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Last active September 1, 2018 03:07
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This bit of code takes a relative path, scans that directory, then determines how many lines of code and how many lines of comments are within.
$dir = 'C:/xampp/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin-name/';
echo get_code_size($dir);
function get_code_size($dir) {
// The directory to scan; include trailing slash.
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
// Get code from each file into an array.
$files = array();
foreach ($iterator as $result) {
if (!isset($weight)) $weight = 0;
if (strstr($result, 'ignore') || (is_dir($result))) {
$file = $result->getPathname();
$weight += filesize($file);
$files[$file] = file($file);
// Get number of files in plugin
$total_files = count($files);
// Get number of lines in all files
$total_lines = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$total_lines += count($file);
// Initialize vars for lines of comments and blanks.
$lines_of_comments = 0;
$lines_of_blanks = 0;
// Iterate over files, then lines.
foreach ($files as $target_file=>$lines) {
foreach ($lines as $n=>$line) {
// Trim the line.
$line = trim($line);
// Remove blank lines; add each line to the count.
if ($line==='') {
// Remove comments; add each line to the count.
if (substr($line, 0, 2)==='//' ||
substr($line, 0, 3)==='/**' ||
substr($line, 0, 1)==='*' ||
substr($line, 0, 2)==='*/') {
// Total lines of code and comments.
$lines_of_code = $total_lines - $lines_of_blanks - $lines_of_comments;
$lines_of_comments = $lines_of_comments + $lines_of_blanks;
// Percentage of code and comments.
$percent_code = round($lines_of_code / $total_lines * 100, 1);
$percent_comments = (round(100-$percent_code, 1));
$plugin_info = '<p>';
$plugin_info .= 'Total size: '.round($weight/1000, 1).' Kb<br />';
$plugin_info .= 'There are '.number_format($total_files).' files in the plugin.<br>';
$plugin_info .= 'There are '.number_format($lines_of_code).' lines of code.<br>';
$plugin_info .= 'There are '.number_format($lines_of_comments).' blank or commented lines.<br>';
$plugin_info .= 'The plugin is '.$percent_code.'% code and '.$percent_comments.'% comments.<br>';
$plugin_info .= '</p>';
return $plugin_info;
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