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Last active December 26, 2015 23:09
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  • Save john9631/7228829 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save john9631/7228829 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"metadata": {
"language": "Julia",
"name": ""
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 2,
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"An Introduction to Gadfly"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Gadfly is an easy to use plotting package for Julia the new high level high performance language for technical computing. \n",
"Gadfly follows grammar of graphics principles to simplify translating your ideas to plots - mapping how y changes with x across levels of z. This introduction aims to make Gadfly approachable using a series of examples.\n",
"Translating your ideas to plots is more efficient using dataframes but we'll start with 1 and multiple dimensional arrays because your data may already be in that format."
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 3,
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Starting Up"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"One of the easiest ways to use Julia is with an IPython Notebook. This allows you to edit the code, add annotations, and keep your plots just as I'm doing here (see Appendix One for installation instructions). This notebook is available on github so you can copy and paste from it or use it if you wish. To start IJulia, open a terminal, change to the directory in which you are saving your notebooks and perhaps your data and enter this command:\n",
" ipython notebook --profile julia\n",
"That will open an IPython Dashboard and you can open an existing notebook from that directory or begin fresh with **New Notebook**. In Julia, when you want to use a package you start by entering \"using packagename\" and then wait a few seconds for it to load. Lets begin:"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# we want to use Gadfly and Dataframes today\n",
"using Gadfly; using DataFrames"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 2
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# First read in your files\n",
"# if the file's separator was a comma then you don't need to specify it\n",
"# similarly, its a default to read the first row as a header row\n",
"# if it was a tab separated file with a header row we would use:\n",
"# mydat = readtable(\"filenameNoHeader.csv\", separator='\\t')\n",
"d_age = readdlm(\"f_age.csv\")\n",
"d_sex = readdlm(\"f_sex.csv\")\n",
"d_dbp = readdlm(\"f_dBP.csv\") ;\n",
"# open 3 files and store them\n",
"# note the semicolon on the last line to stop Julia printing the final output\n",
"# lets just check what we read into mydata\n",
"print(\"sa \", size(d_age), \" ss \", size(d_sex), \" sd \", size(d_dbp),)\n",
"# and lets have a look at the first few rows of column 1 for each one\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"sa ("
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"50,1) ss (50,1) sd (50,1)"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 42,
"text": [
"6-element Array{Float64,1}:\n",
" 39.0\n",
" 46.0\n",
" 48.0\n",
" 61.0\n",
" 46.0\n",
" 43.0"
"prompt_number": 42
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# I can do that one at a time or use a trick instead\n",
"# [array1 array2 array3] with spaces between the output arrays \n",
"# concatenates them into 3 columns and displays them\n",
"[d_age[1:6] d_sex[1:6] d_dbp[1:6]]"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 43,
"text": [
"6x3 Array{Any,2}:\n",
" 39.0 \"F\" 70.0\n",
" 46.0 \"M\" 81.0\n",
" 48.0 \"F\" 80.0\n",
" 61.0 \"M\" 95.0\n",
" 46.0 \"M\" 84.0\n",
" 43.0 \"M\" 110.0"
"prompt_number": 43
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# Im interested in the age distribution so lets plot a histogram\n",
"plot(x=d_age, Geom.histogram)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-T9qb6zScl49Hmi6iumYI\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
" .attr(\"width\", \"120mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"height\", \"80mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 120 80\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\")\n",
" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 14.06 1 14.06 60.71 5 60.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 75.37)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"5\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 6.55)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"25\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 40.96)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"15\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 92.57)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -27.86)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"35\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -62.27)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"45\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -10.66)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -45.07)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 23.75)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 126.98)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 58.16)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 109.78)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-5\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M3.96,59.71 L 125.09 59.71 125.09 75 3.96 75 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 135.95)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 231.18)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"120\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -30.7)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -78.32)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -6.9)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 64.53)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 16.91)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 183.57)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 40.72)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -54.51)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 112.14)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -102.13)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 207.37)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 88.34)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 159.76)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 64.53)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 73)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"x\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.on(\"mouseover\", guide_background_mouseover(parent_id, \"#C6C6C9\"))\n",
" .on(\"mouseout\", guide_background_mouseout(parent_id, \"#F0F0F3\"))\n",
" .call(zoom_behavior(parent_id, t));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath2\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath2)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide background\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#F1F1F5\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#FAFAFA\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ygridlines xfixed\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,75.37 L 115 75.37\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,6.55 L 115 6.55\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,40.96 L 115 40.96\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,92.57 L 115 92.57\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-27.86 L 115 -27.86\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-62.27 L 115 -62.27\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-10.66 L 115 -10.66\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-45.07 L 115 -45.07\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,23.75 L 115 23.75\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,126.98 L 115 126.98\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,58.16 L 115 58.16\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,109.78 L 115 109.78\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xgridlines yfixed\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M135.95,5 L 135.95 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M231.18,5 L 231.18 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-30.7,5 L -30.7 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-78.32,5 L -78.32 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-6.9,5 L -6.9 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M64.53,5 L 64.53 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M16.91,5 L 16.91 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M183.57,5 L 183.57 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M40.72,5 L 40.72 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-54.51,5 L -54.51 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M112.14,5 L 112.14 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-102.13,5 L -102.13 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M207.37,5 L 207.37 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M88.34,5 L 88.34 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M159.76,5 L 159.76 59.71\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath3\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath3)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"shape-rendering\", \"crispEdges\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"none\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"id\", \"id22\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M76.43,92.57 L 100.24 92.57 100.24 58.16 76.43 58.16 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"id\", \"id20\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M28.82,92.57 L 52.62 92.57 52.62 16.87 28.82 16.87 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"id\", \"id21\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M52.62,92.57 L 76.43 92.57 76.43 30.64 52.62 30.64 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath4\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath4)\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"var data = [\n",
"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"D3(120.0,80.0,IOBuffer([0x66,0x75,0x6e,0x63,0x74,0x69,0x6f,0x6e,0x20,0x64 \u2026 0x74,0x5f,0x69,0x64,0x29,0x3b,0x0a,0x7d,0x3b,0x0a],true,true,true,false,11291,9223372036854775807,11292),false,0,[],[],0,5,Dict{Uint64,(Any,Int64)}(),true,true)"
"html": [],
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 48,
"text": [
"prompt_number": 48
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# Its good practice to check coarse and fine histograms\n",
"plot(x=d_age, Geom.histogram, bins=25)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stderr",
"text": [
"WARNING: bins is not a recognized aesthetic. Ignoring."
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stderr",
"text": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-pShcKnnzqfMjMTWeAu4q\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
" .attr(\"width\", \"120mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"height\", \"80mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 120 80\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\")\n",
" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 14.06 1 14.06 60.71 5 60.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
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" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 75.37)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"5\");\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 6.55)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"25\");\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 92.57)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"35\");\n",
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" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"45\");\n",
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" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
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" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 23.75)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 58.16)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 13.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 109.78)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-5\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M3.96,59.71 L 125.09 59.71 125.09 75 3.96 75 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 135.95)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 231.18)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"120\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -30.7)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -78.32)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -6.9)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 64.53)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 16.91)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 183.57)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 40.72)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -54.51)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -102.13)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 207.37)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 88.34)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 159.76)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 64.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 64.53)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 73)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"x\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.on(\"mouseover\", guide_background_mouseover(parent_id, \"#C6C6C9\"))\n",
" .on(\"mouseout\", guide_background_mouseout(parent_id, \"#F0F0F3\"))\n",
" .call(zoom_behavior(parent_id, t));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
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" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath2)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide background\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#F1F1F5\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#FAFAFA\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ygridlines xfixed\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,75.37 L 115 75.37\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,6.55 L 115 6.55\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,40.96 L 115 40.96\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,92.57 L 115 92.57\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-27.86 L 115 -27.86\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-62.27 L 115 -62.27\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-10.66 L 115 -10.66\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,-45.07 L 115 -45.07\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,23.75 L 115 23.75\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,126.98 L 115 126.98\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,58.16 L 115 58.16\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M14.06,109.78 L 115 109.78\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xgridlines yfixed\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M135.95,5 L 135.95 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M231.18,5 L 231.18 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-30.7,5 L -30.7 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-78.32,5 L -78.32 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-6.9,5 L -6.9 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M64.53,5 L 64.53 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M16.91,5 L 16.91 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M183.57,5 L 183.57 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M40.72,5 L 40.72 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-54.51,5 L -54.51 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M112.14,5 L 112.14 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-102.13,5 L -102.13 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M207.37,5 L 207.37 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M88.34,5 L 88.34 59.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M159.76,5 L 159.76 59.71\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath3\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath3)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"shape-rendering\", \"crispEdges\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"none\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"id\", \"id29\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M76.43,92.57 L 100.24 92.57 100.24 58.16 76.43 58.16 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"id\", \"id27\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M28.82,92.57 L 52.62 92.57 52.62 16.87 28.82 16.87 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"id\", \"id28\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M52.62,92.57 L 76.43 92.57 76.43 30.64 52.62 30.64 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath4\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M14.06,5 L 115 5 115 59.71 14.06 59.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath4)\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"var data = [\n",
"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"D3(120.0,80.0,IOBuffer([0x66,0x75,0x6e,0x63,0x74,0x69,0x6f,0x6e,0x20,0x64 \u2026 0x74,0x5f,0x69,0x64,0x29,0x3b,0x0a,0x7d,0x3b,0x0a],true,true,true,false,11291,9223372036854775807,11292),false,0,[],[],0,5,Dict{Uint64,(Any,Int64)}(),true,true)"
"html": [],
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 50,
"text": [
"prompt_number": 50
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# And lets look at a box plot. First narrow the plot:\n",
"set_default_plot_size(6cm, 10cm)\n",
"plot(y=d_age, Geom.boxplot)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-FosWwZP1Ftf7TfpEK326\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
" .attr(\"width\", \"60mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"height\", \"100mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 60 100\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\")\n",
" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 23.82 1 23.82 96 5 96 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -13.68)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -98.58)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"120\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 134.91)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 177.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 113.68)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 50)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 92.45)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -56.13)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 71.23)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 156.13)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 7.55)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 198.58)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -77.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 28.77)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -34.91)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 9.17)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 50)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .attr(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90, 9.17, 50)\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"y\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M20.7,95 L 58.12 95 58.12 95 20.7 95 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.on(\"mouseover\", guide_background_mouseover(parent_id, \"#C6C6C9\"))\n",
" .on(\"mouseout\", guide_background_mouseout(parent_id, \"#F0F0F3\"))\n",
" .call(zoom_behavior(parent_id, t));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath2\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 55 5 55 95 23.82 95 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath2)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide background\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#F1F1F5\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#FAFAFA\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,5 L 55 5 55 95 23.82 95 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ygridlines xfixed\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-13.68 L 55 -13.68\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-98.58 L 55 -98.58\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,134.91 L 55 134.91\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,177.36 L 55 177.36\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,113.68 L 55 113.68\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,50 L 55 50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,92.45 L 55 92.45\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-56.13 L 55 -56.13\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,71.23 L 55 71.23\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,156.13 L 55 156.13\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,7.55 L 55 7.55\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,198.58 L 55 198.58\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-77.36 L 55 -77.36\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,28.77 L 55 28.77\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-34.91 L 55 -34.91\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xgridlines yfixed\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath3\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 55 5 55 95 23.82 95 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath3)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M36.96,18.16 L 41.86 18.16\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M36.96,81.84 L 41.86 81.84\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M39.41,44.16 L 39.41 18.16\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M39.41,66.98 L 39.41 81.84\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M32.55,66.98 L 46.26 66.98 46.26 44.16 32.55 44.16 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.6\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#34FFFF\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M36.96,58.49 L 41.86 58.49\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath4\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 55 5 55 95 23.82 95 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath4)\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"var data = [\n",
"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"D3(60.0,100.0,IOBuffer([0x66,0x75,0x6e,0x63,0x74,0x69,0x6f,0x6e,0x20,0x64 \u2026 0x74,0x5f,0x69,0x64,0x29,0x3b,0x0a,0x7d,0x3b,0x0a],true,true,true,false,9126,9223372036854775807,9127),false,0,[],[],0,5,Dict{Uint64,(Any,Int64)}(),true,true)"
"html": [],
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 51,
"text": [
"prompt_number": 51
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# If I want a summary of the statistics for the sample its easy to get it\n",
"[mean(d_age), std(d_age), mode(d_age), \"\", quantile(d_age[:,1],[0.25,0.5,0.75])]\n",
"# note that because d_age is a 1 column 50 element array I need to select\n",
"# column 1 for the quantile function. If I had read all of the data into \n",
"# an array with 3 columns I'd address them as data[1] or data[2], say, but \n",
"# for some functions I must specifically choose all rows with data[:,colnum]"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 101,
"text": [
"7-element Array{Any,1}:\n",
" 47.86 \n",
" 8.1941\n",
" 43.0 \n",
" \"\" \n",
" 42.0 \n",
" 46.0 \n",
" 52.75 "
"prompt_number": 101
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# ok lets do a scatter plot\n",
"# resize the plot to something larger\n",
"set_default_plot_size(20cm, 12cm)\n",
"plot(x=1:50, y=d_age)\n",
"# note that rather than enter the number of rows I could have used the size function\n",
"# and entered plot(x=1:size(d_age,1), y=d_age)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-drxbXtt4H7u3LjrFsF9W\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
" .attr(\"width\", \"200mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"height\", \"120mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 200 120\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\")\n",
" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 23.82 1 23.82 100.71 5 100.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -14.66)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -104.01)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"120\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 141.71)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 186.38)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 119.37)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 52.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 97.03)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -59.33)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 74.69)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 164.04)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 7.68)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 208.72)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -81.67)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 30.02)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -36.99)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 9.17)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 52.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .attr(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90, 9.17, 52.36)\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"y\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M6.7,99.71 L 212.12 99.71 212.12 115 6.7 115 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -165.13)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -68.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 383.95)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -35.94)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -132.83)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 93.26)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 190.16)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 157.86)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 351.65)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 125.56)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -100.53)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 28.66)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 254.75)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -3.64)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 60.96)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 222.45)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 287.05)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 319.35)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 109.41)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 113)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"x\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.on(\"mouseover\", guide_background_mouseover(parent_id, \"#C6C6C9\"))\n",
" .on(\"mouseout\", guide_background_mouseout(parent_id, \"#F0F0F3\"))\n",
" .call(zoom_behavior(parent_id, t));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath2\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 195 5 195 99.71 23.82 99.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath2)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide background\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#F1F1F5\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#FAFAFA\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,5 L 195 5 195 99.71 23.82 99.71 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-104.01 L 195 -104.01\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,186.38 L 195 186.38\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,119.37 L 195 119.37\");\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-59.33 L 195 -59.33\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,164.04 L 195 164.04\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,7.68 L 195 7.68\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,208.72 L 195 208.72\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-81.67 L 195 -81.67\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-36.99 L 195 -36.99\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M190.16,5 L 190.16 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M157.86,5 L 157.86 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M351.65,5 L 351.65 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M125.56,5 L 125.56 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-100.53,5 L -100.53 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M28.66,5 L 28.66 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M254.75,5 L 254.75 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-3.64,5 L -3.64 99.71\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M287.05,5 L 287.05 99.71\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M319.35,5 L 319.35 99.71\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath3\")\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 195 5 195 99.71 23.82 99.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath3)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\");\n",
" .data([0],data[1]))\n",
" .enter()\n",
" .append(\"circle\")\n",
".attr(\"cx\", function(d) { return d[0]; })\n",
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".attr(\"class\", \"geometry color_LCHab(70.0,60.0,240.0)\")\n",
".on(\"mouseout\", geom_point_mouseover(0.30), false)\n",
".on(\"mouseover\", geom_point_mouseover(3.00), false)\n",
".attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\")\n",
".attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath4\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 195 5 195 99.71 23.82 99.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath4)\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"var data = [\n",
" [31.89135220125786,35.121226415094334,38.351100628930816,41.58097484276729,44.81084905660377,48.040723270440246,51.27059748427672,54.5004716981132,57.730345911949684,60.960220125786165,64.19009433962265,67.41996855345911,70.6498427672956,73.87971698113208,77.10959119496854,80.33946540880503,83.56933962264151,86.79921383647797,90.02908805031447,93.25896226415094,96.48883647798742,99.7187106918239,102.94858490566038,106.17845911949685,109.40833333333333,112.63820754716981,115.86808176100628,119.09795597484276,122.32783018867924,125.55770440251572,128.7875786163522,132.0174528301887,135.24732704402516,138.47720125786162,141.7070754716981,144.9369496855346,148.16682389937105,151.39669811320755,154.62657232704404,157.8564465408805,161.08632075471698,164.31619496855348,167.54606918238994,170.7759433962264,174.0058176100629,177.23569182389937,180.46556603773584,183.69544025157234,186.9253144654088,190.15518867924527],\n",
" [76.92683438155137,61.29056603773586,56.82306079664571,27.784276729559757,61.29056603773586,67.99182389937107,23.31677148846961,63.52431865828093,47.88805031446542,67.99182389937107,52.35555555555556,67.99182389937107,61.29056603773586,72.45932914046122,76.92683438155137,79.16058700209643,56.82306079664571,61.29056603773586,79.16058700209643,72.45932914046122,70.22557651991615,67.99182389937107,47.88805031446542,47.88805031446542,65.75807127882601,59.05681341719078,30.018029350104825,85.86184486373166,27.784276729559757,30.018029350104825,83.6280922431866,67.99182389937107,74.6930817610063,32.2517819706499,27.784276729559757,25.55052410901468,43.420545073375266,81.39433962264151,38.95303983228512,47.88805031446542,70.22557651991615,83.6280922431866,67.99182389937107,72.45932914046122,47.88805031446542,43.420545073375266,45.65429769392034,54.58930817610063,18.84926624737946,61.29056603773586]];\n",
"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"D3(200.0,120.0,IOBuffer([0x66,0x75,0x6e,0x63,0x74,0x69,0x6f,0x6e,0x20,0x64 \u2026 0x74,0x5f,0x69,0x64,0x29,0x3b,0x0a,0x7d,0x3b,0x0a],true,true,true,false,15024,9223372036854775807,15025),false,0,[],[],1,5,[0xe3c386256e8dea88=>([76.92683438155137,61.29056603773586,56.82306079664571,27.784276729559757,61.29056603773586,67.99182389937107,23.31677148846961,63.52431865828093,47.88805031446542,67.99182389937107 \u2026 70.22557651991615,83.6280922431866,67.99182389937107,72.45932914046122,47.88805031446542,43.420545073375266,45.65429769392034,54.58930817610063,18.84926624737946,61.29056603773586],1),0x6f10dcc405288ee7=>([31.89135220125786,35.121226415094334,38.351100628930816,41.58097484276729,44.81084905660377,48.040723270440246,51.27059748427672,54.5004716981132,57.730345911949684,60.960220125786165 \u2026 161.08632075471698,164.31619496855348,167.54606918238994,170.7759433962264,174.0058176100629,177.23569182389937,180.46556603773584,183.69544025157234,186.9253144654088,190.15518867924527],0)],true,true)"
"html": [],
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"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 125,
"text": [
"prompt_number": 125
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# So having looked at the plot we decide to plot it with an estimated confidence interval\n",
"# and a loess smoothing of the data. Plus lets make the labels more relevant.\n",
"# For the confidence intervals we add Geom.errorbar and calculate a min and max\n",
"# For the smoothing we just Geom.smooth but we have to put Geom.point in because although\n",
"# its the default it will be replaced by any other Geom. If we wanted a line \n",
"# we could use Geom.line.\n",
"# Lets show which respondents are male and which are female with the color function\n",
"# if we do that then 2 smoothing lines are drawn (if we commented out line 4, then only one)\n",
"# Finally notice that the plot command isn't on one line anymore - the brackets contain it.\n",
"plot(x=1:size(d_age,1), y=d_age, \n",
" Guide.xlabel(\"Respondent\"), Guide.ylabel(\"Age\"),\n",
" Geom.errorbar, ymin=d_age-1.96*std(d_age), ymax=d_age+1.96*std(d_age),\n",
" color=collect(d_sex), Guide.colorkey(\"Sex\"),\n",
" Geom.smooth, Geom.point )"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-3oWz9ywxjUWbbrW1d6yi\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
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" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 25.23 1 25.23 100.71 5 100.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 150.64)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -81.67)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"200\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", -45.93)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", -10.19)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"120\");\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 204.25)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-120\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 79.16)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 168.51)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -63.8)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"180\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 7.68)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 61.29)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 132.77)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 97.03)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 114.9)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -99.54)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", -28.06)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"140\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 24.23)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 43.42)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 25.55)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 52.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .attr(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90, 9.17, 52.36)\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"Age\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M9.56,99.71 L 197.53 99.71 197.53 115 9.56 115 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -147.66)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -59)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 354.75)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -29.45)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 88.77)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 177.43)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 147.88)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 325.2)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 118.32)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -88.55)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 29.66)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
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55.94 48.84 55.92 49.03 55.89 49.22 55.87 49.42 55.85 49.61 55.83 49.8 55.81 50 55.79 50.19 55.77 50.38 55.75 50.57 55.73 50.77 55.71 50.96 55.69 51.15 55.67 51.35 55.65 51.54 55.64 51.73 55.62 51.93 55.6 52.12 55.58 52.31 55.57 52.51 55.55 52.7 55.53 52.89 55.52 53.08 55.5 53.28 55.49 53.47 55.47 53.66 55.46 53.86 55.44 54.05 55.43 54.24 55.41 54.44 55.4 54.63 55.39 54.82 55.37 55.02 55.36 55.21 55.35 55.4 55.34 55.59 55.33 55.79 55.31 55.98 55.3 56.17 55.29 56.37 55.28 56.56 55.27 56.75 55.26 56.95 55.25 57.14 55.24 57.33 55.23 57.53 55.22 57.72 55.21 57.91 55.2 58.1 55.19 58.3 55.18 58.49 55.18 58.68 55.17 58.88 55.16 59.07 55.15 59.26 55.15 59.46 55.14 59.65 55.13 59.84 55.13 60.04 55.12 60.23 55.12 60.42 55.11 60.61 55.11 60.81 55.1 61 55.1 61.19 55.1 61.39 55.09 61.58 55.09 61.77 55.09 61.97 55.09 62.16 55.08 62.35 55.08 62.55 55.08 62.74 55.08 62.93 55.08 63.12 55.08 63.32 55.08 63.51 55.08 63.7 55.08 63.9 55.08 64.09 55.08 64.28 55.08 64.48 55.08 64.67 55.08 64.86 55.09 65.06 55.09 65.25 55.09 65.44 55.1 65.64 55.1 65.83 55.1 66.02 55.11 66.21 55.11 66.41 55.12 66.6 55.12 66.79 55.13 66.99 55.13 67.18 55.14 67.37 55.15 67.57 55.15 67.76 55.16 67.95 55.17 68.15 55.18 68.34 55.18 68.53 55.19 68.72 55.2 68.92 55.21 69.11 55.22 69.3 55.23 69.5 55.24 69.69 55.25 69.88 55.26 70.08 55.28 70.27 55.29 70.46 55.3 70.66 55.32 70.85 55.33 71.04 55.34 71.23 55.36 71.43 55.37 71.62 55.39 71.81 55.4 72.01 55.42 72.2 55.44 72.39 55.45 72.59 55.47 72.78 55.49 72.97 55.51 73.17 55.53 73.36 55.54 73.55 55.56 73.74 55.58 73.94 55.6 74.13 55.62 74.32 55.64 74.52 55.66 74.71 55.68 74.9 55.7 75.1 55.73 75.29 55.75 75.48 55.77 75.68 55.79 75.87 55.81 76.06 55.84 76.25 55.86 76.45 55.88 76.64 55.91 76.83 55.93 77.03 55.96 77.22 55.98 77.41 56 77.61 56.03 77.8 56.05 77.99 56.08 78.19 56.1 78.38 56.13 78.57 56.16 78.76 56.18 78.96 56.21 79.15 56.23 79.34 56.26 79.54 56.29 79.73 56.31 79.92 56.34 80.12 56.36 80.31 56.38 80.5 56.41 80.7 56.43 80.89 56.46 81.08 56.48 81.27 56.5 81.47 56.53 81.66 56.55 81.85 56.58 82.05 56.61 82.24 56.63 82.43 56.66 82.63 56.69 82.82 56.71 83.01 56.74 83.21 56.77 83.4 56.8 83.59 56.83 83.78 56.85 83.98 56.88 84.17 56.91 84.36 56.94 84.56 56.97 84.75 57 84.94 57.03 85.14 57.06 85.33 57.09 85.52 57.12 85.72 57.15 85.91 57.18 86.1 57.22 86.3 57.25 86.49 57.28 86.68 57.31 86.87 57.34 87.07 57.37 87.26 57.41 87.45 57.44 87.65 57.47 87.84 57.5 88.03 57.53 88.23 57.57 88.42 57.6 88.61 57.63 88.81 57.66 89 57.7 89.19 57.73 89.38 57.76 89.58 57.79 89.77 57.83 89.96 57.86 90.16 57.89 90.35 57.93 90.54 57.96 90.74 57.99 90.93 58.02 91.12 58.06 91.32 58.09 91.51 58.12 91.7 58.15 91.89 58.19 92.09 58.22 92.28 58.25 92.47 58.28 92.67 58.31 92.86 58.35 93.05 58.38 93.25 58.41 93.44 58.44 93.63 58.47 93.83 58.5 94.02 58.53 94.21 58.56 94.4 58.6 94.6 58.63 94.79 58.66 94.98 58.69 95.18 58.72 95.37 58.75 95.56 58.77 95.76 58.8 95.95 58.83 96.14 58.86 96.34 58.91 96.53 58.96 96.72 59.01 96.91 59.06 97.11 59.11 97.3 59.17 97.49 59.22 97.69 59.27 97.88 59.33 98.07 59.38 98.27 59.44 98.46 59.49 98.65 59.55 98.85 59.6 99.04 59.66 99.23 59.71 99.42 59.77 99.62 59.83 99.81 59.88 100 59.94 100.2 59.99 100.39 60.05 100.58 60.11 100.78 60.16 100.97 60.22 101.16 60.27 101.36 60.33 101.55 60.38 101.74 60.44 101.93 60.49 102.13 60.54 102.32 60.6 102.51 60.65 102.71 60.7 102.9 60.75 103.09 60.8 103.29 60.85 103.48 60.9 103.67 60.95 103.87 61 104.06 61.04 104.25 61.09 104.45 61.13 104.64 61.18 104.83 61.22 105.02 61.26 105.22 61.28 105.41 61.31 105.6 61.33 105.8 61.35 105.99 61.37 106.18 61.39 106.38 61.41 106.57 61.42 106.76 61.4 106.96 61.38 107.15 61.36 107.34 61.34 107.53 61.32 107.73 61.3 107.92 61.27 108.11 61.25 108.31 61.22 108.5 61.2 108.69 61.17 108.89 61.14 109.08 61.12 109.27 61.09 109.47 61.06 109.66 61.03 109.85 60.99 110.04 60.96 110.24 60.93 110.43 60.9 110.62 60.86 110.82 60.83 111.01 60.79 111.2 60.75 111.4 60.72 111.59 60.68 111.78 60.64 111.98 60.6 112.17 60.56 112.36 60.52 112.55 60.48 112.75 60.44 112.94 60.4 113.13 60.35 113.33 60.31 113.52 60.26 113.71 60.22 113.91 60.18 114.1 60.13 114.29 60.08 114.49 60.04 114.68 59.99 114.87 59.94 115.06 59.89 115.26 59.85 115.45 59.8 115.64 59.75 115.84 59.7 116.03 59.65 116.22 59.6 116.42 59.55 116.61 59.49 116.8 59.44 117 59.36 117.19 59.27 117.38 59.18 117.57 59.09 117.77 59 117.96 58.91 118.15 58.81 118.35 58.72 118.54 58.62 118.73 58.53 118.93 58.44 119.12 58.34 119.31 58.24 119.51 58.15 119.7 58.05 119.89 57.96 120.08 57.86 120.28 57.77 120.47 57.67 120.66 57.58 120.86 57.48 121.05 57.39 121.24 57.3 121.44 57.2 121.63 57.11 121.82 57.02 122.02 56.93 122.21 56.83 122.4 56.74 122.59 56.65 122.79 56.57 122.98 56.5 123.17 56.44 123.37 56.37 123.56 56.3 123.75 56.23 123.95 56.17 124.14 56.1 124.33 56.02 124.53 55.95 124.72 55.88 124.91 55.81 125.11 55.74 125.3 55.67 125.49 55.59 125.68 55.52 125.88 55.45 126.07 55.38 126.26 55.3 126.46 55.23 126.65 55.15 126.84 55.08 127.04 55.01 127.23 54.94 127.42 54.88 127.62 54.83 127.81 54.78 128 54.73 128.19 54.67 128.39 54.62 128.58 54.57 128.77 54.52 128.97 54.47 129.16 54.42 129.35 54.37 129.55 54.31 129.74 54.26 129.93 54.22 130.13 54.17 130.32 54.12 130.51 54.07 130.7 54.02 130.9 53.97 131.09 53.93 131.28 53.88 131.48 53.83 131.67 53.79 131.86 53.74 132.06 53.7 132.25 53.65 132.44 53.61 132.64 53.57 132.83 53.53 133.02 53.49 133.21 53.46 133.41 53.43 133.6 53.41 133.79 53.38 133.99 53.36 134.18 53.34 134.37 53.31 134.57 53.29 134.76 53.27 134.95 53.25 135.15 53.22 135.34 53.2 135.53 53.18 135.72 53.16 135.92 53.14 136.11 53.12 136.3 53.09 136.5 53.07 136.69 53.05 136.88 53.03 137.08 53.01 137.27 52.99 137.46 52.97 137.66 52.95 137.85 52.92 138.04 52.9 138.23 52.88 138.43 52.85 138.62 52.83 138.81 52.81 139.01 52.79 139.2 52.76 139.39 52.74 139.59 52.72 139.78 52.69 139.97 52.67 140.17 52.65 140.36 52.63 140.55 52.61 140.74 52.58 140.94 52.56 141.13 52.54 141.32 52.52 141.52 52.5 141.71 52.48 141.9 52.46 142.1 52.44 142.29 52.42 142.48 52.4 142.68 52.38 142.87 52.36 143.06 52.34 143.25 52.33 143.45 52.31 143.64 52.29 143.83 52.27 144.03 52.26 144.22 52.24 144.41 52.22 144.61 52.21 144.8 52.19 144.99 52.18 145.19 52.16 145.38 52.15 145.57 52.13 145.77 52.12 145.96 52.11 146.15 52.09 146.34 52.08 146.54 52.07 146.73 52.06 146.92 52.05 147.12 52.04 147.31 52.03 147.5 52.02 147.7 52.01 147.89 52 148.08 52 148.28 51.99 148.47 51.98 148.66 51.98 148.85 51.97 149.05 51.96 149.24 51.96 149.43 51.95 149.63 51.95 149.82 51.95 150.01 51.94 150.21 51.94 150.4 51.94 150.59 51.93 150.79 51.93 150.98 51.93 151.17 51.93 151.36 51.94 151.56 51.94 151.75 51.94 151.94 51.94 152.14 51.95 152.33 51.95 152.52 51.95 152.72 51.96 152.91 51.96 153.1 51.97 153.3 51.97 153.49 51.98 153.68 51.99 153.87 51.99 154.07 52.01 154.26 52.02 154.45 52.03 154.65 52.04 154.84 52.05 155.03 52.07 155.23 52.08 155.42 52.09 155.61 52.11 155.81 52.12 156 52.14 156.19 52.15 156.38 52.17 156.58 52.18 156.77 52.2 156.96 52.22 157.16 52.23 157.35 52.25 157.54 52.27 157.74 52.29 157.93 52.31 158.12 52.33 158.32 52.35 158.51 52.37 158.7 52.39 158.89 52.41 159.09 52.43 159.28 52.45 159.47 52.47 159.67 52.5 159.86 52.52 160.05 52.54 160.25 52.57 160.44 52.59 160.63 52.61 160.83 52.64 161.02 52.66 161.21 52.69 161.4 52.72 161.6 52.74 161.79 52.77 161.98 52.8 162.18 52.82 162.37 52.85 162.56 52.88 162.76 52.91 162.95 52.94 163.14 52.97 163.34 53 163.53 53.03 163.72 53.06 163.91 53.09 164.11 53.12 164.3 53.15 164.49 53.18 164.69 53.21 164.88 53.25 165.07 53.28 165.27 53.31 165.46 53.35 165.65 53.38 165.85 53.41 166.04 53.45 166.23 53.48 166.43 53.52 166.62 53.55 166.81 53.59 167 53.63 167.2 53.66 167.39 53.7 167.58 53.74 167.78 53.77 167.97 53.81 168.16 53.85 168.36 53.89 168.55 53.93 168.74 53.97 168.94 54.01 169.13 54.05 169.32 54.09 169.51 54.13 169.71 54.17 169.9 54.21 170.09 54.25 170.29 54.29 170.48 54.34 170.67 54.38 170.87 54.42 171.06 54.46 171.25 54.51 171.45 54.55 171.64 54.59 171.83 54.64 172.02 54.68 172.22 54.72 172.41 54.77 172.6 54.81 172.8 54.86 172.99 54.9 173.18 54.95 173.38 54.99 173.57 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54.28 51.13 54.34 51.32 54.4 51.5 54.46 51.69 54.52 51.87 54.58 52.06 54.64 52.24 54.69 52.43 54.75 52.61 54.81 52.8 54.86 52.98 54.92 53.17 54.98 53.35 55.03 53.54 55.09 53.72 55.15 53.91 55.2 54.09 55.26 54.28 55.32 54.46 55.37 54.65 55.43 54.83 55.49 55.02 55.54 55.2 55.6 55.39 55.66 55.57 55.71 55.76 55.77 55.95 55.83 56.13 55.88 56.32 55.94 56.5 55.99 56.69 56.05 56.87 56.1 57.06 56.16 57.24 56.21 57.43 56.27 57.61 56.32 57.8 56.38 57.98 56.43 58.17 56.48 58.35 56.54 58.54 56.59 58.72 56.65 58.91 56.7 59.09 56.75 59.28 56.8 59.46 56.86 59.65 56.91 59.83 56.96 60.02 57.01 60.21 57.06 60.39 57.11 60.58 57.16 60.76 57.21 60.95 57.26 61.13 57.31 61.32 57.36 61.5 57.41 61.69 57.46 61.87 57.51 62.06 57.56 62.24 57.61 62.43 57.65 62.61 57.7 62.8 57.75 62.98 57.79 63.17 57.84 63.35 57.89 63.54 57.93 63.72 57.98 63.91 58.02 64.09 58.07 64.28 58.11 64.46 58.16 64.65 58.2 64.84 58.25 65.02 58.29 65.21 58.34 65.39 58.38 65.58 58.43 65.76 58.47 65.95 58.51 66.13 58.56 66.32 58.6 66.5 58.65 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156.14 52.53 156.33 52.53 156.51 52.53 156.7 52.53 156.88 52.53 157.07 52.53 157.25 52.53 157.44 52.53 157.62 52.52 157.81 52.52 157.99 52.51 158.18 52.51 158.36 52.5 158.55 52.49 158.73 52.48 158.92 52.47 159.1 52.46 159.29 52.45 159.47 52.44 159.66 52.43 159.84 52.42 160.03 52.4 160.21 52.39 160.4 52.37 160.59 52.36 160.77 52.34 160.96 52.32 161.14 52.3 161.33 52.28 161.51 52.26 161.7 52.24 161.88 52.22 162.07 52.2 162.25 52.18 162.44 52.15 162.62 52.13 162.81 52.1 162.99 52.07 163.18 52.04 163.36 52.01 163.55 51.98 163.73 51.95 163.92 51.92 164.1 51.89 164.29 51.86 164.47 51.82 164.66 51.78 164.84 51.75 165.03 51.71 165.22 51.67 165.4 51.63 165.59 51.59 165.77 51.55 165.96 51.51 166.14 51.46 166.33 51.42 166.51 51.37 166.7 51.32 166.88 51.28 167.07 51.23 167.25 51.18 167.44 51.13 167.62 51.07 167.81 51.02 167.99 50.97 168.18 50.91 168.36 50.85 168.55 50.8 168.73 50.74 168.92 50.68 169.1 50.62 169.29 50.55 169.47 50.49 169.66 50.42 169.85 50.36 170.03 50.29 170.22 50.22 170.4 50.16 170.59 50.09 170.77 50.01 170.96 49.94 171.14 49.87 171.33 49.8 171.51 49.72 171.7 49.64 171.88 49.57 172.07 49.49 172.25 49.41 172.44 49.33 172.62 49.24 172.81 49.16 172.99 49.08 173.18 48.99 173.36 48.9 173.55 48.81 173.73 48.72 173.92 48.63 174.11 48.54 174.29 48.45\");\n",
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"color=[[\"A\" for i=1:5],[\"B\" for i=1:5]], Guide.colorkey(\"\"),\n",
", Geom.errorbar)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
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" .on(\"click\", guide_toggle_color(parent_id, \"color_A\"));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M186.24,52.59 L 191.18 52.59 191.18 57.53 186.24 57.53 z\");\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 55.06)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"A\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide color_B\")\n",
" .on(\"click\", guide_toggle_color(parent_id, \"color_B\"));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"B\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
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"(function (g) {\n",
" g.on(\"mouseover\", guide_background_mouseover(parent_id, \"#C6C6C9\"))\n",
" .on(\"mouseout\", guide_background_mouseout(parent_id, \"#F0F0F3\"))\n",
" .call(zoom_behavior(parent_id, t));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,5 L 184.24 5 184.24 99.71 22.41 99.71 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,216.16 L 184.24 216.16\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,156.6 L 184.24 156.6\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,7.68 L 184.24 7.68\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,-81.67 L 184.24 -81.67\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,-111.45 L 184.24 -111.45\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,-22.1 L 184.24 -22.1\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M22.41,-51.89 L 184.24 -51.89\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M301.8,5 L 301.8 99.71\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M-125.69,5 L -125.69 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M88.05,5 L 88.05 99.71\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M332.33,5 L 332.33 99.71\");\n",
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" .attr(\"d\", \"M26.99,5 L 26.99 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M210.19,5 L 210.19 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M271.26,5 L 271.26 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-156.22,5 L -156.22 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-95.15,5 L -95.15 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M118.59,5 L 118.59 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M149.12,5 L 149.12 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M240.73,5 L 240.73 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-64.62,5 L -64.62 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M179.66,5 L 179.66 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M-34.08,5 L -34.08 99.71\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M362.87,5 L 362.87 99.71\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath3\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M22.41,5 L 184.24 5 184.24 99.71 22.41 99.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath3)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"shape-rendering\", \"crispEdges\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"none\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id49\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M95.69,97.03 L 110.96 97.03 110.96 67.25 95.69 67.25 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id47\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M65.15,97.03 L 80.42 97.03 80.42 79.16 65.15 79.16 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id45\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M34.62,97.03 L 49.89 97.03 49.89 91.07 34.62 91.07 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#D4CA3A\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id43\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M156.76,97.03 L 172.03 97.03 172.03 43.42 156.76 43.42 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#D4CA3A\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id41\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M126.22,97.03 L 141.49 97.03 141.49 55.33 126.22 55.33 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#D4CA3A\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id40\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M110.96,97.03 L 126.22 97.03 126.22 61.29 110.96 61.29 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#D4CA3A\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id42\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M141.49,97.03 L 156.76 97.03 156.76 49.38 141.49 49.38 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#D4CA3A\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id44\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M172.03,97.03 L 187.29 97.03 187.29 37.46 172.03 37.46 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id46\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M49.89,97.03 L 65.15 97.03 65.15 85.12 49.89 85.12 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", \"id48\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M80.42,97.03 L 95.69 97.03 95.69 73.2 80.42 73.2 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"geometry color_A\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M40.75,94.05 L 43.75 94.05\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M56.02,88.1 L 59.02 88.1\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M71.29,82.14 L 74.29 82.14\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M86.55,76.18 L 89.55 76.18\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M101.82,70.23 L 104.82 70.23\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M117.09,64.27 L 120.09 64.27\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M132.36,58.31 L 135.36 58.31\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M147.62,52.36 L 150.62 52.36\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M162.89,46.4 L 165.89 46.4\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M178.16,40.44 L 181.16 40.44\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M42.25,88.1 L 42.25 94.05\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M57.52,82.14 L 57.52 88.1\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M72.79,76.18 L 72.79 82.14\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M88.05,70.23 L 88.05 76.18\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M103.32,64.27 L 103.32 70.23\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M118.59,58.31 L 118.59 64.27\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M133.86,52.36 L 133.86 58.31\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M149.12,46.4 L 149.12 52.36\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M164.39,40.44 L 164.39 46.4\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M179.66,34.49 L 179.66 40.44\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M40.75,88.1 L 43.75 88.1\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M56.02,82.14 L 59.02 82.14\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M71.29,76.18 L 74.29 76.18\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M86.55,70.23 L 89.55 70.23\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M101.82,64.27 L 104.82 64.27\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M117.09,58.31 L 120.09 58.31\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M132.36,52.36 L 135.36 52.36\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M147.62,46.4 L 150.62 46.4\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M162.89,40.44 L 165.89 40.44\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M178.16,34.49 L 181.16 34.49\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath4\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M22.41,5 L 184.24 5 184.24 99.71 22.41 99.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath4)\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"var data = [\n",
"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"D3(200.0,120.0,IOBuffer([0x66,0x75,0x6e,0x63,0x74,0x69,0x6f,0x6e,0x20,0x64 \u2026 0x74,0x5f,0x69,0x64,0x29,0x3b,0x0a,0x7d,0x3b,0x0a],true,true,true,false,18855,9223372036854775807,18856),false,0,[],[],0,5,Dict{Uint64,(Any,Int64)}(),true,true)"
"html": [],
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 119,
"text": [
"prompt_number": 119
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"oset_default_plot_size(15cm, 12cm)\n",
"c=[[\"A\" for i=1:25],[\"B\" for i=1:25]]\n",
"plot(x=x, y=x, Geom.smooth, Geom.point)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-HNdDtTZYC1DrjWaqZFkG\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
" .attr(\"width\", \"150mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"height\", \"120mm\")\n",
" .attr(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 150 120\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\")\n",
" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 23.82 1 23.82 100.71 5 100.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 204.25)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 150.64)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -99.54)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 132.77)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 186.38)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 61.29)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 7.68)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 25.55)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -81.67)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 43.42)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 168.51)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 97.03)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -28.06)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 114.9)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 79.16)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -10.19)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -45.93)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -63.8)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 9.17)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 52.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .attr(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90, 9.17, 52.36)\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"y\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M11.7,99.71 L 157.12 99.71 157.12 115 11.7 115 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -109.94)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -41.35)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 278.76)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -18.48)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -87.08)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 72.98)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 141.57)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 118.71)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 255.89)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 95.84)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -64.21)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 27.25)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 187.3)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 4.38)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
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41.93 85.55 42.08 85.44 42.23 85.32 42.38 85.2 42.53 85.09 42.68 84.97 42.83 84.85 42.98 84.74 43.13 84.62 43.28 84.5 43.43 84.38 43.58 84.27 43.73 84.15 43.87 84.03 44.02 83.92 44.17 83.8 44.32 83.68 44.47 83.57 44.62 83.45 44.77 83.33 44.92 83.22 45.07 83.1 45.22 82.98 45.37 82.87 45.52 82.75 45.67 82.63 45.82 82.52 45.97 82.4 46.12 82.28 46.26 82.17 46.41 82.05 46.56 81.93 46.71 81.82 46.86 81.7 47.01 81.58 47.16 81.47 47.31 81.35 47.46 81.23 47.61 81.12 47.76 81 47.91 80.88 48.06 80.77 48.21 80.65 48.36 80.53 48.51 80.42 48.66 80.3 48.8 80.18 48.95 80.07 49.1 79.95 49.25 79.83 49.4 79.71 49.55 79.6 49.7 79.48 49.85 79.36 50 79.25 50.15 79.13 50.3 79.01 50.45 78.9 50.6 78.78 50.75 78.66 50.9 78.55 51.05 78.43 51.19 78.31 51.34 78.2 51.49 78.08 51.64 77.96 51.79 77.85 51.94 77.73 52.09 77.61 52.24 77.5 52.39 77.38 52.54 77.26 52.69 77.15 52.84 77.03 52.99 76.91 53.14 76.8 53.29 76.68 53.44 76.56 53.58 76.45 53.73 76.33 53.88 76.21 54.03 76.1 54.18 75.98 54.33 75.86 54.48 75.75 54.63 75.63 54.78 75.51 54.93 75.4 55.08 75.28 55.23 75.16 55.38 75.04 55.53 74.93 55.68 74.81 55.83 74.69 55.97 74.58 56.12 74.46 56.27 74.34 56.42 74.23 56.57 74.11 56.72 73.99 56.87 73.88 57.02 73.76 57.17 73.64 57.32 73.53 57.47 73.41 57.62 73.29 57.77 73.18 57.92 73.06 58.07 72.94 58.22 72.83 58.36 72.71 58.51 72.59 58.66 72.48 58.81 72.36 58.96 72.24 59.11 72.13 59.26 72.01 59.41 71.89 59.56 71.78 59.71 71.66 59.86 71.54 60.01 71.43 60.16 71.31 60.31 71.19 60.46 71.08 60.61 70.96 60.76 70.84 60.9 70.73 61.05 70.61 61.2 70.49 61.35 70.37 61.5 70.26 61.65 70.14 61.8 70.02 61.95 69.91 62.1 69.79 62.25 69.67 62.4 69.56 62.55 69.44 62.7 69.32 62.85 69.21 63 69.09 63.15 68.97 63.29 68.86 63.44 68.74 63.59 68.62 63.74 68.51 63.89 68.39 64.04 68.27 64.19 68.16 64.34 68.04 64.49 67.92 64.64 67.81 64.79 67.69 64.94 67.57 65.09 67.46 65.24 67.34 65.39 67.22 65.54 67.11 65.68 66.99 65.83 66.87 65.98 66.76 66.13 66.64 66.28 66.52 66.43 66.41 66.58 66.29 66.73 66.17 66.88 66.06 67.03 65.94 67.18 65.82 67.33 65.7 67.48 65.59 67.63 65.47 67.78 65.35 67.93 65.24 68.07 65.12 68.22 65 68.37 64.89 68.52 64.77 68.67 64.65 68.82 64.54 68.97 64.42 69.12 64.3 69.27 64.19 69.42 64.07 69.57 63.95 69.72 63.84 69.87 63.72 70.02 63.6 70.17 63.49 70.32 63.37 70.46 63.25 70.61 63.14 70.76 63.02 70.91 62.9 71.06 62.79 71.21 62.67 71.36 62.55 71.51 62.44 71.66 62.32 71.81 62.2 71.96 62.09 72.11 61.97 72.26 61.85 72.41 61.74 72.56 61.62 72.71 61.5 72.86 61.38 73 61.27 73.15 61.15 73.3 61.03 73.45 60.92 73.6 60.8 73.75 60.68 73.9 60.57 74.05 60.45 74.2 60.33 74.35 60.22 74.5 60.1 74.65 59.98 74.8 59.87 74.95 59.75 75.1 59.63 75.25 59.52 75.39 59.4 75.54 59.28 75.69 59.17 75.84 59.05 75.99 58.93 76.14 58.82 76.29 58.7 76.44 58.58 76.59 58.47 76.74 58.35 76.89 58.23 77.04 58.12 77.19 58 77.34 57.88 77.49 57.77 77.64 57.65 77.78 57.53 77.93 57.42 78.08 57.3 78.23 57.18 78.38 57.07 78.53 56.95 78.68 56.83 78.83 56.71 78.98 56.6 79.13 56.48 79.28 56.36 79.43 56.25 79.58 56.13 79.73 56.01 79.88 55.9 80.03 55.78 80.17 55.66 80.32 55.55 80.47 55.43 80.62 55.31 80.77 55.2 80.92 55.08 81.07 54.96 81.22 54.85 81.37 54.73 81.52 54.61 81.67 54.5 81.82 54.38 81.97 54.26 82.12 54.15 82.27 54.03 82.42 53.91 82.57 53.8 82.71 53.68 82.86 53.56 83.01 53.45 83.16 53.33 83.31 53.21 83.46 53.1 83.61 52.98 83.76 52.86 83.91 52.75 84.06 52.63 84.21 52.51 84.36 52.4 84.51 52.28 84.66 52.16 84.81 52.04 84.96 51.93 85.1 51.81 85.25 51.69 85.4 51.58 85.55 51.46 85.7 51.34 85.85 51.23 86 51.11 86.15 50.99 86.3 50.88 86.45 50.76 86.6 50.64 86.75 50.53 86.9 50.41 87.05 50.29 87.2 50.18 87.35 50.06 87.49 49.94 87.64 49.83 87.79 49.71 87.94 49.59 88.09 49.48 88.24 49.36 88.39 49.24 88.54 49.13 88.69 49.01 88.84 48.89 88.99 48.78 89.14 48.66 89.29 48.54 89.44 48.43 89.59 48.31 89.74 48.19 89.88 48.08 90.03 47.96 90.18 47.84 90.33 47.73 90.48 47.61 90.63 47.49 90.78 47.37 90.93 47.26 91.08 47.14 91.23 47.02 91.38 46.91 91.53 46.79 91.68 46.67 91.83 46.56 91.98 46.44 92.13 46.32 92.27 46.21 92.42 46.09 92.57 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104.97 36.28 105.12 36.17 105.27 36.05 105.42 35.93 105.57 35.82 105.72 35.7 105.87 35.58 106.02 35.47 106.17 35.35 106.32 35.23 106.47 35.12 106.62 35 106.77 34.88 106.91 34.77 107.06 34.65 107.21 34.53 107.36 34.42 107.51 34.3 107.66 34.18 107.81 34.07 107.96 33.95 108.11 33.83 108.26 33.72 108.41 33.6 108.56 33.48 108.71 33.36 108.86 33.25 109.01 33.13 109.16 33.01 109.3 32.9 109.45 32.78 109.6 32.66 109.75 32.55 109.9 32.43 110.05 32.31 110.2 32.2 110.35 32.08 110.5 31.96 110.65 31.85 110.8 31.73 110.95 31.61 111.1 31.5 111.25 31.38 111.4 31.26 111.55 31.15 111.69 31.03 111.84 30.91 111.99 30.8 112.14 30.68 112.29 30.56 112.44 30.45 112.59 30.33 112.74 30.21 112.89 30.1 113.04 29.98 113.19 29.86 113.34 29.75 113.49 29.63 113.64 29.51 113.79 29.4 113.94 29.28 114.08 29.16 114.23 29.05 114.38 28.93 114.53 28.81 114.68 28.69 114.83 28.58 114.98 28.46 115.13 28.34 115.28 28.23 115.43 28.11 115.58 27.99 115.73 27.88 115.88 27.76 116.03 27.64 116.18 27.53 116.33 27.41 116.48 27.29 116.62 27.18 116.77 27.06 116.92 26.94 117.07 26.83 117.22 26.71 117.37 26.59 117.52 26.48 117.67 26.36 117.82 26.24 117.97 26.13 118.12 26.01 118.27 25.89 118.42 25.78 118.57 25.66 118.72 25.54 118.87 25.43 119.01 25.31 119.16 25.19 119.31 25.08 119.46 24.96 119.61 24.84 119.76 24.73 119.91 24.61 120.06 24.49 120.21 24.37 120.36 24.26 120.51 24.14 120.66 24.02 120.81 23.91 120.96 23.79 121.11 23.67 121.26 23.56 121.4 23.44 121.55 23.32 121.7 23.21 121.85 23.09 122 22.97 122.15 22.86 122.3 22.74 122.45 22.62 122.6 22.51 122.75 22.39 122.9 22.27 123.05 22.16 123.2 22.04 123.35 21.92 123.5 21.81 123.65 21.69 123.79 21.57 123.94 21.46 124.09 21.34 124.24 21.22 124.39 21.11 124.54 20.99 124.69 20.87 124.84 20.76 124.99 20.64 125.14 20.52 125.29 20.41 125.44 20.29 125.59 20.17 125.74 20.06 125.89 19.94 126.04 19.82 126.18 19.7 126.33 19.59 126.48 19.47 126.63 19.35 126.78 19.24 126.93 19.12 127.08 19 127.23 18.89 127.38 18.77 127.53 18.65 127.68 18.54 127.83 18.42 127.98 18.3 128.13 18.19 128.28 18.07 128.43 17.95 128.58 17.84 128.72 17.72 128.87 17.6 129.02 17.49 129.17 17.37 129.32 17.25 129.47 17.14 129.62 17.02 129.77 16.9 129.92 16.79 130.07 16.67 130.22 16.55 130.37 16.44 130.52 16.32 130.67 16.2 130.82 16.09 130.97 15.97 131.11 15.85 131.26 15.74 131.41 15.62 131.56 15.5 131.71 15.39 131.86 15.27 132.01 15.15 132.16 15.03 132.31 14.92 132.46 14.8 132.61 14.68 132.76 14.57 132.91 14.45 133.06 14.33 133.21 14.22 133.36 14.1 133.5 13.98 133.65 13.87 133.8 13.75 133.95 13.63 134.1 13.52 134.25 13.4 134.4 13.28 134.55 13.17 134.7 13.05 134.85 12.93 135 12.82 135.15 12.7 135.3 12.58 135.45 12.47 135.6 12.35 135.75 12.23 135.89 12.12 136.04 12 136.19 11.88 136.34 11.77 136.49 11.65 136.64 11.53 136.79 11.42 136.94 11.3 137.09 11.18 137.24 11.07 137.39 10.95 137.54 10.83 137.69 10.72 137.84 10.6 137.99 10.48 138.14 10.36 138.28 10.25 138.43 10.13 138.58 10.01 138.73 9.9 138.88 9.78 139.03 9.66 139.18 9.55 139.33 9.43 139.48 9.31 139.63 9.2 139.78 9.08 139.93 8.96 140.08 8.85 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" [95.24360587002096,93.4566037735849,91.66960167714885,89.88259958071279,88.09559748427672,86.30859538784067,84.52159329140461,82.73459119496856,80.9475890985325,79.16058700209643,77.37358490566038,75.58658280922431,73.79958071278826,72.0125786163522,70.22557651991613,68.43857442348008,66.65157232704402,64.86457023060797,63.077568134171905,61.29056603773584,59.50356394129979,57.716561844863726,55.92955974842767,54.14255765199161,52.355555555555554,50.5685534591195,48.78155136268344,46.99454926624738,45.20754716981132,43.420545073375266,41.633542976939204,39.84654088050314,38.05953878406708,36.272536687631025,34.48553459119496,32.69853249475891,30.91153039832285,29.12452830188679,27.337526205450732,25.550524109014674,23.763522012578616,21.976519916142557,20.1895178197065,18.40251572327044,16.61551362683438,14.828511530398323,13.041509433962263,11.254507337526206,9.467505241090148,7.680503144654088]];\n",
"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
"metadata": {},
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"text": [
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"html": [],
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 26,
"text": [
"prompt_number": 26
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"plot(x=x, y=x, color = c, Geom.smooth, Geom.point)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div id=\"gadflyplot-xTQ2ITTenRFG9AkNkb7Y\"></div>\n",
"function draw_with_data(data, parent_id) {\n",
" var g =\n",
" .append(\"svg\")\n",
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" .attr(\"style\", \"stroke:black;fill:black\");\n",
" g.append(\"defs\");\n",
" var t = {\"scale\": 1.0};\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath0\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M5,1 L 23.82 1 23.82 100.71 5 100.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath0)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
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" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ylabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 150.64)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", -99.54)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 132.77)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 186.38)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 61.29)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 7.68)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 25.55)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -81.67)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 43.42)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 168.51)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 97.03)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -28.06)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 114.9)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 79.16)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -10.19)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -45.93)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 22.82)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", -63.8)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"end\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
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" (function (g) {\n",
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" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
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" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 52.36)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .attr(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90, 9.17, 52.36)\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"y\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath1\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M12.77,99.71 L 145.28 99.71 145.28 115 12.77 115 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath1)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide xlabels\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -98.06)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -35.56)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 256.12)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"110\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", -14.73)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 68.61)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"20\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 131.11)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"50\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 110.28)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 235.29)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"100\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 89.44)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"30\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
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" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-40\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 26.94)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"0\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"70\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
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" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"-10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 47.78)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"10\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 151.95)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"60\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 193.62)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"80\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 214.45)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 104.65)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"90\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 79.03)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 113)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"x\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.88\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#362A35\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 141.62)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 209.34)\n",
" .attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"A\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nA\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\nB\\n\");\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"font-family\", \"'PT Sans','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica',sans-serif\")\n",
" .attr(\"font-size\", \"3.18\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide color_A\")\n",
" .on(\"click\", guide_toggle_color(parent_id, \"color_A\"));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#00BFFF\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#0096DD\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M136.24,211.34 L 141.18 211.34 141.18 216.28 136.24 216.28 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 142.18)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 213.81)\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"A\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide color_B\")\n",
" .on(\"click\", guide_toggle_color(parent_id, \"color_B\"));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"fill\", \"#D4CA3A\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#A8A200\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.3\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M136.24,217.28 L 141.18 217.28 141.18 222.22 136.24 222.22 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#4C404B\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:text\")\n",
" .attr(\"x\", 142.18)\n",
" .attr(\"y\", 219.75)\n",
" .style(\"dominant-baseline\", \"central\")\n",
" .call(function(text) {\n",
" text.text(\"B\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
"(function (g) {\n",
" g.on(\"mouseover\", guide_background_mouseover(parent_id, \"#C6C6C9\"))\n",
" .on(\"mouseout\", guide_background_mouseout(parent_id, \"#F0F0F3\"))\n",
" .call(zoom_behavior(parent_id, t));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" .append(\"svg:clipPath\")\n",
" .attr(\"id\", parent_id + \"_clippath2\")\n",
" .append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \" M23.82,5 L 134.24 5 134.24 99.71 23.82 99.71 z\");g.attr(\"clip-path\", \"url(#\" + parent_id + \"_clippath2)\");\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"class\", \"guide background\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke\", \"#F1F1F5\")\n",
" .attr(\"fill\", \"#FAFAFA\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,5 L 134.24 5 134.24 99.71 23.82 99.71 z\");\n",
" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
" (function (g) {\n",
" g.attr(\"stroke\", \"#F0F0F3\")\n",
" .attr(\"stroke-width\", \"0.2\")\n",
" .attr(\"class\", \"guide ygridlines xfixed\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,204.25 L 134.24 204.25\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,150.64 L 134.24 150.64\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,-99.54 L 134.24 -99.54\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,132.77 L 134.24 132.77\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
" .attr(\"d\", \"M23.82,186.38 L 134.24 186.38\");\n",
" g.append(\"svg:path\")\n",
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90.55 34.56 90.5 34.63 90.44 34.69 90.38 34.76 90.33 34.83 90.27 34.89 90.21 34.96 90.15 35.03 90.1 35.09 90.04 35.16 89.98 35.23 89.93 35.29 89.87 35.36 89.81 35.43 89.75 35.49 89.7 35.56 89.64 35.63 89.58 35.69 89.52 35.76 89.47 35.83 89.41 35.89 89.35 35.96 89.3 36.03 89.24 36.09 89.18 36.16 89.12 36.23 89.07 36.29 89.01 36.36 88.95 36.43 88.9 36.49 88.84 36.56 88.78 36.63 88.72 36.69 88.67 36.76 88.61 36.83 88.55 36.89 88.5 36.96 88.44 37.03 88.38 37.09 88.32 37.16 88.27 37.23 88.21 37.29 88.15 37.36 88.1 37.43 88.04 37.49 87.98 37.56 87.92 37.63 87.87 37.69 87.81 37.76 87.75 37.83 87.69 37.89 87.64 37.96 87.58 38.03 87.52 38.09 87.47 38.16 87.41 38.23 87.35 38.29 87.29 38.36 87.24 38.43 87.18 38.49 87.12 38.56 87.07 38.63 87.01 38.69 86.95 38.76 86.89 38.83 86.84 38.89 86.78 38.96 86.72 39.03 86.67 39.09 86.61 39.16 86.55 39.23 86.49 39.29 86.44 39.36 86.38 39.43 86.32 39.49 86.27 39.56 86.21 39.63 86.15 39.69 86.09 39.76 86.04 39.83 85.98 39.89 85.92 39.96 85.86 40.03 85.81 40.09 85.75 40.16 85.69 40.23 85.64 40.29 85.58 40.36 85.52 40.43 85.46 40.49 85.41 40.56 85.35 40.63 85.29 40.69 85.24 40.76 85.18 40.83 85.12 40.89 85.06 40.96 85.01 41.03 84.95 41.09 84.89 41.16 84.84 41.23 84.78 41.29 84.72 41.36 84.66 41.43 84.61 41.49 84.55 41.56 84.49 41.63 84.44 41.69 84.38 41.76 84.32 41.83 84.26 41.89 84.21 41.96 84.15 42.03 84.09 42.09 84.04 42.16 83.98 42.23 83.92 42.29 83.86 42.36 83.81 42.43 83.75 42.49 83.69 42.56 83.63 42.63 83.58 42.69 83.52 42.76 83.46 42.83 83.41 42.89 83.35 42.96 83.29 43.03 83.23 43.09 83.18 43.16 83.12 43.23 83.06 43.29 83.01 43.36 82.95 43.43 82.89 43.49 82.83 43.56 82.78 43.63 82.72 43.69 82.66 43.76 82.61 43.83 82.55 43.89 82.49 43.96 82.43 44.03 82.38 44.09 82.32 44.16 82.26 44.23 82.21 44.29 82.15 44.36 82.09 44.43 82.03 44.49 81.98 44.56 81.92 44.63 81.86 44.69 81.8 44.76 81.75 44.83 81.69 44.89 81.63 44.96 81.58 45.03 81.52 45.09 81.46 45.16 81.4 45.23 81.35 45.29 81.29 45.36 81.23 45.43 81.18 45.49 81.12 45.56 81.06 45.63 81 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76.14 51.36 76.09 51.43 76.03 51.49 75.97 51.56 75.91 51.63 75.86 51.69 75.8 51.76 75.74 51.83 75.69 51.89 75.63 51.96 75.57 52.03 75.51 52.09 75.46 52.16 75.4 52.23 75.34 52.29 75.29 52.36 75.23 52.43 75.17 52.49 75.11 52.56 75.06 52.63 75 52.69 74.94 52.76 74.89 52.83 74.83 52.89 74.77 52.96 74.71 53.03 74.66 53.09 74.6 53.16 74.54 53.23 74.49 53.29 74.43 53.36 74.37 53.43 74.31 53.49 74.26 53.56 74.2 53.63 74.14 53.69 74.09 53.76 74.03 53.83 73.97 53.89 73.91 53.96 73.86 54.03 73.8 54.09 73.74 54.16 73.68 54.23 73.63 54.29 73.57 54.36 73.51 54.43 73.46 54.49 73.4 54.56 73.34 54.63 73.28 54.69 73.23 54.76 73.17 54.83 73.11 54.89 73.06 54.96 73 55.03 72.94 55.09 72.88 55.16 72.83 55.23 72.77 55.29 72.71 55.36 72.66 55.43 72.6 55.49 72.54 55.56 72.48 55.63 72.43 55.69 72.37 55.76 72.31 55.83 72.26 55.89 72.2 55.96 72.14 56.03 72.08 56.09 72.03 56.16 71.97 56.23 71.91 56.29 71.85 56.36 71.8 56.43 71.74 56.49 71.68 56.56 71.63 56.63 71.57 56.69 71.51 56.76 71.45 56.83 71.4 56.89 71.34 56.96 71.28 57.03 71.23 57.09 71.17 57.16 71.11 57.23 71.05 57.29 71 57.36 70.94 57.43 70.88 57.49 70.83 57.56 70.77 57.63 70.71 57.69 70.65 57.76 70.6 57.83 70.54 57.89 70.48 57.96 70.43 58.03 70.37 58.09 70.31 58.16 70.25 58.23 70.2 58.29 70.14 58.36 70.08 58.43 70.03 58.49 69.97 58.56 69.91 58.63 69.85 58.69 69.8 58.76 69.74 58.83 69.68 58.89 69.62 58.96 69.57 59.03 69.51 59.09 69.45 59.16 69.4 59.23 69.34 59.29 69.28 59.36 69.22 59.43 69.17 59.49 69.11 59.56 69.05 59.63 69 59.69 68.94 59.76 68.88 59.83 68.82 59.89 68.77 59.96 68.71 60.03 68.65 60.09 68.6 60.16 68.54 60.23 68.48 60.29 68.42 60.36 68.37 60.43 68.31 60.49 68.25 60.56 68.2 60.63 68.14 60.69 68.08 60.76 68.02 60.83 67.97 60.89 67.91 60.96 67.85 61.03 67.79 61.09 67.74 61.16 67.68 61.23 67.62 61.29 67.57 61.36 67.51 61.43 67.45 61.49 67.39 61.56 67.34 61.63 67.28 61.69 67.22 61.76 67.17 61.83 67.11 61.89 67.05 61.96 66.99 62.03 66.94 62.09 66.88 62.16 66.82 62.23 66.77 62.29 66.71 62.36 66.65 62.43 66.59 62.49 66.54 62.56 66.48 62.63 66.42 62.69 66.37 62.76 66.31 62.83 66.25 62.89 66.19 62.96 66.14 63.03 66.08 63.09 66.02 63.16 65.96 63.23 65.91 63.29 65.85 63.36 65.79 63.43 65.74 63.49 65.68 63.56 65.62 63.63 65.56 63.69 65.51 63.76 65.45 63.83 65.39 63.89 65.34 63.96 65.28 64.03 65.22 64.09 65.16 64.16 65.11 64.23 65.05 64.29 64.99 64.36 64.94 64.43 64.88 64.49 64.82 64.56 64.76 64.63 64.71 64.69 64.65 64.76 64.59 64.83 64.54 64.89 64.48 64.96 64.42 65.03 64.36 65.09 64.31 65.16 64.25 65.23 64.19 65.29 64.14 65.36 64.08 65.43 64.02 65.49 63.96 65.56 63.91 65.63 63.85 65.69 63.79 65.76 63.73 65.83 63.68 65.89 63.62 65.96 63.56 66.03 63.51 66.09 63.45 66.16 63.39 66.23 63.33 66.29 63.28 66.36 63.22 66.43 63.16 66.49 63.11 66.56 63.05 66.63 62.99 66.69 62.93 66.76 62.88 66.83 62.82 66.89 62.76 66.96 62.71 67.03 62.65 67.09 62.59 67.16 62.53 67.23 62.48 67.29 62.42 67.36 62.36 67.43 62.31 67.49 62.25 67.56 62.19 67.63 62.13 67.69 62.08 67.76 62.02 67.83 61.96 67.89 61.9 67.96 61.85 68.03 61.79 68.09 61.73 68.16 61.68 68.23 61.62 68.29 61.56 68.36 61.5 68.43 61.45 68.49 61.39 68.56 61.33 68.63 61.28 68.69 61.22 68.76 61.16 68.83 61.1 68.89 61.05 68.96 60.99 69.03 60.93 69.09 60.88 69.16 60.82 69.23 60.76 69.29 60.7 69.36 60.65 69.43 60.59 69.49 60.53 69.56 60.48 69.63 60.42 69.69 60.36 69.76 60.3 69.83 60.25 69.89 60.19 69.96 60.13 70.03 60.07 70.09 60.02 70.16 59.96 70.23 59.9 70.29 59.85 70.36 59.79 70.43 59.73 70.49 59.67 70.56 59.62 70.63 59.56 70.69 59.5 70.76 59.45 70.83 59.39 70.89 59.33 70.96 59.27 71.03 59.22 71.09 59.16 71.16 59.1 71.23 59.05 71.29 58.99 71.36 58.93 71.43 58.87 71.49 58.82 71.56 58.76 71.63 58.7 71.69 58.65 71.76 58.59 71.83 58.53 71.89 58.47 71.96 58.42 72.03 58.36 72.09 58.3 72.16 58.25 72.23 58.19 72.29 58.13 72.36 58.07 72.43 58.02 72.49 57.96 72.56 57.9 72.63 57.84 72.69 57.79 72.76 57.73 72.83 57.67 72.89 57.62 72.96 57.56 73.03 57.5 73.09 57.44 73.16 57.39 73.23 57.33 73.29 57.27 73.36 57.22 73.43 57.16 73.49 57.1 73.56 57.04 73.63 56.99 73.69 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" }(g.append(\"g\")));\n",
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86.58 45.88 86.65 45.82 86.71 45.76 86.78 45.71 86.85 45.65 86.91 45.59 86.98 45.54 87.05 45.48 87.11 45.42 87.18 45.36 87.25 45.31 87.31 45.25 87.38 45.19 87.45 45.14 87.51 45.08 87.58 45.02 87.65 44.96 87.71 44.91 87.78 44.85 87.85 44.79 87.91 44.74 87.98 44.68 88.05 44.62 88.11 44.56 88.18 44.51 88.25 44.45 88.31 44.39 88.38 44.34 88.45 44.28 88.51 44.22 88.58 44.16 88.65 44.11 88.71 44.05 88.78 43.99 88.85 43.93 88.91 43.88 88.98 43.82 89.05 43.76 89.11 43.71 89.18 43.65 89.25 43.59 89.31 43.53 89.38 43.48 89.45 43.42 89.51 43.36 89.58 43.31 89.65 43.25 89.71 43.19 89.78 43.13 89.85 43.08 89.91 43.02 89.98 42.96 90.05 42.91 90.11 42.85 90.18 42.79 90.25 42.73 90.31 42.68 90.38 42.62 90.45 42.56 90.51 42.51 90.58 42.45 90.65 42.39 90.71 42.33 90.78 42.28 90.85 42.22 90.91 42.16 90.98 42.1 91.05 42.05 91.11 41.99 91.18 41.93 91.25 41.88 91.31 41.82 91.38 41.76 91.45 41.7 91.51 41.65 91.58 41.59 91.65 41.53 91.71 41.48 91.78 41.42 91.85 41.36 91.91 41.3 91.98 41.25 92.05 41.19 92.11 41.13 92.18 41.08 92.25 41.02 92.31 40.96 92.38 40.9 92.45 40.85 92.51 40.79 92.58 40.73 92.65 40.68 92.71 40.62 92.78 40.56 92.85 40.5 92.91 40.45 92.98 40.39 93.05 40.33 93.11 40.27 93.18 40.22 93.25 40.16 93.31 40.1 93.38 40.05 93.45 39.99 93.51 39.93 93.58 39.87 93.65 39.82 93.71 39.76 93.78 39.7 93.85 39.65 93.91 39.59 93.98 39.53 94.05 39.47 94.11 39.42 94.18 39.36 94.25 39.3 94.31 39.25 94.38 39.19 94.45 39.13 94.51 39.07 94.58 39.02 94.65 38.96 94.71 38.9 94.78 38.85 94.85 38.79 94.91 38.73 94.98 38.67 95.05 38.62 95.11 38.56 95.18 38.5 95.25 38.45 95.31 38.39 95.38 38.33 95.45 38.27 95.51 38.22 95.58 38.16 95.65 38.1 95.71 38.04 95.78 37.99 95.85 37.93 95.91 37.87 95.98 37.82 96.05 37.76 96.11 37.7 96.18 37.64 96.25 37.59 96.31 37.53 96.38 37.47 96.45 37.42 96.51 37.36 96.58 37.3 96.65 37.24 96.71 37.19 96.78 37.13 96.85 37.07 96.91 37.02 96.98 36.96 97.05 36.9 97.11 36.84 97.18 36.79 97.25 36.73 97.31 36.67 97.38 36.62 97.45 36.56 97.51 36.5 97.58 36.44 97.65 36.39 97.71 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18.43 118.65 18.37 118.71 18.32 118.78 18.26 118.85 18.2 118.91 18.14 118.98 18.09 119.05 18.03 119.11 17.97 119.18 17.92 119.25 17.86 119.31 17.8 119.38 17.74 119.45 17.69 119.51 17.63 119.58 17.57 119.65 17.52 119.71 17.46 119.78 17.4 119.85 17.34 119.91 17.29 119.98 17.23 120.05 17.17 120.11 17.12 120.18 17.06 120.25 17 120.31 16.94 120.38 16.89 120.45 16.83 120.51 16.77 120.58 16.72 120.65 16.66 120.71 16.6 120.78 16.54 120.85 16.49 120.91 16.43 120.98 16.37 121.05 16.31 121.11 16.26 121.18 16.2 121.25 16.14 121.31 16.09 121.38 16.03 121.45 15.97 121.51 15.91 121.58 15.86 121.65 15.8 121.71 15.74 121.78 15.69 121.85 15.63 121.91 15.57 121.98 15.51 122.05 15.46 122.11 15.4 122.18 15.34 122.25 15.29 122.31 15.23 122.38 15.17 122.45 15.11 122.51 15.06 122.58 15 122.65 14.94 122.71 14.89 122.78 14.83 122.85 14.77 122.91 14.71 122.98 14.66 123.05 14.6 123.11 14.54 123.18 14.48 123.25 14.43 123.31 14.37 123.38 14.31 123.45 14.26 123.51 14.2 123.58 14.14 123.65 14.08 123.71 14.03 123.78 13.97 123.85 13.91 123.91 13.86 123.98 13.8 124.05 13.74 124.11 13.68 124.18 13.63 124.25 13.57 124.31 13.51 124.38 13.46 124.45 13.4 124.51 13.34 124.58 13.28 124.65 13.23 124.71 13.17 124.78 13.11 124.85 13.06 124.91 13 124.98 12.94 125.05 12.88 125.11 12.83 125.18 12.77 125.25 12.71 125.31 12.66 125.38 12.6 125.45 12.54 125.51 12.48 125.58 12.43 125.65 12.37 125.71 12.31 125.78 12.25 125.85 12.2 125.91 12.14 125.98 12.08 126.05 12.03 126.11 11.97 126.18 11.91 126.25 11.85 126.31 11.8 126.38 11.74 126.45 11.68 126.51 11.63 126.58 11.57 126.65 11.51 126.71 11.45 126.78 11.4 126.85 11.34 126.91 11.28 126.98 11.23 127.05 11.17 127.11 11.11 127.18 11.05 127.25 11 127.31 10.94 127.38 10.88 127.45 10.83 127.51 10.77 127.58 10.71 127.65 10.65 127.71 10.6 127.78 10.54 127.85 10.48 127.91 10.42 127.98 10.37 128.05 10.31 128.11 10.25 128.18 10.2 128.25 10.14 128.31 10.08 128.38 10.02 128.45 9.97 128.51 9.91 128.58 9.85 128.65 9.8 128.71 9.74 128.78 9.68 128.85 9.62 128.91 9.57 128.98 9.51 129.05 9.45 129.11 9.4 129.18 9.34 129.25 9.28 129.31 9.22 129.38 9.17 129.45 9.11 129.51 9.05 129.58 9 129.65 8.94 129.71 8.88 129.78 8.82 129.85 8.77 129.91 8.71 129.98 8.65 130.05 8.6 130.11 8.54 130.18 8.48 130.25 8.42 130.31 8.37 130.38 8.31 130.45 8.25 130.51 8.19 130.58 8.14 130.65 8.08 130.71 8.02 130.78 7.97 130.85 7.91 130.91 7.85 130.98 7.79 131.05 7.74\");\n",
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" [\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_A\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\",\"geometry color_B\"],\n",
" [\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#0096DD\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\",\"#A8A200\"],\n",
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"var draw = function(parent_id) {\n",
" draw_with_data(data, parent_id);\n",
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"text": [
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"p = plot(x=mydat[1], y=mydat[5], color=mydat[2],\n",
" yintercept=[15], Geom.hline(color=\"brown\"),\n",
" xintercept=[25], Geom.vline(color=\"blue\", size=1mm),\n",
" Scale.x_log10, Geom.point)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "BoundsError",
"evalue": "BoundsError()",
"output_type": "pyerr",
"traceback": [
" in getindex at array.jl:277"
"prompt_number": 20
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"draw(PNG(\"myplot.png\", 6inch, 3inch), p)\n",
"draw(PDF(\"myplot.pdf\", 6inch, 3inch), p)"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [],
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"#dff, dfm = groupby(df4,\"Sex\")\n",
"dfm = df4[df4[\"Sex\"].==\"Male\",:]\n",
"dff = df4[df4[\"Sex\"].==\"Female\",:]"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [],
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# First read in your file\n",
"mydat = readtable(\"filename.csv\")\n",
"# if the file's separator was a comma then you don't need to specify it\n",
"# if it was a tab separated file with no header row we would use:\n",
"# mydat = readtable(\"filenameNoHeader.csv\", separator='\\t', header=false)\n",
"# lets just check what we read into mydata\n",
"print(\"size is \", size(mydat))\n",
"# and lets have a look at the first few rows and columns\n",
"mydat[1:3, 1:6]\n",
"# you'll notice that mydat is a dataframe but we're going to ignore that for now\n",
"# its just like a spreadsheet with r rows and c columns and if the sheet \n",
"# had headers it will have column names which makes them more memorable.\n",
"# Later we'll look at how to add or change column names.\n",
"# If I want a summary of the statistics for the sample its easy to get it\n",
"@printf(\"The mean is %.2f and the std deviation is %.2f \\n\\n\", mean(d_age), std(mydat[2]))\n",
"# @printf is print with formatted variables interpolated; \"\\n\" adds an extra line"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"**Appendix One - Installing and Updating**\n",
"There are three components to install: Julia, IPython, and the Julia packages you need.\n",
"Instruction for installing Julia are [here](\n",
"Instructions fo installing IPython to support Julia are [here](\n",
"You can add packages simply. Heres a couple of lines to install the most likely packages (reinstallation does no harm if your not sure what you have).\n",
" Pkg.Add(\"IJulia\") ; Pkg.Add(\"DataFrames\") ; Pkg.Add(\"Gadfly\")\n",
" Pkg.Add(\"Stats\") ; Pkg.Add(\"GLM\") ; Pkg.Add(\"Distributions\")\n",
"From time to time it pays to check that your packages are up to date. Do that now with:\n",
" Pkg.Update() \n",
"Thats it. But if you have any issues then see the Julia page above and if still confused then just ask at the [Julia Users Group](!forum/julia-users) "
"metadata": {}
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