-spirited youngster, looking only to profit from the sweat of others. I know that he suffered and has seen horrors that I cannot even imagine, but some of that darkness hangs over him still."
msgid "A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad thing to say about the healer."
msgstr "A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad thing to say about the healer."
msgid "That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and learning an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful."
msgstr "That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and learning an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful."
msgid "The Innkeeper has little business and no real way of turning a profit. He manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who occasionally drift through the village, but they are as likely to sneak off into the night as they are to pay him. If it weren't for the stores of grains and dried meats he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons."
msgstr "The Innkeeper has little business and no real way of turning a profit. He manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who occasionally drift through the village, but they are as likely to sneak off into the night as they are to pay him. If it weren't for the stores of grains and dried meats he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons."
msgid "Well, what can I do for ya?"
msgstr "Well, what can I do for ya?"
msgid "If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your basic blunt weapon, such as a mace. Works like a charm against most of those undying horrors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter skinny little skeletons!"
msgstr "If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your basic blunt weapon, such as a mace. Works like a charm against most of those undying horrors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter skinny little skeletons!"
msgid "The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
msgstr "The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
msgid "Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathing enemy, a sword will better slice their flesh!"
msgstr "Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathing enemy, a sword will better slice their flesh!"
msgid "Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the Darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I can restore them to top fighting form."
msgstr "Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the Darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I can restore them to top fighting form."
msgid "While I have to practically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how to harness magic as she did, I could make some truly incredible things."
msgstr "While I have to practically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how to harness magic as she did, I could make some truly incredible things."
msgid "Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I would arrange to get both of them out of here on one of the trading caravans."
msgstr "Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I would arrange to get both of them out of here on one of the trading caravans."
msgid "Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make a suit of court plate good enough for an Emperor!"
msgstr "Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make a suit of court plate good enough for an Emperor!"
msgid "I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into Labyrinth. I never saw the Archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well, another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if I could."
msgstr "I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into Labyrinth. I never saw the Archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well, another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if I could."
msgid "If anyone can make something out of that rock, Griswold can. He knows what he is doing, and as much as I try to steal his customers, I respect the quality of his work."
msgstr "If anyone can make something out of that rock, Griswold can. He knows what he is doing, and as much as I try to steal his customers, I respect the quality of his work."
msgid "Griswold speaks of the Heaven Stone that was destined for the enclave located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that which a normal man could possess. I do not know what secrets it holds, my friend, but finding this stone would certainly prove most valuable."
msgstr "Griswold speaks of the Heaven Stone that was destined for the enclave located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that which a normal man could possess. I do not know what secrets it holds, my friend, but finding this stone would certainly prove most valuable."
msgid "The caravan stopped here to take on some supplies for their journey to the east. I sold them quite an array of fresh fruits and some excellent sweetbreads that Garda has just finished baking. Shame what happened to them..."
msgstr "The caravan stopped here to take on some supplies for their journey to the east. I sold them quite an array of fresh fruits and some excellent sweetbreads that Garda has just finished baking. Shame what happened to them..."
msgid "I don't know what it is that they thought they could see with that rock, but I will say this. If rocks are falling from the sky, you had better be careful!"
msgstr "I don't know what it is that they thought they could see with that rock, but I will say this. If rocks are falling from the sky, you had better be careful!"
msgid "Well, a caravan of some very important people did stop here, but that was quite a while ago. They had strange accents and were starting on a long journey, as I recall. \n \nI don't see how you could hope to find anything that they would have been carrying."
msgstr "Well, a caravan of some very important people did stop here, but that was quite a while ago. They had strange accents and were starting on a long journey, as I recall. \n \nI don't see how you could hope to find anything that they would have been carrying."
msgid "Stay for a moment - I have a story you might find interesting. A caravan that was bound for the eastern kingdoms passed through here some time ago. It was supposedly carrying a piece of the heavens that had fallen to earth! The caravan was ambushed by cloaked riders just north of here along the roadway. I searched the wreckage for this sky rock, but it was nowhere to be found. If you should find it, I believe that I can fashion something useful from it."
msgstr "Stay for a moment - I have a story you might find interesting. A caravan that was bound for the eastern kingdoms passed through here some time ago. It was supposedly carrying a piece of the heavens that had fallen to earth! The caravan was ambushed by cloaked riders just north of here along the roadway. I searched the wreckage for this sky rock, but it was nowhere to be found. If you should find it, I believe that I can fashion something useful from it."
msgid "I am still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the heavens. I know that I can make something powerful out of it."
msgstr "I am still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the heavens. I know that I can make something powerful out of it."
msgid "Let me see that - aye... aye, it is as I believed. Give me a moment...\n \nAh, Here you are. I arranged pieces of the stone within a silver ring that my father left me. I hope it serves you well."
msgstr "Let me see that - aye... aye, it is as I believed. Give me a moment...\n \nAh, Here you are. I arranged pieces of the stone within a silver ring that my father left me. I hope it serves you well."
msgid "I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to it, though. I really miss that ring..."
msgstr "I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to it, though. I really miss that ring..."
msgid "The Heaven Stone is very powerful, and were it any but Griswold who bid you find it, I would prevent it. He will harness its powers and its use will be for the good of us all."
msgstr "The Heaven Stone is very powerful, and were it any but Griswold who bid you find it, I would prevent it. He will harness its powers and its use will be for the good of us all."
msgid "Thank goodness you've returned!\nMuch has changed since you lived here, my friend. All was peaceful until the dark riders came and destroyed our village. Many were cut down where they stood, and those who took up arms were slain or dragged away to become slaves - or worse. The church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals. The screams that echo in the night are inhuman, but some of our townsfolk may yet survive. Follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to find the church and save who you can. \n \nPerhaps I can tell you more if we speak again. Good luck."
msgstr "Thank goodness you've returned!\nMuch has changed since you lived here, my friend. All was peaceful until the dark riders came and destroyed our village. Many were cut down where they stood, and those who took up arms were slain or dragged away to become slaves - or worse. The church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals. The screams that echo in the night are inhuman, but some of our townsfolk may yet survive. Follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to find the church and save who you can. \n \nPerhaps I can tell you more if we speak again. Good luck."
msgid "Look, I'm running a business here. I don't sell information, and I don't care about some king that's been dead longer than I've been alive. If you need something to use against this king of the undead, then I can help you out..."
msgstr "Look, I'm running a business here. I don't sell information, and I don't care about some king that's been dead longer than I've been alive. If you need something to use against this king of the undead, then I can help you out..."
msgid "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity!"
msgstr "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity!"
msgid " Ahh, the story of our King, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the King, and now they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking myself is how he could have fallen so far from the Light, as Leoric had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of Hell could so utterly destroy a man from within..."
msgstr " Ahh, the story of our King, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the King, and now they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking myself is how he could have fallen so far from the Light, as Leoric had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of Hell could so utterly destroy a man from within..."
msgid "The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The King went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity...\n \nThe King's Knights and Priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath the King called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever...\n \nThis is where things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former King has risen from his eternal sleep and now commands a legion of undead minions within the Labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb three levels beneath the Cathedral. Please, good master, put his soul at ease by destroying his now cursed form..."
msgstr "The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The King went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity...\n \nThe King's Knights and Priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath the King called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever...\n \nThis is where things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former King has risen from his eternal sleep and now commands a legion of undead minions within the Labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb three levels beneath the Cathedral. Please, good master, put his soul at ease by destroying his now cursed form..."
msgid "As I told you, good master, the King was entombed three levels below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance to destroy this land..."
msgstr "As I told you, good master, the King was entombed three levels below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance to destroy this land..."
msgid "The curse of our King has passed, but I fear that it was only part of a greater evil at work. However, we may yet be saved from the darkness that consumes our land, for your victory is a good omen. May Light guide you on your way, good master."
msgstr "The curse of our King has passed, but I fear that it was only part of a greater evil at work. However, we may yet be saved from the darkness that consumes our land, for your victory is a good omen. May Light guide you on your way, good master."
msgid "The loss of his son was too much for King Leoric. I did what I could to ease his madness, but in the end it overcame him. A black curse has hung over this kingdom from that day forward, but perhaps if you were to free his spirit from his earthly prison, the curse would be lifted..."
msgstr "The loss of his son was too much for King Leoric. I did what I could to ease his madness, but in the end it overcame him. A black curse has hung over this kingdom from that day forward, but perhaps if you were to free his spirit from his earthly prison, the curse would be lifted..."
msgid "I don't like to think about how the King died. I like to remember him for the kind and just ruler that he was. His death was so sad and seemed very wrong, somehow."
msgstr "I don't like to think about how the King died. I like to remember him for the kind and just ruler that he was. His death was so sad and seemed very wrong, somehow."
msgid "I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister force that drove him insane!"
msgstr "I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister force that drove him insane!"
msgid "I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be MY king. Leoric is King. King, so you hear me? HAIL TO THE KING!"
msgstr "I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be MY king. Leoric is King. King, so you hear me? HAIL TO THE KING!"
msgid "The dead who walk among the living follow the cursed King. He holds the power to raise yet more warriors for an ever growing army of the undead. If you do not stop his reign, he will surely march across this land and slay all who still live here."
msgstr "The dead who walk among the living follow the cursed King. He holds the power to raise yet more warriors for an ever growing army of the undead. If you do not stop his reign, he will surely march across this land and slay all who still live here."
msgid "Yes, this will be perfect for a brew that I am creating. By the way, the healer is looking for the brain of some demon or another so he can treat those who have been afflicted by their poisonous venom. I believe that he intends to make an elixir from it. If you help him find what he needs, please see if you can get a sample of the elixir for me."
msgstr "Yes, this will be perfect for a brew that I am creating. By the way, the healer is looking for the brain of some demon or another so he can treat those who have been afflicted by their poisonous venom. I believe that he intends to make an elixir from it. If you help him find what he needs, please see if you can get a sample of the elixir for me."
msgid "Why have you brought that here? I have no need for a demon's brain at this time. I do need some of the elixir that the Healer is working on. He needs that grotesque organ that you are holding, and then bring me the elixir. Simple when you think about it, isn't it?"
msgstr "Why have you brought that here? I have no need for a demon's brain at this time. I do need some of the elixir that the Healer is working on. He needs that grotesque organ that you are holding, and then bring me the elixir. Simple when you think about it, isn't it?"
msgid "What? Now you bring me that elixir from the healer? I was able to finish my brew without it. Why don't you just keep it..."
msgstr "What? Now you bring me that elixir from the healer? I was able to finish my brew without it. Why don't you just keep it..."
msgid "I don't have any mushrooms of any size or color for sale. How about something a bit more useful?"
msgstr "I don't have any mushrooms of any size or color for sale. How about something a bit more useful?"
msgid "The witch Adria seeks a black mushroom? I know as much about Black Mushrooms as I do about Red Herrings. Perhaps Pepin the Healer could tell you more, but this is something that cannot be found in any of my stories or books."
msgstr "The witch Adria seeks a black mushroom? I know as much about Black Mushrooms as I do about Red Herrings. Perhaps Pepin the Healer could tell you more, but this is something that cannot be found in any of my stories or books."
msgid "Let me just say this. Both Garda and I would never, EVER serve black mushrooms to our honored guests. If Adria wants some mushrooms in her stew, then that is her business, but I can't help you find any. Black mushrooms... disgusting!"
msgstr "Let me just say this. Both Garda and I would never, EVER serve black mushrooms to our honored guests. If Adria wants some mushrooms in her stew, then that is her business, but I can't help you find any. Black mushrooms... disgusting!"
msgid "The witch told me that you were searching for the brain of a demon to assist me in creating my elixir. It should be of great value to the many who are injured by those foul beasts, if I can just unlock the secrets I suspect that its alchemy holds. If you can remove the brain of a demon when you kill it, I would be grateful if you could bring it to me."
msgstr "The witch told me that you were searching for the brain of a demon to assist me in creating my elixir. It should be of great value to the many who are injured by those foul beasts, if I can just unlock the secrets I suspect that its alchemy holds. If you can remove the brain of a demon when you kill it, I would be grateful if you could bring it to me."
msgid "Excellent, this is just what I had in mind. I was able to finish the elixir without this, but it can't hurt to have this to study. Would you please carry this to the witch? I believe that she is expecting it."
msgstr "Excellent, this is just what I had in mind. I was able to finish the elixir without this, but it can't hurt to have this to study. Would you please carry this to the witch? I believe that she is expecting it."
msgid "I think Ogden might have some mushrooms in the storage cellar. Why don't you ask him?"
msgstr "I think Ogden might have some mushrooms in the storage cellar. Why don't you ask him?"
msgid "If Adria doesn't have one of these, you can bet that's a rare thing indeed. I can offer you no more help than that, but it sounds like... a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! Well, good hunting, I suppose."
msgstr "If Adria doesn't have one of these, you can bet that's a rare thing indeed. I can offer you no more help than that, but it sounds like... a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! Well, good hunting, I suppose."
msgid "Ogden mixes a MEAN black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that. Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!"
msgstr "Ogden mixes a MEAN black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that. Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!"
msgid "What do we have here? Interesting, it looks like a book of reagents. Keep your eyes open for a black mushroom. It should be fairly large and easy to identify. If you find it, bring it to me, won't you?"
msgstr "What do we have here? Interesting, it looks like a book of reagents. Keep your eyes open for a black mushroom. It should be fairly large and easy to identify. If you find it, bring it to me, won't you?"
msgid "It's a big, black mushroom that I need. Now run off and get it for me so that I can use it for a special concoction that I am working on."
msgstr "It's a big, black mushroom that I need. Now run off and get it for me so that I can use it for a special concoction that I am working on."
msgid "Gillian, my Barmaid? If it were not for her sense of duty to her grand-dam, she would have fled from here long ago. \n \nGoodness knows I begged her to leave, telling her that I would watch after the old woman, but she is too sweet and caring to have done so."
msgstr "Gillian, my Barmaid? If it were not for her sense of duty to her grand-dam, she would have fled from here long ago. \n \nGoodness knows I begged her to leave, telling her that I would watch after the old woman, but she is too sweet and caring to have done so."
msgid "Greetings, good master. Welcome to the Tavern of the Rising Sun!"
msgstr "Greetings, good master. Welcome to the Tavern of the Rising Sun!"
msgid "Many adventurers have graced the tables of my tavern, and ten times as many stories have been told over as much ale. The only thing that I ever heard any of them agree on was this old axiom. Perhaps it will help you. You can cut the flesh, but you must crush the bone."
msgstr "Many adventurers have graced the tables of my tavern, and ten times as many stories have been told over as much ale. The only thing that I ever heard any of them agree on was this old axiom. Perhaps it will help you. You can cut the flesh, but you must crush the bone."
msgid "Griswold the blacksmith is extremely knowledgeable about weapons and armor. If you ever need work done on your gear, he is definitely the man to see."
msgstr "Griswold the blacksmith is extremely knowledgeable about weapons and armor. If you ever need work done on your gear, he is definitely the man to see."
msgid "Farnham spends far too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Farnham spends far too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the Labyrinth."
msgid "Adria is wise beyond her years, but I must admit - she frightens me a little. \n \nWell, no matter. If you ever have need to trade in items of sorcery, she maintains a strangely well-stocked hut just across the river."
msgstr "Adria is wise beyond her years, but I must admit - she frightens me a little. \n \nWell, no matter. If you ever have need to trade in items of sorcery, she maintains a strangely well-stocked hut just across the river."
msgid "If you want to know more about the history of our village, the storyteller Cain knows quite a bit about the past."
msgstr "If you want to know more about the history of our village, the storyteller Cain knows quite a bit about the past."
msgid "Wirt is a rapscallion and a little scoundrel. He was always getting into trouble, and it's no surprise what happened to him. \n \nHe probably went fooling about someplace that he shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the boy, but I don't abide the company that he keeps."
msgstr "Wirt is a rapscallion and a little scoundrel. He was always getting into trouble, and it's no surprise what happened to him. \n \nHe probably went fooling about someplace that he shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the boy, but I don't abide the company that he keeps."
msgid "Pepin is a good man - and certainly the most generous in the village. He is always attending to the needs of others, but trouble of some sort or another does seem to follow him wherever he goes..."
msgstr "Pepin is a good man - and certainly the most generous in the village. He is always attending to the needs of others, but trouble of some sort or another does seem to follow him wherever he goes..."
msgid "I really don't understand why Ogden stays here in Tristram. He suffers from a slight nervous condition, but he is an intelligent and industrious man who would do very well wherever he went. I suppose it may be the fear of the many murders that happen in the surrounding countryside, or perhaps the wishes of his wife that keep him and his family where they are."
msgstr "I really don't understand why Ogden stays here in Tristram. He suffers from a slight nervous condition, but he is an intelligent and industrious man who would do very well wherever he went. I suppose it may be the fear of the many murders that happen in the surrounding countryside, or perhaps the wishes of his wife that keep him and his family where they are."
msgid "Ogden's barmaid is a sweet girl. Her grandmother is quite ill, and suffers from delusions. \n \nShe claims that they are visions, but I have no proof of that one way or the other."
msgstr "Ogden's barmaid is a sweet girl. Her grandmother is quite ill, and suffers from delusions. \n \nShe claims that they are visions, but I have no proof of that one way or the other."
msgid "What ails you, my friend?"
msgstr "What ails you, my friend?"
msgid "I have made a very interesting discovery. Unlike us, the creatures in the Labyrinth can heal themselves without the aid of potions or magic. If you hurt one of the monsters, make sure it is dead or it very well may regenerate itself."
msgstr "I have made a very interesting discovery. Unlike us, the creatures in the Labyrinth can heal themselves without the aid of potions or magic. If you hurt one of the monsters, make sure it is dead or it very well may regenerate itself."
msgid "Before it was taken over by, well, whatever lurks below, the Cathedral was a place of great learning. There are many books to be found there. If you find any, you should read them all, for some may hold secrets to the workings of the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Before it was taken over by, well, whatever lurks below, the Cathedral was a place of great learning. There are many books to be found there. If you find any, you should read them all, for some may hold secrets to the workings of the Labyrinth."
msgid "Griswold knows as much about the art of war as I do about the art of healing. He is a shrewd merchant, but his work is second to none. Oh, I suppose that may be because he is the only blacksmith left here."
msgstr "Griswold knows as much about the art of war as I do about the art of healing. He is a shrewd merchant, but his work is second to none. Oh, I suppose that may be because he is the only blacksmith left here."
msgid "Cain is a true friend and a wise sage. He maintains a vast library and has an innate ability to discern the true nature of many things. If you ever have any questions, he is the person to go to."
msgstr "Cain is a true friend and a wise sage. He maintains a vast library and has an innate ability to discern the true nature of many things. If you ever have any questions, he is the person to go to."
msgid "Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do."
msgstr "Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do."
msgid "While I use some limited forms of magic to create the potions and elixirs I store here, Adria is a true sorceress. She never seems to sleep, and she always has access to many mystic tomes and artifacts. I believe her hut may be much more than the hovel it appears to be, but I can never seem to get inside the place."
msgstr "While I use some limited forms of magic to create the potions and elixirs I store here, Adria is a true sorceress. She never seems to sleep, and she always has access to many mystic tomes and artifacts. I believe her hut may be much more than the hovel it appears to be, but I can never seem to get inside the place."
msgid "Poor Wirt. I did all that was possible for the child, but I know he despises that wooden peg that I was forced to attach to his leg. His wounds were hideous. No one - and especially such a young child - should have to suffer the way he did."
msgstr "Poor Wirt. I did all that was possible for the child, but I know he despises that wooden peg that I was forced to attach to his leg. His wounds were hideous. No one - and especially such a young child - should have to suffer the way he did."
msgid "For once, I'm with you. My business runs dry - so to speak - if I have no market to sell to. You better find out what is going on, and soon!"
msgstr "For once, I'm with you. My business runs dry - so to speak - if I have no market to sell to. You better find out what is going on, and soon!"
msgid "Hmm, I don't know what I can really tell you about this that will be of any help. The water that fills our wells comes from an underground spring. I have heard of a tunnel that leads to a great lake - perhaps they are one and the same. Unfortunately, I do not know what would cause our water supply to be tainted."
msgstr "Hmm, I don't know what I can really tell you about this that will be of any help. The water that fills our wells comes from an underground spring. I have heard of a tunnel that leads to a great lake - perhaps they are one and the same. Unfortunately, I do not know what would cause our water supply to be tainted."
msgid "I have always tried to keep a large supply of foodstuffs and drink in our storage cellar, but with the entire town having no source of fresh water, even our stores will soon run dry. \n \nPlease, do what you can or I don't know what we will do."
msgstr "I have always tried to keep a large supply of foodstuffs and drink in our storage cellar, but with the entire town having no source of fresh water, even our stores will soon run dry. \n \nPlease, do what you can or I don't know what we will do."
msgid "I'm glad I caught up to you in time! Our wells have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from them. Our reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry. I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town. Please find what has caused this calamity, or we all will surely perish."
msgstr "I'm glad I caught up to you in time! Our wells have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from them. Our reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry. I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town. Please find what has caused this calamity, or we all will surely perish."
msgid "Please, you must hurry. Every hour that passes brings us closer to having no water to drink. \n \nWe cannot survive for long without your help."
msgstr "Please, you must hurry. Every hour that passes brings us closer to having no water to drink. \n \nWe cannot survive for long without your help."
msgid "What's that you say - the mere presence of the demons had caused the water to become tainted? Oh, truly a great evil lurks beneath our town, but your perseverance and courage gives us hope. Please take this ring - perhaps it will aid you in the destruction of such vile creatures."
msgstr "What's that you say - the mere presence of the demons had caused the water to become tainted? Oh, truly a great evil lurks beneath our town, but your perseverance and courage gives us hope. Please take this ring - perhaps it will aid you in the destruction of such vile creatures."
msgid "My grandmother is very weak, and Garda says that we cannot drink the water from the wells. Please, can you do something to help us?"
msgstr "My grandmother is very weak, and Garda says that we cannot drink the water from the wells. Please, can you do something to help us?"
msgid "Pepin has told you the truth. We will need fresh water badly, and soon. I have tried to clear one of the smaller wells, but it reeks of stagnant filth. It must be getting clogged at the source."
msgstr "Pepin has told you the truth. We will need fresh water badly, and soon. I have tried to clear one of the smaller wells, but it reeks of stagnant filth. It must be getting clogged at the source."
msgid "You drink water?"
msgstr "You drink water?"
msgid "The people of Tristram will die if you cannot restore fresh water to their wells. \n \nKnow this - demons are at the heart of this matter, but they remain ignorant of what they have spawned."
msgstr "The people of Tristram will die if you cannot restore fresh water to their wells. \n \nKnow this - demons are at the heart of this matter, but they remain ignorant of what they have spawned."
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "> BACK"
msgid "Ah, Pepin. I count him as a true friend - perhaps the closest I have here. He is a bit addled at times, but never a more caring or considerate soul has existed. His knowledge and skills are equaled by few, and his door is always open."
msgstr "Ah, Pepin. I count him as a true friend - perhaps the closest I have here. He is a bit addled at times, but never a more caring or considerate soul has existed. His knowledge and skills are equaled by few, and his door is always open."
msgid "Gillian is a fine woman. Much adored for her high spirits and her quick laugh, she holds a special place in my heart. She stays on at the tavern to support her elderly grandmother who is too sick to travel. I sometimes fear for her safety, but I know that any man in the village would rather die than see her harmed."
msgstr "Gillian is a fine woman. Much adored for her high spirits and her quick laugh, she holds a special place in my heart. She stays on at the tavern to support her elderly grandmother who is too sick to travel. I sometimes fear for her safety, but I know that any man in the village would rather die than see her harmed."
msgid "Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
msgstr "Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
msgid "While you are venturing deeper into the Labyrinth you may find tomes of great knowledge hidden there. \n \nRead them carefully for they can tell you things that even I cannot."
msgstr "While you are venturing deeper into the Labyrinth you may find tomes of great knowledge hidden there. \n \nRead them carefully for they can tell you things that even I cannot."
msgid "I know of many myths and legends that may contain answers to questions that may arise in your journeys into the Labyrinth. If you come across challenges and questions to which you seek knowledge, seek me out and I will tell you what I can."
msgstr "I know of many myths and legends that may contain answers to questions that may arise in your journeys into the Labyrinth. If you come across challenges and questions to which you seek knowledge, seek me out and I will tell you what I can."
msgid "Griswold - a man of great action and great courage. I bet he never told you about the time he went into the Labyrinth to save Wirt, did he? He knows his fair share of the dangers to be found there, but then again - so do you. He is a skilled craftsman, and if he claims to be able to help you in any way, you can count on his honesty and his skill."
msgstr "Griswold - a man of great action and great courage. I bet he never told you about the time he went into the Labyrinth to save Wirt, did he? He knows his fair share of the dangers to be found there, but then again - so do you. He is a skilled craftsman, and if he claims to be able to help you in any way, you can count on his honesty and his skill."
msgid "Ogden has owned and run the Rising Sun Inn and Tavern for almost four years now. He purchased it just a few short months before everything here went to hell. He and his wife Garda do not have the money to leave as they invested all they had in making a life for themselves here. He is a good man with a deep sense of responsibility."
msgstr "Ogden has owned and run the Rising Sun Inn and Tavern for almost four years now. He purchased it just a few short months before everything here went to hell. He and his wife Garda do not have the money to leave as they invested all they had in making a life for themselves here. He is a good man with a deep sense of responsibility."
msgid "Poor Farnham. He is a disquieting reminder of the doomed assembly that entered into the Cathedral with Lazarus on that dark day. He escaped with his life, but his courage and much of his sanity were left in some dark pit. He finds comfort only at the bottom of his tankard nowadays, but there are occasional bits of truth buried within his constant ramblings."
msgstr "Poor Farnham. He is a disquieting reminder of the doomed assembly that entered into the Cathedral with Lazarus on that dark day. He escaped with his life, but his courage and much of his sanity were left in some dark pit. He finds comfort only at the bottom of his tankard nowadays, but there are occasional bits of truth buried within his constant ramblings."
msgid "The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. She arrived shortly after the Cathedral was desecrated while most everyone else was fleeing. She had a small hut constructed at the edge of town, seemingly overnight, and has access to many strange and arcane artifacts and tomes of knowledge that even I have never seen before."
msgstr "The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. She arrived shortly after the Cathedral was desecrated while most everyone else was fleeing. She had a small hut constructed at the edge of town, seemingly overnight, and has access to many strange and arcane artifacts and tomes of knowledge that even I have never seen before."
msgid "The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one. He was taken from the arms of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that wield wicked spears. There were many other children taken that day, including the son of King Leoric. The Knights of the palace went below, but never returned. The Blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures."
msgstr "The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one. He was taken from the arms of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that wield wicked spears. There were many other children taken that day, including the son of King Leoric. The Knights of the palace went below, but never returned. The Blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures."
msgid "You have not found the Golden Elixir. I fear that I am doomed for eternity. Please, keep trying..."
msgstr "You have not found the Golden Elixir. I fear that I am doomed for eternity. Please, keep trying..."
msgid "You have saved my soul from damnation, and for that I am in your debt. If there is ever a way that I can repay you from beyond the grave I will find it, but for now - take my helm. On the journey I am about to take I will have little use for it. May it protect you against the dark powers below. Go with the Light, my friend..."
msgstr "You have saved my soul from damnation, and for that I am in your debt. If there is ever a way that I can repay you from beyond the grave I will find it, but for now - take my helm. On the journey I am about to take I will have little use for it. May it protect you against the dark powers below. Go with the Light, my friend..."
msgid "You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his King faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that.\n \nOf those who were caught within the grasp of the King's Curse, Lachdanan would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight, so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture."
msgstr "You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his King faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that.\n \nOf those who were caught within the grasp of the King's Curse, Lachdanan would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight, so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture."
msgid "You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much."
msgstr "You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much."
msgid "A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and DO NOT try to use it."
msgstr "A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and DO NOT try to use it."
msgid "I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can be of much help to you."
msgstr "I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can be of much help to you."
msgid "If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him."
msgstr "If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him."
msgid " Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!"
msgstr " Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!"
msgid "You may meet people who are trapped within the Labyrinth, such as Lachdanan. \n \nI sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid all of Tristram."
msgstr "You may meet people who are trapped within the Labyrinth, such as Lachdanan. \n \nI sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid all of Tristram."
msgid "Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened? Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way."
msgstr "Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened? Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way."
msgid "Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...\n \nI have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor."
msgstr "Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...\n \nI have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor."
msgid "They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault..."
msgstr "They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault..."
msgid "I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed him as theirs."
msgstr "I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed him as theirs."
msgid "Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there."
msgstr "Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there."
msgid "Abandon your foolish quest. All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master! You are too late to save the child. Now you will join him in Hell!"
msgstr "Abandon your foolish quest. All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master! You are too late to save the child. Now you will join him in Hell!"
msgid "This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released.\n \nThe Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.\n \nCurse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark masters!\n \nThat must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!"
msgstr "This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released.\n \nThe Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.\n \nCurse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark masters!\n \nThat must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!"
msgid "You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!"
msgstr "You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!"
msgid "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the labyrinth.\n \nKnow this, my friend - The evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the realm of mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"
msgstr "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the labyrinth.\n \nKnow this, my friend - The evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the realm of mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"
msgid "Lazarus was the Archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham about that day."
msgstr "Lazarus was the Archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham about that day."
msgid "I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning to do that night. I thought that of all people, Lazarus would have had more sense than that. He was an Archbishop, and always seemed to care so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could not save them all..."
msgstr "I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning to do that night. I thought that of all people, Lazarus would have had more sense than that. He was an Archbishop, and always seemed to care so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could not save them all..."
msgid "I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still alive and safe."
msgstr "I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still alive and safe."
msgid "I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deeper into the dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!"
msgstr "I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deeper into the dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!"
msgid "I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War...\n \nStained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who would stand before this Executioner of Hell.\n \nIt is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the Legion of Darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood."
msgstr "I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War...\n \nStained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who would stand before this Executioner of Hell.\n \nIt is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the Legion of Darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood."
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for he sounds extremely dangerous."
msgstr "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for he sounds extremely dangerous."
msgid "Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this than I would ever wish to know."
msgstr "Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this than I would ever wish to know."
msgid "If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may Light be your guide and your defender. I will keep you in my thoughts."
msgstr "If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may Light be your guide and your defender. I will keep you in my thoughts."
msgid "Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter."
msgstr "Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter."
msgid "Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?"
msgstr "Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?"
msgid "His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see if you will defeat him."
msgstr "His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see if you will defeat him."
msgid "I haven't ever dealt with this Warlord you speak of, but he sounds like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his armies..."
msgstr "I haven't ever dealt with this Warlord you speak of, but he sounds like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his armies..."
msgid "My blade sings for your blood, mortal, and by my dark masters it shall not be denied."
msgstr "My blade sings for your blood, mortal, and by my dark masters it shall not be denied."
msgid "Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival."
msgstr "Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival."
msgid "Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie..."
msgstr "Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie..."
msgid "Pssst... over here..."
msgstr "Pssst... over here..."
msgid "Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe. \n \nSometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things."
msgstr "Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe. \n \nSometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things."
msgid "Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense."
msgstr "Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense."
msgid "In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever you can bring them..."
msgstr "In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever you can bring them..."
msgid "I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure, Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have definite plans that require a large amount of gold."
msgstr "I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure, Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have definite plans that require a large amount of gold."
msgid "If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff. Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go..."
msgstr "If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff. Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go..."
msgid "Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock."
msgstr "Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock."
msgid "Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs..."
msgstr "Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs..."
msgid "As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as they come. \n \nIf I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my leg..."
msgstr "As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as they come. \n \nIf I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my leg..."
msgid "What?! Why are you here? All these interruptions are enough to make one insane. Here, take this and leave me to my work. Trouble me no more!"
msgstr "What?! Why are you here? All these interruptions are enough to make one insane. Here, take this and leave me to my work. Trouble me no more!"
msgid "Arrrrgh! Your curiosity will be the death of you!!!"
msgstr "Arrrrgh! Your curiosity will be the death of you!!!"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
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msgstr "L'EVEIL"
msgstr "L'EXIL NOIR"
msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgid "Not long after Leoric took possession of Khanduras, a power long asleep awakened within the dark recesses beneath the Monastery. Sensing that freedom was within his grasp, Diablo entered the nightmares of the Arch-Bishop and lured him into the dark, subterranean labyrinth. In his terror, Lazarus raced throughout the abandoned hallways until he at last came to the chamber of the burning Soulstone. No longer in command of his body or spirit, he raised the stone above his head and uttered words long forgotten in the realm of mortals. His will destroyed, Lazarus shattered the Soulstone upon the ground. Diablo once again came into the world of Man. Although he was released from his imprisonment within the Soulstone, the Lord of Terror was still greatly weakened from his long sleep and required an anchor to the world. Once he had found a mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly depleted power. The great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above, and chose to take the strongest of them - that of King Leoric.\n\nFor many months King Leoric secretly fought the evil presence that twisted his thoughts and emotions. Sensing that he had been possessed by some unknown evil, Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise the corruption growing inside him - he was sorely mistaken. Diablo stripped away the core of Leorics being, burning away all honor and virtue from his soul. Lazarus too, had fallen under the sway of the Demon, keeping close to Leoric at all times. Lazarus worked to conceal the plans of his new Master from the Order of Light, hoping that the demons power would grow, well concealed amongst the servants of Zakarum.\n\nThe priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege. His once proud and rugged form became distorted and deformed. King Leoric became increasingly deranged and ordered immediate executions of any who dared to question his methods or authority. Leoric began to send his Knights to other villages to bully their townspeople into submission. The people of Khanduras who had once grown to see great honor in their ruler began to call Leoric the Black King.\n\nDriven to the brink of madness by the Lord of Terror, King Leoric slowly alienated his closest friends and advisors. Lachdanan, Captain of the Knights of the Order of Light and honored Champion of Zakarum, tried to discern the nature of his Kings deteriorating spirit. Yet at every turn the Arch-Bishop Lazarus would waylay Lachdanan and admonish him for questioning the actions of the King. As tensions grew between the two, Lazarus charged Lachdanan with treason against the Kingdom. To the Priests and Knights of Leorics court, the prospect of Lachdanan committing treason was ridiculous. Lachdanans motives were honorable and just, and soon many began to question the reason of their once beloved King.\n\nLeorics madness was growing more obvious with each passing day. Sensing that the advisors of the court were becoming increasingly suspicious of foul treachery, Lazarus desperately sought to contain the eroding situation. The Arch-Bishop masterfully convinced the delusional Leoric that the kingdom of Westmarch was plotting against him, secretly planning to dethrone him and annex Khanduras into its own lands. Leoric flew into a rage and summoned his advisors to his side. Manipulated by the Arch-Bishop, the paranoid King declared a state of war between the kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch.\n\nLeoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they did not believe in. Lachdanan was appointed by Lazarus to lead the armies of Khanduras into Westmarch. Although Lachdanan argued against the necessity of the coming conflict, he was honor-bound to uphold the will of his King. Many of the high-priests and officials were forced to travel to the North as emissaries on errands of diplomatic urgency, as well. The desperate ploy of Lazarus had succeeded in sending many of the Kings more troublesome advisors to their certain deaths..."
msgstr "Peu après l'arrivée de Léoric au Khanduras, une puissance longtemps assoupie dans les sombres souterrains du monastère s'éveilla. Sentant sa libération proche, Diablo pénétra dans les cauchemars de l'archevêque. Fou de terreur, Lazarus se précipita dans les galeries abandonnées et se retrouva dans la chambre contenant la pierre d'âme incandescente. Ayant perdu tout contrôle sur son esprit et son corps, il leva la pierre au-dessus de sa tête et proféra des mots oubliés du monde des mortels. Sa volonté anéantie, il fracassa la pierre qui se brisa en mille éclats. Diablo était revenu dans le royaume des mortels. Libéré de son emprisonnement, affaibli par son long sommeil, Diablo désirait un corps afin de s'ancrer dans notre monde. Il devait trouver un corps dans lequel il pourrait pénétrer, il devait retrouver sa puissance passée. Le grand démon rechercha parmi les âmes de la ville celle qui servirait le mieux son but : il choisit la plus forte d'entre elles, celle du Roi Léoric.\n\nPendant de longs mois, le Roi Léoric combattit en secret la présence qui pervertissait ses pensées et ses sentiments. Il sentait qu'une entité étrangère prenait possession de son être, mais il cacha son terrible secret, espérant que sa piété et sa droiture suffiraient à exorciser le mal, mais il se trompait gravement. Diablo s'empara de tout son être, brûlant honneur et vertu. Lazarus, resté proche de Léoric, était également tombé sous l'emprise du mal. S'évertuant à dissimuler les projets de ses nouveaux maîtres, il espérait en secret que le pouvoir du démon grandirait au sein même des serviteurs de Zakarum.\n\nLes prêcheurs de Zakarum et le peuple du Khanduras s'aperçurent de changements étranges dans l'aspect de leur seigneur. Sa haute et fière silhouette se tordit et se déforma. Son comportement devint dément et il ordonna l'exécution immédiate de tous ceux qui avaient le front de murmurer contre ses méthodes et son autorité. Léoric envoya ses chevaliers soumettre par la force les habitants des villes et villages. Le peuple du Khanduras, qui autrefois aimait et respectait son roi, l'appelait à présent le Roi Noir.\n\nPoussé vers la folie par le Seigneur de la Terreur, le Roi Léoric s'aliénait même ses plus proches amis et conseillers. Lachdanan, Capitaine de la Garde du Roi et membre de l'Ordre de la Lumière tenta de démêler la cause de cette détérioration spirituelle. L'Archevêque Lazarus l'en empêchait chaque fois et lui reprochait de mettre en doute les actions du roi. La méfiance grandissait entre les deux hommes et Lazarus accusa Lachdanan de vouloir trahir le royaume. Cette accusation semblait véritablement inconcevable à tous, les doutes de Lachdanan étaient mesurés et justes, et nombreux furent ceux qui remirent en question la raison de leur roi.\n\nLa démence de Léoric devenait plus apparente de jour en jour. Sentant que les conseillers redoutaient une trahison, Lazarus tenta désespérément de cacher ce qui pouvait l'être encore. L'archevêque réussit à persuader le roi d'un complot ourdi par le royaume du Westmarch, visant à le détrôner et à s'emparer du Khanduras. La colère flamba dans le cœur du roi et il appela ses conseillers à ses côtés. Sous l'influence de l'archevêque, le roi dément déclara la guerre au royaume de Westmarch.\n\nIgnorant les avertissements de ses conseillers, Léoric jeta l'armée royale dans une guerre qu'elle ne désirait pas mener. Lachdanan fut nommé à la tête de l'armée et devait la conduire jusqu'au Westmarch. Lachdanan était opposé à ce conflit, mais son honneur de chevalier ne lui laissait d'autre choix que de se soumettre à la volonté de son suzerain. De nombreux émissaires furent désignés pour remplir des missions de la plus haute importance. Lazarus avait réussi son plan en envoyant la plupart des conseillers du roi, ceux qui lui semblaient les plus redoutables, à une mort certaine..."
msgid "In the ancient days, before the rise of the Western Empires, the dark and terrible entities known as the Three Evils were exiled to the world of Man. These eternal entities wandered throughout the waking world and fed upon the lusts of men, leaving chaos and attrition in their wake. The Evils turned father against son and prompted many great nations into brutal and petty wars. Their Exile from Hell left them with an insatiable hunger to bring suffering and pain to all those who would not kneel before them, and so the Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the Far East for countless centuries.\n\nEventually, a secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East. Employing disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within powerful artifacts called Soulstones. Mephisto and Baal, trapped within the swirling, spiritual constraints of the Soulstones, were then buried beneath the dunes of the desolate Eastern Sands.\n\nThe powers of Hatred and wanton Destruction seemed to diminish in the East as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third Brother, Diablo. They knew that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting peace within the realm of humanity.\n\nThe Horadrim followed in the wake of terror and anarchy that spread throughout the Western lands. After a great battle which claimed the lives of many brave souls, the Lord of Terror was captured and imprisoned within the last of the Soulstones by a group of Horadrim monks led by the Initiate Jered Cain. These monks carried the cursed stone to the land of Khanduras and buried it within a secluded cave near the river Talsande. Above this cave the Horadrim constructed a great Monastery from which they could continue to safeguard the Soulstone. As ages passed, the Horadrim constructed a network of catacombs beneath the Monastery to house the earthly remains of the martyrs of their Order.\n\nGenerations passed in Khanduras, and the numbers of the Horadrim slowly dwindled. With no quests left to undertake, and too few sons to sustain their guardianship, the once powerful Order faded into obscurity. Eventually, the great Monastery that they had built fell to ruins as well. Although villages grew and thrived around the shell of the old Monastery, no one knew of the dark, secret passageways that stretched into the cold earth beneath it. None could have dreamed of the burning red gem that pulsed within the labyrinths heart..."
msgstr "Dans les jours anciens, avant l'avènement des empires de l'Ouest, les sombres et terribles entités connues sous le nom de Trois Démons Premiers furent exilées dans le monde humain. Se repaissant des désirs mauvais des hommes, ces entités semèrent le chaos et la désolation sur leur chemin. Jetant les humains les uns contre les autres, incitant les nations à se livrer des guerres brutales et malveillantes, l'exil aiguisa leur désir de répandre souffrance et douleur sur tous ceux qui refusaient de leur faire allégeance, tout en semant les plus grands ravages dans les pays de l'Est pendant des siècles.\n\nFinalement, une confrérie secrète de sorciers se regroupa autour du mystérieux archange Tyrael. Ils avaient pour but de donner la chasse aux Trois et de mettre un terme à leurs sauvages destructions. Les Horadrim, tel était leur nom, comprenaient de nombreux ordres de magiciens venus de l'Est. Leurs mystérieuses pratiques leur permirent de capturer deux démons, au moyen de puissants objets appelés pierres d'âmes. Méphisto et Baal furent ainsi emprisonnés au cœur même de la nature changeante des pierres d'âme, puis enterrés profondément sous les dunes arides de l'Est.\n\nLes pouvoirs de la haine et de la destruction semblèrent décroître dans l'Est, tandis qu'une paix inquiète parvenait à s'installer. Les décennies passèrent, les Horadrim poursuivant toujours leur terrible proie : Diablo. Ils savaient que tant que le Seigneur de la Terreur ne serait pas capturé, aucune paix durable ne régnerait jamais sur l'humanité.\n\nSuivant les traces de la terreur et du chaos que Diablo laissait derrière lui, les Horadrim, menés par l'initié Erwan Cair, réussirent à capturer le Seigneur de la Terreur, l'emprisonnant à l'intérieur de la dernière pierre d'âme. De nombreuses vies furent perdues dans cette bataille, mais les Horadrim emportèrent la pierre maudite dans le pays de Khanduras afin de l'ensevelir dans une caverne proche de la rivière Talsande. Sur cette caverne, les Horadrim élevèrent un monastère leur permettant de veiller sur la pierre d'âme. Au fil des âges, ils construisirent un réseau souterrain de catacombes pour y reposer les dépouilles terrestres des martyrs de leur confrérie.\n\nLes générations passèrent à Khanduras et le nombre des Horadrim diminua. Sans quête à entreprendre, sans descendance à qui transmettre le flambeau de leur mission, ils sombrèrent dans l'oubli. Le grand monastère qu'ils avaient élevé tomba en ruines au fil du temps. Des villages surgirent et prospérèrent autour du vieux monastère, personne ne se doutant des secrets cachés dans les passages s'étendant sous terre. Qui aurait pensé qu'une inquiétante pierre, rouge et incandescente, était dissimulée dans ce labyrinthe?"
msgid "The absence of prying advisors and inquisitive Priests left Diablo free to assume total control over the Kings battered soul. As the Lord of Terror attempted to strengthen his hold upon the maddened King, he found that the lingering spirit of Leoric fought with him still. Although the control over Leoric that Diablo held was formidable, the Demon knew that in his weakened state he could never take complete possession of his soul as long as a glimmer of his will remained. The demonlord sought a fresh and innocent host upon which to build his Terror.\n\nThe demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the Kings soul was left corrupted and his mind crazed. Diablo began to search throughout Khanduras for the perfect vessel to act as his focus, and found such a soul easily within his reach. Enjoined by his dark master, Lazarus kidnapped Albrecht - the only son of Leoric - and dragged the terrified youth down into the blackness of the labyrinth. Flooding the boys defenseless mind with the essence of pure Terror, Diablo easily took possession of the young Albrecht.\n\nPain and fire raced through the childs soul. Hideous laughter filled his head and clouded his thoughts. Paralyzed with fear, Albrecht felt the presence of Diablo within his mind as it seemed to push him down, deeper and deeper into darkness and oblivion. Diablo gazed upon his surroundings through the eyes of the young prince. A lustful hunger still tortured the demon after his frustrating bout for control over Leoric, but the nightmares of the boy provided ample substance to sate him. Reaching deep into Albrechts subconscious, Diablo ripped the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.\n\nAlbrecht watched, as if out of a dream, twisted and disfigured forms appeared all around him. Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him chanting choruses of obscenities. All of the monsters that he had ever imagined or believed that he had seen in his life became flesh and were given life before him. Large bodies comprised of living rock erupted from the walls and bowed to their dark master. The ancient, skeletal corpses of the Horadrim arose from archaic crypts and lumbered off into the red washed corridors beyond. As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow against Albrechts shattered spirit, the bloodlusted ghouls and demons of his mind scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening passageways of his waking Nightmare.\n\nThe ancient catacombs of the Horadrim had become a twisted labyrinth of raw, focused Terror. Empowered by Diablos possession of young Albrecht, the creatures of the boys own imagination had gained corporeal form. So strong was the terror that grew inside of Albrecht, that the borders of the Mortal realm began to warp and tear. The Burning Hell began to seep into the world of Man and take root within the labyrinth. Beings and occurrences displaced by time and space, and long lost to the history of Man were pulled screaming into the ever-expanding domain.\n\nThe body of Albrecht, fully possessed by Diablo, began to distort and change. The small boy grew and his eyes blazed as tendril-like spines ripped through his flesh. Great, arched horns erupted from Albrechts skull as Diablo altered the form of the child to match that of his demonic body. Deep within the recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. When the moment was right, Diablo would venture once more into the mortal world and free his captive Brothers, Mephisto and Baal. The Prime Evils would be reunited, and together they would reclaim their rightful place in Hell."
msgstr "Depuis que tous les conseillers soupçonneux avaient été éloignés, Diablo était en mesure de dominer complètement l'âme ravagée du roi. Le Seigneur de la Terreur tenta d'augmenter encore son emprise, mais l'esprit du roi continuait à résister. Il avait presque complètement investi le corps et l'âme du roi, mais ne parvenait pas à éteindre cette dernière étincelle de volonté. Voyant qu'il ne parviendrait pas à ses fins, il se mit à la recherche d'un être innocent et jeune à l'aide duquel il affirmerait sa puissance.\n\nLe démon desserra ses griffes mais l'âme de Léoric demeurait corrompue et son esprit dément. Parcourant le Khanduras pour trouver un corps et une âme facile à dominer, il jeta son dévolu sur le jeune Alban, le fils unique de Léoric. Lazarus reçut l'ordre d'enlever l'enfant et l'entraîna, terrifié et pantelant, dans les sinistres méandres du labyrinthe. Le pauvre enfant, l'esprit submergé d'épouvante, devint la proie de Diablo. Son corps, son âme, son esprit furent déchirés de douleur. Des rires hideux résonnèrent dans sa tête et obscurcirent ses pensées. Paralysé par l'horreur, Alban sentit Diablo s'insinuer en lui, envahir les moindres recoins de son être, prenant la place de sa propre âme qui tomba dans les profondeurs de l'oubli. Diablo pouvait maintenant regarder le monde à travers les yeux de l'enfant. Une faim torturante tenaillait Diablo et il se rassasia avec les cauchemars du jeune prince, puis, fouillant au tréfonds de son être, Diablo libéra les pires terreurs de l'enfant.\n\nLes cauchemars d'Alban se remplirent de formes ignobles et répugnantes, leurs visages hideux tournoyant jusqu'au vertige. Les créatures qui peuplaient son imagination prenaient forme et chair devant ses yeux horrifiés. Des monstres faits de roches vivantes jaillirent des murs et saluèrent leur maître, les squelettes des Horadrim se levèrent de leurs cryptes et se mirent en marche, tels une armée, faisant résonner les galeries de leurs pas. Tandis que le tumulte des cauchemars terrassait Alban, les abominations créées par son esprit l'envahirent tout entier.\n\nLes catacombes des Horadrim s'étaient transformées en labyrinthe de terreur. Grâce au pouvoir de Diablo, les créatures sorties de l'imagination de l'enfant prirent forme et vie. La frontière même du monde réel en fut brisée et les calamités de l'enfer pénétrèrent dans le monde des mortels pour y prendre racine, entraînant avec eux les horreurs des temps passés.\n\nDiablo avait complètement investi le corps d'Alban, et son apparence se transforma. Ses yeux flamboyants, son corps tordu, hérissé de piquants et les cornes poussant à travers son front prouvaient que l'enfant innocent n'était plus... Dans les profondeurs du labyrinthe, une puissance maléfique rassemblait ses forces et attendait... Le moment venu, Diablo pénétrerait une fois de plus dans notre univers pour libérer Méphisto et Baal. Les Démons Premiers se retrouveraient comme auparavant pour reconquérir leur juste place au Royaume Infernal."
msgid "'Seven is the number of the powers of Hell, and Seven is the number of the Great Evils.'\n\nDuriel, the Lord of Pain\n\nAndariel, the Maiden of Anguish\n\nBelial, the Lord of Lies\n\nAzmodan, the Lord of Sin\n\nThese are the true names of the lesser of the Great Evils. For ages uncounted each have ruled over their own domains within the Burning Hells, seeking absolute dominion over their infernal brethren. As the Lesser Four continuously vied for the control of those forces that dwelled within their realms, the Greater Three held absolute power over the whole of Hell. The Lesser Four used dark and evil measures in their quest for power, and herein begins the legend of the Dark Exile.\n\nMephisto, the Lord of Hatred\n\nBaal, the Lord of Destruction\n\nDiablo, the Lord of Terror\n\nThese are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark, sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils, the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.\n\nWith the ascension of Man and the subsequent standstill of the Great Conflict, the Three Brothers began to devote their energies to the perversion of mortal souls. The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning. This change caused many of the Lesser Evils to question the authority of the Three, and so brought about a great rift between the Prime Evils and their servitors.\n\nIn their ignorance, the Lesser Evils began to believe that the Three were afraid to continue the war with Heaven. Frustrated by the cessation of the war, Azmodan and Belial saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two demon lords made a pact with their minor brethren, assuring them that the wretched plague of humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate, achieve victory in the Sin War and ultimately ride the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into the very arms of Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers...\n\nThe Brothers fought with all of the savagery of the Underworld, and to their credit, annihilated a third of Hells treacherous legions. In the end, however, they were overcome by the Horned Death led by the traitors Azmodan and Belial. The Prime Evils, weakened and bodiless, were banished to the mortal realm where Azmodan hoped that they would remain trapped forever. Azmodan believed that with the Three set loose upon humanity, the Angels would be forced to turn their focus upon on the mortal plane - thus leaving the Gates of Heaven abandoned and defenseless. Those few demons who still pledged allegiance to the Three Brothers fled the wrath of Azmodan and Belial, escaping to the realm of Man to seek out their lost Masters.\n\nAs the warfires died out upon the battlefields of Hell, Azmodan and Belial began to argue over which of them held the higher authority. The pact that they had made quickly fell to ashes as the two demon lords took up arms against each other. The legions of Hell that remained were polarized behind either warlord, launching themselves into a bloody civil war that has lasted to this day..."
msgstr "'Sept est le nombre des malédictions de l'enfer, sept est le nombre des grands démons' \n\nDuriel, le Seigneur de la Douleur,\n\nAndariel, la Maîtresse de l'Angoisse,\n\nBelzébuth, le Seigneur du Mensonge,\n\nAstaroth, le Seigneur du Péché.\n\nTels sont les noms véritables des Démons Inférieurs. Pendant des siècles innombrables, ils régnèrent sur leurs propres domaines dans le Royaume Infernal, mais désirant toujours dominer les autres démons. Alors que les Démons Inférieurs tentaient d'établir leur pouvoir sur toute chose contenue dans leur domaine, les Trois Démons Premiers maîtrisaient tout le Royaume Infernal. Les Démons Inférieurs tentèrent de s'emparer du pouvoir avec leur malveillance habituelle, et c'est ainsi que débuta la légende de l'Exil Noir.\n\nMéphisto, le Seigneur de la Haine,\n\nBaal, le Seigneur de la Destruction,\n\nDiablo, le Seigneur de la Terreur.\n\nTels sont les noms véritables des Trois Démons Premiers, une sombre trinité du mal détenant le pouvoir des ténèbres. Les Trois Démons Premiers dominaient les Quatre Démons Inférieurs par la force et la fourberie. Puisqu'ils étaient les plus anciens et les plus puissants des démons, ils ne comptaient plus leurs victoires sur la Lumière. Bien que leur domination sur l'Empire Céleste ne fut jamais totale, ils furent craints et haïs de leurs sujets autant que de leurs ennemis.\n\nA l'avènement des humains dans le Grand Conflit et à la trêve qui s'ensuivit, les Trois consacrèrent leur énergie à pervertir les âmes mortelles. Ils se rendirent compte que l'homme représentait la clé de la victoire dans leur combat contre la Lumière et transformèrent leurs projets. Les Démons Inférieurs en profitèrent pour remettre en cause l'autorité des Trois et ainsi surgit un grave désaccord entre les Démons Premiers et leurs serviteurs.\n\nLes Démons Inférieurs s'imaginèrent que les Trois craignaient de continuer leur combat avec l'Empire Céleste. Rendus furieux par l'arrêt de la guerre, Astaroth et Belzébuth virent là une chance unique de renverser les Démons Premiers et de prendre le pouvoir. Ils scellèrent donc un pacte, se jurant que l'humanité qu'ils honnissaient ne ferait pas obstacle à leur victoire définitive. Astaroth et Belzébuth ourdirent un plan pour remettre le feu aux poudres et remporter enfin la victoire de la Guerre du Péché. Depuis le sommet sanglant du Grand Conflit, ils se précipiteraient dans l'Apocalypse. Une révolte gronda dans l'enfer qui se souleva contre les Trois Démons Premiers.\n\nDans la sauvage bataille qui s'ensuivit, le tiers des légions rebelles fut impitoyablement décimé, mais ils furent eux-mêmes vaincus par la Mort Cornue menée par les traîtres Astaroth et Belzébuth. Les Démons Premiers, affaiblis et privés de leur corps, furent bannis vers le domaine des mortels où Astaroth espérait bien les laisser pour l'éternité. Il pensait que, puisque les Trois étaient désormais lâchés sur l'humanité, les archanges se dirigeraient vers le monde des mortels, laissant les Portes du Ciel à l'abandon. Les rares démons qui continuaient à se soumettre aux Trois se réfugièrent dans le monde des mortels pour échapper à la colère de Belzébuth et pour y rechercher leurs maîtres.\n\nSur les ruines fumantes des champs de bataille, Astaroth et Belzébuth se disputèrent l'autorité suprême. Le pacte qu'ils avaient scellé fut foulé aux pieds et les deux démons prirent les armes l'un contre l'autre. Ils entraînèrent leurs armées pour se livrer une guerre impitoyable et sanglante qui dure encore..."
msgid "The war against the zealous armies of Westmarch ended with a horrible slaughter. With the army of Khanduras ripped to shreds by the superior numbers and defensive positions of Westmarch, Lachdanan quickly gathered together those who were not captured or killed and ordered a retreat back to the safety of Khanduras. They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.\n\nKing Leoric, deep within the throes of madness, went into a rage when he learned that his son was missing. After scouring the village with the few guards that remained with him at the monastery, Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere. Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrechts whereabouts, Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him, and that they would pay the price for such treachery.\n\nThe mysterious disappearance of the Arch-Bishop Lazarus left no one in Tristram with whom the King would take council. Overcome by grief and dementia, Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason.\n\nAs Lachdanan and his fellow survivors returned to confront their King, Leoric sent his few remaining guards against them. Believing that Lachdanan was somehow part of the townsfolks conspiracy, Leoric decreed that he and his party were to die. \tLachdanan, finally realizing that Leoric was beyond salvation, ordered his men to defend themselves. The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. Lachdanan won a bittersweet victory as his men were forced to kill all of Leorics deceived protectors. They cornered the ravenous King within his own sanctuary and begged him to explain the atrocities he had committed. Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against both his crown and the Light.\n\nLachdanan walked slowly towards his King and sorrowfully drew his sword. Full of grief and rage, all honor having been cast to the winds, Lachdanan ran his blade through Leorics shriveled, blackened heart. The once noble King screamed an unearthly death-cry, and as his madness finally overtook him, he brought down a curse upon those who had so betrayed him. Calling upon the forces of Darkness that he had spent his entire life combating, Leoric condemned Lachdanan and the others to eternal damnation. In that last, fleeting moment within the heart of the Monastery, all that was ever virtuous or honorable about the stewards of Khanduras was shattered forever."
msgstr "La guerre contre le Westmarch se termina par un massacre épouvantable. L'armée du Khanduras fut anéantie par celle du Westmarch, bien supérieure en nombre. Lachdanan réussit à rassembler les survivants et ordonna rapidement la retraite vers le Khanduras où il pensait trouver la sécurité. Hélas, à son retour, le plus grand désordre régnait à Tristam.\n\nLe Roi Léoric, du fond des affres de la folie, sentit la fureur le submerger lorsqu'il apprit la disparition de son fils. Parcourant la ville avec un petit nombre de gardes, Léoric soupçonna les habitants d'avoir enlevé son fils et de l'avoir caché. Protestant de leur innocence, les habitants ne connaissaient rien du sort du malheureux prince, mais Léoric ne voulut rien entendre et les accusa de comploter contre lui tout en les menaçant de leur faire payer fort cher une telle trahison.\n\nLa mystérieuse disparition de l'Archevêque Lazarus avait privé le roi de son conseiller. L'esprit obscurci par la démence et par la douleur, Léoric fit exécuter de nombreux habitants pour haute trahison.\n\nLors du retour de Lachdanan et des survivants de la bataille, Léoric leur envoya sa garde et, croyant que Lachdanan faisait partie de la conspiration des habitants, décréta sa mort. Lachdanan finit par se rendre compte que Léoric ne pouvait plus être sauvé et ordonna à ses hommes de défendre leur vie. Le combat qui suivit les entraîna dans les salles du monastère, ultime profanation du sanctuaire des Horadrim. La victoire de Lachdanan fut amère et ses hommes furent amenés à tuer les gardes du roi. Léoric fut acculé dans le sanctuaire et Lachdanan le supplia de revenir à la raison et de cesser de commettre des atrocités. Léoric les couvrit de crachats, clamant qu'ils étaient traîtres envers la couronne et la Lumière.\n\nLachdanan s'approcha lentement de Léoric et tira son épée à regret. Douleur et rage se partageant son esprit, son honneur foulé aux pieds, Lachdanan plongea sa lame dans le cœur racorni et noirci de son roi. Dans un hurlement inhumain, il jeta une malédiction sur ceux qui l'avaient trahi. Invoquant les puissances de l'obscurité, celles qu'il avait combattues sa vie durant, il appela sur eux la damnation éternelle. En ce dernier et fugitif moment, au cœur même du monastère, honneur et vertu furent anéantis à jamais!"
msgid "Since the Beginning, the forces of Light and Darkness have engaged in an eternal war: The Great Conflict, whose victor will rise from the apocalyptic ashes to hold sway over all creation. To this end, the Angels of the High Heavens adhere to strict militaristic disciplines. Seraphim warriors strike at the enemies of Light with swords imbued with righteous wrath and justice. The Angels believe that only absolute discipline can properly restore order to the myriad realms, while the demonic denizens of the Burning Hells hold that absolute chaos is the true nature of all things.\n\nThe battles of the Great Conflict rage across both time and space, often infringing upon the very fabric of reality itself. From the Crystal Arch at the very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the warriors of these eternal realms journey to wherever their timeless conflict carries them. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both veneration and insight.\n\nThe greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Arch-Angel Tyrael and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing completion. His quest was to destroy both wielder and weapon - a charge that he was destined never to complete. Izual was overcome by the legions of chaos and, tragically, was lost to the Darkness. His fate stands as testament to the fact that Angels and Demons alike shall fearlessly enter into any domain - so long as their hated enemies dwell within.\n\nAlthough the Great Conflict burned hotter and longer than any of the stars in the sky, neither side could gain dominion over the other for long. Both factions sought some way to turn the tides of the war to their favor. With the ascension of Man and his mortal realm, the Great Conflict ground to a mysterious halt. Both armies paused in a breathless stalemate, waiting to see to whose side Man would eventually turn.\n\nMortals had the unique ability to choose between Darkness and Light, and it was held that this would be the deciding factor in the outcome of the Great Conflict. Thus, the agents of the nether-realms descended to the mortal realm to vie for the favor of Man..."
msgstr "Depuis la nuit des temps, les forces de la Lumière et des Ténèbres se sont engagées dans une guerre sans merci : le vainqueur du Grand Conflit se dressera au-dessus des cendres fumantes de la guerre et dominera la création. Les archanges de l'Empire Céleste tentent d'atteindre ce but au moyen d'une stricte discipline. Les séraphins guerriers frappent leurs ennemis à l'aide de leurs épées imprégnées de colère et de justice. Les archanges sont persuadés que seule une discipline de fer peut rétablir l'ordre dans les nombreux mondes, alors que les démons pensent au contraire que le chaos absolu est la véritable nature de toute chose.\n\nLes batailles du Grand Conflit se propagent dans l'espace et le temps, déchirant même le voile de la réalité. Les guerriers traversent les espaces, voyageant sans répit de l'Arche de Cristal, au cœur même de l'Empire Céleste, jusqu'aux arcanes de la Forge Infernale, là où l'éternelle lutte les appelle. Les exploits légendaires des héros du temps passé sont parvenus jusqu'à nous, on chante encore leurs hauts faits.\n\nIzual, toi qui fus le lieutenant de l'archange Tyrael, porteur de l'épée runique Vengeresse, tu étais le plus vaillant de ces héros. Alors que l'épée maléfique Sombrecroc allait être achevée, tu as mené une attaque audacieuse contre la Forge Infernale, pour tenter de détruire à la fois l'arme et son porteur. Hélas, jamais tu n'accomplis cette mission, les légions du chaos t'ont submergé et ta perte fut tragique! Archanges et démons pénètrent sans peur dans les domaines où demeurent les ennemis qu'ils poursuivent de leur haine, telle fut ta destinée! \n\nLe Grand Conflit brûla plus longtemps qu'aucune étoile dans le ciel, et les camps opposés se disputèrent encore et toujours la domination du monde. Leurs efforts pour obtenir la victoire furent vains, mais l'apparition des humains provoqua une mystérieuse trêve. Les armées suspendirent leur souffle, dans l'attente de voir vers quel côté l'humanité allait se tourner...\n\nSeuls les mortels possèdent le privilège unique de choisir entre la Lumière et les Ténèbres, les mortels décideraient donc de l'issue du Grand Conflit. Les émissaires des puissances ennemies tentèrent de gagner les humains à leur cause..."
msgid "Years after the last of the Horadrim had died, a great and prosperous society grew in the lands of the West. As time wore on, many Eastern pilgrims settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and soon established small, self-contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over holdings of property or routes of trade. These squabbles did little to upset the lasting peace of the West, and the great Northern kingdom of Westmarch proved to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures of barter and commerce.\n\nDuring this time, a bold, new religion of the Light known as Zakarum began to spread throughout the kingdom of Westmarch and into many of its northern principalities. Zakarum, founded in the Far East, implored followers to enter into the Light and forsake the darkness that lurked within their souls. The people of Westmarch adopted the statutes of Zakarum as their sacred mission in the world. Westmarch began to turn towards its neighbors, expecting them to embrace this 'New Beginning' as well. Tensions rose between the kingdoms of Westmarch and Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.\n\nIt was then that the great northern lord Leoric came unto the lands of Khanduras and, in the name of Zakarum, declared himself King. Leoric was a deeply religious man and had brought many Knights and Priests with him that comprised his Order of the Light. Leoric and his trusted advisor, the Arch-Bishop Lazarus, made their way to the city of Tristram. Leoric appropriated the ancient, decrepit Monastery on the outskirts of the town for his seat of power and renovated it to match its time-lost glory. Although the free people of Khanduras were not pleased with being placed under the sudden rule of a foreign King, Leoric served them with justice and might. Eventually, the people of Khanduras grew to respect the kind Leoric, sensing that he sought only to guide and protect them against the oppression of Darkness."
msgstr "Des années après la mort du dernier des Horadrim, une communauté puissante et prospère s'épanouit dans l'Est. Avec le temps, de nouveaux habitants s'installèrent dans les régions autour du Khanduras qui devinrent de petits royaumes indépendants. Certains de ces royaumes eurent des démêlés avec le Khanduras, au sujet de propriétés ou de routes marchandes, mais ces querelles ne troublèrent pas la paix régnant dans l'Est. Le puissant royaume de Westmarch s'avéra un allié de valeur pour le Khanduras, grâce aux échanges commerciaux entre les deux pays.\n\nPendant ce temps, une nouvelle religion de Lumière que l'on appelait Zakarum se répandit dans le royaume de Westmarch et dans les principautés avoisinantes. Zakarum était une religion venue d'orient, demandant à ses adeptes de se diriger vers la Lumière et de chasser l'ombre de leurs âmes. Le peuple de Westmarch adopta cette religion et propagea son message à travers le monde. Westmarch demanda aux autres pays de participer eux aussi à cette ère nouvelle. Mais les royaumes voisins ne désiraient pas se laisser imposer une nouvelle religion, et les prêcheurs qui répandaient leur dogme n'étaient pas toujours les bienvenus.\n\nC'est alors qu'un grand seigneur du Nord, Léoric, arriva au Khanduras, et se proclama roi au nom de Zakarum. Léoric était profondément pieux et avait dans sa suite de nombreux chevaliers et des prêcheurs de la nouvelle religion : l'Ordre de la Lumière. Accompagné de son fidèle conseiller, l'Archevêque Lazarus, Léoric parvint jusqu'à Tristam et s'appropria les ruines de l'ancien monastère. Il lui fit retrouver sa gloire passée et y installa le siège de son pouvoir. Le peuple libre de Khanduras n'accepta pas facilement la tutelle d'un roi étranger, mais Léoric était un homme juste et bon, mettant sa puissance au service de son nouveau peuple. Au fil du temps, le Roi Léoric se fit respecter de ses sujets qui apprécièrent la protection contre les forces du mal qu'il leur apportait."
msgid "It was long ago that the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael bestowed upon us the secrets of the mysterious Soulstones. Tyrael bequested upon our Order three of these Stones so we could contain the vile essences of the Three Prime Evils who had been let loose upon our world. Although the artifacts were constructed in realms far removed from our own, we found that they were simple to understand.\n\nThe Soulstones effect only beings that are non-corporeal and thus have no power over living, breathing creatures. When invoked, the Soulstones bring into being a strong 'spiritual' vacuum. Any non-physical entities caught within this vacuum are drawn into the burning recesses of the Soulstone and are forever trapped within. These spirits are released only when the Soulstone is deactivated or destroyed.\n\nThe power of the Soulstones proved to be much more difficult to employ when used against the great Prime Evils. Voraciously disposed to possessing hapless mortals, the Three Brothers found that they were immune to the effects of the Stones while occupying human souls. Sadly, we were forced to hunt down and kill the innocent victims of the Prime Evils so that their demonic essences could be subject to the effects of the Soulstones.\n\nMephisto and Diablo, once found, were easily lured into the Soulstones. The capture of their brother Baal, however, became complicated when the Soulstone that was to be his eternal prison was shattered and fragmented. We found that while the shards still held the power to lure the demon to them, they could not properly contain it. Tal Rasha, a fellow Initiate who has since been immortalized in Horadrim lore, theorized that a mortal of strong will might be able to contain Baal within his own mortal soul. This sacrifice meant that the essence of any mortal so chosen would be forever tortured while locked in eternal conflict with the enthralled demon. To this end, Tal Rasha volunteered to contain the raging Lord of Destruction.\n\nPiercing his breast with a shard of the Soulstone, Tal Rasha took within himself the essence of Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The Initiates body was shackled, chained and buried deep within a tomb under the desert. The sacrifice of Tal Rasha has kept Baal imprisoned for many years now, and although the demon was imprisoned without the use a whole Soulstone, we believe that our victory may be a hollow one. Should Tal Rasha ever escape, he would have the formidable powers of Baal added to his own. By ridding the world of this present Evil, we may have created a nightmare worse than that which we first sought to contain..."
msgstr "Le secret des mystérieuses pierres d'âmes nous a été transmis par l'archange Tyrael. Il nous a légué trois pierres pour permettre à notre confrérie de poursuivre sa mission: capturer l'essence même des Trois Démons Premiers. Ces pierres furent créées dans un autre monde que le nôtre, mais nous avons su déceler leurs arcanes.\n\nLes pierres d'âme n'ont de pouvoir que sur les esprits, les êtres faits de chair et d'os sont hors de leur portée. Le vide créé quand on invoque les pierres d'âme attire l'être spirituel dans ses replis incandescents, le capturant pour toujours. L'esprit emprisonné ne peut être libéré qu'en désactivant ou en détruisant la pierre d'âme.\n\nPour pouvoir s'en servir contre les Trois Démons Premiers, il fallait une habileté très grande, car ils avaient découvert que les corps des mortels les protégeaient contre les effets des pierres d'âme. Quelle tristesse! Nous fûmes forcés d'abattre les innocentes victimes de ces démons malfaisants pour pouvoir enfermer leur esprit démoniaque dans les pierres d'âme.\n\nMéphisto et Diablo furent aisément emprisonnés dans les pierres d'âme, mais la capture de Baal fut difficile car la pierre d'âme destinée à être sa prison était brisée. Les fragments pouvaient encore attirer le démon, mais ne pouvaient plus le contenir. Tal Rasha, l'initié dont les exploits furent chantés par les Horadrim, pensait que seul un mortel à la volonté inflexible aurait la force de détenir Baal dans son âme de mortel. Ce lourd sacrifice signifiait que ce mortel serait torturé à jamais dans un conflit sans fin avec le démon. Tal Rasha se déclara prêt à s'immoler pour maîtriser le Seigneur de la Destruction.\n\nSe perçant le cœur avec un éclat de pierre d'âme, Tal Rasha s'imprégna de l'esprit de Baal. Son corps fut enchaîné et enseveli dans le désert. Le sacrifice de Tal Rasha s'est accompli il y a de nombreuses années, et nous espérons que notre victoire est bien réelle, car si Tal Rasha s'échappait de son sépulcre, sa propre puissance s'ajouterait à celle de Baal. Puisse ce jour funeste ne jamais arriver, car le remède pourrait s'avérer pire que le mal!"
msgid "The Black King lay dead, slain at the hands of his own Priests and Knights. The young Prince Albrecht was still missing, and the proud defenders of Khanduras were no more. The people of Tristram looked about their lifeless town and were greatly dismayed. Awash in feelings of both relief and remorse, they soon realized that their troubles had merely begun. Strange, eerie lights appeared in the darkened windows of the Monastery. Misshapen, leathery-skinned creatures were seen venturing forth from the shadows of the church. Horrible, wounded cries seemed to linger on the wind, emanating from deep underground. It became apparent that something quite unnatural had infested the once holy sight...\n\nTravelers on the roads surrounding Tristram were accosted by cloaked riders that seemed to now constantly roam the deserted countryside. Many villagers fled Tristram, making their way to other towns or kingdoms, fearing some unnamed evil that seemed to wait in the shadows all around them. Those few who chose to remain seldom ventured out at night, and never tread foot upon the grounds of the cursed Monastery. Whispered rumors of poor, innocent people being abducted in the night by wicked, nightmarish creatures filled the halls of the local inn. With no King, no law, and no army left to defend them, many of the townsfolk began to fear an attack from the things that now dwelt beneath their town.\n\nThe Arch-Bishop Lazarus, frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good judgment, Lazarus whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them that Prince Albrecht was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared, they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of Hell itself...\n\nThe few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to Tristram and recounted what they could of the ordeal. Their wounds were terrible, and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the hearts of all of the towns inhabitants. It was a Terror that none of them had ever known...\n\nDeep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, Diablo gorged himself upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming shadows and began to harness his depleted power.\n\nHe smiled to himself in the sheltering darkness, for he knew that the time of his final victory was fast approaching..."
msgstr "A présent, le Roi Noir était mort, tombé sous les coups de ses propres chevaliers. Le jeune prince Alban n'avait toujours pas été retrouvé et les fiers défenseurs du Khanduras n'étaient plus. La ville de Tristam était dévastée et ses habitants découragés. Partagés entre le remords et le soulagement, ils s'aperçurent bientôt que leurs malheurs ne faisaient que commencer. Des lumières étranges apparurent derrière les hautes fenêtres du monastère ; des créatures difformes au cuir épais rôdaient dans l'ombre de l'église. Plus encore, le vent apportait l'écho de hurlements semblant provenir des souterrains : une puissance malfaisante était à l'oeuvre dans un lieu autrefois sacré...\n\nLes voyageurs prenant la route pour parvenir à Tristam furent attaqués par des cavaliers masqués rôdant dans la campagne désertée. De nombreux villageois quittèrent Tristam, cherchant la sécurité dans d'autres royaumes, fuyant le mal qui semblait les guetter dans l'ombre. Seul un petit nombre d'entre eux resta sur place, montrant la plus grande prudence, se barricadant la nuit et ne s'approchant jamais du monastère. Dans l'auberge, on chuchotait de sombres histoires parlant d'innocents villageois enlevés par des créatures cauchemardesques. Privés du roi et de son armée, de nombreux habitants se mirent à craindre le pire: seraient-ils les prochaines victimes de l'horreur cachée sous leurs pieds? \n\nL'Archevêque Lazarus revint de son expédition en prétendant qu'il avait été capturé par le mal guettant sous le monastère. Les villageois ressentaient un besoin désespéré d'être rassurés et, perdant tout bon sens, se laissèrent entraîner par Lazarus dans les souterrains du monastère dans le but de retrouver le prince Alban. Armés de fourches, de pioches et de faux, ils s'enfoncèrent dans le labyrinthe, et les faibles lueurs de leurs torches étaient autant de lueurs d'espoir. Suivant courageusement l'archevêque, ils furent menés droit dans les griffes acérées de Diablo... \n\nLes rares survivants de cet horrible destin racontèrent leur supplice. Leurs blessures atroces parlaient pour eux, et tout l'art du guérisseur n'était pas assez grand pour les sauver tous. La terreur se répandit alors dans les coeurs des habitants, une terreur jusque-là inconnue... \n\nSous les fondations du monastère, Diablo se gorgeait avec volupté des frayeurs des mortels, puis, se dissimulant dans l'obscurité propice, il se prépara à retrouver toute sa puissance.\n\nSon ricanement sardonique montrait bien qu'il sentait approcher l'heure de la victoire finale..."
msgid "The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm is known as the Sin War. Angels and Demons, disguising themselves while traveling amongst men, attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes. Over time, the forces of Darkness discovered that mortals responded much more to brute force than to subtle coercion, and so began to terrorize Man into submission. The Angels fought to defend humanity against this demonic oppression, but all too often their austere methods and severe punishments succeeded only in alienating those whom they sought to protect.\n\nThe violent battles of the Sin War occurred often, but they were seldom witnessed by the prying eyes of Man. Only a few 'enlightened' souls were aware of the supernatural beings that walked amongst the huddled masses of humanity. Powerful mortals arose and accepted the challenge of the Sin War, allying themselves with both sides in the Great Conflict. The legendary deeds of these great mortal warriors served to earn both the respect and hatred of the nether-worlds. Although lesser demons kneeled before those possessing power and strength, they also cursed the very existence of mortal man. Many of these fiends believed that the deadlock brought about by the emergence of Man was a perverse offense to their 'higher' role in the great scheme of things.\n\nThis jealousy of Man led to harsh, atrocious acts of violence by the demons against the mortal realm. Some men learned of this deep hatred and used it against the denizens of the Underworld. One such mortal, Horazon the Summoner, delighted in summoning demons and then breaking them to his will. Horazon, along with his brother Bartuc, were members of the Eastern mage-clan known as the Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their lore for generations. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. The denizens of Hell sought revenge against this bold mortal, but Horazon managed to keep himself well protected within his arcane sanctuary.\n\nBartuc, the brother of Horazon, was eventually lured to the side of Darkness. He was granted exceptional strength and longevity, and fought alongside the legions of Hell against the cursed Vizjerei, and eventually his own brother during the Sin War. Although Bartuc was renowned amongst the warriors of many realms, his dominance in battle came with a terrible price. An insatiable lust for mortal blood pervaded his every thought and deed. Bartuc soon became as fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies as he did of shedding it, and in time he came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood."
msgstr "Quand le Grand Conflit pénétra dans le monde des mortels, il prit le nom de Guerre du Péché. Archanges et démons, cachés parmi les hommes, essayèrent de gagner leurs faveurs. C'est ainsi que les puissances des ténèbres découvrirent que les hommes étaient bien plus sensibles à la force brutale qu'à la persuasion. Le règne de la terreur pour obtenir leur soumission allait commencer. Les archanges prirent la défense des hommes contre l'oppression qui les menaçait, mais leurs méthodes austères et leurs punitions sévères détournèrent d'eux ceux qu'ils désiraient protéger.\n\nDe nombreuses et violentes batailles eurent lieu, mais les yeux des humains ne les contemplèrent point. Seul un petit nombre d'initiés reconnut les êtres surnaturels qui se mêlaient aux humains. Des mortels puissants et audacieux acceptèrent le défi de la Guerre du Péché, recherchant les alliances de chaque côté. Les exploits légendaires de ces guerriers humains leur rapportèrent soit la haine, soit le respect des mondes de l'au-delà. Les démons inférieurs plièrent le genou devant les forts et les puissants, mais ils menacèrent l'existence même des hommes, car nombre d'entre eux pensaient jouer un rôle supérieur dans le grand dessein des choses, et la présence même des hommes, leur importance dans la Guerre du Péché leur semblait une offense sans pareille.\n\nVoilà pourquoi la jalousie des démons provoqua des actes monstrueux envers les mortels. Certains hommes se servirent de cette haine profonde pour la retourner contre les habitants des mondes inférieurs. Horazon, le Maître des Invocations, eut l'audace de convoquer les démons pour les soumettre à sa volonté. Horazon et son frère Bartuc furent les membres d'une confrérie de sorciers, les Vizerei. Ces sorciers se consacraient à l'étude des traditions des démons depuis des générations. Rendu puissant par son savoir, Horazon pervertit la connaissance des Vizerei pour ses tortueux desseins. Il encourut la vengeance des démons, mais Horazon l'audacieux parvint à s'abriter dans les arcanes de son sanctuaire.\n\nBartuc tomba sous l'emprise des ténèbres. Il fut doué d'une force et d'une longévité sans pareilles, et mena son combat aux côtés des légions du mal contre les Vizerei et son propre frère Horazon. Bartuc était célèbre parmi les guerriers de toutes les armées, mais cette célébrité fut payée d'un lourd tribut. Une soif dévorante de sang humain envahissait toutes ses pensées, toutes ses actions. Bartuc répandait le sang de ses ennemis, puis s'y vautrait avec délices, et fut connu par la suite uniquement par son surnom de Seigneur du Sang."
msgid "1 Charge"
msgstr "1 Recharge"
msgid "1 Scroll"
msgstr "1 Parchemin"
msgid "Abandoned"
msgstr "Abandonné"
msgid "Absolute"
msgstr "Absolu"
msgid "absorbs half of trap damage"
msgstr "absorbe la moitié des dégâts des pièges"
msgid "absorption"
msgstr "d'absorption"
msgid "accuracy"
msgstr "d'exactitude"
msgid "Acid Beast"
msgstr "Cracheur d'acide"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"
msgid "adds 20% to an item's"
msgstr "ajoute 20% à la durabilité"
msgid "adds %i points to damage"
msgstr "ajoute %i points aux dégâts"
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Régler"
msgid "Adria"
msgstr "Adria"
msgid "Adria the Witch"
msgstr "Adria la sorcière"
msgid "Advocate"
msgstr "Avocat"
msgid "Aguinara's Hatchet"
msgstr "Hachette d'Aguinara"
msgid "All Resistance equals 0"
msgstr "Résistance totale égale à 0"
msgid "All Spells"
msgstr "Tous les sorts"
msgid "altered durability"
msgstr "durabilité modifiée"
msgid "Amber"
msgstr "en ambre"
msgid "Amulet"
msgstr "Amulette"
msgid "Amulet of the Dead"
msgstr "Amulette des morts"
msgid "Ancient Tome"
msgstr "Volume ancien"
msgid "Angel's"
msgstr "de l'ange"
msgid "Anvil of Fury"
msgstr "Enclume de violence"
msgid "Apocalypse"
msgstr "d'apocalypse"
msgid "Arcane power brings destruction"
msgstr "La puissance du mystère apporte la destruction"
msgid "Arcane knowledge gained!"
msgstr "Connaissances secrètes acquises!"
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus"
msgstr "Archevêque Lazarus"
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus' Lair"
msgstr "Repaire de l'Archevêque Lazarus"
msgid "Arch-Angel's"
msgstr "de l'archange"
msgid "Arch-Bishop Lazarus"
msgstr "L'Archevêque Lazarus"
msgid "Are you sure you want to buy this item?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment acheter cet objet?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to identify this item?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment identifier cet objet?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to recharge this item?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment recharger cet objet?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to repair this item?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment réparer cet objet?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to sell this item?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment vendre cet objet?"
msgid "ARE YOU SURE ?"
msgstr "CONFIRMER ?"
msgid "Arkaine's Valor"
msgstr "Armure Valor d'Arkaine"
msgid "Armor"
msgstr "Armure"
msgid "ARMOR\nCLASS"
msgid "AC"
msgstr "CA"
msgid "Armor class added to life"
msgstr "Classe d'armure ajouté à la vie"
msgid "armor class: %i"
msgstr "Classe d'armure: %i"
msgid "armor: %i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "protection: %i Dur: %i/%i"
msgid "armor: %i Indestructible"
msgstr "Protection: %i Indestructible"
msgid "Armor: %i "
msgstr "Protection: %i"
msgid "atrophy"
msgstr "d'atrophie"
msgid "attacker takes 1-3 damage"
msgstr "dégâts 1-3 pour l'attaquant"
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Attaque"
msgid "View Automap"
msgid "Awesome"
msgstr "terrible"
msgid "Axe"
msgstr "Hache"
msgid "Azurewrath"
msgstr "Vengeresse"
msgid "Azure"
msgstr "azur"
msgid "Azure Drake"
msgstr "Lézard d'azur"
msgid "A Dark Passage"
msgstr "Un passage obscur"
msgid "History"
msgstr "Histoire"
msgid "Back to Level %i"
msgstr "Retourner au niveau %i"
msgid "balance"
msgstr "d'équilibre"
msgid "Balrog"
msgstr "Balrog"
msgid "Baranar's Star"
msgstr "Etoile de Baranar"
msgid "Baron Sludge"
msgstr "Baron de la fange"
msgid "Barrel"
msgstr "Tonneau"
msgid "BASE"
msgstr "BASE"
msgid "bashing"
msgstr "d'écrasement"
msgid "Bastard Sword"
msgstr "Epée bâtarde"
msgid "Battle Axe"
msgstr "Hache de combat"
msgid "Bent"
msgstr "courbe"
msgid "Bilefroth the Pit Master"
msgstr "Bilefroth Maître du cloaque"
msgid "Blackash the Burning"
msgstr "Blackash l'allumé"
msgid "Blackest Blade"
msgstr "Lame ténébreuse"
msgid "BlackJade"
msgstr "Jade noir"
msgid "Blackoak Shield"
msgstr "Bouclier en chêne"
msgid "Blackskull"
msgstr "Crâne noir"
msgid "Blacksmith Oil"
msgstr "Huile du forgeron"
msgid "Blacksmith's shop"
msgstr "l'échoppe du forgeron"
msgid "Blackstorm"
msgstr "Ouragan noir"
msgid "Blacktongue"
msgstr "Langue noire"
msgid "Black Death"
msgstr "Mort noire"
msgid "Black Knight"
msgstr "Chevalier noir"
msgid "Black Mushroom"
msgstr "Champignon noir"
msgid "Black Razor"
msgstr "Rasoir noir"
msgid "Bladeskin the Slasher"
msgstr "Bladeskin l'éventreur"
msgid "Blade"
msgstr "Lame"
msgid " "
msgstr " "
msgid "Blessed"
msgstr "béni(e)"
msgid "Blessed by a benevolent companion!"
msgstr "Béni par un compagnon bienveillant!"
msgid "Blightfire"
msgstr "Feu ardent"
msgid "Blighthorn Steelmace"
msgstr "Ecrabouilleur"
msgid "Blightstone the Weak"
msgstr "Blightstone le faible"
msgid "Blink"
msgstr "Oreillard"
msgid "Blocked Door"
msgstr "Porte bloquée"
msgid "BLOCKING"
msgstr "DE PARADE"
msgid "Bloodgutter"
msgstr "Fange Sanglante"
msgid "Bloodlust"
msgstr "Instinct Sanglant"
msgid "Bloodmoon Soulfire"
msgstr "Feu de lune sanglante"
msgid "Bloodskin Darkbow"
msgstr "L'archer sombre"
msgid "BloodSlayer"
msgstr "Pas-de-quartier"
msgid "blood"
msgstr "de sang"
msgid "Blood Boil"
msgstr "de sang bouillonnant"
msgid "Blood Claw"
msgstr "Griffes sanglantes"
msgid "Blood Fountain"
msgstr "Fontaine de sang"
msgid "Blood Knight"
msgstr "Chevalier de sang"
msgid "Blood Ritual"
msgstr "de rituel sanglant"
msgid "Blood Star"
msgstr "d'étoile sanglante"
msgid "Blood Stone"
msgstr "Pierre de sang"
msgid "Bluehorn"
msgstr "Corne de glace"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "indigo"
msgid "Bonehead Keenaxe"
msgstr "Bonehead le bûcheron"
msgid "Boneripper"
msgstr "Croqueur d'os"
msgid "Bonesaw the Litch"
msgstr "Bonesaw l'équarisseur"
msgid "Bone Chamber"
msgstr "Catacombes"
msgid "Bone Demon"
msgstr "Démon d'os"
msgid "Bone Gasher"
msgstr "Taille-moignons"
msgid "Bone Spirit"
msgstr "d'esprit des os"
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bongo"
msgid "Bookcase"
msgstr "Bibliothèque"
msgid "Bookshelf"
msgstr "Lutrin"
msgid "Book of Blood"
msgstr "Livre du sang"
msgid "Book of the Blind"
msgstr "Livre des aveugles"
msgid "Book of Vileness"
msgstr "Livre de vilenies"
msgid "Book of "
msgstr "Livre"
msgid "BOOK ONE"
msgid "BOOK TWO"
msgid "Bountiful"
msgstr "prodigue"
msgid "Bow"
msgstr "Arc"
msgid "Bow of the Dead"
msgstr "Arc de la mort"
msgid "Brain"
msgstr "Cerveau"
msgid "Bramble"
msgstr "Ronce"
msgid "Brass"
msgstr "en cuivre"
msgid "Breakspine"
msgstr "Briseur d'échine"
msgid "Breast Plate"
msgstr "Pectoral"
msgid "brilliance"
msgstr "de brillance"
msgid "brittleness"
msgstr "de cassure"
msgid "Broad Axe"
msgstr "Hache large"
msgid "Broad Sword"
msgstr "Epée large"
msgid "Brokenhead Bangshield"
msgstr "Brokenhead le cogneur"
msgid "Brokenstorm"
msgstr "Tempête Hurlante"
msgid "Bronzefist Firestone"
msgstr "Poing de bronze"
msgid "Bronze"
msgstr "en bronze"
msgid "Brutal"
msgstr "brutal(e)"
msgid "Buckler"
msgstr "Bouclier rond"
msgid "burning"
msgstr "de brulûre"
msgid "Burning Dead"
msgstr "Squelette incandescent"
msgid "Burning Dead Captain"
msgstr "Capitaine des Squelettes incandescents"
msgid "but it will cost 50 gold"
msgstr "mais ça coutera 50 pièces d'or"
msgid "Buy basic items"
msgstr "Acheter des objets ordinaires"
msgid "Buy items"
msgstr "Acheter des objets"
msgid "Buy premium items"
msgstr "Acheter des objets précieux"
msgid "BUY STAVES"
msgid "Cabalist"
msgstr "Cabaliste"
msgid "Cain"
msgstr "Cair"
msgid "Cain the Elder"
msgstr "Cair l'ancien"
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr "ANNUL"
msgid "Cape"
msgstr "Cape"
msgid "Cap"
msgstr "Coiffe"
msgid "carnage"
msgstr "de carnage"
msgid "Carver"
msgstr "Découpeur"
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr "Jeter un sort"
msgid "Cauldron"
msgstr "Chaudron"
msgid "Cave Slug"
msgstr "Limace visqueuse"
msgid "Cave Viper"
msgstr "Vipère des cavernes"
msgid "Screen Adjustment"
msgstr "Réglage de l'écran"
msgid "Chain Lightning"
msgstr "de Chaîne d'éclairs"
msgid "Chain Mail"
msgstr "Cotte chaînée"
msgid "Champion's"
msgstr "du héros"
msgid "chance to hit"
msgstr "de faire mouche"
msgid "chance to hit : %+i%%"
msgstr "chance de toucher : %+i%%"
msgid "Chaoshowler"
msgstr "Hurleur"
msgid "Character Information"
msgstr "Informations sur le personnage"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Infos personnage"
msgid "Character loaded"
msgstr "Personnage chargé"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Infos personnage"
msgid "Charged Bolt"
msgstr "de petits éclairs"
msgid "Charges: %i/%i"
msgstr "Charges: %i/%i"
msgid "Cheating detected"
msgstr "Ruse détectée"
msgid "Cheat Menu"
msgstr "Menu rusé"
msgid "Chest"
msgstr "Coffre"
msgstr "Choisissez votre classe"
msgid "Civerb's Cudgel"
msgstr "Matraque de Civerb"
msgid "CLASS"
msgstr "CLASSE"
msgid "class of armor and shields"
msgstr "des armures et boucliers"
msgid "Claymore"
msgstr "Claymore"
msgid "Cleaver"
msgstr "Fendoir"
msgid "Cloak"
msgstr "Pèlerine"
msgid "Closed Door"
msgstr "Porte fermée"
msgid "Close Quest Log"
msgstr "Fermer le journal de quête"
msgid "Club"
msgstr "Gourdin"
msgid "Clumsy"
msgstr "malcommode"
msgid "Cobalt"
msgstr "cobalt"
msgid "Codex of Enlightenment"
msgstr "Codex d'illumination"
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr "DÉSACTIVÉ"
msgid "ENABLED"
msgstr "ACTIVÉ"
msgid "Combo Button"
msgid "Composite Bow"
msgstr "Arc composite"
msgid "Composite Staff"
msgstr "Bâton composite"
msgid "constantly lose hit points"
msgstr "perte constante de Vie"
msgid "Constricting Ring"
msgstr "Anneau constricteur"
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr "Configuration manette"
msgid "Corpse Axe"
msgstr "Hache cadavérique"
msgid "Corpse Bow"
msgstr "Archer Cadavérique"
msgid "Corpse Captain"
msgstr "Capitaine des cadavres"
msgid "corruption"
msgstr "de corruption"
msgid "Counselor"
msgstr "Conseiller"
msgid "Cow"
msgstr "Vache"
msgid "Crackrust"
msgstr "Brisefer"
msgid "craftsmanship"
msgstr "d'artisanat"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Générique"
msgid "Creepy"
msgstr "Funeste"
msgid "Crimson"
msgstr "écarlate"
msgid "Crimson and Azure become as the sun"
msgstr "Cramoisi et azur se lèvent comme le soleil"
msgid "Crown"
msgstr "Couronne"
msgid "Crucified Skeleton"
msgstr "Squelette crucifié"
msgid "Cryptic"
msgstr "Cryptique"
msgid "Crystal"
msgstr "en cristal"
msgid "current and max durability"
msgstr "actuelle et maximale d'un objet"
msgid "Dagger"
msgstr "Poignard"
msgid "damages target's armor"
msgstr "abîme l'armure de la cible"
msgid "Damages undead only"
msgstr "Dégâts morts-vivants"
msgid "DAMAGE"
msgstr "dégâts"
msgid "damage potential - not bows"
msgstr "de dégâts d'une arme - sauf les arcs"
msgid "damage: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "dégâts: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgid "damage: %i-%i Indestructible"
msgstr "dégâts: %i-%i Indestructible"
msgid "Damage: %i-%i "
msgstr "Dégâts: %i-%i"
msgid "dam: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "dég: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgid "Dark One"
msgstr "Malfaisant"
msgid "Deadeye"
msgstr "Œil mortel"
msgid "Deadly"
msgstr "mortel(le)"
msgid "deadly heal"
msgstr "deadly heal"
msgid "Deadly Hunter"
msgstr "Chasseur mortel"
msgid "Deathshade Fleshmaul"
msgstr "Deathshade le hacheur"
msgid "Deathspit"
msgstr "Crachat mortel"
msgid "Death Wing"
msgstr "Ailes de la mort"
msgid "Decapitated Body"
msgstr "Corps décapité"
msgid "decreased durability"
msgstr "durabilité diminuée"
msgid "decrease dexterity"
msgstr "diminuer la dextérité"
msgid "decrease strength"
msgstr "diminuer la force"
msgid "decrease vitality"
msgstr "diminuer la vitalité"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres par défaut"
msgid "Default Setting"
msgstr "Paramètre par défaut"
msgid "deflection"
msgstr "de déflection"
msgid "Demonspike Coat"
msgstr "Manteau de démon"
msgid "DEMO"
msgstr "Démo"
msgid "Devilskull Sharpbone"
msgstr "Crâne démoniaque"
msgid "Devil Kin"
msgstr "Cousin du diable"
msgid "Devil Kin Brute"
msgstr "Abruti"
msgid "Devil Wyrm"
msgstr "Ver diabolique"
msgid "Devourer"
msgstr "Dévoreur"
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr "de dextérité"
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr "Dextérité"
msgid "DIABLO"
msgstr "DIABLO"
msgid "Diablo Help"
msgstr "Aide Diablo"
msgid "Diamond"
msgstr "en diamant"
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr "DÉSACTIVÉ"
msgid "disease"
msgstr "d'épidémie"
msgid "\nCenter Screen"
msgstr "\nCentrer l'écran"
msgid "Divine"
msgstr "Divin"
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fait"
msgid "Doombringer"
msgstr "Fin-des-haricots"
msgid "Doomcloud"
msgstr "Nuage fatal"
msgid "Doomgrin the Rotting"
msgstr "Rictus-funeste"
msgid "Doomlock"
msgstr "Mort subite"
msgid "Doom Fire"
msgstr "Feu fatal"
msgid "Doom Guard"
msgstr "Garde du destin"
msgid "Doom Serpents"
msgstr "de serpents tragiques"
msgid "Down to catacombs"
msgstr "Descendre dans l'ossuaire"
msgid "Down to caves"
msgstr "Descendre dans les cavernes"
msgid "Down to Diablo"
msgstr "Descendre vers Diablo"
msgid "Down to dungeon"
msgstr "Descendre dans la crypte"
msgid "Down to hell"
msgstr "Descendre en enfer"
msgid "Down to level %i"
msgstr "Descendre au niveau %i"
msgid "Do we have a deal?"
msgstr "Affaire conclue?"
msgid "Dragon's"
msgstr "du dragon"
msgid "Dragon's Breach"
msgstr "Briseur de dragons"
msgid "Drake's"
msgstr "de la tarasque"
msgid "Dreadjudge"
msgstr "Juge des enfers"
msgid "Dreamflange"
msgstr "Massue de cauchemar"
msgid "Drink and be refreshed"
msgstr "Buvez et rafraîchissez-vous"
msgid "DROP"
msgstr "JETER"
msgid "Dull"
msgstr "émoussé(e)"
msgid "Dur: %i/%i, "
msgstr "Dur: %i/%i,"
msgid "dyslexia"
msgstr "de dyslexie"
msgid "Eaglehorn"
msgstr "Griffe d'aigle"
msgid "Ear of %s"
msgstr "Oreille de %s"
msgid "Eerie"
msgstr "Sinistre"
msgid "Eldritch"
msgstr "Elfique"
msgid "Elemental"
msgstr "d'élémentaire"
msgid "Elixir of Dexterity"
msgstr "Elixir de dextérité"
msgid "Elixir of Magic"
msgstr "Elixir de magie"
msgid "Elixir of Strength"
msgstr "Elixir de force"
msgid "Elixir of Vitality"
msgstr "Elixir de vitalité"
msgid "El Chupacabras"
msgstr "El chupacabras"
msgid "Emerald"
msgstr "en émeraude"
msgid "EMPTY"
msgstr "VIDE"
msgid "Empyrean Band"
msgstr "Anneau astral"
msgid "Enchanted"
msgstr "Enchanté"
msgid "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "L'énergie se paie par la sagesse"
msgid "English"
msgstr "English"
msgid "ENTER NAME"
msgstr "Entrez un nom"
msgid "EQUIP"
msgstr "équip"
msgid "LOAD ERROR"
msgid "Etherealize"
msgstr "d'éthérisation"
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuer"
msgstr "Expérience"
msgid "Extra charges"
msgstr "Recharges suppl."
msgid "Falchion"
msgstr "Epée courbe"
msgid "Fallen One"
msgstr "Dégénéré"
msgid "Familiar"
msgstr "Familier"
msgid "Fangskin"
msgstr "Ecorcheur"
msgid "Fangspeir"
msgstr "Kryss sanglant"
msgid "Farnham"
msgstr "Farnham"
msgid "Farnham the Drunk"
msgstr "Farnham l'ivrogne"
msgid "Fascinating"
msgstr "Fascinant"
msgid "faster attack"
msgstr "attaque ultra-rapide"
msgid "Faster attack swing"
msgstr "élan d'attaque rapide"
msgid "faster hit recovery"
msgstr "récupération très rapide"
msgid "fastest attack"
msgstr "attaque éclair"
msgid "fastest hit recovery"
msgstr "récupération ultra-rapide"
msgid "fast attack"
msgstr "attaque très rapide"
msgid "fast block"
msgstr "blocage rapide"
msgid "fast hit recovery"
msgstr "récupération rapide"
msgid "Festerskull"
msgstr "Crâne purulent"
msgid "Field Plate"
msgstr "Armure de combat"
msgid "Fiend"
msgstr "Noctule"
msgid "Fine"
msgstr "noble"
msgid "Fireball"
msgstr "de boule de feu"
msgid "Firebolt"
msgstr "de feu magique"
msgid "fires random speed arrows"
msgstr "envoie des flèches au hasard"
msgid "Firewound the Grim"
msgstr "Fer-rouge le terrible"
msgid "fire"
msgstr "de feu"
msgid "fire arrows damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "dégâts de flèches enflammées: %i-%i"
msgid "Fire "
msgstr "AU FEU"
msgid "Fire Clan"
msgstr "Clan du feu"
msgid "Fire Drake"
msgstr "Lézard de feu"
msgid "Fire hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Dégâts du feu: %i-%i"
msgid "Fire Wall"
msgstr "De Mur de feu"
msgid "Fire "
msgstr " feu"
msgid "Flail"
msgstr "Fléau"
msgid "Flamedart"
msgstr "Javelot fulgurant"
msgid "flame"
msgstr "de flamme"
msgid "Flame Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur de flamme"
msgid "Flame Wave"
msgstr "d'onde de feu"
msgid "Flaming"
msgstr "enflammé(e)"
msgid "Flash"
msgstr "de flash"
msgid "Flayed One"
msgstr "Ecorché-vif"
msgid "Fleshdancer"
msgstr "Dance-des-lames"
msgid "Fleshstinger"
msgstr "Piqueviande"
msgid "Flesh Clan"
msgstr "Clan de la chair"
msgid "Fly Mode"
msgstr "Mode volant"
msgid "Food"
msgstr "Nourriture"
msgid "Fool's Crest"
msgstr "Crête-de-fou"
msgid "Foulwing"
msgstr "Fétide"
msgid "Fountain of Tears"
msgstr "Fontaine de larmes"
msgid "fragility"
msgstr "de fragilité"
msgid "frailty"
msgstr "de friabilité"
msgid "Franais"
msgstr "Français"
msgid "Frog's"
msgstr "de la grenouille"
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "de %s"
msgid "Frost Charger"
msgstr "Seigneur de glace"
msgid "fully recover life"
msgstr "Vie maximum"
msgid "fully recover life and mana"
msgstr "récupérer totalement la vie et le mana"
msgid "fully recover mana"
msgstr "Mana maximum"
msgid "Full Helm"
msgstr "Heaume"
msgid "Full Plate Mail"
msgstr "Cuirasse"
msgid "Fungal Tome"
msgstr "Livre cryptogamique"
msgid "Game Menu"
msgstr "Menu de la partie"
msgid "GAME OVER"
msgstr "ADIEU"
msgid "GAME SPEED"
msgstr "VITESSE JEU"
msgid "FAST"
msgstr "RAPIDE"
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr "NORMAL"
msgid "Gargoyle"
msgstr "Gargouille"
msgid "Garnet"
msgstr "grenat"
msgid "Generosity brings its own rewards"
msgstr "La générosité porte sa propre récompense"
msgid "Deutsch"
msgstr "Deutsch"
msgid "Gharbad The Weak"
msgstr "Gharbad-le-Mou"
msgid "Ghoul"
msgstr "Goule"
msgid "giants"
msgstr "de géants"
msgid "Gibbous Moon"
msgstr "Lune bossue"
msgid "Gillian"
msgstr "Gillian"
msgid "Gillian the Barmaid"
msgstr "Gillian la serveuse"
msgid "Glasskull the Jagged"
msgstr "Glasskull le ravagé"
msgid "Gleamsong"
msgstr "Lueur grinçante"
msgid "Glimmering"
msgstr "Brillant"
msgid "Gloomy"
msgstr "Mélancolique"
msgid "Gloom"
msgstr "Ténébreux"
msgid "Glorious"
msgstr "célèbre"
msgid "Gnarled Root"
msgstr "Racine tordue"
msgid "Goat Shrine"
msgstr "Autel des Boucs"
msgid "Godly"
msgstr "divin(e)"
msgid "Goldblight of the Flame"
msgstr "Godblight des enfers"
msgid "Golden Elixir"
msgstr "Elixir d'or"
msgid "GoldFlip"
msgstr "Aileron doré"
msgid "Gold"
msgstr "OR"
msgid "Gold Viper"
msgstr "Vipère d'or"
msgid "Golem"
msgstr "de Golem"
msgid "Gonnagal's Dirk"
msgstr "Tarass Boulba"
msgid "Gorefeast"
msgstr "Le Démembreur"
msgid "Gorestone"
msgstr "Pierre-de-carnage"
msgid "Goretongue"
msgstr "Langue-Putréfiée"
msgid "gore"
msgstr "d'éventration"
msgid "Gossip"
msgstr "Bavarder"
msgid "Gothic Plate"
msgstr "Armure gothique"
msgid "Gothic Shield"
msgstr "Bouclier gothique"
msgid "Gotterdamerung"
msgstr "Crépuscule des dieux"
msgid "Grand"
msgstr "grand(e)"
msgid "Graywar the Slayer"
msgstr "Massacreur gris"
msgid "greatly increases a"
msgstr "augmente beaucoup les chances"
msgid "greatly increases a weapon's"
msgstr "augmente beaucoup le potentiel"
msgid "greatly increases the armor"
msgstr "augmente beaucoup la protection"
msgid "Great Axe"
msgstr "Hache géante"
msgid "Great Helm"
msgstr "Grand casque"
msgid "Great Sword"
msgstr "Grande épée"
msgid "Grimspike"
msgstr "L'éventreur"
msgid "Griswold"
msgstr "Griswold"
msgid "Griswold's Edge"
msgstr "Lame de Griswold"
msgid "Griswold the Blacksmith"
msgstr "Griswold le forgeron"
msgid "Gryphons Claw"
msgstr "Serre de griffon"
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "de Gardien"
msgid "Gutshank the Quick"
msgstr "Gutshank le vif"
msgid "Halls of the Blind"
msgstr "Voûtes de la Cécité"
msgid "Hammer"
msgstr "Marteau"
msgid "Hammer of Jholm"
msgstr "Marteau de Jholm"
msgid "Hard Leather Armor"
msgstr "Armure en cuir durci"
msgid "Harlequin Crest"
msgstr "Coiffe d'arlequin"
msgid "harmony"
msgstr "d'harmonie"
msgid "haste"
msgstr "de vélocité"
msgid "Hazeshifter"
msgstr "Casse-brumes"
msgid "Healer's home"
msgstr "Maison du guérisseur"
msgid "Healing"
msgstr "de guérison"
msgid "health"
msgstr "de santé"
msgid "Heal Other"
msgstr "de soin"
msgid "Heart"
msgstr "Cœur"
msgid "Heavy"
msgstr "lourd(e)"
msgid "Hellslayer"
msgstr "Bourreau d'enfants"
msgid "Hell"
msgstr "Enfer"
msgid "Hell Burner"
msgstr "Brasero d'enfer"
msgid "Hell Spawn"
msgstr "Vermine infernale"
msgid "Hell Stone"
msgstr "Pierre d'enfer"
msgid "Helmut"
msgstr "Heaume"
msgid "Helm"
msgstr "Casque"
msgid "Helm of Sprits"
msgstr "Heaume d'étincelles"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Attaque"
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr "Jeter le sort"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Informations personnage"
msgid "Combo Button. Brings up help for combo buttons."
msgstr "Touche combi. Aide pour combiner les touches."
msgid "Command Summary:"
msgstr "Récapitulation des commandes:"
msgid "> Back Scroll Text"
msgstr "> RETOUR Dérouler le texte"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventaire"
msgid "Centre map"
msgstr "Centrer la carte"
msgid "Scroll map"
msgstr "Faire défiler la carte"
msgid "Miscellaneous Help"
msgstr "Quelques conseils"
msgid "When viewing the map, note that you can scroll around the screen with the directional button."
msgstr "Lorsque vous examinez la carte, vous pouvez vous déplacer sur l'écran avec les touches directionnelles."
msgid "Auto-map:"
msgstr "Carte automatique:"
msgid "Reading more than one book increases your knowledge of that spell, allowing you to cast the spell more effectively."
msgstr "En lisant plusieurs livres, votre connaissance de ce sort augmente et vous permet de le jeter avec plus d'efficacité."
msgid "Spell Books:"
msgstr "Livres de sorts:"
msgid "You can re-assign any of your controls to different button assignments by going into the options menu and by selecting the Controller Setup."
msgstr "Vous pouvez attribuer n'importe quelle commande aux différentes touches : entrez dans le menu options pour les configurer."
msgid "Customizing Buttons:"
msgstr "Personnaliser les touches :"
msgid "Select an item, then hit your action button in order to drop an item from your inventory."
msgstr "Sélectionnez un objet dans votre inventaire, puis appuyez sur la touche action pour le jeter."
msgid "Dropping Items:"
msgstr "jeter des objets:"
msgid "Experiment with the absolute and relative movement styles until you find one you are comfortable with."
msgstr "Essayez les styles de mouvement absolu et relatif, afin de trouver celui qui vous convient le mieux."
msgid "Absolute & Relative Movement:"
msgstr "Mouvement absolu & relatif:"
msgid "Useable items that are small in size, such as potions or scrolls, are automatically placed in your 'belt' located below your health and mana vials."
msgstr "Les objets de petite taille, comme les potions et parchemins sont automatiquement placés dans la ceinture qui se trouve sous les bulles de vie et de mana."
msgid "Picking up Objects:"
msgstr "Ramasser des objets:"
msgid "Learn or re-map your Quick Mana and Quick Health buttons. Using these can really save you when you are in trouble. Scrolls or Potions are consumed from your inventory first, then from your belt."
msgstr "Apprenez ou reconfigurez vos boutons de mana rapide et de santé rapide. Leur utilisation peut vous sauver en cas de difficultés. Les parchemins et potions seront d'abord consommés dans votre inventaire, puis dans votre ceinture."
msgid "Quick Mana and Quick Health:"
msgstr "Mana rapide et santé rapide :"
msgid "Memorized spells and those available through staves are listed in your full spell book. Selecting the spell from this menu will ready the spell for you to cast when needed."
msgstr "Les sorts mémorisés ou disponibles au moyen de bâtons sont répertoriés dans votre livre de sorts complet. Un sort sélectionné à partir de ce menu, est prêt à être utilisé à tout moment."
msgid "Skills & Spells:"
msgstr "Compétences & sorts:"
msgid "Movement, and aiming targeting cursor"
msgstr "Curseur de mouvement et de visée"
msgid "START: Pause Game"
msgstr "START: Faire une pause"
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr "Journal des quêtes"
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr "Santé rapide"
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr "Mana rapide"
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr "Livre de sorts rapide"
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr "Livre de sorts"
msgid "HELP"
msgstr "AIDE"
msgid "SELECT: Options"
msgstr "SELECT: Options"
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr "Sorts alternés"
msgid "Use belt item"
msgid "View Automap"
msgstr "Voir carte automatique"
msgid ">: Previous Menu"
msgstr ">: Menu précédent"
msgid ">: Previous Menu SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr ">: Menu précédent SELECT : Reprendre la partie"
msgid "SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr "SELECT : Reprendre la partie"
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Furtif"
msgid "high durability"
msgstr "haute durabilité"
msgid "hit monster doesn't heal"
msgstr "le monstre touché ne guérit pas"
msgid "Hit Points %i of %i"
msgstr "Points d'impact %i sur %i"
msgid "Hit Points : %i of %i"
msgstr "Points d'impact : %i sur %i"
msgid "Hit Points : %i-%i"
msgstr "Vie : %i-%i"
msgid "Hit Points : %+i"
msgstr "Vie: %+i"
msgid "hit steals 3% life"
msgstr "le coup prend 3% de vie"
msgid "hit steals 3% mana"
msgstr "le coup prend 3% de mana"
msgid "hit steals 5% life"
msgstr "le coup prend 5% de vie"
msgid "hit steals 5% mana"
msgstr "le coup prend 5% de mana"
msgid "Hollow One"
msgstr "Caverneux"
msgid "Holy"
msgstr "sacré(e)"
msgid "Holy Bolt"
msgstr "de feu sacré"
msgid "Holy Defender"
msgstr "Défenseur sacré"
msgid "Horned Demon"
msgstr "Démon cornu"
msgid "Horror"
msgstr "Horreur"
msgid "Horror Captain"
msgstr "Capitaine des horreurs"
msgid "Howlingire the Shade"
msgstr "Hurlamort"
msgid "Hunter's Bow"
msgstr "Arc de chasse"
msgid "Hydra's"
msgstr "de l'hydre"
msgid "Hyena's"
msgstr "de la hyène"
msgid "Ice Shank"
msgstr "Pic à glace"
msgid "Identify"
msgstr "d'identification"
msgid "Identify an item"
msgstr "Identifier un objet"
msgid "Identify"
msgid "Identify which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Que faut-il identifier?\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "illness"
msgstr "de maladie"
msgid "Illusion Weaver"
msgstr "Tisseur d'illusions"
msgid "Immolator"
msgstr "Immoleur"
msgid "Immune : "
msgstr "Immunité:"
msgid "Incinerator"
msgstr "Incinérateur"
msgid "increases an item's"
msgstr "renforce l'objet"
msgid "increases a weapon's"
msgstr "augmente les chances"
msgid "increases a weapon's damage"
msgstr "augmente le potentiel de dégâts"
msgid "increases the armor class"
msgstr "augmente la classe d'armure"
msgid "increase dexterity"
msgstr "augmente la dextérité"
msgid "increase magic"
msgstr "augmente la magie"
msgid "increase strength"
msgstr "augmente la force"
msgid "increase vitality"
msgstr "augmente la vitalité"
msgid "indestructible"
msgstr "indestructible"
msgid "Indestructible,"
msgstr "indestructible"
msgid "Inferno"
msgstr "d'inferno"
msgid "Info Menu"
msgstr "Menu d'information"
msgid "Info Screen"
msgstr "Ecran d'information"
msgid "Infravision"
msgstr "d'infravision"
msgid "Innsign"
msgstr "Innsign"
msgid "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "L'intensité se paie par la sagesse"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventaire"
msgid "Invisibility"
msgstr "d'invisibilité"
msgid "Invisible Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur invisible"
msgid "Invulnerable"
msgstr "Invulnérable"
msgid "Iron"
msgstr "en fer"
msgid "is not available"
msgstr "n'est pas possible"
msgid "Item Repair"
msgstr "Réparation"
msgid "Ivory"
msgstr "en ivoire"
msgid "I have something for sale,"
msgstr "J'ai quelque chose à vendre"
msgid "I have these items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Voilà les objets en vente\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "I have these premium items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Voilà les objets précieux à vendre\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "I have this item for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Cet objet est à vendre\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "Jade"
msgstr "en jade"
msgid "Jagged"
msgstr "Dentelé(e)"
msgid "just to take a look. "
msgstr "rien que pour voir."
msgid "King Leoric's Tomb"
msgstr "la tombe du roi Léoric"
msgid "King's"
msgstr "du roi"
msgid "Kite Shield"
msgstr "Bouclier en losange"
msgid "Knight's"
msgstr "du chevalier"
msgid "knocks target back"
msgstr "Repousse la cible"
msgid "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self"
msgstr "Connaissance et sagesse au prix de soi-même"
msgid "Lachdanan"
msgstr "Lachdanan"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Langue"
msgid "Lapis"
msgstr "lapis-lazuli"
msgid "Large Axe"
msgstr "Grande hache"
msgid "Large Chest"
msgstr "Grand coffre"
msgid "Large Shield"
msgstr "Grand bouclier"
msgid "Lava Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur de lave"
msgid "Lava Maw"
msgstr "Mâchoire de lave"
msgid "Leather Armor"
msgstr "Armure en cuir"
msgid "Leather of Aut"
msgstr "Peau-de-cuir"
msgid "Leave Healer's home"
msgstr "Quitter la maison du guérisseur"
msgid "Leave the shack"
msgstr "Quitter la chaumière"
msgid "Leave the shop"
msgstr "Quitter l'échoppe"
msgid "Leave the tavern"
msgstr "Quitter la taverne"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "NIVEAU"
msgid "level 15"
msgstr "niveau 15"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "NIVEAU"
msgid "Level Up"
msgstr "Niveau supérieur"
msgid "Level : %i"
msgstr "Niveau : %i"
msgid "Lever"
msgstr "Levier"
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book One)"
msgstr "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Livre Premier)"
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book Two)"
msgstr "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Livre Second)"
msgid "Library Book"
msgstr "Repose livre"
msgid "life"
msgstr "de vie"
msgid "life"
msgstr "Vie"
msgid "life stealing"
msgstr "prend de la vie"
msgid "Lightforge"
msgstr "Cognedur"
msgid "Lightning"
msgstr "d'éclairs"
msgid "lightning arrows damage %i-%i"
msgstr "dégâts de flèches d'éclair %i-%i"
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr "AUX ECLAIRS"
msgid "Lightning hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Dégâts des éclairs: %i-%i"
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr " éclairs"
msgid "Lightsabre"
msgstr "Sabre de lumière"
msgid "light"
msgstr "de la lumière"
msgid "Lionskull the Bent"
msgstr "Crâne-de-lion le tordu"
msgid "Litch Demon"
msgstr "Démon tordu"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement en cours..."
msgid "Load Character"
msgstr "Charger un personnage"
msgid "Load Game"
msgstr "Charger la partie"
msgid "Long Battle Bow"
msgstr "Arc de combat long"
msgid "Long Bow"
msgstr "Arc long"
msgid "Long Staff"
msgstr "Bâton long"
msgid "Long Sword"
msgstr "Epée longue"
msgid "Long War Bow"
msgstr "Arc de guerre long"
msgid "Lord of the Pit"
msgstr "Seigneur du cloaque"
msgid "Lord Sayter"
msgstr "Bouc-seigneur"
msgid "Lord's"
msgstr "du seigneur"
msgid "Lots of Mana"
msgstr "Beaucoup de mana"
msgid "Mace"
msgstr "Massue"
msgid "Madburner"
msgstr "Pyromane"
msgid "Madeye the Dead"
msgstr "Madeye le mort"
msgid "Maelstorm"
msgstr "Malstrom"
msgid "Magical"
msgstr "Magique"
msgid "magic"
msgstr "de magie"
msgid "magic"
msgstr "Magie"
msgid "Magic "
msgstr "A LA MAGIE"
msgid "Magic is not always what it seems to be"
msgstr "La magie n'est pas toujours ce qu'elle semble être"
msgid "Magic Rock"
msgstr "Caillou magique"
msgid "Magic "
msgstr " Magie"
msgid "Magistrate"
msgstr "Magistrat"
msgid "Magma Demon"
msgstr "Démon du magma"
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Cotte"
msgid "maiming"
msgstr "de mutilation"
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Menu principal"
msgid "makes an item indestructible"
msgstr "rend un objet indestructible"
msgid "MANA"
msgstr "MANA"
msgid "Mana Shield"
msgstr "de bouclier mana"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: 1/3 tgt hp"
msgstr "Mana: %i Dégâts: 1/3 pts impact sur cible"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: %i - %i"
msgstr "Mana: %i Dég: %i - %i"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: n/a"
msgstr "Mana: %i Dégâts: n/d"
msgid "Mana : %+i"
msgstr "Mana : %+i"
msgid "many"
msgstr "d'opulence"
msgid "Map of the Stars"
msgstr "Carte céleste"
msgid "Massive"
msgstr "pesant(e)"
msgid "Master's"
msgstr "du maître"
msgid "Maul"
msgstr "Masse"
msgid "MAX"
msgstr "MAX"
msgid "Maze"
msgstr "Dédale"
msgid "Memcard Menu"
msgstr "Menu carte mémoire"
msgid "Memory Card Game Menu"
msgstr "Menu carte mémoire"
msgid "Memory Card Not Formatted\nWould you like to format it?"
msgstr "Carte mémoire non formatée\nDésirez vous la formater?"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr "JOUEUR 1"
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr "JOUEUR 2"
msgid "ROG"
msgstr "Arc"
msgid "SOR"
msgstr "MAG"
msgid "WAR"
msgstr "GUE"
msgid " MONO"
msgstr " MONO"
msgid " SOUND"
msgstr " SON"
msgid " STEREO"
msgstr " STÉRÉO"
msgid "Merciless"
msgstr "sans merci"
msgid "Messerschmidt's Reaver"
msgstr "Francisque"
msgid "Meteoric"
msgstr "météorique"
msgid "might"
msgstr "de puissance"
msgid "Mindcry"
msgstr "Cri-muet"
msgid "Mithril"
msgstr "en mithril"
msgid "Moonbender"
msgstr "Tord-la-lune"
msgid "MORE"
msgstr "SUITE"
msgid "Morning Star"
msgstr "Etoile du matin"
msgid "Movement"
msgstr "Mouvement"
msgid "Mud Man"
msgstr "Cloaqueux"
msgid "Mud Runner"
msgstr "Fangeux"
msgid "Murky Pool"
msgstr "Bassin trouble"
msgid "Mushroom Patch"
msgstr "Coin à champignons"
msgid "Music"
msgstr "Musique"
msgid "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason"
msgstr "Les mystères sont révélés à la lumière de la raison"
msgid "Mysterious"
msgstr "Mystérieux"
msgid "Mythical Book"
msgstr "Livre mythique"
msgid "Naj's Light Plate"
msgstr "Armure de lumière de Naj"
msgid "Naj's Puzzler"
msgstr "Casse-tête de Naj"
msgstr "START : Continuer"
msgid "New Game"
msgstr "Nouvelle partie"
msgid "New strength is forged through destruction"
msgstr "Toute nouvelle force se forge par la destruction"
msgid "NEXT LEVEL"
msgstr "NIV. SUIV"
msgid "Nightmare"
msgstr "Cauchemar"
msgid "Nightscape"
msgstr "Cape de nuit"
msgid "Nightwing the Cold"
msgstr "Mort-ailée"
msgid "Night Clan"
msgstr "Clan de la nuit"
msgid "None"
msgstr "None"
msgid "Non Item"
msgstr "Non Item"
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr "NORMAL"
msgid "Nothing for sale"
msgstr "Rien à vendre"
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr "Ceci n'est pas une sauvegarde Diablo"
msgid "Not Identified"
msgstr "Non identifié(e)"
msgid "Nova"
msgstr "de nova"
msgid "NOW"
msgstr "MODIF"
msgid "NOW SAVING"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
msgid "No automap available in town"
msgstr "Pas de carte automatique disponible en ville"
msgid "No help available"
msgstr "Pas d'aide disponible"
msgid "No Immunities"
msgstr "Pas d'immunité"
msgid "No magic resistance"
msgstr "Pas de résistance à la magie"
msgid "No Pause in town"
msgstr "Pas de pause en ville"
msgid "No required attributes"
msgstr "Aucun attribut exigé"
msgid "No resistances"
msgstr "Pas de résistance"
msgid "No response"
msgstr "Sans réponse"
msgid "no strength requirement"
msgstr "pas de force requise"
msgid "Number Of Players"
msgstr "Nombre de joueurs"
msgid "-%i%% light radius"
msgstr "-%i%% de rayon de lumière"
msgid "Obsidian"
msgstr "en obsidienne"
msgid "Obsidian Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur d'obsidienne"
msgid "of armor and shields"
msgstr "des armures et boucliers"
msgid "Ogden"
msgstr "Bogdan"
msgid "Ogden's Sign"
msgstr "L'enseigne de Bogdan"
msgid "Ogden the Tavern Owner"
msgstr "Bogdan l'aubergiste"
msgid "Oil"
msgstr "Huile"
msgid "Oil of Accuracy"
msgstr "Huile d'exactitude"
msgid "Oil of Death"
msgstr "Huile de mort"
msgid "Oil of Fortitude"
msgstr "Huile de fermeté"
msgid "Oil of Hardening"
msgstr "Huile de durcissement"
msgid "Oil of Imperviousness"
msgstr "Huile d'imperméabilité"
msgid "Oil of Mastery"
msgstr "Huile de maîtrise"
msgid "Oil of Permenance"
msgstr "Huile de permanence"
msgid "Oil of Sharpness"
msgstr "Huile de précision"
msgid "Oil of Skill"
msgstr "Huile de compétence"
msgid "One"
msgstr "Un"
msgid "one handed sword"
msgstr "épée à une main"
msgid "Oozedrool"
msgstr "Oozedrool"
msgid "Open Door"
msgstr "Porte ouverte"
msgid "Optic Amulet"
msgstr "Amulette optique"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"
msgid "Ornate"
msgstr "Orné"
msgid "osmosis"
msgstr "d'osmose"
msgid "Overlord"
msgstr "Seigneur"
msgid "OverLord's Helm"
msgstr "Heaume du seigneur"
msgid "PACK"
msgstr "SAC"
msgid "pain"
msgstr "de douleur"
msgid "Pain Master"
msgstr "Maître de la douleur"
msgid "paralysis"
msgstr "de paralysie"
msgid "PAUSED"
msgstr "Pause"
msgid "Pearl"
msgstr "en perle"
msgid "Pedestal of Blood"
msgstr "Piédestal de sang"
msgid "Pepin"
msgstr "Pépin"
msgid "Pepin the Healer"
msgstr "Pépin le Guérisseur"
msgid "perfection"
msgstr "de perfection"
msgid "Phasing"
msgstr "de phase"
msgid "pieces"
msgstr "pièces"
msgid "piece"
msgstr "pièce"
msgid "piercing"
msgstr "de perçage"
msgid "Pit Beast"
msgstr "Bête de la fange"
msgid "Plaguewrath"
msgstr "Sent-la-peste"
msgid "Plague Eater"
msgstr "Mangeur de choléra"
msgid "Plate"
msgstr "Armure à plaques"
msgid "Plate Mail"
msgstr "Camail"
msgid "Platinum"
msgstr "en platine"
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr "JOUEUR 1"
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr "JOUEUR 2"
msgid "Player Attack"
msgstr "Joueur agressif"
msgid "Player friendly"
msgstr "Joueur pacifique"
msgid "Player One"
msgstr "Premier joueur"
msgid "Player Two"
msgstr "Deuxième joueur"
msgid "PLAYER %d"
msgstr "%d JOUEUR"
msgid "Plentiful"
msgstr "riche"
msgid "plenty"
msgstr "d'abondance"
msgid "POINTS TO"
msgstr "Points à"
msgid "Poisoned Water Supply"
msgstr "Source d'eau empoisonnée"
msgid "Poison Spitter"
msgstr "Crache-poison"
msgid "Portal to"
msgstr "Porte vers"
msgid "potential - not bows"
msgstr "d'une arme - sauf les arcs"
msgid "Potion of Experience"
msgstr "Potion d'expérience"
msgid "Potion of Full Healing"
msgstr "Potion de guérison totale"
msgid "Potion of Full Mana"
msgstr "Potion de mana total"
msgid "Potion of Full Rejuvenation"
msgstr "Potion de jouvence absolue"
msgid "Potion of Healing"
msgstr "Potion de guérison"
msgid "Potion of Mana"
msgstr "Potion de mana"
msgid "Potion of Rejuvenation"
msgstr "Potion de jouvence"
msgid "power"
msgstr "de pouvoir"
msgid "precision"
msgstr "de précision"
msgid "Press $ to read"
msgstr "Appuyez sur $ pour lire"
msgid "Press $ to use"
msgstr "Appuyez sur $ pour utiliser"
msgid "Press $ to view"
msgstr "Appuyer sur $ pour regarder"
msgid "Press button for %s"
msgstr "Touche pour %s"
msgid "Press START to continue"
msgstr "START pour continuer"
msgid "Press > for Previous Menu"
msgstr "Appuyer sur > pour le menu précédent"
msgid "Press _ to continue"
msgstr "Appuyez sur _ pour continuer"
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "RETOUR >"
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "Analyseur de performances"
msgid "protection"
msgstr "de protection"
msgid "Pukerat the Unclean"
msgstr "Pukerat le malpropre"
msgid "Pulsecrawler"
msgstr "Buveur de sang"
msgid "puncturing"
msgstr "de poinçonnage"
msgid "Purifying Spring"
msgstr "Fontaine de purification"
msgid "+%i%% light radius"
msgstr "+%i%% de rayon de lumière"
msgid "quality"
msgstr "admirable"
msgid "Quarter Staff"
msgstr "Bâton lourd"
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr "Journal de quête"
msgid "quick attack"
msgstr "attaque rapide"
msgid "Quick Drop Weapon"
msgstr "Lâcher d'arme rapide"
msgid "Quick Spell"
msgstr "Sort rapide"
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr "Santé rapide"
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr "Mana rapide"
msgid "Quiet"
msgstr "Tranquille"
msgid "Quilted Armor"
msgstr "Armure matelassée"
msgid "QUIT"
msgstr "QUITTER"
msgid "radiance"
msgstr "de rayonnement"
msgid "Rags"
msgstr "Guenille"
msgid "Raven's"
msgstr "du corbeau"
msgid "readiness"
msgstr "de promptitude"
msgid "Reality Weaver"
msgstr "Tisseur de réalités"
msgid "RECHARGE"
msgstr "RECH"
msgid "Recharge staves"
msgstr "Recharger des bâtons"
msgid "Recharge which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Que faut-il recharger?\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "recover life"
msgstr "récupérer la vie"
msgid "recover life and mana"
msgstr "récupérer la vie et le mana"
msgid "recover mana"
msgstr "récupérer le mana"
msgid "recover partial life"
msgstr "Récupérer de la vie"
msgid "reduces attributes needed"
msgstr "réduit les attributs nécessaires"
msgid "Red"
msgstr "rouge"
msgid "Red Death"
msgstr "Mort rouge"
msgid "Red Storm"
msgstr "Tempête rouge"
msgid "Red Vex"
msgstr "Harpie rouge"
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "RELATIF"
msgid "Religious"
msgstr "Religieux"
msgid "REPAIR"
msgstr "REP"
msgid "Repair items"
msgstr "Réparer des objets"
msgid "Repair which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Quel objet faut-il réparer?\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "Required:"
msgstr "Requis:"
msgid "Requirements not met"
msgstr "conditions non remplies"
msgid "Resists : "
msgstr "Résiste:"
msgid "RESIST"
msgstr "Résistance"
msgid "Resist All : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Résistance totale : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist All : %+i%%"
msgstr "Résistance totale: %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Fire : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Résistance au feu: 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Fire : %+i%%"
msgstr "Résistance au feu : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Lightning : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Résistance aux éclairs: 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Lightning : %+i%%"
msgstr "Résistance aux éclairs : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Magic : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Résistance à la magie : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Magic : %+i%%"
msgstr "Résistance à la magie : %+i%%"
msgid "Restart In Town"
msgstr "Recommencer en ville"
msgid "Resurrect"
msgstr "de résurrection"
msgid "Riches abound when least expected"
msgstr "Les richesses abondent quand on s'y attend le moins"
msgid "Ring"
msgstr "Anneau"
msgid "Ring Mail"
msgstr "Cotte de mailles"
msgid "Ring of Engagement"
msgstr "Anneau d'engagement"
msgid "Ring of Regha"
msgstr "Anneau de Regha"
msgid "Ring of Truth"
msgstr "Anneau de vérité"
msgid "Rising Sun"
msgstr "Aurore"
msgid "Robe"
msgstr "Tunique"
msgid "Rock"
msgstr "Caillou"
msgid "Rod of Onan"
msgstr "Baguette de Ronan"
msgid "ROGUE"
msgstr "ARCHèRE"
msgid "Rotcarnage"
msgstr "Charognard"
msgid "Rotfeast the Hungry"
msgstr "Rotfeast l'affamé"
msgid "Rotting Carcass"
msgstr "Carcasse pourrissante"
msgid "Royal Circlet"
msgstr "Couronne royale"
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "rubis"
msgid "Rusted"
msgstr "rouillé(e)"
msgid "Rustweaver"
msgstr "Faucheur d'âmes"
msgid "Ruthless"
msgstr "impitoyable"
msgid "Sabre"
msgstr "Sabre"
msgid "Sacred"
msgstr "Sacré"
msgid "Saintly"
msgstr "saint(e)"
msgid "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Le salut se paie par la sagesse"
msgid "Sapphire"
msgstr "saphir"
msgid "Sarcophagus"
msgstr "Sarcophage"
msgid "Savage"
msgstr "sauvage"
msgid "Save Character"
msgstr "Sauvegarder le personnage"
msgid "Save Game"
msgstr "Sauvegarder la partie"
msgid "Save / Load"
msgstr "Sauver/Charger"
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Sauvegarde en cours..."
msgid "Say Goodbye"
msgstr "Au revoir"
msgid "Scale Mail"
msgstr "Cotte à écailles"
msgid "Scarab Amulet"
msgstr "Amulette scarabée"
msgid "Scavenger"
msgstr "Charogne"
msgid "Scavenger Carapace"
msgstr "Carapace de charogne"
msgid "Schaefer's Hammer"
msgstr "Marteau-pilon"
msgid "Scimitar"
msgstr "Cimeterre"
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Rouleau"
msgid "Scroll of Apocalypse"
msgstr "Parchemin d'apocalypse"
msgid "Scroll of Blood Star"
msgstr "Parchemin d'étoile sanglante"
msgid "Scroll of Bone Spirit"
msgstr "Parchemin d'esprit des os"
msgid "Scroll of Chain Lightning"
msgstr "Parchemin d'éclairs en chaîne"
msgid "Scroll of Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Parchemin de petits éclairs"
msgid "Scroll of Fireball"
msgstr "Parchemin de boule de feu"
msgid "Scroll of Firebolt"
msgstr "Parchemin de flamme magique"
msgid "Scroll of Fire Wall"
msgstr "Parchemin de mur de feu"
msgid "Scroll of Flame Wave"
msgstr "Parchemin d'onde enflammée"
msgid "Scroll of Flash"
msgstr "Parchemin de flash"
msgid "Scroll of Golem"
msgstr "Parchemin du golem"
msgid "Scroll of Guardian"
msgstr "Parchemin du gardien"
msgid "Scroll of Healing"
msgstr "Parchemin de guérison"
msgid "Scroll of Holy Bolt"
msgstr "Parchemin de feu sacré"
msgid "Scroll of Identify"
msgstr "Parchemin d'identification"
msgid "Scroll of Inferno"
msgstr "Parchemin d'inferno"
msgid "Scroll of Infravision"
msgstr "parchemin d'infravision"
msgid "Scroll of Lightning"
msgstr "Parchemin d'éclairs"
msgid "Scroll of Mana Shield"
msgstr "Parchemin de bouclier de mana"
msgid "Scroll of None"
msgstr "Parchemin de néant"
msgid "Scroll of Nova"
msgstr "Parchemin de nova"
msgid "Scroll of Phasing"
msgstr "Parchemin de phase"
msgid "Scroll of Resurrect"
msgstr "Parchemin de résurrection"
msgid "Scroll of Stone Curse"
msgstr "Parchemin de pétrification"
msgid "Scroll of Telekinesis"
msgstr "Parchemin de télékinésie"
msgid "Scroll of Teleport"
msgstr "Parchemin de téléportation"
msgid "Scroll of Town Portal"
msgstr "Parchemin de portail magique"
msgid "Scroll of %s"
msgstr "Parchemin %s"
msgid "Secluded"
msgstr "Solitaire"
msgid "see with infravision"
msgstr "voir avec l'infravision"
msgid "Select Character To Load"
msgstr "Sélectionnez le personnage à charger"
msgid "Select current spell button"
msgstr "Sélectionnez le bouton du sort préparé"
msgid "Choose Difficulty"
msgstr "Choisissez la difficulté"
msgid "Select file to load"
msgstr "Sélectionnez le fichier à charger"
msgid "Select memory card"
msgstr "Selectionnez la carte mémoire"
msgid "Select Save Slot"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un espace de sauvegarde"
msgid "Sell items"
msgstr "Vendre des objets"
msgid "Serpent's"
msgstr "de la couleuvre"
msgid "Shadowbite"
msgstr "Morsure de l'ombre"
msgid "Shadowcrow"
msgstr "Noircorbeau"
msgid "Shadowdrinker"
msgstr "Buveur d'ombre"
msgid "Shadowhawk"
msgstr "Epervier de l'ombre"
msgid "Shadow Beast"
msgstr "Bête immonde"
msgid "Sharp"
msgstr "aiguisé(e)"
msgid "Sharp Beak"
msgstr "Becacéré"
msgid "Shield"
msgstr "Bouclier"
msgid "shock"
msgstr "de choc"
msgid "Short Battle Bow"
msgstr "Arc de combat court"
msgid "Short Bow"
msgstr "Arc court"
msgid "Short Staff"
msgstr "Bâton court"
msgid "Short Staff of Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Bâton court de petits éclairs"
msgid "Short Sword"
msgstr "Epée courte"
msgid "Short War Bow"
msgstr "Arc de guerre court"
msgid "Silver"
msgstr "en argent"
msgid "Sir Gorash"
msgstr "Egorgeur"
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr "Squelette"
msgid "Skeleton Captain"
msgstr "Capitaine des squelettes"
msgid "Skeleton King"
msgstr "Roi squelette"
msgid "Skeleton King's Lair"
msgstr "Repaire du Roi Squelette"
msgid "Skeleton Tome"
msgstr "Grimoire des squelettes"
msgid "skill"
msgstr "de compétence"
msgid "skill"
msgstr "Compétence"
msgid "Skullfire"
msgstr "Crâne enflammé"
msgid "Skull Cap"
msgstr "Cabasset"
msgid "Skull Lever"
msgstr "Levier-crâne"
msgid "Slain Hero"
msgstr "Héros abattu"
msgid "Slain Townsman"
msgstr "Villageois massacré"
msgid "slaughter"
msgstr "d'hécatombe"
msgid "Slayer"
msgstr "Massacreur"
msgid "slaying"
msgstr "de massacre"
msgid "Small Axe"
msgstr "Petite hache"
msgid "Small Chest"
msgstr "Petit coffre"
msgid "Small Shield"
msgstr "Petit bouclier"
msgid "Snake's"
msgstr "du serpent"
msgid "Snotspill"
msgstr "Morve-au-nez"
msgid "Snow Witch"
msgstr "Sorcière des neiges"
msgid "Soldier's"
msgstr "du soldat"
msgid "Some are weakened as one grows strong"
msgstr "Certains s'affaiblissent alors que l'un devient fort"
msgid "Some Magic Immunities"
msgstr "Un peu d'immunité à la magie"
msgid "Some Magic Resistances"
msgstr "Un peu de résistance à la magie"
msgid "Sorcerer"
msgstr "MAGICIEN"
msgid "sorcery"
msgstr "de sorcellerie"
msgid "Soulpus"
msgstr "Soulpus"
msgid "Soulslash"
msgstr "Avaleur d'âmes"
msgid "Soul Burner"
msgstr "Grilleuse d'âmes"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Son"
msgid "Volume Adjustment"
msgstr "Réglage du volume"
msgid "Sound Volume"
msgstr "Volume du son"
msgid "Sparking Mail"
msgstr "Cotte étincelante"
msgid "Spectral Elixir"
msgstr "Elixir spectral"
msgid "speed"
msgstr "de vitesse"
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr "Livre de sorts rapide"
msgid "spells are decreased 1 level"
msgstr "les sorts sont diminués d'1 niveau"
msgid "spells are increased 1 level"
msgstr "les sorts sont augmentés d'1 niveau"
msgid "spells are increased 2 levels"
msgstr "les sorts sont augmentés de 2 niveaux"
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr "Livre de sorts"
msgid "Unusable"
msgstr "Inutilisable"
msgid "Spell Level %i"
msgstr "Sort niveau %i"
msgid "Spider's"
msgstr "de l'araignée"
msgid "Spiked Club"
msgstr "Gourdin clouté"
msgid "Spineeater"
msgstr "Empiffreur-de-moelle"
msgid "Spiritual"
msgstr "Spirituel"
msgid "Splint Mail"
msgstr "Haubert"
msgid "Split Skull Shield"
msgstr "Bouclier de crânes"
msgid "Spooky"
msgstr "Lugubre"
msgid "stability"
msgstr "de stabilité"
msgid "Staff"
msgstr "Bâton"
msgid "Staff of Lazarus"
msgstr "Bâton de Lazarus"
msgid "Staff of Shadows"
msgstr "Bâton d'ombres"
msgid "Staff of %s"
msgstr "Bâton %s"
msgid "Staff Recharge"
msgstr "recharge de bâton"
msgid "Staff\n(%i charges)"
msgstr "Bâton\n(%i recharges)"
msgid "Stalker"
msgstr "Traqueur"
msgid "Stareye the Witch"
msgstr "Déesse écarlate"
msgid "Steelskull the Hunter"
msgstr "Crâne de fer le conquérant"
msgid "Steel"
msgstr "en acier"
msgid "Steel Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur d'acier"
msgid "Steel Tome"
msgstr "Volume d'acier"
msgid "Stonecleaver"
msgstr "Fend-la-pierre"
msgid "Stone"
msgstr "Monolithe"
msgid "Stone Clan"
msgstr "Clan de la pierre"
msgid "Stone Curse"
msgstr "de pétrification"
msgid "Stormbane"
msgstr "Cataclysme"
msgid "Stormshield"
msgstr "Brise-tempête"
msgid "Storm Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur de tempête"
msgid "Storm Rider"
msgstr "Chevaucheur de tempête"
msgid "Storm Spire"
msgstr "Cracheur d'aiguilles"
msgid "Strange"
msgstr "étrange"
msgid "strength"
msgstr "de force"
msgid "strength"
msgstr "Force"
msgid "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith"
msgstr "La force est affermie par la foi"
msgid "Strong"
msgstr "solide"
msgid "structure"
msgstr "de structure"
msgid "Studded Leather Armor"
msgstr "Armure en cuir clouté"
msgid "sturdiness"
msgstr "de robustesse"
msgid "Succubus"
msgstr "Succube"
msgid "Svenska"
msgstr "Svenska"
msgid "swiftness"
msgstr "de rapidité"
msgid "Sword"
msgstr "Epée"
msgid "Tainted"
msgstr "Taché"
msgid "Tale of the Three"
msgstr "La légende des Trois"
msgid "Talking to %s"
msgstr "En parlant avec %s"
msgid "Talk to Adria"
msgstr "Parler avec Adria"
msgid "Talk to Cain"
msgstr "Parler avec Cair"
msgid "Talk to Farnham"
msgstr "Parler avec Farnham"
msgid "Talk to Gillian"
msgstr "Parler avec Gillian"
msgid "Talk to Griswold"
msgstr "Parler avec Griswold"
msgid "Talk to Ogden"
msgstr "Parler avec Bogdan"
msgid "Talk to Pepin"
msgstr "Parler avec Pépin"
msgid "Talk to Wirt"
msgstr "Parler avec Barlou"
msgid "Talk to %s"
msgstr "Parler avec %s"
msgid "Tavern Sign"
msgstr "Enseigne de la taverne"
msgid "tears"
msgstr "de larmes"
msgid "Telekinesis"
msgstr "de télékinésie"
msgid "Teleport"
msgstr "de téléportation"
msgid "That which cannot be held cannot be harmed"
msgstr "Ce qui ne peut être tenu ne peut être blessé"
msgid "Thaumaturgic"
msgstr "Thaumaturgique"
msgid "the ages"
msgstr "des âges"
msgid "The Arch-Litch Malignus"
msgstr "Malignus le démon tordu"
msgstr "L'EVEIL"
msgid "the bat"
msgstr "de la chauve-souris"
msgid "the bear"
msgstr "de l'ours"
msgid "The Blackoak Bow"
msgstr "Arc de chêne"
msgid "The Black King"
msgstr "Le Roi Noir"
msgid "The Bleeder"
msgstr "Le saigneur"
msgid "The Bonesaw"
msgstr "Scie à nonos"
msgid "The Butcher"
msgstr "Le Boucher"
msgid "The Butcher's Cleaver"
msgstr "Le fendoir du Boucher"
msgid "The Celestial Axe"
msgstr "La hache céleste"
msgid "The Celestial Bow"
msgstr "L'arc céleste"
msgid "The Celestial Star"
msgstr "L'étoile céleste"
msgid "The Chamber of Bone"
msgstr "Les catacombes"
msgid "The Cranium Basher"
msgstr "L'écrabouilleur de crânes"
msgid "The Curse of King Leoric"
msgstr "La malédiction du Roi Léoric"
msgid "the dark"
msgstr "de l'obscurité"
msgid "The Dark Exile"
msgstr "L'Exil Noir"
msgid "The Dark Lord"
msgstr "Le Seigneur ténébreux"
msgid "The Defender"
msgstr "Le défenseur"
msgid "The Deflector"
msgstr "Le déflecteur"
msgid "the eagle"
msgstr "de l'aigle"
msgid "The essence of life flows from within"
msgstr "L'essence de vie coule de l'intérieur"
msgid "The Executioner's Blade"
msgstr "La lame du bourreau"
msgid "The Falcon's Talon"
msgstr "La griffe de faucon"
msgid "The Flayer"
msgstr "Le fouetteur"
msgid "the fool"
msgstr "du fou"
msgid "the fox"
msgstr "du renard"
msgid "The Gladiator's Bane"
msgstr "La peste du gladiateur"
msgid "The Grandfather"
msgstr "L'ancêtre"
msgid "The Grizzly"
msgstr "Le grizzli"
msgid "The hands of men may be guided by fate"
msgstr "La main de l'homme peut être guidée par le destin"
msgid "the heavens"
msgstr "des cieux"
msgid "the jackal"
msgstr "du chacal"
msgid "the jaguar"
msgstr "du jaguar"
msgid "the leech"
msgstr "de la sangsue"
msgid "the lion"
msgstr "du lion"
msgid "The Magic Rock"
msgstr "Le caillou magique"
msgid "the mammoth"
msgstr "du mammouth"
msgid "The Mangler"
msgstr "L'estropieur"
msgid "the mind"
msgstr "de l'esprit"
msgid "the moon"
msgstr "de la lune"
msgid "The Needler"
msgstr "L'arbalète"
msgid "the night"
msgstr "de la nuit"
msgid "the pit"
msgstr "de la fosse"
msgid "The powers of mana refocused renews"
msgstr "La puissance du mana focalisé se renouvelle"
msgid "The Protector"
msgstr "Le protecteur"
msgid "The Rainbow Cloak"
msgstr "Le manteau arc-en-ciel"
msgid "The Realms Beyond"
msgstr "Les Royaumes au-delà"
msgid "The Rift Bow"
msgstr "L'arc de crevasse"
msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgid "the sky"
msgstr "du ciel"
msgid "the stars"
msgstr "des étoiles"
msgid "The sword of justice is swift and sharp"
msgstr "L'épée de justice est rapide et affûtée"
msgid "The Tale of the Horadrim"
msgstr "La légende des Horadrim"
msgid "the tiger"
msgstr "du tigre"
msgid "The Town Elder"
msgstr "L'ancien de la ville"
msgid "The Undead Crown"
msgstr "La couronne immortelle"
msgid "The Unholy Altar"
msgstr "L'autel impie"
msgid "The Vizier"
msgstr "Le vizir"
msgid "the vulture"
msgstr "du vautour"
msgid "The Wages of the Sin War"
msgstr "La guerre du péché et son sinistre héritage"
msgid "The way is made clear when viewed from above"
msgstr "Le chemin s'éclaire quand on le voit d'en haut"
msgid "the whale"
msgstr "du cachalot"
msgid "the wolf"
msgstr "du loup"
msgid "the zodiac"
msgstr "du zodiaque"
msgid "thieves"
msgstr "de voleurs"
msgid "Thinking Cap"
msgstr "Bonnet de pensées"
msgid "This item is:"
msgstr "Cet objet est:"
msgid "thorns"
msgstr "d'épines"
msgid "Those who are last may yet be first"
msgstr "Les derniers pourront être les premiers"
msgid "Those who defend seldom attack"
msgstr "Ceux qui défendent attaquent rarement"
msgid "Thundercall"
msgstr "Grondefeu"
msgid "thunder"
msgstr "de tonnerre"
msgid "Time cannot diminish the power of steel"
msgstr "Le temps ne peut diminuer le pouvoir de l'acier"
msgid "Tin"
msgstr "en étain"
msgid "titans"
msgstr "de titans"
msgid "Toad Demon"
msgstr "Démon-crapaud"
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr "Sorts alternés"
msgid "Tome"
msgstr "Volume"
msgid "Topaz"
msgstr "en topaze"
msgid "Torka's Amulet of Power"
msgstr "Amulette de pouvoir de Torka"
msgid "Torn Flesh of Souls"
msgstr "Hachis d'âmes"
msgid "Total kills : %i"
msgstr "Nombre de morts : %i"
msgid "Tower Shield"
msgstr "PAVOIS"
msgid "Town Portal"
msgstr "de portail magique"
msgid "TO HIT"
msgstr "TOUCHER"
msgid "to hit: %+i%%, %+i%% damage"
msgstr "toucher: %+i%%, dégâts: %+i%%"
msgid "to use armor or weapons"
msgstr "pour utiliser les armures ou les armes"
msgid "To %s"
msgstr "vers %s"
msgid "Trapped %s"
msgstr "%s piégé(e)"
msgid "Trap Disarm"
msgid "trouble"
msgstr "de peine"
msgid "Two"
msgstr "Deux"
msgid "Two-Handed Sword"
msgstr "Epée à deux mains"
msgid "> BACK < DEFAULT"
msgstr "RETOUR > PAR DEFAUT <"
msgid "T'farc Evol's Tomb"
msgstr "Tombe de T'farc Evol"
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "RETOUR >"
msgid "Undead Balrog"
msgstr "Balrog mort-vivant"
msgid "Unholy Altar"
msgstr "Autel impie"
msgid "Unique Item"
msgstr "Objet unique"
msgid "Unraveler"
msgstr "Effilocheur"
msgid "Unseen"
msgstr "Invisible"
msgid "unusual item damage"
msgstr "dégâts d'un objet inhabituel"
msgid "Up to level %i"
msgstr "Remonter au niveau %i"
msgid "Up to town"
msgstr "Remonter en ville"
msgid "Useless"
msgstr "inutile"
msgid "user loses all mana"
msgstr "l'utilisateur perd tout le mana"
msgid "Use belt item"
msgid "Valiant"
msgstr "brave"
msgid "Valor"
msgstr "Valor"
msgid "vampires"
msgstr "des vampires"
msgid "Veil of Steel"
msgstr "Voile d'acier"
msgid "Vicious"
msgstr "perfide"
msgid "vigor"
msgstr "de vigueur"
msgid "Viletouch"
msgstr "Vissequeux"
msgid "Vile Stand"
msgstr "Râtelier abominable"
msgid "vim"
msgstr "d'énergie"
msgid "Viperflame"
msgstr "Vipère Ardente"
msgid "vitality"
msgstr "de vitalité"
msgid "vitality"
msgstr "Vitalité"
msgid "Vortex Lord"
msgstr "Seigneur du vortex"
msgid "Vulnerable"
msgstr "vulnérable"
msgid "Warlord of Blood"
msgstr "Seigneur du Sang"
msgid "Warmaggot the Mad"
msgstr "Warmaggot le fou"
msgid "Warpfire Hellspawn"
msgstr "Rejeton de l'enfer"
msgid "Warpskull"
msgstr "Crâne-tordu"
msgid "WARRIOR"
msgstr "GUERRIER"
msgid "Warrior's"
msgstr "du guerrier"
msgid "War Hammer"
msgstr "Marteau de guerre"
msgid "War Staff"
msgstr "Bâton de guerre"
msgid "weakness"
msgstr "de faiblesse"
msgid "Weak"
msgstr "Faible"
msgid "Weapon Rack"
msgstr "Râtelier à armes"
msgid "weapon's chance to hit"
msgstr "de faire mouche d'une arme"
msgid "Webwidow"
msgstr "Veuve noire"
msgid "Weird"
msgstr "bizarre"
msgid "Welcome to Diablo"
msgstr "Diablo vous souhaite la bienvenue"
msgid "Welcome to the"
msgstr "Bienvenue à"
msgid "What have you got?"
msgstr "Qu'est-ce-que c'est?"
msgid "What once was opened now is closed"
msgstr "Ce qui fut ouvert est fermé à présent"
msgid "Wherever you go, there you are"
msgstr "Où que vous alliez, vous y serez"
msgid "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward"
msgstr "Où l'avarice faiblit, la patience récompense"
msgid "Which item is for sale?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Que pouvez-vous me vendre?\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "while in stores"
msgstr "dans les boutiques"
msgid "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives"
msgstr "Quand l'esprit est vigilant le corps se développe"
msgid "White"
msgstr "blanc(he)"
msgid "Wicked Axe"
msgstr "Hache cruelle"
msgid "Windforce"
msgstr "Tempête"
msgid "Windspawn"
msgstr "Vent infernal"
msgid "Winged-Demon"
msgstr "Démon ailé"
msgid "Wirt"
msgstr "Barlou"
msgid "Wirt the Peg-legged Boy"
msgstr "Barlou le garçon à la jambe de bois"
msgid "Wisdom's Wrap"
msgstr "Cape de sagesse"
msgid "Witchfire the Unholy"
msgstr "Feu d'enfer l'impie"
msgid "Witchmoon"
msgstr "Sorcière-de-lune"
msgid "Witch's shack"
msgstr "Chaumière de la sorcière"
msgid "wizardry"
msgstr "de maléfice"
msgid "Wizardspike"
msgstr "Dague du sorcier"
msgid "Would you like to:"
msgstr "Voulez-vous:"
msgid "Wounded Townsman"
msgstr "l'homme blessé"
msgid "Wrathfire the Doomed"
msgstr "Wrathfire le maudit"
msgid "Wrathraven"
msgstr "Mauvais-œil"
msgid "Wyrm"
msgstr "Ver"
msgid "Wyrm's"
msgstr "du ver"
msgid "_ SELECT"
msgstr "CHOISIR _"
msgid "_ SELECT > BACK"
msgstr "CHOISIR _ RETOUR >"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
msgid "you can't heal"
msgstr "vous ne pouvez guérir"
msgid "You do not have enough gold"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas assez d'or"
msgid "You do not have enough room in inventory"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas assez de place dans l'inventaire"
msgid "You have nothing I want.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas ce qu'il me faut.\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to identify\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Vous n'avez rien à identifier.\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to recharge.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Vous n'avez rien à recharger.\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to repair.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Vous n'avez rien à réparer.\nVotre or : %i"
msgid "You have %u gold"
msgstr "Or en votre possession %u"
msgid "You must be at least level 13 to use this."
msgstr "Vous devez au moins être au niveau 13 pour utiliser ceci."
msgid "You must be at least level 17 to use this."
msgstr "Vous devez au moins être au niveau 17 pour utiliser ceci"
msgid "You must be at least level 8 to use this."
msgstr "Vous devez au moins être au niveau 8 pour utiliser ceci."
msgid "you want to remove?"
msgstr "vous en prendre?"
msgid "Yulm's Mystic Amulet"
msgstr "Amulette secrète de Yulm"
msgid "Zamphir"
msgstr "Zamphir"
msgid "zest"
msgstr "d'entrain"
msgid "Zhar the Mad"
msgstr "Zhar le fou"
msgid "Zhar the Mad's Memoirs"
msgstr "Mémoires de Zhar le fou"
msgid "Zombie"
msgstr "Zombie"
msgid "+200% damage vs. demons"
msgstr "+200% de dégâts contre les démons"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"
msgid "%i"
msgstr "%i"
msgid "%i Charges"
msgstr "%i charges"
msgid "%i gold %s"
msgstr "%i %s d'or"
msgid "%i Scrolls"
msgstr "%i Parchemins"
msgid "%i-%i"
msgstr "%i-%i"
msgid "%i %s charges"
msgstr "%i charges %s"
msgid "%i%%"
msgstr "%i%%"
msgid "%li"
msgstr "%li"
msgid "Card Formatted"
msgstr "Carte formatée"
msgid "Character saved"
msgstr "Personnage sauvegardé"
msgid "Format error! Memory card may be Unusable"
msgstr "Erreur de formatage! Carte mémoire inutilisable"
msgid "Game Saved"
msgstr "Partie sauvegardée"
msgid "Memory card is not formatted"
msgstr "Carte mémoire non formatée"
msgid "Memory card is unusable"
msgstr "Carte mémoire inutilisable"
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr "Ceci n'est pas une sauvegarde Diablo"
msgstr "espace mémoire insuffisant. %d blocs nécessaires, %d blocs disponibles"
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Veuillez attendre"
msgid "Save error!"
msgstr "Erreur de sauvegarde!"
msgid "Not a Diablo saved character\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr "Ceci n'est pas un personnage sauvegardé dans Diablo\n\nContinuer _"
msgid "Not a Diablo saved game\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr "Ceci n'est pas une sauvegarde Diablo\n\nContinuer _"
msgid "No memory card files\n\nPress _ to continue"
msgstr "Pas de fichier carte mémoire\n\nAppuyez sur _ pour continuer"
msgid "Saving options please wait......."
msgstr "Sauvegarde des options. Attendez..."
msgid "%s of %s"
msgstr "%s de %s"
msgid "%s Shrine"
msgstr "Autel %s"
msgid "%s Skill"
msgstr "Compétence %s"
msgid "%s Spell"
msgstr "Sort %s"
msgid "%s %i Dex"
msgstr "%s %i Dex"
msgid "%s %i Mag"
msgstr "%s %i Mag"
msgid "%s %i Str"
msgstr "%s %i For"
msgid "%s. How many do"
msgstr "%s. Combien voulez"
msgid "%+i damage from enemies"
msgstr "%+i de dégâts par les ennemis"
msgid "%+i to all attributes"
msgstr "%+i à tous les attributs"
msgid "%+i to dexterity"
msgstr "%+i à la dextérité"
msgid "%+i to magic"
msgstr "%+i à la magie"
msgid "%+i to strength"
msgstr "%+i à la force"
msgid "%+i to vitality"
msgstr "%+i à la vitalité"
msgid "%+i%% armor"
msgstr "%+i%% d'armure"
msgid "%+i%% damage"
msgstr "%+i%% de dégâts"
msgid " Master"
msgstr " Général"
msgid " Music"
msgstr " Musique"
msgid " Sound Effects"
msgstr " Effets sonores"
msgid " Speech"
msgstr " Dialogues"
msgid " Video Volume"
msgstr " Volume vidéo"
msgid "---------"
msgstr "---------"
msgid "There is much about the future we cannot see, but when it comes it will be the children who wield it. The boy Wirt has a blackness upon his soul, but he poses no threat to the town or its people. His secretive dealings with the urchins and unspoken guilds of nearby towns gain him access to many devices that cannot be easily found in Tristram. While his methods may be reproachful, Wirt can provide assistance for your battle against the encroaching Darkness."
msgstr "Le futur est souvent obscur, mais les enfants peuvent parfois éclairer l'avenir. Ce jeune garçon, Barlou, a l'âme enveloppée d'un voile noir, mais il ne représente aucun danger pour la ville ou ses habitants. Ses trafics avec les garnements et vauriens des villes avoisinantes lui permettent de se procurer de nombreux objets que l'on ne peut pas trouver aisément par ici. Bien que ses méthodes laissent à désirer, il peut t'être très utile dans ta lutte contre l'obscurité qui étend son aile sur nous."
msgid "Earthen walls and thatched canopy do not a home create. The innkeeper Ogden serves more of a purpose in this town than many understand. He provides shelter for Gillian and her matriarch, maintains what life Farnham has left to him, and provides an anchor for all who are left in the town to what Tristram once was. His tavern, and the simple pleasures that can still be found there, provide a glimpse of a life that the people here remember. It is that memory that continues to feed their hopes for your success."
msgstr "Des murs en pisé et un toit de chaume ne suffisent pas pour créer un foyer. Bogdan, l'aubergiste, est d'une grande utilité dans cette ville, tout le monde ne l'a pas compris. Il abrite Gillian et sa grand-mère, il apporte son soutien à Farnham et son aide à tous ceux qui sont restés à Tristam. Les plaisirs simples auxquels on peut encore goûter dans sa taverne montrent ce qu'était la vie dans ce pays, autrefois... Ces souvenirs entretiennent l'espoir que nous mettons dans le succès de ta quête."
msgid "I sense a soul in search of answers..."
msgstr "Je vois une âme en quête de réponses..."
msgid "Wisdom is earned, not given. If you discover a tome of knowledge, devour its words. Should you already have knowledge of the arcane mysteries scribed within a book, remember - that level of mastery can always increase."
msgstr "Le savoir s'acquiert... il n'est jamais donné. Si tu découvres un volume de savoir, empresse-toi de le lire. Si tu connais déjà les secrets d'un livre, n'oublie pas que tu peux acquérir un savoir encore plus grand."
msgid "The greatest power is often the shortest lived. You may find ancient words of power written upon scrolls of parchment. The strength of these scrolls lies in the ability of either apprentice or adept to cast them with equal ability. Their weakness is that they must first be read aloud and can never be kept at the ready in your mind. Know also that these scrolls can be read but once, so use them with care."
msgstr "Grande puissance a souvent courte vie... Tu trouveras peut-être les anciennes formules de pouvoir sur les rouleaux de parchemin. Leur force dépend de l'adresse avec laquelle l'apprenti ou l'initié s'en sert. Leur faiblesse est qu'elles doivent être lues à haute voix et qu'on ne peut les garder en mémoire. Sache également que ces rouleaux ne peuvent être lus qu'une seule fois, alors tu dois t'en servir à bon escient."
msgid "Though the heat of the sun is beyond measure, the mere flame of a candle is of greater danger. No energies, no matter how great, can be used without the proper focus. For many spells, ensorcelled Staves may be charged with magical energies many times over. I have the ability to restore their power - but know that nothing is done without a price."
msgstr "La chaleur du soleil est immense, mais la simple flamme d'une bougie peut être encore plus dangereuse. Aucune énergie, quelle que soit sa puissance, ne peut être utilisée à la légère. Les bâtons magiques peuvent être rechargés de nombreuses fois. Je connais l'art de restaurer leurs pouvoirs secrets, mais sache que tout a un prix."
msgid "The sum of our knowledge is in the sum of its people. Should you find a book or scroll that you cannot decipher, do not hesitate to bring it to me. If I can make sense of it I will share what I find."
msgstr "Chacun d'entre nous détient une partie du savoir. Si tu trouves un volume de savoir ou un rouleau de parchemin que tu ne peux déchiffrer, n'hésite pas à me l'apporter. Si je comprends son savoir, je le partagerai avec toi."
msgid "To a man who only knows Iron, there is no greater magic than Steel. The blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld fire and metal is unequaled in this land."
msgstr "Celui qui ne connaît que le fer pense que l'acier est magique. Le forgeron Griswold possède des pouvoirs inconnus de lui-même. Son habileté à combiner le métal et le feu n'a pas son pareil."
msgid "Corruption has the strength of deceit, but innocence holds the power of purity. The young woman Gillian has a pure heart, placing the needs of her matriarch over her own. She fears me, but it is only because she does not understand me."
msgstr "Toute corruption apporte déception, mais l'innocence détient le pouvoir de la pureté. La jeune Gillian possède un cœur limpide et fait passer le bien-être de sa grand-mère avant le sien. Elle me craint, mais c'est parce qu'elle ne me comprend pas."
msgid "A chest opened in darkness holds no greater treasure than when it is opened in the light. The storyteller Cain is an enigma, but only to those who do not look. His knowledge of what lies beneath the cathedral is far greater than even he allows himself to realize."
msgstr "Qu'un coffre soit ouvert dans l'obscurité ou dans la lumière du jour, il contient un trésor identique. Cair le barde représente une énigme, mais seulement pour ceux qui ne savent pas voir. Il en sait long sur ce qui se cache sous la cathédrale, bien qu'il ne s'en rende pas compte lui-même."
msgid "The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall. Farnham has lost his soul, but not to any demon. It was lost when he saw his fellow townspeople betrayed by the Archbishop Lazarus. He has knowledge to be gleaned, but you must separate fact from fantasy."
msgstr "Plus ta confiance en un seul homme est grande, plus amère sera ta déception. Farnham a perdu son âme lorsqu'il a vu comment ses amis ont été abandonnés par l'Archevêque Lazarus. Il en sait des choses... mais il faut savoir séparer le vrai du faux."
msgid "If you were to find this artifact for Griswold, it could put a serious damper on my business here. Awwww, you'll never find it."
msgstr "Si jamais tu trouves ce machin pour Griswold, ça pourrait sacrément gêner mon petit commerce. Aahh, tu ne mettras jamais la main dessus..."
msgid "Griswold speaks of The Anvil of Fury - a legendary artifact long searched for, but never found. Crafted from the metallic bones of the Razor Pit demons, the Anvil of Fury was smelt around the skulls of the five most powerful magi of the underworld. Carved with runes of power and chaos, any weapon or armor forged upon this Anvil will be immersed into the realm of Chaos, imbedding it with magical properties. It is said that the unpredictable nature of Chaos makes it difficult to know what the outcome of this smithing will be..."
msgstr "Griswold parle de l'enclume de violence - un objet légendaire qui fut longtemps recherché, mais jamais trouvé. Fabriqué avec les os métalliques des démons du Puits du Rasoir, l'enclume de violence a été forgée en présence des crânes des trois sorciers les plus puissants du monde souterrain. Elle est gravée de runes de chaos et de puissance, et toute arme fabriquée sur cette enclume surgira du chaos et contiendra les propriétés magiques de cette puissance. Mais il est dit aussi que la nature imprévisible du chaos permet difficilement de savoir quel sera le résultat de ce façonnage."
msgid "Don't you think that Griswold would be a better person to ask about this? He's quite handy, you know."
msgstr "Eh, vous ne croyez pas qu'il vaudrait mieux demander ça à Griswold? Il est très adroit, vous savez."
msgid "If you had been looking for information on the Pestle of Curing or the Silver Chalice of Purification, I could have assisted you, my friend. However, in this matter, you would be better served to speak to either Griswold or Cain."
msgstr "Si vous recherchiez des informations au sujet du bâton de guérison ou du calice de purification, j'aurais pu vous aider, mon ami. Cependant, dans le domaine qui vous intéresse, vous seriez mieux avisé d'en parler à Griswold ou à Cair."
msgid "Griswold's father used to tell some of us when we were growing up about a giant anvil that was used to make mighty weapons. He said that when a hammer was struck upon this anvil, the ground would shake with a great fury. Whenever the earth moves, I always remember that story."
msgstr "Lorsque j'étais enfant, j'ai entendu le père de Griswold parler d'une enclume géante qui permettait de façonner des armes puissantes. Il disait que lorsqu'un marteau frappait cette enclume, le sol tremblait violemment. Chaque fois que la terre tremble, je pense à cette histoire."
msgid "Greetings! It's always a pleasure to see one of my best customers! I know that you have been venturing deeper into the Labyrinth, and there is a story I was told that you may find worth the time to listen to...\n \nOne of the men who returned from the Labyrinth told me about a mystic anvil that he came across during his escape. His description reminded me of legends I had heard in my youth about the burning Hellforge where powerful weapons of magic are crafted. The legend had it that deep within the Hellforge rested the Anvil of Fury! This Anvil contained within it the very essence of the demonic underworld...\n \nIt is said that any weapon crafted upon the burning Anvil is imbued with great power. If this anvil is indeed the Anvil of Fury, I may be able to make you a weapon capable of defeating even the darkest lord of Hell! \n \nFind the Anvil for me, and I'll get to work!"
msgstr "Salutations! Je suis toujours content de voir l'un de mes meilleurs clients. J'ai appris que vous vous êtes aventuré dans le labyrinthe et je me souviens d'une histoire qui mérite d'être écoutée... \n \nL'un des hommes qui a réussi à s'échapper du labyrinthe m'a parlé d'une enclume magique. Je me suis alors souvenu de vieilles légendes que j'ai entendues dans ma jeunesse et qui parlaient de la Forge Infernale où l'on fabrique des armes d'une puissance magique, justement sur cette enclume qui contient l'essence même du monde des démons... \n \nOn dit que toute arme forgée sur cette enclume en reçoit de grands pouvoirs. S'il s'agit vraiment de cette enclume de la violence, je pourrai bien vous fabriquer une arme capable de tailler en pièces le plus noir des seigneurs de l'enfer! \n \nTrouvez cette enclume et je me mettrai au travail!"
msgid "Nothing yet, eh? Well, keep searching. A weapon forged upon the Anvil could be your best hope, and I am sure that I can make you one of legendary proportions."
msgstr "Toujours rien? Eh bien, continuez à chercher. Une arme forgée sur cette enclume pourrait bien être notre meilleur espoir et je peux vous assurer que je vous en fabriquerai une comme on n'en aura jamais vu."
msgid "I can hardly believe it! This is the Anvil of Fury - good work, my friend. Now we'll show those bastards that there are no weapons in Hell more deadly than those made by men! Take this and may Light protect you."
msgstr "Je ne peux pas y croire! Voilà donc l'enclume de violence... Bon travail, ami! Nous allons maintenant montrer à ces fumiers que nos armes sont encore plus mortelles que celles qui sont faites en enfer! Prenez ça, et que la Lumière vous protège."
msgid "Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry too if someone took my anvil!"
msgstr "Griswold y peut pas vendre son enclume. Y f'rait quoi après, hein? Moi aussi j'serais fâché si quelqu'un venait me piquer mon enclume..."
msgid "There are many artifacts within the Labyrinth that hold powers beyond the comprehension of mortals. Some of these hold fantastic power that can be used by either the Light or the Darkness. Securing the Anvil from below could shift the course of the Sin War towards the Light."
msgstr "Tu trouveras de nombreux objets dans le labyrinthe et certains d'entre eux possèdent des pouvoirs qui dépassent le savoir des simples mortels, des pouvoirs fabuleux, qu'ils soient utilisés par l'ombre ou par la lumière. L'enclume... l'enclume pourrait bien orienter le cours de la Guerre du Péché... vers la lumière."
msgid "Hey - You that one that kill all! You get me Magic Banner or we attack! You no leave with life! You kill big uglies and give back Magic. Go past corner and door, find uglies. You give, you go!"
msgstr "Hé! Toi qui tues tout le monde! Toi apporter étendard magique, ou on attaque! Toi pas partir vivant! Toi tuer gros dégoûtants et rapporter magie. Toi passer porte, toi tourner coin, trouver gros dégoûtants. Toi aller, toi donner!"
msgid "You kill uglies, get banner. You bring to me, or else..."
msgstr "Toi tuer dégoûtants, toi trouver étendard. Toi apporter vite, sinon ..."
msgid "You give! Yes, good! Go now, we strong. We kill all with big Magic!"
msgstr "Toi donner! Oui, très bon! Partir maintenant, nous très forts. Nous tuer tous avec grande magie! Wouahahaha!"
msgid "I see that this strange behavior puzzles you as well. I would surmise that since many demons fear the light of the sun and believe that it holds great power, it may be that the rising sun depicted on the sign you speak of has led them to believe that it too holds some arcane powers. Hmm, perhaps they are not all as smart as we had feared..."
msgstr "Je vois que cet étrange comportement vous intrigue également. Pour ma part, je pense que puisque de nombreux démons craignent la lumière et croient qu'elle possède un grand pouvoir, il est possible que l'aurore peinte sur l'enseigne dont vous parlez leur ait fait penser qu'elle détenait de mystérieux pouvoirs. Hmm, peut-être ne sont-ils pas aussi rusés que nous l'avons soupçonné..."
msgid "Master, I have a strange experience to relate. I know that you have a great knowledge of those monstrosities that inhabit the labyrinth, and this is something that I cannot understand for the very life of me... I was awakened during the night by a scraping sound just outside of my tavern. When I looked out from my bedroom, I saw the shapes of small demon-like creatures in the inn yard. After a short time, they ran off, but not before stealing the sign to my inn. I don't know why the demons would steal my sign but leave my family in peace... 'tis strange, no?"
msgstr "Je voudrais vous parler d'une chose étrange. Je sais que vous connaissez bien toutes ces monstruosités qui peuplent le labyrinthe, et ce que je vais vous dire maintenant, eh bien, je n'y comprends vraiment rien... J'ai été réveillé pendant la nuit par du bruit, on aurait dit un grattement qui semblait venir de l'extérieur de ma taverne. Quand j'ai regardé par la fenêtre de ma chambre, j'ai vu des créatures qui ressemblaient à de petits démons, dans la cour de mon auberge! Au bout d'un moment, ils se sont sauvés, mais ils m'ont volé mon enseigne! Je ne comprends vraiment pas pourquoi ils m'ont volé mon enseigne et pourquoi ils n'ont fait aucun mal à ma famille... Bizarre, non?"
msgid "Oh, you didn't have to bring back my sign, but I suppose that it does save me the expense of having another one made. Well, let me see, what could I give you as a fee for finding it? Hmmm, what have we here... ah, yes! This cap was left in one of the rooms by a magician who stayed here some time ago. Perhaps it may be of some value to you."
msgstr "Oh, ce n'était pas la peine de me rapporter mon enseigne, mais après tout ça va m'éviter les frais d'en faire fabriquer une autre. Eh bien, voyons voir, qu'est-ce que je pourrais bien vous donner pour l'avoir retrouvée?... Oh, oui! Voilà un chapeau qui a été oublié par un magicien dans l'une de mes chambres. Il a séjourné ici il y a quelque temps. Il vous servira peut-être à quelque chose."
msgid "My goodness, demons running about the village at night, pillaging our homes - is nothing sacred? I hope that Ogden and Garda are all right. I suppose that they would come to see me if they were hurt..."
msgstr "Grands dieux! Des démons qui pénètrent dans le village la nuit, pillant nos maisons, n'y a-t-il donc plus rien de sacré? J'espère que Garda et Bogdan vont bien, mais je crois qu'ils seraient venus me voir s'ils avaient été blessés..."
msgid "Oh my! Is that where the sign went? My Grandmother and I must have slept right through the whole thing. Thank the Light that those monsters didn't attack the inn."
msgstr "Oh mon Dieu! Voilà donc où se trouve l'enseigne? Ma grand-mère et moi n'avons rien entendu. Grâces soient rendues à la Lumière : les monstres n'ont pas attaqué l'auberge."
msgid "Demons stole Ogden's sign, you say? That doesn't sound much like the atrocities I've heard of - or seen. \n \nDemons are concerned with ripping out your heart, not your signpost."
msgstr "Vous dites que les démons ont volé l'enseigne de Bogdan? Tout ça ne ressemble pas aux atrocités dont j'ai entendu parler, ou que j'ai vues. \n \nLes démons s'occupent de vous arracher le cœur et non pas votre enseigne."
msgid "You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want lots of money for it. If I was Ogden... and I'm not, but if I was... I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice mug of ale or a piece of cheese..."
msgstr "Tu sais c'que j'pense? Quelqu'un a piqué cette enseigne et va demander un tas d'argent pour la rendre. Si j'étais à la place de Bogdan... j'y suis pas, mais si j'y é ben j'achèterais une nouvelle enseigne avec un joli dessin dessus. Peut-être une chouette petite chope de bière, ou alors un beau fromage..."
msgid "No mortal can truly understand the mind of the demon. \n \nNever let their erratic actions confuse you, as that too may be their plan."
msgstr "Aucun mortel ne peut véritablement comprendre l'esprit des démons. \n \nNe te laisse pas troubler par leurs actions fantasques, car c'est ce qu'ils recherchent."
msgid "What - is he saying I took that? I suppose that Griswold is on his side, too. \n \nLook, I got over simple sign stealing months ago. You can't turn a profit on a piece of wood."
msgstr "Quoi! Est-ce qu'il dit que c'est moi qui l'ai pris? Et je suppose que Griswold est avec lui... \n \nEcoute, ce truc a été volé il y a des mois et tu crois vraiment qu'on peut faire du bénef en vendant un bout de bois?"
msgid "You recite an interesting rhyme written in a style that reminds me of other works. Let me think now - what was it? \n \n...Darkness shrouds the Hidden. Eyes glowing unseen with only the sounds of razor claws briefly scraping to torment those poor souls who have been made sightless for all eternity. The prison for those so damned is named the Halls of the Blind..."
msgstr "Vous récitez là un poème intéressant, dont le style me rappelle d'autres œuvres. Laissez-moi réfléchir - qu'est-ce que cela pouvait bien être? \n \n...L'obscurité enveloppe ce qui est dissimulé. Des yeux qui luisent dans les ténèbres et l'on entend le bruit de griffes acérées comme des rasoirs, tourmentant ces pauvres âmes qui ont perdu la vue pour l'éternité. Le cachot de ceux qui ont été condamnés de la sorte s'appelle les Voûtes de la Cécité..."
msgid "I never much cared for poetry. Occasionally, I had cause to hire minstrels when the inn was doing well, but that seems like such a long time ago now. \n \nWhat? Oh, yes... uh, well, I suppose you could see what someone else knows."
msgstr "La poésie n'a jamais été mon fort. Il m'est arrivé d'avoir affaire aux ménestrels, je louais leurs services quand l'auberge marchait bien, mais ces temps me semblent si lointains à présent... \n \nComment? Ah oui... euh... eh bien, j'imagine que vous pourriez voir si quelqu'un d'autre est au courant..."
msgid "This does seem familiar, somehow. I seem to recall reading something very much like that poem while researching the history of demonic afflictions. It spoke of a place of great evil that... wait - you're not going there are you?"
msgstr "Cela me dit quelque chose... Voyons... je faisais des recherches sur les maladies démoniaques, et je crois me souvenir de quelques mots qui ressemblaient à un poème... il parlait d'un lieu maléfique... mais, attendez... vous n'allez pas vous y rendre, n'est-ce pas ?"
msgid "If you have questions about blindness, you should talk to Pepin. I know that he gave my grandmother a potion that helped clear her vision, so maybe he can help you, too."
msgstr "Si vous avez des questions à poser sur la cécité, vous devriez parler à Pépin. Il a donné une potion à ma grand-mère et sa vue s'en est trouvée améliorée, il pourra peut-être vous apporter son aide."
msgid "I am afraid that I have neither heard nor seen a place that matches your vivid description, my friend. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr "Je crois bien que je ne connais pas d'endroit qui ressemble à celui que vous décrivez, ami. Cair le Barde pourrait peut-être vous aider."
msgid "Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?"
msgstr "Regarde par ici - hihihi c'est plutôt marrant, non? T'as compris? Aveugle, r'garde par ici... Hahahahaha..."
msgid "This is a place of great anguish and terror, and so serves its master well. \n \nTread carefully or you may yourself be staying much longer than you had anticipated."
msgstr "Au service de leur maître, l'angoisse et la terreur dominent cet endroit. \n \nSois prudent quand tu y pénètres, sinon tu pourrais bien y séjourner plus longtemps que tu ne l'avais prévu..."
msgid "Lets see, am I selling you something? No. Are you giving me money to tell you about this? No. Are you now leaving and going to talk to the storyteller who lives for this kind of thing? Yes."
msgstr "Voyons la situation : est-ce que je te vends quelque chose? Non. Est-ce que tu me paies pour que je te parle de ça? Non. Est-ce que tu vas voir maintenant le barde qui en fait son fonds de commerce? T'as gagné!"
msgid "I can see what you see not.\nVision milky then eyes rot.\nWhen you turn they will be gone,\nWhispering their hidden song.\nThen you see what cannot be,\nShadows move where light should be.\nOut of darkness, out of mind,\nCast down into the Halls of the Blind."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez, mais je peux voir.\nVue troublée, un grand voile noir.\nTournez-vous, ils partiront.\nen murmurant leur furtive chanson.\nL'impossible vous verrez.\nL'ombre où l'on attend la clarté.\nLoin de l'obscurité, loin de la pensée.\nJeté sous les Voûtes de la Cécité."
msgid "The Gateway of Blood and the Halls of Fire are landmarks of mystic origin. Wherever this book you read from resides it is surely a place of great power.\n \nLegends speak of a pedestal that is carved from obsidian stone and has a pool of boiling blood atop its bone encrusted surface. There are also allusions to Stones of Blood that will open a door that guards an ancient treasure...\n \nThe nature of this treasure is shrouded in speculation, my friend, but it is said that the ancient hero Arkaine placed the holy armor Valor in a secret vault. Arkaine was the first mortal to turn the tide of the Sin War and chase the legions of darkness back to the Burning Hells.\n \nJust before Arkaine died, his armor was hidden away in a secret vault. It is said that when this holy armor is again needed, a hero will arise to don Valor once more. Perhaps you are that hero..."
msgstr "Le Portail de Sang et la Chambre de Feu ont une origine ésotérique fort ancienne. Quel que soit l'endroit où se trouve le livre dont vous parlez, il s'agit sûrement d'un lieu de grande puissance... \n \nLes légendes évoquent un piédestal taillé dans l'obsidienne incrustée d'ossements et dont le sommet comporte un bassin rempli de sang bouillonnant. Elles font également allusion aux pierres de sang qui ouvrent les portes gardant un trésor oublié... \n \nLa nature même de ce trésor est incertaine et a donné lieu à maintes suppositions, mais on dit que le héros des temps anciens, Arkaine, a caché la précieuse armure Valor dans un endroit secret. Arkaine fut le premier mortel à changer le cours de la Guerre du Péché et à refouler les légions du mal vers le Royaume Infernal. \n \nJuste avant sa mort, son armure fut dissimulée. On dit encore que lorsque cette précieuse armure sera de nouveau nécessaire, un héros se lèvera afin de la revêtir. Peut-être serez-vous ce héros?..."
msgid "Every child hears the story of the warrior Arkaine and his mystic armor known as Valor. If you could find its resting place, you would be well protected against the evil in the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Tous les enfants ont entendu l'histoire du guerrier Arkaine et de son armure magique Valor. Si vous pouviez découvrir l'endroit où elle est cachée, vous auriez là une très bonne protection contre la calamité qui se cache dans le labyrinthe."
msgid "Hmm... it sounds like something I should remember, but I've been so busy learning new cures and creating better elixirs that I must have forgotten. Sorry..."
msgstr "Hmm... c'est une chose dont je devrais pourtant me souvenir, mais j'ai été tellement occupé à étudier de nouveaux traitements et à mettre au point d'autres élixirs, que je dois l'avoir oubliée... J'en suis désolé..."
msgid "The story of the magic armor called Valor is something I often heard the boys talk about. You had better ask one of the men in the village."
msgstr "J'ai souvent entendu les garçons parler de l'histoire de cette armure magique appelée Valor, mais il vaudrait mieux demander aux hommes du village ce qu'ils en savent."
msgid "The armor known as Valor could be what tips the scales in your favor. I will tell you that many have looked for it - including myself. Arkaine hid it well, my friend, and it will take more than a bit of luck to unlock the secrets that have kept it concealed oh, lo these many years."
msgstr "L'armure nommée Valor pourrait bien faire pencher la balance en votre faveur. Je vous dirais que beaucoup sont partis à sa recherche, moi y compris. Arkaine l'a bien cachée, ami, et il faudra sacrément de la chance pour découvrir les secrets qui l'ont tenue cachée pendant de nombreuses années."
msgid "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
msgstr "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
msgid "Should you find these Stones of Blood, use them carefully. \n \nThe way is fraught with danger and your only hope rests within your self trust."
msgstr "Si tu trouves ces pierres sois prudent dans leur usage. \n \nLe chemin est semé d'embûches, et tu représentes notre dernier espoir. Aie confiance en toi!"
msgid "You intend to find the armor known as Valor? \n \nNo one has ever figured out where Arkaine stashed the stuff, and if my contacts couldn't find it, I seriously doubt you ever will either."
msgstr "T'as l'intention de trouver l'armure qu'on appelle Valor? \n \nPersonne n'a jamais su où Arkaine a planqué sa quincaillerie, et si mes contacts n'ont pas réussi à la trouver, ça m'étonnerait que toi tu y arrives..."
msgid "The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill his endless sacrifices to the Dark ones who scream for one thing - blood."
msgstr "L'Arsenal des Enfers est la demeure du Seigneur du Sang. Son ignoble trace est jonchée de cadavres mutilés par milliers. Hommes et archanges ont été décimés, victimes sacrificielles de noires puissances, hurlant leur soif de sang."
msgid "...and so, locked beyond the Gateway of Blood and past the Hall of Fire, Valor awaits for the Hero of Light to awaken..."
msgstr " c'est ainsi que mise au secret au-delà du Portail de Sang et après la Chambre de Feu, Valor attend le Héros de la Lumière pour se réveiller..."
msgid "A book that speaks of a chamber of human bones? Well, a Chamber of Bone is mentioned in certain archaic writings that I studied in the libraries of the East. These tomes inferred that when the Lords of the underworld desired to protect great treasures, they would create domains where those who died in the attempt to steal that treasure would be forever bound to defend it. A twisted, but strangely fitting, end?"
msgstr "Un livre parlant d'une pièce remplie d'ossements humains? Eh bien, une catacombe est bien mentionnée dans certains écrits archaïques que j'ai étudiés dans les bibliothèques de l'est. Ces livres soupçonnaient que lorsque les seigneurs des mondes inférieurs désiraient protéger leurs trésors, ils créaient des domaines où ceux qui trouveraient la mort en tentant de s'emparer de ces trésors seraient pour toujours obligés de garder ce qu'ils avaient voulu voler... Un tortueux destin, punis par où ils ont péché..."
msgid "I am afraid that I don't know anything about that, good master. Cain has many books that may be of some help."
msgstr "Votre seigneurie, je ne connais rien du tout à ces affaires, mais Cair possède de nombreux livres qui pourraient vous être de quelque utilité..."
msgid "This sounds like a very dangerous place. If you venture there, please take great care."
msgstr "Cet endroit semble être vraiment dangereux. Si vous vous y aventurez, soyez très, très prudent..."
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about that. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr "Je n'ai jamais entendu parler d'une chose pareille. Cair le Barde pourrait peut-être vous aider..."
msgid "I know nothing of this place, but you may try asking Cain. He talks about many things, and it would not surprise me if he had some answers to your question."
msgstr "Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de cet endroit, mais essayez de demander à Cair. Il parle d'un tas de sujets, et je ne serais pas surpris s'il avait les réponses à vos questions."
msgid "Okay, so listen. There's this chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says, that might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna PAY for this... you... uh... yeah."
msgstr "D'accord, mais écoute-moi bien. Y a cette chambre en bois, tu vois ? Et sa femme, tu sais - elle - raconte l'arbre... Pasqu'il faudra attendre... Alors là j'dis qu'ça peut s'retourner contre lui, mais si tu crois que j'vais PAYER pour ça... alors là... tu... Euh... Ouais."
msgid "You will become an eternal servant of the dark lords should you perish within this cursed domain. \n \nEnter the Chamber of Bone at your own peril."
msgstr "Si tu péris dans ce domaine maudit, tu deviendras le serviteur éternel des seigneurs de l'ombre. \n \nTu pénètres dans les Catacombes à tes risques et périls."
msgid "A vast and mysterious treasure, you say? Maybe I could be interested in picking up a few things from you... or better yet, don't you need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?"
msgstr "Un énorme trésor caché, tu dis? Je serais assez intéressé si tu pouvais m'en procurer quelques articles... Mais en attendant, t'as pas besoin de quelques trucs pour t'aider à aller le récupérer?"
msgid "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written."
msgstr "Au-delà de la Salle des Braves se trouvent les Catacombes. Une mort certaine y attend tous ceux qui seraient assez fous pour essayer de dérober les trésors cachés en ce lieu. Telles sont les paroles du Seigneur de la Terreur, c'est ainsi qu'elles furent écrites."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields that we know - between the utopian kingdoms of the High Heavens and the chaotic pits of the Burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky. Neither side ever gains sway for long as the forces of Light and Darkness constantly vie for control over all creation."
msgstr "Ecoutez bien! Vous porterez témoignage des vérités qui seront dévoilées ici, car elles représentent l'ultime héritage des Horadrim. Depuis la nuit des temps jusqu'à nos jours, au-delà des espaces connus, une violente guerre fait rage entre l'Empire Céleste et les fosses ignobles du Royaume Infernal. Cette guerre, appelée le Grand Conflit, brûle depuis plus longtemps qu'aucune étoile dans le ciel. Aucune partie ne lâche son emprise, car les forces de la Lumière et des Ténèbres luttent inlassablement pour la domination du monde..."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. When the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War."
msgstr "Ecoutez bien! Vous porterez témoignage des vérités qui seront dévoilées ici, car elles représentent l'ultime héritage des Horadrim. Quand le Grand Conflit entre l'Empire Céleste et le Royaume Infernal éclata dans le royaume des mortels, on l'appela la Guerre du Péché. Les archanges et les démons se mêlent aux humains, sous de fausses apparences et poursuivent leurs combats en secret, loin des yeux des mortels. Quelques humains, puissants et audacieux ont déjà conclu des pactes avec l'une ou l'autre armée et ont changé le cours de la Guerre du Péché."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known that the Three Prime Evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our world. The Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the east for decades, while humanity was left trembling in their wake. Our Order - the Horadrim - was founded by a group of secretive magi to hunt down and capture the Three Evils once and for all.\n \nThe original Horadrim captured two of the Three within powerful artifacts known as Soulstones and buried them deep beneath the desolate eastern sands. The third Evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in pursuit. The Third Evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror - was eventually captured, his essence set in a Soulstone and buried within this Labyrinth.\n \nBe warned that the soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the faith. If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child."
msgstr "Ecoutez bien! Vous porterez témoignage des vérités qui seront dévoilées ici, car elles représentent l'ultime héritage des Horadrim. Il y a plus de trois siècles, les Trois Démons Premiers des enfers apparurent mystérieusement dans notre monde. Ils semèrent la terreur et la désolation dans les Royaumes de l'Est pendant des décennies, laissant l'humanité tremblante et prostrée dans leur sillage. Notre confrérie, les Horadrim, fut créée par un groupe de mages, afin de poursuivre et d'emprisonner les Trois Démons Premiers à tout jamais. \n \nLes Horadrim en maîtrisèrent deux au moyen d'objets magiques appelés pierres d'âmes. Le troisième démon ne fut pas capturé et prit la fuite vers l'est, poursuivi par de nombreux Horadrim. Son nom est Diablo, le Seigneur de la Terreur, et son esprit fut enfermé dans une pierre d'âme que l'on a enterrée dans ce labyrinthe. \n \nCette pierre d'âme ne doit à aucun prix être découverte par ceux qui ne sont pas initiés. Si Diablo était délivré, il se mettrait immédiatement à la recherche d'un corps qu'il dominerait sans peine : celui d'un vieillard, ou d'un enfant."
msgid "So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the Burning Hells known as The Dark Exile. The Lesser Evils overthrew the Three Prime Evils and banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm. The demons Belial (the Lord of Lies) and Azmodan (the Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during the absence of the Three Brothers. All of Hell polarized between the factions of Belial and Azmodan while the forces of the High Heavens continually battered upon the very Gates of Hell."
msgstr "Une grande révolte se produisit dans les enfers, connue sous le nom d'Exil Noir. Les Démons Inférieurs renversèrent les Trois Démons Premiers et bannirent leurs esprits dans le monde des mortels. Les démons Belzébuth, le Seigneur du Mensonge, et Astaroth, le Seigneur du Péché se battirent alors pour devenir le tyran absolu en l'absence des Trois. Les forces de l'enfer se divisèrent alors en deux camps opposés pendant que les armées de l'Empire Céleste continuaient leur combat aux portes même de l'enfer..."
msgid "Many demons traveled to the mortal realm in search of the Three Brothers. These demons were followed to the mortal plane by Angels who hunted them throughout the vast cities of the East. The Angels allied themselves with a secretive Order of mortal magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at hunting demons. They also made many dark enemies in the underworlds."
msgstr "De nombreux démons partirent à la recherche des Trois dans le domaine des mortels, suivis par les archanges qui les poursuivaient sans répit jusque dans les vastes cités de l'est. Les archanges s'allièrent à une confrérie secrète de mages, les Horadrim, qui se mirent très vite à chasser les démons, se faisant de nombreux et féroces ennemis dans les profondeurs de la terre."
msgid "So it came to be that the Three Prime Evils were banished in spirit form to the mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the East for decades, they were hunted down by the cursed Order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The youngest brother - Diablo, the Lord of Terror - escaped to the west.\n \nEventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstone as well, and buried him under an ancient, forgotten Cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and awaits the time of his rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of youth and power to possess - one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will then arise to free his Brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War..."
msgstr "Il advint que les Trois Démons Premiers furent bannis sous forme d'esprit dans le royaume des mortels. Après avoir semé le chaos dans l'est pendant des décennies, ils furent pourchassés sans merci par la confrérie des Horadrim. Ces puissants magiciens se servaient d'objets magiques appelés pierres d'âmes et y enfermèrent l'esprit de Méphisto le Seigneur de la Haine, et de Baal le Seigneur de la Destruction. Le dernier, Diablo, le Seigneur de la Terreur s'enfuit vers l'ouest. \n \nLes Horadrim finirent par le capturer et par l'enfermer dans une pierre d'âme qu'ils enterrèrent sous une ancienne cathédrale. C'est là que le Seigneur de la Terreur sommeille en attendant de renaître. Sachez qu'il cherchera à posséder un corps jeune et agile, un corps innocent et facile à dominer. Alors il se lèvera pour délivrer les démons captifs et raviver les flammes de la Guerre du Péché."
msgid "All praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Survivor of The Dark Exile. When he awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that few mortals know. He told me the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the pits of the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this world and all who exist here the Sin War."
msgstr "Louanges et éloges à Diablo, Seigneur de la Terreur et Rescapé de l'Exil Noir! Lorsqu'il sortit du grand sommeil, mon seigneur et maître me confia des secrets connus d'un petit nombre de mortels. Il me parla de la guerre éternelle entre l'Empire Céleste et le Royaume Infernal. Il me révéla les pouvoirs qui ont apporté la discorde dans les royaumes terrestres. Mon seigneur appela cette bataille pour la domination de ce monde et de tout ce qui existe autour: la Guerre du Péché."
msgid "Glory and Approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three. My Lord spoke to me of his two Brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the east. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of the Three."
msgstr "Gloire et approbation à Diablo, Seigneur de la Terreur et Premier parmi les Trois. Mon seigneur me parla des deux démons, Méphisto et Baal, qui furent exilés dans le monde des vivants il y a longtemps. Mon seigneur consacrera son temps et sa puissance énorme à libérer les captifs de leur prison sous les dunes de l'est. Lorsqu'ils seront délivrés, la Guerre du Péché retentira à nouveau du bruit et de la fureur des Trois..."
msgid "Hail and Sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls. When I awoke my Master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form. Diablo attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my Master was too weak from his imprisonment. My Lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son Albrecht and brought him before my Master. I now await Diablo's call and pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the Lord of this world."
msgstr "Honneur et sacrifices à Diablo, Seigneur de la Terreur et Destructeur des Ames. Quand mon maître sortit de son sommeil, il tenta de trouver une enveloppe mortelle et pénétra dans le corps du Roi Léoric. Trop faible après sa longue captivité, mon maître désira pénétrer dans ce monde sous la forme d'un être simple et innocent et le jeune Alban fut choisi. Le bon Roi Léoric avait perdu la raison dans la tentative de possession de Diablo. Alors, j'ai enlevé son fils Alban et l'ai présenté devant mon maître. J'attends à présent l'ordre de Diablo et je prie l'enfer pour obtenir ma récompense le jour où il dominera le monde..."
msgid "It seems that the Archbishop Lazarus goaded many of the townsmen into venturing into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son. He played upon their fears and whipped them into a frenzied mob. None of them were prepared for what lay within the cold earth... Lazarus abandoned them down there - left in the clutches of unspeakable horrors - to die."
msgstr "Je crois que l'Archevêque Lazarus a poussé de nombreux habitants de la ville à s'aventurer dans le labyrinthe afin de retrouver le prince disparu. Il s'est joué de leurs peurs et les a entraînés dans une poursuite frénétique. Pas un seul d'entre eux n'était préparé à rencontrer ce qui se trouve là-dessous... Lazarus les abandonna à leur sort, aux griffes de monstres innommables..."
msgid "Yes, Farnham has mumbled something about a hulking brute who wielded a fierce weapon. I believe he called him a butcher."
msgstr "Oui, Farnham a marmonné quelque chose au sujet d'une grosse brute qui brandissait une arme menaçante. Je crois qu'il l'appelle le Boucher."
msgid "By the Light, I know of this vile demon. There were many that bore the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the Cathedral. I don't know what he used to slice open his victims, but it could not have been of this world. It left wounds festering with disease and even I found them almost impossible to treat. Beware if you plan to battle this fiend..."
msgstr "Par la Lumière, j'ai entendu parler de ce monstre ignoble. Parmi les rares survivants de l'attaque menée par Lazarus, et qui ont réussi à ramper hors des souterrains de la cathédrale, nombreux sont ceux qui portent dans leur chair les cicatrices de sa cruauté. Je ne connais pas l'arme qu'il utilise pour éventrer ses victimes, mais elle n'était sûrement pas de notre monde. Les plaies purulentes qu'elle occasionnait étaient si atroces que tout mon art n'a pas suffi pour les guérir. Prenez garde, si vous avez l'intention d'affronter cette horrible créature..."
msgid "When Farnham said something about a butcher killing people, I immediately discounted it. But since you brought it up, maybe it is true."
msgstr "Quand Farnham a parlé d'un Boucher qui massacrait les gens, je n'y ai pas cru, mais puisque vous le dites, c'est peut-être vrai."
msgid "I saw what Farnham calls the Butcher as it swathed a path through the bodies of my friends. He swung a cleaver as large as an axe, hewing limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood. I was separated from the fray by a host of small screeching demons and somehow found the stairway leading out. I never saw that hideous beast again, but his blood-stained visage haunts me to this day."
msgstr "J'ai vu celui que Farnham appelle le Boucher, alors qu'il se frayait un chemin à travers les corps de mes amis. Il brandissait un fendoir plus gros qu'une hache, coupant les membres et fauchant les hommes sur place. J'ai été éloigné de la bagarre par un paquet de petits démons hurlants et je ne sais pas comment j'ai retrouvé l'escalier qui m'a permis de sortir. Je n'ai jamais revu ce monstre hideux, mais son visage ensanglanté me hante encore."
msgid "Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!"
msgstr "Le grand fendoir qui a tué tous mes amis. Pouvais pas l'arrêter, fallait courir, courir. Pouvais pas les sauver. Piégé dans cette pièce avec tant de cadavres... tous mes amis... NOOOOOOOOOON!"
msgid "The Butcher is a sadistic creature that delights in the torture and pain of others. You have seen his handiwork in the drunkard Farnham. His destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village."
msgstr "Le Boucher est une créature perverse se délectant des souffrances qu'il inflige à autrui. Regarde Farnham l'ivrogne et tu auras vu son oeuvre! Détruis ce monstre et le village retrouvera sa tranquillité!"
msgid "I know more than you'd think about that grisly fiend. His little friends got a hold of me and managed to get my leg before Griswold pulled me out of that hole. \n \nI'll put it bluntly - kill him before he kills you and adds your corpse to his collection."
msgstr "J'en sais plus que tu crois sur ce macabre démon. Ses petits copains m'ont mis les pattes dessus et ont réussi à avoir ma jambe avant que Griswold ne me tire de ce trou. \n \nSi tu veux mon avis, tue-le avant qu'il ne te tue pour ajouter ton cadavre à sa petite collection!"
msgid "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
msgstr "S'il vous plaît, écoutez-moi. L'Archevêque Lazarus... Il nous a amenés là-dessous pour retrouver le prince. Il nous a jetés dans un piège! Ils sont tous morts, maintenant... Tués par un démon qu'il a appelé le Boucher. Vengez-nous! Trouvez ce Boucher et exterminez-le, nos âmes trouveront enfin le repos..."
msgid "I've been looking for a map, but that certainly isn't it. You should show that to Adria - she can probably tell you what it is. I'll say one thing; it looks old, and old usually means valuable."
msgstr "J'ai déjà eu besoin d'une carte, mais pas d'une comme celle-là. Tu devrais la montrer à Adria, elle pourra probablement te dire ce que c'est. Moi, je dirais une chose : elle a l'air vieille, et les vieux trucs ont souvent de la valeur."
msgid "So, the legend of the Map is real. Even I never truly believed any of it! I suppose it is time that I told you the truth about who I am, my friend. You see, I am not all that I seem...\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to keeping and safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released...\n \nThe evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror - known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago. The Map that you hold now was created ages ago to mark the time when Diablo would rise again from his imprisonment. When the two stars on that map align, Diablo will be at the height of his power. He will be all but invincible...\n \nYou are now in a race against time, my friend! Find Diablo and destroy him before the stars align, for we may never have a chance to rid the world of his evil again!"
msgstr "Ainsi, la légende de la carte est véridique, et pourtant je n'y ai jamais cru! Je crois que le moment est venu de vous dire la vérité à mon sujet, ami. Voyez-vous, je ne suis pas tout à fait celui que je semble être... \n \nMon véritable nom est Erwan Cair le Vénérable, et je suis le dernier descendant d'une ancienne confrérie se dévouant à la garde de secrets intemporels. \n \nCe mal, je le vois maintenant, a été libéré et celui que vous allez affronter est le noir Seigneur de la Terreur, connu des mortels sous le nom de Diablo. C'est lui qui fut emprisonné dans le labyrinthe il y des siècles. La carte que vous tenez dans vos mains fut tracée il y a très longtemps, afin d'évoquer l'instant où Diablo sortirait de son emprisonnement. Quand les deux étoiles de cette carte s'aligneront, Diablo sera au faîte de son pouvoir et il sera invincible. \n \nVous menez à présent une course contre le temps, ami! Il faut absolument retrouver Diablo et l'anéantir, avant que les étoiles ne s'alignent, c'est notre dernière chance de délivrer le monde du mal!"
msgid "Our time is running short! I sense his dark power building and only you can stop him from attaining his full might."
msgstr "Le temps nous est compté! Je sens sa noire puissance à l'ouvrage et vous seul pourrez l'empêcher de dominer le monde..."
msgid "I am sure that you tried your best, but I fear that even your strength and will may not be enough. Diablo is now at the height of his earthly power, and you will need all your courage and strength to defeat him. May the Light protect and guide you, my friend. I will help in any way that I am able."
msgstr "Je suis persuadé que vous avez fait de votre mieux, mais je crains que même votre force ne soit pas suffisante. Diablo est maintenant au sommet de son pouvoir terrestre et il vous faudra rassembler tout votre courage et votre vigueur pour le vaincre. Que la Lumière vous protège et vous guide, ami. Je vous aiderai autant que je pourrai."
msgid "If the witch can't help you and suggests you see Cain, what makes you think that I would know anything? It sounds like this is a very serious matter. You should hurry along and see the storyteller as Adria suggests."
msgstr "Si cette sorcière ne peut pas vous aider et vous suggère d'aller voir Cair, qu'est-ce qui vous fait donc penser que je sais quelque chose? On dirait que c'est là une affaire très sérieuse. Vous ne devriez pas perdre de temps et aller de ce pas voir le barde, comme Adria vous l'a proposé."
msgid "I can't make much of the writing on this map, but perhaps Adria or Cain could help you decipher what this refers to. \n \nI can see that it is a map of the stars in our sky, but any more than that is beyond my talents."
msgstr "Je ne comprends vraiment pas les indications de cette carte. Adria ou Cair pourront peut-être vous aider à déchiffrer son message. \n \nJe vois bien qu'il s'agit d'une carte céleste montrant les étoiles, mais le reste est au-dessus de mes connaissances..."
msgid "The best person to ask about that sort of thing would be our storyteller. \n \nCain is very knowledgeable about ancient writings, and that is easily the oldest looking piece of paper that I have ever seen."
msgstr "Le mieux serait d'en parler à notre barde. \n \nCair a une grande connaissance des vieux grimoires et voilà bien le parchemin le plus ancien que j'aie jamais vu."
msgid "I have never seen a map of this sort before. Where'd you get it? Although I have no idea how to read this, Cain or Adria may be able to provide the answers that you seek."
msgstr "Je n'ai jamais vu une carte pareille. D'où vient-elle? Je ne sais pas comment la lire, mais Cair ou Adria pourront peut-être répondre à vos questions."
msgid "Listen here, come close. I don't know if you know what I know, but you have really got somethin' here. That's a map."
msgstr "Approche-toi et écoute. J'sais pas si tu sais c'que j'sais, mais t'as vraiment quéqu'chose là. C'est une carte."
msgid "Oh, I'm afraid this does not bode well at all. This map of the stars portends great disaster, but its secrets are not mine to tell. The time has come for you to have a very serious conversation with the Storyteller..."
msgstr "Oh, j'ai peur que ceci ne présage rien de bon. Cette carte céleste augure de grands désastres, mais il ne m'appartient pas d'en révéler les secrets. Le moment est venu pour toi de parler longuement avec le barde..."
msgid "I wanna tell ya sumthin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my specialty. This here is the best... theeeee best! That other ale ain't no good since those stupid dogs..."
msgstr "Tous ces machins-là, j'les connais très bien. C'est ma spécialité. Celle-ci est la meilleure... LA meilleure. L'autre bière elle est pas si bonne depuis que ces sales chiens...."
msgid "No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but somewhere under the church is a whole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin' and just waitin' for someone to get it."
msgstr "Personne ne m'é - HIPS - coute jamais. Quelque part - enfin j'sais pas trop - mais quelque part sous l'église y a un gros tas d'or. C'est tout brillant et ça attend que quelqu'un vienne le ramasser."
msgid "I know you gots your own ideas, and I know you're not gonna believe this, but that weapon you got there - it just ain't no good against those big brutes! Oh, I don't care what Griswold says, they can't make anything like they used to in the old days..."
msgstr "J'sais bien qu't'as ta p'tite idée et qu'tu vas pas me croire, mais cette arme que t'as là, ben c'est pas assez pour battre ces grosses brutes! J'me moque de c'qu'y dit, Griswold, mais de nos jours, on ne sait plus fabriquer les choses comme au bon vieux temps..."
msgid "If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got and get out of here. That boy out there... He's always got somethin good, but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got."
msgstr "Si j'étais à ta place... j'y suis pas... mais si j'y étais, j'vendrais tout ce bric-à-brac et je filerais loin d'ici. Ce garçon là dehors, il a toujours de bon trucs, mais faut lui donner de l'or ou il te montrera rien du tout."
msgid "Can't a fella drink in peace?"
msgstr "On peut même plus vider une chope tranquillement?"
msgid "The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah, what a pretty lady. So nice, too."
msgstr "La p'tite qui apporte les boissons? Ah oui, elle est mignonne. Et gentille avec ça."
msgid "Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me... she's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little."
msgstr "Cette vieille bique pourrait bien faire quelque chose, pour une fois. Pour sûr, elle a des trucs, mais j'crois qu'elle a quéqu'chose de pas naturel. J'l'ai jamais vue manger ou boire, et tu peux pas avoir confiance en quelqu'un qui ne boit pas au moins un p'tit coup de temps en temps!"
msgid "Cain isn't what he says he is. Sure, sure, he talks a good story... some of 'em are real scary or funny... but I think he knows more than he knows he knows."
msgstr "Cair n'est pas ce qu'y prétend être... D'accord il raconte de bonnes histoires, des qui font peur et des qui font rire... mais j'pense qu'il en sait plus qu'il ne croit."
msgid "Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together, you know, back when... we... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgstr "Griswold? Le bon vieux Griswold. J'l'aime comme un frère! On a combattu ensemble, quand on a... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgid "Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh hero? I was a hero too..."
msgstr "Héhéhé, j'l'aime bien, Pépin. Il fait vraiment des efforts, tu sais. Ecoute-moi, tu devrais aller faire sa connaissance, c'est un bon gars, il aide les gens. Hé, on m'a dit que t'étais un héros? Moi aussi, j'étais un héros, tu sais..."
msgid "Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there, you know? Lost a leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so sad..."
msgstr "Barlou c'est un p'tit gars qui a encore plus de problèmes que moi, et j'en connais un rayon sur les problèmes. Ecoute-moi, il en a vu des trucs, il a été là-bas, tu comprends? Il a perdu une jambe et maintenant il se promène avec une jambe de bois. Si c'est pas malheureux, cette histoire..."
msgid "Ogden is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me much, but as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like I been spendin' more time with Ogden than most, but he's so good to me..."
msgstr "Bogdan? Alors ça c'est le meilleur gars de toute la ville. J'crois qu'sa femme m'aime pas trop, mais tant qu'elle mettra les tonnelets en perce, moi j'l'aim'rai toujours bien. Sûr que j'passe plus de temps avec Bogdan qu'avec les autres, mais il est si bon pour moi..."
msgid "Pleeeease, no hurt. No Kill. Keep alive and next time good bring to you."
msgstr "Sivouplaît, pas blesser. Pas tuer. Laisser vivant et moi apporter bonne chose pour vous."
msgid "Something for you I am making. Again, not kill Gharbad. Live and give good. \n \nYou take this as proof I keep word..."
msgstr "Gharbad faire quelque chose pour vous. Pas tuer Gharbad. Laisser vivre et moi donner bonne chose. \n \nVoilà preuve que Gharbad tient parole."
msgid "Nothing yet! Almost done. \n \nVery powerful, very strong. Live! Live! \n \nNo pain and promise I keep!"
msgstr "Pas encore! Presque fini. \n \nTrès puissant, très fort. Pas tuer! \n \nPas blesser! Gharbad tient promesse."
msgid "This too good for you. Very Powerful! You want - you take!"
msgstr "Très bon pour vous, ça. Très puissant! Vous vouloir - vous prendre!"
msgid "Ogden and his wife have taken me and my grandmother into their home and have even let me earn a few gold pieces by working at the inn. I owe so much to them, and hope one day to leave this place and help them start a grand hotel in the east."
msgstr "Bogdan et sa femme m'ont recueillie avec ma grand-mère et ils m'ont même permis de gagner quelques pièces d'or en travaillant dans l'auberge. Je leur dois tant et j'espère un jour pouvoir quitter cet endroit et les aider à établir une belle et grande hostellerie dans l'Est."
msgid "Good day! How may I serve you?"
msgstr "Bonjour! En quoi puis-je vous être utile?"
msgid "My grandmother had a dream that you would come and talk to me. She has visions, you know and can see into the future."
msgstr "Ma grand-mère a rêvé que vous viendriez me parler. Elle a des visions, vous savez, elle sait lire l'avenir."
msgid "The woman at the edge of town is a witch! She seems nice enough, and her name, Adria, is very pleasing to the ear, but I am very afraid of her. \n \nIt would take someone quite brave, like you, to see what she is doing out there."
msgstr "La femme qui habite à l'orée du village est une sorcière! Elle semble gentille et son nom, Adria, est joli, mais j'ai très peur d'elle. \n \nIl faut être brave comme vous pour aller voir ce qu'elle fait là-bas."
msgid "Our Blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram. Not only is he a master craftsman who has won many contests within his guild, but he received praises from our King Leoric himself - may his soul rest in peace. Griswold is also a great hero; just ask Cain."
msgstr "A Tristam, nous sommes très fiers de notre forgeron. C'est un artisan accompli qui a gagné de nombreux prix dans sa guilde, et il a été récompensé par notre Roi Léoric lui-même - que son âme repose en paix! Griswold est aussi un héros, demandez à Cair!"
msgid "Cain has been the storyteller of Tristram for as long as I can remember. He knows so much, and can tell you just about anything about almost everything."
msgstr "Aussi longtemps que je me souvienne, Cair a été le barde de Tristam. Il a de grandes connaissances et peut vous raconter beaucoup de choses sur de nombreux sujets."
msgid "Farnham is a drunkard who fills his belly with ale and everyone else's ears with nonsense. \n \nI know that both Pepin and Ogden feel sympathy for him, but I get so frustrated watching him slip farther and farther into a befuddled stupor every night."
msgstr "Farnham est un ivrogne qui ne pense qu'à remplir sa panse avec de la bière et à raconter des bêtises. \n \nJe sais que Pépin et Bogdan l'aiment bien, mais ça me fait mal au cœur de le voir sombrer dans la confusion et l'hébétude toutes les nuits..."
msgid "Pepin saved my grandmother's life, and I know that I can never repay him for that. His ability to heal any sickness is more powerful than the mightiest sword and more mysterious than any spell you can name. If you ever are in need of healing, Pepin can help you."
msgstr "Pépin a sauvé ma grand-mère et je sais que jamais je ne pourrai éteindre ma dette. Son habileté dans l'art de la guérison est bien plus puissante que l'épée la plus foudroyante ou qu'aucun sort que vous puissiez jeter. Si vous avez besoin d'être soigné, Pépin vous aidera."
msgid "I grew up with Wirt's mother, Canace. Although she was only slightly hurt when those hideous creatures stole him, she never recovered. I think she died of a broken heart. Wirt has become a mean-spirited youngster, looking only to profit from the sweat of others. I know that he suffered and has seen horrors that I cannot even imagine, but some of that darkness hangs over him still."
msgstr "J'ai grandi avec Cana, la mère de Barlou. Elle n'a pourtant été blessée que très légèrement quand ces créatures hideuses ont volé son fils, mais elle n'a jamais retrouvé la santé. Elle est morte le cœur brisé, à mon avis. Barlou est devenu un mauvais garçon qui ne pense qu'à profiter de la sueur des autres. Je sais qu'il a beaucoup souffert et qu'il a vu des horreurs inimaginables, mais l'ombre plane au-dessus de lui."
msgid "A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad thing to say about the healer."
msgstr "Un homme bon qui fait passer le bien des autres avant le sien. Vous ne trouverez personne à Tristam, ou ailleurs, qui vous dise du mal du guérisseur."
msgid "That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and learning an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful."
msgstr "Ce garçon va se trouver dans de sérieux ennuis... je devrais dire, une fois de plus. J'ai essayé de lui proposer de travailler avec moi et d'apprendre un métier honnête, mais il préfère trafiquer des marchandises dont on ne sait pas d'où elles viennent, mais qui lui rapportent beaucoup d'argent. Je ne peux pas lui en vouloir, après ce qui lui est arrivé, mais je voudrais bien qu'il soit plus prudent."
msgid "The Innkeeper has little business and no real way of turning a profit. He manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who occasionally drift through the village, but they are as likely to sneak off into the night as they are to pay him. If it weren't for the stores of grains and dried meats he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons."
msgstr "L'aubergiste a peu de travail et ne gagne pas très bien sa vie. Il se débrouille pour joindre les deux bouts en fournissant le gîte et le couvert à tous ceux qui passent par le village; certains le paient honnêtement alors que d'autres prennent la poudre d'escampette. S'il n'avait pas gardé des réserves de blé et de viande séchée dans sa cave, eh bien, la plupart d'entre nous seraient morts de faim l'année où le pays tout entier a été envahi par les démons."
msgid "Well, what can I do for ya?"
msgstr "Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour vous?"
msgid "If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your basic blunt weapon, such as a mace. Works like a charm against most of those undying horrors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter skinny little skeletons!"
msgstr "Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une bonne arme, je vais vous montrer quelque chose. Prenez une arme, par exemple une masse. Il n'y a rien de mieux pour fracasser ces petits osselets maigrichons, et ça marche à merveille pour décimer la plupart des horreurs increvables qui se trouvent là-dessous."
msgid "The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
msgstr "La hache? Ah oui, c'est une très bonne arme si vous la brandissez contre un ennemi. Regardez comme elle fend l'air et imaginez la tête d'un démon bien gras se trouvant sur son passage. N'oubliez pas qu'elle est lente, mais pour la puissance, elle craint personne!"
msgid "Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathing enemy, a sword will better slice their flesh!"
msgstr "Regardez-moi ça: ces bords affûtés, cet équilibre. Une épée aux mains de quelqu'un qui sait s'en servir contre l'ennemi est la meilleure de toutes les armes. Sa lame acérée n'aura rien à trancher sur les morts-vivants, mais un bon ennemi bien vivant sentira sa morsure dans sa chair!"
msgid "Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the Darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I can restore them to top fighting form."
msgstr "Vos armes et votre armure porteront les marques de vos batailles contre l'obscurité. Si vous me les apportez, avec un peu de travail et ma bonne forge, votre équipement sera flambant neuf."
msgid "While I have to practically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how to harness magic as she did, I could make some truly incredible things."
msgstr "Moi, je suis pratiquement obligé de me procurer en cachette, les métaux et outils dont j'ai besoin, auprès des caravanes qui contournent cette satanée ville, alors que cette sacrée sorcière, Adria, semble avoir tout ce qu'elle veut, comme elle veut. Ah! si seulement je connaissais la magie, ne serait-ce qu'un petit peu, je ferais des choses proprement incroyables!"
msgid "Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I would arrange to get both of them out of here on one of the trading caravans."
msgstr "Gillian est une brave fille. Dommage que sa grand-mère soit si malade, autrement je pourrais me débrouiller pour les faire sortir d'ici toutes les deux, avec l'une des caravanes de marchands."
msgid "Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make a suit of court plate good enough for an Emperor!"
msgstr "Je trouve que Cair est parfois trop bavard, mais c'est sa vie. Si je savais manier l'acier aussi bien qu'il sait manier sa langue, je pourrais fabriquer une cotte d'apparat digne d'un empereur!"
msgid "I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into Labyrinth. I never saw the Archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well, another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if I could."
msgstr "J'étais avec Farnham la nuit où Lazarus nous a menés dans le labyrinthe. J'ai jamais revu l'archevêque et j'aurais pas survécu si Farnham n'avait pas été à côté de moi. Je crois que son âme en est restée mutilée, tout comme ma pauvre jambe... Je n'peux pas aller au combat à sa place, mais croyez-moi, je le ferais si je pouvais."
msgid "If anyone can make something out of that rock, Griswold can. He knows what he is doing, and as much as I try to steal his customers, I respect the quality of his work."
msgstr "Si quelqu'un peut tirer quelque chose de ce rocher, c'est Griswold. Il connaît son boulot, et je le respecte, même s'il m'arrive d'arnaquer ses clients."
msgid "Griswold speaks of the Heaven Stone that was destined for the enclave located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that which a normal man could possess. I do not know what secrets it holds, my friend, but finding this stone would certainly prove most valuable."
msgstr "Griswold parle de la pierre céleste qui était destinée à l'enclave se trouvant à l'est. C'est là qu'on l'a emmenée pour l'étudier en détail. Cette pierre luisait d'une énergie qui avait la faculté de donner une vision supérieure à celle d'un homme normal. Ami, je n'en connais pas les secrets, mais cette pierre aura certainement la plus grande valeur entre les mains de celui qui la trouve."
msgid "The caravan stopped here to take on some supplies for their journey to the east. I sold them quite an array of fresh fruits and some excellent sweetbreads that Garda has just finished baking. Shame what happened to them..."
msgstr "La caravane s'est arrêtée chez moi pour prendre des marchandises pour son voyage vers l'est. Je leur ai vendu un assortiment de fruits frais et quelques-unes des délicieuses brioches que Garda venait juste de sortir du four. Quel dommage, ce qui s'est passé!"
msgid "I don't know what it is that they thought they could see with that rock, but I will say this. If rocks are falling from the sky, you had better be careful!"
msgstr "Je ne sais pas ce qu'ils espéraient apercevoir à l'aide de ce rocher, mais je vous dirai une chose : si les rochers tombent du ciel, maintenant, vous feriez bien d'être prudent!"
msgid "Well, a caravan of some very important people did stop here, but that was quite a while ago. They had strange accents and were starting on a long journey, as I recall. \n \nI don't see how you could hope to find anything that they would have been carrying."
msgstr "Eh bien, une caravane de personnages très importants s'est arrêtée ici, mais il y a déjà longtemps. Leur parler était étrange et, si je me souviens bien, ils étaient en route pour un long voyage. \n \nJe ne vois pas comment vous retrouveriez quoi que ce soit de ce qu'ils auraient emporté."
msgid "Stay for a moment - I have a story you might find interesting. A caravan that was bound for the eastern kingdoms passed through here some time ago. It was supposedly carrying a piece of the heavens that had fallen to earth! The caravan was ambushed by cloaked riders just north of here along the roadway. I searched the wreckage for this sky rock, but it was nowhere to be found. If you should find it, I believe that I can fashion something useful from it."
msgstr "Partez pas tout de suite, je vais vous raconter une histoire qui pourrait bien vous intéresser. Il y a quelque temps, nous avons vu passer une caravane qui allait dans les royaumes de l'est. On raconte qu'elle emportait un morceau du ciel tombé sur terre! Des cavaliers masqués l'on attaquée sur la route du nord, tout près d'ici. J'ai cherché ce caillou dans les débris, mais je n'ai rien trouvé. Si vous pouviez mettre la main dessus, je crois bien que j'en ferais quelque chose d'utile."
msgid "I am still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the heavens. I know that I can make something powerful out of it."
msgstr "J'attends toujours que vous m'apportiez ce caillou du ciel. Je sais que je pourrais en faire quelque chose de puissant."
msgid "Let me see that - aye... aye, it is as I believed. Give me a moment...\n \nAh, Here you are. I arranged pieces of the stone within a silver ring that my father left me. I hope it serves you well."
msgstr "Montrez-moi ça. Ah, c'est bien ce que je pensais. Laissez-moi faire... \n \nEt voilà le travail! J'ai incrusté les petits morceaux de caillou dans une bague qui appartenait à mon père. J'espère qu'elle vous sera utile."
msgid "I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to it, though. I really miss that ring..."
msgstr "Moi aussi, j'ai eu un chouette anneau, et il était cher! Y'avait du bleu, du vert, du rouge et de l'argent. Sais plus c'que j'en ai fait. Il me manque vraiment..."
msgid "The Heaven Stone is very powerful, and were it any but Griswold who bid you find it, I would prevent it. He will harness its powers and its use will be for the good of us all."
msgstr "La pierre céleste possède de grands pouvoirs. Je t'empêcherais d'aller à sa recherche, si ce n'était Griswold qui te la demande : lui seul saura dompter sa puissance et l'utiliser pour le bien de tous."
msgid "Thank goodness you've returned!\nMuch has changed since you lived here, my friend. All was peaceful until the dark riders came and destroyed our village. Many were cut down where they stood, and those who took up arms were slain or dragged away to become slaves - or worse. The church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals. The screams that echo in the night are inhuman, but some of our townsfolk may yet survive. Follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to find the church and save who you can. \n \nPerhaps I can tell you more if we speak again. Good luck."
msgstr "Grâce au ciel, vous voilà de retour! \nBeaucoup de choses ont changé depuis que vous viviez ici, votre seigneurie. Tout était paisible et tranquille, quand de sombres cavaliers sont venus dévaster notre village. Beaucoup d'entre nous ont trouvé une mort immédiate et ceux qui ont pris les armes ont été massacrés ou réduits en esclavage - ou pire encore! L'église à l'orée du village a été profanée et sert à présent à de sinistres rituels. La nuit venue, on y entend des cris inhumains, mais j'espère que certains des villageois survivront malgré tout. Suivez le chemin qui se trouve entre ma taverne et l'échoppe du forgeron et sauvez qui vous pourrez. \n \nJe saurai peut-être vous en dire plus une autre fois. Bonne chance..."
msgid "Look, I'm running a business here. I don't sell information, and I don't care about some king that's been dead longer than I've been alive. If you need something to use against this king of the undead, then I can help you out..."
msgstr "Ecoute-moi : je fais des affaires par ici. Y'a pas écrit \" bureau de renseignements \" là-dessus, et je me fiche éperdument d'un roi qui est mort avant que je sois né. Mais si t'as besoin d'un truc utile pour combattre ce roi des morts-vivants, alors je pourrai t'aider..."
msgid "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity!"
msgstr "La chaleur de la vie a pénétré dans mon sépulcre. Prépare-toi, mortel, à servir mon Maître pour l'éternité!"
msgid " Ahh, the story of our King, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the King, and now they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking myself is how he could have fallen so far from the Light, as Leoric had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of Hell could so utterly destroy a man from within..."
msgstr "Ahh, l'histoire de notre roi ? La chute tragique de Léoric fut un coup très dur pour ce pays. Le peuple aimait son roi, et aujourd'hui il le craint mortellement. Je me pose encore et toujours cette question : comment a-t'il pu s'éloigner autant de la Lumière ? Il fut un roi bon et généreux. Seules les plus viles puissances de l'enfer ont pu détruire complètement l'âme de cet homme..."
msgid "The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The King went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity...\n \nThe King's Knights and Priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath the King called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever...\n \nThis is where things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former King has risen from his eternal sleep and now commands a legion of undead minions within the Labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb three levels beneath the Cathedral. Please, good master, put his soul at ease by destroying his now cursed form..."
msgstr "Le village a besoin de vous! Il y a plusieurs mois, le Prince Alban, fils du Roi Léoric, a été enlevé. Le roi est devenu furieux et a parcouru le pays dans tous les sens à la recherche de son enfant. Jour après jour, la folie semblait gagner Léoric et bientôt il est devenu complètement dément. Il a ensuite accusé d'innocents villageois d'avoir fait disparaître son fils et les a fait brutalement exécuter... Plus de la moitié d'entre nous ont été sacrifiés à sa démence.\n\nLes chevaliers et les prêtres du royaume ont bien essayé de l'apaiser, mais il a tourné sa colère contre eux et, malheureusement, ils ont été obligés de le tuer. Dans son dernier souffle, le roi a jeté une malédiction terrible sur tous ses fidèles, en jurant qu'ils seraient à son service dans les ténèbres et pour toujours.\n \nEt maintenant, pour rendre les choses encore plus noires, notre ancien roi s'est éveillé de son sommeil éternel et commande une légion de serviteurs morts-vivants au coeur même du labyrinthe. Son corps a été enseveli dans un sépulcre à trois niveaux en-dessous de la cathédrale. Je vous en prie, votre seigneurie, libérez son âme en détruisant son enveloppe charnelle maudite..."
msgid "As I told you, good master, the King was entombed three levels below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance to destroy this land..."
msgstr "Je vous l'ai dit, votre seigneurie, le roi a été enterré à trois niveaux en-dessous. C'est là, dans l'obscurité et la puanteur, qu'il attend l'occasion de détruire ce pays..."
msgid "The curse of our King has passed, but I fear that it was only part of a greater evil at work. However, we may yet be saved from the darkness that consumes our land, for your victory is a good omen. May Light guide you on your way, good master."
msgstr "La malédiction de notre roi a disparu, mais j'ai bien peur que ce ne soit qu'une petite partie d'un mal bien plus grand qui oeuvre dans notre pays. Mais nous serons peut-être sauvés de l'obscurité qui nous guette, car votre victoire est de bon augure... Que la Lumière vous accompagne, votre seigneurie."
msgid "The loss of his son was too much for King Leoric. I did what I could to ease his madness, but in the end it overcame him. A black curse has hung over this kingdom from that day forward, but perhaps if you were to free his spirit from his earthly prison, the curse would be lifted..."
msgstr "La perte de son fils fut une épreuve trop dure pour le Roi Léoric. J'ai fait ce que j'ai pu pour apaiser sa folie, mais elle a fini par l'engloutir. Depuis ce jour, une sombre malédiction plane sur son royaume, mais si vous réussissez à libérer son esprit de sa prison terrestre, cette malédiction sera peut-être levée..."
msgid "I don't like to think about how the King died. I like to remember him for the kind and just ruler that he was. His death was so sad and seemed very wrong, somehow."
msgstr "Je préfère oublier la façon dont le roi est mort, mais j'aime me souvenir du souverain juste et bon qu'il a été. Comme sa mort fut triste, et injuste."
msgid "I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister force that drove him insane!"
msgstr "J'ai fabriqué de nombreuses armes et la plupart des armures portées par les chevaliers du Roi Léoric. J'ai même forgé, dans du mithril de la meilleure qualité, une énorme épée à deux mains et une couronne assortie. Je ne peux pas croire qu'il est mort, mais ce doit être une puissance bien sinistre qui l'a rendu fou!"
msgid "I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be MY king. Leoric is King. King, so you hear me? HAIL TO THE KING!"
msgstr "Je m'en moque complètement. Ecoute, aucun squelette ne sera MON roi. Léoric est le roi. Le roi, tu m'entends? VIVE LE ROI!"
msgid "The dead who walk among the living follow the cursed King. He holds the power to raise yet more warriors for an ever growing army of the undead. If you do not stop his reign, he will surely march across this land and slay all who still live here."
msgstr "Les morts qui marchent parmi les vivants suivent le roi maudit. Il détient le pouvoir d'entraîner encore plus de guerriers pour grossir son armée de morts-vivants. Si tu ne l'arrêtes pas, il continuera de parcourir le pays pour massacrer tous ceux qui y vivent encore."
msgid "Yes, this will be perfect for a brew that I am creating. By the way, the healer is looking for the brain of some demon or another so he can treat those who have been afflicted by their poisonous venom. I believe that he intends to make an elixir from it. If you help him find what he needs, please see if you can get a sample of the elixir for me."
msgstr "Voilà qui est parfait pour ma nouvelle décoction. A propos, le guérisseur a besoin du cerveau d'un démon pour soigner ceux qui ont été empoisonnés par leur venin. Je crois bien qu'il veut en faire un élixir. Si tu trouves ce qu'il recherche, peux-tu m'apporter un peu de cet élixir?"
msgid "Why have you brought that here? I have no need for a demon's brain at this time. I do need some of the elixir that the Healer is working on. He needs that grotesque organ that you are holding, and then bring me the elixir. Simple when you think about it, isn't it?"
msgstr "Pourquoi m'as tu apporté cela? Je n'ai que faire du cerveau d'un démon en ce moment, il me faut plutôt un peu d'élixir distillé par le guérisseur. C'est lui qui utilisera ce répugnant organe que tu tiens à la main ; tu m'apporteras ensuite l'élixir, c'est pourtant facile!"
msgid "What? Now you bring me that elixir from the healer? I was able to finish my brew without it. Why don't you just keep it..."
msgstr "Comment? C'est maintenant que tu m'apportes l'élixir du guérisseur? Je n'en ai plus besoin. Pourquoi ne le garderais-tu pas..."
msgid "I don't have any mushrooms of any size or color for sale. How about something a bit more useful?"
msgstr "Je n'ai pas de champignon, ni grand, ni petit, ni rouge, ni bleu. T'as pas besoin de quelque chose de plus utile?"
msgid "The witch Adria seeks a black mushroom? I know as much about Black Mushrooms as I do about Red Herrings. Perhaps Pepin the Healer could tell you more, but this is something that cannot be found in any of my stories or books."
msgstr "La magicienne Adria demande un champignon noir? J'en connais autant sur les champignons noirs que sur les souris vertes! Pépin le guérisseur pourrait peut-être vous en dire davantage, car je n'ai jamais rien rencontré de tel dans mes livres ou dans les légendes que je connais."
msgid "Let me just say this. Both Garda and I would never, EVER serve black mushrooms to our honored guests. If Adria wants some mushrooms in her stew, then that is her business, but I can't help you find any. Black mushrooms... disgusting!"
msgstr "Je voudrais vous dire une chose : ni Garda, ni moi-même, nous ne servirions jamais, AU GRAND JAMAIS, le moindre champignon noir à nos honorables clients. Si Adria veut mettre des champignons noirs dans son ragoût, c'est son affaire, mais moi, je ne peux pas vous aider à en trouver. Des champignons noirs... beurk, c'est répugnant!"
msgid "The witch told me that you were searching for the brain of a demon to assist me in creating my elixir. It should be of great value to the many who are injured by those foul beasts, if I can just unlock the secrets I suspect that its alchemy holds. If you can remove the brain of a demon when you kill it, I would be grateful if you could bring it to me."
msgstr "La magicienne m'a dit que vous étiez à la recherche du cerveau d'un démon pour m'aider à élaborer mon élixir. Il me sera très précieux pour soigner tous ceux qui ont été blessés par l'un de ces horribles monstres, si seulement j'étais en mesure de pénétrer les secrets qu'il contient. Si vous pouviez extirper le cerveau d'un démon quand vous le tuerez, et me l'apporter, je vous en serai grandement reconnaissant..."
msgid "Excellent, this is just what I had in mind. I was able to finish the elixir without this, but it can't hurt to have this to study. Would you please carry this to the witch? I believe that she is expecting it."
msgstr "Parfait, c'est exactement ce que je pensais. J'ai réussi à m'en passer et compléter l'élixir tout de même, mais cela ne fera pas de mal d'étudier cela de près. Pourriez-vous apporter ceci à la magicienne? Je crois que c'est ce qu'elle attend..."
msgid "I think Ogden might have some mushrooms in the storage cellar. Why don't you ask him?"
msgstr "Je crois bien que Bogdan a quelques champignons dans sa réserve. Vous devriez lui poser la question."
msgid "If Adria doesn't have one of these, you can bet that's a rare thing indeed. I can offer you no more help than that, but it sounds like... a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! Well, good hunting, I suppose."
msgstr "Si Adria n'en possède pas, vous pouvez parier qu'il s'agit d'une chose très rare. Tout ce que je peux vous dire, c'est qu'on dirait un énorme champignon boursouflé, gargantuesque! Eh bien, bonne chasse!"
msgid "Ogden mixes a MEAN black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that. Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!"
msgstr "Bogdan touille une SALETE de champignon noir. Si j'bois c'truc, j'suis malade. Ecoute, j'vais te dire un secret: la modération, c'est ça qu'il faut avoir dans la vie!"
msgid "What do we have here? Interesting, it looks like a book of reagents. Keep your eyes open for a black mushroom. It should be fairly large and easy to identify. If you find it, bring it to me, won't you?"
msgstr "Voyons ce que nous avons là? Très intéressant, on dirait un livre d'alchimie. Fais bien attention, et vois si tu trouves un champignon noir, très gros: tu le reconnaîtras facilement. Si tu le découvres, tu me l'apporteras, n'est ce pas?"
msgid "It's a big, black mushroom that I need. Now run off and get it for me so that I can use it for a special concoction that I am working on."
msgstr "Il me faut un gros champignon noir. Dépêche-toi d'aller me le chercher, j'en ai besoin pour un breuvage spécial que je suis en train de mettre au point."
msgid "Gillian, my Barmaid? If it were not for her sense of duty to her grand-dam, she would have fled from here long ago. \n \nGoodness knows I begged her to leave, telling her that I would watch after the old woman, but she is too sweet and caring to have done so."
msgstr "Gillian, ma serveuse? Elle serait partie de cet endroit depuis longtemps, mais elle tient absolument à s'occuper de sa grand-mère. \n \nLe ciel sait combien de fois je l'ai suppliée de partir, lui disant que je m'occuperais de la vieille femme, mais elle est trop douce et affectueuse pour faire une chose pareille."
msgid "Greetings, good master. Welcome to the Tavern of the Rising Sun!"
msgstr "Bienvenue à la Taverne de l'Aurore votre seigneurie!"
msgid "Many adventurers have graced the tables of my tavern, and ten times as many stories have been told over as much ale. The only thing that I ever heard any of them agree on was this old axiom. Perhaps it will help you. You can cut the flesh, but you must crush the bone."
msgstr "De nombreux aventuriers ont honoré ma modeste taverne de leur présence, d'innombrables histoires ont été racontées devant un nombre incalculable de chopes de bière... Et tous s'entendaient sur une seule chose, un vieux proverbe qui pourra peut-être vous aider: 'On peut trancher la chair, mais il faut briser les os'."
msgid "Griswold the blacksmith is extremely knowledgeable about weapons and armor. If you ever need work done on your gear, he is definitely the man to see."
msgstr "Griswold le forgeron est très calé en matière d'armes et d'armures. Si votre équipement a besoin de quelques réparations, c'est lui qu'il faut aller trouver, et personne d'autre!"
msgid "Farnham spends far too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Farnham passe beaucoup trop de temps ici, à noyer son chagrin dans la bière. Je voudrais bien qu'il s'en aille, mais il a tellement souffert dans le labyrinthe..."
msgid "Adria is wise beyond her years, but I must admit - she frightens me a little. \n \nWell, no matter. If you ever have need to trade in items of sorcery, she maintains a strangely well-stocked hut just across the river."
msgstr "Adria possède une sagesse étonnante, mais franchement, elle me fait un peu peur. \n \nEnfin, peu importe. Si jamais vous avez besoin d'articles de sorcellerie, elle en possède un bon stock bien varié dans sa chaumière, de l'autre côté de la rivière."
msgid "If you want to know more about the history of our village, the storyteller Cain knows quite a bit about the past."
msgstr "Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l'histoire de notre village, Cair le Barde en connaît des choses sur le passé..."
msgid "Wirt is a rapscallion and a little scoundrel. He was always getting into trouble, and it's no surprise what happened to him. \n \nHe probably went fooling about someplace that he shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the boy, but I don't abide the company that he keeps."
msgstr "Barlou est un vaurien et une petite fripouille! Il s'est toujours attiré des ennuis et je ne suis pas surpris de ce qui lui est arrivé. \n \nIl est probablement encore allé se fourrer à des endroits où il n'aurait pas dû être. C'est dommage pour ce garçon, mais je ne supporte pas les gens qu'il fréquente."
msgid "Pepin is a good man - and certainly the most generous in the village. He is always attending to the needs of others, but trouble of some sort or another does seem to follow him wherever he goes..."
msgstr "Pépin est un homme bon, sûrement le plus généreux du village. Il passe son temps à venir en aide aux autres, mais on dirait qu'un mauvais sort le poursuit partout où il va..."
msgid "I really don't understand why Ogden stays here in Tristram. He suffers from a slight nervous condition, but he is an intelligent and industrious man who would do very well wherever he went. I suppose it may be the fear of the many murders that happen in the surrounding countryside, or perhaps the wishes of his wife that keep him and his family where they are."
msgstr "Je ne comprends vraiment pas pourquoi Bogdan reste ici à Tristam... Il a les nerfs fragiles, mais c'est un homme intelligent et travailleur, qui pourrait avoir une bonne vie n'importe où. Je suppose qu'il a très peur, avec tous ces meurtres qui ont été commis dans la campagne environnante, ou alors c'est sa femme qui désire rester là où ils sont, avec toute la famille."
msgid "Ogden's barmaid is a sweet girl. Her grandmother is quite ill, and suffers from delusions. \n \nShe claims that they are visions, but I have no proof of that one way or the other."
msgstr "La serveuse de Bogdan est une très gentille petite. Sa grand-mère est bien malade et souffre d'hallucinations. \n \nElle prétend que ce sont des visions, mais je n'en ai pas la moindre preuve."
msgid "What ails you, my friend?"
msgstr "Qu'avez-vous, mon ami?"
msgid "I have made a very interesting discovery. Unlike us, the creatures in the Labyrinth can heal themselves without the aid of potions or magic. If you hurt one of the monsters, make sure it is dead or it very well may regenerate itself."
msgstr "J'ai fait une découverte très intéressante. Contrairement à nous, les créatures du labyrinthe peuvent se guérir elles-mêmes sans aucune aide extérieure. Elles n'ont besoin ni de potions, ni de magie. Si vous touchez l'un de ces monstres, assurez-vous qu'il est bien mort, autrement il pourrait bien se régénérer de lui-même."
msgid "Before it was taken over by, well, whatever lurks below, the Cathedral was a place of great learning. There are many books to be found there. If you find any, you should read them all, for some may hold secrets to the workings of the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Avant d'être envahie par... cette chose qui est aux aguets dans les souterrains, la cathédrale était un lieu de savoir et d'étude. De nombreux livres peuvent encore s'y trouver. Si vous en découvrez, vous devriez tous les lire, car certains d'entre eux recèlent les secrets des mécanismes du labyrinthe."
msgid "Griswold knows as much about the art of war as I do about the art of healing. He is a shrewd merchant, but his work is second to none. Oh, I suppose that may be because he is the only blacksmith left here."
msgstr "Griswold est aussi versé dans l'art de la guerre que je le suis dans l'art de la guérison. C'est un marchand habile, et son ouvrage est incomparable. Enfin, je suppose que c'est peut-être parce qu'il est le dernier forgeron qui soit resté dans les parages..."
msgid "Cain is a true friend and a wise sage. He maintains a vast library and has an innate ability to discern the true nature of many things. If you ever have any questions, he is the person to go to."
msgstr "Cair est un ami fidèle et un sage avisé. Il possède une vaste bibliothèque et sait immédiatement discerner la véritable nature de maintes choses. Si vous avez des questions à poser, c'est lui qu'il faut aller consulter."
msgid "Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do."
msgstr "Toute mon habileté n'a pas réussi à sauver complètement Farnham. Oh! j'ai bien pu guérir son corps, mais le mal qui atteint son esprit et sa raison, même mes compétences n'ont pas permis de le soigner."
msgid "While I use some limited forms of magic to create the potions and elixirs I store here, Adria is a true sorceress. She never seems to sleep, and she always has access to many mystic tomes and artifacts. I believe her hut may be much more than the hovel it appears to be, but I can never seem to get inside the place."
msgstr "Pour mon propre usage, et pour mes potions et élixirs que vous voyez là, j'utilise un peu de magie simple, mais Adria est une véritable magicienne. Elle semble ne jamais dormir et trouve toujours le moyen de se procurer des volumes et objets magiques. Je crois bien que sa chaumière n'est pas vraiment la masure qu'elle semble être à première vue, mais personne n'y a jamais pénétré."
msgid "Poor Wirt. I did all that was possible for the child, but I know he despises that wooden peg that I was forced to attach to his leg. His wounds were hideous. No one - and especially such a young child - should have to suffer the way he did."
msgstr "Pauvre Barlou. J'ai fait tout ce que j'ai pu pour ce garçon, mais je sais qu'il a horreur de ce morceau de bois que j'ai été obligé de fixer à sa jambe. Ses plaies étaient hideuses. Personne - et en particulier un enfant si jeune - ne devrait souffrir autant qu'il a souffert."
msgid "For once, I'm with you. My business runs dry - so to speak - if I have no market to sell to. You better find out what is going on, and soon!"
msgstr "Pour une fois, j'suis avec toi. Mon business va s'assécher, si on peut dire, si je n'ai pas de marché pour écouler mes produits. Tu ferais mieux d'aller voir ce qui s'passe, et vite!"
msgid "Hmm, I don't know what I can really tell you about this that will be of any help. The water that fills our wells comes from an underground spring. I have heard of a tunnel that leads to a great lake - perhaps they are one and the same. Unfortunately, I do not know what would cause our water supply to be tainted."
msgstr "Hmm, je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je pourrais vous dire à ce sujet qui vous serait d'une quelconque utilité... L'eau qui remplit nos puits provient d'une source souterraine. J'ai entendu parler d'une galerie menant vers un grand lac - il s'agit peut-être de la même chose. Malheureusement, je ne vois pas pourquoi notre eau se trouve souillée à présent."
msgid "I have always tried to keep a large supply of foodstuffs and drink in our storage cellar, but with the entire town having no source of fresh water, even our stores will soon run dry. \n \nPlease, do what you can or I don't know what we will do."
msgstr "J'ai toujours fait de mon mieux pour avoir une bonne réserve de nourriture et de boisson dans ma cave. Mais il n'y a plus moyen de trouver une seule source d'eau fraîche dans toute la ville, et même mes provisions vont se tarir! \n \nJe vous en prie, faites ce qui est en votre pouvoir, ou je ne sais pas ce qu'il adviendra de nous tous."
msgid "I'm glad I caught up to you in time! Our wells have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from them. Our reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry. I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town. Please find what has caused this calamity, or we all will surely perish."
msgstr "Ah je suis heureux de vous trouver à temps! L'eau de nos puits est devenue saumâtre et stagnante et quelques habitants sont déjà tombés malades pour en avoir bu. Nos réserves d'eau fraîche seront bientôt épuisées. Je crois qu'il existe un passage souterrain menant aux sources qui alimentent notre ville. Je vous en prie, trouvez la cause de cette calamité, ou alors nous périrons tous!"
msgid "Please, you must hurry. Every hour that passes brings us closer to having no water to drink. \n \nWe cannot survive for long without your help."
msgstr "Je vous en prie, il faut faire vite. Chaque heure qui passe nous rapproche du moment où nous n'aurons plus d'eau. \n \nNous ne survivrons pas longtemps sans votre aide!"
msgid "What's that you say - the mere presence of the demons had caused the water to become tainted? Oh, truly a great evil lurks beneath our town, but your perseverance and courage gives us hope. Please take this ring - perhaps it will aid you in the destruction of such vile creatures."
msgstr "Que dites-vous? La seule présence des démons souille l'eau de nos puits? Oh! un mal bien néfaste est aux aguets sous notre ville, mais votre persévérance et votre courage nous donnent de l'espoir. Prenez cet anneau. Il vous aidera peut-être à détruire ces ignobles créatures."
msgid "My grandmother is very weak, and Garda says that we cannot drink the water from the wells. Please, can you do something to help us?"
msgstr "Ma grand-mère est très faible, et Garda dit qu'on ne peut pas boire l'eau du puits. Aidez-nous, je vous en prie..."
msgid "Pepin has told you the truth. We will need fresh water badly, and soon. I have tried to clear one of the smaller wells, but it reeks of stagnant filth. It must be getting clogged at the source."
msgstr "Pépin vous a dit la vérité. Nous avons grand besoin d'eau fraîche, et tout de suite. J'ai essayé de nettoyer un des puits, mais il est rempli de crasse et il pue. La source doit être bouchée."
msgid "You drink water?"
msgstr "Hein! ! ! Tu bois de l'eau?"
msgid "The people of Tristram will die if you cannot restore fresh water to their wells. \n \nKnow this - demons are at the heart of this matter, but they remain ignorant of what they have spawned."
msgstr "Le peuple de Tristam mourra si tu ne peux lui rendre l'eau pure qui remplissait les puits. \n \nSache ceci: les démons sont au cœur de cette affaire, mais ils ignorent encore le mal qu'ils ont répandu."
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "RETOUR >"
msgid "Ah, Pepin. I count him as a true friend - perhaps the closest I have here. He is a bit addled at times, but never a more caring or considerate soul has existed. His knowledge and skills are equaled by few, and his door is always open."
msgstr "Ah, Pépin, je le considère comme un véritable ami, peut-être le plus cher que j'aie ici. Il est parfois un peu confus, mais jamais il n'y eut d'âme plus compatissante que lui. Ses connaissances et son art de guérir n'ont pas leur pareil, et sa porte est toujours ouverte."
msgid "Gillian is a fine woman. Much adored for her high spirits and her quick laugh, she holds a special place in my heart. She stays on at the tavern to support her elderly grandmother who is too sick to travel. I sometimes fear for her safety, but I know that any man in the village would rather die than see her harmed."
msgstr "Gillian est une très gentille fille. Tout le monde l'adore pour sa bonne humeur et ses rires. Elle tient une place spéciale dans mon cœur. Elle reste à la taverne à cause de sa vieille grand-mère qui est trop malade pour voyager. Il m'arrive souvent de craindre pour sa sécurité, mais je sais que tous les hommes du village préfèreraient mourir, plutôt que de permettre qu'on lui fasse du mal."
msgid "Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
msgstr "Bonjour, ami. Restez et écoutez-moi..."
msgid "While you are venturing deeper into the Labyrinth you may find tomes of great knowledge hidden there. \n \nRead them carefully for they can tell you things that even I cannot."
msgstr "Lorsque vous pénétrerez au plus profond du labyrinthe, vous y découvrirez peut-être des volumes de grand savoir. \n \nLisez-les attentivement car ils pourraient bien vous enseigner des choses qui me sont inconnues."
msgid "I know of many myths and legends that may contain answers to questions that may arise in your journeys into the Labyrinth. If you come across challenges and questions to which you seek knowledge, seek me out and I will tell you what I can."
msgstr "Je connais nombre de légendes et de mythes qui peuvent contenir les réponses aux questions que vous rencontrerez au cours de votre périlleux voyage dans le labyrinthe. Si vous avez à relever des défis et à résoudre des énigmes nécessitant quelque savoir, venez me voir et je vous dirai tout ce que je sais."
msgid "Griswold - a man of great action and great courage. I bet he never told you about the time he went into the Labyrinth to save Wirt, did he? He knows his fair share of the dangers to be found there, but then again - so do you. He is a skilled craftsman, and if he claims to be able to help you in any way, you can count on his honesty and his skill."
msgstr "Griswold est un homme d'action très courageux. Je parie qu'il ne vous a jamais parlé de l'époque où il a pénétré dans le labyrinthe pour délivrer Barlou, n'est-ce pas? Il connaît les dangers qui s'y trouvent, tout comme vous, d'ailleurs. C'est un artisan habile, et s'il prétend pouvoir vous aider, vous pouvez faire confiance à son honnêteté et à son habileté."
msgid "Ogden has owned and run the Rising Sun Inn and Tavern for almost four years now. He purchased it just a few short months before everything here went to hell. He and his wife Garda do not have the money to leave as they invested all they had in making a life for themselves here. He is a good man with a deep sense of responsibility."
msgstr "Bogdan est le propriétaire de la Taverne de l'Aurore depuis bientôt quatre années. Il l'a acquise peu de temps avant que tout aille mal par ici. Sa femme Garda et lui n'ont pas l'argent nécessaire pour partir, car toutes leurs économies ont été consacrées à refaire leur vie ici. C'est un brave homme qui possède un grand sens des responsabilités."
msgid "Poor Farnham. He is a disquieting reminder of the doomed assembly that entered into the Cathedral with Lazarus on that dark day. He escaped with his life, but his courage and much of his sanity were left in some dark pit. He finds comfort only at the bottom of his tankard nowadays, but there are occasional bits of truth buried within his constant ramblings."
msgstr "Pauvre Farnham. Il incarne le souvenir troublant de tous les malheureux qui ont pénétré dans la cathédrale avec Lazarus en ce jour funeste. Il a sauvé sa vie, mais son courage et sa raison se sont perdus dans quelque sombre fosse. Il trouve son réconfort au fond de sa chope à bière, à présent, mais il y a des lambeaux de vérité dans ses constantes divagations."
msgid "The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. She arrived shortly after the Cathedral was desecrated while most everyone else was fleeing. She had a small hut constructed at the edge of town, seemingly overnight, and has access to many strange and arcane artifacts and tomes of knowledge that even I have never seen before."
msgstr "La présence de la magicienne Adria n'est pas très naturelle. Elle est arrivée ici à Tristam peu après la profanation de la cathédrale, alors que tout le monde cherchait à se sauver. Elle habite une petite chaumière, qui semble avoir surgi au cours de la nuit, à l'orée de la ville. Elle peut se procurer de nombreux objets magiques et mystérieux et des volumes de savoir que je n'ai jamais vus auparavant."
msgid "The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one. He was taken from the arms of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that wield wicked spears. There were many other children taken that day, including the son of King Leoric. The Knights of the palace went below, but never returned. The Blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures."
msgstr "L'histoire de Barlou est effrayante et tragique. Il a été arraché aux bras de sa mère et traîné dans le labyrinthe par ces petits et mauvais démons qui agitent leurs méchantes lances. De nombreux autres enfants furent enlevés ce jour-là, y compris le fils du Roi Léoric. Les chevaliers du château ont tenté de les retrouver, mais personne n'est jamais revenu. Griswold a retrouvé le garçon, mais ces bêtes ignobles avaient déjà commencé à tourmenter le pauvre enfant."
msgid "You have not found the Golden Elixir. I fear that I am doomed for eternity. Please, keep trying..."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas trouvé l'élixir d'or... Je crois que je suis maudit pour l'éternité. Je vous en prie, continuez à chercher..."
msgid "You have saved my soul from damnation, and for that I am in your debt. If there is ever a way that I can repay you from beyond the grave I will find it, but for now - take my helm. On the journey I am about to take I will have little use for it. May it protect you against the dark powers below. Go with the Light, my friend..."
msgstr "Vous avez sauvé mon âme de la damnation éternelle et je vous suis grandement redevable. S'il existe un moyen pour vous prouver ma reconnaissance au-delà de la tombe, je le trouverai. Pour l'instant, prenez mon haubert, je n'en aurai pas besoin pour l'ultime voyage que je vais entreprendre. Puisse-t-il vous protéger des puissances des ténèbres du monde souterrain. Que la Lumière vous accompagne, mon ami..."
msgid "You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his King faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that.\n \nOf those who were caught within the grasp of the King's Curse, Lachdanan would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight, so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture."
msgstr "Vous prétendez avoir parlé à Lachdanan? C'était un héros de son vivant, un homme honorable et juste qui servit fidèlement son roi pendant de nombreuses années, mais vous savez déjà tout cela.\n \nParmi tous ceux qui furent frappés par la malédiction du roi, Lachdanan ne se serait certainement pas soumis aux forces du mal sans livrer de durs combats, je suppose donc que votre histoire pourrait bien être vraie. Si j'étais à votre place, ami, je m'efforcerais de trouver le moyen de le délivrer de ses tourments."
msgid "You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much."
msgstr "Vous parlez d'un brave guerrier mort depuis des lustres! Causer avec des âmes disparues depuis longtemps, non merci, pas dans la cour de mon auberge, très peu pour moi!"
msgid "A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and DO NOT try to use it."
msgstr "Vous dites un élixir doré? Je n'ai jamais concocté de potion de cette couleur, je ne peux donc pas vous dire quel serait son effet si vous en buviez. Je suis votre guérisseur et je vous conseille d'écouter les paroles de Lachdanan et de ne PAS ESSAYER de vous en servir."
msgid "I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can be of much help to you."
msgstr "Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de ce Lachdanan. Je suis désolée, mais je crois que je ne peux pas vous être très utile."
msgid "If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him."
msgstr "Si c'est vraiment Lachdanan que vous avez rencontré, je vous conseille de l'aider. J'ai eu affaire à lui à plusieurs occasions et j'ai trouvé qu'il avait une nature honnête et loyale. La malédiction qui a frappé les fidèles du roi Léoric le touche durement..."
msgid " Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!"
msgstr "Lachdanan est mort, tout le monde sait ça et tu peux pas m'faire croire autre chose. Tu peux pas parler aux morts, pour sûr!"
msgid "You may meet people who are trapped within the Labyrinth, such as Lachdanan. \n \nI sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid all of Tristram."
msgstr "Tu rencontreras peut-être des êtres emprisonnés dans le labyrinthe. \n \nJe pense à Lachdanan et je sens en lui honneur et péché. Aide-le et tu aideras le pays tout entier!"
msgid "Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened? Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way."
msgstr "Attends, laisse-moi deviner : Cair a été englouti par une énorme crevasse qui s'est ouverte sous ses pieds. Il a été grillé dans une boule de feu et il ne peut plus répondre à tes questions. Oh, c'est pas ça? Alors j'imagine que tu veux m'acheter quelque chose ou alors que tu vas décamper."
msgid "Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...\n \nI have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor."
msgstr "Je vous en prie, ne me tuez pas! Ecoutez! J'étais le Capitaine de la Garde du Roi Léoric, je faisais respecter les lois de ce pays dans l'honneur et la justice. Sa malédiction nous a frappés, pour le rôle que nous avons joué dans sa mort tragique. Lorsque les autres chevaliers ont trouvé leur triste fin, je me suis échappé du sépulcre royal pour essayer de me libérer de cette calamité... J'ai échoué...\n \nOn m'a parlé d'un élixir d'or qui pourrait me délivrer de cette sorcellerie et apporter enfin la paix à mon âme, mais je n'ai pas pu le trouver. Mes forces disparaissent et avec elles ce qui me reste d'humanité. Aidez-moi, allez à la recherche de cet élixir. Vos efforts seront récompensés - sur mon honneur, je le jure!"
msgid "They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault..."
msgstr "Ils frappent, ils mordent, ils sont partout. Menteur! MENTEUR! Maintenant ils sont tous morts, MORTS, tu m'entends? Ils tombent, ils tombent... il y a du sang partout...tout est de sa faute..."
msgid "I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed him as theirs."
msgstr "Je ne connais pas ce Lazarus dont tu parles, mais je sens un grand conflit dans son être. Le danger qu'il crée est grand, et rien ni personne ne l'arrêtera car les puissances de l'ombre possèdent son esprit."
msgid "Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there."
msgstr "Ouais, le vertueux Lazarus, qui a été siiiiii efficace contre les monstres là-dessous. Et ma jambe, hein? je l'ai quand même perdue... Ecoute, je vais te donner un conseil gratuit : demande à Farnham, il y était."
msgid "Abandon your foolish quest. All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master! You are too late to save the child. Now you will join him in Hell!"
msgstr "Abandonne ta quête insensée. La colère de mon Maître est la seule chose que tu y gagneras! Il est trop tard pour sauver l'enfant. Tu vas le rejoindre en enfer!"
msgid "This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released.\n \nThe Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.\n \nCurse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark masters!\n \nThat must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!"
msgstr "Voilà qui est de très mauvais augure, car mes pires craintes se trouvent confirmées. Je n'ai jamais cru à la véracité des vieilles légendes, mais je dois admettre à présent qu'elles disaient vrai. Le moment est venu de révéler ma véritable identité. \n \nMon vrai nom est Erwan Cair le Vénérable, et je suis le dernier descendant d'une très ancienne confrérie qui se dévoue à garder les secrets d'un mal intemporel. Ce mal, je le vois maintenant, a été libéré. \n \nL'Archevêque Lazarus, qui fut le conseiller fidèle du Roi Léoric, a entraîné de simples habitants de notre ville dans les méandres du labyrinthe, afin d'y retrouver le fils du roi, Alban, enlevé par les forces du mal. Rares furent ceux qui en réchappèrent... \n \nMaudissez-moi, j'ai été aveugle! J'aurais dû soupçonner la vile perfidie de Lazarus. C'est sûrement lui qui a enlevé Alban. J'ignore encore pourquoi Lazarus s'est tourné vers l'obscurité et dans quel but il détient cet enfant.... A moins qu'il ne veuille le sacrifier lors d'une nuit de pleine lune!\n \nVoilà certainement son sinistre projet! Les survivants de l'expédition racontent que Lazarus a été vu pour la dernière fois, courant dans les plus profonds boyaux du labyrinthe. Ne tardez plus! Le temps est précieux, le jeune prince ne doit pas tomber sous le couteau de ce monstre maléfique!"
msgid "You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!"
msgstr "Hâtez-vous! Il faut sauver Alban des mains de Lazarus. Le prince et le peuple de ce royaume comptent sur vous!"
msgid "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the labyrinth.\n \nKnow this, my friend - The evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the realm of mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"
msgstr "Votre histoire est terrible, ami. Lazarus brûlera certainement dans les flammes de l'enfer pour ses sinistres méfaits. Le garçon que vous me décrivez n'est PAS notre prince, et je crois qu'Alban court toujours un grand danger. Le symbole de puissance dont vous parlez est sûrement une porte dans le cœur même du labyrinthe.\n \nSachez ceci, ami : le mal que vous allez affronter est le ténébreux Seigneur de la Terreur. Il est connu des mortels sous le nom de Diablo. C'est lui qui fut emprisonné dans le labyrinthe il y a des siècles, et je crains qu'il ne sème de nouveau le chaos parmi les hommes. Vous devez vous risquer à traverser le portail pour détruire Diablo avant qu'il ne soit trop tard!"
msgid "Lazarus was the Archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham about that day."
msgstr "Lazarus était l'archevêque qui a mené de nombreux villageois dans le labyrinthe. J'y ai perdu beaucoup d'amis très chers, et Lazarus n'est jamais revenu. Je suppose qu'il y a trouvé la mort avec tous les autres. Si vous vouliez me faire une faveur, s'il vous plaît, ne parlez pas à Farnham de cette triste journée."
msgid "I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning to do that night. I thought that of all people, Lazarus would have had more sense than that. He was an Archbishop, and always seemed to care so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could not save them all..."
msgstr "J'ai eu un choc quand j'ai entendu parler du projet nocturne des habitants de cette ville. Je pensais que Lazarus avait plus de bon sens que la plupart des gens, il était archevêque et semblait tant se soucier des habitants de Tristam. Les blessés sont innombrables, je n'ai pas pu les sauver tous..."
msgid "I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still alive and safe."
msgstr "Dans mon souvenir, Lazarus était un homme bon et généreux. Il a parlé aux funérailles de ma mère. Dans les temps troublés, il nous a secourues, ma grand-mère et moi. Je prie toutes les nuits afin qu'il reste sain et sauf."
msgid "I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deeper into the dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!"
msgstr "J'étais là quand Lazarus nous a menés dans le labyrinthe. Il a parlé de récompense divine, mais quand la bataille a commencé contre ces créatures du diable, il n'a même pas fait semblant de lever sa massue. Il s'est contenté de filer au fond des chambres obscures bourrées de serviteurs des ténèbres..."
msgid "I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War...\n \nStained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who would stand before this Executioner of Hell.\n \nIt is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the Legion of Darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood."
msgstr "Je ne connais qu'une seule légende qui parle d'un guerrier tel que vous le décrivez. Son histoire est contée dans les chroniques de la Guerre du Péché... \n \n'Souillé par mille ans de guerre, de sang et de mort, le Seigneur du Sang se dresse sur une montagne de victimes déchiquetées. Sa noire épée hurle ses malédictions et sa fureur à la face de tout vivant qui pourrait se trouver devant le Bourreau de l'Enfer.' \n \nIl est dit également que ce mortel, guerroyant aux côtés des forces de l'obscurité pendant la Guerre du Péché y perdit son humanité, car son avidité pour le sang était dévorante."
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for he sounds extremely dangerous."
msgstr "Je crois bien que je n'ai jamais rien entendu au sujet d'un guerrier si sanguinaire. J'espère que vous n'aurez pas à l'affronter, car il me semble particulièrement dangereux."
msgid "Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this than I would ever wish to know."
msgstr "Cair vous en dira bien plus à ce sujet, bien plus que je ne désirerais en savoir moi-même..."
msgid "If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may Light be your guide and your defender. I will keep you in my thoughts."
msgstr "Si vous devez combattre un ennemi si redoutable, puisse la Lumière vous guider et vous protéger! Je penserai à vous."
msgid "Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter."
msgstr "De mauvaises légendes courent sur le compte du Seigneur du Sang. Préparez-vous bien, ami, car il ne connaît pas la pitié et il fait pas de quartier!"
msgid "Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?"
msgstr "Toujours tu parles de sang? Et si tu m'parlais un peu des fleurs, du soleil, ou de cette mignonne qui sert les boissons? Dis-donc, t'as une idée fixe ou quoi ?"
msgid "His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see if you will defeat him."
msgstr "Ses prouesses à l'épée sont terrifiantes et ses milliers d'années de vie ont été uniquement consacrées à la guerre. Je suis désolée... mais je ne peux pas voir si tu le vaincras."
msgid "I haven't ever dealt with this Warlord you speak of, but he sounds like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his armies..."
msgstr "Je n'ai jamais fait d'affaires avec ce seigneur dont tu parles, mais on dirait qu'il a besoin d'un tas d'épées. Si je pouvais fournir son armée..."
msgid "My blade sings for your blood, mortal, and by my dark masters it shall not be denied."
msgstr "·"
msgid "Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival."
msgstr "Adria me dérange pas mal. C'est vrai, Cair peut te donner la chair de poule quand il te parle du passé, mais cette sorcière peut voir ton passé. En plus, elle trouve toujours le moyen de se procurer tout ce qu'elle veut. Il passe plus de marchandises dans ses mains que je n'en ai vu passer pendant la grande braderie annuelle du roi!"
msgid "Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie..."
msgstr "Bogdan est fou de rester ici. Je pourrais le faire sortir de la ville pour un prix très raisonnable, mais il tient vraiment à essayer de faire marcher cette sacrée taverne. Enfin, ça permet à Gillian de travailler, et sa femme Garda fait une de ces tartes à l'oignon..."
msgid "Pssst... over here..."
msgstr "Pssst... Par ici..."
msgid "Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe. \n \nSometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things."
msgstr "Tout le monde à Tristam n'aura pas l'usage, ou le marché, pour tout ce que tu vas trouver dans le labyrinthe, même pas moi : je sais, c'est difficile à croire! \n \nParfois, tu seras le seul à voir à quoi servent certaines choses."
msgid "Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense."
msgstr "Il ne faut pas prendre toutes les sornettes de l'ivrogne pour argent comptant. Il a bu trop de bière: ça lui brouille la vue et le bon sens."
msgid "In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever you can bring them..."
msgstr "Au cas où tu ne l'aurais pas remarqué, je n'achète jamais rien à Tristam. Moi, j'importe des marchandises de qualité. Si tu veux trafiquer ta camelote, il faut voir Pépin ou cette sorcière, Adria. Ils prendront sûrement tout ce que tu leur apporteras..."
msgid "I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure, Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have definite plans that require a large amount of gold."
msgstr "Le forgeron ? Sûr que je lui dois la vie, enfin ce qu'il en reste. Griswold c'est un gars bien, il m'a proposé un apprentissage à la forge, mais je ne gagnerais jamais assez d'argent pour... Enfin, disons seulement que j'ai des projets et pour ça, j'ai besoin de beaucoup d'or."
msgid "If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff. Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go..."
msgstr "Si j'avais quelques années de plus, je la couvrirais de toutes les richesses que je pourrais rassembler, et crois-moi, je peux mettre la main sur des trucs très chouettes. Gillian est une belle fille, qui devrait quitter Tristam dès que possible. Hmm... Je l'emmènerai peut-être avec moi quand je partirai..."
msgid "Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock."
msgstr "Cair en sait trop long. Il me flanque la trouille, encore plus que cette bonne femme de l'autre côté de la rivière. Il n'arrête pas de me dire combien j'ai de la chance d'être en vie, et comment mon histoire est prédite dans les légendes. Je crois plutôt qu'il raconte n'importe quoi..."
msgid "Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs..."
msgstr "Farnham, alors ça c'est quelqu'un qui a de sérieux problèmes, et les sérieux problèmes, j'en connais un bout. Il a trop fait confiance à un seul homme, et Lazarus l'a amené tout droit dans les griffes de la mort. Oh, moi je sais comment c'est, là dessous, alors c'est pas la peine de commencer à me parler de tes projets pour détruire 'le mal qui demeure dans ce labyrinthe'. Fais seulement attention à tes jambes..."
msgid "As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as they come. \n \nIf I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my leg..."
msgstr "Tant que tu n'as pas besoin qu'on te recolle quelque chose, le vieux Pépin n'est pas trop mauvais. \n \nMais si j'avais eu l'une des potions qu'il concocte, j'aurais sûrement encore ma jambe..."
msgid "What?! Why are you here? All these interruptions are enough to make one insane. Here, take this and leave me to my work. Trouble me no more!"
msgstr "Quoi ?! qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Tous ces dérangements, c'est à vous rendre fou! Tiens, prends ça et laisse moi travailler. Ne me casse plus les pieds!"
msgid "Arrrrgh! Your curiosity will be the death of you!!!"
msgstr "Arrrrgh! Ta curiosité te perdra!!!"
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msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgid "Not long after Leoric took possession of Khanduras, a power long asleep awakened within the dark recesses beneath the Monastery. Sensing that freedom was within his grasp, Diablo entered the nightmares of the Arch-Bishop and lured him into the dark, subterranean labyrinth. In his terror, Lazarus raced throughout the abandoned hallways until he at last came to the chamber of the burning Soulstone. No longer in command of his body or spirit, he raised the stone above his head and uttered words long forgotten in the realm of mortals. His will destroyed, Lazarus shattered the Soulstone upon the ground. Diablo once again came into the world of Man. Although he was released from his imprisonment within the Soulstone, the Lord of Terror was still greatly weakened from his long sleep and required an anchor to the world. Once he had found a mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly depleted power. The great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above, and chose to take the strongest of them - that of King Leoric.\n\nFor many months King Leoric secretly fought the evil presence that twisted his thoughts and emotions. Sensing that he had been possessed by some unknown evil, Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise the corruption growing inside him - he was sorely mistaken. Diablo stripped away the core of Leorics being, burning away all honor and virtue from his soul. Lazarus too, had fallen under the sway of the Demon, keeping close to Leoric at all times. Lazarus worked to conceal the plans of his new Master from the Order of Light, hoping that the demons power would grow, well concealed amongst the servants of Zakarum.\n\nThe priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege. His once proud and rugged form became distorted and deformed. King Leoric became increasingly deranged and ordered immediate executions of any who dared to question his methods or authority. Leoric began to send his Knights to other villages to bully their townspeople into submission. The people of Khanduras who had once grown to see great honor in their ruler began to call Leoric the Black King.\n\nDriven to the brink of madness by the Lord of Terror, King Leoric slowly alienated his closest friends and advisors. Lachdanan, Captain of the Knights of the Order of Light and honored Champion of Zakarum, tried to discern the nature of his Kings deteriorating spirit. Yet at every turn the Arch-Bishop Lazarus would waylay Lachdanan and admonish him for questioning the actions of the King. As tensions grew between the two, Lazarus charged Lachdanan with treason against the Kingdom. To the Priests and Knights of Leorics court, the prospect of Lachdanan committing treason was ridiculous. Lachdanans motives were honorable and just, and soon many began to question the reason of their once beloved King.\n\nLeorics madness was growing more obvious with each passing day. Sensing that the advisors of the court were becoming increasingly suspicious of foul treachery, Lazarus desperately sought to contain the eroding situation. The Arch-Bishop masterfully convinced the delusional Leoric that the kingdom of Westmarch was plotting against him, secretly planning to dethrone him and annex Khanduras into its own lands. Leoric flew into a rage and summoned his advisors to his side. Manipulated by the Arch-Bishop, the paranoid King declared a state of war between the kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch.\n\nLeoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they did not believe in. Lachdanan was appointed by Lazarus to lead the armies of Khanduras into Westmarch. Although Lachdanan argued against the necessity of the coming conflict, he was honor-bound to uphold the will of his King. Many of the high-priests and officials were forced to travel to the North as emissaries on errands of diplomatic urgency, as well. The desperate ploy of Lazarus had succeeded in sending many of the Kings more troublesome advisors to their certain deaths..."
msgstr "Kurz nachdem Leoric Besitz von Khanduras ergriffen hatte, erwachte im Abgrund tief unter dem Kloster eine Macht, die lange geschlafen hatte. Diablo spürte, daSS er vielleicht seine Freiheit wieder erringen könnte, und so schlich er sich in die Alpträume des Erzbischofs und lockte ihn hinab in sein unterirdisches Labyrinth. Voller Panik rannte Lazarus durch die verlassenen Gänge, bis er schlieSSlich zu dem Raum kam, in dem der brennende Seelenstein ruhte. Längst nicht mehr Herr seines Körpers oder seines Verstandes, hob Lazarus den Stein hoch über seinen Kopf und begann, Worte zu intonieren, die man im Reich der Menschen seit langem vergessen glaubte. Als willenlose Marionette schleuderte er den Seelenstein zu Boden und zerschmetterte ihn. Und so begab es sich, daSS Diablo wieder erschien in der Welt der Sterblichen. Obwohl er aus seinem Gefängnis im Seelenstein befreit war, hatte die lange Gefangenschaft den Fürsten des Terrors stark geschwächt, und er benötigte einen Anker, um ihn in dieser Existenzebene zu halten. Er muSSte einen sterblichen Körper übernehmen, um seine geschwundenen Kräfte zurückzuerlangen. Der groSSe Dämon begutachtete die Seelen derer, die oben in der Stadt lebten, und er wählte die stärkste davon aus - die des Königs Leoric.\n\nViele Monate lang kämpfte Leoric insgeheim gegen das Böse an, das sich in seinen Gedanken und Gefühlen ausbreitete. Er fühlte, daSS er von einem unbekannten Dämon besessen war, doch er verbarg seinen Zustand vor seinen Priestern, denn er hoffte, daSS seine eigene religiöse Ergebenheit dem Lichte gegenüber genügen möge, um die Verderbtheit zu exorzieren, die von ihm Besitz ergriff - niemals hatte er einen tragischeren Irrtum begangen. Diablo zerstörte das Innerste von Leorics Wesen, ätzte alle Ehre und Tugend aus seiner Seele heraus. Auch Lazarus, der Leoric immer nahe war, geriet unter die Kontrolle des Dämons. Der Erzbischof verbarg die Pläne seines neuen Herrn und Meisters geschickt vor den Priestern, und so konnte Diablos Macht langsam wachsen, gut versteckt zwischen den Dienern des Zakarum-Ordens.\n\nDoch den Priestern des Zakarum und der Bevölkerung von Khanduras blieb die besorgniserregende Veränderung ihres Landesherren auf Dauer nicht verborgen. Sein einst stolzes und markiges ÄuSSeres wurde entstellt und deformiert. König Leoric wurde immer verrückter und ordnete die sofortige Exekution eines jeden an, der seine Autorität oder seine Methoden auch nur im Geringsten in Zweifel zog. Er fing an, seine Ritter in benachbarte Ländereien zu schicken, um die Leute dort mit Drohungen zu unterwerfen. Und die Menschen in Khanduras, die gerade angefangen hatten, das Gute in ihrem Herrscher zu sehen, nannten ihn nur noch den Schwarzen König. König Leoric, vom Fürsten des Terrors langsam an den Rand des Wahnsinns getrieben, überwarf sich nun auch mit seinen engsten Vertrauten und Beratern. Lachdanan, der Hauptmann der königlichen Rittergarde und vereidigter Meister des Zakarum, versuchte, die wahren Ursachen für den Niedergang des Königs herauszufinden. Doch bei jedem Versuch legte ihm Erzbischof Lazarus Steine in den Weg und maSSregelte ihn, weil er dem König nachspioniere. Als die Spannungen zwischen den beiden wuchsen, beschuldigte Lazarus Lachdanan schlieSSlich des Verrats am Königreich. Für die Priester und Ritter am Hofe war diese Anschuldigung einfach lächerlich. Lachdanans Motive waren wie immer ehrenhaft und gerecht, und bald begannen viele, laut an der Vernunft ihres einst geliebten Königs zu zweifeln.\n\nLeorics Wahn wurde ohnehin mit jedem Tag offensichtlicher. Lazarus merkte, daSS die Hofberater zunehmend miSStrauischer wurden und versuchte verzweifelt, die aus dem Ruder laufende Situation im Griff zu behalten. Der Erzbischof überzeugte den geisteskranken König, daSS im Königreich Westmark üble Komplotte gegen ihn geschmiedet würden; man wolle ihn vom Thron stoSSen und Khanduras als neues Fürstentum annektieren. Leoric war auSSer sich vor Wut und berief seine Berater zu sich. Meisterhaft manipuliert vom Erzbischof erklärte er dort dem Nachbarstaat im Norden den Krieg. \nLeoric ignorierte die Warnungen und Ratschläge seiner königlichen Berater, und die Armee von Khanduras erhielt Befehl, Richtung Norden zu marschieren, um einen Krieg zu führen, an dessen Notwendigkeit niemand glaubte. Lazarus ernannte Lachdanan zum Heerführer, und obwohl dieser auf das Heftigste protestierte, war er doch an seinen Eid gebunden, den Willen des Königs zu erfüllen. Viele der Hohepriester und Ratgeber des Königs erhielten Befehl, als Abgesandte verschiedene diplomatische Aufträge im Norden zu erfüllen. Mit seiner verzweifelten Intrige gelang es dem Erzbischof, gleich eine ganze Reihe der 'Unruhestifter' in den sicheren Tod zu schicken."
msgid "In the ancient days, before the rise of the Western Empires, the dark and terrible entities known as the Three Evils were exiled to the world of Man. These eternal entities wandered throughout the waking world and fed upon the lusts of men, leaving chaos and attrition in their wake. The Evils turned father against son and prompted many great nations into brutal and petty wars. Their Exile from Hell left them with an insatiable hunger to bring suffering and pain to all those who would not kneel before them, and so the Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the Far East for countless centuries.\n\nEventually, a secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East. Employing disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within powerful artifacts called Soulstones. Mephisto and Baal, trapped within the swirling, spiritual constraints of the Soulstones, were then buried beneath the dunes of the desolate Eastern Sands.\n\nThe powers of Hatred and wanton Destruction seemed to diminish in the East as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third Brother, Diablo. They knew that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting peace within the realm of humanity.\n\nThe Horadrim followed in the wake of terror and anarchy that spread throughout the Western lands. After a great battle which claimed the lives of many brave souls, the Lord of Terror was captured and imprisoned within the last of the Soulstones by a group of Horadrim monks led by the Initiate Jered Cain. These monks carried the cursed stone to the land of Khanduras and buried it within a secluded cave near the river Talsande. Above this cave the Horadrim constructed a great Monastery from which they could continue to safeguard the Soulstone. As ages passed, the Horadrim constructed a network of catacombs beneath the Monastery to house the earthly remains of the martyrs of their Order.\n\nGenerations passed in Khanduras, and the numbers of the Horadrim slowly dwindled. With no quests left to undertake, and too few sons to sustain their guardianship, the once powerful Order faded into obscurity. Eventually, the great Monastery that they had built fell to ruins as well. Although villages grew and thrived around the shell of the old Monastery, no one knew of the dark, secret passageways that stretched into the cold earth beneath it. None could have dreamed of the burning red gem that pulsed within the labyrinths heart..."
msgstr "In den Alten Zeiten, lange vor der Gründung der Westlichen Imperien, wurden die finsteren und schrecklichen Wesen, die man die Drei Erzübel nennt, in die Welt der Menschen verbannt. Diese unsterblichen Wesen wanderten durch die langsam erwachende Welt und vergnügten sich an den Gelüsten der Menschen, doch in ihrem Kielwasser hinterlieSSen sie nur Chaos und Elend. Die Erzübel hetzten den Vater auf den Sohn und viele groSSe Nationen in kleinliche und grausame Kriege. Ihr Exil aus der Hölle verursachte in ihnen ein unstillbares Verlangen, all denen Leid und Schmerz zuzufügen, die nicht das Knie vor ihnen beugen wollten. Und so verwüsteten die Drei Brüder die Länder im Fernen Osten über zahllose Jahrhunderte hinweg.\n\nSchlieSSlich gründete der rätselhafte Erzengel Tyrael einen geheimen Orden von sterblichen Magiern. Diese Ordensbrüder sollten die Drei Erzübel jagen und ihrem Amoklauf ein Ende setzen. Der Orden, bekannt unter dem Namen Horadrim, bestand aus Mitgliedern der verschiedensten Zauberer-Clans des Ostens. Durch Anwendung ungewöhnlicher Praktiken und Experimente gelang es dem Orden wirklich, zwei der Drei Brüder in magischen Artefakten gefangenzusetzen, den sogenannten Seelensteinen. Mephisto und Baal, gefangen in den wirbelnden, geistigen Fesseln der Seelensteine, wurden dann tief unter den Dünen der menschenleeren Östlichen Wüste vergraben.\n\nDie Kräfte des Hasses und der ziellosen Zerstörung schienen sich daraufhin im Osten abzuschwächen, und ein angespannter Frieden kam über das Land. Doch viele Jahrzehnte lang setzten die Horadrim ihre Suche nach dem dritten der Brüder fort, nach Diablo. Sie wuSSten, solange der Fürst des Terrors auf freiem FuSSe war, konnte es keinen beständigen Frieden im Reich der Menschen geben.\n\nDie Horadrim folgten der Welle von Terror und Anarchie, die über die Länder des Westens hinwegzog. Nach einer gewaltigen Schlacht, in der viele tapfere Seelen heimkehrten zu ihrem Schöpfer, wurde der Fürst des Terrors von einer Gruppe Horadrim-Mönche unter Führung von Jeraid Cain gefangengenommen und im letzten Seelenstein eingekerkert. Die Mönche brachten den Stein in das Land Khanduras und vergruben ihn in einer abgelegenen Höhle in der Nähe des Flusses Talsande. Über der Höhle errichteten die Horadrim ein groSSes Kloster, um den Seelenstein von dort aus für immer zu bewachen. Im Laufe der Äonen bauten die Horadrim ein Netzwerk aus Katakomben unter dem Kloster aus, um die sterblichen Überreste ihrer Klosterbrüder dort zu beerdigen.\n\nGenerationen kamen und gingen in Khanduras, und die Zahl der Horadrim wurde langsam immer kleiner. Ohne eine wirkliche Aufgabe und mit zu wenig Söhnen, die den Wachdienst weiter versehen wollten, fiel der einst mächtige Orden allmählich der Vergessenheit anheim. SchlieSSlich zerfiel auch das gewaltige Kloster zu einer unansehnlichen Ruine. Und als rund um diese Überreste des alten Klosters Dörfer entstanden und gediehen, wuSSte niemand mehr von den dunklen, geheimen Gängen, die sich tief ins Innere der Erde erstreckten. Und niemand hätte sich auch nur träumen lassen, daSS tief im Herzen des Labyrinthes ein feuerroter Edelstein pulsierte, leuchtete, wartete..."
msgid "The absence of prying advisors and inquisitive Priests left Diablo free to assume total control over the Kings battered soul. As the Lord of Terror attempted to strengthen his hold upon the maddened King, he found that the lingering spirit of Leoric fought with him still. Although the control over Leoric that Diablo held was formidable, the Demon knew that in his weakened state he could never take complete possession of his soul as long as a glimmer of his will remained. The demonlord sought a fresh and innocent host upon which to build his Terror.\n\nThe demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the Kings soul was left corrupted and his mind crazed. Diablo began to search throughout Khanduras for the perfect vessel to act as his focus, and found such a soul easily within his reach. Enjoined by his dark master, Lazarus kidnapped Albrecht - the only son of Leoric - and dragged the terrified youth down into the blackness of the labyrinth. Flooding the boys defenseless mind with the essence of pure Terror, Diablo easily took possession of the young Albrecht.\n\nPain and fire raced through the childs soul. Hideous laughter filled his head and clouded his thoughts. Paralyzed with fear, Albrecht felt the presence of Diablo within his mind as it seemed to push him down, deeper and deeper into darkness and oblivion. Diablo gazed upon his surroundings through the eyes of the young prince. A lustful hunger still tortured the demon after his frustrating bout for control over Leoric, but the nightmares of the boy provided ample substance to sate him. Reaching deep into Albrechts subconscious, Diablo ripped the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.\n\nAlbrecht watched, as if out of a dream, twisted and disfigured forms appeared all around him. Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him chanting choruses of obscenities. All of the monsters that he had ever imagined or believed that he had seen in his life became flesh and were given life before him. Large bodies comprised of living rock erupted from the walls and bowed to their dark master. The ancient, skeletal corpses of the Horadrim arose from archaic crypts and lumbered off into the red washed corridors beyond. As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow against Albrechts shattered spirit, the bloodlusted ghouls and demons of his mind scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening passageways of his waking Nightmare.\n\nThe ancient catacombs of the Horadrim had become a twisted labyrinth of raw, focused Terror. Empowered by Diablos possession of young Albrecht, the creatures of the boys own imagination had gained corporeal form. So strong was the terror that grew inside of Albrecht, that the borders of the Mortal realm began to warp and tear. The Burning Hell began to seep into the world of Man and take root within the labyrinth. Beings and occurrences displaced by time and space, and long lost to the history of Man were pulled screaming into the ever-expanding domain.\n\nThe body of Albrecht, fully possessed by Diablo, began to distort and change. The small boy grew and his eyes blazed as tendril-like spines ripped through his flesh. Great, arched horns erupted from Albrechts skull as Diablo altered the form of the child to match that of his demonic body. Deep within the recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. When the moment was right, Diablo would venture once more into the mortal world and free his captive Brothers, Mephisto and Baal. The Prime Evils would be reunited, and together they would reclaim their rightful place in Hell."
msgstr "Ohne die neugierigen Ratgeber und Priester konnte Diablo endlich versuchen, die gepeinigte Seele des Königs völlig zu übernehmen. Doch als der Fürst des Terrors versuchte, seine Kontrolle zu verstärken, merkte er, daSS selbst der kleine verbliebene Rest von Leorics Geist ihm immer noch Widerstand leistete. Diablo erkannte, daSS er in seinem geschwächten Zustand niemals die völlige Kontrolle über diese Seele erringen würde, solange noch ein Funken ihres Willens vorhanden war. Und so begann er, sich nach einem unverbrauchten und unschuldigen Körper umzusehen, dem er das Brandmal seines Terrors aufdrücken konnte.\n\nEr lockerte seine Kontrolle über Leoric, doch dessen Seele war zerstört, sein Geist blieb verwirrt. Diablo suchte landauf, landab nach der idealen Seele für sein Vorhaben - und er fand sie ganz in seiner Nähe. Mit Hilfe seines finsteren Herrn entführte Lazarus Albrecht, den einzigen Sohn König Leorics, und zerrte den vor Angst fast gelähmten Jungen hinab in die Finsternis des Labyrinthes. Indem er den hilflosen Verstand des Knaben mit der Essenz reinen Terrors überflutete, übernahm Diablo mit Leichtigkeit die Kontrolle über den jungen Albrecht.\n\nSchmerz und Feuer rasten durch die Seele des Kindes. Schreckliches Gelächter dröhnte in seinem Kopf und verschleierte seinen Verstand. Unfähig, sich zu wehren, spürte Albrecht die Präsenz des Dämon in seinem Geist, die ihn immer tiefer hinabdrückte, hinunter in Dunkelheit und Vergessen. Diablo erblickte seine Umgebung erstmals durch die Augen des Prinzen. Nach seinem frustrierenden Ringen mit Leoric verspürte er ein ungestilltes Verlangen nach Befriedigung, und die Alpträume des Jungen boten ihm reichlich davon. Er tastete sich weit hinab in das tiefste UnterbewuSStsein des Kindes, zerrte Albrechts schlimmste Ängste aus ihren Verstecken hervor und gab ihnen Gelegenheit, sich auszutoben.\n\nAlbrecht sah, wie plötzlich wie in einem Traum entstellte, gräSSliche Figuren um ihn herum erschienen. Die monströsen Gesichter des Terrors tanzten um ihn herum und gröhlten im Chor die schlimmsten Obszönitäten. Alle Monster, die er sich jemals ausgemalt oder eingebildet hatte, erschienen in Fleisch und Blut vor seinen Augen. Riesige Körper aus lebendem Gestein brachen aus den Wänden hervor und verneigten sich vor ihrem düsteren Herren. Die uralten, zu Skeletten vermoderten Leichname der Horadrim wurden aus ihren Gräbern gezerrt und in Diablos Dienste gepreSSt. In einer Kakophonie des Irrsinns und der Alpträume stürmten die blutgierigen Ghoule und Dämonen gegen Albrechts geistige Gesundheit an.\n\nDie alten Katakomben der Horadrim hatten sich in ein Labyrinth reinen, aber zielgerichteten Terrors verwandelt. Durch Diablos Übernahme seines Geistes waren die Geschöpfe von Albrechts Vorstellungskraft körperliche Wirklichkeit geworden. So stark war die Flutwelle des Terrors, die sich in Albrecht aufstaute, daSS die Grenzen der menschlichen Existenzebene selbst begannen, sich aufzulösen. Die Höllenregionen verbanden sich mit dem Reich der Sterblichen und schlugen Wurzeln im Labyrinth. Wesen und Geschehnisse aus anderen Zeiten und Räumen, lange verloren in der Vorgeschichte der Menschheit, wurden schreiend in den sich ausweitenden Strudel gesogen.\n\nDer Körper von Albrecht, nun völlig unter Diablos Kontrolle, fing an, sich auszudehnen und zu verformen. Der schmächtige Knabe wuchs, seine Augen strahlten, als Stacheln aus seinem Fleisch herausstieSSen. GroSSe, gebogene Hörner brachen aus Albrechts Kopf hervor, als der Dämon den Körper des Jungen allmählich an seine dämonische Form anpaSSte. Tief im Inneren des Labyrinths begann er, seine Kräfte zu sammeln und zu vergröSSern. Wenn der Zeitpunkt gekommen war, würde Diablo erneut in die Welt der Sterblichen hinausgehen und seine gefangenen Brüder Mephisto und Baal befreien. Die Erzübel würden wieder vereint sein, und zusammen würden sie sich wieder ihren rechtmäSSigen Platz in der Hölle erkämpfen."
msgid "'Seven is the number of the powers of Hell, and Seven is the number of the Great Evils.'\n\nDuriel, the Lord of Pain\n\nAndariel, the Maiden of Anguish\n\nBelial, the Lord of Lies\n\nAzmodan, the Lord of Sin\n\nThese are the true names of the lesser of the Great Evils. For ages uncounted each have ruled over their own domains within the Burning Hells, seeking absolute dominion over their infernal brethren. As the Lesser Four continuously vied for the control of those forces that dwelled within their realms, the Greater Three held absolute power over the whole of Hell. The Lesser Four used dark and evil measures in their quest for power, and herein begins the legend of the Dark Exile.\n\nMephisto, the Lord of Hatred\n\nBaal, the Lord of Destruction\n\nDiablo, the Lord of Terror\n\nThese are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark, sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils, the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.\n\nWith the ascension of Man and the subsequent standstill of the Great Conflict, the Three Brothers began to devote their energies to the perversion of mortal souls. The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning. This change caused many of the Lesser Evils to question the authority of the Three, and so brought about a great rift between the Prime Evils and their servitors.\n\nIn their ignorance, the Lesser Evils began to believe that the Three were afraid to continue the war with Heaven. Frustrated by the cessation of the war, Azmodan and Belial saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two demon lords made a pact with their minor brethren, assuring them that the wretched plague of humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate, achieve victory in the Sin War and ultimately ride the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into the very arms of Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers...\n\nThe Brothers fought with all of the savagery of the Underworld, and to their credit, annihilated a third of Hells treacherous legions. In the end, however, they were overcome by the Horned Death led by the traitors Azmodan and Belial. The Prime Evils, weakened and bodiless, were banished to the mortal realm where Azmodan hoped that they would remain trapped forever. Azmodan believed that with the Three set loose upon humanity, the Angels would be forced to turn their focus upon on the mortal plane - thus leaving the Gates of Heaven abandoned and defenseless. Those few demons who still pledged allegiance to the Three Brothers fled the wrath of Azmodan and Belial, escaping to the realm of Man to seek out their lost Masters.\n\nAs the warfires died out upon the battlefields of Hell, Azmodan and Belial began to argue over which of them held the higher authority. The pact that they had made quickly fell to ashes as the two demon lords took up arms against each other. The legions of Hell that remained were polarized behind either warlord, launching themselves into a bloody civil war that has lasted to this day..."
msgstr "'Sieben ist die Zahl der Höllenmächte, und Sieben ist die Zahl der groSSen Übel.' \n\nDuriel, Meister der Schmerzen\n\nAndariel, Herrin der Angst\n\nBelial, Herr der Lügen\n\nAzmodan, Gebieter der Sünden\n\nSo lauten die wahren Namen der Geringeren unter den GroSSen Übeln. Unzählige Äonen lang hat jeder von ihnen über seinen Bereich der Flammenhölle geherrscht und versucht, die Kontrolle über seine infernalischen Brüder zu gewinnen. Während so die Vier Geringeren ständig um die Mächte in ihren Reichen kämpften, besaSSen die GroSSen Drei die Kontrolle über die gesamte Hölle. Doch die Vier Geringeren verfielen auf finstere und gefährliche Methoden, um ihre Herrschaft auszudehnen, und so beginnt die Legende vom Dunklen Exil.\n\nMephisto, Fürst des Hasses\n\nBaal, Lord der Vernichtung\n\nDiablo, Fürst des Terrors\n\nDies sind die Erzübel der Hölle, die Ihre Macht als finsteres, souveränes Triumvirat ausübten. Die Drei Brüder regierten über die Vier Geringeren mit brutaler Gewalt und bösartiger Hinterlist. Als älteste und stärkste der Höllenübel waren sie verantwortlich für zahllose Siege über die Armeen des Lichtes. Und obwohl sie einen einmal erkämpften Vorteil gegenüber den Himmelsmächten nie lange zu halten vermochten, waren sie doch zu Recht bei Untertanen und Feinden gleichermaSSen gefürchtet.\n\nMit dem Auftreten der Menschen und dem anschlieSSenden Stillstand des GroSSen Zwistes begannen die Drei Brüder, ihre Energie mehr und mehr der Verführung sterblicher Seelen zu widmen. Die Drei erkannten frühzeitig, daSS der Mensch der Schlüssel zu ihrem Sieg über den Himmel war, und so änderten sie sogar manchmal ihre strengen Regeln für ihn, machten Ausnahmen bei Gesetzen, die seit Anbeginn der Zeiten gegolten hatten. Das wiederum veranlaSSte einige der Geringeren Übel, die Autorität der Drei in Frage zu stellen, und führte so zu einer tiefen Kluft zwischen den Erzübeln und ihren Untergebenen.\n\nIn ihrer Unwissenheit gelangten die Geringeren Übel schlieSSlich zu der Ansicht, die Drei hätten Angst, den Krieg gegen den Himmel weiter zu führen. Entäuscht vom Stillstand des Krieges sahen Azmodan und Belial diese Situation als ihre Chance, die Erzübel zu stürzen und die Kontrolle über die Hölle selbst zu übernehmen. Die zwei Dämonenfürsten schlossen einen Pakt mit ihren geringeren Brüdern, denen sie versprachen, daSS die elende Plage der Sterblichen den Söhnen der Hölle niemals ihren verdienten Endsieg streitig machen werde. Azmodan und Belial ersannen einen Plan, wie sie das Patt beenden, den Sieg im Sündenkrieg erringen und schlieSSlich die blutige Flutwelle des GroSSen Zwistes in das langersehnte Armageddon münden lassen würden. Und so geschah es, daSS in der Unterwelt eine groSSe Revolution ausbrach, als die Hölle selbst zur Schlacht gegen die Drei Brüder antrat...\n\nDie Brüder kämpften mit der ganzen Wildheit der Verdammnis, und zu ihrer Ehrenrettung muSS man festhalten, daSS sie ein Drittel der verräterischen Höllenlegionen ausrotteten. Doch am Ende wurden sie übermannt vom Gehörnten Tod, angeführt von den Verrätern Azmodan und Belial. Die Erzübel, geschwächt und körperlos, wurden in das Reich der Sterblichen verbannt, wo sie hoffentlich für immer gefangen sein würden. Azmodan glaubte, daSS diese Drei im Reich der Menschheit die Engel zwingen würden, ihre Kräfte auf die Existenzebene der Sterblichen zu konzentrieren, und somit die Himmelstore unbewacht und hilflos zu lassen. Die wenigen Dämonen, die den Drei Brüdern immer noch loyal ergeben waren, flohen vor dem Zorn von Azmodan und Belial ebenfalls ins Reich der Menschen, um dort ihre verlorenen Herren zu suchen.\n\nAls die Flammen des Krieges auf den Schlachtfeldern der Hölle langsam erloschen, begannen sich Azmodan und Belial zu streiten, wer von beiden in Zukunft herrschen sollte. Der Pakt, den sie geschlossen hatten, zerfiel schnell zu Asche, als die beiden gegeneinander die Waffen erhoben. Die überlebenden Legionen der Hölle spalteten sich in zwei Lager, und die beiden neuen Fürsten stürzten sich in einen blutigen Bürgerkrieg, der bis zum heutigen Tag andauert..."
msgid "The war against the zealous armies of Westmarch ended with a horrible slaughter. With the army of Khanduras ripped to shreds by the superior numbers and defensive positions of Westmarch, Lachdanan quickly gathered together those who were not captured or killed and ordered a retreat back to the safety of Khanduras. They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.\n\nKing Leoric, deep within the throes of madness, went into a rage when he learned that his son was missing. After scouring the village with the few guards that remained with him at the monastery, Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere. Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrechts whereabouts, Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him, and that they would pay the price for such treachery.\n\nThe mysterious disappearance of the Arch-Bishop Lazarus left no one in Tristram with whom the King would take council. Overcome by grief and dementia, Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason.\n\nAs Lachdanan and his fellow survivors returned to confront their King, Leoric sent his few remaining guards against them. Believing that Lachdanan was somehow part of the townsfolks conspiracy, Leoric decreed that he and his party were to die. \tLachdanan, finally realizing that Leoric was beyond salvation, ordered his men to defend themselves. The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. Lachdanan won a bittersweet victory as his men were forced to kill all of Leorics deceived protectors. They cornered the ravenous King within his own sanctuary and begged him to explain the atrocities he had committed. Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against both his crown and the Light.\n\nLachdanan walked slowly towards his King and sorrowfully drew his sword. Full of grief and rage, all honor having been cast to the winds, Lachdanan ran his blade through Leorics shriveled, blackened heart. The once noble King screamed an unearthly death-cry, and as his madness finally overtook him, he brought down a curse upon those who had so betrayed him. Calling upon the forces of Darkness that he had spent his entire life combating, Leoric condemned Lachdanan and the others to eternal damnation. In that last, fleeting moment within the heart of the Monastery, all that was ever virtuous or honorable about the stewards of Khanduras was shattered forever."
msgstr "Der Krieg gegen die tapferen Armeen der Westmark endete in einem schrecklichen Gemetzel. Nachdem das khanduranische Heer von den zahlenmäSSig überlegenen und in Verteidigungsstellungen eingeigelten Westmärkern aufgerieben worden war, sammelte Lachdanan schnell die wenigen Überlebenden um sich und befahl den Rückzug ins sichere Khanduras. Doch als sie zurückkehrten, fanden sie die Stadt Tristram als Ruine vor, kaum gröSSer als ein Dorf.\n\nKönig Leoric vernahm in seinem Wahn die Nachricht vom Verschwinden seines Sohnes und verfiel in eine wahre Raserei. Er durchsuchte das ganze Dorf mit den wenigen verbliebenen Wächtern aus dem Kloster. Danach war Leoric überzeugt, daSS die Einwohner seinen Sohn entführt und irgendwo versteckt hätten. Obwohl die Einwohner Tristrams jegliche Kenntnis über das Verbleiben des Jungen leugneten, war sich der König sicher, daSS sie sich gegen ihn verschworen und nun den Preis dafür zu zahlen hätten.\n\nNach dem mysteriösen Verschwinden des Erzbischofs gab es niemanden mehr in Tristram, bei dem sich der König hätte Rat holen können. Überwältigt von Trauer und Wahnsinn lieSS Leoric zahlreiche Dorfbewohner wegen Hochverrats exekutieren.\n\nAls Lachdanan und die anderen Überlebenden des Feldzugs zurückkehrten, um den König zur Rede zu stellen, schickte Leoric seine letzten paar Wachen gegen sie aus. Er war sich sicher, daSS Lachdanan irgendwie mit zur Verschwörung der Stadtbewohner gehörte, und daher erlieSS er das Urteil, daSS auch er und seine Männer sterben müSSten. Doch Lachdanan, dem endlich klar wurde, daSS es für den König keine Heilung mehr geben konnte, befahl seinen Männern, sich zur Wehr zu setzen. Die Wogen der anschlieSSenden Schlacht trugen sie bis in das verdunkelte Kloster, wodurch die einst heiligen Hallen der Horadrim endgültig entweiht wurden. Lachdanan errang einen zweifelhaften Sieg, für den seine Männer gezwungen waren, alle verblendeten Verteidiger des Königs zu töten. Sie trieben den wahnsinnigen König in einer Ecke seines Heiligtums in die Enge und flehten ihn an, ihnen eine Erklärung für die Grausamkeiten zu geben, die er begangen hatte. Doch Leoric spuckte sie nur an und beschimpfte sie als Verräter an der Krone und an der Sache des Lichts.\n\nLachdanan ging langsam auf seinen König zu und zog betrübt sein Schwert. Voller Trauer und Zorn, ohne Rücksicht auf seine Ehre und seinen Eid stieSS Lachdanan seine Klinge durch das schwarze Herz des Königs. Der einst so noble Leoric stieSS einen unmenschlichen Todesschrei aus, und in seinem Wahn verfluchte er alle, die ihn so betrogen hatten. Er rief die Mächte der Finsternis an, die er sein Leben lang bekämpft hatte, und verdammte Lachdanan und die anderen zu ewiger Wanderung durch das Reich der Untoten. In diesem letzten, flüchtigen Moment wurde alles, was an den Beschützern des Reiches jemals tugend- und ehrenhaft gewesen war, für immer zerschmettert."
msgid "Since the Beginning, the forces of Light and Darkness have engaged in an eternal war: The Great Conflict, whose victor will rise from the apocalyptic ashes to hold sway over all creation. To this end, the Angels of the High Heavens adhere to strict militaristic disciplines. Seraphim warriors strike at the enemies of Light with swords imbued with righteous wrath and justice. The Angels believe that only absolute discipline can properly restore order to the myriad realms, while the demonic denizens of the Burning Hells hold that absolute chaos is the true nature of all things.\n\nThe battles of the Great Conflict rage across both time and space, often infringing upon the very fabric of reality itself. From the Crystal Arch at the very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the warriors of these eternal realms journey to wherever their timeless conflict carries them. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both veneration and insight.\n\nThe greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Arch-Angel Tyrael and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing completion. His quest was to destroy both wielder and weapon - a charge that he was destined never to complete. Izual was overcome by the legions of chaos and, tragically, was lost to the Darkness. His fate stands as testament to the fact that Angels and Demons alike shall fearlessly enter into any domain - so long as their hated enemies dwell within.\n\nAlthough the Great Conflict burned hotter and longer than any of the stars in the sky, neither side could gain dominion over the other for long. Both factions sought some way to turn the tides of the war to their favor. With the ascension of Man and his mortal realm, the Great Conflict ground to a mysterious halt. Both armies paused in a breathless stalemate, waiting to see to whose side Man would eventually turn.\n\nMortals had the unique ability to choose between Darkness and Light, and it was held that this would be the deciding factor in the outcome of the Great Conflict. Thus, the agents of the nether-realms descended to the mortal realm to vie for the favor of Man..."
msgstr "Seit dem Ersten Anfang haben die Mächte des Lichtes und der Dunkelheit in ewigem Streit gelegen: der GroSSe Zwist, dessen Sieger sich einst aus der Asche der Apokalypse erheben und über die ganze Schöpfung herrschen wird. Zu diesem Zweck halten sich die Engel des Himmelreiches an strikte militärische Disziplin. Seraphim-Krieger bekämpfen die Feinde des Lichtes mit magischen Schwertern, denen die Kraft des gerechten Zornes verliehen wurde. Die Engel glauben, daSS nur absolute Disziplin die Ordnung in den ungezählten Reichen wiederherstellen kann, während die dämonischen Bewohner der brennenden Unterwelt daran festhalten, daSS das Chaos die wahre Natur aller Dinge ist. Die Schlachten des GroSSen Zwistes erstrecken sich bis an die Grenzen von Raum und Zeit, und oft wird das zarte Gewebe der Realität selbst in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Vom legendären Kristallbogen im Zentrum des Obersten Himmels bis zur magischen Höllenschmiede inmitten der Unterwelt treten die Kämpfer dieser ewigen Reiche überall an, wo es ihr zeitloser Zwist erfordert. Die legendären Taten der Helden des Jenseits sind ihnen allen Ansporn und Herausforderung.\n\nDer gröSSte dieser Helden war Izual, Stellvertreter des Erzengels Tyrael und Träger des himmlischen Runenschwertes Azurtod. Einst führte er einen heroischen Angriff auf die Höllenschmiede an, als dort die dunkle Dämonenklinge Schattenzahn kurz vor der Fertigstellung stand. Er wollte sowohl die Klinge als auch ihren Träger vernichten - eine Aufgabe, die er niemals vollenden sollte. Izual wurde von den Legionen des Chaos überwältigt und war fortan verloren an die Finsternis. Doch sein Schicksal legt Zeugnis ab von dem Mut, mit dem Engel und Dämonen gleichermaSSen sich an jeden Ort trauen - solange ihre verhaSSten Feinde dort anzutreffen sind. Obwohl der GroSSe Zwist länger und heiSSer brannte als alle Sterne des Firmamentes, konnte keine Seite lange die Vorherrschaft für sich erkämpfen. Beide Kriegsparteien suchten verzweifelt nach einer Möglichkeit, endlich einen entscheidenden Vorteil zu erringen. Mit dem Aufstieg der Menschheit und ihres Reiches der Sterblichen kam die Maschinerie des GroSSe Zwistes knirschend zum Stillstand. Beide Armeen erstarrten in einem atemlosen Remis und warteten gespannt, auf welche Seite sich der Mensch letztendlich schlagen würde.\n\nDenn die Sterblichen hatten die einzigartige Möglichkeit, sich selbst zwischen Licht und Finsternis zu entscheiden, und bald wurde klar, daSS dies der entscheidende Faktor für den Ausgang des GroSSes Zwistes sein würde. Und so stiegen die Vertreter beider Reiche des Jenseits herab auf die Welt der Sterblichen, um hier um die Gunst des Menschen zu buhlen..."
msgid "Years after the last of the Horadrim had died, a great and prosperous society grew in the lands of the West. As time wore on, many Eastern pilgrims settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and soon established small, self-contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over holdings of property or routes of trade. These squabbles did little to upset the lasting peace of the West, and the great Northern kingdom of Westmarch proved to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures of barter and commerce.\n\nDuring this time, a bold, new religion of the Light known as Zakarum began to spread throughout the kingdom of Westmarch and into many of its northern principalities. Zakarum, founded in the Far East, implored followers to enter into the Light and forsake the darkness that lurked within their souls. The people of Westmarch adopted the statutes of Zakarum as their sacred mission in the world. Westmarch began to turn towards its neighbors, expecting them to embrace this 'New Beginning' as well. Tensions rose between the kingdoms of Westmarch and Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.\n\nIt was then that the great northern lord Leoric came unto the lands of Khanduras and, in the name of Zakarum, declared himself King. Leoric was a deeply religious man and had brought many Knights and Priests with him that comprised his Order of the Light. Leoric and his trusted advisor, the Arch-Bishop Lazarus, made their way to the city of Tristram. Leoric appropriated the ancient, decrepit Monastery on the outskirts of the town for his seat of power and renovated it to match its time-lost glory. Although the free people of Khanduras were not pleased with being placed under the sudden rule of a foreign King, Leoric served them with justice and might. Eventually, the people of Khanduras grew to respect the kind Leoric, sensing that he sought only to guide and protect them against the oppression of Darkness."
msgstr "Jahre nach dem Tod des letzten Horadrim wuchs in den Ländern des Westens eine groSSe und wohlhabende Gesellschaft heran. Im Laufe der Zeit siedelten sich viele aus dem Osten in den Ländereien um Khanduras an und gründeten bald kleine, selbständige Königreiche. Ein paar dieser Reiche stritten sich mit Khanduras um Ländereien oder Handelsrouten, aber diese Streitigkeiten konnten den dauerhaften Frieden, der im Westen herrschte, nie wirklich gefährden. Das groSSe Königreich Westmark im Norden erwies sich als zuverlässiger Verbündeter von Khanduras, und die beiden Länder verband schon bald ein enges Netz aus Handel und Bündnissen.\n\nZu dieser Zeit geschah es, daSS sich im Königreich Westmark eine neue Religion des Lichts ausbreitete, bekannt als der Orden von Zakarum. Diese Religion, die ihren Ursprung im Osten hatte, verlangte von ihren Gläubigen nur, ins Licht zu treten und der Finsternis in ihren Herzen zu entsagen. Die Westmärker schrieben sich diese Statuten des Zakarum-Ordens als heilige Mission auf ihre Fahnen und erwarteten nun auch von ihren Nachbarn, diesen 'Neuanfang' ebenso stürmisch zu begrüSSen. Bald schon gab es Spannungen zwischen dem Königreich Westmark, denn die Zakarum-Priester fingen an, ihr Dogma überall ungefragt zu predigen, ob sie willkommen waren oder nicht. \n\nIn jenen Tagen nun kam der groSSe Fürst Leoric aus dem Norden in das Land Khanduras und krönte sich im Namen von Zakarum selbst zum König. Leoric war ein zutiefst religiöser Mann und hatte viele Ritter und Priester mitgebracht, aus denen sich sein Orden des Lichts zusammensetzte. Leoric und sein vertrauter Berater, der Erzbischof Lazarus, kamen in die kleine Stadt Tristram. Leoric erklärte das alte, verfallene Kloster am Stadtrand zu seiner neuen Residenz und lieSS die Kathedrale renovieren, bis sie wieder im Glanz ihrer alten Schönheit erstrahlte. Obwohl das freiheitsliebende Volk von Khanduras nicht gerade erfreut darüber war, plötzlich unter der Regentschaft eines ausländischen Königs zu leben, herrschte Leoric mit Gerechtigkeit und Stärke. SchlieSSlich begannen die Leute, den guten Leoric zu respektieren, als sie merkten, daSS er ihnen nur Schutz und Führung im Kampf gegen die Mächte der Finsternis bieten wollte."
msgid "It was long ago that the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael bestowed upon us the secrets of the mysterious Soulstones. Tyrael bequested upon our Order three of these Stones so we could contain the vile essences of the Three Prime Evils who had been let loose upon our world. Although the artifacts were constructed in realms far removed from our own, we found that they were simple to understand.\n\nThe Soulstones effect only beings that are non-corporeal and thus have no power over living, breathing creatures. When invoked, the Soulstones bring into being a strong 'spiritual' vacuum. Any non-physical entities caught within this vacuum are drawn into the burning recesses of the Soulstone and are forever trapped within. These spirits are released only when the Soulstone is deactivated or destroyed.\n\nThe power of the Soulstones proved to be much more difficult to employ when used against the great Prime Evils. Voraciously disposed to possessing hapless mortals, the Three Brothers found that they were immune to the effects of the Stones while occupying human souls. Sadly, we were forced to hunt down and kill the innocent victims of the Prime Evils so that their demonic essences could be subject to the effects of the Soulstones.\n\nMephisto and Diablo, once found, were easily lured into the Soulstones. The capture of their brother Baal, however, became complicated when the Soulstone that was to be his eternal prison was shattered and fragmented. We found that while the shards still held the power to lure the demon to them, they could not properly contain it. Tal Rasha, a fellow Initiate who has since been immortalized in Horadrim lore, theorized that a mortal of strong will might be able to contain Baal within his own mortal soul. This sacrifice meant that the essence of any mortal so chosen would be forever tortured while locked in eternal conflict with the enthralled demon. To this end, Tal Rasha volunteered to contain the raging Lord of Destruction.\n\nPiercing his breast with a shard of the Soulstone, Tal Rasha took within himself the essence of Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The Initiates body was shackled, chained and buried deep within a tomb under the desert. The sacrifice of Tal Rasha has kept Baal imprisoned for many years now, and although the demon was imprisoned without the use a whole Soulstone, we believe that our victory may be a hollow one. Should Tal Rasha ever escape, he would have the formidable powers of Baal added to his own. By ridding the world of this present Evil, we may have created a nightmare worse than that which we first sought to contain..."
msgstr "Vor sehr, sehr langer Zeit übergab uns der rätselhafte Erzengel Tyrael die Geheimnisse der mysteriösen Seelensteine. Er überlieSS unserem Orden drei dieser Steine, auf daSS wir die Drei Erzübel darin einfangen könnten, die auf unsere Existenzebene verbannt worden waren. Obwohl diese magischen Juwelen in Reichen gefertigt wurden, die unvorstellbar weit von unserer Welt entfernt sind, waren sie für uns sehr einfach zu verstehen.\n\nDie Seelensteine wirken nur auf nicht-körperliche Wesen und haben daher keinerlei EinfluSS auf lebende, atmende Kreaturen. Wenn sie beschworen werden, erzeugen die Seelensteine ein starkes, spirituelles Vakuum. Alle nicht-physischen Wesen in diesem Vakuum werden in die brennenden Abgründe des Seelensteines hineingesogen und sind dort auf ewig gefangen, es sei denn, der Seelenstein wird deaktiviert oder zerstört.\n\nGegen die Drei GroSSen Erzübel aber war die Macht der Seelensteine viel schwieriger einzusetzen. Durch ihre Lust daran, sich in hilflosen Sterblichen einzunisten, fanden die Drei Brüder schnell heraus, daSS sie gegen die Wirkung der Seelensteine immun waren, solange sie sich in menschlichen Seelen befanden. So waren wir zu unserem Bedauern gezwungen, die unschuldigen Opfer der Erzübel zu jagen und zu töten, um die dämonische Quintessenz aus dem Körper der Besessenen zu vertreiben und in die Seelensteine zu verbannen. Nachdem wir Mephisto und Diablo erst einmal gefunden hatten, lieSSen sie sich relativ leicht in die Seelensteine locken. Die Jagd auf ihren Bruder Baal jedoch wurde entschieden schwieriger, als der Seelenstein, der sein ewiges Gefängnis werden sollte, zerbrach und in einzelne Stücke zersprang. Wir fanden heraus, daSS die Splitter zwar immer noch genug Kraft besaSSen, den Dämon anzulocken, doch nicht genug, um ihn zu binden. Tal Rasha, ein befreundeter Mönch des Ordens, der in der Zeit danach durch die Legenden der Horadrim zu unsterblichem Ruhm gelangte, stellte die These auf, daSS ein Mensch mit ausreichend starkem Willen in der Lage sein müSSte, Baal in seiner eigenen sterblichen Seele zu binden. Dieses Opfer würde bedeuten, daSS die Essenz eines dazu auserkorenen Menschen für ewige Zeiten zum qualvollen Kampf gegen den eingeschlossenen Dämon verdammt wäre. Tal Rasha meldete sich freiwillig, den tobenden Lord der Vernichtung in seiner eigenen Seele zu binden.\n\nUnd so stieSS sich Tal Rasha einen Splitter des Seelensteins in die Brust und nahm die Essenz von Baal in sich auf, dem Fürsten der Zerstörung und Lord der Vernichtung. Der Körper des Mönchs wurde gefesselt, angekettet und in einer tiefen Gruft unter der Wüste begraben. Das Opfer des Tal Rasha hält Baal nun schon seit vielen Jahren gefangen, und obwohl wir es geschafft haben, den Dämon ohne einen vollständigen Seelenstein zu binden, fürchten wir, daSS unser Sieg sich in Wahrheit als Niederlage herausstellen könnte. Denn sollte Tal Rasha jemals die Flucht gelingen, hätte er neben seinen eigenen Kräften noch die gigantische Macht des Baal zu seiner Verfügung. Indem wir die Welt von einem Übel befreiten, haben wir vielleicht einen Alptraum geschaffen, der noch schlimmer ist als das, was wir vernichten wollten.."
msgid "The Black King lay dead, slain at the hands of his own Priests and Knights. The young Prince Albrecht was still missing, and the proud defenders of Khanduras were no more. The people of Tristram looked about their lifeless town and were greatly dismayed. Awash in feelings of both relief and remorse, they soon realized that their troubles had merely begun. Strange, eerie lights appeared in the darkened windows of the Monastery. Misshapen, leathery-skinned creatures were seen venturing forth from the shadows of the church. Horrible, wounded cries seemed to linger on the wind, emanating from deep underground. It became apparent that something quite unnatural had infested the once holy sight...\n\nTravelers on the roads surrounding Tristram were accosted by cloaked riders that seemed to now constantly roam the deserted countryside. Many villagers fled Tristram, making their way to other towns or kingdoms, fearing some unnamed evil that seemed to wait in the shadows all around them. Those few who chose to remain seldom ventured out at night, and never tread foot upon the grounds of the cursed Monastery. Whispered rumors of poor, innocent people being abducted in the night by wicked, nightmarish creatures filled the halls of the local inn. With no King, no law, and no army left to defend them, many of the townsfolk began to fear an attack from the things that now dwelt beneath their town.\n\nThe Arch-Bishop Lazarus, frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good judgment, Lazarus whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them that Prince Albrecht was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared, they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of Hell itself...\n\nThe few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to Tristram and recounted what they could of the ordeal. Their wounds were terrible, and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the hearts of all of the towns inhabitants. It was a Terror that none of them had ever known...\n\nDeep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, Diablo gorged himself upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming shadows and began to harness his depleted power.\n\nHe smiled to himself in the sheltering darkness, for he knew that the time of his final victory was fast approaching..."
msgstr "Der Schwarze König war tot, ermordet durch die Hand seiner eigenen Priester und Ritter. Der junge Prinz Albrecht wurde immer noch vermiSSt, und die stolzen Verteidiger von Khanduras gab es nicht mehr. Die Bewohner von Tristram schauten sich in ihrer Stadt um, und was sie sahen, erfüllte sie mit groSSem Schmerz. Nach dem Ansturm von Erleichterung und Bedauern wurde ihnen bald klar, daSS ihre Probleme gerade erst richtig begonnen hatten. Merkwürdige, unheimliche Lichter erschienen hinter den blinden Fenstern des Klosters. Man sah deformierte, lederhäutige Wesen aus dem Schatten der Kirche kriechen, und der Wind trug schreckliche, unmenschliche Schreie herüber, die aus den Tiefen des Labyrinths heraufdrangen. Bald schon war allen klar, daSS etwas Unnatürliches den einst heiligen Ort infiziert hatte...\n\nReisende auf den StraSSen um Tristram wurden zunehmend von vermummten Reitern angegriffen, die jetzt fast überall durch die verlassene Landschaft streiften. Viele Bewohner flohen aus Tristram in andere Städte oder gar Königreiche, aus Furcht vor einem namenlosen Bösen, das überall in den Schatten zu lauern schien. Die paar Mutigen, die blieben, gingen nachts so gut wie nie vor die Tür, und niemals, niemals setzten sie auch nur einen FuSS über die Schwelle der verfluchten Klosterkathedrale. Im örtlichen Gasthof kursierten Dutzende von Geschichten über arme, unschuldige Leute, die in der Nacht von widerlichen Alptraum-Monstern verschleppt worden waren. Nun, da sie keinen König, kein Gesetz und keine Armee mehr zu ihrer Verteidigung hatten, fürchteten viele der Bewohner Tristrams einen Angriff der finsteren Wesen, die unter ihrer Stadt hausten. \nDa begab es sich, daSS der Erzbischof Lazarus - leicht mitgenommen und verwirrt - zurückkehrte und den Leuten versicherte, auch er sei von dem Bösen in der Kathedrale angegriffen worden. Verzweiflung umnebelte den gesunden Menschenverstand der Einwohner, und so gelang es Lazarus, sie mit seinen aufpeitschenden Sprüchen in einen hirnlosen Pöbelhaufen zu verwandeln. Er erinnerte sie daran, daSS Prinz Albrecht immer noch vermiSSt werde, ihr rechtmäSSiger König, und überredete so viele von ihnen, ihm in die Tiefen des Labyrinths zu folgen, um nach dem Jungen zu suchen. Sie schnappten sich Fackeln, und schon bald erleuchtete das flackernde Licht der Hoffnung die pechschwarze Nacht. Sie bewaffneten sich tapfer mit Schaufeln, Hacken und Sensen, und mit dieser armseligen Ausrüstung folgten sie dem verräterischen Erzbischof direkt in die wartenden Flammen der Hölle...\n\nDie Handvoll, die das grausige Schicksal dort unten überlebte, kehrte nach Tristram zurück und erzählte, was sich zugetragen hatte. Ihre Wunden waren schrecklich, und selbst das Geschick des Heilers konnte einige von ihnen nicht mehr retten. Während sich die Geschichten von den Dämonen und Teufeln verbreiteten, begann sich ein lähmender, urmenschlicher Terror in die Herzen der Stadtbewohner zu fressen. Ein Terror, wie ihn keiner von ihnen jemals zuvor erlebt hatte...\n\nUnd tief in den Gewölben unter der Kathedrale genoSS Diablo die Angst der Sterblichen über ihm. Er lieSS sich langsam zurücksinken in die wohligen Schatten und begann, seine erschöpften Kräfte wieder aufzuladen. Grausam lächelte er in der behütenden Finsternis, denn er wuSSte, daSS die Zeit fast reif war für seinen letzten Sieg..."
msgid "The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm is known as the Sin War. Angels and Demons, disguising themselves while traveling amongst men, attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes. Over time, the forces of Darkness discovered that mortals responded much more to brute force than to subtle coercion, and so began to terrorize Man into submission. The Angels fought to defend humanity against this demonic oppression, but all too often their austere methods and severe punishments succeeded only in alienating those whom they sought to protect.\n\nThe violent battles of the Sin War occurred often, but they were seldom witnessed by the prying eyes of Man. Only a few 'enlightened' souls were aware of the supernatural beings that walked amongst the huddled masses of humanity. Powerful mortals arose and accepted the challenge of the Sin War, allying themselves with both sides in the Great Conflict. The legendary deeds of these great mortal warriors served to earn both the respect and hatred of the nether-worlds. Although lesser demons kneeled before those possessing power and strength, they also cursed the very existence of mortal man. Many of these fiends believed that the deadlock brought about by the emergence of Man was a perverse offense to their 'higher' role in the great scheme of things.\n\nThis jealousy of Man led to harsh, atrocious acts of violence by the demons against the mortal realm. Some men learned of this deep hatred and used it against the denizens of the Underworld. One such mortal, Horazon the Summoner, delighted in summoning demons and then breaking them to his will. Horazon, along with his brother Bartuc, were members of the Eastern mage-clan known as the Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their lore for generations. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. The denizens of Hell sought revenge against this bold mortal, but Horazon managed to keep himself well protected within his arcane sanctuary.\n\nBartuc, the brother of Horazon, was eventually lured to the side of Darkness. He was granted exceptional strength and longevity, and fought alongside the legions of Hell against the cursed Vizjerei, and eventually his own brother during the Sin War. Although Bartuc was renowned amongst the warriors of many realms, his dominance in battle came with a terrible price. An insatiable lust for mortal blood pervaded his every thought and deed. Bartuc soon became as fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies as he did of shedding it, and in time he came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood."
msgstr "Der Schatten des GroSSen Zwistes im Reich der Sterblichen ist bekannt als der Sündenkrieg. Engel und Dämonen wandelten verkleidet unter den Menschen und versuchten, sie auf ihre Seite zu ziehen. Im Laufe der Zeit erkannten die Mächte der Finsternis, daSS Sterbliche viel eher auf brutale Gewalt ansprachen als auf subtilere Methoden, und so begannen sie, die Menschen mit Gewalt zur Unterwerfung zu zwingen. Die Engel kämpften, um die Menschen vor dieser dämonischen Unterdrückung zu schützen, doch allzu oft verschreckten sie mit ihren harten Methoden und ebenso harten Strafen genau die Menschen, die sie eigentlich schützen wollten. \n\nBrutale Schlachten waren keine Seltenheit im Sündenkrieg, doch nur selten fanden sie unter den neugierigen Blicken der Menschheit statt. Nur einige 'erleuchtete' Seelen wuSSten um die übernatürlichen Wesen, die zwischen den strömenden Massen von Menschen umhergingen. Mächtige Sterbliche wuchsen heran und nahmen die Herausforderung des Sündenkrieges an, verbündeten sich mit der einen oder anderen Seite. Mit ihren legendären Taten errangen sich diese heroischen Menschenkrieger sowohl den Respekt als auch den HaSS des Jenseits. Obwohl geringere Dämonen ihre Knie beugten vor den Menschen, die wirkliche Macht und Stärke besaSSen, verfluchten sie doch alle die generelle Existenz der Sterblichen. Viele dieser bösen Wesen sahen das Patt, das der Aufstieg der Menschheit bewirkt hatte, als perverses Hindernis auf dem Weg zu ihrer höheren Bestimmung an. \n\nDiese Eifersucht auf die Rolle der Menschen entlud sich in harten, grausamen Gewalttaten der Dämonen gegen die Sterblichen. Einige Menschen erkannten diesen tiefgreifenden HaSS und wandten ihn gegen die Bewohner der Unterwelt an. Einer dieser Sterblichen, Horazon der Beschwörer, machte sich fast einen SpaSS daraus, Dämonen zu beschwören und sie dann seinem Willen zu unterwerfen. Horazon und sein Bruder Bartuc waren Mitglieder eines östlichen Magierclans namens Vizjerei. Dieser mystische Clan studierte die Verhaltensweisen von Dämonen und zeichnete sein Wissen über Generationen auf. Mit diesem Wissen im Rücken konnte Horazon die Arbeit der Vizjerei für seine eigenen Zwecke pervertieren. Die Bewohner der Unterwelt suchten sich natürlich an diesem lästigen Sterblichen zu rächen, doch Horazon wuSSte sich in seinem magischen Unterschlupf gut zu schützen.\n\nBartuc aber, Horazons Bruder, wurde nach einiger Zeit auf die Seite der Finsternis gelockt. Man versah ihn mit auSSergewöhnlichen Kräften und einer enormen Lebensspanne, und er kämpfte im Sündenkrieg auf Seiten der Höllenlegionen gegen die verhaSSten Vizjerei, und damit schlieSSlich gegen seinen eigenen Bruder. Doch obwohl Bartuc bei den Kriegern vieler Reiche für seinen Kampfesmut bekannt wurde, muSSte er dafür einen fürchterlichen Preis zahlen. Eine unersättliche Lust auf menschliches Blut bestimmte mehr und mehr seine Gedanken und Taten. Schon bald bereitete es ihm ebenso groSSe Lust, im Blut seiner Feinde zu baden, wie es zu vergieSSen, und so war er schlieSSlich nur noch bekannt als 'der Blutfürst'."
msgid "1 Charge"
msgstr "1 Ladung"
msgid "1 Scroll"
msgstr "1 Schriftrolle"
msgid "Abandoned"
msgstr "Verlassener"
msgid "Absolute"
msgstr "Absolut"
msgid "absorbs half of trap damage"
msgid "absorption"
msgstr "der Absorption"
msgid "accuracy"
msgstr "der Genauigkeit"
msgid "Acid Beast"
msgstr "Bestia Acerbus"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Aktion"
msgid "adds 20% to an item's"
msgstr "Fügt zur momentanen und maximalen"
msgid "adds %i points to damage"
msgstr "%i Schadenspunkte zusätzlich"
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Anpassen"
msgid "Adria"
msgstr "Adria"
msgid "Adria the Witch"
msgstr "Adria, die Hexe"
msgid "Advocate"
msgstr "Lex Advocatis"
msgid "Aguinara's Hatchet"
msgstr "Aguinaras Kriegsbeil"
msgid "All Resistance equals 0"
msgid "All Spells"
msgstr "Alle Zaubersprüche"
msgid "altered durability"
msgstr "Veränderte Haltbarkeit"
msgid "Amber"
msgstr "Bernstein"
msgid "Amulet"
msgstr "Amulett"
msgid "Amulet of the Dead"
msgstr "Amulett der Toten"
msgid "Ancient Tome"
msgstr "Altes Buch"
msgid "Angel's"
msgstr "Engels"
msgid "Anvil of Fury"
msgstr "AmboSS des Zornes"
msgid "Apocalypse"
msgstr "Apokalypse"
msgid "Arcane power brings destruction"
msgstr "Magische Kraft bringt Zerstörung"
msgid "Arcane knowledge gained!"
msgstr "Magisches Wissen wird Euch zuteil!"
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus"
msgstr "Erzbischof Lazarus"
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus' Lair"
msgstr "Lager des Erzbischofs Lazarus"
msgid "Arch-Angel's"
msgstr "Erzengels"
msgid "Arch-Bishop Lazarus"
msgstr "Erzbischof Lazarus"
msgid "Are you sure you want to buy this item?"
msgstr "Seid Ihr sicher, daSS Ihr diesen Gegenstand kaufen wollt?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to identify this item?"
msgstr "Seid Ihr sicher, daSS ich diesen Gegenstand identifizieren soll?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to recharge this item?"
msgstr "Seid Ihr sicher, daSS ich Euch diesen Stab aufladen soll?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to repair this item?"
msgstr "Seid Ihr sicher, daSS ich Euch diesen Gegenstand reparieren soll?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to sell this item?"
msgstr "Seid Ihr sicher, daSS Ihr diesen Gegenstand verkaufen wollt?"
msgid "ARE YOU SURE ?"
msgid "Arkaine's Valor"
msgstr "Arkaines Rüstung Tapferstahl"
msgid "Armor"
msgstr "Rüstung"
msgid "ARMOR\nCLASS"
msgstr "Rüstungs-\nklasse"
msgid "AC"
msgstr "RK"
msgid "Armor class added to life"
msgid "armor class: %i"
msgstr "Rüstungsklasse: %i"
msgid "armor: %i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "Rüstung: %i Stabil. : %i/%i"
msgid "armor: %i Indestructible"
msgstr "Rüstung: %i Unzerstörbar"
msgid "Armor: %i "
msgstr "Rüstung: %i"
msgid "atrophy"
msgstr "der Atrophie"
msgid "attacker takes 1-3 damage"
msgstr "Angreifer trägt 1-3 Treffer davon"
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Angriff"
msgid "View Automap"
msgid "Awesome"
msgstr "Ehrfurchts"
msgid "Axe"
msgstr "Axt"
msgid "Azurewrath"
msgstr "Azurtod"
msgid "Azure"
msgstr "Azur"
msgid "Azure Drake"
msgstr "Draco Azuris"
msgid "A Dark Passage"
msgstr "Einem düsteren Durchgang"
msgid "History"
msgstr "Geschichte"
msgid "Back to Level %i"
msgstr "Zurück zur Ebene %i"
msgid "balance"
msgstr "der Balance"
msgid "Balrog"
msgstr "Balrog"
msgid "Baranar's Star"
msgstr "Baranars Stern"
msgid "Baron Sludge"
msgstr "Taar-Umush"
msgid "Barrel"
msgstr "FaSS"
msgid "BASE"
msgstr "BASIS"
msgid "bashing"
msgstr "des Prügels"
msgid "Bastard Sword"
msgstr "Bastardschwert"
msgid "Battle Axe"
msgstr "Streitaxt"
msgid "Bent"
msgstr "Pfuschen"
msgid "Bilefroth the Pit Master"
msgstr "Orkhabal der Grubenmeister"
msgid "Blackash the Burning"
msgstr "Varmoth der Feuerteufel"
msgid "Blackest Blade"
msgstr "Die Schwärzeste Klinge"
msgid "BlackJade"
msgstr "Aterjadus"
msgid "Blackoak Shield"
msgstr "Das Schwarzeichenschild"
msgid "Blackskull"
msgstr "Capitis Nigris"
msgid "Blacksmith Oil"
msgstr "Das Öl des Waffenschmieds"
msgid "Blacksmith's shop"
msgstr "Laden des Schmieds."
msgid "Blackstorm"
msgstr "Ferior Nigris"
msgid "Blacktongue"
msgstr "Rostrum Nigris"
msgid "Black Death"
msgstr "Mors Pullus"
msgid "Black Knight"
msgstr "Eques Nigris"
msgid "Black Mushroom"
msgstr "Schwarzer Pilz"
msgid "Black Razor"
msgstr "Der Schwarze Schnitter"
msgid "Bladeskin the Slasher"
msgstr "Klingenhaut der Schnitter"
msgid "Blade"
msgstr "Bastardschwert"
msgid " "
msgstr " "
msgid "Blessed"
msgstr "Segens"
msgid "Blessed by a benevolent companion!"
msgstr "Ein wohlwollender Gefährte segnet Euch!"
msgid "Blightfire"
msgstr "Incendium Captaris"
msgid "Blighthorn Steelmace"
msgstr "Oribadesh"
msgid "Blightstone the Weak"
msgstr "Beskatet der Ungestärkte"
msgid "Blink"
msgstr "Blink"
msgid "Blocked Door"
msgstr "Blockierte Türe"
msgid "BLOCKING"
msgstr "der Abwehr"
msgid "Bloodgutter"
msgstr "Tosfarel"
msgid "Bloodlust"
msgstr "Delitiae Sanguis"
msgid "Bloodmoon Soulfire"
msgstr "Bhalaved"
msgid "Bloodskin Darkbow"
msgstr "Drokvalath"
msgid "BloodSlayer"
msgstr "Blutschlachter"
msgid "blood"
msgstr "des Blutes"
msgid "Blood Boil"
msgstr "Kochendes Blut"
msgid "Blood Claw"
msgstr "Manus Sanguis"
msgid "Blood Fountain"
msgstr "Blutbrunnen"
msgid "Blood Knight"
msgstr "Eques Sanguis"
msgid "Blood Ritual"
msgstr "Blutritual"
msgid "Blood Star"
msgstr "Blutstern"
msgid "Blood Stone"
msgstr "Blutstein"
msgid "Bluehorn"
msgstr "Corneus Azurum"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Blau"
msgid "Bonehead Keenaxe"
msgstr "Chyraptaroth"
msgid "Boneripper"
msgstr "Scinderus Osseus"
msgid "Bonesaw the Litch"
msgstr "Graglior der Pestbringer"
msgid "Bone Chamber"
msgid "Bone Demon"
msgstr "Daemon Osseus"
msgid "Bone Gasher"
msgstr "Os Frangerus"
msgid "Bone Spirit"
msgstr "Knochengeist"
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr "Bongo"
msgid "Bookcase"
msgstr "Bücherschrank"
msgid "Bookshelf"
msgstr "Bücherregal"
msgid "Book of Blood"
msgstr "Buch des Blutes"
msgid "Book of the Blind"
msgstr "Buch der Blinden"
msgid "Book of Vileness"
msgstr "Buch der Niedertracht"
msgid "Book of "
msgstr "Buch über"
msgid "BOOK ONE"
msgstr "ERSTES BUCH"
msgid "BOOK TWO"
msgid "Bountiful"
msgstr "Luxus"
msgid "Bow"
msgstr "Bogen"
msgid "Bow of the Dead"
msgstr "Der Bogen der Toten"
msgid "Brain"
msgstr "Gehirn"
msgid "Bramble"
msgstr "Dornenzweig"
msgid "Brass"
msgstr "Messing"
msgid "Breakspine"
msgstr "Spina Scinderus"
msgid "Breast Plate"
msgstr "Brustharnisch"
msgid "brilliance"
msgstr "der Brillanz"
msgid "brittleness"
msgstr "der Sprödigkeit"
msgid "Broad Axe"
msgstr "Breitaxt"
msgid "Broad Sword"
msgstr "Breitschwert"
msgid "Brokenhead Bangshield"
msgstr "Bhazman-Lath"
msgid "Brokenstorm"
msgstr "Procella Scindera"
msgid "Bronzefist Firestone"
msgstr "Nograch"
msgid "Bronze"
msgstr "Bronze"
msgid "Brutal"
msgstr "Brutal"
msgid "Buckler"
msgstr "Buckler"
msgid "burning"
msgstr "des Brandes"
msgid "Burning Dead"
msgstr "Mortuum Arderum"
msgid "Burning Dead Captain"
msgstr "Centuris mortuum"
msgid "but it will cost 50 gold"
msgstr "verkaufen. Für \t50 Goldstücke"
msgid "Buy basic items"
msgstr "Normale Ausrüstung kaufen"
msgid "Buy items"
msgstr "Etwas kaufen"
msgid "Buy premium items"
msgstr "Erstklassige Ausrüstung kaufen"
msgid "BUY STAVES"
msgstr "Stäbe kaufen"
msgid "Cabalist"
msgstr "Kaballist"
msgid "Cain"
msgstr "Cain"
msgid "Cain the Elder"
msgstr "Cain, der Dorfälteste"
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr "ABBR."
msgid "Cape"
msgstr "Cape"
msgid "Cap"
msgstr "Helm"
msgid "carnage"
msgstr "des Gemetzels"
msgid "Carver"
msgstr "Scalptor"
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr "Zauberspruch"
msgid "Cauldron"
msgstr "Kessel"
msgid "Cave Slug"
msgstr "Vermis Cavum"
msgid "Cave Viper"
msgstr "Viperis Cavum"
msgid "Screen Adjustment"
msgstr "Bildschirm anpassen"
msgid "Chain Lightning"
msgstr "Kettenblitz"
msgid "Chain Mail"
msgstr "Kettenhemd"
msgid "Champion's"
msgstr "Champions"
msgid "chance to hit"
msgstr "einer Waffe."
msgid "chance to hit : %+i%%"
msgstr "Trefferchance : %+i%%"
msgid "Chaoshowler"
msgstr "Ululatum Chaotum"
msgid "Character Information"
msgstr "Charakter-Informationen"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Charakter-Info"
msgid "Character loaded"
msgstr "Charakter geladen"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Charakter-Info"
msgid "Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Aufgel. Blitz"
msgid "Charges: %i/%i"
msgstr "Ladungen: %i/%i"
msgid "Cheating detected"
msgstr "Pfuschversuch entdeckt"
msgid "Cheat Menu"
msgstr "Cheat-Menü"
msgid "Chest"
msgstr "Kiste"
msgstr "Klasse wählen"
msgid "Civerb's Cudgel"
msgstr "Civerbs Knüppel"
msgid "CLASS"
msgstr "KLASSE"
msgid "class of armor and shields"
msgstr "von Rüstungen und Schilden erheblich"
msgid "Claymore"
msgstr "Claymore"
msgid "Cleaver"
msgstr "Spalter"
msgid "Cloak"
msgstr "Umhang"
msgid "Closed Door"
msgstr "Geschlossene Türe"
msgid "Close Quest Log"
msgstr "Verzeichnis schlieSSen"
msgid "Club"
msgstr "Holzkeule"
msgid "Clumsy"
msgstr "Esels"
msgid "Cobalt"
msgstr "Kobalt"
msgid "Codex of Enlightenment"
msgstr "Der Kodex der Erleuchtung"
msgstr "Menü Kombi-Tasten"
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr "Deaktiviert"
msgid "ENABLED"
msgstr "Aktiviert"
msgid "Combo Button"
msgstr "Kombi-Button"
msgid "Composite Bow"
msgstr "Edelholzbogen"
msgid "Composite Staff"
msgstr "Edelholzstab"
msgid "constantly lose hit points"
msgid "Constricting Ring"
msgstr "Der Würgering"
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr "Controller-Setup"
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr "Controller-Setup"
msgid "Corpse Axe"
msgstr "Corpus Ascia"
msgid "Corpse Bow"
msgstr "Corpus Sagittarius"
msgid "Corpse Captain"
msgstr "Corpus Centurio"
msgid "corruption"
msgstr "der Korruption"
msgid "Counselor"
msgstr "Consiliarius magicum"
msgid "Cow"
msgstr "Kuh"
msgid "Crackrust"
msgstr "Brechrost"
msgid "craftsmanship"
msgstr "der Dauerhaftigkeit"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Mitwirkende"
msgid "Creepy"
msgstr "Grausiger"
msgid "Crimson"
msgstr "Karmesin"
msgid "Crimson and Azure become as the sun"
msgstr "Purpur und Azur wie die Sonne"
msgid "Crown"
msgstr "Krone"
msgid "Crucified Skeleton"
msgstr "Gekreuzigtes Skelett"
msgid "Cryptic"
msgstr "Rätselhafter"
msgid "Crystal"
msgstr "Kristall"
msgid "current and max durability"
msgstr "Aktuelle und maximale Stabilität"
msgid "Dagger"
msgstr "Dolch"
msgid "damages target's armor"
msgstr "Beschädigt die Rüstung des Opfers"
msgid "Damages undead only"
msgstr "Schadet nur Untoten"
msgid "DAMAGE"
msgstr "SCHADEN"
msgid "damage potential - not bows"
msgstr "einer Waffe erheblich (auSSer Bogen)"
msgid "damage: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "Schaden: %i-%i Stabil. : %i/%i"
msgid "damage: %i-%i Indestructible"
msgstr "Schaden: %i-%i Unzerstörbar"
msgid "Damage: %i-%i "
msgstr "Schaden: %i-%i"
msgid "dam: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr "Schad: %i-%i Stabil. : %i/%i"
msgid "Dark One"
msgstr "Nanus Tenebricosus"
msgid "Deadeye"
msgstr "Oculum Mortuum"
msgid "Deadly"
msgstr "Todes"
msgid "deadly heal"
msgstr "Tödliche Heilung"
msgid "Deadly Hunter"
msgstr "Der Tödliche Jäger"
msgid "Deathshade Fleshmaul"
msgstr "Gamrafos der Todesschatten"
msgid "Deathspit"
msgstr "Spuerus Mortuum"
msgid "Death Wing"
msgstr "Alae Mortae"
msgid "Decapitated Body"
msgstr "Enthauptete Leiche"
msgid "decreased durability"
msgstr "geringe Stabilität"
msgid "decrease dexterity"
msgstr "Senkt die Geschicklichkeit"
msgid "decrease strength"
msgstr "Senkt die Stärke"
msgid "decrease vitality"
msgstr "Senkt die Lebenskraft"
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr "Standardeinstellungen"
msgid "Default Setting"
msgstr "Standardeinstellungen"
msgid "deflection"
msgstr "der Deflektion"
msgid "Demonspike Coat"
msgstr "Stachelige Dämonenhaut"
msgid "DEMO"
msgstr "DEMO"
msgid "Devilskull Sharpbone"
msgstr "Zyraell"
msgid "Devil Kin"
msgstr "Affinis Diabolum"
msgid "Devil Kin Brute"
msgstr "Bestia Diabolum"
msgid "Devil Wyrm"
msgstr "Vermis Diabolum"
msgid "Devourer"
msgstr "Implicarus"
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr "der Geschickl."
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr "Geschickl."
msgid "DIABLO"
msgstr "DIABLO"
msgid "Diablo Help"
msgstr "Diablo-Hilfe"
msgid "Diamond"
msgstr "Diamant"
msgid "DISABLED"
msgid "disease"
msgstr "der Seuche"
msgid "\nCenter Screen"
msgstr "\nBildschirm zentrieren"
msgstr "VERTEILEN"
msgid "Divine"
msgstr "Göttlicher"
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fertig"
msgid "Doombringer"
msgstr "Der Todesbringer"
msgid "Doomcloud"
msgstr "Nubes Damnatio"
msgid "Doomgrin the Rotting"
msgstr "Beelroth der Verfaulte"
msgid "Doomlock"
msgstr "Custor Fatum"
msgid "Doom Fire"
msgstr "Funale Fatum"
msgid "Doom Guard"
msgstr "Custor Damnatio"
msgid "Doom Serpents"
msgstr "Schlangen der Verdammnis"
msgid "Down to catacombs"
msgstr "Runter in die Katakomben"
msgid "Down to caves"
msgstr "Runter in die Höhlen"
msgid "Down to Diablo"
msgstr "Runter zu Diablo"
msgid "Down to dungeon"
msgstr "Runter ins Labyrinth"
msgid "Down to hell"
msgstr "Runter in die Hölle"
msgid "Down to level %i"
msgstr "Runter zur Ebene %i"
msgid "Do we have a deal?"
msgstr "Abgemacht?"
msgid "Dragon's"
msgstr "Drachen"
msgid "Dragon's Breach"
msgstr "Der Drachentöter"
msgid "Drake's"
msgstr "Blutdrachen"
msgid "Dreadjudge"
msgstr "Carnifex"
msgid "Dreamflange"
msgstr "Der Alptraumtöter"
msgid "Drink and be refreshed"
msgstr "Trinke und fühle Dich erfrischt"
msgid "DROP"
msgstr "ABL."
msgid "Dull"
msgstr "Teufels"
msgid "Dur: %i/%i, "
msgstr "Stabil. : %i/%i,"
msgid "dyslexia"
msgstr "der Dyslexie"
msgid "Eaglehorn"
msgstr "Adlerhorn"
msgid "Ear of %s"
msgstr "Ohr von %s"
msgid "Eerie"
msgstr "Unheimlicher"
msgid "Eldritch"
msgstr "Elfischer"
msgid "Elemental"
msgstr "Elementarwesen"
msgid "Elixir of Dexterity"
msgstr "Elixier der Geschicklichkeit"
msgid "Elixir of Magic"
msgstr "Elixier der Magie"
msgid "Elixir of Strength"
msgstr "Elixier der Stärke"
msgid "Elixir of Vitality"
msgstr "Elixier der Lebenskraft"
msgid "El Chupacabras"
msgstr "El Chupacabras"
msgid "Emerald"
msgstr "Smaragd"
msgid "EMPTY"
msgstr "LEER"
msgid "Empyrean Band"
msgstr "Der Empyrische Ring"
msgid "Enchanted"
msgstr "Verzauberter"
msgid "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Energie kommt auf Kosten der Weisheit"
msgid "English"
msgstr "English"
msgid "ENTER NAME"
msgstr "Namen eingeben"
msgid "EQUIP"
msgstr "AUSR."
msgid "LOAD ERROR"
msgid "Etherealize"
msgstr "Äther"
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Weiter"
msgstr "ERFAHRUNG"
msgid "Extra charges"
msgstr "Extra-Ladungen"
msgid "Falchion"
msgstr "Sarazenenschwert"
msgid "Fallen One"
msgstr "Manus Improbus"
msgid "Familiar"
msgstr "Familiarus"
msgid "Fangskin"
msgstr "Dens Venenum"
msgid "Fangspeir"
msgstr "Caederus Mordicum"
msgid "Farnham"
msgstr "Farnham"
msgid "Farnham the Drunk"
msgstr "Farnham, der Säufer"
msgid "Fascinating"
msgstr "Faszinierender"
msgid "faster attack"
msgstr "Schnellerer Angriff"
msgid "Faster attack swing"
msgstr "Schnellerer Angriff"
msgid "faster hit recovery"
msgid "fastest attack"
msgid "fastest hit recovery"
msgid "fast attack"
msgstr "Schneller Angriff"
msgid "fast block"
msgstr "Schnelles Abblocken"
msgid "fast hit recovery"
msgid "Festerskull"
msgstr "Calva Situ Corrumpi"
msgid "Field Plate"
msgstr "Feldrüstung"
msgid "Fiend"
msgstr "Alae Nefastus"
msgid "Fine"
msgstr "Edel"
msgid "Fireball"
msgstr "Feuerball"
msgid "Firebolt"
msgstr "Feuerblitz"
msgid "fires random speed arrows"
msgstr "Feuert Pfeile mit zufälligem Tempo"
msgid "Firewound the Grim"
msgstr "Bolgramoth der Harte"
msgid "fire"
msgstr "des Feuers"
msgid "fire arrows damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Feuerpfeil-Schaden : %i-%i"
msgid "Fire "
msgstr "Feuer"
msgid "Fire Clan"
msgstr "Grex Ignis"
msgid "Fire Drake"
msgstr "Draco Ignis"
msgid "Fire hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Feuerschaden: %i-%i"
msgid "Fire Wall"
msgstr "Feuerwand"
msgid "Fire "
msgstr " Feuer"
msgid "Flail"
msgstr "Dreschflegel"
msgid "Flamedart"
msgstr "Der Feuerpfeil"
msgid "flame"
msgstr "der Flamme"
msgid "Flame Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Flammum"
msgid "Flame Wave"
msgstr "Feuerwelle"
msgid "Flaming"
msgstr "Flammen"
msgid "Flash"
msgstr "Lichtblitz"
msgid "Flayed One"
msgstr "Nanus Flagrum"
msgid "Fleshdancer"
msgstr "Saltator Viscerum"
msgid "Fleshstinger"
msgstr "Der Nierenstecher"
msgid "Flesh Clan"
msgstr "Grex Viscerum"
msgid "Fly Mode"
msgstr "Flug-Modus"
msgid "Food"
msgstr "Nahrung"
msgid "Fool's Crest"
msgstr "Narrenkamm"
msgid "Foulwing"
msgstr "Alae Putidum"
msgid "Fountain of Tears"
msgstr "Fontäne der Tränen"
msgid "fragility"
msgstr "der Zerbrechlichkeit"
msgid "frailty"
msgstr "der Empfindlichkeit"
msgid "Franais"
msgstr "Français"
msgid "Frog's"
msgstr "Frosch"
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "von %s"
msgid "Frost Charger"
msgstr "Cursor Frigoris"
msgid "fully recover life"
msgstr "Bringt alle Lebenspunkte zurück"
msgid "fully recover life and mana"
msgstr "Bringt alle Lebenspunkte und alles Mana zurück"
msgid "fully recover mana"
msgstr "Füllt Mana wieder völlig auf"
msgid "Full Helm"
msgstr "Visierhelm"
msgid "Full Plate Mail"
msgstr "Ritterrüstung"
msgid "Fungal Tome"
msgstr "Pilzbuch"
msgid "Game Menu"
msgstr "Spiel-Menü"
msgid "GAME OVER"
msgstr "GAME OVER"
msgid "GAME SPEED"
msgid "FAST"
msgstr "SCHNELL"
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr "NORMAL"
msgid "Gargoyle"
msgstr "Gargoyle"
msgid "Garnet"
msgstr "Granat"
msgid "Generosity brings its own rewards"
msgstr "GroSSzügigkeit ist ihr eigener Lohn"
msgid "Deutsch"
msgstr "Deutsch"
msgid "Gharbad The Weak"
msgstr "Gharbad der Schwächliche"
msgid "Ghoul"
msgstr "Ghoul"
msgid "giants"
msgstr "der Riesen"
msgid "Gibbous Moon"
msgstr "Der Affenmond"
msgid "Gillian"
msgstr "Gillian"
msgid "Gillian the Barmaid"
msgstr "Gillian, die Kellnerin"
msgid "Glasskull the Jagged"
msgstr "Tar-Gralid der Unbamherzige"
msgid "Gleamsong"
msgstr "Glitzerlied"
msgid "Glimmering"
msgstr "Glitzernder"
msgid "Gloomy"
msgstr "Leuchtender"
msgid "Gloom"
msgstr "Lychnochus"
msgid "Glorious"
msgstr "Ruhmes"
msgid "Gnarled Root"
msgstr "Die Knorrige Wurzel"
msgid "Goat Shrine"
msgstr "Ziegenschrein"
msgid "Godly"
msgstr "Gottes"
msgid "Goldblight of the Flame"
msgstr "Owyschtu"
msgid "Golden Elixir"
msgstr "Goldenes Elixier"
msgid "GoldFlip"
msgstr "GoldFlip"
msgid "Gold"
msgstr "Gold"
msgid "Gold Viper"
msgstr "Viperus Aureum"
msgid "Golem"
msgstr "Golem"
msgid "Gonnagal's Dirk"
msgstr "Gonnagals Dolch"
msgid "Gorefeast"
msgstr "Vorax Intestina"
msgid "Gorestone"
msgstr "Vorax Lapis"
msgid "Goretongue"
msgstr "Vorax Linguis"
msgid "gore"
msgstr "der Massaker"
msgid "Gossip"
msgstr "Gerüchte"
msgid "Gothic Plate"
msgstr "Gothische Rüstung"
msgid "Gothic Shield"
msgstr "Gothisches Schild"
msgid "Gotterdamerung"
msgstr "Götterdämmerung"
msgid "Grand"
msgstr "GroSS"
msgid "Graywar the Slayer"
msgstr "Ulschalal der Schlachter"
msgid "greatly increases a"
msgstr "VergröSSert die Trefferchance"
msgid "greatly increases a weapon's"
msgstr "VergröSSert den angerichteten Schaden"
msgid "greatly increases the armor"
msgstr "Erhöht die Rüstungsklasse"
msgid "Great Axe"
msgstr "Streitaxt"
msgid "Great Helm"
msgstr "Sturmhaube"
msgid "Great Sword"
msgstr "Kriegsschwert"
msgid "Grimspike"
msgstr "Mucro Torvis"
msgid "Griswold"
msgstr "Griswold"
msgid "Griswold's Edge"
msgstr "Griswolds Schneide"
msgid "Griswold the Blacksmith"
msgstr "Griswold, der Schmied"
msgid "Gryphons Claw"
msgstr "Die Greifenklaue"
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "Custos"
msgid "Gutshank the Quick"
msgstr "Soor-Omash der Flinke"
msgid "Halls of the Blind"
msgstr "Die Hallen der Blinden"
msgid "Hammer"
msgstr "Hammer"
msgid "Hammer of Jholm"
msgstr "Hammer von Jholm"
msgid "Hard Leather Armor"
msgstr "Lederrüstung"
msgid "Harlequin Crest"
msgstr "Harlekin-Kamm"
msgid "harmony"
msgstr "der Harmonie"
msgid "haste"
msgstr "der Schnelligkeit"
msgid "Hazeshifter"
msgstr "Mutatio Habitus"
msgid "Healer's home"
msgstr "Haus des Heilers"
msgid "Healing"
msgstr "Heilung"
msgid "health"
msgstr "der Gesundheit"
msgid "Heal Other"
msgstr "Heilung anderer"
msgid "Heart"
msgstr "Herz"
msgid "Heavy"
msgstr "Juwelen"
msgid "Hellslayer"
msgstr "Höllenkiller"
msgid "Hell"
msgstr "Hölle"
msgid "Hell Burner"
msgstr "Ustio Infernum"
msgid "Hell Spawn"
msgstr "Sibila Infernum"
msgid "Hell Stone"
msgstr "Lapis Infernum"
msgid "Helmut"
msgstr "Helm"
msgid "Helm"
msgstr "Helm"
msgid "Helm of Sprits"
msgstr "Helm der Geister"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Aktion"
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Angriff"
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr "Zauberspruch anwenden"
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr "Charakter-Info"
msgid "Combo Button. Brings up help for combo buttons."
msgstr "Kombi-Taste. Hiermit rufen Sie Hilfe für Kombi-Tasten auf."
msgid "Command Summary:"
msgstr "Befehls-Übersicht:"
msgid "> Back Scroll Text"
msgstr "> ZURÜCK Text scrollen"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Gepäck"
msgid "Centre map"
msgstr "Karte zentrieren"
msgid "Scroll map"
msgstr "Karte scrollen"
msgid "Miscellaneous Help"
msgstr "Verschiedene Tips"
msgid "When viewing the map, note that you can scroll around the screen with the directional button."
msgstr "Wenn Sie die Karte ansehen, können Sie sie mit den Richtungstasten scrollen."
msgid "Auto-map:"
msgstr "Automatische Karte:"
msgid "Reading more than one book increases your knowledge of that spell, allowing you to cast the spell more effectively."
msgstr "Wenn Sie mehr als ein Buch lesen, erweitert sich Ihr Wissen über diesen Spruch, so daSS Sie den Spruch effektiver anwenden können."
msgid "Spell Books:"
msgstr "Zauberbücher:"
msgid "You can re-assign any of your controls to different button assignments by going into the options menu and by selecting the Controller Setup."
msgstr "Sie können die Steuerung beliebigen Tasten zuordnen, indem Sie im Optionen-Menü Controller-Setup wählen."
msgid "Customizing Buttons:"
msgstr "Eigene Tasten:"
msgid "Select an item, then hit your action button in order to drop an item from your inventory."
msgstr "Wählen Sie einen Gegenstand, drücken Sie dann die Aktions-Taste, um den Gegenstand aus dem Gepäck fallen zu lassen."
msgid "Dropping Items:"
msgstr "Gegenstände fallenlassen:"
msgid "Experiment with the absolute and relative movement styles until you find one you are comfortable with."
msgstr "Probieren Sie absolute und relative Bewegungssteuerung aus, bis Sie herausgefunden haben, welche für Sie geeignet ist."
msgid "Absolute & Relative Movement:"
msgstr "Absolute und relative Bewegung:"
msgid "Useable items that are small in size, such as potions or scrolls, are automatically placed in your 'belt' located below your health and mana vials."
msgstr "Benutzbare, kleine Gegenstände, so wie Tränke und Schriftrollen, werden automatisch an Ihren Gürtel angehängt, direkt unterhalb Ihrer Heilungs- und Mana-GefäSSe."
msgid "Picking up Objects:"
msgstr "Objekte aufnehmen:"
msgid "Learn or re-map your Quick Mana and Quick Health buttons. Using these can really save you when you are in trouble. Scrolls or Potions are consumed from your inventory first, then from your belt."
msgstr "Finden Sie heraus, welche Hotkeys mit schnellem Mana und schneller Heilung belegt sind oder belegen Sie sie neu. Diese Hotkeys können Sie in schwierigen Situationen retten. Schriftrollen oder Tränke werden zuerst aus dem Gepäck genommen, dann erst vom Gürtel."
msgid "Quick Mana and Quick Health:"
msgstr "Schnelles Mana/schnelle Heilung:"
msgid "Memorized spells and those available through staves are listed in your full spell book. Selecting the spell from this menu will ready the spell for you to cast when needed."
msgstr "Gelernte Zaubersprüche und solche, die durch Stäbe verfügbar sind, sind im Zauberbuch aufgelistet. Wenn Sie einen Spruch aus diesem Menü wählen, können Sie ihn anwenden, wenn Sie ihn benötigen."
msgid "Skills & Spells:"
msgstr "Fähigkeiten und Sprüche:"
msgid "Movement, and aiming targeting cursor"
msgstr "Bewegung, Zielcursor ausrichten"
msgid "START: Pause Game"
msgstr "START: Spiel unterbrechen"
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr "Aufträge"
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr "Schnelle Heilung"
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr "Schnelles Mana"
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr "Schnell-Zauberbuch"
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr "Zauberbuch"
msgid "HELP"
msgstr "HILFE"
msgid "SELECT: Options"
msgstr "SELECT: Optionen"
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr "Zaubersprüche durchschalten"
msgid "Use belt item"
msgstr "Gürtel-Gegenstand benutzen"
msgid "View Automap"
msgstr "Automatische Karte ansehen"
msgid ">: Previous Menu"
msgstr ">: Vorheriges Menü"
msgid ">: Previous Menu SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr ">: Vorheriges Menü SELECT: Spiel wiederaufnehmen"
msgid "SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr "SELECT: Spiel wiederaufnehmen"
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Metus Occultus"
msgid "high durability"
msgstr "sehr stabil"
msgid "hit monster doesn't heal"
msgid "Hit Points %i of %i"
msgstr "Trefferpunkte\n%i von %i"
msgid "Hit Points : %i of %i"
msgstr "Trefferpunkte : %i von %i"
msgid "Hit Points : %i-%i"
msgstr "Trefferpunkte : %i-%i"
msgid "Hit Points : %+i"
msgstr "Trefferpunkte : %+i"
msgid "hit steals 3% life"
msgstr "TREFFER -3% LEBEN"
msgid "hit steals 3% mana"
msgstr "Treffer stiehlt 3% Mana"
msgid "hit steals 5% life"
msgstr "TREFFER -5% LEBEN"
msgid "hit steals 5% mana"
msgstr "Treffer stiehlt 5% Mana"
msgid "Hollow One"
msgstr "Nanus Cassus"
msgid "Holy"
msgstr "Heiligen"
msgid "Holy Bolt"
msgstr "Heiliger Blitz"
msgid "Holy Defender"
msgstr "Der Heilige Lodder"
msgid "Horned Demon"
msgstr "Daemon Cornutus"
msgid "Horror"
msgstr "Horror"
msgid "Horror Captain"
msgstr "Centurio Horribus"
msgid "Howlingire the Shade"
msgstr "Asrud der Schattige"
msgid "Hunter's Bow"
msgstr "Jagdbogen"
msgid "Hydra's"
msgstr "Hydra"
msgid "Hyena's"
msgstr "Hyänen"
msgid "Ice Shank"
msgstr "Der Eiszapfen"
msgid "Identify"
msgstr "Identifizieren"
msgid "Identify an item"
msgstr "Einen Gegenstand identifizieren"
msgid "Identify"
msgstr "IDENT."
msgid "Identify which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Was soll ich identifizieren?\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "illness"
msgstr "der Krankheit"
msgid "Illusion Weaver"
msgstr "Textor Inanis"
msgid "Immolator"
msgstr "Der Immolator"
msgid "Immune : "
msgstr "Immun gegen:"
msgid "Incinerator"
msgstr "Mortuum Cremarum"
msgid "increases an item's"
msgid "increases a weapon's"
msgstr "VergröSSert die Trefferchance"
msgid "increases a weapon's damage"
msgid "increases the armor class"
msgstr "Erhöht die Rüstungsklasse"
msgid "increase dexterity"
msgstr "Erhöht die Geschicklichkeit"
msgid "increase magic"
msgstr "Erhöht die Magie"
msgid "increase strength"
msgstr "Erhöht die Stärke"
msgid "increase vitality"
msgstr "Erhöht die Lebenskraft"
msgid "indestructible"
msgstr "unzerstörbar"
msgid "Indestructible,"
msgstr "Unzerstörbar,"
msgid "Inferno"
msgstr "Inferno"
msgid "Info Menu"
msgstr "Info-Menü"
msgid "Info Screen"
msgstr "Info-Bildschirm"
msgid "Infravision"
msgstr "Durchblick"
msgid "Innsign"
msgstr "Innsign"
msgid "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Intensität kommt auf Kosten der Weisheit"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Gepäck"
msgid "Invisibility"
msgstr "Unsichtbar"
msgid "Invisible Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Tenebricosus"
msgid "Invulnerable"
msgstr "Unverwundbar"
msgid "Iron"
msgstr "Eisen"
msgid "is not available"
msgstr " (Leider in der"
msgid "Item Repair"
msgstr "Reparatur"
msgid "Ivory"
msgstr "Elfenbein"
msgid "I have something for sale,"
msgstr "Ich habe etwas Besonderes zu"
msgid "I have these items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Hier mein momentanes Angebot\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "I have these premium items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Hier meine ganz speziellen Angebote\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "I have this item for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Hier mein Angebot\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "Jade"
msgstr "Jade"
msgid "Jagged"
msgstr "Zacken"
msgid "just to take a look. "
msgstr "würde ich es Dir zeigen."
msgid "King Leoric's Tomb"
msgstr "König Leorics Grabstätte"
msgid "King's"
msgstr "Königs"
msgid "Kite Shield"
msgstr "Drachenschild"
msgid "Knight's"
msgstr "Ritter"
msgid "knocks target back"
msgid "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self"
msgstr "Wissen und Weisheit auf Kosten Deiner selbst"
msgid "Lachdanan"
msgstr "Lachdanan"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Sprache"
msgid "Lapis"
msgstr "Lapis"
msgid "Large Axe"
msgstr "Kriegsaxt"
msgid "Large Chest"
msgstr "GroSSe Kiste"
msgid "Large Shield"
msgstr "Vollschild"
msgid "Lava Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Incendium"
msgid "Lava Maw"
msgstr "Rictus Incendium"
msgid "Leather Armor"
msgstr "Lederrüstung"
msgid "Leather of Aut"
msgstr "Auts Lederrüstung"
msgid "Leave Healer's home"
msgstr "Den Heiler wieder verlasssen"
msgid "Leave the shack"
msgstr "Die Hütte wieder verlassen"
msgid "Leave the shop"
msgstr "Die Schmiede wieder verlassen"
msgid "Leave the tavern"
msgstr "Den Gasthof verlassen"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "EBENE"
msgid "level 15"
msgstr "Level 15"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "STUFE"
msgid "Level Up"
msgstr "Aufgestiegen!"
msgid "Level : %i"
msgstr "Level : %i"
msgid "Lever"
msgstr "Hebel"
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book One)"
msgstr "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Erster Band)"
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book Two)"
msgstr "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Zweiter Band)"
msgid "Library Book"
msgstr "Ledergebundenes Buch"
msgid "life"
msgstr "des Lebens"
msgid "life"
msgstr "Leben"
msgid "life stealing"
msgstr "Stiehlt Lebenspunkte"
msgid "Lightforge"
msgstr "Lichtfunke"
msgid "Lightning"
msgstr "Blitz"
msgid "lightning arrows damage %i-%i"
msgstr "Blitzpfeil-Schaden %i-%i"
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr "Blitz"
msgid "Lightning hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr "Blitzschaden: %i-%i"
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr " Blitz"
msgid "Lightsabre"
msgstr "Der Lichtsäbel"
msgid "light"
msgstr "des Lichtes"
msgid "Lionskull the Bent"
msgstr "Ternobel der Gebeugte"
msgid "Litch Demon"
msgstr "Daemon Resurgerus"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Lädt gerade..."
msgid "Load Character"
msgstr "Spielfigur laden"
msgid "Load Game"
msgstr "Spiel laden"
msgid "Long Battle Bow"
msgstr "Langer Kampfbogen"
msgid "Long Bow"
msgstr "Langbogen"
msgid "Long Staff"
msgstr "Langstab"
msgid "Long Sword"
msgstr "Langschwert"
msgid "Long War Bow"
msgstr "Langer Kriegsbogen"
msgid "Lord of the Pit"
msgstr "Rashgrador"
msgid "Lord Sayter"
msgstr "Lord Sayter"
msgid "Lord's"
msgstr "Fürsten"
msgid "Lots of Mana"
msgstr "Jede Menge Mana"
msgid "Mace"
msgstr "Stahlkeule"
msgid "Madburner"
msgstr "Ustio Insanus"
msgid "Madeye the Dead"
msgstr "Sarcon der Verblichene"
msgid "Maelstorm"
msgstr "Maelstrom"
msgid "Magical"
msgstr "Magischer"
msgid "magic"
msgstr "der Magie"
msgid "magic"
msgstr "Magie"
msgid "Magic "
msgstr "Magie"
msgid "Magic is not always what it seems to be"
msgstr "Magie ist nicht immer das, was sie zu sein scheint"
msgid "Magic Rock"
msgstr "Der magische Stein"
msgid "Magic "
msgstr " Magie"
msgid "Magistrate"
msgstr "Magistratus"
msgid "Magma Demon"
msgstr "Daemon Ardorum"
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Kettenpanzer"
msgid "maiming"
msgstr "des Verstümmelns"
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hauptmenü"
msgid "makes an item indestructible"
msgstr "Macht einen Gegenstand unzerstörbar"
msgid "MANA"
msgstr "MANA"
msgid "Mana Shield"
msgstr "Manaschild"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: 1/3 tgt hp"
msgstr "Mana: %i Schad: 1/3 TP Ziel"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: %i - %i"
msgstr "Mana: %i Schad: %i - %i"
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: n/a"
msgstr "Mana: %i Schad: n/v"
msgid "Mana : %+i"
msgstr "Mana : %+i"
msgid "many"
msgstr "der Vielfalt"
msgid "Map of the Stars"
msgstr "Sternenkarte"
msgid "Massive"
msgstr "Massiv"
msgid "Master's"
msgstr "Meister"
msgid "Maul"
msgstr "Streitkolben"
msgid "MAX"
msgstr "MAX"
msgid "Maze"
msgstr "Labyrinth"
msgid "Memcard Menu"
msgstr "Memory Card Menü"
msgid "Memory Card Game Menu"
msgstr "Memory Card Spiel Menü"
msgid "Memory Card Not Formatted\nWould you like to format it?"
msgstr "Memory Card nicht formatiert\nMöchten Sie sie formatieren?"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONEN"
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr "SPIELER 1"
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr "SPIELER 2"
msgid "ROG"
msgstr "JÄG"
msgid "SOR"
msgstr "ZAU"
msgid "WAR"
msgstr "KRG"
msgid " MONO"
msgstr " MONO"
msgid " SOUND"
msgstr " SOUND"
msgid " STEREO"
msgstr " STEREO"
msgid "Merciless"
msgstr "Meuchel"
msgid "Messerschmidt's Reaver"
msgstr "Messerschmidts Schnitter"
msgid "Meteoric"
msgstr "Meteor"
msgid "might"
msgstr "der Kraft"
msgid "Mindcry"
msgstr "Der Schrei der Geister"
msgid "Mithril"
msgstr "Mithril"
msgid "Moonbender"
msgstr "Flecterus Lunaris"
msgid "MORE"
msgstr "MEHR"
msgid "Morning Star"
msgstr "Morgenstern"
msgid "Movement"
msgstr "Bewegung"
msgid "Mud Man"
msgstr "Lepidus Limus"
msgid "Mud Runner"
msgstr "Cursor Limus"
msgid "Murky Pool"
msgstr "Schlammiger Tümpel"
msgid "Mushroom Patch"
msgstr "Pilze"
msgid "Music"
msgstr "Musik"
msgid "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason"
msgstr "Geheimnisse werden im Licht der Logik gelüftet"
msgid "Mysterious"
msgstr "Mysteriöser"
msgid "Mythical Book"
msgstr "Mystisches Buch"
msgid "Naj's Light Plate"
msgstr "Najs Leichter Panzer"
msgid "Naj's Puzzler"
msgstr "Najs Rätsel"
msgstr "START : Weiter"
msgid "New Game"
msgstr "Neues Spiel"
msgid "New strength is forged through destruction"
msgstr "Neue Kraft, geschmiedet durch Zerstörung"
msgid "NEXT LEVEL"
msgstr "NÄCH. STUFE"
msgid "Nightmare"
msgstr "Alptraum"
msgid "Nightscape"
msgstr "Nachtschatten"
msgid "Nightwing the Cold"
msgstr "Fidar der Kalte"
msgid "Night Clan"
msgstr "Grex Noctis"
msgid "None"
msgstr "None"
msgid "Non Item"
msgstr "Non Item"
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr "NORMAL"
msgid "Nothing for sale"
msgstr "Nichts zu verkaufen"
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr "Kein gespeichertes Diablo-Spiel"
msgid "Not Identified"
msgstr "Nicht identifiziert"
msgid "Nova"
msgstr "Nova"
msgid "NOW"
msgstr " JETZT"
msgstr "LÄDT GERADE"
msgid "NOW SAVING"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"
msgid "No automap available in town"
msgstr "Im Dorf gibt es keine automatische Karte"
msgid "No help available"
msgstr "Keine Hilfe verfügbar"
msgid "No Immunities"
msgstr "Keine Immunität"
msgid "No magic resistance"
msgstr "Kein Widerstand gegen Magie"
msgid "No Pause in town"
msgstr "Keine Pausenfunktion in der Stadt"
msgid "No required attributes"
msgstr "Keine Mindest- Charakterwerte"
msgid "No resistances"
msgstr "Keine besondere Widerstandskraft"
msgid "No response"
msgstr "Keine Antwort"
msgstr "Keine Stäbe verfügbar"
msgid "no strength requirement"
msgid "Number Of Players"
msgstr "Anzahl der Spieler"
msgid "-%i%% light radius"
msgstr "-%i%% Lichtradius"
msgid "Obsidian"
msgstr "Obsidian"
msgid "Obsidian Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Obsidianum"
msgid "of armor and shields"
msgstr "von Rüstungen und Schilden"
msgid "Ogden"
msgstr "Ogden"
msgid "Ogden's Sign"
msgstr "Ogdens Schild"
msgid "Ogden the Tavern Owner"
msgstr "Ogden, der Gastwirt"
msgid "Oil"
msgstr "Öl"
msgid "Oil of Accuracy"
msgstr "Das Öl der Genauigkeit"
msgid "Oil of Death"
msgstr "Das Öl des Todes"
msgid "Oil of Fortitude"
msgstr "Das Öl des Glücks"
msgid "Oil of Hardening"
msgstr "Das Öl der Verhärtung"
msgid "Oil of Imperviousness"
msgstr "Das Öl der Undurchlässigkeit"
msgid "Oil of Mastery"
msgstr "Das Öl der Meisterlichkeit"
msgid "Oil of Permenance"
msgstr "Das Öl der Haltbarkeit"
msgid "Oil of Sharpness"
msgstr "Das Öl der Schärfe"
msgid "Oil of Skill"
msgstr "Das Öl der Fertigkeit"
msgid "One"
msgstr "Eins"
msgid "one handed sword"
msgstr "Einhänder"
msgid "Oozedrool"
msgstr "Ozedrol"
msgid "Open Door"
msgstr "Offene Türe"
msgid "Optic Amulet"
msgstr "Das Optische Amulett"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONEN"
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONEN"
msgid "Ornate"
msgstr "Geschmückter"
msgid "osmosis"
msgstr "der Osmose"
msgid "Overlord"
msgstr "Overlord"
msgid "OverLord's Helm"
msgstr "Der Helm des OverLords"
msgid "PACK"
msgstr "RUCKS."
msgid "pain"
msgstr "des Schmerzes"
msgid "Pain Master"
msgstr "Magister Dolores"
msgid "paralysis"
msgstr "der Lähmung"
msgid "PAUSED"
msgstr "Pause"
msgid "Pearl"
msgstr "Perlen"
msgid "Pedestal of Blood"
msgstr "Blutsockel"
msgid "Pepin"
msgstr "Pepin"
msgid "Pepin the Healer"
msgstr "Pepin, der Heiler"
msgid "perfection"
msgstr "der Perfektion"
msgid "Phasing"
msgstr "Verschiebung"
msgid "pieces"
msgstr "Goldstücke"
msgid "piece"
msgstr "Goldstück"
msgid "piercing"
msgstr "des perfekten Stichs"
msgid "Pit Beast"
msgstr "Bestia Fodina"
msgid "Plaguewrath"
msgstr "Ira Pestilentia"
msgid "Plague Eater"
msgstr "Vorax Pestilentia"
msgid "Plate"
msgstr "Panzerplatte"
msgid "Plate Mail"
msgstr "Harnisch"
msgid "Platinum"
msgstr "Platin"
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr "SPIELER 1"
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr "SPIELER 2"
msgid "Player Attack"
msgstr "Gegeneinander"
msgid "Player friendly"
msgstr "Miteinander"
msgid "Player One"
msgstr "Spieler Eins"
msgid "Player Two"
msgstr "Spieler Zwei"
msgid "PLAYER %d"
msgstr "SPIELER %d"
msgid "Plentiful"
msgstr "Wohlstands"
msgid "plenty"
msgstr "des Überflusses"
msgid "POINTS TO"
msgstr "PUNKTE ZUM"
msgid "Poisoned Water Supply"
msgstr "Die vergiftete Wasserquelle"
msgid "Poison Spitter"
msgstr "Venenum Spuerum"
msgid "Portal to"
msgstr "Portal nach:"
msgid "potential - not bows"
msgstr "einer Waffe (auSSer Bogen)."
msgid "Potion of Experience"
msgstr "Trank der Erfahrung"
msgid "Potion of Full Healing"
msgstr "Trank der völligen Heilung"
msgid "Potion of Full Mana"
msgstr "Trank des völligen Manas"
msgid "Potion of Full Rejuvenation"
msgstr "Trank der völligen Genesung"
msgid "Potion of Healing"
msgstr "Heiltrank"
msgid "Potion of Mana"
msgstr "Manatrank"
msgid "Potion of Rejuvenation"
msgstr "Trank der Genesung"
msgid "power"
msgstr "der Macht"
msgid "precision"
msgstr "der Präzision"
msgid "Press $ to read"
msgstr "Zum Lesen $ drücken"
msgid "Press $ to use"
msgstr "Zum Verwenden $ drücken"
msgid "Press $ to view"
msgstr "Zum Ansehen $ drücken"
msgid "Press button for %s"
msgstr "Taste drücken für %s"
msgid "Press START to continue"
msgstr "START drücken"
msgid "Press > for Previous Menu"
msgstr "Mit > zurück zum vorherigen Menü"
msgid "Press _ to continue"
msgstr "Weiter mit _"
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "> ZURÜCK"
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "Profiler"
msgid "protection"
msgstr "des Schutzes"
msgid "Pukerat the Unclean"
msgstr "Lygromath der Unreine"
msgid "Pulsecrawler"
msgstr "Adulator Venarum"
msgid "puncturing"
msgstr "der Perforation"
msgid "Purifying Spring"
msgstr "Reinigende Quelle"
msgid "+%i%% light radius"
msgstr "+%i%% Lichtradius"
msgid "quality"
msgstr "der Qualität"
msgid "Quarter Staff"
msgstr "Kampfstab"
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr "Aufträge"
msgid "quick attack"
msgstr "Schneller Angriff"
msgid "Quick Drop Weapon"
msgstr "Waffe schnell fallenlassen"
msgid "Quick Spell"
msgstr "Schneller Zauber"
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr "Schnelle Heilung"
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr "Schnelles Mana"
msgid "Quiet"
msgstr "Stiller"
msgid "Quilted Armor"
msgstr "Gefütterter Panzer"
msgid "QUIT"
msgstr "VERLASSEN"
msgid "radiance"
msgstr "des Leuchtens"
msgid "Rags"
msgstr "Lumpen"
msgid "Raven's"
msgstr "Raben"
msgid "readiness"
msgstr "der Bereitschaft"
msgid "Reality Weaver"
msgstr "Textor Veritus"
msgid "RECHARGE"
msgstr "AUFL."
msgid "Recharge staves"
msgstr "Einen Stab aufladen"
msgid "Recharge which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Was soll ich denn aufladen?\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "recover life"
msgstr "Bringt Lebenspunkte zurück"
msgid "recover life and mana"
msgstr "Bringt Lebenspunkte und Mana zurück"
msgid "recover mana"
msgstr "Füllt Mana wieder auf"
msgid "recover partial life"
msgstr "Bringt einige Lebenspunkte zurück"
msgid "reduces attributes needed"
msgstr "Verringert die benötigten Attribute"
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Rot"
msgid "Red Death"
msgstr "Mortuum Ruberum"
msgid "Red Storm"
msgstr "Tempestas Ruberum"
msgid "Red Vex"
msgstr "Venefica Ruberum"
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "RELATIV"
msgid "Religious"
msgstr "Religiöser"
msgid "REPAIR"
msgstr "REPAR."
msgid "Repair items"
msgstr "Etwas reparieren lassen"
msgid "Repair which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Was soll ich reparieren?\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "Required:"
msgstr "Erforderlich:"
msgid "Requirements not met"
msgstr "Anforderungen zu hoch"
msgid "Resists : "
msgstr "Widersteht :"
msgid "RESIST"
msgstr "WIDERST."
msgid "Resist All : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Widersteht Allem : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist All : %+i%%"
msgstr "Widersteht Allem : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Fire : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Widersteht Feuer : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Fire : %+i%%"
msgstr "Widersteht Feuer : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Lightning : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Widersteht Blitz : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Lightning : %+i%%"
msgstr "Widersteht Blitz : %+i%%"
msgid "Resist Magic : 75%% MAX"
msgstr "Widersteht Magie : 75%% MAX"
msgid "Resist Magic : %+i%%"
msgstr "Widersteht Magie : %+i%%"
msgid "Restart In Town"
msgstr "In der Stadt neu anfangen"
msgid "Resurrect"
msgstr "Wiederbelebung"
msgid "Riches abound when least expected"
msgstr "Das Geld liegt auf der StraSSe - manchmal"
msgid "Ring"
msgstr "Ring"
msgid "Ring Mail"
msgstr "Ringpanzer"
msgid "Ring of Engagement"
msgstr "Der Verlobungsring"
msgid "Ring of Regha"
msgstr "Der Ring von Regha"
msgid "Ring of Truth"
msgstr "Der Ring der Wahrheit"
msgid "Rising Sun"
msgstr "Gasthof zum Sonnenaufgang"
msgid "Robe"
msgstr "Robe"
msgid "Rock"
msgstr "Felsen"
msgid "Rod of Onan"
msgstr "Onans Stab"
msgid "ROGUE"
msgstr "JÄGERIN"
msgid "Rotcarnage"
msgstr "Rephizimm"
msgid "Rotfeast the Hungry"
msgstr "Gatacheor der Hungrige"
msgid "Rotting Carcass"
msgstr "Mortuum Situ Corrumpi"
msgid "Royal Circlet"
msgstr "Der Königliche Reif"
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Rubin"
msgid "Rusted"
msgstr "Rost"
msgid "Rustweaver"
msgstr "Textor Ferreum"
msgid "Ruthless"
msgstr "Attentats"
msgid "Sabre"
msgstr "Säbel"
msgid "Sacred"
msgstr "Heiliger"
msgid "Saintly"
msgstr "Seligen"
msgid "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr "Die Erlösung kommt auf Kosten der Weisheit"
msgid "Sapphire"
msgstr "Saphir"
msgid "Sarcophagus"
msgstr "Sarkophag"
msgid "Savage"
msgstr "Wild"
msgid "Save Character"
msgstr "Charakter speichern"
msgid "Save Game"
msgstr "Spiel speichern"
msgid "Save / Load"
msgstr "Speichern/Laden"
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Wird gespeichert..."
msgid "Say Goodbye"
msgstr "Auf Wiedersehen sagen"
msgid "Scale Mail"
msgstr "Schuppenpanzer"
msgid "Scarab Amulet"
msgstr "Scarabäus-Amulett"
msgid "Scavenger"
msgstr "Maleficus Vorax"
msgid "Scavenger Carapace"
msgstr "Aasfressers Beute"
msgid "Schaefer's Hammer"
msgstr "Dirks Streithammer"
msgid "Scimitar"
msgstr "Krummschwert"
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Schriftrolle"
msgid "Scroll of Apocalypse"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Apokalypse'"
msgid "Scroll of Blood Star"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Blutstern'"
msgid "Scroll of Bone Spirit"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Knochengeist'"
msgid "Scroll of Chain Lightning"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Kettenblitz'"
msgid "Scroll of Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Aufgel. Blitz'"
msgid "Scroll of Fireball"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Feuerball'"
msgid "Scroll of Firebolt"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Feuerblitz'"
msgid "Scroll of Fire Wall"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Feuerwand'"
msgid "Scroll of Flame Wave"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Feuerwelle'"
msgid "Scroll of Flash"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Lichtblitz'"
msgid "Scroll of Golem"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Golem'"
msgid "Scroll of Guardian"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Wächter'"
msgid "Scroll of Healing"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Heilung'"
msgid "Scroll of Holy Bolt"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Heiliger Blitz'"
msgid "Scroll of Identify"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Identifizieren'"
msgid "Scroll of Inferno"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Inferno'"
msgid "Scroll of Infravision"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Durchblick'"
msgid "Scroll of Lightning"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Blitzschlag'"
msgid "Scroll of Mana Shield"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Manaschild'"
msgid "Scroll of None"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Nichts'"
msgid "Scroll of Nova"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Nova'"
msgid "Scroll of Phasing"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Verschiebung'"
msgid "Scroll of Resurrect"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Wiederbelebung'"
msgid "Scroll of Stone Curse"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Steinfluch'"
msgid "Scroll of Telekinesis"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Telekinese'"
msgid "Scroll of Teleport"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Teleport'"
msgid "Scroll of Town Portal"
msgstr "Schriftrolle 'Stadtportal'"
msgid "Scroll of %s"
msgstr "Schriftrolle '%s'"
msgid "Secluded"
msgstr "Verborgener"
msgid "see with infravision"
msgstr "Mit Durchblick sehen"
msgid "Select Character To Load"
msgstr "Charakter zum Laden wählen"
msgid "Select current spell button"
msgstr "Zauber-Hotkey auswählen"
msgid "Choose Difficulty"
msgstr "Schwierigkeitsgrad wählen"
msgid "Select file to load"
msgstr "Datei zum Laden wählen"
msgid "Select memory card"
msgstr "Memory Card wählen"
msgid "Select Save Slot"
msgstr "Speicherplatz wählen"
msgid "Sell items"
msgstr "Etwas verkaufen"
msgstr "Stäbe verkaufen"
msgid "Serpent's"
msgstr "Vipern"
msgid "Shadowbite"
msgstr "Umbra Morsus"
msgid "Shadowcrow"
msgstr "Cornix Umbra"
msgid "Shadowdrinker"
msgstr "Potor Umbra"
msgid "Shadowhawk"
msgstr "Der Schattenfalke"
msgid "Shadow Beast"
msgstr "Bestia umbra"
msgid "Sharp"
msgstr "Scharf"
msgid "Sharp Beak"
msgstr "Der Scharfe Schnabel"
msgid "Shield"
msgstr "Schild"
msgid "shock"
msgstr "des Schocks"
msgid "Short Battle Bow"
msgstr "Kurzer Kampfbogen"
msgid "Short Bow"
msgstr "Kurzbogen"
msgid "Short Staff"
msgstr "Kurzstab"
msgid "Short Staff of Charged Bolt"
msgstr "Kurzstab des aufgel. Blitzes"
msgid "Short Sword"
msgstr "Kurzschwert"
msgid "Short War Bow"
msgstr "Kurzer Kriegsbogen"
msgid "Silver"
msgstr "Silber"
msgid "Sir Gorash"
msgstr "Sir Gorash"
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr "Skelett"
msgid "Skeleton Captain"
msgstr "Ossium Animatum Principum"
msgid "Skeleton King"
msgstr "Skelettkönig"
msgid "Skeleton King's Lair"
msgstr "Quartier des Skelettkönigs"
msgid "Skeleton Tome"
msgstr "Ossium Animatum"
msgid "skill"
msgstr "der Fertigkeit"
msgid "skill"
msgstr "Fertigkeit"
msgid "Skullfire"
msgstr "Calva Incendium"
msgid "Skull Cap"
msgstr "Schädelkappe"
msgid "Skull Lever"
msgstr "Schädel-Hebel"
msgid "Slain Hero"
msgstr "Getöteter Held"
msgid "Slain Townsman"
msgstr "Getöteter Dorfbewohner"
msgid "slaughter"
msgstr "des Schlachtens"
msgid "Slayer"
msgstr "Lanius"
msgid "slaying"
msgstr "des Sieges"
msgid "Small Axe"
msgstr "Kleinaxt"
msgid "Small Chest"
msgstr "Kleine Kiste"
msgid "Small Shield"
msgstr "Kleinschild"
msgid "Snake's"
msgstr "Schlangen"
msgid "Snotspill"
msgstr "Snotspill"
msgid "Snow Witch"
msgstr "Venefica Nixus"
msgid "Soldier's"
msgstr "Soldaten"
msgid "Some are weakened as one grows strong"
msgstr "Manches wird schwächer, doch eins erstarkt"
msgid "Some Magic Immunities"
msgstr "Immun gegen einige Formen der Magie"
msgid "Some Magic Resistances"
msgstr "Ein wenig Widerstandskraft gegen Magie"
msgid "Sorcerer"
msgstr "ZAUBERER"
msgid "sorcery"
msgstr "der Zauberei"
msgid "Soulpus"
msgstr "Animus Lotum"
msgid "Soulslash"
msgstr "Animus Verberarus"
msgid "Soul Burner"
msgstr "Animus Arderus"
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Geräusche"
msgid "Volume Adjustment"
msgstr "Lautstärke anpassen"
msgid "Sound Volume"
msgstr "Geräuschlautstärke"
msgid "Sparking Mail"
msgstr "Funkenrüstung"
msgid "Spectral Elixir"
msgstr "Spektral-Elixir"
msgid "speed"
msgstr "der Geschwindigkeit"
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr "Schnell-Zauberbuch"
msgid "spells are decreased 1 level"
msgstr "Zauber werden um 1 Stufe gesenkt"
msgid "spells are increased 1 level"
msgstr "Zauber werden um 1 Stufe erhöht"
msgid "spells are increased 2 levels"
msgstr "Zauber werden um 2 Stufen erhöht"
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr "Zauberbuch"
msgid "Unusable"
msgstr "Unbrauchbar"
msgid "Spell Level %i"
msgstr "Zauberstufe %i"
msgid "Spider's"
msgstr "Spinnen"
msgid "Spiked Club"
msgstr "Nagelkeule"
msgid "Spineeater"
msgstr "Spina Frangerus"
msgid "Spiritual"
msgstr "Spiritueller"
msgid "Splint Mail"
msgstr "Schienenrüstung"
msgid "Split Skull Shield"
msgstr "Schild des Gespaltenen Schädels"
msgid "Spooky"
msgstr "Gespenstischer"
msgid "stability"
msgstr "der Stabilität"
msgid "Staff"
msgstr "Stab"
msgid "Staff of Lazarus"
msgstr "Stab des Lazarus"
msgid "Staff of Shadows"
msgstr "Stab der Schatten"
msgid "Staff of %s"
msgstr "Zauberstab '%s'"
msgid "Staff Recharge"
msgstr "Aufladen"
msgid "Staff\n(%i charges)"
msgstr "Stab\n(%i Ladungen)"
msgid "Stalker"
msgstr "Textus Occultus"
msgid "Stareye the Witch"
msgstr "Die Hexe Sternenauge"
msgid "Steelskull the Hunter"
msgstr "Zantharod der Jäger"
msgid "Steel"
msgstr "Stahl"
msgid "Steel Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Chalybs"
msgid "Steel Tome"
msgstr "Stahlbuch"
msgid "Stonecleaver"
msgstr "Der Steinspalter"
msgid "Stone"
msgstr "Steinerner"
msgid "Stone Clan"
msgstr "Grex Lapis"
msgid "Stone Curse"
msgstr "Steinfluch"
msgid "Stormbane"
msgstr "Mazaruth"
msgid "Stormshield"
msgstr "Das Sturmschild"
msgid "Storm Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Tempestas"
msgid "Storm Rider"
msgstr "Eques Tempestas"
msgid "Storm Spire"
msgstr "Die Sturmspitze"
msgid "Strange"
msgstr "Dornen"
msgid "strength"
msgstr "der Stärke"
msgid "strength"
msgstr "STÄRKE"
msgid "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith"
msgstr "Stärke wird durch himmlischen Glauben verstärkt"
msgid "Strong"
msgstr "Stärke"
msgid "structure"
msgstr "der Festigkeit"
msgid "Studded Leather Armor"
msgstr "Nietenpanzer"
msgid "sturdiness"
msgstr "der Stabilität"
msgid "Succubus"
msgstr "Succubus"
msgid "Svenska"
msgstr "Svenska"
msgid "swiftness"
msgstr "der Gewandtheit"
msgid "Sword"
msgstr "Schwert"
msgid "Tainted"
msgstr "Beschmutzter"
msgid "Tale of the Three"
msgstr "Die Sage von den Dreien"
msgid "Talking to %s"
msgstr "Gespräch mit %s"
msgid "Talk to Adria"
msgstr "Mit Adria reden"
msgid "Talk to Cain"
msgstr "Mit Cain reden"
msgid "Talk to Farnham"
msgstr "Mit Farnham reden"
msgid "Talk to Gillian"
msgstr "Mit Gillian reden"
msgid "Talk to Griswold"
msgstr "Mit Griswold reden"
msgid "Talk to Ogden"
msgstr "Mit Ogden reden"
msgid "Talk to Pepin"
msgstr "Mit Pepin reden"
msgid "Talk to Wirt"
msgstr "Mit Bert reden"
msgid "Talk to %s"
msgstr "Mit %s reden"
msgid "Tavern Sign"
msgstr "Schild des Gasthofs"
msgid "tears"
msgstr "der Tränen"
msgid "Telekinesis"
msgstr "Telekinese"
msgid "Teleport"
msgstr "Teleport"
msgid "That which cannot be held cannot be harmed"
msgstr "Was man nicht hält, kann man nicht beschädigen"
msgid "Thaumaturgic"
msgstr "Thaumaturgischer"
msgid "the ages"
msgstr "der Zeitlosigkeit"
msgid "The Arch-Litch Malignus"
msgstr "Der Erzlich Malignus"
msgid "the bat"
msgstr "der Fledermaus"
msgid "the bear"
msgstr "des Bären"
msgid "The Blackoak Bow"
msgstr "Der Schwarzeichenbogen"
msgid "The Black King"
msgstr "Der Schwarze König"
msgid "The Bleeder"
msgstr "Der Bluter"
msgid "The Bonesaw"
msgstr "Die Knochensäge"
msgid "The Butcher"
msgstr "Der Schlächter"
msgid "The Butcher's Cleaver"
msgstr "Das Metzgerbeil des Schlächters"
msgid "The Celestial Axe"
msgstr "Das Paradiesbeil"
msgid "The Celestial Bow"
msgstr "Der Paradiesbogen"
msgid "The Celestial Star"
msgstr "Der himmlische Stern"
msgid "The Chamber of Bone"
msgid "The Cranium Basher"
msgstr "Der Schädelspalter"
msgid "The Curse of King Leoric"
msgstr "Der Fluch des König Leoric"
msgid "the dark"
msgstr "der Finsternis"
msgid "The Dark Exile"
msgstr "Das Finstere Exil"
msgid "The Dark Lord"
msgstr "Der Dunkle Fürst"
msgid "The Defender"
msgstr "Der Verteidiger"
msgid "The Deflector"
msgstr "Der Deflektor"
msgid "the eagle"
msgstr "des Adlers"
msgid "The essence of life flows from within"
msgstr "Die Essenz des Lebens flieSSt von innen heraus"
msgid "The Executioner's Blade"
msgstr "Die Henkersklinge"
msgid "The Falcon's Talon"
msgstr "Die Falkenklaue"
msgid "The Flayer"
msgstr "Masabal der Häuter"
msgid "the fool"
msgstr "des Narren"
msgid "the fox"
msgstr "des Fuchses"
msgid "The Gladiator's Bane"
msgstr "Der Fluch des Gladiatoren"
msgid "The Grandfather"
msgstr "Der GroSSvater"
msgid "The Grizzly"
msgstr "Der Grizzly"
msgid "The hands of men may be guided by fate"
msgstr "Die Hand des Menschen wird oft vom Schicksal geführt"
msgid "the heavens"
msgstr "des Himmels"
msgid "the jackal"
msgstr "des Schakals"
msgid "the jaguar"
msgstr "des Jaguars"
msgid "the leech"
msgstr "Der Blutsauger"
msgid "the lion"
msgstr "des Löwen"
msgid "The Magic Rock"
msgstr "Der magische Stein"
msgid "the mammoth"
msgstr "des Mammuts"
msgid "The Mangler"
msgstr "Der Zermalmer"
msgid "the mind"
msgstr "des Verstandes"
msgid "the moon"
msgstr "des Mondes"
msgid "The Needler"
msgstr "Der Nadler"
msgid "the night"
msgstr "der Nacht"
msgid "the pit"
msgstr "der Grube"
msgid "The powers of mana refocused renews"
msgstr "Die Kraft des Mana, in neuen Wegen, bringt Erneuerung"
msgid "The Protector"
msgstr "Der Beschützer"
msgid "The Rainbow Cloak"
msgstr "Das Regenbogencape"
msgid "The Realms Beyond"
msgstr "Die Reiche des Jenseits"
msgid "The Rift Bow"
msgstr "Der Sagenbogen"
msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgid "the sky"
msgstr "des Firmamentes"
msgid "the stars"
msgstr "der Sterne"
msgid "The sword of justice is swift and sharp"
msgstr "Das Schwert der Gerechtigkeit ist schnell und scharf"
msgid "The Tale of the Horadrim"
msgstr "Die Legende der Horadrim"
msgid "the tiger"
msgstr "des Tigers"
msgid "The Town Elder"
msgstr "Der Dorfälteste"
msgid "The Undead Crown"
msgstr "Die Krone der Untoten"
msgid "The Unholy Altar"
msgstr "Der Unheilige Altar"
msgid "The Vizier"
msgstr "Varazhed der Wesir"
msgid "the vulture"
msgstr "des Geiers"
msgid "The Wages of the Sin War"
msgstr "Der Lohn des Sündenkriegs"
msgid "The way is made clear when viewed from above"
msgstr "Der Weg ist klar, wenn man ihn von oben sieht"
msgid "the whale"
msgstr "des Wales"
msgid "the wolf"
msgstr "des Wolfes"
msgid "the zodiac"
msgstr "der Tierkreise"
msgid "thieves"
msgstr "der Diebe"
msgid "Thinking Cap"
msgstr "Die Denkkappe"
msgid "This item is:"
msgstr "GEGENSTAND:"
msgid "thorns"
msgstr "der Dornen"
msgid "Those who are last may yet be first"
msgstr "Die Letzten können die Ersten sein - wenn sie sich beeilen"
msgid "Those who defend seldom attack"
msgstr "Wer verteidigt, greift selten an"
msgid "Thundercall"
msgstr "Donnerruf"
msgid "thunder"
msgstr "des Donners"
msgid "Time cannot diminish the power of steel"
msgstr "Die Zeit verringert nicht die Stärke des Stahls"
msgid "Tin"
msgstr "Zinn"
msgid "titans"
msgstr "der Titanen"
msgid "Toad Demon"
msgstr "Daemon Bufo"
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr "Anderer Spruch"
msgid "Tome"
msgstr "Buch"
msgid "Topaz"
msgstr "Topas"
msgid "Torka's Amulet of Power"
msgstr "Torkas Amulett der Macht"
msgid "Torn Flesh of Souls"
msgstr "Fleisch der gequälten Seelen"
msgid "Total kills : %i"
msgstr "Siege gesamt : %i"
msgid "Tower Shield"
msgstr "Turmschild"
msgid "Town Portal"
msgstr "Stadtportal"
msgid "TO HIT"
msgstr "TREF. (%)"
msgid "to hit: %+i%%, %+i%% damage"
msgstr "Trefferchance: %+i%%, %+i%% Schaden"
msgid "to use armor or weapons"
msgstr "für bestimmte Waffen oder Rüstungen"
msgid "To %s"
msgstr "Zu %s"
msgid "Trapped %s"
msgstr "%s mit FallenschloSS"
msgid "Trap Disarm"
msgstr "Entschärfen"
msgid "trouble"
msgstr "des Ärgers"
msgid "Two"
msgstr "Zwei"
msgid "Two-Handed Sword"
msgstr "Zweihänder"
msgid "> BACK < DEFAULT"
msgstr "> ZURÜCK < STANDARD"
msgid "T'farc Evol's Tomb"
msgstr "T'farc Evols Gruft"
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "> ZURÜCK"
msgid "Undead Balrog"
msgstr "Balrog Obscurus"
msgid "Unholy Altar"
msgstr "Der Unheilige Altar"
msgid "Unique Item"
msgstr "Einzelstück"
msgid "Unraveler"
msgstr "Nanus Expedirus"
msgid "Unseen"
msgstr "Bestia Invisum"
msgid "unusual item damage"
msgid "Up to level %i"
msgstr "Rauf zur Ebene %i"
msgid "Up to town"
msgstr "Rauf in die Stadt"
msgid "Useless"
msgstr "Moder"
msgid "user loses all mana"
msgstr "Träger verliert sein gesamtes Mana."
msgid "Use belt item"
msgstr "Gürtel-Gegenstand"
msgid "Valiant"
msgstr "Tapferkeits"
msgid "Valor"
msgstr "Valor"
msgid "vampires"
msgstr "der Vampire"
msgid "Veil of Steel"
msgstr "Stählerner Schleier"
msgid "Vicious"
msgstr "Dunkel"
msgid "vigor"
msgstr "der Härte"
msgid "Viletouch"
msgstr "Bestia Pestis"
msgid "Vile Stand"
msgstr "Waffenständer der Verderbnis"
msgid "vim"
msgstr "der Beweglichkeit"
msgid "Viperflame"
msgstr "Fax Vipera"
msgid "vitality"
msgstr "der Lebenskr."
msgid "vitality"
msgstr "Lebenskr."
msgid "Vortex Lord"
msgstr "Princeps Vortex"
msgid "Vulnerable"
msgstr "Wunden"
msgid "Warlord of Blood"
msgstr "Der Blutfürst"
msgid "Warmaggot the Mad"
msgstr "Uphostadil"
msgid "Warpfire Hellspawn"
msgstr "Mhamroth"
msgid "Warpskull"
msgstr "Calva Ulcus"
msgid "WARRIOR"
msgstr "KRIEGER"
msgid "Warrior's"
msgstr "KRIEGER"
msgid "War Hammer"
msgstr "Kriegshammer"
msgid "War Staff"
msgstr "Kriegsstab"
msgid "weakness"
msgstr "der Schwäche"
msgid "Weak"
msgstr "Schwäche"
msgid "Weapon Rack"
msgstr "Waffenständer"
msgid "weapon's chance to hit"
msgstr "einer Waffe beträchtlich."
msgid "Webwidow"
msgstr "Vidua Rete"
msgid "Weird"
msgstr "Schlamm"
msgid "Welcome to Diablo"
msgstr "Willkommen bei Diablo"
msgid "Welcome to the"
msgstr "Willkommen im"
msgid "What have you got?"
msgstr "Ok, was hast Du?"
msgid "What once was opened now is closed"
msgstr "Was einst geöffnet, ist nun verschlossen"
msgid "Wherever you go, there you are"
msgstr "Wo immer Du auch hingeht - da bist Du dann auch"
msgid "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward"
msgstr "Wo die Habgier nachgibt, findet Geduld ihren Lohn"
msgid "Which item is for sale?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Was wollt Ihr denn verkaufen?\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "while in stores"
msgstr "in Geschäften"
msgid "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives"
msgstr "Wenn der Geist wachsam ist, blüht der Körper auf"
msgid "White"
msgstr "WeiSS"
msgid "Wicked Axe"
msgstr "Die bösartige Axt"
msgid "Windforce"
msgstr "Windmacht"
msgid "Windspawn"
msgstr "Ventus Aleris"
msgid "Winged-Demon"
msgstr "Daemon Volatilis"
msgid "Wirt"
msgstr "Bert"
msgid "Wirt the Peg-legged Boy"
msgstr "Bert, der Junge mit dem Holzbein"
msgid "Wisdom's Wrap"
msgstr "Das Gewand der Weisheit"
msgid "Witchfire the Unholy"
msgstr "Thalac der Unheilige"
msgid "Witchmoon"
msgstr "Venefica Luna"
msgid "Witch's shack"
msgstr "Hexenhaus"
msgid "wizardry"
msgstr "der Hexerei"
msgid "Wizardspike"
msgstr "Magiernagel"
msgid "Would you like to:"
msgstr "Was möchtet Ihr denn gerne:"
msgid "Wounded Townsman"
msgstr "Verwundeter Dorfbewohner"
msgid "Wrathfire the Doomed"
msgstr "Gayazhed der Gezeichnete"
msgid "Wrathraven"
msgstr "Corvus Iracundia"
msgid "Wyrm"
msgstr "Draco Vermis"
msgid "Wyrm's"
msgstr "Lindwurm"
msgid "_ SELECT"
msgstr "_ WÄHLEN"
msgid "_ SELECT > BACK"
msgstr "_ WÄHLEN > ZURÜCK"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "you can't heal"
msgstr "Heilung nicht möglich"
msgid "You do not have enough gold"
msgstr "Ihr besitzt nicht genug Gold"
msgid "You do not have enough room in inventory"
msgstr "Ihr habt zu wenig Platz in Eurem\nGepäck"
msgid "You have nothing I want.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Ihr habt nichts, was mich reizt.\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to identify\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Es gibt nichts zu identifizieren.\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to recharge.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Da gibt es nichts aufzuladen.\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "You have nothing to repair.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr "Ihr braucht nichts zu reparieren.\nEuer Gold : %i"
msgid "You have %u gold"
msgstr "Ihr habt %u"
msgid "You must be at least level 13 to use this."
msgstr "Ihr müSSt erst Erfahrungsstufe 13 erreichen, bevor Ihr hier durchgehen dürft"
msgid "You must be at least level 17 to use this."
msgstr "Hier kommt Ihr nicht rein, bevor ihr nicht Erfahrungsstufe 17 erreicht habt"
msgid "You must be at least level 8 to use this."
msgstr "Ihr müSSt erst Erfahrungsstufe 8 erreichen, um diesen Eingang zu benutzen"
msgid "you want to remove?"
msgstr "wollt Ihr wegnehmen?"
msgid "Yulm's Mystic Amulet"
msgstr "Yulms Mystisches Amulett"
msgid "Zamphir"
msgstr "Zamphir"
msgid "zest"
msgstr "der Lebenslust"
msgid "Zhar the Mad"
msgstr "Zhar der Verrückte"
msgid "Zhar the Mad's Memoirs"
msgstr "Die Memoiren von Zhar dem Verrückten"
msgid "Zombie"
msgstr "Cibus Animatus"
msgid "+200% damage vs. demons"
msgstr "+200% Schaden gegen Dämonen"
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"
msgid "%i"
msgstr "%i"
msgid "%i Charges"
msgstr "%i Ladungen"
msgid "%i gold %s"
msgstr "%i %s"
msgid "%i Scrolls"
msgstr "%i Schriftrollen"
msgid "%i-%i"
msgstr "%i-%i"
msgid "%i %s charges"
msgstr "%i %s Ladungen"
msgid "%i%%"
msgstr "%i%%"
msgid "%li"
msgstr "%li"
msgid "Card Formatted"
msgstr "Karte formatiert"
msgid "Character saved"
msgstr "Charakter gespeichert"
msgid "Format error! Memory card may be Unusable"
msgstr "Formatierungsfehler! Karte evtl. nicht benutzbar"
msgid "Game Saved"
msgstr "Spiel gespeichert"
msgid "Memory card is not formatted"
msgstr "Memory Card nicht formatiert"
msgid "Memory card is unusable"
msgstr "Memory Card nicht benutzbar"
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr "Kein gespeichertes Diablo-Spiel"
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Bitte warten"
msgid "Save error!"
msgstr "Speicher-Fehler!"
msgid "Not a Diablo saved character\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr "Kein gespeicherter Diablo-Charakter\n\n_ Weiter"
msgid "Not a Diablo saved game\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr "Kein gespeichertes Diablo-Spiel\n\n_ Weiter"
msgid "No memory card files\n\nPress _ to continue"
msgstr "Keine Memory Card Dateien\n\nWeiter mit _-Taste"
msgid "Saving options please wait......."
msgstr "Speichert Optionen, bitte warten ..."
msgid "%s of %s"
msgstr "%s von %s"
msgid "%s Shrine"
msgstr "%s Schrein"
msgid "%s Skill"
msgstr "Fertigkeit %s"
msgid "%s Spell"
msgstr "Zauber %s"
msgid "%s %i Dex"
msgstr "%s %i Gesch."
msgid "%s %i Mag"
msgstr "%s %i Magie"
msgid "%s %i Str"
msgstr "%s %i Stärke"
msgid "%s. How many do"
msgstr "%s. Wie viele"
msgid "%+i damage from enemies"
msgstr "%+i Schaden vom Gegner"
msgid "%+i to all attributes"
msgstr "%+i zu allen Attributen"
msgid "%+i to dexterity"
msgstr "%+i zur Geschicklichkeit"
msgid "%+i to magic"
msgstr "%+i zur Magie"
msgid "%+i to strength"
msgstr "%+i zur Stärke"
msgid "%+i to vitality"
msgstr "%+i zur Lebenskraft"
msgid "%+i%% armor"
msgstr "%+i%% Rüstung"
msgid "%+i%% damage"
msgstr "%+i%% Schaden"
msgid " Master"
msgstr " Lautstärke"
msgid " Music"
msgstr " Musik"
msgid " Sound Effects"
msgstr " Soundeffekte"
msgid " Speech"
msgstr " Sprache"
msgid " Video Volume"
msgstr " Video-Lautstärke"
msgid "---------"
msgstr "---------"
msgid "There is much about the future we cannot see, but when it comes it will be the children who wield it. The boy Wirt has a blackness upon his soul, but he poses no threat to the town or its people. His secretive dealings with the urchins and unspoken guilds of nearby towns gain him access to many devices that cannot be easily found in Tristram. While his methods may be reproachful, Wirt can provide assistance for your battle against the encroaching Darkness."
msgstr "Es gibt vieles in der Zukunft, von dem wir noch nichts wissen können. Aber wenn es kommt, werden es unsere Kinder sein, die damit fertig werden müssen. Auf der Seele von Bert, dem kleinen Rumtreiber, lasten dunkle Schatten, aber er ist deshalb noch lange keine Gefahr für diese Stadt oder ihre Bewohner. Durch seine Verbindungen und seine heimlichen Geschäfte mit der Unterwelt und den geheimen Gilden hat er Zugang zu Objekten, die man ansonsten in Tristram nicht so leicht bekommt. Seine Methoden kann man vielleicht kritisieren, aber Bert kann Euch trotzdem eine wertvolle Hilfe sein in Eurem Kampf gegen die Mächte der Finsternis."
msgid "Earthen walls and thatched canopy do not a home create. The innkeeper Ogden serves more of a purpose in this town than many understand. He provides shelter for Gillian and her matriarch, maintains what life Farnham has left to him, and provides an anchor for all who are left in the town to what Tristram once was. His tavern, and the simple pleasures that can still be found there, provide a glimpse of a life that the people here remember. It is that memory that continues to feed their hopes for your success."
msgstr "Wände aus Lehm mit einem Dach aus Stroh machen alleine noch kein Zuhause aus. Der Gastwirt Ogden ist für diese Stadt wichtiger, als vielen überhaupt bewuSSt ist. Er bietet Gillian und ihrer GroSSmutter Schutz und Obdach, hält Farnhams schwachen Lebensfunken am Glimmen und erinnert alle, die noch in der Stadt geblieben sind, daran, wie es in Tristram früher einmal war. Seine Kneipe und die einfachen Vergnügungen, die man sich da noch leisten kann, sind ein schwacher Nachhall des früheren Lebens, an das sich die Menschen hier noch erinnern. Diese Erinnerungen sind es, die ihnen immer noch Hoffnung auf Euren Erfolg geben."
msgid "I sense a soul in search of answers..."
msgstr "Ah, eine dürstende Seele, die nach Antworten sucht..."
msgid "Wisdom is earned, not given. If you discover a tome of knowledge, devour its words. Should you already have knowledge of the arcane mysteries scribed within a book, remember - that level of mastery can always increase."
msgstr "Weisheit muSS man sich verdienen... man bekommt sie nicht geschenkt. Wenn Ihr ein Buch des Wissens findet, verschlingt seine Worte. Solltet Ihr schon mystisches Wissen um die Geheimnisse gesammelt haben, die in dem Werk beschrieben werden, so bedenket - auch ein Meister kann stets noch dazulernen."
msgid "The greatest power is often the shortest lived. You may find ancient words of power written upon scrolls of parchment. The strength of these scrolls lies in the ability of either apprentice or adept to cast them with equal ability. Their weakness is that they must first be read aloud and can never be kept at the ready in your mind. Know also that these scrolls can be read but once, so use them with care."
msgstr "Die gröSSte Macht ist oft die, die am schnellsten verlischt. Ihr werdet auf Eurem Weg uralte Worte der Macht finden, die auf Schriftrollen aus Pergament gebannt wurden. Ihre groSSe Stärke liegt darin, daSS sowohl Zauberlehrling wie auch Meistermagier sie mit gleicher Leichtigkeit und Gewalt einsetzen können. Ihre groSSe Schwäche hingegen ist, daSS Ihr sie niemals im Gedächtnis halten könnt, sondern sie jedesmal laut verlesen müSSt. Wisset auch, daSS Ihr jede Schriftrolle nur ein einziges Mal lesen könnt, setzt sie also mit Bedacht ein."
msgid "Though the heat of the sun is beyond measure, the mere flame of a candle is of greater danger. No energies, no matter how great, can be used without the proper focus. For many spells, ensorcelled Staves may be charged with magical energies many times over. I have the ability to restore their power - but know that nothing is done without a price."
msgstr "Obwohl die Hitze der Sonne grenzenlos ist, stellt doch die bescheidene Flamme einer einzelnen Kerze eine weitaus gröSSere Gefahr dar. Ohne den passenden Fokus läSSt sich keine Energie einsetzen, egal wie groSS. Viele Zaubersprüche lassen sich in magische Stäbe binden, oft sogar mehrfach. Ich habe die Fähigkeit, ihre Kräfte zu erneuern - doch Ihr könnt davon ausgehen, daSS alles seinen Preis hat."
msgid "The sum of our knowledge is in the sum of its people. Should you find a book or scroll that you cannot decipher, do not hesitate to bring it to me. If I can make sense of it I will share what I find."
msgstr "Die Summe unseres Wissens ist in der Summe der Menschen. Solltet Ihr ein Buch oder eine Schriftrolle finden, die Ihr nicht entziffern könnt, kommt einfach zu mir. Wenn ich etwas damit anfangen kann, werde ich mein Wissen mit Euch teilen."
msgid "To a man who only knows Iron, there is no greater magic than Steel. The blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld fire and metal is unequaled in this land."
msgstr "Für einen Mann, der nur Eisen kennt, gibt es keine gröSSere Magie als den Stahl. Griswold, der Schmied, ist ein gröSSerer Zauberer, als er selbst weiSS. Seine Fähigkeit, Feuer und Metall zu verschmelzen, ist einzigartig im ganzen Land."
msgid "Corruption has the strength of deceit, but innocence holds the power of purity. The young woman Gillian has a pure heart, placing the needs of her matriarch over her own. She fears me, but it is only because she does not understand me."
msgstr "Korruption hat die Stärke des Betruges, aber die Unschuld bezieht ihre Kraft aus der Reinheit. Die junge Gillian hat ein reines Herz und kümmert sich mehr um die Bedürfnisse ihrer GroSSmutter als um ihre eigenen Wünsche. Sie fürchtet sich vor mir, aber nur, weil sie mich nicht versteht."
msgid "A chest opened in darkness holds no greater treasure than when it is opened in the light. The storyteller Cain is an enigma, but only to those who do not look. His knowledge of what lies beneath the cathedral is far greater than even he allows himself to realize."
msgstr "Eine Kiste, die man in der Dunkelheit öffnet, enthält dadurch keinen gröSSeren Schatz, als wenn man sie bei Licht aufmacht. Der Geschichtenerzähler Cain ist ein Rätsel, aber nur für diejenigen, die nicht hinschauen. Sein Wissen um die dunklen Dinge, die unter der Kathedrale lauern, ist gröSSer, als er sich sogar selbst eingestehen mag."
msgid "The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall. Farnham has lost his soul, but not to any demon. It was lost when he saw his fellow townspeople betrayed by the Archbishop Lazarus. He has knowledge to be gleaned, but you must separate fact from fantasy."
msgstr "Je mehr Vertrauen Ihr in einen Menschen setzt, um so gröSSer kann die Enttäuschung sein. Farnham hat seine Seele verloren, aber nicht an irgendeinen Dämon.. Sie starb, als er mit ansehen muSSte, wie seine Nachbarn und Freunde von Erzbischof Lazarus hintergangen wurden. Er besitzt Wissen, das Euch nützen könnte, doch Ihr müSSt sorgsam Tatsachen von Wahnvorstellungen trennen."
msgid "If you were to find this artifact for Griswold, it could put a serious damper on my business here. Awwww, you'll never find it."
msgstr "Wenn Du dieses Artefakt für Griswold fändest, würde das meinem Geschäft hier sehr schaden. Ach was, das findest Du doch sowieso nie..."
msgid "Griswold speaks of The Anvil of Fury - a legendary artifact long searched for, but never found. Crafted from the metallic bones of the Razor Pit demons, the Anvil of Fury was smelt around the skulls of the five most powerful magi of the underworld. Carved with runes of power and chaos, any weapon or armor forged upon this Anvil will be immersed into the realm of Chaos, imbedding it with magical properties. It is said that the unpredictable nature of Chaos makes it difficult to know what the outcome of this smithing will be..."
msgstr "Griswold spricht vom AmboSS des Zornes - einem legendären Artefakt, nach dem lange gesucht, das aber nie gefunden wurde. Er wurde gefertigt aus den Metallknochen der Dämonen aus der Klingengrube, aber nicht nur das: Der AmboSS des Zornes wurde um die Schädel der fünf mächtigsten Zauberer der Unterwelt herumgegossen und mit gewaltigen Runen der Macht und des Chaos versehen. Jede Waffe oder Rüstung, die auf diesem AmboSS geschmiedet wird, taucht in das Reich des Chaos ein und erhält dabei magische Eigenschaften. Doch die unberechenbare Natur des Chaos macht es unmöglich, das Resultat dieses Schmiedevorganges vorab zu ahnen."
msgid "Don't you think that Griswold would be a better person to ask about this? He's quite handy, you know."
msgstr "Findet Ihr nicht, daSS Ihr Euch da lieber an Griswold wenden solltet? Er ist ziemlich geschickt, müSSt Ihr wissen."
msgid "If you had been looking for information on the Pestle of Curing or the Silver Chalice of Purification, I could have assisted you, my friend. However, in this matter, you would be better served to speak to either Griswold or Cain."
msgstr "Wenn Ihr mich jetzt nach der Silbernen Schale der Läuterung oder dem Heilenden MörserstöSSel gefragt hättet, dann könnte ich Euch sofort weiterhelfen. Aber so wendet Ihr Euch lieber an Cain oder Griswold."
msgid "Griswold's father used to tell some of us when we were growing up about a giant anvil that was used to make mighty weapons. He said that when a hammer was struck upon this anvil, the ground would shake with a great fury. Whenever the earth moves, I always remember that story."
msgstr "Als wir noch Kinder waren, erzählte Griswolds Vater einigen von uns Geschichten über einen riesigen AmboSS, auf dem mächtige Waffen geschmiedet wurden. Er sagte, bei jedem Schlag des Hammers auf diesem AmboSS zitterte der Boden vor Zorn. Ich muSS jedesmal an diese Geschichte denken, wenn die Erde erbebt."
msgid "Greetings! It's always a pleasure to see one of my best customers! I know that you have been venturing deeper into the Labyrinth, and there is a story I was told that you may find worth the time to listen to...\n \nOne of the men who returned from the Labyrinth told me about a mystic anvil that he came across during his escape. His description reminded me of legends I had heard in my youth about the burning Hellforge where powerful weapons of magic are crafted. The legend had it that deep within the Hellforge rested the Anvil of Fury! This Anvil contained within it the very essence of the demonic underworld...\n \nIt is said that any weapon crafted upon the burning Anvil is imbued with great power. If this anvil is indeed the Anvil of Fury, I may be able to make you a weapon capable of defeating even the darkest lord of Hell! \n \nFind the Anvil for me, and I'll get to work!"
msgstr "Seid gegrüSSt! Es ist immer wieder eine Freude, einen meiner besten Kunden begrüSSen zu dürfen. Ich weiSS, daSS Ihr inzwischen tiefer ins Labyrinth vorgedrungen seid, und es gibt da eine Geschichte, die Euch vielleicht interessieren dürfte. \n \nEiner der Männer, die aus dem Labyrinth zurückkehrten, erzählte mir von einem mystischen AmboSS, an dem er während seiner Flucht vorbeigekommen war. Seine Beschreibung erinnerte mich an eine alte Legende, die ich als Junge mal gehört habe und die von der Höllenschmiede handelte, wo mächtige magische Waffen geschmiedet worden sein sollen. Der Sage zufolge stand tief im Herzen dieser Höllenschmiede der AmboSS des Zornes. \n \nDer Kern dieses Ambosses bestand aus der Quintessenz der dämonischen Unterwelt. Man sagt, daSS jede Waffe, die auf diesem AmboSS geschmiedet wird, groSSe Kräfte verliehen bekommt. Wenn dieser AmboSS, den der Mann gesehen hat, wirklich der AmboSS des Zornes ist, könnte ich Euch darauf vielleicht eine Waffe schmieden, die selbst den finstersten Fürsten der Hölle besiegen kann! \n \nSucht mir diesen AmboSS, und ich mache mich gleich an die Arbeit."
msgid "Nothing yet, eh? Well, keep searching. A weapon forged upon the Anvil could be your best hope, and I am sure that I can make you one of legendary proportions."
msgstr "Noch immer nichts, wie? Na ja, sucht einfach weiter. Eine Waffe, die auf dem AmboSS des Zornes geschmiedet wurde, wäre Eure einzige Hoffnung, und ich bin sicher, ich könnte Euch eine Klinge von ungeahnten Dimensionen herstellen."
msgid "I can hardly believe it! This is the Anvil of Fury - good work, my friend. Now we'll show those bastards that there are no weapons in Hell more deadly than those made by men! Take this and may Light protect you."
msgstr "Ich kann es kaum glauben! Das ist wirklich der AmboSS des Zornes! Gute Arbeit, mein Freund. Jetzt wollen wir diesen Bastarden in der Hölle mal beweisen, daSS es dort keinen gefährlicheren Stahl gibt als den, den wir Menschen schmieden! Nehmt diese Waffe hier, und möge das Licht Euch behüten!"
msgid "Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry too if someone took my anvil!"
msgstr "Griswold kann seinen AmboSS nicht verkaufen. Dann hätte er doch keine Arbeit mehr! Und ich würde ja auch sauer, wenn jemand meinen AmboSS klauen wollte..."
msgid "There are many artifacts within the Labyrinth that hold powers beyond the comprehension of mortals. Some of these hold fantastic power that can be used by either the Light or the Darkness. Securing the Anvil from below could shift the course of the Sin War towards the Light."
msgstr "Es gibt viele Gegenstände im Labyrinth, deren Kräfte das Verständnis jedes Sterblichen übersteigen. Einige davon können ihre Macht für das Licht oder für die Finsternis einsetzen. Wenn Ihr den AmboSS in Sicherheit bringen könntet, würde das den Verlauf des Sündenkrieges zugunsten des Lichtes beeinflussen."
msgid "Hey - You that one that kill all! You get me Magic Banner or we attack! You no leave with life! You kill big uglies and give back Magic. Go past corner and door, find uglies. You give, you go!"
msgstr "Hey - Du sein doch der, der alle töten! Du mir holen magische Standarte, oder wir angreifen! Du nicht weggehen mit Leben! Du töten groSSe Fieslinge und zurückgeben Magie! Gehen um Ecke und Türe, finden Fieslinge! Du geben, du gehen!"
msgid "You kill uglies, get banner. You bring to me, or else..."
msgstr "Du töten Fieslinge, holen Standarte. Du mir bringen, sonst,...ja sonst..."
msgid "You give! Yes, good! Go now, we strong. We kill all with big Magic!"
msgstr "Du bringen! Ja, gut, gut! Jetzt gehen, wir stark! Wir alle töten mit groSSe Magie! Hahahahaha!"
msgid "I see that this strange behavior puzzles you as well. I would surmise that since many demons fear the light of the sun and believe that it holds great power, it may be that the rising sun depicted on the sign you speak of has led them to believe that it too holds some arcane powers. Hmm, perhaps they are not all as smart as we had feared..."
msgstr "Ich sehe, daSS dieses merkwürdige Verhalten auch Euch verwundert. Ich kann nur vermuten, daSS es die aufgehende Sonne auf dem Schild war, die die Dämonen zu der Annahme verleitet hat, das Schild selbst habe magische Kräfte. Ihr müSSt wissen, daSS die Dämonen das Sonnenlicht fürchten und glauben, es habe starke Zauberkräfte. Na ja, vielleicht sind sie dann doch nicht alle so schlau, wie wir befürchtet haben."
msgid "Master, I have a strange experience to relate. I know that you have a great knowledge of those monstrosities that inhabit the labyrinth, and this is something that I cannot understand for the very life of me... I was awakened during the night by a scraping sound just outside of my tavern. When I looked out from my bedroom, I saw the shapes of small demon-like creatures in the inn yard. After a short time, they ran off, but not before stealing the sign to my inn. I don't know why the demons would steal my sign but leave my family in peace... 'tis strange, no?"
msgstr "Ich muSS Euch von einem höchst merkwürdigen Erlebnis berichten, weil ich weiSS, daSS Ihr Euch mit diesen Monstrositäten auskennt, die im Labyrinth leben. Und ich verstehe es beim besten Willen nicht. Heute nacht wurde ich von einem kratzenden Geräusch vor meinem Gasthof geweckt. Als ich aus meinem Schlafzimmerfenster schaute, sah ich die Umrisse kleiner, dämonenartiger Wesen, die über den Hof huschten. Nach einiger Zeit liefen sie weg, aber sie nahmen dabei das Türschild des Gasthofes mit! Ich weiSS nicht, warum Dämonen mein Holzschild stehlen, aber mich und meine Familie in Ruhe lassen sollten. Ist doch komisch, oder?"
msgid "Oh, you didn't have to bring back my sign, but I suppose that it does save me the expense of having another one made. Well, let me see, what could I give you as a fee for finding it? Hmmm, what have we here... ah, yes! This cap was left in one of the rooms by a magician who stayed here some time ago. Perhaps it may be of some value to you."
msgstr "Och, Ihr hättet mir das Schild aber nicht extra zurückbringen müssen! Na ja, so spare ich auf jeden Fall die Kosten für ein neues. Wartet mal, was könnte ich Euch denn als kleines Dankeschön geben...ah ja, ich weiSS schon. Diese Mütze hier hat ein durchreisender Magier in einem der Zimmer liegenlassen. Vielleicht könnt Ihr ja was damit anfangen."
msgid "My goodness, demons running about the village at night, pillaging our homes - is nothing sacred? I hope that Ogden and Garda are all right. I suppose that they would come to see me if they were hurt..."
msgstr "Meine Güte, Dämonen laufen nachts durch das Dorf und plündern unsere Häuser - ist denen denn gar nichts mehr heilig? Ich hoffe, Ogden und Garda geht es gut? Na ja, wenn sie verletzt wären, hätten sie mich ja wohl schon besucht."
msgid "Oh my! Is that where the sign went? My Grandmother and I must have slept right through the whole thing. Thank the Light that those monsters didn't attack the inn."
msgstr "Oh Himmel! Dahin ist das Schild also verschwunden. Meine GroSSmutter und ich müssen währenddessen friedlich geschlafen haben. Dem Licht sei Dank, daSS diese Monster den Gasthof nicht überfallen haben."
msgid "Demons stole Ogden's sign, you say? That doesn't sound much like the atrocities I've heard of - or seen. \n \nDemons are concerned with ripping out your heart, not your signpost."
msgstr "Dämonen haben Ogdens Kneipenschild gestohlen? Das klingt aber gar nicht nach den Grausamkeiten, von denen ich gehört und einige auch selbst gesehen habe. \n\nDämonen reiSSen Dir normalerweise den Kopf ab, nicht das Türschild!"
msgid "You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want lots of money for it. If I was Ogden... and I'm not, but if I was... I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice mug of ale or a piece of cheese..."
msgstr "WeiSSt Du, was ich glaube? Irgend jemand hat das Schild geklaut, und jetzt wollen sie 'ne riesige Menge Knete dafür. Wenn ich Ogden wäre, ... bin ich ja nicht, aber wenn ich's wäre... Ich würde einfach ein neues Schild kaufen, mit einem netten Bild drauf. So ein hübscher Bierkrug vielleicht oder ein Stückchen Käse."
msgid "No mortal can truly understand the mind of the demon. \n \nNever let their erratic actions confuse you, as that too may be their plan."
msgstr "Kein Sterblicher kann je den Verstand eines Dämon wirklich ergründen. \n \nLaSSt Euch nie von ihren ziellosen Taten verwirren, denn genau das könnte ihr Plan sein."
msgid "What - is he saying I took that? I suppose that Griswold is on his side, too. \n \nLook, I got over simple sign stealing months ago. You can't turn a profit on a piece of wood."
msgstr "Was denn, behauptet er etwa, ich hätte das gestohlen? \n \nHör mal, über einfaches Schilderklauen bin ich seit Monaten weg; aus so einem Stück Holz ist einfach kein Profit rauszuschlagen."
msgid "You recite an interesting rhyme written in a style that reminds me of other works. Let me think now - what was it? \n \n...Darkness shrouds the Hidden. Eyes glowing unseen with only the sounds of razor claws briefly scraping to torment those poor souls who have been made sightless for all eternity. The prison for those so damned is named the Halls of the Blind..."
msgstr "Ihr zitiert da einen interessanten Reim, der mich vom Stil her an andere Werke erinnert...LaSSt mich nachdenken, was war das doch gleich? ...\n \nDunkelheit verdeckt die Verborgenen. Augen glühen unbeobachtet, nur vom kurzen Kratzen rasiermesserscharfer Klauen begleitet, um die armen Seelen zu quälen, denen man für alle Ewigkeit das Augenlicht genommen hat. Das Gefängnis der so Gestraften heiSSt Kerker der Blinden..."
msgid "I never much cared for poetry. Occasionally, I had cause to hire minstrels when the inn was doing well, but that seems like such a long time ago now. \n \nWhat? Oh, yes... uh, well, I suppose you could see what someone else knows."
msgstr "Ich habe mir noch nie viel aus Gedichten gemacht. Manchmal habe ich fahrende Sänger engagiert, wenn der Gasthof gut lief, aber das ist jetzt schon lange her. \n \nWas? Ach ja, sicher, darüber weiSS jemand anders bestimmt mehr als ich."
msgid "This does seem familiar, somehow. I seem to recall reading something very much like that poem while researching the history of demonic afflictions. It spoke of a place of great evil that... wait - you're not going there are you?"
msgstr "Das kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor. Ich erinnere mich, mal etwas ganz Ähnliches gelesen zu haben wie dieses Gedicht. Es war während meiner Forschungen über die Geschichte der Dämonenseuchen. Da war die Rede von einem Ort groSSen Übels, der... wartet mal, Ihr habt doch nicht etwa vor, da hinzugehen, oder?"
msgid "If you have questions about blindness, you should talk to Pepin. I know that he gave my grandmother a potion that helped clear her vision, so maybe he can help you, too."
msgstr "Wenn Ihr Fragen zum Thema Blindheit habt, solltet Ihr mit Pepin reden. Ich weiSS noch, wie er meiner GroSSmutter einen Trank gab, der Ihr Augenlicht verbessert hat. Vielleicht kann er Euch auch helfen."
msgid "I am afraid that I have neither heard nor seen a place that matches your vivid description, my friend. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr "Ich fürchte, ich habe niemals einen Ort gesehen, der Eurer sehr lebhaften Beschreibung entspricht, und auch zuvor nie davon gehört, mein Freund. Vielleicht kann Euch Cain weiterhelfen, der Geschichtenerzähler."
msgid "Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?"
msgstr "Also schau mal.... hihihihi, lustig, was ? Mitgekriegt? Blinde, schau mal? Hihihihi..."
msgid "This is a place of great anguish and terror, and so serves its master well. \n \nTread carefully or you may yourself be staying much longer than you had anticipated."
msgstr "Ein Ort des Terrors und der Panik, und damit dient er seinen Herren auf das Vortrefflichste. \n \nSeid vorsichtig, oder Ihr könntet viel länger dort bleiben müssen, als Euch lieb ist."
msgid "Lets see, am I selling you something? No. Are you giving me money to tell you about this? No. Are you now leaving and going to talk to the storyteller who lives for this kind of thing? Yes."
msgstr "Schauen wir doch mal: Verkaufe ich Dir gerade was? Nein. Gibst Du mir Geld dafür, daSS ich Dir etwas darüber erzähle? Ebenfalls Nein. Haust Du jetzt also ab und nervst den Erzähler mit Deinen Fragen, der liebend gerne lang und breit über alles Mögliche redet? Ja."
msgid "I can see what you see not.\nVision milky then eyes rot.\nWhen you turn they will be gone,\nWhispering their hidden song.\nThen you see what cannot be,\nShadows move where light should be.\nOut of darkness, out of mind,\nCast down into the Halls of the Blind."
msgstr "Ich kann sehen, was niemand kann. \nMilchiger Blick, kein Auge dann. \nWenn sie sich umdrehn, sind sie fort. \nIhr heimlich Lied flüstert der Ort. \nDann seht auch Ihr, was nicht sein darf. \nWo Licht sein soll, der Schatten warf. \nAus Dunkel, wild wie ein Berserker, \nunten in der Blinden Kerker."
msgid "The Gateway of Blood and the Halls of Fire are landmarks of mystic origin. Wherever this book you read from resides it is surely a place of great power.\n \nLegends speak of a pedestal that is carved from obsidian stone and has a pool of boiling blood atop its bone encrusted surface. There are also allusions to Stones of Blood that will open a door that guards an ancient treasure...\n \nThe nature of this treasure is shrouded in speculation, my friend, but it is said that the ancient hero Arkaine placed the holy armor Valor in a secret vault. Arkaine was the first mortal to turn the tide of the Sin War and chase the legions of darkness back to the Burning Hells.\n \nJust before Arkaine died, his armor was hidden away in a secret vault. It is said that when this holy armor is again needed, a hero will arise to don Valor once more. Perhaps you are that hero..."
msgstr "Das Blutportal und das Flammengewölbe sind Orte aus der Mystik. Wo immer dieses Buch auch liegt, in dem Ihr etwas darüber gelesen habt, es ist mit Sicherheit ein Ort voller Magie. \n \nDie Legenden berichten von einem Podest aus Obsidian, mit einem Tümpel aus kochendem Blut auf seiner knochenverkrusteten Oberfläche. Es werden auch Blutsteine erwähnt, mit deren Hilfe man ein Portal öffnen kann, das einen uralten Schatz behütet. \n \nWelche Art von Schatz das ist, darüber gibt es nur Spekulationen, mein Freund, aber man sagt, der Sagenheld Arkaine habe seine heilige Rüstung namens Tapferstahl in einer geheimen Gruft versteckt. Arkaine war der erste Sterbliche, der den Verlauf des Sündenkrieges veränderte und die Legionen der Finsternis in die Feuer der Hölle zurücktrieb. \n \nKurz vor seinem Tod wurde seine Rüstung an einem geheimen Ort verborgen. Die Legende sagt, daSS die Zeit kommen wird, in der man diese heilige Rüstung wieder braucht. Ein Held wird kommen und den Tapferstahl wieder in die Schlacht tragen.Vielleicht seid Ihr dieser Held..."
msgid "Every child hears the story of the warrior Arkaine and his mystic armor known as Valor. If you could find its resting place, you would be well protected against the evil in the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Jedes Kind kennt die Geschichte von dem Krieger Arkaine und seiner magischen Rüstung Tapferstahl. Wenn Ihr das Versteck dieser Rüstung finden könntet, wäret Ihr vor dem Bösen im Labyrinth gut geschützt."
msgid "Hmm... it sounds like something I should remember, but I've been so busy learning new cures and creating better elixirs that I must have forgotten. Sorry..."
msgstr "Hmm... klingt nach etwas, an das ich mich eigentlich erinnern müSSte, aber ich war so beschäftigt damit, neue Heilmittel zu erforschen und immer wirksamere Tränke zu mischen, daSS es mir wohl entfallen sein muSS. Tut mir leid..."
msgid "The story of the magic armor called Valor is something I often heard the boys talk about. You had better ask one of the men in the village."
msgstr "Die Geschichte von der Heiligen Rüstung Tapferstahl habe ich von den Jungen im Dorf oft gehört. Ihr solltet da lieber einen der Männer fragen."
msgid "The armor known as Valor could be what tips the scales in your favor. I will tell you that many have looked for it - including myself. Arkaine hid it well, my friend, and it will take more than a bit of luck to unlock the secrets that have kept it concealed oh, lo these many years."
msgstr "Die Heilige Rüstung Tapferstahl könnte den Kampf für uns entscheiden. LaSSt Euch gesagt sein, daSS viele schon danach gesucht haben - mich selbst eingeschlossen. Aber Arkaine hat sie gut versteckt, mein Freund, und Ihr werdet mehr als nur ein biSSchen Glück brauchen, um die Geheimnisse zu enträtseln, hinter denen sich die Rüstung all die Jahre verborgen hat."
msgid "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
msgstr "Schnarch..."
msgid "Should you find these Stones of Blood, use them carefully. \n \nThe way is fraught with danger and your only hope rests within your self trust."
msgstr "Solltet Ihr diese Blutsteine wirklich finden, geht vorsichtig mit ihnen um. \n \nDer Weg steckt voller Gefahren, und als Eure einzige Hoffnung bleibt Euer Selbstvertrauen."
msgid "You intend to find the armor known as Valor? \n \nNo one has ever figured out where Arkaine stashed the stuff, and if my contacts couldn't find it, I seriously doubt you ever will either."
msgstr "Du willst diese Rüstung finden, die man Tapferstahl nennt? \n \nNiemand hat je rausfinden können, wo Arkaine den Kram versteckt hat, und wenn meine Gewährsleute das nicht rausfinden konnten, schaffst Du es erst recht nicht."
msgid "The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill his endless sacrifices to the Dark ones who scream for one thing - blood."
msgstr "Die Waffenkammern der Hölle sind das Zuhause des Blutfürsten. In seinem Kielwasser treiben die verstümmelten Leichen von Tausenden. Engel und Menschen gleichermaSSen wurden reihenweise niedergemäht, als Opfergaben für die Finsteren Herrscher, die es nur nach einem dürstet - nach Blut."
msgid "...and so, locked beyond the Gateway of Blood and past the Hall of Fire, Valor awaits for the Hero of Light to awaken..."
msgstr "...und so wartet Tapferstahl hinter dem Blutportal und jenseits des Flammengewölbes auf den Tag, da der Held des Lichtes wieder erwacht..."
msgid "A book that speaks of a chamber of human bones? Well, a Chamber of Bone is mentioned in certain archaic writings that I studied in the libraries of the East. These tomes inferred that when the Lords of the underworld desired to protect great treasures, they would create domains where those who died in the attempt to steal that treasure would be forever bound to defend it. A twisted, but strangely fitting, end?"
msgstr "Ein Buch, in dem eine Kammer aus Menschenknochen erwähnt wird? Na ja, eine Knochenkammer wurde in einigen der archaischen Schriften erwähnt, die ich in den Bibliotheken im Osten studiert habe. Diese Bücher meinten übereinstimmend, daSS die Lords der Unterwelt zum Schutz groSSer Schätze solche Räume errichten könnten. Diejenigen, die bei dem Versuch starben, den Schatz zu stehlen, waren für alle Ewigkeit dazu verdammt, ihn zu beschützen. Ein schreckliches, aber merkwürdig passendes Ende..."
msgid "I am afraid that I don't know anything about that, good master. Cain has many books that may be of some help."
msgstr "Ich fürchte, über das Thema weiSS ich so gut wie nichts. Aber Cain hat viele Bücher, in denen was darüber stehen könnte."
msgid "This sounds like a very dangerous place. If you venture there, please take great care."
msgstr "Das klingt nach einem sehr gefährlichen Ort. Wenn Ihr dorthin geht, seid bitte besonders vorsichtig!"
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about that. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr "Es tut mir leid, aber darüber habe ich noch nie etwas gehört. Vielleicht kann Cain Euch weiterhelfen, unser Geschichtenerzähler?"
msgid "I know nothing of this place, but you may try asking Cain. He talks about many things, and it would not surprise me if he had some answers to your question."
msgstr "Ich weiSS nichts über diesen Ort, aber Ihr könntet Cain danach fragen. Er redet gerne und viel, und es würde mich nicht überraschen, wenn er Antworten auf Eure Fragen hätte."
msgid "Okay, so listen. There's this chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says, that might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna PAY for this... you... uh... yeah."
msgstr "Ok, hör mal zu. Da ist dieses Zimmer aus Holz, verstehst Du? Und seine Frau, weiSSt Du, also die... erzählt's den Bäumen... weil Du drauf wartest. Und drauf sag ich zu ihm, das könnte schlecht laufen für ihn, aber wenn Du meinst, ich bezahle dafür, dann.... äh.... ja, genau."
msgid "You will become an eternal servant of the dark lords should you perish within this cursed domain. \n \nEnter the Chamber of Bone at your own peril."
msgstr "Solltet Ihr in diesem verfluchten Reich sterben, werdet Ihr auf ewige Zeiten den Dunklen Herrschern dienen müssen. \n \nBetretet die Knochenkammer auf eigene Gefahr!"
msgid "A vast and mysterious treasure, you say? Maybe I could be interested in picking up a few things from you... or better yet, don't you need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?"
msgstr "Ein riesiger und geheimnisvoller Schatz, sagst Du? Vielleicht könnte ich Dir ja nachher das eine oder andere Stück abkaufen. Oder noch besser, brauchst Du keine seltene und teure Spezialausrüstung für dieses gewagte Unternehmen?"
msgid "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written."
msgstr "Jenseits der Halle der Helden liegt die Knochenkammer. Ewiger Tod erwartet den Frevler, der die Schätze aus dieser Kammer zu stehlen versucht. So spricht der Herr des Terrors, und so steht es geschrieben."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields that we know - between the utopian kingdoms of the High Heavens and the chaotic pits of the Burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky. Neither side ever gains sway for long as the forces of Light and Darkness constantly vie for control over all creation."
msgstr "Merket auf und vernehmt die Worte der Wahrheit, denn sie sind das letzte Vermächtnis der Horadrim. Genau in diesem Moment tobt ein Krieg, jenseits der uns bekannten Dimensionen, zwischen den Fürstentümern des Himmelreiches und den chaotischen Abgründen der brennenden Hölle. Dieser Krieg wird der GroSSe Zwist genannt, und er tobt und wütet schon länger, als irgendein Stern am Firmament leuchtet. Keine Seite hat lange einen echten Vorteil in diesem Zwist, in dem die Kräfte des Lichts und der Finsternis beharrlich um die Macht über die gesamte Schöpfung kämpfen."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. When the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War."
msgstr "Merket auf und vernehmt die Worte der Wahrheit, denn sie sind das letzte Vermächtnis der Horadrim. Als der Ewige Zwist zwischen Himmelreich und Hölle auf das Gebiet der Sterblichen übergriff, nannte man ihn den Sündenkrieg. Engel und Dämonen wandeln verkleidet unter den Menschen, kämpfen im Verborgenen, versteckt vor den Blicken der Sterblichen. Einige wagemutige, mächtige Sterbliche haben sich sogar der einen oder anderen Seite angeschlossen und so den Verlauf des Sündenkrieges mit beeinfluSSt."
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known that the Three Prime Evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our world. The Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the east for decades, while humanity was left trembling in their wake. Our Order - the Horadrim - was founded by a group of secretive magi to hunt down and capture the Three Evils once and for all.\n \nThe original Horadrim captured two of the Three within powerful artifacts known as Soulstones and buried them deep beneath the desolate eastern sands. The third Evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in pursuit. The Third Evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror - was eventually captured, his essence set in a Soulstone and buried within this Labyrinth.\n \nBe warned that the soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the faith. If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child."
msgstr "Merket auf und vernehmt die Worte der Wahrheit, denn sie sind das letzte Vermächtnis der Horadrim. Vor beinahe dreihundert Jahren wurde bekannt, daSS die Drei Erzübel der Hölle auf mysteriöse Weise in unsere Welt gelangt waren. Die drei Brüder verwüsteten jahrzehntelang die Länder des Ostens, und die Menschheit konnte nur zitternd zu ihnen aufsehen. Heimlich wurde von einer Gruppe Magier unser Orden gegründet, die Horadrim, mit dem Zweck, die drei Erzübel ein für allemal zu fangen. \n \nDie Gründerväter der Horadrim schafften es auch wirklich, zwei der drei Brüder in mächtigen Artefakten einzuschlieSSen, den sogenannten Seelensteinen, die sie anschlieSSend tief unten im Sand der verlassenen Wüsten des Ostens vergruben. Doch das dritte Erzübel entkam und floh nach Westen, verfolgt von vielen Horadrim. Dieser Dämon, bekannt als Diablo, Fürst des Terrors, wurde schlieSSlich auch gefangen, seine Essenz in einen Seelenstein eingesperrt und in diesem Labyrinth versteckt. \n \nHütet Euch, daSS niemand den Seelenstein finde, der nicht dem Orden angehört! Wenn Diablo wieder freikäme, würde er sich sofort einen neuen Körper suchen, wahrscheinlich erst einmal einen schwachen, den er leicht kontrollieren kann, etwa einen alten Mann oder ein Kind"
msgid "So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the Burning Hells known as The Dark Exile. The Lesser Evils overthrew the Three Prime Evils and banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm. The demons Belial (the Lord of Lies) and Azmodan (the Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during the absence of the Three Brothers. All of Hell polarized between the factions of Belial and Azmodan while the forces of the High Heavens continually battered upon the very Gates of Hell."
msgstr "Und so geschah es, daSS in den Tiefen der Hölle eine Revolution stattfand, bekannt als das Dunkle Exil. Die Geringen Übel stürzten die drei Erzübel und verbannten ihre geistigen Formen in das Reich der Sterblichen. Kaum waren die drei Fürsten der Finsternis fort, kämpften in der Hölle die Dämonen Belial (der Herr der Lügen) und Azmodan (der Herr der Sünden) um die Vorherrschaft. Die gesamte Hölle spaltete sich in diese beiden Lager auf, während die vereinten Kräfte des Lichts konstant auf die Pforten einstürmten."
msgid "Many demons traveled to the mortal realm in search of the Three Brothers. These demons were followed to the mortal plane by Angels who hunted them throughout the vast cities of the East. The Angels allied themselves with a secretive Order of mortal magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at hunting demons. They also made many dark enemies in the underworlds."
msgstr "Viele Dämonen reisten in die Welt der Sterblichen, um die drei Brüder zu suchen. Doch jedem dieser Dämon folgten auch Engel in unsere Welt, die ihn in den riesigen Städten des Ostens jagten. Die Engel verbündeten sich dazu mit einem Orden sterblicher Magier, den Horadrim, die bald exzellente Dämonenjäger wurden. Doch dabei machten sie sich auch mächtige Feinde in der Unterwelt ..."
msgid "So it came to be that the Three Prime Evils were banished in spirit form to the mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the East for decades, they were hunted down by the cursed Order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The youngest brother - Diablo, the Lord of Terror - escaped to the west.\n \nEventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstone as well, and buried him under an ancient, forgotten Cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and awaits the time of his rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of youth and power to possess - one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will then arise to free his Brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War..."
msgstr "So geschah es, daSS die drei Erzübel in geistiger Form in das Reich der Sterblichen verbannt wurden. Und nachdem sie jahrzehntelang das Chaos im Osten verbreitet hatten, wurden sie von dem verfluchten Orden der sterblichen Horadrim gejagt. Die Horadrim benutzten sogenannte Seelensteine, um die Essenz von Mephisto, dem Fürsten des Hasses, und von Baal, dem Herrn der Vernichtung, gefangenzunehmen und einzusperren. Der Jüngste der Gebrüder, Diablo, der Fürst des Terrors, entkam in den Westen. \n \nDoch schlieSSlich setzten die Horadrim auch Diablo in einem Seelenstein gefangen, und sie vergruben ihn unter einer alten, vergessenen Kathedrale. Dort ruht der Fürst des Terrors nun und wartet auf die Zeit seiner Wiedergeburt. Wisset, daSS er wiederkehren wird in einem Körper voller Jugend und Macht - einem Körper, der unschuldig und leicht zu kontrollieren ist. Dann wird er sich erheben, seine Brüder zu befreien und das Land aufs Neue mit der Fackel des Sündenkrieges in Brand zu stecken."
msgid "All praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Survivor of The Dark Exile. When he awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that few mortals know. He told me the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the pits of the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this world and all who exist here the Sin War."
msgstr "Lob und Ruhm sei Diablo, dem Fürsten des Terrors und Überlebenden des Dunklen Exils. Als er aus seinem langen Schlummer erwachte, erzählte mir mein Herr und Meister von Geheimnissen, die nur wenigen Sterblichen je bekannt waren. Er erzählte mir von den Fürstentümern des Himmelreiches und den Abgründen der brennenden Hölle, und von einem ewigen Krieg zwischen den beiden. Er nannte mir auch die Mächte, die diesen Zwist ins Reich der Menschheit brachten. Mein Herr nannte die Schlacht um diese Welt und alle, die auf ihr leben, den Sündenkrieg..."
msgid "Glory and Approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three. My Lord spoke to me of his two Brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the east. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of the Three."
msgstr "Ruhm und Ehre sei Diablo, dem Fürsten des Terrors und Anführer der Drei. Mein Gebieter erzählte mir von seinen beiden Brüdern, Mephisto und Baal, die schon vor langer Zeit auf diese Welt verbannt worden sind. Mein Herr will in Ruhe abwarten, seine furchterregenden Kräfte sammeln und dann seine gefangenen Brüder aus ihrem Gefängnis unter dem Wüstensand des Ostens befreien. Und sobald mein Gebieter erst seine Brüder befreit hat, wird der Sündenkrieg wieder unter der Peitsche der Drei zu neuen Höhen getrieben."
msgid "Hail and Sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls. When I awoke my Master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form. Diablo attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my Master was too weak from his imprisonment. My Lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son Albrecht and brought him before my Master. I now await Diablo's call and pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the Lord of this world."
msgstr "Gebete und Opfer für Diablo, den Fürsten des Terrors und Zerstörer der Seelen! Als ich meinen Herren aus seinem Schlaf weckte, versuchte er, sofort einen menschlichen Körper zu übernehmen. Er probierte, von König Leoric Besitz zu ergreifen, doch mein Gebieter war noch zu geschwächt von seiner langen Verbannung. Er braucht einen unschuldigen und einfachen Anker in dieser Welt, und so fand er, daSS der Junge Albrecht die ideale Besetzung für diese Rolle sei. Und während der 'gute' König Leoric von Diablos erfolglosem Versuch der Übernahme in den Wahnsinn getrieben wurde, entführte ich seinen Sohn Albrecht und brachte ihn zu meinem Herrn. Nun warte ich darauf, daSS Diablo mich ruft, und hoffe, daSS ich meinen gerechten Lohn erhalte, wenn er letztendlich als Beherrscher dieser Welt auf dem Thron sitzt."
msgid "It seems that the Archbishop Lazarus goaded many of the townsmen into venturing into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son. He played upon their fears and whipped them into a frenzied mob. None of them were prepared for what lay within the cold earth... Lazarus abandoned them down there - left in the clutches of unspeakable horrors - to die."
msgstr "Es sieht so aus, als habe Erzbischof Lazarus eine ganze Reihe von Stadtbewohnern dazu überredet, im Labyrinth nach dem verschollenen Sohn des Königs zu suchen. Er stachelte ihre Angst an und verwandelte sie in einen aufgeputschten Pöbel. Keiner von ihnen hatte auch nur die leiseste Ahnung, was ihn wirklich in der kalten Erde erwartete. Lazarus lieSS sie dort unten im Stich, wo sie in den Fängen unvorstellbarer Horrorgestalten umkamen."
msgid "Yes, Farnham has mumbled something about a hulking brute who wielded a fierce weapon. I believe he called him a butcher."
msgstr "Ja, Farnham hat mal etwas über ein grausames Monster mit einem riesigen Beil erzählt. Ich glaube, er nannte es den Schlächter."
msgid "By the Light, I know of this vile demon. There were many that bore the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the Cathedral. I don't know what he used to slice open his victims, but it could not have been of this world. It left wounds festering with disease and even I found them almost impossible to treat. Beware if you plan to battle this fiend..."
msgstr "Beim Licht, ich kenne diesen bösen Dämon! Von den wenigen Überlebenden, die nach Lazarus' Expedition wieder aus dem Labyrinth zurückkehrten, trugen die meisten die Spuren seines Zornes auf dem Körper. Ich weiSS nicht, womit er ihnen diese Wunden beigebracht hat, aber es kann keine gewöhnliche Waffe gewesen sein. Die Wunden waren eitrig und entzündet, und selbst ich konnte sie kaum heilen. Wenn Ihr gegen diesen Höllensohn kämpfen müSSt, seht Euch vor!"
msgid "When Farnham said something about a butcher killing people, I immediately discounted it. But since you brought it up, maybe it is true."
msgstr "Als Farnham irgendwas über einen Schlächter erzählte, der Leute umbringt, habe ich es sofort als eine seiner Faseleien abgetan. Aber da Ihr jetzt auch davon anfangt, ist da wohl doch etwas mehr dran."
msgid "I saw what Farnham calls the Butcher as it swathed a path through the bodies of my friends. He swung a cleaver as large as an axe, hewing limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood. I was separated from the fray by a host of small screeching demons and somehow found the stairway leading out. I never saw that hideous beast again, but his blood-stained visage haunts me to this day."
msgstr "Ich habe dieses Ding gesehen, das Farnham den 'Schlächter' nennt, wie es in den Reihen meiner Freunde gewütet hat. Es schwang ein Metzgerbeil, so groSS wie eine Zweihandaxt, schlug nach rechts und links, trennte GliedmaSSen und Köpfe ab. Ich wurde von einer Horde kleiner, kreischender Dämonen von der Haupttruppe abgedrängt und fand irgendwie eine Treppe nach oben. Ich habe das Monster seitdem nie wiedergesehen, doch sein blutverschmiertes Gesicht taucht immer noch in meinen schlimmsten Alpträumen auf."
msgid "Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!"
msgstr "GroSS! GroSSes Hackebeil tötet alle meine Freunde! Konnte ihn nicht aufhalten, muSSte weglaufen, konnte sie nicht retten. Eingesperrt in einem Zimmer mit so vielen Leichen, so vielen Freunden...NEEEEEEEIIIIIN!"
msgid "The Butcher is a sadistic creature that delights in the torture and pain of others. You have seen his handiwork in the drunkard Farnham. His destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village."
msgstr "Der Schlächter ist ein sadistisches Geschöpf, das sich an Schmerz und Qual anderer Wesen erfreut. Ihr könnt die Spuren seines Wirkens nur zu gut an dem Trinker Farnham sehen. Die Vernichtung des Schlächters wäre ein groSSer Beitrag zur Sicherheit dieses Dorfes."
msgid "I know more than you'd think about that grisly fiend. His little friends got a hold of me and managed to get my leg before Griswold pulled me out of that hole. \n \nI'll put it bluntly - kill him before he kills you and adds your corpse to his collection."
msgstr "Ich weiSS mehr über diesen Mistkerl, als Du ahnst. Seine kleinen Freunde haben mich festgehalten und mir das Bein ausgerissen, bevor Griswold mich aus diesem Loch rausgezogen hat. Ich will's mal ganz simpel ausdrücken: \n \nMach ihn fertig, bevor er Dich umbringt und ausgestopft in seine Leichensammlung packt!"
msgid "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
msgstr "Bitte, hört mir zu! Erzbischof Lazarus hat uns dort hinunter geführt, um den verschollenen Prinzen zu suchen. Der Bastard hat uns in eine Falle geführt! Jetzt sind alle tot... umgebracht von einem Dämon, den man den Schlächter nennt. Rächt uns! Findet diesen Schlächter und vernichtet ihn, damit unsere Seelen endlich Frieden finden..."
msgid "I've been looking for a map, but that certainly isn't it. You should show that to Adria - she can probably tell you what it is. I'll say one thing; it looks old, and old usually means valuable."
msgstr "Ich habe nach einer Karte gesucht, aber bestimmt nicht nach der hier. Du solltest sie mal Adria zeigen - sie kann Dir eher sagen, was das ist. Ich weiSS nur, daSS sie ziemlich alt aussieht, und 'alt' bedeutet meist 'wertvoll'."
msgid "So, the legend of the Map is real. Even I never truly believed any of it! I suppose it is time that I told you the truth about who I am, my friend. You see, I am not all that I seem...\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to keeping and safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released...\n \nThe evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror - known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago. The Map that you hold now was created ages ago to mark the time when Diablo would rise again from his imprisonment. When the two stars on that map align, Diablo will be at the height of his power. He will be all but invincible...\n \nYou are now in a race against time, my friend! Find Diablo and destroy him before the stars align, for we may never have a chance to rid the world of his evil again!"
msgstr "Soso, die Legende über die Karte ist also wahr. Selbst ich habe nie wirklich daran geglaubt. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, Euch zu sagen, wer ich wirklich bin. Ihr müSSt wissen, daSS mein äuSSerer Anschein nicht ganz meiner wahren Natur entspricht. \n \nMein wirklicher Name ist Deckard Cain der Ältere, und ich bin der letzte Nachfahre einer uralten Bruderschaft, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatte, die Geheimnisse einer uralten bösen Macht zu bewahren. Einer Macht, die nun offensichtlich aus ihrem Gefängnis entkommen konnte. \n \nDie böse Macht, mit der Ihr Euch messen wollt, ist der Finstere Lord des Terrors, unter den Sterblichen als Diablo bekannt. Er war es, der vor etlichen Jahrhunderten im Labyrinth eingesperrt worden ist. Diese Karte in Eurer Hand ist vor Jahrhunderten angefertigt worden, um den Zeitpunkt festzulegen, an dem Diablo wieder aus seinem Gefängnis entkommen würde. Wenn die beiden Sterne auf der Karte zusammenkommen, ist Diablo auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht. Er ist dann praktisch unbesiegbar. \n \nDie Zeit arbeitet nun gegen Euch, mein Freund. Findet Diablo und vernichtet ihn, bevor die Sterne zusammenkommen, oder wir werden vielleicht nie wieder die Chance bekommen, die Welt vor seinem Würgegriff zu bewahren!"
msgid "Our time is running short! I sense his dark power building and only you can stop him from attaining his full might."
msgstr "Unsere Zeit wird knapp! Ich kann spüren, wie seine finstere Macht wächst, und nur Ihr könnt verhindern, daSS er all seine Kräfte wiedererlangt!"
msgid "I am sure that you tried your best, but I fear that even your strength and will may not be enough. Diablo is now at the height of his earthly power, and you will need all your courage and strength to defeat him. May the Light protect and guide you, my friend. I will help in any way that I am able."
msgstr "Ich bin sicher, daSS Ihr Euer Bestes geben werdet, doch ich fürchte, nicht einmal Euer Arm und Euer Wille sind stark genug. Diablo ist nun auf dem Höhepunkt seiner irdischen Macht, und Ihr werdet all Euren Mut und Eure Kraft brauchen, um ihn zu besiegen. Möge das Licht Euch beschützen und leiten, mein Freund. Ich werde Euch helfen, soweit ich es vermag."
msgid "If the witch can't help you and suggests you see Cain, what makes you think that I would know anything? It sounds like this is a very serious matter. You should hurry along and see the storyteller as Adria suggests."
msgstr "Wenn die Hexe Euch nicht helfen kann und Euch schon zu Cain schickt, wieso glaubt Ihr dann, ich könnte etwas darüber wissen? Das klingt nach einer sehr ernsten Angelegenheit. Ihr solltet lieber schleunigst das tun, was Adria vorgeschlagen hat und zum Geschichtenerzähler gehen."
msgid "I can't make much of the writing on this map, but perhaps Adria or Cain could help you decipher what this refers to. \n \nI can see that it is a map of the stars in our sky, but any more than that is beyond my talents."
msgstr "Ich kann mit den Inschriften auf der Karte nicht viel anfangen, aber vielleicht wissen Adria oder Cain, was das bedeuten soll. \n \nIch kann nur erkennen, daSS es eine Karte unseres Sternenhimmels ist, aber mehr sagt mir das Ding nicht."
msgid "The best person to ask about that sort of thing would be our storyteller. \n \nCain is very knowledgeable about ancient writings, and that is easily the oldest looking piece of paper that I have ever seen."
msgstr "Bei solchen Sachen fragt Ihr am besten immer unseren Geschichtenerzähler. \n \nCain weiSS eine Menge über alte Schriften, und das hier ist ja nun wirklich das älteste Stück Papier, das mir jemals untergekommen ist."
msgid "I have never seen a map of this sort before. Where'd you get it? Although I have no idea how to read this, Cain or Adria may be able to provide the answers that you seek."
msgstr "So eine Karte habe ich noch nie gesehen. Wo habt Ihr die denn her? Ich kann sie zwar nicht entziffern, aber Cain oder Adria müSSten Euch da weiterhelfen können."
msgid "Listen here, come close. I don't know if you know what I know, but you have really got somethin' here. That's a map."
msgstr "Hör mal, komm mal her. Ich weiSS nicht, ob Du weiSSt, was ich weiSS, aber weiSSt Du, daSS das eine Karte ist? Eine richtige Landkarte!"
msgid "Oh, I'm afraid this does not bode well at all. This map of the stars portends great disaster, but its secrets are not mine to tell. The time has come for you to have a very serious conversation with the Storyteller..."
msgstr "Oh, ich fürchte, das hört sich gar nicht gut an. Diese Sternenkarte bedeutet groSSes Unheil, doch es ist nicht an mir, ihre Geheimnisse zu lüften. Die Zeit ist reif für ein ernstes Gespräch mit dem Geschichtenerzähler..."
msgid "I wanna tell ya sumthin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my specialty. This here is the best... theeeee best! That other ale ain't no good since those stupid dogs..."
msgstr "Ich will Dir mal was sagen, weil ich mich mit diesen Sachen ja auskenne. Ist mein Spezialgebiet. Das hier ist einfach das Beste. Das Allerallerbeste. Das andere Bier ist einfach ungenieSSbar seit diese ...Hunde...."
msgid "No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but somewhere under the church is a whole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin' and just waitin' for someone to get it."
msgstr "Niemand hört mi-HICKS-mir zu. Irgendwo - ich weiSS nicht mehr genau, wo, aber irgendwo unter dieser Kirche liegt ein Riiiesenhaufen Gold. Glänzt und schimmert und wartet nur darauf, daSS ihn jemand mitnimmt."
msgid "I know you gots your own ideas, and I know you're not gonna believe this, but that weapon you got there - it just ain't no good against those big brutes! Oh, I don't care what Griswold says, they can't make anything like they used to in the old days..."
msgstr "Ich weiSS, Du hast so Deine eigenen Vorstellungen, und ich weiSS auch, daSS Du mir nicht glauben wirst, aber ich sag's Dir trotzdem: Deine Waffe da ist völlig nutzlos gegen diese riesigen Monster! Ist mir egal, was Griswold sagt, heute gibt es keine echte Qualität mehr, nicht wie in den guten alten Zeiten!"
msgid "If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got and get out of here. That boy out there... He's always got somethin good, but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got."
msgstr "Wenn ich Du wäre... bin ich ja nicht, aber wenn ich's wäre...dann würde ich den ganzen Kram verkaufen, den Du da hast, und von hier verschwinden. Der Junge da oben, der hat immer was Gutes, aber Du muSSt ihm sogar Geld dafür geben, daSS er Dir überhaupt zeigt, was er hat."
msgid "Can't a fella drink in peace?"
msgstr "Kann man hier nicht mal in Ruhe einen trinken?"
msgid "The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah, what a pretty lady. So nice, too."
msgstr "Das Mädel, das die Drinks serviert? Oh ja, die ist hübsch, Und tierisch nett."
msgid "Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me... she's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little."
msgstr "Warum tut diese alte Krähe nicht mal was zur Abwechslung? Klar, die hat ihren ganzen Kram und so, aber ich sag Euch was: Sie ist unnatürlich. Ich habe sie nie essen oder trinken sehen. Und man kann einfach niemanden vertrauen, der nicht wenigstens ab und zu mal ein wenig trinkt..."
msgid "Cain isn't what he says he is. Sure, sure, he talks a good story... some of 'em are real scary or funny... but I think he knows more than he knows he knows."
msgstr "Cain ist nicht der, für den er sich ausgibt. Klar, er kann prima Geschichten erzählen... manche sind richtig schaurig oder lustig. Aber ich glaube, er weiSS mehr, als er weiSS, daSS er weiSS, weiSSt Du...?"
msgid "Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together, you know, back when... we... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgstr "Griswold? Der gute alte Griswold. Ich liebe ihn wie einen Bruder! Wir haben zusammen gekämpft, weiSSt Du, damals, als wir... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgid "Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh hero? I was a hero too..."
msgstr "Hihi, ich mag Pepin. Er gibt sich wirklich Mühe, weiSSt Du? Du muSSt ihn unbedingt kennenlernen. Sehr lieber Kerl, wo doch die Leute immer Hilfe von ihm wollen. He, das könnte Dir ja auch mal passieren, als Held und so. Ich war früher auch mal ein Held, weiSSt Du?"
msgid "Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there, you know? Lost a leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so sad..."
msgstr "Bert hat sogar noch mehr Probleme als ich, und ich kenne mich mit Problemen nun wirklich gut aus. WeiSSt Du, der Kleine zeigt zwar die harte Schale, aber er war da, verstehst Du? Hat sein Bein da unten verloren. MuSS auf 'nem verdammten Stück Holz rumlaufen. Verdammt traurige Geschichte..."
msgid "Ogden is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me much, but as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like I been spendin' more time with Ogden than most, but he's so good to me..."
msgstr "Ogden ist der Beste hier in der Stadt. Ich glaube, seine Frau mag mich nicht besonders, aber solange sie die Krüge immer schön voll macht, finde ich sie ganz sympathisch. Ich schein' irgendwie mehr Zeit mit Ogden zu verbringen als die meisten anderen hier, aber er ist ja auch wirklich gut zu mir."
msgid "Pleeeease, no hurt. No Kill. Keep alive and next time good bring to you."
msgstr "Bitte nicht wehtun. Nicht töten. Leben lassen, nächstes Mal Gutes Euch bringen."
msgid "Something for you I am making. Again, not kill Gharbad. Live and give good. \n \nYou take this as proof I keep word..."
msgstr "Etwas für Euch ich machen. Nicht töten Gharbad. Leben und Gutes geben. \n \nHier das Ihr nehmen als Beweis ich halten Wort."
msgid "Nothing yet! Almost done. \n \nVery powerful, very strong. Live! Live! \n \nNo pain and promise I keep!"
msgstr "Noch nichts! Fast fertig aber. \n \nSehr mächtig, sehr stark. Leben! Leben! \n \nKeine Wehtun, ich halten Versprechung."
msgid "This too good for you. Very Powerful! You want - you take!"
msgstr "Dies zu gut für Euch. Sehr stark! Ihr wollen, Ihr Euch holen kommen!"
msgid "Ogden and his wife have taken me and my grandmother into their home and have even let me earn a few gold pieces by working at the inn. I owe so much to them, and hope one day to leave this place and help them start a grand hotel in the east."
msgstr "Ogden und seine Frau haben GroSSmutter und mich bei sich aufgenommen, und sie lassen mich sogar ein paar Goldstücke im Gasthof verdienen. Ich schulde ihnen so viel, und ich wünsche mir nichts sehnlicher, als ihnen eines Tages helfen zu können, ein groSSes Hotel im Osten aufzumachen."
msgid "Good day! How may I serve you?"
msgstr "Einen guten Tag! Womit kann ich Euch dienen?"
msgid "My grandmother had a dream that you would come and talk to me. She has visions, you know and can see into the future."
msgstr "Meine GroSSmutter hat im Traum gesehen, daSS Ihr kommen und mit mir reden würdet. Sie hat Visionen, müSSt Ihr wissen, und kann in die Zukunft sehen."
msgid "The woman at the edge of town is a witch! She seems nice enough, and her name, Adria, is very pleasing to the ear, but I am very afraid of her. \n \nIt would take someone quite brave, like you, to see what she is doing out there."
msgstr "Diese Frau am Stadtrand ist eine Hexe! Sie scheint ja ganz nett zu sein, und ihr Name Adria klingt ja auch ganz angenehm, aber ich habe trotzdem Angst vor ihr. \n \nMan müSSte schon sehr mutig sein, so wie Ihr, um nachzusehen, was sie da drauSSen überhaupt so macht."
msgid "Our Blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram. Not only is he a master craftsman who has won many contests within his guild, but he received praises from our King Leoric himself - may his soul rest in peace. Griswold is also a great hero; just ask Cain."
msgstr "Auf unseren Schmied sind die Leute hier in Tristram besonders stolz. Er ist nicht nur ein meisterlicher Handwerker, der schon viele Wettbewerbe seiner Zunft gewonnen hat, sondern er wurde sogar von König Leoric selbst gelobt - möge seine Seele in Frieden ruhen. Griswold ist auSSerdem ein groSSer Held - fragt nur mal Cain!"
msgid "Cain has been the storyteller of Tristram for as long as I can remember. He knows so much, and can tell you just about anything about almost everything."
msgstr "Cain war schon immer der Geschichtenerzähler in Tristram, seit ich denken kann. Er weiSS so viel und er kann Euch fast alles über fast jedes Thema berichten."
msgid "Farnham is a drunkard who fills his belly with ale and everyone else's ears with nonsense. \n \nI know that both Pepin and Ogden feel sympathy for him, but I get so frustrated watching him slip farther and farther into a befuddled stupor every night."
msgstr "Farnham ist ein Säufer, der seinen Bauch mit Fusel füllt und allen anderen die Ohren mit Unfug vollstammelt. \n \nIch weiSS, daSS er sowohl Ogden als auch Pepin leid tut, aber mich frustriert es sehr, ihn jeden Abend immer weiter in den Rausch abrutschen zu sehen."
msgid "Pepin saved my grandmother's life, and I know that I can never repay him for that. His ability to heal any sickness is more powerful than the mightiest sword and more mysterious than any spell you can name. If you ever are in need of healing, Pepin can help you."
msgstr "Pepin hat meiner GroSSmutter das Leben gerettet, und ich weiSS, daSS ich das niemals wieder gutmachen kann. Seine Fähigkeit, alle Krankheiten zu heilen, ist stärker als das mächtigste Schwert und dabei geheimnisvoller als jeder nur erdenkliche Zauberspruch. Wenn Ihr jemals einen Heiler nötig habt, geht zu Pepin."
msgid "I grew up with Wirt's mother, Canace. Although she was only slightly hurt when those hideous creatures stole him, she never recovered. I think she died of a broken heart. Wirt has become a mean-spirited youngster, looking only to profit from the sweat of others. I know that he suffered and has seen horrors that I cannot even imagine, but some of that darkness hangs over him still."
msgstr "Ich bin zusammen mit Berts Mutter Canace aufgewachsen. Obwohl sie nur leicht verletzt wurde, als die Dämonen ihn entführt haben, hat sie sich davon nie wieder erholt. Ich glaube, sie ist an gebrochenem Herzen gestorben. Bert hat sich zu einem hartgesottenen Jungen entwickelt, der nur durch den SchweiSS anderer reich werden will. Ich weiSS ja, daSS er viel durchgemacht und Schrecken gesehen hat, die ich mir nicht mal ausmalen könnte, aber etwas von dieser Finsternis schwebt immer noch über ihm."
msgid "A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad thing to say about the healer."
msgstr "Ein guter Mann, der die Bedürfnisse der anderen über seine eigenen stellt. Ihr werdet niemanden in Tristram - oder auch anderswo - finden, der etwas Schlechtes über den Heiler sagen würde."
msgid "That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and learning an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful."
msgstr "Dieser Kerl wird noch mal richtigen Ärger bekommen... oder besser gesagt, wieder mal. Ich habe versucht, ihm eine Lehre hier schmackhaft zu machen, damit er ein ehrliches Gewerbe erlernen könnte, aber er zieht es vor, das schnelle Geld zu machen, indem er mit Waren zweifelhafter Herkunft handelt. Kann ich ihm nicht mal verübeln, nach dem, was er durchgemacht hat, aber ich wünschte mir, er wäre wenigstens etwas vorsichtiger."
msgid "The Innkeeper has little business and no real way of turning a profit. He manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who occasionally drift through the village, but they are as likely to sneak off into the night as they are to pay him. If it weren't for the stores of grains and dried meats he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons."
msgstr "Der Gastwirt hat nur wenige Gäste und kann nicht viel verdienen. Er kommt gerade so über die Runden, indem er den gelegentlichen Besuchern der Stadt Nahrung und Unterkunft bietet, aber statt ihn zu bezahlen, verdrückt sich die Hälfte seiner Kunden einfach im Schutze der Nacht. Doch ohne seine Getreidevorräte und das getrocknete Fleisch, das er in seinem Keller lagert, wären die meisten von uns schon im ersten Jahr verhungert, als die Dämonen das ganze Land hier niedergetrampelt haben."
msgid "Well, what can I do for ya?"
msgstr "Was kann ich für Euch tun?"
msgid "If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your basic blunt weapon, such as a mace. Works like a charm against most of those undying horrors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter skinny little skeletons!"
msgstr "Wenn Ihr auf der Suche nach der richtigen Waffe seid, kann ich Euch einiges erzählen. Nehmt zum Beispiel eine normale Schlagwaffe, etwa eine Keule. Gegen die meisten dieser Untoten da unten ist die einfach Gold wert; es gibt zum Beispiel nichts Besseres, um knochige kleine Skelette zu zertrümmern."
msgid "The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
msgstr "Die Streitaxt? Ja, das ist eine richtig gute Waffe, ausgewogen gegen jeden Gegner. Seht, wie sie die Luft durchschneidet, und jetzt stellt Euch mal einen schönen, dicken Dämonenkopf genau in der Flugbahn vor. Denkt daran, daSS sie sich nur langsam schwingen läSSt, aber wenn sie trifft ... hmmmm."
msgid "Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathing enemy, a sword will better slice their flesh!"
msgstr "Schaut Euch nur die Schneide an, die Balance... Ein Schwert ist in den richtigen Händen und gegen den richtigen Gegner die beste aller Waffen. Zwar findet auch die schärfste Klinge an Untoten nur wenig zum Schneiden oder Durchbohren, doch gegen lebende, atmende Gegner gibt es nichts Besseres."
msgid "Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the Darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I can restore them to top fighting form."
msgstr "Eure Waffen und Rüstungen werden bald schon Spuren Eurer Kämpfe gegen die Finsternis zeigen. Wenn Ihr sie zu mir bringt, kann ich sie - mit ein wenig Arbeit und einem schönen, heiSSen Schmiedefeuer - wieder in Höchstform bringen."
msgid "While I have to practically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how to harness magic as she did, I could make some truly incredible things."
msgstr "Während ich das Metall und meine Werkzeuge im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes von Karawanen am Stadtrand hereinschmuggeln muSS, scheint diese Hexe Adria immer alles zu haben, was sie braucht. Wenn ich auch nur einen Funken ihrer magischen Fähigkeiten hätte, könnte ich einfach unglaubliche Sachen herstellen."
msgid "Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I would arrange to get both of them out of here on one of the trading caravans."
msgstr "Gillian ist ein nettes Mädchen. Schade, daSS es ihrer GroSSmutter so schlecht geht, sonst würde ich sie beide mit einer der Handelskarawanen hier rausbringen lassen."
msgid "Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make a suit of court plate good enough for an Emperor!"
msgstr "Manchmal denke ich, Cain redet zuviel. Aber das ist wohl seine Bestimmung. Wenn ich mit Stahl so gut umgehen könnte wie er mit Worten, würde ich jeden Tag ein Kettenhemd schmieden, das sogar der Kaiser von China tragen würde!"
msgid "I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into Labyrinth. I never saw the Archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well, another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if I could."
msgstr "Ich war mit Farnham zusammen in jener Nacht, als Lazarus uns ins Labyrinth geführt hat. Ich habe den Erzbischof nie wiedergesehen und ich hätte wohl selbst nicht überlebt, wenn Farnham nicht bei mir gewesen wäre. Ich befürchte, der Angriff hat seine Seele so verkrüppelt, wie ein anderer mein Bein. Ich kann seinen Kampf jetzt nicht für ihn austragen, aber wenn ich es könnte, würde ich es sofort tun."
msgid "If anyone can make something out of that rock, Griswold can. He knows what he is doing, and as much as I try to steal his customers, I respect the quality of his work."
msgstr "Wenn irgend jemand etwas aus diesem Stück Stein zaubern kann, dann Griswold. Er weiSS genau, was er tut, und auch wenn ich versuche, ihm seine Kunden abspenstig zu machen, so respektiere ich doch die Qualität seiner Arbeit."
msgid "Griswold speaks of the Heaven Stone that was destined for the enclave located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that which a normal man could possess. I do not know what secrets it holds, my friend, but finding this stone would certainly prove most valuable."
msgstr "Griswold meint den Himmelsstein, der für die Enklave im Osten bestimmt war und dort weiter erforscht werden sollte. In dem Stein glühte eine Energie, die einen Menschen auf irgendeine Weise mehr erschauen lieSS, als es ihm von Natur aus möglich war. Ich weiSS nicht, welches Geheimnis sich in diesem Stein verbirgt, mein Freund, doch es ist auf jeden Fall der Mühe wert, ihn zu suchen!"
msgid "The caravan stopped here to take on some supplies for their journey to the east. I sold them quite an array of fresh fruits and some excellent sweetbreads that Garda has just finished baking. Shame what happened to them..."
msgstr "Die Karawane hat hier Rast gemacht und einige Vorräte für die weite Reise in den Osten aufgeladen. Ich habe den Leuten eine Menge frisches Obst verkauft und einige süSSe Brote, die Garda gebacken hatte. Es ist eine Schande, was dann mit ihnen passiert ist..."
msgid "I don't know what it is that they thought they could see with that rock, but I will say this. If rocks are falling from the sky, you had better be careful!"
msgstr "Ich weiSS ja nicht, was die mit diesem Stück Stein sehen wollten, aber eins weiSS ich: Wenn jetzt schon die Steine vom Himmel fallen, dann seid lieber vorsichtig!"
msgid "Well, a caravan of some very important people did stop here, but that was quite a while ago. They had strange accents and were starting on a long journey, as I recall. \n \nI don't see how you could hope to find anything that they would have been carrying."
msgstr "Na ja, eine Karawane mit sehr wichtigen Leuten hat hier gehalten, aber das ist schon ziemlich lange her. Sie hatten alle so einen komischen Akzent und haben sich auf eine weite Reise vorbereitet, soweit ich mich erinnere. \n \nIch verstehe nur nicht, wie Ihr irgendwas finden wollt, das die bei sich hatten?"
msgid "Stay for a moment - I have a story you might find interesting. A caravan that was bound for the eastern kingdoms passed through here some time ago. It was supposedly carrying a piece of the heavens that had fallen to earth! The caravan was ambushed by cloaked riders just north of here along the roadway. I searched the wreckage for this sky rock, but it was nowhere to be found. If you should find it, I believe that I can fashion something useful from it."
msgstr "Verweilt einen Moment - ich habe da eine Geschichte gehört, die Euch interessieren dürfte. Vor einiger Zeit kam hier eine Karawane durch, auf dem Weg in die östlichen Königreiche. Man erzählte sich, sie habe ein Stück des Himmels dabei, das auf die Erde gefallen sei. Doch nur wenige Meilen nördlich von hier wurde die Karawane von vermummten Reitern überfallen. Ich habe in den Überresten nach diesem Stein vom Himmel gesucht, aber nichts gefunden. Wenn er Euch in die Hände fallen sollte, könnte ich daraus bestimmt etwas Nützliches herstellen."
msgid "I am still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the heavens. I know that I can make something powerful out of it."
msgstr "Ich warte immer noch, daSS Ihr mir diesen Stein des Himmels bringt. Ich weiSS, daSS ich etwas Machtvolles daraus herstellen könnte."
msgid "Let me see that - aye... aye, it is as I believed. Give me a moment...\n \nAh, Here you are. I arranged pieces of the stone within a silver ring that my father left me. I hope it serves you well."
msgstr "Zeigt mir das mal kurz. Ja, genau, das habe ich mir gedacht. Gebt ihn mal gerade her... hier! \n \nIch habe Splitter des Steines in einen Silberring eingelassen, den ich von meinem Vater geerbt habe. Ich hoffe, er hilft Euch."
msgid "I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to it, though. I really miss that ring..."
msgstr "Ich hatte auch mal einen schönen Ring. War ein richtig teurer, so mit Blau und Rot und Grün und Silber. WeiSS gar nicht, was damit passiert ist. Aber ich vermisse ihn wirklich."
msgid "The Heaven Stone is very powerful, and were it any but Griswold who bid you find it, I would prevent it. He will harness its powers and its use will be for the good of us all."
msgstr "Der Himmelsstein ist sehr mächtig, und würde Euch jemand anderer als Griswold bitten, ihn zu suchen, so würde ich es verhindern. Er aber wird die Kräfte des Steins zu bändigen und zum Wohle der gesamten Menschheit einzusetzen wissen."
msgid "Thank goodness you've returned!\nMuch has changed since you lived here, my friend. All was peaceful until the dark riders came and destroyed our village. Many were cut down where they stood, and those who took up arms were slain or dragged away to become slaves - or worse. The church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals. The screams that echo in the night are inhuman, but some of our townsfolk may yet survive. Follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to find the church and save who you can. \n \nPerhaps I can tell you more if we speak again. Good luck."
msgstr "Dem Himmel sei Dank, Ihr seid wieder da! \nVieles hat sich verändert, seit Ihr hier gewohnt habt, mein Freund. Alles war friedlich, bis die Dunklen Reiter kamen und unser Dorf zerstörten. Viele von uns starben, bevor sie sich wehren konnten. Und die, die zu ihren Waffen eilten, wurden umgebracht oder verschleppt, als Sklaven - oder Schlimmeres. Die Kirche am Dorfrand wurde entweiht und wird jetzt für dunkle Rituale miSSbraucht. Die Schreie, die man nachts hört, sind unmenschlich, doch vielleicht haben einige unserer Freunde und Nachbarn ja doch noch überlebt. Folgt dem Weg, der zwischen meinem Gasthof und der Schmiede entlang führt, dann kommt Ihr zur Kirche. \n \nRettet, wen Ihr retten könnt, und vielleicht kann ich Euch schon mehr sagen, wenn wir uns das nächste Mal wiedersehen. Viel Glück."
msgid "Look, I'm running a business here. I don't sell information, and I don't care about some king that's been dead longer than I've been alive. If you need something to use against this king of the undead, then I can help you out..."
msgstr "Hör mal, ich mache hier Geschäfte! Ich verkaufe keine Informationen, und mir ist dieser König völlig egal, der länger tot ist, als ich überhaupt lebe. Aber wenn Du was brauchst, was Du gegen diesen Untoten-König als Waffe verwenden kannst, dann kann ich Dir helfen."
msgid "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity!"
msgstr "Die stickige Wärme des Lebens ist in mein Grab eingedrungen! Bereite Dich darauf vor, Sterblicher, meinem Herrn bis in alle Ewigkeit zu dienen!"
msgid " Ahh, the story of our King, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the King, and now they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking myself is how he could have fallen so far from the Light, as Leoric had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of Hell could so utterly destroy a man from within..."
msgstr "Ah, die Geschichte unseres Königs wollt Ihr hören, wie? Der tragische Untergang von Leoric war ein harter Schlag für dieses Land. Die Menschen haben den König immer geliebt, und nun leben sie in ständiger Todesangst vor ihm. Was ich mich immer wieder frage, ist folgendes: Wie konnte er so tief sinken? Leoric war ein Heiliger unter den Menschen. Nur die übelsten Mächte der Hölle können einen Mann im Innersten so gründlich vernichten."
msgid "The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The King went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity...\n \nThe King's Knights and Priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath the King called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever...\n \nThis is where things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former King has risen from his eternal sleep and now commands a legion of undead minions within the Labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb three levels beneath the Cathedral. Please, good master, put his soul at ease by destroying his now cursed form..."
msgstr "Das Dorf braucht Eure Hilfe! Vor einigen Monaten wurde Prinz Albrecht gekidnappt, König Leorics Sohn. Der Monarch war auSSer sich vor Wut und durchsuchte das ganze Dorf nach seinem Erben. Mit jedem Tag, der ergebnislos verlief, rutschte Leoric tiefer in den Wahnsinn ab. Er beschuldigte schlieSSlich wahllos unschuldige Untertanen und lieSS sie grausam hinrichten. Weniger als die Hälfte von uns überlebte seinen Wahn. \n\nDie Ritter und Priester des Königs versuchten, ihn zu besänftigen, doch er stellte sich gegen sie, und zu ihrer tiefsten Schande waren sie gezwungen, ihn zu töten. Mit seinem letzten Atemzug sprach der König einen fürchterlichen Fluch über seine ehemaligen Gefolgsleute aus. Er schwor, daSS sie ihm in der Finsternis auf ewig dienen würden... \n\nUnd hier wird die Geschichte unheimlicher, als ich es jemals für möglich gehalten hätte. Unser früherer Herrscher stand von den Toten auf und befehligt jetzt eine Legion von Untoten im Labyrinth. Sein Körper wurde in einer Gruft drei Stockwerke unter der Kathedrale beigesetzt. Bitte, zerstört seinen untoten Körper und sorgt so dafür, daSS seine Seele endlich Frieden findet."
msgid "As I told you, good master, the King was entombed three levels below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance to destroy this land..."
msgstr "Wie ich Euch schon sagte, wurde unser König drei Stockwerke unter der Kirche beerdigt. Er ist jetzt da unten und wartet in der fauligen Dunkelheit auf seine Chance, das Land zu vernichten."
msgid "The curse of our King has passed, but I fear that it was only part of a greater evil at work. However, we may yet be saved from the darkness that consumes our land, for your victory is a good omen. May Light guide you on your way, good master."
msgstr "Der Fluch, der auf unserem König lastete, ist mit ihm gestorben, aber ich fürchte, das war nur ein Symptom für ein viel gröSSeres Übel, das unser Land bedroht. Doch wir können immer noch auf eine Rettung hoffen, denn Euer Sieg ist ein gutes Omen. Möge Euch das Licht auf Eurem gefährlichen Weg behüten."
msgid "The loss of his son was too much for King Leoric. I did what I could to ease his madness, but in the end it overcame him. A black curse has hung over this kingdom from that day forward, but perhaps if you were to free his spirit from his earthly prison, the curse would be lifted..."
msgstr "Der Verlust seines Sohnes war zuviel für König Leoric. Ich habe alles getan, was in meinen Kräften stand, um seine Wahnvorstellungen zu heilen, aber am Ende überwältigten sie ihn doch. Ein finsterer Fluch hing von diesem Tage an über diesem Königreich. Doch vielleicht endet er ja, wenn Ihr die Seele des Königs aus ihrem irdischen Gefängnis befreit."
msgid "I don't like to think about how the King died. I like to remember him for the kind and just ruler that he was. His death was so sad and seemed very wrong, somehow."
msgstr "Ich mag gar nicht daran denken, wie der König gestorben ist. Ich erinnere mich lieber an ihn, wie er als freundlicher und gerechter Herrscher war. Sein Tod war so traurig und schien so unpassend."
msgid "I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister force that drove him insane!"
msgstr "Ich habe viele der Waffen und die meisten der Rüstungen hergestellt, mit denen König Leoric seine Ritter ausgerüstet hat. Ich habe ihm sogar ein riesiges Zweihänder-Schwert aus feinstem Mithril geschmiedet und eine passende Feldkrone dazu. Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, wie er gestorben ist, aber es müssen ganz finstere Mächte gewesen sein, die ihn in den Wahnsinn getrieben haben."
msgid "I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be MY king. Leoric is King. King, so you hear me? HAIL TO THE KING!"
msgstr "Ist mir egal. Hör mal, kein Skelett wird jemals mein König sein. Leoric ist der König, klar? König, verstehst Du? LANG LEBE DER KÖNIG!"
msgid "The dead who walk among the living follow the cursed King. He holds the power to raise yet more warriors for an ever growing army of the undead. If you do not stop his reign, he will surely march across this land and slay all who still live here."
msgstr "Die Toten, die unter uns Lebenden wandeln, sie folgen dem verfluchten König. Er hat die Macht, noch mehr Krieger für die ständig wachsende Armee der Untoten zu rekrutieren. Wenn Ihr seine Herrschaft nicht beendet, wird er eines Tages über das Land marschieren und alle umbringen, die noch am Leben sind."
msgid "Yes, this will be perfect for a brew that I am creating. By the way, the healer is looking for the brain of some demon or another so he can treat those who have been afflicted by their poisonous venom. I believe that he intends to make an elixir from it. If you help him find what he needs, please see if you can get a sample of the elixir for me."
msgstr "Ja, das ist die perfekte Zutat für meinen Trank. Übrigens, der Heiler benötigt das Hirn eines Dämon für seinen Heiltrank gegen Dämonengift. Wenn Ihr ihm helfen könnt, dann tut es bitte, aber versucht doch auch, eine Probe dieses Elixiers für mich zu bekommen."
msgid "Why have you brought that here? I have no need for a demon's brain at this time. I do need some of the elixir that the Healer is working on. He needs that grotesque organ that you are holding, and then bring me the elixir. Simple when you think about it, isn't it?"
msgstr "Warum schleppt Ihr mir das Zeug hier an? Ich brauche im Moment kein Dämonenhirn. Was ich brauche, ist ein Schluck von dem Elixier, an dem der Heiler gerade arbeitet. Er braucht dieses.... groteske Organ, das Ihr da so stolz herumzeigt. Und dann könnt Ihr mir sein Elixier bringen. Ist doch ganz einfach, wenn man mal drüber nachdenkt, oder?"
msgid "What? Now you bring me that elixir from the healer? I was able to finish my brew without it. Why don't you just keep it..."
msgstr "Was denn, jetzt bringt Ihr mir endlich das Elixier vom Heiler? Jetzt habe ich meinen Trank auch ohne das Zeug fertigbekommen. Ihr könnt es behalten ..."
msgid "I don't have any mushrooms of any size or color for sale. How about something a bit more useful?"
msgstr "Ich habe überhaupt keine Pilze zu verkaufen, egal wie groSS oder in welcher Farbe. Wie wäre es denn statt dessen mit etwas Nützlicherem?"
msgid "The witch Adria seeks a black mushroom? I know as much about Black Mushrooms as I do about Red Herrings. Perhaps Pepin the Healer could tell you more, but this is something that cannot be found in any of my stories or books."
msgstr "Adria, die Hexe, benötigt einen schwarzen Pilz? Über schwarze Pilze weiSS ich leider genauso viel wie über rosa Schnittlauch. Vielleicht kann Euch Pepin, der Heiler, etwas mehr darüber verraten. In meinen Büchern und Geschichten jedenfalls steht nichts davon."
msgid "Let me just say this. Both Garda and I would never, EVER serve black mushrooms to our honored guests. If Adria wants some mushrooms in her stew, then that is her business, but I can't help you find any. Black mushrooms... disgusting!"
msgstr "Dazu kann ich nur eines sagen: Weder Garda noch ich haben oder werden unseren zahlenden Gästen JEMALS schwarze Pilze servieren. Wenn Adria solche Pilze in ihren Eintopf schneiden möchte, ist das allein ihre Sache, aber ich werde Euch nicht auch noch helfen, schwarze Pilze zu finden... ist ja widerlich!"
msgid "The witch told me that you were searching for the brain of a demon to assist me in creating my elixir. It should be of great value to the many who are injured by those foul beasts, if I can just unlock the secrets I suspect that its alchemy holds. If you can remove the brain of a demon when you kill it, I would be grateful if you could bring it to me."
msgstr "Die Hexe hat mir erzählt, daSS Ihr nach einem Dämonenhirn sucht, um mir bei der Herstellung meines Elixiers zu helfen. Es wäre von unschätzbarem Wert für alle, die von diesen elenden Monstern verwundet werden, wenn ich die Geheimnisse entschlüsseln könnte, die ich in der Alchimie dieser Hirne vermute. Wenn Ihr also wieder mal einen Dämon tötet, versucht bitte, sein Hirn unversehrt mitzubringen und mir zu geben, ja?"
msgid "Excellent, this is just what I had in mind. I was able to finish the elixir without this, but it can't hurt to have this to study. Would you please carry this to the witch? I believe that she is expecting it."
msgstr "Exzellent, genau das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. Ich konnte zwar das Elixier auch ohne das Dämonenhirn fertigstellen, aber es kann ja nicht schaden, es als Studienobjekt hier zu haben. Würdet Ihr das hier bitte zur Hexe bringen? Ich glaube, sie wartet darauf..."
msgid "I think Ogden might have some mushrooms in the storage cellar. Why don't you ask him?"
msgstr "Ich glaube, Ogden hat einige Pilze in seinem Vorratskeller. Warum fragt Ihr ihn nicht mal?"
msgid "If Adria doesn't have one of these, you can bet that's a rare thing indeed. I can offer you no more help than that, but it sounds like... a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! Well, good hunting, I suppose."
msgstr "Wenn Adria keinen hat, müssen die ja wirklich selten sein. Ich kann Euch nicht mehr dazu sagen, aber es klingt nach einem... irgendwie riesigen, aufgequollenen, gigantischen Pilz! Na ja, viel SpaSS beim Suchen."
msgid "Ogden mixes a MEAN black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that. Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!"
msgstr "Ogden kann einen tierischen Schwarzen Pilz mischen, aber davon muSS ich immer kotzen. Hör mal, hör mal, ich verrate Dir was: MäSSigung ist das ganze Geheimnis."
msgid "What do we have here? Interesting, it looks like a book of reagents. Keep your eyes open for a black mushroom. It should be fairly large and easy to identify. If you find it, bring it to me, won't you?"
msgstr "Was haben wir denn hier? Interessant... sieht aus wie ein Buch mit Reagenzien. Haltet Eure Augen offen nach einem schwarzen Pilz. Er müSSte ziemlich groSS sein und daher leicht zu identifizieren. Wenn Ihr einen findet, bringt ihn her, ja?"
msgid "It's a big, black mushroom that I need. Now run off and get it for me so that I can use it for a special concoction that I am working on."
msgstr "Ich brauche einen groSSen, schwarzen Pilz. Los, geht jetzt und holt ihn mir, damit ich dieses spezielle Gebräu fertigmischen kann, an dem ich gerade arbeite."
msgid "Gillian, my Barmaid? If it were not for her sense of duty to her grand-dam, she would have fled from here long ago. \n \nGoodness knows I begged her to leave, telling her that I would watch after the old woman, but she is too sweet and caring to have done so."
msgstr "Gillian, meine Kellnerin? Sie wäre schon vor langer Zeit von hier geflohen, wenn da nicht noch ihre GroSSmutter wäre. Sie würde sie niemals im Stich lassen. \n \nIch habe ihr sogar angeboten, mich um die alte Dame zu kümmern und sie praktisch angefleht, sich doch in Sicherheit zu bringen, aber zwecklos."
msgid "Greetings, good master. Welcome to the Tavern of the Rising Sun!"
msgstr "Seid mir herzlich gegrüSSt! Willkommen im Gasthof Zum Sonnenaufgang!"
msgid "Many adventurers have graced the tables of my tavern, and ten times as many stories have been told over as much ale. The only thing that I ever heard any of them agree on was this old axiom. Perhaps it will help you. You can cut the flesh, but you must crush the bone."
msgstr "Viele Abenteurer haben schon an den Tischen meines Gasthofs gesessen, und zehnmal so viele Geschichten sind bei ebenso vielen Krügen Bier erzählt worden. Das Einzige, worin sich alle immer einig waren, ist die alte Grundregel, die Ihr vielleicht auch ganz nützlich finden werdet: \"Fleisch kann man schneiden, aber Knochen muSS man zerschmettern\"."
msgid "Griswold the blacksmith is extremely knowledgeable about weapons and armor. If you ever need work done on your gear, he is definitely the man to see."
msgstr "Der Schmied Griswold kennt sich bei Waffen und Rüstungen extrem gut aus. Wenn Ihr jemals etwas an Euren Sachen auszubessern habt, solltet Ihr auf jeden Fall zu ihm gehen."
msgid "Farnham spends far too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Farnham verbringt viel zu viel Zeit hier. Er versucht, seine Sorgen in billigem Bier zu ertränken. Ich würde ihn ja rauswerfen, aber er hat so viel durchgemacht im Labyrinth."
msgid "Adria is wise beyond her years, but I must admit - she frightens me a little. \n \nWell, no matter. If you ever have need to trade in items of sorcery, she maintains a strangely well-stocked hut just across the river."
msgstr "Adria ist weiser, als es ihre Jugend vermuten läSSt, aber ich muSS zugeben, daSS sie mir auch etwas Angst macht. \n \nNa ja, ist ja auch egal. Jedenfalls, wenn Ihr jemals ein paar magische Sachen braucht oder eintauschen wollt, geht zu ihr. Sie hat eine Hütte jenseits des Flusses, und ihre Vorräte sind merkwürdigerweise immer reichlich."
msgid "If you want to know more about the history of our village, the storyteller Cain knows quite a bit about the past."
msgstr "Wenn Ihr mehr über die Vergangenheit unseres Dorfes erfahren wollt, kann Euch der Geschichtenerzähler Cain bestimmt weiterhelfen."
msgid "Wirt is a rapscallion and a little scoundrel. He was always getting into trouble, and it's no surprise what happened to him. \n \nHe probably went fooling about someplace that he shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the boy, but I don't abide the company that he keeps."
msgstr "Bert ist ein Taugenichts und ein kleiner Rumtreiber. Er hatte schon immer ein Talent dafür, sich Ärger einzuhandeln, und es überrascht mich nicht, daSS ihm sowas zugestoSSen ist. \n \nHat sich wahrscheinlich irgendwo rumgetrieben, wo er nichts zu suchen hatte. Er tut mir ja schon irgendwie leid, aber sein Bekanntenkreis gefällt mir überhaupt nicht."
msgid "Pepin is a good man - and certainly the most generous in the village. He is always attending to the needs of others, but trouble of some sort or another does seem to follow him wherever he goes..."
msgstr "Pepin ist ein guter Mensch - und mit Sicherheit der groSSzügigste der Stadt. Er kümmert sich immer um die Bedürfnisse der anderen, dabei hat er selbst immer genug Sorgen."
msgid "I really don't understand why Ogden stays here in Tristram. He suffers from a slight nervous condition, but he is an intelligent and industrious man who would do very well wherever he went. I suppose it may be the fear of the many murders that happen in the surrounding countryside, or perhaps the wishes of his wife that keep him and his family where they are."
msgstr "Ich verstehe wirklich nicht, warum Ogden hier in Tristram bleibt. Er bekommt leicht nervöse Zustände, aber er ist ein intelligenter und unternehmerischer Mann, der überall gut über die Runden käme, egal, wo er hinginge. Ich vermute, er hat Angst wegen der vielen Morde in der Umgebung, oder vielleicht will seine Frau hier einfach nicht weg."
msgid "Ogden's barmaid is a sweet girl. Her grandmother is quite ill, and suffers from delusions. \n \nShe claims that they are visions, but I have no proof of that one way or the other."
msgstr "Ogdens Kellnerin ist ein süSSes Mädchen. IHRE GROSSMUTTER ist ziemlich krank und leidet an Wahnvorstellungen. \n \nSie sagt zwar, es seien Visionen, aber dafür gibt es keinerlei Beweise."
msgid "What ails you, my friend?"
msgstr "Was fehlt Euch? Braucht Ihr Hilfe?"
msgid "I have made a very interesting discovery. Unlike us, the creatures in the Labyrinth can heal themselves without the aid of potions or magic. If you hurt one of the monsters, make sure it is dead or it very well may regenerate itself."
msgstr "Ich habe eine sehr interessante Entdeckung gemacht. Im Gegensatz zu uns können sich die Geschöpfe des Labyrinthes ohne die Hilfe von Tränken oder Magie selbst heilen! Wenn Ihr also gegen eines dieser Monster kämpft, vergewissert Euch, daSS es auch wirklich tot ist, sonst regeneriert es sich, und Euer Kampf war umsonst."
msgid "Before it was taken over by, well, whatever lurks below, the Cathedral was a place of great learning. There are many books to be found there. If you find any, you should read them all, for some may hold secrets to the workings of the Labyrinth."
msgstr "Bevor sie übernommen wurde ja, was immer da unten lauert, war die Kathedrale ein Ort des Lernens. Es gibt dort heute noch viele Bücher. Wenn Ihr welche findet, solltet Ihr sie auf jeden Fall lesen, denn sie enthalten viele Hinweise darauf, was im Labyrinth vor sich geht."
msgid "Griswold knows as much about the art of war as I do about the art of healing. He is a shrewd merchant, but his work is second to none. Oh, I suppose that may be because he is the only blacksmith left here."
msgstr "Griswold weiSS so viel über die Kunst des Krieges wie ich über die Kunst des Heilens. Er ist ein gerissener Kaufmann, aber seine Arbeit ist unvergleichlich. Na ja, vielleicht auch deshalb, weil es keinen anderen Schmied mehr gibt, mit dessen Arbeit man sie vergleichen könnte..."
msgid "Cain is a true friend and a wise sage. He maintains a vast library and has an innate ability to discern the true nature of many things. If you ever have any questions, he is the person to go to."
msgstr "Cain ist ein wahrer Freund und ein Weiser. Er hat eine riesige Bibliothek und besitzt die angeborene Gabe, die wahre Natur vieler Dinge zu erkennen. Wenn Ihr jemals Fragen habt, solltet Ihr zu ihm gehen."
msgid "Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do."
msgstr "Selbst meine Kräfte reichen nicht aus, um Farnham völlig zu heilen. Oh ja, ich konnte seinen Körper wieder in Ordnung bringen, aber sein Geist und sein Verstand liegen jenseits meiner Möglichkeiten."
msgid "While I use some limited forms of magic to create the potions and elixirs I store here, Adria is a true sorceress. She never seems to sleep, and she always has access to many mystic tomes and artifacts. I believe her hut may be much more than the hovel it appears to be, but I can never seem to get inside the place."
msgstr "Ich benutze zwar eine gewisse Art von Magie, um die Tränke und Elixiere zu brauen, die ich hier lagere. Aber Adria ist eine echte Hexe. Sie scheint niemals zu schlafen, und sie hat immer Zugang zu seltenen Büchern und Artefakten. Ich vermute, ihre Hütte ist viel mehr als der Holzschuppen, nach dem sie aussieht. Aber irgendwie habe ich es nie geschafft, hineinzukommen."
msgid "Poor Wirt. I did all that was possible for the child, but I know he despises that wooden peg that I was forced to attach to his leg. His wounds were hideous. No one - and especially such a young child - should have to suffer the way he did."
msgstr "Der arme Bert. Ich habe für ihn getan, was ich konnte, aber ich weiSS genau, daSS er das Holzbein haSSt, das ich an seinem Beinstumpf anbringen muSSte. Seine Wunden waren einfach grausam. Niemand - und schon gar kein Kind, wie er es war - sollte jemals so etwas erleiden müssen."
msgid "For once, I'm with you. My business runs dry - so to speak - if I have no market to sell to. You better find out what is going on, and soon!"
msgstr "Zur Abwechslung bin ich mal ganz auf Deiner Seite. Mein Geschäft geht - bildlich gesprochen - den Bach runter, wenn ich keine Käufer mehr habe. Du solltest lieber schnell rausfinden, was da vor sich geht."
msgid "Hmm, I don't know what I can really tell you about this that will be of any help. The water that fills our wells comes from an underground spring. I have heard of a tunnel that leads to a great lake - perhaps they are one and the same. Unfortunately, I do not know what would cause our water supply to be tainted."
msgstr "Hmm, ich weiSS nicht, ob ich Euch darüber überhaupt etwas Hilfreiches erzählen kann. Das Wasser in unseren Brunnen stammt aus einer unterirdischen Quelle. Ich habe mal von einem Tunnel gehört, der zu einem groSSen unterirdischen See führen soll - vielleicht ist dort die Quelle. Aber unglücklicherweise weiSS ich auch nicht, was unser Wasser so verseuchen könnte."
msgid "I have always tried to keep a large supply of foodstuffs and drink in our storage cellar, but with the entire town having no source of fresh water, even our stores will soon run dry. \n \nPlease, do what you can or I don't know what we will do."
msgstr "Ich habe immer versucht, ausreichend groSSe Vorräte an Getränken und Lebensmitteln im Keller zu lagern. Aber wenn jetzt die ganze Stadt kein frisches Wasser mehr hat, werden sogar meine Reserven bald aufgebraucht sein. \n \nBitte, tut Euer Bestes, oder ich weiSS nicht, wie es weitergehen soll!"
msgid "I'm glad I caught up to you in time! Our wells have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from them. Our reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry. I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town. Please find what has caused this calamity, or we all will surely perish."
msgstr "Ich bin ja so froh, daSS ich Euch noch rechtzeitig erwische! Unsere Brunnen sind plötzlich alle vergiftet und brackig; einige Leute im Dorf sind schon krank geworden, weil sie davon getrunken haben. Unsere Frischwasserreserven gehen rapide zur Neige. Ich vermute, es gibt einen Durchgang vom Labyrinth zu der Höhle, in der unsere Quellen liegen. Bitte findet den Grund für dieses Desaster, oder wir werden alle zugrunde gehen."
msgid "Please, you must hurry. Every hour that passes brings us closer to having no water to drink. \n \nWe cannot survive for long without your help."
msgstr "Ich bitte Euch, beeilt Euch! Mit jeder Stunde kommen wir dem Verdursten näher! \n \nOhne Eure Hilfe können wir nicht mehr lange durchhalten."
msgid "What's that you say - the mere presence of the demons had caused the water to become tainted? Oh, truly a great evil lurks beneath our town, but your perseverance and courage gives us hope. Please take this ring - perhaps it will aid you in the destruction of such vile creatures."
msgstr "Was sagt Ihr? Die bloSSe Anwesenheit der Dämonen hat ausgereicht, das Wasser zu verseuchen? Da muSS ja wirklich ein gewaltiges Übel unter unserer Stadt lauern... Aber Euer Mut und Eure Hartnäckigkeit geben uns Grund zur Hoffnung. Bitte, nehmt diesen Ring. Vielleicht wird er Euch bei der Vernichtung solch widerlicher Geschöpfe einmal hilfreich sein."
msgid "My grandmother is very weak, and Garda says that we cannot drink the water from the wells. Please, can you do something to help us?"
msgstr "Meine GroSSmutter ist sehr schwach, und Garda sagt, daSS wir das Wasser aus den Brunnen nicht trinken können. Ich bitte Euch, könnt Ihr nicht etwas tun, um uns zu helfen?"
msgid "Pepin has told you the truth. We will need fresh water badly, and soon. I have tried to clear one of the smaller wells, but it reeks of stagnant filth. It must be getting clogged at the source."
msgstr "Pepin hat Euch die Wahrheit erzählt. Wir brauchen dringend frisches Wasser, und zwar schnell. Ich habe versucht, einen der kleineren Brunnen sauber zu kriegen, aber das Wasser selbst stinkt nach verfaultem Dreck. Es wird offensichtlich schon direkt an der Quelle vergiftet."
msgid "You drink water?"
msgstr "Ihr trinkt ... Wasser?"
msgid "The people of Tristram will die if you cannot restore fresh water to their wells. \n \nKnow this - demons are at the heart of this matter, but they remain ignorant of what they have spawned."
msgstr "Die Leute in Tristram müssen sterben, wenn Ihr nicht dafür sorgt, daSS aus den Quellen wieder frisches Wasser sprudelt. \n \nWisset, daSS Dämonen hinter all dem stecken, doch sie wissen nicht, was sie angerichtet haben."
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr "> ZURÜCK"
msgid "Ah, Pepin. I count him as a true friend - perhaps the closest I have here. He is a bit addled at times, but never a more caring or considerate soul has existed. His knowledge and skills are equaled by few, and his door is always open."
msgstr "Ah, Pepin. Ich zähle ihn zu meinen wahren Freunden - vielleicht ist er sogar der beste, den ich habe. Er ist manchmal etwas verwirrt, aber niemand kann freundlicher und fürsorglicher sein als er. Sein Wissen und sein Können sind unübertroffen, und seine Tür ist für alle stets offen."
msgid "Gillian is a fine woman. Much adored for her high spirits and her quick laugh, she holds a special place in my heart. She stays on at the tavern to support her elderly grandmother who is too sick to travel. I sometimes fear for her safety, but I know that any man in the village would rather die than see her harmed."
msgstr "Gillian ist eine ganz besondere Frau. In meinem Herzen ist ein ganz besonderer Platz für sie reserviert, für ihre stets gute Laune und ihr fröhliches Lachen. Sie bleibt in der Taverne wegen ihrer alten GroSSmutter, die zu krank zum Reisen ist. Manchmal sorge ich mich um ihre Sicherheit, aber andererseits weiSS ich, daSS jeder Mann im Dorf lieber sterben würde als zuzulassen, daSS ihr etwas zustöSSt."
msgid "Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
msgstr "Hallo, mein Freund. Bleibt und hört mir ein wenig zu..."
msgid "While you are venturing deeper into the Labyrinth you may find tomes of great knowledge hidden there. \n \nRead them carefully for they can tell you things that even I cannot."
msgstr "Während Ihr tiefer und tiefer in das Labyrinth vordringt, werdet Ihr Bücher mit geheimem Wissen finden, die dort seit Generationen verborgen liegen. \n \nLest sie sorgfältig, denn sie können Euch Dinge lehren, von denen nicht einmal ich weiSS."
msgid "I know of many myths and legends that may contain answers to questions that may arise in your journeys into the Labyrinth. If you come across challenges and questions to which you seek knowledge, seek me out and I will tell you what I can."
msgstr "Ich kenne viele Legenden und Mythen, und in einigen davon stecken wahrscheinliche Antworten auf ein paar der Fragen, die sich Euch im Laufe Eurer Abenteuer im Labyrinth stellen werden. Wenn Ihr also auf Rätsel und Herausforderungen stoSSt, über die Ihr zu wenig wiSSt, kommt zu mir, und ich werde Euch alles sagen, was ich darüber weiSS."
msgid "Griswold - a man of great action and great courage. I bet he never told you about the time he went into the Labyrinth to save Wirt, did he? He knows his fair share of the dangers to be found there, but then again - so do you. He is a skilled craftsman, and if he claims to be able to help you in any way, you can count on his honesty and his skill."
msgstr "Griswold - ein Mann der Tat, und ein ungeheuer mutiger Kämpfer. Ich wette, er hat Euch nie erzählt, daSS er mal ins Labyrinth hinunter gestiegen ist, um Bert zu retten, oder? Er kennt schon viele der Gefahren, die dort unten lauern, aber - die kennt Ihr inzwischen ja auch. Er ist ein geschickter Handwerker, und wenn er sagt, daSS er Euch helfen kann, könnt Ihr Euch auf seine Ehrlichkeit und sein Können verlassen."
msgid "Ogden has owned and run the Rising Sun Inn and Tavern for almost four years now. He purchased it just a few short months before everything here went to hell. He and his wife Garda do not have the money to leave as they invested all they had in making a life for themselves here. He is a good man with a deep sense of responsibility."
msgstr "Ogden ist jetzt seit fast vier Jahren Eigentümer des Gasthofs zum Sonnenaufgang. Er hat ihn erst ein paar Monate vor der Katastrophe hier gekauft. Er und seine Frau Garda haben kein Geld mehr, um woanders hinzuziehen; sie haben alles investiert, um sich hier eine Existenz aufzubauen. Ogden ist ein guter, verantwortungbewuSSter Mann."
msgid "Poor Farnham. He is a disquieting reminder of the doomed assembly that entered into the Cathedral with Lazarus on that dark day. He escaped with his life, but his courage and much of his sanity were left in some dark pit. He finds comfort only at the bottom of his tankard nowadays, but there are occasional bits of truth buried within his constant ramblings."
msgstr "Der arme Farnham. Er ist für uns eine bleibende Erinnerung an den traurigen Tag, an dem der Trupp Dorfbewohner dem Erzbischof Lazarus in das Labyrinth unter der Kathedrale folgte. Farnham kam mit dem Leben davon, aber seinen Mut und den gröSSten Teil seines Verstandes hat er in diesem dunklen Loch verloren. Er hat sich ganz in seinen Bierkrug zurückgezogen, aber in seinem betrunkenen Gelalle steckt doch ab und zu ein Körnchen Wahrheit."
msgid "The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. She arrived shortly after the Cathedral was desecrated while most everyone else was fleeing. She had a small hut constructed at the edge of town, seemingly overnight, and has access to many strange and arcane artifacts and tomes of knowledge that even I have never seen before."
msgstr "Die Hexe Adria ist eine AuSSenseiterin hier in Tristram. Sie kam hier an, als alle anderen schon von hier flohen, kurz nachdem die Kathedrale entweiht worden war. Sie hat sich eine kleine Hütte am Stadtrand gebaut, scheinbar über Nacht, und sie besitzt viele seltsame, magische Gegenstände und Bücher, die selbst ich noch nie gesehen habe."
msgid "The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one. He was taken from the arms of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that wield wicked spears. There were many other children taken that day, including the son of King Leoric. The Knights of the palace went below, but never returned. The Blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures."
msgstr "Berts Geschichte ist tragisch und furchterregend. Er wurde von kleinen Dämonen mit Speeren seiner Mutter aus den Armen gerissen und ins Labyrinth verschleppt. Am gleichen Tag wurden noch viele andere Kinder entführt, darunter auch der Sohn von König Leoric. Die Ritter des Palastes gingen sofort hinunter, doch sie kamen nie wieder zurück. Der Schmied fand den Jungen, doch erst, nachdem die Monster angefangen hatten, ihn zu ihrem sadistischen Vergnügen zu foltern."
msgid "You have not found the Golden Elixir. I fear that I am doomed for eternity. Please, keep trying..."
msgstr "Ihr habt das Goldene Elixier nicht gefunden. Ich fürchte, ich bin für alle Ewigkeit verdammt. Bitte, sucht weiter!"
msgid "You have saved my soul from damnation, and for that I am in your debt. If there is ever a way that I can repay you from beyond the grave I will find it, but for now - take my helm. On the journey I am about to take I will have little use for it. May it protect you against the dark powers below. Go with the Light, my friend..."
msgstr "Ihr habt meine Seele vor der Verdammnis gerettet, und dafür stehe ich in Eurer Schuld. Wenn es überhaupt einen Weg gibt, wie ich diese Schuld von jenseits des Grabes zurückzahlen kann, dann werde ich ihn finden. Doch fürs Erste kann ich Euch nur meinen Helm geben. Auf der Reise, die ich jetzt antrete, werde ich wohl kaum Verwendung dafür haben. Möge er Euch gegen die Mächte der Finsternis dort unten beschützen. Geht mit dem Licht, mein Freund!"
msgid "You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his King faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that.\n \nOf those who were caught within the grasp of the King's Curse, Lachdanan would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight, so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture."
msgstr "Ihr sagt, Ihr habt mit Lachdanan gesprochen? Er war Zeit seines Lebens ein groSSer Held. Lachdanan war ein ehrenhafter und gerechter Mann, der seinem König jahrelang treu gedient hatte. Aber das wiSSt Ihr natürlich längst. \n \nVon denen, die der Fluch des Königs befiel, wäre Lachdanan derjenige, der sich am ehesten weigern würde, sich der Finsternis kampflos zu ergeben. Daher vermute ich, daSS Eure Geschichte wahr sein könnte. Wäre ich an Eurer Stelle, mein Freund, so würde ich einen Weg finden, ihn von seinen Qualen zu erlösen."
msgid "You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much."
msgstr "Ihr sprecht da von einem tapferen Krieger, der schon lange tot ist! Mit so einem Gerede über Unterhaltungen mit verstorbenen Seelen will ich nichts zu tun haben."
msgid "A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and DO NOT try to use it."
msgstr "Ein goldenes Elixier, sagt Ihr? Ich habe noch nie einen Trank in dieser Farbe gebraut, daher kann ich Euch nicht sagen, welche Wirkung er auf Euch hätte. Als Euer Hausheiler kann ich Euch nur empfehlen, zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen auf Lachdanan zu hören und ein solches Elixier - wenn Ihr es überhaupt findet - auf keinen Fall zu trinken!"
msgid "I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can be of much help to you."
msgstr "Ich habe noch nie von einem Lachdanan gehört. Tut mir leid, aber da kann ich Euch wohl nicht viel helfen."
msgid "If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him."
msgstr "Wenn es wirklich Lachdanan ist, den Ihr da getroffen habt, dann würde ich Euch dringend raten, ihm zu helfen. Ich hatte mehrmals mit ihm zu tun, und ich halte ihn für sehr loyal und ehrlich. Der Fluch, der das Gefolge von König Leoric traf, muSS ihn besonders hart getroffen haben."
msgid " Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!"
msgstr "Lachdanan ist tot. Das weiSS jeder, und Du wirst mir das auch nicht ausreden. Und mit den Toten kannst Du nicht reden. WeiSS ich genau!"
msgid "You may meet people who are trapped within the Labyrinth, such as Lachdanan. \n \nI sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid all of Tristram."
msgstr "Ihr trefft möglicherweise auf Menschen, die im Labyrinth gefangen sind, so wie Lachdanan etwa. \n \nIch spüre in ihm viel Ehre, aber auch groSSe Schuld. Helft ihm, und Ihr helft ganz Tristram."
msgid "Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened? Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way."
msgstr "Moment, laSS mich raten: Cain ist von einer riesigen Erdspalte verschluckt worden, die sich unter ihm aufgetan hat. Dabei wurde er in einen gewaltigen Feuerball verwandelt und zu Asche verbrannt, und jetzt kann er Deine Fragen nicht mehr beantworten, stimmt's? Wenn nicht, dann willst Du bestimmt was kaufen oder schnell wieder abhauen."
msgid "Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...\n \nI have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor."
msgstr "Bitte, bringt mich nicht um! Hört mich an! Ich war einst Hauptmann in der Rittergarde von König Leoric, und ich habe das Gesetz dieses Landes mit Ehre und Gerechtigkeit verteidigt. Dann aber fiel sein Fluch auf uns, wegen der Rolle, die wir bei seinem tragischen Tod gespielt haben. Während sich meine Mitstreiter in ihr grausiges Schicksal ergaben, bin ich aus der Grabkammer des Königs geflohen. Seitdem suche ich nach einer Möglichkeit, mich von diesem Fluch zu befreien. Doch bisher habe ich versagt... \n \nIch habe nur von einem Goldenen Elixier gehört, das den Fluch von mir nehmen und meiner Seele den Frieden des Todes bringen könnte, aber ich konnte es nie finden. Meine Kraft läSSt nun langsam nach, und damit verfliegt auch der letzte Rest von Menschlichkeit in mir. Bitte helft mir und findet das Elixier! Ich werde Euch für Eure Mühe entlohnen - das schwöre ich bei meiner Ehre!"
msgid "They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault..."
msgstr "Sie stechen, dann beiSSen sie, dann sind sie überall um Dich rum. Lügner! LÜGNER! Sie sind alle tot! Tot! Versteht Du?! Sie fallen wie die Fliegen... der ganze Boden schwimmt vor lauter Blut... alles seine Schuld..."
msgid "I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed him as theirs."
msgstr "Ich habe diesen Lazarus nicht gekannt, von dem Ihr erzählt. Aber ich spüre eine tiefe Spaltung in seinem Wesen. Er ist eine groSSe Gefahr und er wird alles tun für die Mächte der Dunkelheit, die ihn zu einem der Ihren gemacht haben."
msgid "Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there."
msgstr "Oh ja, der heilige Lazarus, der ja soooo gut gegen diese Monster da unten gekämpft hat. Aber mein Bein hat er irgendwie auch nicht retten können, oder? Hör mal, ich gebe Dir einen Tip - sogar gratis: Frag Farnham, der war dabei."
msgid "Abandon your foolish quest. All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master! You are too late to save the child. Now you will join him in Hell!"
msgstr "VergeSSt Euer törichtes Vorhaben! Das Einzige, was Euch hier erwartet, ist der Zorn meines Herrn. Ihr kommt zu spät, um den Jungen noch zu retten. Doch Ihr werdet ihm bald Gesellschaft leisten - in der Hölle!"
msgid "This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released.\n \nThe Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.\n \nCurse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark masters!\n \nThat must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!"
msgstr "Das klingt nicht gut, denn es bestätigt meine schlimmsten Befürchtungen. Bisher habe ich nicht an die alten Legenden geglaubt, doch jetzt zweifle ich nicht mehr an ihnen. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, Euch zu sagen, wer ich wirklich bin. \n \nMein wirklicher Name ist Deckard Cain der Ältere, und ich bin der letzte Nachfahre einer uralten Bruderschaft, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatte, die Geheimnisse einer uralten bösen Macht zu bewahren. Einer Macht, die nun offensichtlich aus ihrem Gefängnis entkommen konnte. \n \nErzbischof Lazarus, einst der vertrauteste Berater von König Leoric, hat einen Trupp einfacher Bürger ins Labyrinth geführt, um Albrecht zu suchen, den verschollenen Sohn des Königs. Es dauerte lange, bis jemand wiederkam, und nur wenige sind überhaupt mit dem Leben davongekommen. \n \nWas war ich bloSS für ein Idiot! Ich hätte ihm damals schon auf die Schliche kommen müssen! Es muSS Lazarus selbst gewesen sein, der Albrecht entführt hat und seitdem im Labyrinth versteckt hält. Ich weiSS nicht, warum der Erzbischof zur Finsteren Seite hinübergewechselt ist oder was er mit dem Jungen vorhat, es sei denn, er will ihn seinem Dunklen Herrn opfern. \n \nJa, das muSS es sein! Die Überlebenden seines 'Rettungstrupps' haben erzählt, daSS Lazarus, als sie ihn zum letzten Mal gesehen haben, hinunterrannte in die tiefsten Eingeweide des Labyrinths. Ihr müSSt Euch beeilen und den Jungen vor dem Opfermesser dieses Verrückten retten!"
msgid "You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!"
msgstr "undeten zu helfen, gesellen sich noch wertvolle Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Tränke und Elixiere. Er ist einer der besten Verbündeten, die Ihr in Tristram haben könnt."
msgid "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the labyrinth.\n \nKnow this, my friend - The evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the realm of mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"
msgstr "Was Ihr da erzählt, klingt sehr ernst, mein Freund. Lazarus wird für seine schrecklichen Untaten in der Hölle schmoren. Der Junge, den Ihr mir beschrieben habt, ist nicht unser Prinz, aber ich glaube, daSS Albrecht trotzdem in Gefahr sein könnte. Das Symbol der Macht, von dem Ihr mir berichtet habt, ist wahrscheinlich ein Portal, das direkt ins Herz des Labyrinthes führt. \n\nDoch wisset, mein Freund: Die böse Macht, mit der Ihr Euch messen wollt, ist der Finstere Lord des Terrors, unter den Sterblichen als Diablo bekannt. Er war es, der vor etlichen Jahrhunderten im Labyrinth eingesperrt worden ist, und ich fürchte, daSS er erneut versucht, Chaos und Schrecken im Reiche der Menschen zu verbreiten. Ihr müSSt Euch durch das Portal begeben und Diablo vernichten, bevor es zu spät ist!"
msgid "Lazarus was the Archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham about that day."
msgstr "Lazarus war der Erzbischof, der einen Trupp der Dorfbevölkerung in das Labyrinth hinabgeführt hat. Ich habe an jenem Tag viele gute Freunde verloren, und Lazarus ist nie zurückgekommen. Ich vermute, er ist zusammen mit den anderen getötet worden. Wenn Ihr mir einen Gefallen tun wollt, dann sprecht bitte Farnham nie auf diesen schrecklichen Tag an."
msgid "I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning to do that night. I thought that of all people, Lazarus would have had more sense than that. He was an Archbishop, and always seemed to care so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could not save them all..."
msgstr "chhall des früheren Lebens, an das sich die Menschen hier noch erinnern. Diese Erinnerungen sind es, die ihnen immer noch Hoffnung auf Euren Erfolg geben."
msgid "I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still alive and safe."
msgstr "Ich erinnere mich an Lazarus als einen netten und groSSzügigen Mann. Er hat bei der Beerdigung meiner Mutter die Predigt gehalten, und er hat meiner GroSSmutter und mir in sehr schlimmen Zeiten Halt gegeben. Ich bete jede Nacht, daSS er noch am Leben und in Sicherheit ist."
msgid "I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deeper into the dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!"
msgstr "Ich war dabei, als Lazarus uns in das Labyrinth geführt hat. Er sprach von heiliger Vergeltung, aber als wir anfingen, gegen diese Höllenbrut zu kämpfen, hat er noch nicht mal seinen Morgenstern gezückt. Er rannte einfach immer tiefer in die dunklen, endlosen Gänge des Labyrinthes, aus denen die Knechte der Finsternis auf uns einströmten."
msgid "I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War...\n \nStained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who would stand before this Executioner of Hell.\n \nIt is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the Legion of Darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood."
msgstr "Ich kenne nur eine einzige Sage, in der von so einem Krieger die Rede ist, wie Ihr ihn beschreibt. Seine Geschichte steht in den alten Chroniken der Sündenkriege...\n\n'Besudelt von einem Jahrtausend voller Krieg, Blut und Tod steht der Blutfürst auf einem Berg seiner zerschmetterten Opfer. Seine schwarze Klinge schleudert den Lebenden einen finsteren Fluch entgegen, eine gequälte Herausforderung für alle, die sich diesem Henker der Hölle in den Weg zu stellen wagen.'\n\nEs steht auch noch geschrieben, daSS er zwar früher mal ein Sterblicher war, der im Sündenkrieg auf der Seite der Finsternis gekämpft hat. Doch er opferte sein Menschsein seinem unersättlichen Durst nach Blut."
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for he sounds extremely dangerous."
msgstr "Es tut mir leid, von einem solchen Krieger habe ich noch nie etwas gehört. Ich hoffe nur, Ihr müSSt nicht gegen ihn kämpfen, er klingt ja fürchterlich gefährlich."
msgid "Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this than I would ever wish to know."
msgstr "Cain kann Euch darüber wahrscheinlich viel mehr erzählen, als ich überhaupt wissen möchte."
msgid "If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may Light be your guide and your defender. I will keep you in my thoughts."
msgstr "Wenn Ihr gegen so einen schweren Widersacher antreten müSSt, dann möge das Licht Euch beschützen und leiten. Ich werde in Gedanken bei Euch sein."
msgid "Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter."
msgstr "Dunkle und böse Legenden ranken sich um den Blutfürsten. Bereitet Euch auf dieses Treffen gut vor, mein Freund, denn er kennt weder Gnade noch Pardon."
msgid "Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?"
msgstr "MuSSt Du immer nur über Blut reden? Was ist denn mit Blümchen, Sonnenschein oder dem hübschen Mädel, das immer die Getränke bringt? Hör mal, mein Freund - das ist schon eine richtige Marotte von Dir, weiSSt Du das?"
msgid "His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see if you will defeat him."
msgstr "Wie er mit einer Klinge umzugehen vermag, ist ehrfurchterregend, und er hat Tausende von Jahren nur für den Krieg gelebt. Es tut mir leid... ich wüSSte nicht, wie Ihr ihn besiegen könntet."
msgid "I haven't ever dealt with this Warlord you speak of, but he sounds like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his armies..."
msgstr "Ich habe noch nie mit diesem Herrn zu tun gehabt, von dem Du da erzählst, aber es klingt so, als bräuchte er eine Menge Schwerter. Hätte nichts dagegen, seine Armeen zu beliefern..."
msgid "My blade sings for your blood, mortal, and by my dark masters it shall not be denied."
msgstr "Meine Klinge schreit vor Hunger nach Eurem Blut, und bei meinem Dunklen Herren, sie soll nicht enttäuscht werden!"
msgid "Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival."
msgstr "Adria macht mir richtig Angst. Klar, Cain ist ziemlich unheimlich mit seinen Geschichten über die Vergangenheit, aber Adria... die kann in Deine Vergangenheit reingucken! Und sie bekommt irgendwie immer genau das, was sie will. Adria kommt an mehr Sachen ran, als früher während des Herbstfestes durch die Tore des Konigsbazars geliefert wurden."
msgid "Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie..."
msgstr "Ogden ist ein Idiot, daSS er hierbleibt. Ich könnte ihn zu einem sehr zivilen Preis aus der Stadt bringen, aber er besteht darauf, sein Glück hier mit diesem blöden Gasthof zu versuchen. Na ja, zumindest hat Gillian dadurch einen Arbeitsplatz, und seine Frau Garda macht einen prima Hirtenkuchen."
msgid "Pssst... over here..."
msgstr "Pssst... hier bin ich!"
msgid "Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe. \n \nSometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things."
msgstr "Nicht jeder in Tristram hat Verwendung oder Kundschaft für jedes Teil, das Du im Labyrinth finden wirst. Nicht mal ich, so schwer das auch zu glauben sein mag. \n \nManchmal wirst nur Du etwas damit anfangen können."
msgid "Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense."
msgstr "Hör nicht auf alles, was der Besoffene Dir erzählt. Die zahllosen Bierchen haben seinen Blick und seinen Verstand getrübt."
msgid "In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever you can bring them..."
msgstr "Falls Du es noch nicht bemerkt hast, ich kaufe nichts aus Tristram. Ich bin Importeur für Qualitätswaren. Wenn Du Deinen Müll verscherbeln willst, muSSt Du Dich schon an Griswold, Pepin oder an Adria wenden, diese Hexe. Ich bin sicher, die reiSSen Dir alles aus den Händen, was Du ihnen anschleppst."
msgid "I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure, Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have definite plans that require a large amount of gold."
msgstr "Ich schätze, ich verdanke dem Schmied mein Leben - oder zumindest das, was davon noch übrig ist. Klar, Griswold hat mir eine Lehre in seiner Schmiede angeboten, und er ist ja auch ein ganz netter Kerl, aber da würde ich nie genug Geld verdienen, um... na ja, sagen wir mal, ich habe ganz präzise Zukunftspläne, für die ich eine gröSSere Geldsumme benötige."
msgid "If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff. Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go..."
msgstr "Wenn ich ein paar Jährchen älter wäre, würde ich sie mit allen Reichtümern überschütten, die ich auftreiben könnte. Und glaub mir, ich komme an ziemlich ausgefallene Sachen ran, wenn ich will! Gillian ist ein wunderbares Mädchen, das Tristram verlassen sollte, sobald es gefahrlos möglich ist. Hmmm... vielleicht nehme ich sie mit, wenn ich gehe."
msgid "Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock."
msgstr "Cain weiSS zuviel. Er macht mir Höllenangst - mehr noch als diese Frau auf der anderen Seite des Flusses. Er erzählt mir dauernd, was für ein Glück ich habe, noch am Leben zu sein, und daSS meine Geschichte in den Legenden vorhergesagt worden sei. Manchmal glaube ich, sein geistiger Sattel ist ein biSSchen vom Pferd gerutscht."
msgid "Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs..."
msgstr "Farnham - tja, da haben wir mal einen Mann mit richtig ernsten Problemen. Und ich bin Fachmann, wenn es um ernste Probleme geht. Er hat der Integrität eines einzigen Mannes zu sehr vertraut, und Lazarus hat ihn mitten in die Tore der Hölle geführt. Ich weiSS genau, wie es da unten aussieht, also erzähl mir nichts vom \"Ausrotten des Bösen, das da unten haust\" - paSS einfach nur auf Deine Beine auf."
msgid "As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as they come. \n \nIf I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my leg..."
msgstr "Solange keine Teile neu an Deinem Körper befestigt werden müssen, ist der alte Pepin genau der Richtige. \n \nHätte ich damals ein paar seiner Tränke dabei gehabt, hätte ich vielleicht noch beide Beine."
msgid "What?! Why are you here? All these interruptions are enough to make one insane. Here, take this and leave me to my work. Trouble me no more!"
msgstr "Was? Warum seid Ihr hier? Bei diesen ganzen Störungen muSS man ja verrückt werden! Hier, nehmt das und geht, ich muSS arbeiten! Stört mich bloSS nicht mehr!"
msgid "Arrrrgh! Your curiosity will be the death of you!!!"
msgstr "Arrrrgh! Eure Neugier wird Euch noch mal umbringen. Und zwar jetzt!"
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msgid "THE SIN WAR"
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msgid "Not long after Leoric took possession of Khanduras, a power long asleep awakened within the dark recesses beneath the Monastery. Sensing that freedom was within his grasp, Diablo entered the nightmares of the Arch-Bishop and lured him into the dark, subterranean labyrinth. In his terror, Lazarus raced throughout the abandoned hallways until he at last came to the chamber of the burning Soulstone. No longer in command of his body or spirit, he raised the stone above his head and uttered words long forgotten in the realm of mortals. His will destroyed, Lazarus shattered the Soulstone upon the ground. Diablo once again came into the world of Man. Although he was released from his imprisonment within the Soulstone, the Lord of Terror was still greatly weakened from his long sleep and required an anchor to the world. Once he had found a mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly depleted power. The great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above, and chose to take the strongest of them - that of King Leoric.\n\nFor many months King Leoric secretly fought the evil presence that twisted his thoughts and emotions. Sensing that he had been possessed by some unknown evil, Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise the corruption growing inside him - he was sorely mistaken. Diablo stripped away the core of Leorics being, burning away all honor and virtue from his soul. Lazarus too, had fallen under the sway of the Demon, keeping close to Leoric at all times. Lazarus worked to conceal the plans of his new Master from the Order of Light, hoping that the demons power would grow, well concealed amongst the servants of Zakarum.\n\nThe priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege. His once proud and rugged form became distorted and deformed. King Leoric became increasingly deranged and ordered immediate executions of any who dared to question his methods or authority. Leoric began to send his Knights to other villages to bully their townspeople into submission. The people of Khanduras who had once grown to see great honor in their ruler began to call Leoric the Black King.\n\nDriven to the brink of madness by the Lord of Terror, King Leoric slowly alienated his closest friends and advisors. Lachdanan, Captain of the Knights of the Order of Light and honored Champion of Zakarum, tried to discern the nature of his Kings deteriorating spirit. Yet at every turn the Arch-Bishop Lazarus would waylay Lachdanan and admonish him for questioning the actions of the King. As tensions grew between the two, Lazarus charged Lachdanan with treason against the Kingdom. To the Priests and Knights of Leorics court, the prospect of Lachdanan committing treason was ridiculous. Lachdanans motives were honorable and just, and soon many began to question the reason of their once beloved King.\n\nLeorics madness was growing more obvious with each passing day. Sensing that the advisors of the court were becoming increasingly suspicious of foul treachery, Lazarus desperately sought to contain the eroding situation. The Arch-Bishop masterfully convinced the delusional Leoric that the kingdom of Westmarch was plotting against him, secretly planning to dethrone him and annex Khanduras into its own lands. Leoric flew into a rage and summoned his advisors to his side. Manipulated by the Arch-Bishop, the paranoid King declared a state of war between the kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch.\n\nLeoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they did not believe in. Lachdanan was appointed by Lazarus to lead the armies of Khanduras into Westmarch. Although Lachdanan argued against the necessity of the coming conflict, he was honor-bound to uphold the will of his King. Many of the high-priests and officials were forced to travel to the North as emissaries on errands of diplomatic urgency, as well. The desperate ploy of Lazarus had succeeded in sending many of the Kings more troublesome advisors to their certain deaths..."
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msgid "In the ancient days, before the rise of the Western Empires, the dark and terrible entities known as the Three Evils were exiled to the world of Man. These eternal entities wandered throughout the waking world and fed upon the lusts of men, leaving chaos and attrition in their wake. The Evils turned father against son and prompted many great nations into brutal and petty wars. Their Exile from Hell left them with an insatiable hunger to bring suffering and pain to all those who would not kneel before them, and so the Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the Far East for countless centuries.\n\nEventually, a secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East. Employing disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within powerful artifacts called Soulstones. Mephisto and Baal, trapped within the swirling, spiritual constraints of the Soulstones, were then buried beneath the dunes of the desolate Eastern Sands.\n\nThe powers of Hatred and wanton Destruction seemed to diminish in the East as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third Brother, Diablo. They knew that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting peace within the realm of humanity.\n\nThe Horadrim followed in the wake of terror and anarchy that spread throughout the Western lands. After a great battle which claimed the lives of many brave souls, the Lord of Terror was captured and imprisoned within the last of the Soulstones by a group of Horadrim monks led by the Initiate Jered Cain. These monks carried the cursed stone to the land of Khanduras and buried it within a secluded cave near the river Talsande. Above this cave the Horadrim constructed a great Monastery from which they could continue to safeguard the Soulstone. As ages passed, the Horadrim constructed a network of catacombs beneath the Monastery to house the earthly remains of the martyrs of their Order.\n\nGenerations passed in Khanduras, and the numbers of the Horadrim slowly dwindled. With no quests left to undertake, and too few sons to sustain their guardianship, the once powerful Order faded into obscurity. Eventually, the great Monastery that they had built fell to ruins as well. Although villages grew and thrived around the shell of the old Monastery, no one knew of the dark, secret passageways that stretched into the cold earth beneath it. None could have dreamed of the burning red gem that pulsed within the labyrinths heart..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The absence of prying advisors and inquisitive Priests left Diablo free to assume total control over the Kings battered soul. As the Lord of Terror attempted to strengthen his hold upon the maddened King, he found that the lingering spirit of Leoric fought with him still. Although the control over Leoric that Diablo held was formidable, the Demon knew that in his weakened state he could never take complete possession of his soul as long as a glimmer of his will remained. The demonlord sought a fresh and innocent host upon which to build his Terror.\n\nThe demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the Kings soul was left corrupted and his mind crazed. Diablo began to search throughout Khanduras for the perfect vessel to act as his focus, and found such a soul easily within his reach. Enjoined by his dark master, Lazarus kidnapped Albrecht - the only son of Leoric - and dragged the terrified youth down into the blackness of the labyrinth. Flooding the boys defenseless mind with the essence of pure Terror, Diablo easily took possession of the young Albrecht.\n\nPain and fire raced through the childs soul. Hideous laughter filled his head and clouded his thoughts. Paralyzed with fear, Albrecht felt the presence of Diablo within his mind as it seemed to push him down, deeper and deeper into darkness and oblivion. Diablo gazed upon his surroundings through the eyes of the young prince. A lustful hunger still tortured the demon after his frustrating bout for control over Leoric, but the nightmares of the boy provided ample substance to sate him. Reaching deep into Albrechts subconscious, Diablo ripped the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.\n\nAlbrecht watched, as if out of a dream, twisted and disfigured forms appeared all around him. Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him chanting choruses of obscenities. All of the monsters that he had ever imagined or believed that he had seen in his life became flesh and were given life before him. Large bodies comprised of living rock erupted from the walls and bowed to their dark master. The ancient, skeletal corpses of the Horadrim arose from archaic crypts and lumbered off into the red washed corridors beyond. As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow against Albrechts shattered spirit, the bloodlusted ghouls and demons of his mind scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening passageways of his waking Nightmare.\n\nThe ancient catacombs of the Horadrim had become a twisted labyrinth of raw, focused Terror. Empowered by Diablos possession of young Albrecht, the creatures of the boys own imagination had gained corporeal form. So strong was the terror that grew inside of Albrecht, that the borders of the Mortal realm began to warp and tear. The Burning Hell began to seep into the world of Man and take root within the labyrinth. Beings and occurrences displaced by time and space, and long lost to the history of Man were pulled screaming into the ever-expanding domain.\n\nThe body of Albrecht, fully possessed by Diablo, began to distort and change. The small boy grew and his eyes blazed as tendril-like spines ripped through his flesh. Great, arched horns erupted from Albrechts skull as Diablo altered the form of the child to match that of his demonic body. Deep within the recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. When the moment was right, Diablo would venture once more into the mortal world and free his captive Brothers, Mephisto and Baal. The Prime Evils would be reunited, and together they would reclaim their rightful place in Hell."
msgstr ""
msgid "'Seven is the number of the powers of Hell, and Seven is the number of the Great Evils.'\n\nDuriel, the Lord of Pain\n\nAndariel, the Maiden of Anguish\n\nBelial, the Lord of Lies\n\nAzmodan, the Lord of Sin\n\nThese are the true names of the lesser of the Great Evils. For ages uncounted each have ruled over their own domains within the Burning Hells, seeking absolute dominion over their infernal brethren. As the Lesser Four continuously vied for the control of those forces that dwelled within their realms, the Greater Three held absolute power over the whole of Hell. The Lesser Four used dark and evil measures in their quest for power, and herein begins the legend of the Dark Exile.\n\nMephisto, the Lord of Hatred\n\nBaal, the Lord of Destruction\n\nDiablo, the Lord of Terror\n\nThese are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark, sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils, the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.\n\nWith the ascension of Man and the subsequent standstill of the Great Conflict, the Three Brothers began to devote their energies to the perversion of mortal souls. The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated since the Beginning. This change caused many of the Lesser Evils to question the authority of the Three, and so brought about a great rift between the Prime Evils and their servitors.\n\nIn their ignorance, the Lesser Evils began to believe that the Three were afraid to continue the war with Heaven. Frustrated by the cessation of the war, Azmodan and Belial saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two demon lords made a pact with their minor brethren, assuring them that the wretched plague of humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate, achieve victory in the Sin War and ultimately ride the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into the very arms of Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers...\n\nThe Brothers fought with all of the savagery of the Underworld, and to their credit, annihilated a third of Hells treacherous legions. In the end, however, they were overcome by the Horned Death led by the traitors Azmodan and Belial. The Prime Evils, weakened and bodiless, were banished to the mortal realm where Azmodan hoped that they would remain trapped forever. Azmodan believed that with the Three set loose upon humanity, the Angels would be forced to turn their focus upon on the mortal plane - thus leaving the Gates of Heaven abandoned and defenseless. Those few demons who still pledged allegiance to the Three Brothers fled the wrath of Azmodan and Belial, escaping to the realm of Man to seek out their lost Masters.\n\nAs the warfires died out upon the battlefields of Hell, Azmodan and Belial began to argue over which of them held the higher authority. The pact that they had made quickly fell to ashes as the two demon lords took up arms against each other. The legions of Hell that remained were polarized behind either warlord, launching themselves into a bloody civil war that has lasted to this day..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The war against the zealous armies of Westmarch ended with a horrible slaughter. With the army of Khanduras ripped to shreds by the superior numbers and defensive positions of Westmarch, Lachdanan quickly gathered together those who were not captured or killed and ordered a retreat back to the safety of Khanduras. They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.\n\nKing Leoric, deep within the throes of madness, went into a rage when he learned that his son was missing. After scouring the village with the few guards that remained with him at the monastery, Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere. Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrechts whereabouts, Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him, and that they would pay the price for such treachery.\n\nThe mysterious disappearance of the Arch-Bishop Lazarus left no one in Tristram with whom the King would take council. Overcome by grief and dementia, Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason.\n\nAs Lachdanan and his fellow survivors returned to confront their King, Leoric sent his few remaining guards against them. Believing that Lachdanan was somehow part of the townsfolks conspiracy, Leoric decreed that he and his party were to die. \tLachdanan, finally realizing that Leoric was beyond salvation, ordered his men to defend themselves. The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. Lachdanan won a bittersweet victory as his men were forced to kill all of Leorics deceived protectors. They cornered the ravenous King within his own sanctuary and begged him to explain the atrocities he had committed. Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against both his crown and the Light.\n\nLachdanan walked slowly towards his King and sorrowfully drew his sword. Full of grief and rage, all honor having been cast to the winds, Lachdanan ran his blade through Leorics shriveled, blackened heart. The once noble King screamed an unearthly death-cry, and as his madness finally overtook him, he brought down a curse upon those who had so betrayed him. Calling upon the forces of Darkness that he had spent his entire life combating, Leoric condemned Lachdanan and the others to eternal damnation. In that last, fleeting moment within the heart of the Monastery, all that was ever virtuous or honorable about the stewards of Khanduras was shattered forever."
msgstr ""
msgid "Since the Beginning, the forces of Light and Darkness have engaged in an eternal war: The Great Conflict, whose victor will rise from the apocalyptic ashes to hold sway over all creation. To this end, the Angels of the High Heavens adhere to strict militaristic disciplines. Seraphim warriors strike at the enemies of Light with swords imbued with righteous wrath and justice. The Angels believe that only absolute discipline can properly restore order to the myriad realms, while the demonic denizens of the Burning Hells hold that absolute chaos is the true nature of all things.\n\nThe battles of the Great Conflict rage across both time and space, often infringing upon the very fabric of reality itself. From the Crystal Arch at the very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the warriors of these eternal realms journey to wherever their timeless conflict carries them. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both veneration and insight.\n\nThe greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Arch-Angel Tyrael and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing completion. His quest was to destroy both wielder and weapon - a charge that he was destined never to complete. Izual was overcome by the legions of chaos and, tragically, was lost to the Darkness. His fate stands as testament to the fact that Angels and Demons alike shall fearlessly enter into any domain - so long as their hated enemies dwell within.\n\nAlthough the Great Conflict burned hotter and longer than any of the stars in the sky, neither side could gain dominion over the other for long. Both factions sought some way to turn the tides of the war to their favor. With the ascension of Man and his mortal realm, the Great Conflict ground to a mysterious halt. Both armies paused in a breathless stalemate, waiting to see to whose side Man would eventually turn.\n\nMortals had the unique ability to choose between Darkness and Light, and it was held that this would be the deciding factor in the outcome of the Great Conflict. Thus, the agents of the nether-realms descended to the mortal realm to vie for the favor of Man..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Years after the last of the Horadrim had died, a great and prosperous society grew in the lands of the West. As time wore on, many Eastern pilgrims settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and soon established small, self-contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over holdings of property or routes of trade. These squabbles did little to upset the lasting peace of the West, and the great Northern kingdom of Westmarch proved to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures of barter and commerce.\n\nDuring this time, a bold, new religion of the Light known as Zakarum began to spread throughout the kingdom of Westmarch and into many of its northern principalities. Zakarum, founded in the Far East, implored followers to enter into the Light and forsake the darkness that lurked within their souls. The people of Westmarch adopted the statutes of Zakarum as their sacred mission in the world. Westmarch began to turn towards its neighbors, expecting them to embrace this 'New Beginning' as well. Tensions rose between the kingdoms of Westmarch and Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.\n\nIt was then that the great northern lord Leoric came unto the lands of Khanduras and, in the name of Zakarum, declared himself King. Leoric was a deeply religious man and had brought many Knights and Priests with him that comprised his Order of the Light. Leoric and his trusted advisor, the Arch-Bishop Lazarus, made their way to the city of Tristram. Leoric appropriated the ancient, decrepit Monastery on the outskirts of the town for his seat of power and renovated it to match its time-lost glory. Although the free people of Khanduras were not pleased with being placed under the sudden rule of a foreign King, Leoric served them with justice and might. Eventually, the people of Khanduras grew to respect the kind Leoric, sensing that he sought only to guide and protect them against the oppression of Darkness."
msgstr ""
msgid "It was long ago that the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael bestowed upon us the secrets of the mysterious Soulstones. Tyrael bequested upon our Order three of these Stones so we could contain the vile essences of the Three Prime Evils who had been let loose upon our world. Although the artifacts were constructed in realms far removed from our own, we found that they were simple to understand.\n\nThe Soulstones effect only beings that are non-corporeal and thus have no power over living, breathing creatures. When invoked, the Soulstones bring into being a strong 'spiritual' vacuum. Any non-physical entities caught within this vacuum are drawn into the burning recesses of the Soulstone and are forever trapped within. These spirits are released only when the Soulstone is deactivated or destroyed.\n\nThe power of the Soulstones proved to be much more difficult to employ when used against the great Prime Evils. Voraciously disposed to possessing hapless mortals, the Three Brothers found that they were immune to the effects of the Stones while occupying human souls. Sadly, we were forced to hunt down and kill the innocent victims of the Prime Evils so that their demonic essences could be subject to the effects of the Soulstones.\n\nMephisto and Diablo, once found, were easily lured into the Soulstones. The capture of their brother Baal, however, became complicated when the Soulstone that was to be his eternal prison was shattered and fragmented. We found that while the shards still held the power to lure the demon to them, they could not properly contain it. Tal Rasha, a fellow Initiate who has since been immortalized in Horadrim lore, theorized that a mortal of strong will might be able to contain Baal within his own mortal soul. This sacrifice meant that the essence of any mortal so chosen would be forever tortured while locked in eternal conflict with the enthralled demon. To this end, Tal Rasha volunteered to contain the raging Lord of Destruction.\n\nPiercing his breast with a shard of the Soulstone, Tal Rasha took within himself the essence of Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The Initiates body was shackled, chained and buried deep within a tomb under the desert. The sacrifice of Tal Rasha has kept Baal imprisoned for many years now, and although the demon was imprisoned without the use a whole Soulstone, we believe that our victory may be a hollow one. Should Tal Rasha ever escape, he would have the formidable powers of Baal added to his own. By ridding the world of this present Evil, we may have created a nightmare worse than that which we first sought to contain..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Black King lay dead, slain at the hands of his own Priests and Knights. The young Prince Albrecht was still missing, and the proud defenders of Khanduras were no more. The people of Tristram looked about their lifeless town and were greatly dismayed. Awash in feelings of both relief and remorse, they soon realized that their troubles had merely begun. Strange, eerie lights appeared in the darkened windows of the Monastery. Misshapen, leathery-skinned creatures were seen venturing forth from the shadows of the church. Horrible, wounded cries seemed to linger on the wind, emanating from deep underground. It became apparent that something quite unnatural had infested the once holy sight...\n\nTravelers on the roads surrounding Tristram were accosted by cloaked riders that seemed to now constantly roam the deserted countryside. Many villagers fled Tristram, making their way to other towns or kingdoms, fearing some unnamed evil that seemed to wait in the shadows all around them. Those few who chose to remain seldom ventured out at night, and never tread foot upon the grounds of the cursed Monastery. Whispered rumors of poor, innocent people being abducted in the night by wicked, nightmarish creatures filled the halls of the local inn. With no King, no law, and no army left to defend them, many of the townsfolk began to fear an attack from the things that now dwelt beneath their town.\n\nThe Arch-Bishop Lazarus, frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good judgment, Lazarus whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them that Prince Albrecht was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared, they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of Hell itself...\n\nThe few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to Tristram and recounted what they could of the ordeal. Their wounds were terrible, and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the hearts of all of the towns inhabitants. It was a Terror that none of them had ever known...\n\nDeep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, Diablo gorged himself upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming shadows and began to harness his depleted power.\n\nHe smiled to himself in the sheltering darkness, for he knew that the time of his final victory was fast approaching..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm is known as the Sin War. Angels and Demons, disguising themselves while traveling amongst men, attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes. Over time, the forces of Darkness discovered that mortals responded much more to brute force than to subtle coercion, and so began to terrorize Man into submission. The Angels fought to defend humanity against this demonic oppression, but all too often their austere methods and severe punishments succeeded only in alienating those whom they sought to protect.\n\nThe violent battles of the Sin War occurred often, but they were seldom witnessed by the prying eyes of Man. Only a few 'enlightened' souls were aware of the supernatural beings that walked amongst the huddled masses of humanity. Powerful mortals arose and accepted the challenge of the Sin War, allying themselves with both sides in the Great Conflict. The legendary deeds of these great mortal warriors served to earn both the respect and hatred of the nether-worlds. Although lesser demons kneeled before those possessing power and strength, they also cursed the very existence of mortal man. Many of these fiends believed that the deadlock brought about by the emergence of Man was a perverse offense to their 'higher' role in the great scheme of things.\n\nThis jealousy of Man led to harsh, atrocious acts of violence by the demons against the mortal realm. Some men learned of this deep hatred and used it against the denizens of the Underworld. One such mortal, Horazon the Summoner, delighted in summoning demons and then breaking them to his will. Horazon, along with his brother Bartuc, were members of the Eastern mage-clan known as the Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their lore for generations. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. The denizens of Hell sought revenge against this bold mortal, but Horazon managed to keep himself well protected within his arcane sanctuary.\n\nBartuc, the brother of Horazon, was eventually lured to the side of Darkness. He was granted exceptional strength and longevity, and fought alongside the legions of Hell against the cursed Vizjerei, and eventually his own brother during the Sin War. Although Bartuc was renowned amongst the warriors of many realms, his dominance in battle came with a terrible price. An insatiable lust for mortal blood pervaded his every thought and deed. Bartuc soon became as fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies as he did of shedding it, and in time he came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood."
msgstr ""
msgid "1 Charge"
msgstr ""
msgid "1 Scroll"
msgstr ""
msgid "Abandoned"
msgstr ""
msgid "Absolute"
msgstr ""
msgid "absorbs half of trap damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "absorption"
msgstr ""
msgid "accuracy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Acid Beast"
msgstr ""
msgid "Action"
msgstr ""
msgid "adds 20% to an item's"
msgstr ""
msgid "adds %i points to damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr ""
msgid "Adria"
msgstr ""
msgid "Adria the Witch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Advocate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Aguinara's Hatchet"
msgstr ""
msgid "All Resistance equals 0"
msgstr ""
msgid "All Spells"
msgstr ""
msgid "altered durability"
msgstr ""
msgid "Amber"
msgstr ""
msgid "Amulet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Amulet of the Dead"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ancient Tome"
msgstr ""
msgid "Angel's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Anvil of Fury"
msgstr ""
msgid "Apocalypse"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arcane power brings destruction"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arcane knowledge gained!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Archbishop Lazarus' Lair"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arch-Angel's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arch-Bishop Lazarus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to buy this item?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to identify this item?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to recharge this item?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to repair this item?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to sell this item?"
msgstr ""
msgid "ARE YOU SURE ?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arkaine's Valor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "ARMOR\nCLASS"
msgstr ""
msgid "AC"
msgstr ""
msgid "Armor class added to life"
msgstr ""
msgid "armor class: %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "armor: %i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "armor: %i Indestructible"
msgstr ""
msgid "Armor: %i "
msgstr ""
msgid "atrophy"
msgstr ""
msgid "attacker takes 1-3 damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "View Automap"
msgstr ""
msgid "Awesome"
msgstr ""
msgid "Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Azurewrath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Azure"
msgstr ""
msgid "Azure Drake"
msgstr ""
msgid "A Dark Passage"
msgstr ""
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
msgid "Back to Level %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "balance"
msgstr ""
msgid "Balrog"
msgstr ""
msgid "Baranar's Star"
msgstr ""
msgid "Baron Sludge"
msgstr ""
msgid "Barrel"
msgstr ""
msgid "BASE"
msgstr ""
msgid "bashing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bastard Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Battle Axe"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Bent"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bilefroth the Pit Master"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blackash the Burning"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blackest Blade"
msgstr ""
msgid "BlackJade"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blackoak Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blackskull"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blacksmith Oil"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blacksmith's shop"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blackstorm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blacktongue"
msgstr ""
msgid "Black Death"
msgstr ""
msgid "Black Knight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Black Mushroom"
msgstr ""
msgid "Black Razor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bladeskin the Slasher"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blade"
msgstr ""
msgid " "
msgstr ""
msgid "Blessed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blessed by a benevolent companion!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blightfire"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blighthorn Steelmace"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blightstone the Weak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blink"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blocked Door"
msgstr ""
msgid "BLOCKING"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bloodgutter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bloodlust"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bloodmoon Soulfire"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bloodskin Darkbow"
msgstr ""
msgid "BloodSlayer"
msgstr ""
msgid "blood"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Boil"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Claw"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Fountain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Knight"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Ritual"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Star"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blood Stone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bluehorn"
msgstr ""
msgid "Blue"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bonehead Keenaxe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boneripper"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bonesaw the Litch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bone Chamber"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bone Demon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bone Gasher"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bone Spirit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bongo"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bookcase"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bookshelf"
msgstr ""
msgid "Book of Blood"
msgstr ""
msgid "Book of the Blind"
msgstr ""
msgid "Book of Vileness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Book of "
msgstr ""
msgid "BOOK ONE"
msgstr ""
msgid "BOOK TWO"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bountiful"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bow of the Dead"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bramble"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brass"
msgstr ""
msgid "Breakspine"
msgstr ""
msgid "Breast Plate"
msgstr ""
msgid "brilliance"
msgstr ""
msgid "brittleness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Broad Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Broad Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brokenhead Bangshield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brokenstorm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bronzefist Firestone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bronze"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brutal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Buckler"
msgstr ""
msgid "burning"
msgstr ""
msgid "Burning Dead"
msgstr ""
msgid "Burning Dead Captain"
msgstr ""
msgid "but it will cost 50 gold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Buy basic items"
msgstr ""
msgid "Buy items"
msgstr ""
msgid "Buy premium items"
msgstr ""
msgid "BUY STAVES"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Cabalist"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain the Elder"
msgstr ""
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cape"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cap"
msgstr ""
msgid "carnage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Carver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cauldron"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cave Slug"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cave Viper"
msgstr ""
msgid "Screen Adjustment"
msgstr ""
msgid "Chain Lightning"
msgstr ""
msgid "Chain Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Champion's"
msgstr ""
msgid "chance to hit"
msgstr ""
msgid "chance to hit : %+i%%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Chaoshowler"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character Information"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character loaded"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr ""
msgid "Charged Bolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Charges: %i/%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheating detected"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cheat Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Chest"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Civerb's Cudgel"
msgstr ""
msgid "CLASS"
msgstr ""
msgid "class of armor and shields"
msgstr ""
msgid "Claymore"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cleaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cloak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Closed Door"
msgstr ""
msgid "Close Quest Log"
msgstr ""
msgid "Club"
msgstr ""
msgid "Clumsy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cobalt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Codex of Enlightenment"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr ""
msgid "ENABLED"
msgstr ""
msgid "Combo Button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Composite Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Composite Staff"
msgstr ""
msgid "constantly lose hit points"
msgstr ""
msgid "Constricting Ring"
msgstr ""
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr ""
msgid "Controller Setup"
msgstr ""
msgid "Corpse Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Corpse Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Corpse Captain"
msgstr ""
msgid "corruption"
msgstr ""
msgid "Counselor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crackrust"
msgstr ""
msgid "craftsmanship"
msgstr ""
msgid "Credits"
msgstr ""
msgid "Creepy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crimson"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crimson and Azure become as the sun"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crown"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crucified Skeleton"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cryptic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Crystal"
msgstr ""
msgid "current and max durability"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dagger"
msgstr ""
msgid "damages target's armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Damages undead only"
msgstr ""
msgid "DAMAGE"
msgstr ""
msgid "damage potential - not bows"
msgstr ""
msgid "damage: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "damage: %i-%i Indestructible"
msgstr ""
msgid "Damage: %i-%i "
msgstr ""
msgid "dam: %i-%i Dur: %i/%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dark One"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deadeye"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deadly"
msgstr ""
msgid "deadly heal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deadly Hunter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deathshade Fleshmaul"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deathspit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Death Wing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Decapitated Body"
msgstr ""
msgid "decreased durability"
msgstr ""
msgid "decrease dexterity"
msgstr ""
msgid "decrease strength"
msgstr ""
msgid "decrease vitality"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default Setting"
msgstr ""
msgid "deflection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Demonspike Coat"
msgstr ""
msgid "DEMO"
msgstr ""
msgid "Devilskull Sharpbone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Devil Kin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Devil Kin Brute"
msgstr ""
msgid "Devil Wyrm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Devourer"
msgstr ""
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr ""
msgid "dexterity"
msgstr ""
msgid "DIABLO"
msgstr ""
msgid "Diablo Help"
msgstr ""
msgid "Diamond"
msgstr ""
msgid "DISABLED"
msgstr ""
msgid "disease"
msgstr ""
msgid "\nCenter Screen"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Divine"
msgstr ""
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doombringer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doomcloud"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doomgrin the Rotting"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doomlock"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doom Fire"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doom Guard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Doom Serpents"
msgstr ""
msgid "Down to catacombs"
msgstr ""
msgid "Down to caves"
msgstr ""
msgid "Down to Diablo"
msgstr ""
msgid "Down to dungeon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Down to hell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Down to level %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Do we have a deal?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dragon's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dragon's Breach"
msgstr ""
msgid "Drake's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dreadjudge"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dreamflange"
msgstr ""
msgid "Drink and be refreshed"
msgstr ""
msgid "DROP"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dull"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dur: %i/%i, "
msgstr ""
msgid "dyslexia"
msgstr ""
msgid "Eaglehorn"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ear of %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Eerie"
msgstr ""
msgid "Eldritch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elemental"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elixir of Dexterity"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elixir of Magic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elixir of Strength"
msgstr ""
msgid "Elixir of Vitality"
msgstr ""
msgid "El Chupacabras"
msgstr ""
msgid "Emerald"
msgstr ""
msgid "EMPTY"
msgstr ""
msgid "Empyrean Band"
msgstr ""
msgid "Enchanted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr ""
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
msgid "ENTER NAME"
msgstr ""
msgid "EQUIP"
msgstr ""
msgid "LOAD ERROR"
msgstr ""
msgid "Etherealize"
msgstr ""
msgid "Continue"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Extra charges"
msgstr ""
msgid "Falchion"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fallen One"
msgstr ""
msgid "Familiar"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fangskin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fangspeir"
msgstr ""
msgid "Farnham"
msgstr ""
msgid "Farnham the Drunk"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fascinating"
msgstr ""
msgid "faster attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "Faster attack swing"
msgstr ""
msgid "faster hit recovery"
msgstr ""
msgid "fastest attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "fastest hit recovery"
msgstr ""
msgid "fast attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "fast block"
msgstr ""
msgid "fast hit recovery"
msgstr ""
msgid "Festerskull"
msgstr ""
msgid "Field Plate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fiend"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fine"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fireball"
msgstr ""
msgid "Firebolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "fires random speed arrows"
msgstr ""
msgid "Firewound the Grim"
msgstr ""
msgid "fire"
msgstr ""
msgid "fire arrows damage: %i-%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fire "
msgstr ""
msgid "Fire Clan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fire Drake"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fire hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fire Wall"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fire "
msgstr ""
msgid "Flail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flamedart"
msgstr ""
msgid "flame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flame Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flame Wave"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flaming"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flash"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flayed One"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fleshdancer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fleshstinger"
msgstr ""
msgid "Flesh Clan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fly Mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Food"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fool's Crest"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Foulwing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fountain of Tears"
msgstr ""
msgid "fragility"
msgstr ""
msgid "frailty"
msgstr ""
msgid "Franais"
msgstr ""
msgid "Frog's"
msgstr ""
msgid "from %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Frost Charger"
msgstr ""
msgid "fully recover life"
msgstr ""
msgid "fully recover life and mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "fully recover mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full Helm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full Plate Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Fungal Tome"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "GAME OVER"
msgstr ""
msgid "GAME SPEED"
msgstr ""
msgid "FAST"
msgstr ""
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gargoyle"
msgstr ""
msgid "Garnet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Generosity brings its own rewards"
msgstr ""
msgid "Deutsch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gharbad The Weak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ghoul"
msgstr ""
msgid "giants"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gibbous Moon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gillian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gillian the Barmaid"
msgstr ""
msgid "Glasskull the Jagged"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gleamsong"
msgstr ""
msgid "Glimmering"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gloomy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gloom"
msgstr ""
msgid "Glorious"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gnarled Root"
msgstr ""
msgid "Goat Shrine"
msgstr ""
msgid "Godly"
msgstr ""
msgid "Goldblight of the Flame"
msgstr ""
msgid "Golden Elixir"
msgstr ""
msgid "GoldFlip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gold Viper"
msgstr ""
msgid "Golem"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gonnagal's Dirk"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gorefeast"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gorestone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Goretongue"
msgstr ""
msgid "gore"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gossip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gothic Plate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gothic Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gotterdamerung"
msgstr ""
msgid "Grand"
msgstr ""
msgid "Graywar the Slayer"
msgstr ""
msgid "greatly increases a"
msgstr ""
msgid "greatly increases a weapon's"
msgstr ""
msgid "greatly increases the armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Great Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Great Helm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Great Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Grimspike"
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold's Edge"
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold the Blacksmith"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gryphons Claw"
msgstr ""
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Gutshank the Quick"
msgstr ""
msgid "Halls of the Blind"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hammer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hammer of Jholm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hard Leather Armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Harlequin Crest"
msgstr ""
msgid "harmony"
msgstr ""
msgid "haste"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hazeshifter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Healer's home"
msgstr ""
msgid "Healing"
msgstr ""
msgid "health"
msgstr ""
msgid "Heal Other"
msgstr ""
msgid "Heart"
msgstr ""
msgid "Heavy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hellslayer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hell Burner"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Hell Spawn"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hell Stone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Helmut"
msgstr ""
msgid "Helm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Helm of Sprits"
msgstr ""
msgid "Action"
msgstr ""
msgid "Attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cast Spell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character Info"
msgstr ""
msgid "Combo Button. Brings up help for combo buttons."
msgstr ""
msgid "Command Summary:"
msgstr ""
msgid "> Back Scroll Text"
msgstr ""
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr ""
msgid "Centre map"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll map"
msgstr ""
msgid "Miscellaneous Help"
msgstr ""
msgid "When viewing the map, note that you can scroll around the screen with the directional button."
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto-map:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reading more than one book increases your knowledge of that spell, allowing you to cast the spell more effectively."
msgstr ""
msgid "Spell Books:"
msgstr ""
msgid "You can re-assign any of your controls to different button assignments by going into the options menu and by selecting the Controller Setup."
msgstr ""
msgid "Customizing Buttons:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select an item, then hit your action button in order to drop an item from your inventory."
msgstr ""
msgid "Dropping Items:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Experiment with the absolute and relative movement styles until you find one you are comfortable with."
msgstr ""
msgid "Absolute & Relative Movement:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Useable items that are small in size, such as potions or scrolls, are automatically placed in your 'belt' located below your health and mana vials."
msgstr ""
msgid "Picking up Objects:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Learn or re-map your Quick Mana and Quick Health buttons. Using these can really save you when you are in trouble. Scrolls or Potions are consumed from your inventory first, then from your belt."
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Mana and Quick Health:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Memorized spells and those available through staves are listed in your full spell book. Selecting the spell from this menu will ready the spell for you to cast when needed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Skills & Spells:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Movement, and aiming targeting cursor"
msgstr ""
msgid "START: Pause Game"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr ""
msgid "HELP"
msgstr ""
msgid "SELECT: Options"
msgstr ""
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use belt item"
msgstr ""
msgid "View Automap"
msgstr ""
msgid ">: Previous Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid ">: Previous Menu SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr ""
msgid "SELECT: Resume Game"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr ""
msgid "high durability"
msgstr ""
msgid "hit monster doesn't heal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hit Points %i of %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hit Points : %i of %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hit Points : %i-%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hit Points : %+i"
msgstr ""
msgid "hit steals 3% life"
msgstr ""
msgid "hit steals 3% mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "hit steals 5% life"
msgstr ""
msgid "hit steals 5% mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hollow One"
msgstr ""
msgid "Holy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Holy Bolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Holy Defender"
msgstr ""
msgid "Horned Demon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Horror"
msgstr ""
msgid "Horror Captain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Howlingire the Shade"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hunter's Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hydra's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hyena's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ice Shank"
msgstr ""
msgid "Identify"
msgstr ""
msgid "Identify an item"
msgstr ""
msgid "Identify"
msgstr ""
msgid "Identify which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "illness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Illusion Weaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Immolator"
msgstr ""
msgid "Immune : "
msgstr ""
msgid "Incinerator"
msgstr ""
msgid "increases an item's"
msgstr ""
msgid "increases a weapon's"
msgstr ""
msgid "increases a weapon's damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "increases the armor class"
msgstr ""
msgid "increase dexterity"
msgstr ""
msgid "increase magic"
msgstr ""
msgid "increase strength"
msgstr ""
msgid "increase vitality"
msgstr ""
msgid "indestructible"
msgstr ""
msgid "Indestructible,"
msgstr ""
msgid "Inferno"
msgstr ""
msgid "Info Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Info Screen"
msgstr ""
msgid "Infravision"
msgstr ""
msgid "Innsign"
msgstr ""
msgid "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr ""
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr ""
msgid "Invisibility"
msgstr ""
msgid "Invisible Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "Invulnerable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Iron"
msgstr ""
msgid "is not available"
msgstr ""
msgid "Item Repair"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ivory"
msgstr ""
msgid "I have something for sale,"
msgstr ""
msgid "I have these items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "I have these premium items for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "I have this item for sale\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jade"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jagged"
msgstr ""
msgid "just to take a look. "
msgstr ""
msgid "King Leoric's Tomb"
msgstr ""
msgid "King's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Kite Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Knight's"
msgstr ""
msgid "knocks target back"
msgstr ""
msgid "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lachdanan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lapis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Large Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Large Chest"
msgstr ""
msgid "Large Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lava Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lava Maw"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leather Armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leather of Aut"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leave Healer's home"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leave the shack"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leave the shop"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leave the tavern"
msgstr ""
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr ""
msgid "level 15"
msgstr ""
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Level Up"
msgstr ""
msgid "Level : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lever"
msgstr ""
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book One)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Librarius Ex-Horadrim \n(Book Two)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Library Book"
msgstr ""
msgid "life"
msgstr ""
msgid "life"
msgstr ""
msgid "life stealing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lightforge"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lightning"
msgstr ""
msgid "lightning arrows damage %i-%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr ""
msgid "Lightning hit damage: %i-%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lightning "
msgstr ""
msgid "Lightsabre"
msgstr ""
msgid "light"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lionskull the Bent"
msgstr ""
msgid "Litch Demon"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Load Character"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Load Game"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Long Battle Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Long Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Long Staff"
msgstr ""
msgid "Long Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Long War Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lord of the Pit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lord Sayter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lord's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lots of Mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mace"
msgstr ""
msgid "Madburner"
msgstr ""
msgid "Madeye the Dead"
msgstr ""
msgid "Maelstorm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magical"
msgstr ""
msgid "magic"
msgstr ""
msgid "magic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magic "
msgstr ""
msgid "Magic is not always what it seems to be"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magic Rock"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magic "
msgstr ""
msgid "Magistrate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Magma Demon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "maiming"
msgstr ""
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "makes an item indestructible"
msgstr ""
msgid "MANA"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mana Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: 1/3 tgt hp"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: %i - %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mana: %i Dam: n/a"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mana : %+i"
msgstr ""
msgid "many"
msgstr ""
msgid "Map of the Stars"
msgstr ""
msgid "Massive"
msgstr ""
msgid "Master's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Maul"
msgstr ""
msgid "MAX"
msgstr ""
msgid "Maze"
msgstr ""
msgid "Memcard Menu"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Memory Card Game Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Memory Card Not Formatted\nWould you like to format it?"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr ""
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr ""
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr ""
msgid "ROG"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "SOR"
msgstr ""
msgid "WAR"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid " MONO"
msgstr ""
msgid " SOUND"
msgstr ""
msgid " STEREO"
msgstr ""
msgid "Merciless"
msgstr ""
msgid "Messerschmidt's Reaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Meteoric"
msgstr ""
msgid "might"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mindcry"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mithril"
msgstr ""
msgid "Moonbender"
msgstr ""
msgid "MORE"
msgstr ""
msgid "Morning Star"
msgstr ""
msgid "Movement"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mud Man"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mud Runner"
msgstr ""
msgid "Murky Pool"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mushroom Patch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Music"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mysterious"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mythical Book"
msgstr ""
msgid "Naj's Light Plate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Naj's Puzzler"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "New Game"
msgstr ""
msgid "New strength is forged through destruction"
msgstr ""
msgid "NEXT LEVEL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nightmare"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nightscape"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nightwing the Cold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Night Clan"
msgstr ""
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
msgid "Non Item"
msgstr ""
msgid "NORMAL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nothing for sale"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not Identified"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Nova"
msgstr ""
msgid "NOW"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "NOW SAVING"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
msgid "No automap available in town"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "No help available"
msgstr ""
msgid "No Immunities"
msgstr ""
msgid "No magic resistance"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "No Pause in town"
msgstr ""
msgid "No required attributes"
msgstr ""
msgid "No resistances"
msgstr ""
msgid "No response"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "no strength requirement"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number Of Players"
msgstr ""
msgid "-%i%% light radius"
msgstr ""
msgid "Obsidian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Obsidian Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "of armor and shields"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden's Sign"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden the Tavern Owner"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Accuracy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Death"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Fortitude"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Hardening"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Imperviousness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Mastery"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Permenance"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Sharpness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oil of Skill"
msgstr ""
msgid "One"
msgstr ""
msgid "one handed sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oozedrool"
msgstr ""
msgid "Open Door"
msgstr ""
msgid "Optic Amulet"
msgstr ""
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Ornate"
msgstr ""
msgid "osmosis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Overlord"
msgstr ""
msgid "OverLord's Helm"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "PACK"
msgstr ""
msgid "pain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pain Master"
msgstr ""
msgid "paralysis"
msgstr ""
msgid "PAUSED"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pearl"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pedestal of Blood"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pepin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pepin the Healer"
msgstr ""
msgid "perfection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Phasing"
msgstr ""
msgid "pieces"
msgstr ""
msgid "piece"
msgstr ""
msgid "piercing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pit Beast"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plaguewrath"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plague Eater"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plate"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plate Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Platinum"
msgstr ""
msgid "PLAYER 1"
msgstr ""
msgid "PLAYER 2"
msgstr ""
msgid "Player Attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "Player friendly"
msgstr ""
msgid "Player One"
msgstr ""
msgid "Player Two"
msgstr ""
msgid "PLAYER %d"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plentiful"
msgstr ""
msgid "plenty"
msgstr ""
msgid "POINTS TO"
msgstr ""
msgid "Poisoned Water Supply"
msgstr ""
msgid "Poison Spitter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Portal to"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "potential - not bows"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Experience"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Full Healing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Full Mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Full Rejuvenation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Healing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Potion of Rejuvenation"
msgstr ""
msgid "power"
msgstr ""
msgid "precision"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press $ to read"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press $ to use"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press $ to view"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press button for %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press START to continue"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press > for Previous Menu"
msgstr ""
msgid "Press _ to continue"
msgstr ""
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr ""
msgid "protection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pukerat the Unclean"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pulsecrawler"
msgstr ""
msgid "puncturing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Purifying Spring"
msgstr ""
msgid "+%i%% light radius"
msgstr ""
msgid "quality"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quarter Staff"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quest Log"
msgstr ""
msgid "quick attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Drop Weapon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Spell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Health"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quick Mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quiet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Quilted Armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "QUIT"
msgstr ""
msgid "radiance"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rags"
msgstr ""
msgid "Raven's"
msgstr ""
msgid "readiness"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Reality Weaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "RECHARGE"
msgstr ""
msgid "Recharge staves"
msgstr ""
msgid "Recharge which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "recover life"
msgstr ""
msgid "recover life and mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "recover mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "recover partial life"
msgstr ""
msgid "reduces attributes needed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Red"
msgstr ""
msgid "Red Death"
msgstr ""
msgid "Red Storm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Red Vex"
msgstr ""
msgid "Relative"
msgstr ""
msgid "Religious"
msgstr ""
msgid "REPAIR"
msgstr ""
msgid "Repair items"
msgstr ""
msgid "Repair which item?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Required:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Requirements not met"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resists : "
msgstr ""
msgid "RESIST"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist All : 75%% MAX"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist All : %+i%%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist Fire : 75%% MAX"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist Fire : %+i%%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist Lightning : 75%% MAX"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist Lightning : %+i%%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist Magic : 75%% MAX"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resist Magic : %+i%%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restart In Town"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resurrect"
msgstr ""
msgid "Riches abound when least expected"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ring"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ring Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ring of Engagement"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ring of Regha"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ring of Truth"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rising Sun"
msgstr ""
msgid "Robe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rock"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rod of Onan"
msgstr ""
msgid "ROGUE"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rotcarnage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rotfeast the Hungry"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rotting Carcass"
msgstr ""
msgid "Royal Circlet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rusted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Rustweaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ruthless"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sabre"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sacred"
msgstr ""
msgid "Saintly"
msgstr ""
msgid "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sapphire"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sarcophagus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Savage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Character"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Game"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Save / Load"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Say Goodbye"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scarab Amulet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scavenger"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scavenger Carapace"
msgstr ""
msgid "Schaefer's Hammer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scimitar"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Apocalypse"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Blood Star"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Bone Spirit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Chain Lightning"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Charged Bolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Fireball"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Firebolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Fire Wall"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Flame Wave"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Flash"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Golem"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Guardian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Healing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Holy Bolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Identify"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Inferno"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Infravision"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Lightning"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Mana Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of None"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Nova"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Phasing"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Resurrect"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Stone Curse"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Telekinesis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Teleport"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of Town Portal"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scroll of %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Secluded"
msgstr ""
msgid "see with infravision"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select Character To Load"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select current spell button"
msgstr ""
msgid "Choose Difficulty"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select file to load"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Select memory card"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select Save Slot"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sell items"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Serpent's"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadowbite"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadowcrow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadowdrinker"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadowhawk"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shadow Beast"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sharp"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sharp Beak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "shock"
msgstr ""
msgid "Short Battle Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Short Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Short Staff"
msgstr ""
msgid "Short Staff of Charged Bolt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Short Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Short War Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Silver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sir Gorash"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skeleton Captain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skeleton King"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skeleton King's Lair"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skeleton Tome"
msgstr ""
msgid "skill"
msgstr ""
msgid "skill"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skullfire"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skull Cap"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skull Lever"
msgstr ""
msgid "Slain Hero"
msgstr ""
msgid "Slain Townsman"
msgstr ""
msgid "slaughter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Slayer"
msgstr ""
msgid "slaying"
msgstr ""
msgid "Small Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Small Chest"
msgstr ""
msgid "Small Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Snake's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Snotspill"
msgstr ""
msgid "Snow Witch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Soldier's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Some are weakened as one grows strong"
msgstr ""
msgid "Some Magic Immunities"
msgstr ""
msgid "Some Magic Resistances"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sorcerer"
msgstr ""
msgid "sorcery"
msgstr ""
msgid "Soulpus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Soulslash"
msgstr ""
msgid "Soul Burner"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sound"
msgstr ""
msgid "Volume Adjustment"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sound Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sparking Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spectral Elixir"
msgstr ""
msgid "speed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Speed Spell Book"
msgstr ""
msgid "spells are decreased 1 level"
msgstr ""
msgid "spells are increased 1 level"
msgstr ""
msgid "spells are increased 2 levels"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full Spell Book"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unusable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spell Level %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spider's"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spiked Club"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spineeater"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spiritual"
msgstr ""
msgid "Splint Mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Split Skull Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spooky"
msgstr ""
msgid "stability"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff of Lazarus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff of Shadows"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff of %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff Recharge"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff\n(%i charges)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stalker"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stareye the Witch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Steelskull the Hunter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Steel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Steel Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "Steel Tome"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stonecleaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stone Clan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stone Curse"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stormbane"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stormshield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Storm Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "Storm Rider"
msgstr ""
msgid "Storm Spire"
msgstr ""
msgid "Strange"
msgstr ""
msgid "strength"
msgstr ""
msgid "strength"
msgstr ""
msgid "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith"
msgstr ""
msgid "Strong"
msgstr ""
msgid "structure"
msgstr ""
msgid "Studded Leather Armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "sturdiness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Succubus"
msgstr ""
msgid "Svenska"
msgstr ""
msgid "swiftness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tainted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tale of the Three"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talking to %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Adria"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Cain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Farnham"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Gillian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Griswold"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Ogden"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Pepin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to Wirt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Talk to %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tavern Sign"
msgstr ""
msgid "tears"
msgstr ""
msgid "Telekinesis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Teleport"
msgstr ""
msgid "That which cannot be held cannot be harmed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Thaumaturgic"
msgstr ""
msgid "the ages"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Arch-Litch Malignus"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "the bat"
msgstr ""
msgid "the bear"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "The Blackoak Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Black King"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Bleeder"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Bonesaw"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Butcher"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Butcher's Cleaver"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Celestial Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Celestial Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Celestial Star"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Chamber of Bone"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Cranium Basher"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Curse of King Leoric"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "the dark"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Dark Exile"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Dark Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Defender"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Deflector"
msgstr ""
msgid "the eagle"
msgstr ""
msgid "The essence of life flows from within"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Executioner's Blade"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Falcon's Talon"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "The Flayer"
msgstr ""
msgid "the fool"
msgstr ""
msgid "the fox"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Gladiator's Bane"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Grandfather"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "The Grizzly"
msgstr ""
msgid "The hands of men may be guided by fate"
msgstr ""
msgid "the heavens"
msgstr ""
msgid "the jackal"
msgstr ""
msgid "the jaguar"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "the leech"
msgstr ""
msgid "the lion"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Magic Rock"
msgstr ""
msgid "the mammoth"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Mangler"
msgstr ""
msgid "the mind"
msgstr ""
msgid "the moon"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "The Needler"
msgstr ""
msgid "the night"
msgstr ""
msgid "the pit"
msgstr ""
msgid "The powers of mana refocused renews"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Protector"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Rainbow Cloak"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Realms Beyond"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "The Rift Bow"
msgstr ""
msgid "THE SIN WAR"
msgstr ""
msgid "the sky"
msgstr ""
msgid "the stars"
msgstr ""
msgid "The sword of justice is swift and sharp"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Tale of the Horadrim"
msgstr ""
msgid "the tiger"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Town Elder"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Undead Crown"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Unholy Altar"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Vizier"
msgstr ""
msgid "the vulture"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Wages of the Sin War"
msgstr ""
msgid "The way is made clear when viewed from above"
msgstr ""
msgid "the whale"
msgstr ""
msgid "the wolf"
msgstr ""
msgid "the zodiac"
msgstr ""
msgid "thieves"
msgstr ""
msgid "Thinking Cap"
msgstr ""
msgid "This item is:"
msgstr ""
msgid "thorns"
msgstr ""
msgid "Those who are last may yet be first"
msgstr ""
msgid "Those who defend seldom attack"
msgstr ""
msgid "Thundercall"
msgstr ""
msgid "thunder"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time cannot diminish the power of steel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tin"
msgstr ""
msgid "titans"
msgstr ""
msgid "Toad Demon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Toggle Spell"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tome"
msgstr ""
msgid "Topaz"
msgstr ""
msgid "Torka's Amulet of Power"
msgstr ""
msgid "Torn Flesh of Souls"
msgstr ""
msgid "Total kills : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tower Shield"
msgstr ""
msgid "Town Portal"
msgstr ""
msgid "TO HIT"
msgstr ""
msgid "to hit: %+i%%, %+i%% damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "to use armor or weapons"
msgstr ""
msgid "To %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trapped %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trap Disarm"
msgstr ""
msgid "trouble"
msgstr ""
msgid "Two"
msgstr ""
msgid "Two-Handed Sword"
msgstr ""
msgid "> BACK < DEFAULT"
msgstr ""
msgid "T'farc Evol's Tomb"
msgstr ""
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr ""
msgid "Undead Balrog"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unholy Altar"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unique Item"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unraveler"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unseen"
msgstr ""
msgid "unusual item damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Up to level %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "Up to town"
msgstr ""
msgid "Useless"
msgstr ""
msgid "user loses all mana"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use belt item"
msgstr ""
msgid "Valiant"
msgstr ""
msgid "Valor"
msgstr ""
msgid "vampires"
msgstr ""
msgid "Veil of Steel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Vicious"
msgstr ""
msgid "vigor"
msgstr ""
msgid "Viletouch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Vile Stand"
msgstr ""
msgid "vim"
msgstr ""
msgid "Viperflame"
msgstr ""
msgid "vitality"
msgstr ""
msgid "vitality"
msgstr ""
msgid "Vortex Lord"
msgstr ""
msgid "Vulnerable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Warlord of Blood"
msgstr ""
msgid "Warmaggot the Mad"
msgstr ""
msgid "Warpfire Hellspawn"
msgstr ""
msgid "Warpskull"
msgstr ""
msgid "WARRIOR"
msgstr ""
msgid "Warrior's"
msgstr ""
msgid "War Hammer"
msgstr ""
msgid "War Staff"
msgstr ""
msgid "weakness"
msgstr ""
msgid "Weak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Weapon Rack"
msgstr ""
msgid "weapon's chance to hit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Webwidow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Weird"
msgstr ""
msgid "Welcome to Diablo"
msgstr ""
msgid "Welcome to the"
msgstr ""
msgid "What have you got?"
msgstr ""
msgid "What once was opened now is closed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wherever you go, there you are"
msgstr ""
msgid "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward"
msgstr ""
msgid "Which item is for sale?\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "while in stores"
msgstr ""
msgid "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives"
msgstr ""
msgid "White"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wicked Axe"
msgstr ""
msgid "Windforce"
msgstr ""
msgid "Windspawn"
msgstr ""
msgid "Winged-Demon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wirt"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wirt the Peg-legged Boy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wisdom's Wrap"
msgstr ""
msgid "Witchfire the Unholy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Witchmoon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Witch's shack"
msgstr ""
msgid "wizardry"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wizardspike"
msgstr ""
msgid "Would you like to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wounded Townsman"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrathfire the Doomed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wrathraven"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wyrm"
msgstr ""
msgid "Wyrm's"
msgstr ""
msgid "_ SELECT"
msgstr ""
msgid "_ SELECT > BACK"
msgstr ""
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
msgid "you can't heal"
msgstr ""
msgid "You do not have enough gold"
msgstr ""
msgid "You do not have enough room in inventory"
msgstr ""
msgid "You have nothing I want.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "You have nothing to identify\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "You have nothing to recharge.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "You have nothing to repair.\nYour gold : %i"
msgstr ""
msgid "You have %u gold"
msgstr ""
msgid "You must be at least level 13 to use this."
msgstr ""
msgid "You must be at least level 17 to use this."
msgstr ""
msgid "You must be at least level 8 to use this."
msgstr ""
msgid "you want to remove?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Yulm's Mystic Amulet"
msgstr ""
msgid "Zamphir"
msgstr ""
msgid "zest"
msgstr ""
msgid "Zhar the Mad"
msgstr ""
msgid "Zhar the Mad's Memoirs"
msgstr ""
msgid "Zombie"
msgstr ""
msgid "+200% damage vs. demons"
msgstr ""
msgid "%d"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i Charges"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i gold %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i Scrolls"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i-%i"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i %s charges"
msgstr ""
msgid "%i%%"
msgstr ""
msgid "%li"
msgstr ""
msgid "Card Formatted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character saved"
msgstr ""
msgid "Format error! Memory card may be Unusable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Game Saved"
msgstr ""
msgid "Memory card is not formatted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Memory card is unusable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not a Diablo save"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save error!"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Not a Diablo saved character\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not a Diablo saved game\n\n_ Continue"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "No memory card files\n\nPress _ to continue"
msgstr ""
msgid "Saving options please wait......."
msgstr ""
msgid "%s of %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s Shrine"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s Skill"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s Spell"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s %i Dex"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s %i Mag"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s %i Str"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s. How many do"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i damage from enemies"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i to all attributes"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i to dexterity"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i to magic"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i to strength"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i to vitality"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i%% armor"
msgstr ""
msgid "%+i%% damage"
msgstr ""
msgid " Master"
msgstr ""
msgid " Music"
msgstr ""
msgid " Sound Effects"
msgstr ""
msgid " Speech"
msgstr ""
msgid " Video Volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "---------"
msgstr ""
msgid "There is much about the future we cannot see, but when it comes it will be the children who wield it. The boy Wirt has a blackness upon his soul, but he poses no threat to the town or its people. His secretive dealings with the urchins and unspoken guilds of nearby towns gain him access to many devices that cannot be easily found in Tristram. While his methods may be reproachful, Wirt can provide assistance for your battle against the encroaching Darkness."
msgstr ""
msgid "Earthen walls and thatched canopy do not a home create. The innkeeper Ogden serves more of a purpose in this town than many understand. He provides shelter for Gillian and her matriarch, maintains what life Farnham has left to him, and provides an anchor for all who are left in the town to what Tristram once was. His tavern, and the simple pleasures that can still be found there, provide a glimpse of a life that the people here remember. It is that memory that continues to feed their hopes for your success."
msgstr ""
msgid "I sense a soul in search of answers..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Wisdom is earned, not given. If you discover a tome of knowledge, devour its words. Should you already have knowledge of the arcane mysteries scribed within a book, remember - that level of mastery can always increase."
msgstr ""
msgid "The greatest power is often the shortest lived. You may find ancient words of power written upon scrolls of parchment. The strength of these scrolls lies in the ability of either apprentice or adept to cast them with equal ability. Their weakness is that they must first be read aloud and can never be kept at the ready in your mind. Know also that these scrolls can be read but once, so use them with care."
msgstr ""
msgid "Though the heat of the sun is beyond measure, the mere flame of a candle is of greater danger. No energies, no matter how great, can be used without the proper focus. For many spells, ensorcelled Staves may be charged with magical energies many times over. I have the ability to restore their power - but know that nothing is done without a price."
msgstr ""
msgid "The sum of our knowledge is in the sum of its people. Should you find a book or scroll that you cannot decipher, do not hesitate to bring it to me. If I can make sense of it I will share what I find."
msgstr ""
msgid "To a man who only knows Iron, there is no greater magic than Steel. The blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld fire and metal is unequaled in this land."
msgstr ""
msgid "Corruption has the strength of deceit, but innocence holds the power of purity. The young woman Gillian has a pure heart, placing the needs of her matriarch over her own. She fears me, but it is only because she does not understand me."
msgstr ""
msgid "A chest opened in darkness holds no greater treasure than when it is opened in the light. The storyteller Cain is an enigma, but only to those who do not look. His knowledge of what lies beneath the cathedral is far greater than even he allows himself to realize."
msgstr ""
msgid "The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall. Farnham has lost his soul, but not to any demon. It was lost when he saw his fellow townspeople betrayed by the Archbishop Lazarus. He has knowledge to be gleaned, but you must separate fact from fantasy."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you were to find this artifact for Griswold, it could put a serious damper on my business here. Awwww, you'll never find it."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold speaks of The Anvil of Fury - a legendary artifact long searched for, but never found. Crafted from the metallic bones of the Razor Pit demons, the Anvil of Fury was smelt around the skulls of the five most powerful magi of the underworld. Carved with runes of power and chaos, any weapon or armor forged upon this Anvil will be immersed into the realm of Chaos, imbedding it with magical properties. It is said that the unpredictable nature of Chaos makes it difficult to know what the outcome of this smithing will be..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Don't you think that Griswold would be a better person to ask about this? He's quite handy, you know."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you had been looking for information on the Pestle of Curing or the Silver Chalice of Purification, I could have assisted you, my friend. However, in this matter, you would be better served to speak to either Griswold or Cain."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold's father used to tell some of us when we were growing up about a giant anvil that was used to make mighty weapons. He said that when a hammer was struck upon this anvil, the ground would shake with a great fury. Whenever the earth moves, I always remember that story."
msgstr ""
msgid "Greetings! It's always a pleasure to see one of my best customers! I know that you have been venturing deeper into the Labyrinth, and there is a story I was told that you may find worth the time to listen to...\n \nOne of the men who returned from the Labyrinth told me about a mystic anvil that he came across during his escape. His description reminded me of legends I had heard in my youth about the burning Hellforge where powerful weapons of magic are crafted. The legend had it that deep within the Hellforge rested the Anvil of Fury! This Anvil contained within it the very essence of the demonic underworld...\n \nIt is said that any weapon crafted upon the burning Anvil is imbued with great power. If this anvil is indeed the Anvil of Fury, I may be able to make you a weapon capable of defeating even the darkest lord of Hell! \n \nFind the Anvil for me, and I'll get to work!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nothing yet, eh? Well, keep searching. A weapon forged upon the Anvil could be your best hope, and I am sure that I can make you one of legendary proportions."
msgstr ""
msgid "I can hardly believe it! This is the Anvil of Fury - good work, my friend. Now we'll show those bastards that there are no weapons in Hell more deadly than those made by men! Take this and may Light protect you."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry too if someone took my anvil!"
msgstr ""
msgid "There are many artifacts within the Labyrinth that hold powers beyond the comprehension of mortals. Some of these hold fantastic power that can be used by either the Light or the Darkness. Securing the Anvil from below could shift the course of the Sin War towards the Light."
msgstr ""
msgid "Hey - You that one that kill all! You get me Magic Banner or we attack! You no leave with life! You kill big uglies and give back Magic. Go past corner and door, find uglies. You give, you go!"
msgstr ""
msgid "You kill uglies, get banner. You bring to me, or else..."
msgstr ""
msgid "You give! Yes, good! Go now, we strong. We kill all with big Magic!"
msgstr ""
msgid "I see that this strange behavior puzzles you as well. I would surmise that since many demons fear the light of the sun and believe that it holds great power, it may be that the rising sun depicted on the sign you speak of has led them to believe that it too holds some arcane powers. Hmm, perhaps they are not all as smart as we had feared..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Master, I have a strange experience to relate. I know that you have a great knowledge of those monstrosities that inhabit the labyrinth, and this is something that I cannot understand for the very life of me... I was awakened during the night by a scraping sound just outside of my tavern. When I looked out from my bedroom, I saw the shapes of small demon-like creatures in the inn yard. After a short time, they ran off, but not before stealing the sign to my inn. I don't know why the demons would steal my sign but leave my family in peace... 'tis strange, no?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oh, you didn't have to bring back my sign, but I suppose that it does save me the expense of having another one made. Well, let me see, what could I give you as a fee for finding it? Hmmm, what have we here... ah, yes! This cap was left in one of the rooms by a magician who stayed here some time ago. Perhaps it may be of some value to you."
msgstr ""
msgid "My goodness, demons running about the village at night, pillaging our homes - is nothing sacred? I hope that Ogden and Garda are all right. I suppose that they would come to see me if they were hurt..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Oh my! Is that where the sign went? My Grandmother and I must have slept right through the whole thing. Thank the Light that those monsters didn't attack the inn."
msgstr ""
msgid "Demons stole Ogden's sign, you say? That doesn't sound much like the atrocities I've heard of - or seen. \n \nDemons are concerned with ripping out your heart, not your signpost."
msgstr ""
msgid "You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want lots of money for it. If I was Ogden... and I'm not, but if I was... I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice mug of ale or a piece of cheese..."
msgstr ""
msgid "No mortal can truly understand the mind of the demon. \n \nNever let their erratic actions confuse you, as that too may be their plan."
msgstr ""
msgid "What - is he saying I took that? I suppose that Griswold is on his side, too. \n \nLook, I got over simple sign stealing months ago. You can't turn a profit on a piece of wood."
msgstr ""
msgid "You recite an interesting rhyme written in a style that reminds me of other works. Let me think now - what was it? \n \n...Darkness shrouds the Hidden. Eyes glowing unseen with only the sounds of razor claws briefly scraping to torment those poor souls who have been made sightless for all eternity. The prison for those so damned is named the Halls of the Blind..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I never much cared for poetry. Occasionally, I had cause to hire minstrels when the inn was doing well, but that seems like such a long time ago now. \n \nWhat? Oh, yes... uh, well, I suppose you could see what someone else knows."
msgstr ""
msgid "This does seem familiar, somehow. I seem to recall reading something very much like that poem while researching the history of demonic afflictions. It spoke of a place of great evil that... wait - you're not going there are you?"
msgstr ""
msgid "If you have questions about blindness, you should talk to Pepin. I know that he gave my grandmother a potion that helped clear her vision, so maybe he can help you, too."
msgstr ""
msgid "I am afraid that I have neither heard nor seen a place that matches your vivid description, my friend. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr ""
msgid "Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?"
msgstr ""
msgid "This is a place of great anguish and terror, and so serves its master well. \n \nTread carefully or you may yourself be staying much longer than you had anticipated."
msgstr ""
msgid "Lets see, am I selling you something? No. Are you giving me money to tell you about this? No. Are you now leaving and going to talk to the storyteller who lives for this kind of thing? Yes."
msgstr ""
msgid "I can see what you see not.\nVision milky then eyes rot.\nWhen you turn they will be gone,\nWhispering their hidden song.\nThen you see what cannot be,\nShadows move where light should be.\nOut of darkness, out of mind,\nCast down into the Halls of the Blind."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Gateway of Blood and the Halls of Fire are landmarks of mystic origin. Wherever this book you read from resides it is surely a place of great power.\n \nLegends speak of a pedestal that is carved from obsidian stone and has a pool of boiling blood atop its bone encrusted surface. There are also allusions to Stones of Blood that will open a door that guards an ancient treasure...\n \nThe nature of this treasure is shrouded in speculation, my friend, but it is said that the ancient hero Arkaine placed the holy armor Valor in a secret vault. Arkaine was the first mortal to turn the tide of the Sin War and chase the legions of darkness back to the Burning Hells.\n \nJust before Arkaine died, his armor was hidden away in a secret vault. It is said that when this holy armor is again needed, a hero will arise to don Valor once more. Perhaps you are that hero..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Every child hears the story of the warrior Arkaine and his mystic armor known as Valor. If you could find its resting place, you would be well protected against the evil in the Labyrinth."
msgstr ""
msgid "Hmm... it sounds like something I should remember, but I've been so busy learning new cures and creating better elixirs that I must have forgotten. Sorry..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The story of the magic armor called Valor is something I often heard the boys talk about. You had better ask one of the men in the village."
msgstr ""
msgid "The armor known as Valor could be what tips the scales in your favor. I will tell you that many have looked for it - including myself. Arkaine hid it well, my friend, and it will take more than a bit of luck to unlock the secrets that have kept it concealed oh, lo these many years."
msgstr ""
msgid "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Should you find these Stones of Blood, use them carefully. \n \nThe way is fraught with danger and your only hope rests within your self trust."
msgstr ""
msgid "You intend to find the armor known as Valor? \n \nNo one has ever figured out where Arkaine stashed the stuff, and if my contacts couldn't find it, I seriously doubt you ever will either."
msgstr ""
msgid "The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill his endless sacrifices to the Dark ones who scream for one thing - blood."
msgstr ""
msgid "...and so, locked beyond the Gateway of Blood and past the Hall of Fire, Valor awaits for the Hero of Light to awaken..."
msgstr ""
msgid "A book that speaks of a chamber of human bones? Well, a Chamber of Bone is mentioned in certain archaic writings that I studied in the libraries of the East. These tomes inferred that when the Lords of the underworld desired to protect great treasures, they would create domains where those who died in the attempt to steal that treasure would be forever bound to defend it. A twisted, but strangely fitting, end?"
msgstr ""
msgid "I am afraid that I don't know anything about that, good master. Cain has many books that may be of some help."
msgstr ""
msgid "This sounds like a very dangerous place. If you venture there, please take great care."
msgstr ""
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about that. Perhaps Cain the Storyteller could be of some help."
msgstr ""
msgid "I know nothing of this place, but you may try asking Cain. He talks about many things, and it would not surprise me if he had some answers to your question."
msgstr ""
msgid "Okay, so listen. There's this chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says, that might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna PAY for this... you... uh... yeah."
msgstr ""
msgid "You will become an eternal servant of the dark lords should you perish within this cursed domain. \n \nEnter the Chamber of Bone at your own peril."
msgstr ""
msgid "A vast and mysterious treasure, you say? Maybe I could be interested in picking up a few things from you... or better yet, don't you need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written."
msgstr ""
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields that we know - between the utopian kingdoms of the High Heavens and the chaotic pits of the Burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky. Neither side ever gains sway for long as the forces of Light and Darkness constantly vie for control over all creation."
msgstr ""
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. When the Eternal Conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortals have even allied themselves with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War."
msgstr ""
msgid "Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last legacy of the Horadrim. Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known that the Three Prime Evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our world. The Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the east for decades, while humanity was left trembling in their wake. Our Order - the Horadrim - was founded by a group of secretive magi to hunt down and capture the Three Evils once and for all.\n \nThe original Horadrim captured two of the Three within powerful artifacts known as Soulstones and buried them deep beneath the desolate eastern sands. The third Evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in pursuit. The Third Evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror - was eventually captured, his essence set in a Soulstone and buried within this Labyrinth.\n \nBe warned that the soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the faith. If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child."
msgstr ""
msgid "So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the Burning Hells known as The Dark Exile. The Lesser Evils overthrew the Three Prime Evils and banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm. The demons Belial (the Lord of Lies) and Azmodan (the Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during the absence of the Three Brothers. All of Hell polarized between the factions of Belial and Azmodan while the forces of the High Heavens continually battered upon the very Gates of Hell."
msgstr ""
msgid "Many demons traveled to the mortal realm in search of the Three Brothers. These demons were followed to the mortal plane by Angels who hunted them throughout the vast cities of the East. The Angels allied themselves with a secretive Order of mortal magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at hunting demons. They also made many dark enemies in the underworlds."
msgstr ""
msgid "So it came to be that the Three Prime Evils were banished in spirit form to the mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the East for decades, they were hunted down by the cursed Order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The youngest brother - Diablo, the Lord of Terror - escaped to the west.\n \nEventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstone as well, and buried him under an ancient, forgotten Cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror sleeps and awaits the time of his rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of youth and power to possess - one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will then arise to free his Brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War..."
msgstr ""
msgid "All praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Survivor of The Dark Exile. When he awakened from his long slumber, my Lord and Master spoke to me of secrets that few mortals know. He told me the kingdoms of the High Heavens and the pits of the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this world and all who exist here the Sin War."
msgstr ""
msgid "Glory and Approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Leader of the Three. My Lord spoke to me of his two Brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to this world long ago. My Lord wishes to bide his time and harness his awesome power so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of the east. Once my Lord releases his Brothers, the Sin War will once again know the fury of the Three."
msgstr ""
msgid "Hail and Sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and Destroyer of Souls. When I awoke my Master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form. Diablo attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my Master was too weak from his imprisonment. My Lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son Albrecht and brought him before my Master. I now await Diablo's call and pray that I will be rewarded when he at last emerges as the Lord of this world."
msgstr ""
msgid "It seems that the Archbishop Lazarus goaded many of the townsmen into venturing into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son. He played upon their fears and whipped them into a frenzied mob. None of them were prepared for what lay within the cold earth... Lazarus abandoned them down there - left in the clutches of unspeakable horrors - to die."
msgstr ""
msgid "Yes, Farnham has mumbled something about a hulking brute who wielded a fierce weapon. I believe he called him a butcher."
msgstr ""
msgid "By the Light, I know of this vile demon. There were many that bore the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the Cathedral. I don't know what he used to slice open his victims, but it could not have been of this world. It left wounds festering with disease and even I found them almost impossible to treat. Beware if you plan to battle this fiend..."
msgstr ""
msgid "When Farnham said something about a butcher killing people, I immediately discounted it. But since you brought it up, maybe it is true."
msgstr ""
msgid "I saw what Farnham calls the Butcher as it swathed a path through the bodies of my friends. He swung a cleaver as large as an axe, hewing limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood. I was separated from the fray by a host of small screeching demons and somehow found the stairway leading out. I never saw that hideous beast again, but his blood-stained visage haunts me to this day."
msgstr ""
msgid "Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many bodies... so many friends... NOOOOOOOOOO!"
msgstr ""
msgid "The Butcher is a sadistic creature that delights in the torture and pain of others. You have seen his handiwork in the drunkard Farnham. His destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village."
msgstr ""
msgid "I know more than you'd think about that grisly fiend. His little friends got a hold of me and managed to get my leg before Griswold pulled me out of that hole. \n \nI'll put it bluntly - kill him before he kills you and adds your corpse to his collection."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I've been looking for a map, but that certainly isn't it. You should show that to Adria - she can probably tell you what it is. I'll say one thing; it looks old, and old usually means valuable."
msgstr ""
msgid "So, the legend of the Map is real. Even I never truly believed any of it! I suppose it is time that I told you the truth about who I am, my friend. You see, I am not all that I seem...\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to keeping and safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released...\n \nThe evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror - known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago. The Map that you hold now was created ages ago to mark the time when Diablo would rise again from his imprisonment. When the two stars on that map align, Diablo will be at the height of his power. He will be all but invincible...\n \nYou are now in a race against time, my friend! Find Diablo and destroy him before the stars align, for we may never have a chance to rid the world of his evil again!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Our time is running short! I sense his dark power building and only you can stop him from attaining his full might."
msgstr ""
msgid "I am sure that you tried your best, but I fear that even your strength and will may not be enough. Diablo is now at the height of his earthly power, and you will need all your courage and strength to defeat him. May the Light protect and guide you, my friend. I will help in any way that I am able."
msgstr ""
msgid "If the witch can't help you and suggests you see Cain, what makes you think that I would know anything? It sounds like this is a very serious matter. You should hurry along and see the storyteller as Adria suggests."
msgstr ""
msgid "I can't make much of the writing on this map, but perhaps Adria or Cain could help you decipher what this refers to. \n \nI can see that it is a map of the stars in our sky, but any more than that is beyond my talents."
msgstr ""
msgid "The best person to ask about that sort of thing would be our storyteller. \n \nCain is very knowledgeable about ancient writings, and that is easily the oldest looking piece of paper that I have ever seen."
msgstr ""
msgid "I have never seen a map of this sort before. Where'd you get it? Although I have no idea how to read this, Cain or Adria may be able to provide the answers that you seek."
msgstr ""
msgid "Listen here, come close. I don't know if you know what I know, but you have really got somethin' here. That's a map."
msgstr ""
msgid "Oh, I'm afraid this does not bode well at all. This map of the stars portends great disaster, but its secrets are not mine to tell. The time has come for you to have a very serious conversation with the Storyteller..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I wanna tell ya sumthin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my specialty. This here is the best... theeeee best! That other ale ain't no good since those stupid dogs..."
msgstr ""
msgid "No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but somewhere under the church is a whole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin' and just waitin' for someone to get it."
msgstr ""
msgid "I know you gots your own ideas, and I know you're not gonna believe this, but that weapon you got there - it just ain't no good against those big brutes! Oh, I don't care what Griswold says, they can't make anything like they used to in the old days..."
msgstr ""
msgid "If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got and get out of here. That boy out there... He's always got somethin good, but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got."
msgstr ""
msgid "Can't a fella drink in peace?"
msgstr ""
msgid "The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah, what a pretty lady. So nice, too."
msgstr ""
msgid "Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got stuff, but you listen to me... she's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain isn't what he says he is. Sure, sure, he talks a good story... some of 'em are real scary or funny... but I think he knows more than he knows he knows."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together, you know, back when... we... Lazarus... Lazarus... LAZARUS!!!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh hero? I was a hero too..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there, you know? Lost a leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so sad..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me much, but as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like I been spendin' more time with Ogden than most, but he's so good to me..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pleeeease, no hurt. No Kill. Keep alive and next time good bring to you."
msgstr ""
msgid "Something for you I am making. Again, not kill Gharbad. Live and give good. \n \nYou take this as proof I keep word..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Nothing yet! Almost done. \n \nVery powerful, very strong. Live! Live! \n \nNo pain and promise I keep!"
msgstr ""
msgid "This too good for you. Very Powerful! You want - you take!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden and his wife have taken me and my grandmother into their home and have even let me earn a few gold pieces by working at the inn. I owe so much to them, and hope one day to leave this place and help them start a grand hotel in the east."
msgstr ""
msgid "Good day! How may I serve you?"
msgstr ""
msgid "My grandmother had a dream that you would come and talk to me. She has visions, you know and can see into the future."
msgstr ""
msgid "The woman at the edge of town is a witch! She seems nice enough, and her name, Adria, is very pleasing to the ear, but I am very afraid of her. \n \nIt would take someone quite brave, like you, to see what she is doing out there."
msgstr ""
msgid "Our Blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram. Not only is he a master craftsman who has won many contests within his guild, but he received praises from our King Leoric himself - may his soul rest in peace. Griswold is also a great hero; just ask Cain."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain has been the storyteller of Tristram for as long as I can remember. He knows so much, and can tell you just about anything about almost everything."
msgstr ""
msgid "Farnham is a drunkard who fills his belly with ale and everyone else's ears with nonsense. \n \nI know that both Pepin and Ogden feel sympathy for him, but I get so frustrated watching him slip farther and farther into a befuddled stupor every night."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pepin saved my grandmother's life, and I know that I can never repay him for that. His ability to heal any sickness is more powerful than the mightiest sword and more mysterious than any spell you can name. If you ever are in need of healing, Pepin can help you."
msgstr ""
msgid "I grew up with Wirt's mother, Canace. Although she was only slightly hurt when those hideous creatures stole him, she never recovered. I think she died of a broken heart. Wirt has become a mean-spirited youngster, looking only to profit from the sweat of others. I know that he suffered and has seen horrors that I cannot even imagine, but some of that darkness hangs over him still."
msgstr ""
msgid "A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad thing to say about the healer."
msgstr ""
msgid "That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and learning an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Innkeeper has little business and no real way of turning a profit. He manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who occasionally drift through the village, but they are as likely to sneak off into the night as they are to pay him. If it weren't for the stores of grains and dried meats he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons."
msgstr ""
msgid "Well, what can I do for ya?"
msgstr ""
msgid "If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your basic blunt weapon, such as a mace. Works like a charm against most of those undying horrors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter skinny little skeletons!"
msgstr ""
msgid "The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathing enemy, a sword will better slice their flesh!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the Darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I can restore them to top fighting form."
msgstr ""
msgid "While I have to practically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how to harness magic as she did, I could make some truly incredible things."
msgstr ""
msgid "Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I would arrange to get both of them out of here on one of the trading caravans."
msgstr ""
msgid "Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make a suit of court plate good enough for an Emperor!"
msgstr ""
msgid "I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into Labyrinth. I never saw the Archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well, another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if I could."
msgstr ""
msgid "If anyone can make something out of that rock, Griswold can. He knows what he is doing, and as much as I try to steal his customers, I respect the quality of his work."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold speaks of the Heaven Stone that was destined for the enclave located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that which a normal man could possess. I do not know what secrets it holds, my friend, but finding this stone would certainly prove most valuable."
msgstr ""
msgid "The caravan stopped here to take on some supplies for their journey to the east. I sold them quite an array of fresh fruits and some excellent sweetbreads that Garda has just finished baking. Shame what happened to them..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I don't know what it is that they thought they could see with that rock, but I will say this. If rocks are falling from the sky, you had better be careful!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Well, a caravan of some very important people did stop here, but that was quite a while ago. They had strange accents and were starting on a long journey, as I recall. \n \nI don't see how you could hope to find anything that they would have been carrying."
msgstr ""
msgid "Stay for a moment - I have a story you might find interesting. A caravan that was bound for the eastern kingdoms passed through here some time ago. It was supposedly carrying a piece of the heavens that had fallen to earth! The caravan was ambushed by cloaked riders just north of here along the roadway. I searched the wreckage for this sky rock, but it was nowhere to be found. If you should find it, I believe that I can fashion something useful from it."
msgstr ""
msgid "I am still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the heavens. I know that I can make something powerful out of it."
msgstr ""
msgid "Let me see that - aye... aye, it is as I believed. Give me a moment...\n \nAh, Here you are. I arranged pieces of the stone within a silver ring that my father left me. I hope it serves you well."
msgstr ""
msgid "I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to it, though. I really miss that ring..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The Heaven Stone is very powerful, and were it any but Griswold who bid you find it, I would prevent it. He will harness its powers and its use will be for the good of us all."
msgstr ""
msgid "Thank goodness you've returned!\nMuch has changed since you lived here, my friend. All was peaceful until the dark riders came and destroyed our village. Many were cut down where they stood, and those who took up arms were slain or dragged away to become slaves - or worse. The church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals. The screams that echo in the night are inhuman, but some of our townsfolk may yet survive. Follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to find the church and save who you can. \n \nPerhaps I can tell you more if we speak again. Good luck."
msgstr ""
msgid "Look, I'm running a business here. I don't sell information, and I don't care about some king that's been dead longer than I've been alive. If you need something to use against this king of the undead, then I can help you out..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity!"
msgstr ""
msgid " Ahh, the story of our King, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the King, and now they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking myself is how he could have fallen so far from the Light, as Leoric had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of Hell could so utterly destroy a man from within..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The King went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity...\n \nThe King's Knights and Priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath the King called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever...\n \nThis is where things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former King has risen from his eternal sleep and now commands a legion of undead minions within the Labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb three levels beneath the Cathedral. Please, good master, put his soul at ease by destroying his now cursed form..."
msgstr ""
msgid "As I told you, good master, the King was entombed three levels below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance to destroy this land..."
msgstr ""
msgid "The curse of our King has passed, but I fear that it was only part of a greater evil at work. However, we may yet be saved from the darkness that consumes our land, for your victory is a good omen. May Light guide you on your way, good master."
msgstr ""
msgid "The loss of his son was too much for King Leoric. I did what I could to ease his madness, but in the end it overcame him. A black curse has hung over this kingdom from that day forward, but perhaps if you were to free his spirit from his earthly prison, the curse would be lifted..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I don't like to think about how the King died. I like to remember him for the kind and just ruler that he was. His death was so sad and seemed very wrong, somehow."
msgstr ""
msgid "I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister force that drove him insane!"
msgstr ""
msgid "I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be MY king. Leoric is King. King, so you hear me? HAIL TO THE KING!"
msgstr ""
msgid "The dead who walk among the living follow the cursed King. He holds the power to raise yet more warriors for an ever growing army of the undead. If you do not stop his reign, he will surely march across this land and slay all who still live here."
msgstr ""
msgid "Yes, this will be perfect for a brew that I am creating. By the way, the healer is looking for the brain of some demon or another so he can treat those who have been afflicted by their poisonous venom. I believe that he intends to make an elixir from it. If you help him find what he needs, please see if you can get a sample of the elixir for me."
msgstr ""
msgid "Why have you brought that here? I have no need for a demon's brain at this time. I do need some of the elixir that the Healer is working on. He needs that grotesque organ that you are holding, and then bring me the elixir. Simple when you think about it, isn't it?"
msgstr ""
msgid "What? Now you bring me that elixir from the healer? I was able to finish my brew without it. Why don't you just keep it..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I don't have any mushrooms of any size or color for sale. How about something a bit more useful?"
msgstr ""
msgid "The witch Adria seeks a black mushroom? I know as much about Black Mushrooms as I do about Red Herrings. Perhaps Pepin the Healer could tell you more, but this is something that cannot be found in any of my stories or books."
msgstr ""
msgid "Let me just say this. Both Garda and I would never, EVER serve black mushrooms to our honored guests. If Adria wants some mushrooms in her stew, then that is her business, but I can't help you find any. Black mushrooms... disgusting!"
msgstr ""
msgid "The witch told me that you were searching for the brain of a demon to assist me in creating my elixir. It should be of great value to the many who are injured by those foul beasts, if I can just unlock the secrets I suspect that its alchemy holds. If you can remove the brain of a demon when you kill it, I would be grateful if you could bring it to me."
msgstr ""
msgid "Excellent, this is just what I had in mind. I was able to finish the elixir without this, but it can't hurt to have this to study. Would you please carry this to the witch? I believe that she is expecting it."
msgstr ""
msgid "I think Ogden might have some mushrooms in the storage cellar. Why don't you ask him?"
msgstr ""
msgid "If Adria doesn't have one of these, you can bet that's a rare thing indeed. I can offer you no more help than that, but it sounds like... a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! Well, good hunting, I suppose."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden mixes a MEAN black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that. Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!"
msgstr ""
msgid "What do we have here? Interesting, it looks like a book of reagents. Keep your eyes open for a black mushroom. It should be fairly large and easy to identify. If you find it, bring it to me, won't you?"
msgstr ""
msgid "It's a big, black mushroom that I need. Now run off and get it for me so that I can use it for a special concoction that I am working on."
msgstr ""
msgid "Gillian, my Barmaid? If it were not for her sense of duty to her grand-dam, she would have fled from here long ago. \n \nGoodness knows I begged her to leave, telling her that I would watch after the old woman, but she is too sweet and caring to have done so."
msgstr ""
msgid "Greetings, good master. Welcome to the Tavern of the Rising Sun!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Many adventurers have graced the tables of my tavern, and ten times as many stories have been told over as much ale. The only thing that I ever heard any of them agree on was this old axiom. Perhaps it will help you. You can cut the flesh, but you must crush the bone."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold the blacksmith is extremely knowledgeable about weapons and armor. If you ever need work done on your gear, he is definitely the man to see."
msgstr ""
msgid "Farnham spends far too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the Labyrinth."
msgstr ""
msgid "Adria is wise beyond her years, but I must admit - she frightens me a little. \n \nWell, no matter. If you ever have need to trade in items of sorcery, she maintains a strangely well-stocked hut just across the river."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you want to know more about the history of our village, the storyteller Cain knows quite a bit about the past."
msgstr ""
msgid "Wirt is a rapscallion and a little scoundrel. He was always getting into trouble, and it's no surprise what happened to him. \n \nHe probably went fooling about someplace that he shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the boy, but I don't abide the company that he keeps."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pepin is a good man - and certainly the most generous in the village. He is always attending to the needs of others, but trouble of some sort or another does seem to follow him wherever he goes..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I really don't understand why Ogden stays here in Tristram. He suffers from a slight nervous condition, but he is an intelligent and industrious man who would do very well wherever he went. I suppose it may be the fear of the many murders that happen in the surrounding countryside, or perhaps the wishes of his wife that keep him and his family where they are."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden's barmaid is a sweet girl. Her grandmother is quite ill, and suffers from delusions. \n \nShe claims that they are visions, but I have no proof of that one way or the other."
msgstr ""
msgid "What ails you, my friend?"
msgstr ""
msgid "I have made a very interesting discovery. Unlike us, the creatures in the Labyrinth can heal themselves without the aid of potions or magic. If you hurt one of the monsters, make sure it is dead or it very well may regenerate itself."
msgstr ""
msgid "Before it was taken over by, well, whatever lurks below, the Cathedral was a place of great learning. There are many books to be found there. If you find any, you should read them all, for some may hold secrets to the workings of the Labyrinth."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold knows as much about the art of war as I do about the art of healing. He is a shrewd merchant, but his work is second to none. Oh, I suppose that may be because he is the only blacksmith left here."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain is a true friend and a wise sage. He maintains a vast library and has an innate ability to discern the true nature of many things. If you ever have any questions, he is the person to go to."
msgstr ""
msgid "Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do."
msgstr ""
msgid "While I use some limited forms of magic to create the potions and elixirs I store here, Adria is a true sorceress. She never seems to sleep, and she always has access to many mystic tomes and artifacts. I believe her hut may be much more than the hovel it appears to be, but I can never seem to get inside the place."
msgstr ""
msgid "Poor Wirt. I did all that was possible for the child, but I know he despises that wooden peg that I was forced to attach to his leg. His wounds were hideous. No one - and especially such a young child - should have to suffer the way he did."
msgstr ""
msgid "For once, I'm with you. My business runs dry - so to speak - if I have no market to sell to. You better find out what is going on, and soon!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hmm, I don't know what I can really tell you about this that will be of any help. The water that fills our wells comes from an underground spring. I have heard of a tunnel that leads to a great lake - perhaps they are one and the same. Unfortunately, I do not know what would cause our water supply to be tainted."
msgstr ""
msgid "I have always tried to keep a large supply of foodstuffs and drink in our storage cellar, but with the entire town having no source of fresh water, even our stores will soon run dry. \n \nPlease, do what you can or I don't know what we will do."
msgstr ""
msgid "I'm glad I caught up to you in time! Our wells have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from them. Our reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry. I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town. Please find what has caused this calamity, or we all will surely perish."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please, you must hurry. Every hour that passes brings us closer to having no water to drink. \n \nWe cannot survive for long without your help."
msgstr ""
msgid "What's that you say - the mere presence of the demons had caused the water to become tainted? Oh, truly a great evil lurks beneath our town, but your perseverance and courage gives us hope. Please take this ring - perhaps it will aid you in the destruction of such vile creatures."
msgstr ""
msgid "My grandmother is very weak, and Garda says that we cannot drink the water from the wells. Please, can you do something to help us?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pepin has told you the truth. We will need fresh water badly, and soon. I have tried to clear one of the smaller wells, but it reeks of stagnant filth. It must be getting clogged at the source."
msgstr ""
msgid "You drink water?"
msgstr ""
msgid "The people of Tristram will die if you cannot restore fresh water to their wells. \n \nKnow this - demons are at the heart of this matter, but they remain ignorant of what they have spawned."
msgstr ""
msgid "> BACK"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ah, Pepin. I count him as a true friend - perhaps the closest I have here. He is a bit addled at times, but never a more caring or considerate soul has existed. His knowledge and skills are equaled by few, and his door is always open."
msgstr ""
msgid "Gillian is a fine woman. Much adored for her high spirits and her quick laugh, she holds a special place in my heart. She stays on at the tavern to support her elderly grandmother who is too sick to travel. I sometimes fear for her safety, but I know that any man in the village would rather die than see her harmed."
msgstr ""
msgid "Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
msgstr ""
msgid "While you are venturing deeper into the Labyrinth you may find tomes of great knowledge hidden there. \n \nRead them carefully for they can tell you things that even I cannot."
msgstr ""
msgid "I know of many myths and legends that may contain answers to questions that may arise in your journeys into the Labyrinth. If you come across challenges and questions to which you seek knowledge, seek me out and I will tell you what I can."
msgstr ""
msgid "Griswold - a man of great action and great courage. I bet he never told you about the time he went into the Labyrinth to save Wirt, did he? He knows his fair share of the dangers to be found there, but then again - so do you. He is a skilled craftsman, and if he claims to be able to help you in any way, you can count on his honesty and his skill."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden has owned and run the Rising Sun Inn and Tavern for almost four years now. He purchased it just a few short months before everything here went to hell. He and his wife Garda do not have the money to leave as they invested all they had in making a life for themselves here. He is a good man with a deep sense of responsibility."
msgstr ""
msgid "Poor Farnham. He is a disquieting reminder of the doomed assembly that entered into the Cathedral with Lazarus on that dark day. He escaped with his life, but his courage and much of his sanity were left in some dark pit. He finds comfort only at the bottom of his tankard nowadays, but there are occasional bits of truth buried within his constant ramblings."
msgstr ""
msgid "The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. She arrived shortly after the Cathedral was desecrated while most everyone else was fleeing. She had a small hut constructed at the edge of town, seemingly overnight, and has access to many strange and arcane artifacts and tomes of knowledge that even I have never seen before."
msgstr ""
msgid "The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one. He was taken from the arms of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that wield wicked spears. There were many other children taken that day, including the son of King Leoric. The Knights of the palace went below, but never returned. The Blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures."
msgstr ""
msgid "You have not found the Golden Elixir. I fear that I am doomed for eternity. Please, keep trying..."
msgstr ""
msgid "You have saved my soul from damnation, and for that I am in your debt. If there is ever a way that I can repay you from beyond the grave I will find it, but for now - take my helm. On the journey I am about to take I will have little use for it. May it protect you against the dark powers below. Go with the Light, my friend..."
msgstr ""
msgid "You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his King faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that.\n \nOf those who were caught within the grasp of the King's Curse, Lachdanan would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight, so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture."
msgstr ""
msgid "You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much."
msgstr ""
msgid "A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and DO NOT try to use it."
msgstr ""
msgid "I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can be of much help to you."
msgstr ""
msgid "If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him."
msgstr ""
msgid " Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!"
msgstr ""
msgid "You may meet people who are trapped within the Labyrinth, such as Lachdanan. \n \nI sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid all of Tristram."
msgstr ""
msgid "Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened? Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...\n \nI have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor."
msgstr ""
msgid "They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed him as theirs."
msgstr ""
msgid "Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there."
msgstr ""
msgid "Abandon your foolish quest. All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master! You are too late to save the child. Now you will join him in Hell!"
msgstr ""
msgid "This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.\n \nMy true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released.\n \nThe Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.\n \nCurse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark masters!\n \nThat must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!"
msgstr ""
msgid "You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in Hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal in the very heart of the labyrinth.\n \nKnow this, my friend - The evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago and I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the realm of mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lazarus was the Archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham about that day."
msgstr ""
msgid "I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning to do that night. I thought that of all people, Lazarus would have had more sense than that. He was an Archbishop, and always seemed to care so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could not save them all..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still alive and safe."
msgstr ""
msgid "I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deeper into the dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!"
msgstr ""
msgid "I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War...\n \nStained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who would stand before this Executioner of Hell.\n \nIt is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the Legion of Darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood."
msgstr ""
msgid "I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for he sounds extremely dangerous."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this than I would ever wish to know."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may Light be your guide and your defender. I will keep you in my thoughts."
msgstr ""
msgid "Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter."
msgstr ""
msgid "Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?"
msgstr ""
msgid "His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see if you will defeat him."
msgstr ""
msgid "I haven't ever dealt with this Warlord you speak of, but he sounds like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his armies..."
msgstr ""
msgid "My blade sings for your blood, mortal, and by my dark masters it shall not be denied."
msgstr ""
msgid "Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more merchandise than I've seen pass through the gates of the King's Bazaar during High Festival."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ogden is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that stupid tavern. I guess at the least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his wife Garda does make a superb Shepherd's pie..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pssst... over here..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Not everyone in Tristram has a use - or a market - for everything you will find in the labyrinth. Not even me, as hard as that is to believe. \n \nSometimes, only you will be able to find a purpose for some things."
msgstr ""
msgid "Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense."
msgstr ""
msgid "In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up whatever you can bring them..."
msgstr ""
msgid "I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure, Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have definite plans that require a large amount of gold."
msgstr ""
msgid "If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice stuff. Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon as it is safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock."
msgstr ""
msgid "Farnham - now there is a man with serious problems, and I know all about how serious problems can be. He trusted too much in the integrity of one man, and Lazarus led him into the very jaws of death. Oh, I know what it's like down there, so don't even start telling me about your plans to destroy the evil that dwells in that Labyrinth. Just watch your legs..."
msgstr ""
msgid "As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as they come. \n \nIf I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have my leg..."
msgstr ""
msgid "What?! Why are you here? All these interruptions are enough to make one insane. Here, take this and leave me to my work. Trouble me no more!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arrrrgh! Your curiosity will be the death of you!!!"
msgstr ""
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"Kort efter att Leoric tog makten i Khanduras vaknade en urkraft i de mörka katakomberna under munkklostret. Diablo kände att friheten var inom räckhåll och hemsökte Ärkebiskopen Lazarus mardrömmar och lurade ner honom i de dunkla underjordiska labyrinterna. Skrämd från vettet rusade Lazarus genom de övergivna korridorerna och kom till slut till den brinnande Själastenens vilokammare. Lazarus hade tappat kontrollen över sin kropp och själ; han lyfte stenen över sitt huvud och började uttala besvärjelser vars like inte hörts i de dödligas rike. Den nedbrutne Lazarus krossade Själastenen på marken. Diablo släpptes än en gång lös i Människans rike. Fastän han var fri från fjättringen i Själastenen, var Terrorns Herre svag efter sin långa sömn. Han behövde en länk till de dödligas värld. Inte förrän han funnit en dödlig gestalt att anta kunde han börja att återfå sin forna styrka. Den store demonen valde mellan själarna i byn ovanför hans boning och valde den starkaste av dem - Kung Leoric. \n\nUnder en lång tid stred Kung Leoric i tysthet mot den onda makt som försökte styra hans tankar och känslor. Leoric kände att en okänd illvillig kraft stred med hans själ men bortförklarade situationen för sina Präster. Han närde förhoppningen att hans egen inre styrka skulle vara nog för att driva ut den begynnande korruptionen men han misstog sig. Diablo kärnade ur Leorics goda hjärta och svedde bort all medkänsla och rättrådighet från hans själ. Även Lazarus var förhäxad av demonen och höll sig i närheten av sin konung. Ärkebiskopen inriktade sig på att undenhålla alla spår efter sin nye Herre, och hoppades att demonens kraft kunde växa ostört, mitt ibland Zakarums tjänare. \n\nMen Zakarums präster och folket i Khanduras kände att något hade hänt i deras land. Kungens en gång så stolta och uthålliga gestalt började förvridas och deformeras. Leoric blev alltmer sinnessjuk och beordrade omedelbar avrättning för meningsmotståndare till hans regim. Leoric började skicka sin Riddare till andra byar för att kväsa folket och tvinga dem till underkastelse. Folket i Khanduras som hade haft respekt och vördnad för sin konung började kalla Leoric för den Svarte Kungen. \n\nTerrorns Herre drev Kung Leoric till vansinnets rand och han stöta bort sina forna vänner och undersåtar. Lachdanan, kapten i Leorics armé, medlem i Lj
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