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Created July 14, 2011 22:53
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<johnament> gastaldi: is it possible to create a service handler that could automatically bind a DAO for a node via an interface?
<gastaldi> johnament: I guess so, using Solder right ?
<johnament> gastaldi: yep
<johnament> gastaldi: basically, i think it would be easiest to provide jcr session capabilities as a service handler based on interface methods.
<gastaldi> hummm
<gastaldi> Seam JCR provides the impl
<gastaldi> And the App developer the interface
<gastaldi> right ?
<gastaldi> We should have some sort of annotations to make it happen
<gastaldi> So that info could be read on the Service handler impl
<gastaldi> This is what you mean right ?
<johnament> gastaldi: yeah, we would need to define interfaces, app developer creates interfaces.
<johnament> gastaldi: query would be one way. we should also think about paths
<gastaldi> cool, and so no injection of javax.jcr.Session on the app developer code would be needed
<gastaldi> sounds reasonable
<johnament> gastaldi: if they want to use OCM then no
<gastaldi> cool. unfortunately I need to leave now. brb soon
<johnament> ok
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