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Created June 23, 2016 17:16
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Programming task
Implement the method iter_sample below to make the Unit test pass. iter_sample
is supposed to peek at the first n elements of an iterator, and determine the
minimum and maximum values (using their comparison operators) found in that
sample. To make it more interesting, the method is supposed to return an
iterator which will return the same exact elements that the original one would
have yielded, i.e. the first n elements can't be missing.
You may make use of Python's standard library. Python 3 is allowed, even though
it's not supported by codepad apparently.
Create your solution as a private fork, and send us the URL.
from itertools import count, islice, chain
import unittest
def iter_sample(it, n):
Peek at the first n elements of an iterator, and determine the min and max
values. Preserve all elements in the iterator!
@param it: Iterator, potentially infinite
@param n: Number of elements to peek off the iterator
@return: Tuple of minimum, maximum (in sample), and an iterator that yields
all elements that would have been yielded by the original iterator.
# Get the next n values and store them in a list
iter_sample_list = list(islice( it, 0, n))
# Get the min value within the list
minimum_sample_iter = min(iter_sample_list)
# Get the min value within the list
maximum_sample_iter = max(iter_sample_list)
# Combine the two iterators back together
new_iter = chain(iter_sample_list, it)
return minimum_sample_iter, maximum_sample_iter, new_iter
class StreamSampleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_smoke(self):
# sample only the first 10 elements of a range of length 100
it = iter(range(100))
min_val, max_val, new_it = iter_sample(it, 10)
self.assertEqual(0, min_val)
self.assertEqual(9, max_val)
# all elements are still there:
self.assertEqual(list(range(100)), list(new_it))
def test_sample_all(self):
# sample more elements than there are - no error raised
# now we now the global maximum!
it = iter(range(100))
min_val, max_val, new_it = iter_sample(it, 1000)
self.assertEqual(0, min_val)
self.assertEqual(99, max_val)
self.assertEqual(list(range(100)), list(new_it))
def test_infinite_stream(self):
# and guess what - it also works with infinite iterators
it = count(0)
min_val, max_val, _ = iter_sample(it, 10)
self.assertEqual(0, min_val)
self.assertEqual(9, max_val)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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