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Last active February 25, 2024 04:59
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Spotify 跳转至豆瓣 (Userscript)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Spotify 跳转至豆瓣
// @namespace
// @version 0.4
// @description 在 Spotify 的专辑菜单中新增“转至豆瓣”按钮。Quickly navigate to Douban from Spotify.
// @author You
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
// 监听 body 下元素的变动
new MutationObserver(observer).observe(document.body, { childList: true });
function observer(record) {
/** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} 新增元素*/
const newNode = record?.[0]?.addedNodes?.[0]?.firstElementChild;
// 判断新增元素是否为专辑菜单
if (
newNode && === "context-menu" &&
// 超过6项的菜单为歌曲菜单。专辑菜单为6项或5项。
(newNode.firstElementChild.children.length == 6 ||
newNode.firstElementChild.children.length == 5)
// 确保含有 "转至艺人电台" 的图标(无必要)
// possibleNode.querySelector(
// 'path[d="M5.624 3.886A4.748 4.748 0 0 0 3.25 8c0 1.758.955 3.293 2.375 4.114l.75-1.3a3.249 3.249 0 0 1 0-5.63l-.75-1.298zm4.001 1.299.75-1.3A4.748 4.748 0 0 1 12.75 8a4.748 4.748 0 0 1-2.375 4.114l-.75-1.3a3.249 3.249 0 0 0 0-5.63zM8 6.545a1.455 1.455 0 1 0 0 2.91 1.455 1.455 0 0 0 0-2.91z"]'
// )
) {
// 取得专辑信息
let album, artist;
const menuBtn = document.querySelector("button[data-context-menu-open]");
if (location.pathname.startsWith("/album/")) {
// 若为专辑页
album = document
artist = document
} else if (location.pathname.includes("/discography/")) {
// 若为专辑目录页
album =
artist =
} else return;
// 作为参考的按钮(加入播放队列)
const referenceItem = newNode.firstElementChild.children[1];
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
const newItem = referenceItem.cloneNode(true);
// 替换图标和名字
newItem.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = `<svg data-encore-id="icon" role="img" aria-hidden="true" class="Svg-sc-ytk21e-0 ewCuAY" viewBox="0 0 296.37 296.37"><path d="M271.558,11.076 C281.148,11.076 288.924,18.852 288.924,28.442 L288.924,271.558 C288.924,281.148 281.148,288.924 271.558,288.924 L28.442,288.924 C18.852,288.924 11.076,281.148 11.076,271.558 L11.076,28.442 C11.076,18.852 18.852,11.076 28.442,11.076 z M51.754,51.621 L51.754,74.027 L241.892,74.027 L241.892,51.621 z M63.785,92.621 L63.785,184.008 L80.134,184.008 L99.988,225.702 L46.072,225.702 L46.072,247.681 L246.958,247.681 L246.958,225.702 L191.668,225.702 L211.787,184.008 L229.593,184.008 L229.593,92.621 z M200.65,115.105 L200.65,162.301 L91.575,162.301 L91.575,115.105 z M167.218,225.702 L124.996,225.702 L105.358,184.008 L187.337,184.008 z"></path></svg>`;
newItem.firstElementChild.children[1].innerHTML = "转至豆瓣";
// 处理点击事件
newItem.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (album && artist) {
// 在豆瓣上搜索
`${album} ${artist}`
// 再次单击菜单键关闭专辑菜单;
// 在参考按钮后加入新按钮
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