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Forked from anonymous/infix-eval.fs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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2-op infix expression evaluator
module Parsing =
open System.Collections.Generic
let (|Mul|_|) ch = if ch = '*' then Some(fun a b -> a * b) else None
let (|Add|_|) ch = if ch = '+' then Some(fun a b -> a + b) else None
let (|Space|_|) (ch:Char) = if Char.IsWhiteSpace ch then Some(ch) else None
let (|Digit|_|) (ch:Char) = if Char.IsDigit ch then (new String ([|ch|])) |> Int32.Parse |> Some else None
type Token =
| Number of int
| WhiteSpace
| MulOp of (int -> int -> int)
| AddOp of (int -> int -> int)
| Error of int
let tokenize (str: String) =
let rec snarfToken (cch : char[]) i =
let rec snarfWhitespace (cch : char[]) (i, t) =
if (i < cch.Length) then
match (cch.[i], t) with
| (Space _, WhiteSpace) -> snarfWhitespace cch (i+1, WhiteSpace)
| _ -> (i, t)
else (i,t)
let rec snarfNumber (cch : char[]) (i, t) =
if (i < cch.Length) then
match (cch.[i], t) with
| (Digit d, Number n) -> snarfNumber cch (i+1, Number (n * 10 + d))
| _ -> (i, t)
else (i,t)
if (i < cch.Length) then
match (cch.[i]) with
| Space _ -> snarfWhitespace cch (i, WhiteSpace)
| Digit _ -> snarfNumber cch (i, Number 0)
| Mul f -> (i+1, MulOp f)
| Add f -> (i+1, AddOp f)
| _ -> (i, Error i)
else (i, Error i)
let rec tokenizeInternal i (cch: char[]) =
if (i >= cch.Length) then []
let (index, token) = snarfToken cch i
match token with
| Error _ -> [token]
| _ -> token :: tokenizeInternal index cch
str.ToCharArray () |> tokenizeInternal 0 |> List.rev
// Dijkstra's Shunting Yard algorithm for infix evaluation
let evaluate (str: String) =
let shunt (queue: Queue<Token>, stack:Stack<Token>) token =
match token with
| WhiteSpace -> ()
| Number _ -> token |> queue.Enqueue;
| AddOp _ | MulOp _ ->
let last = if (stack.Count > 0) then Some(stack.Peek ()) else None
match token, last with
| AddOp _, Some (AddOp _) -> token |> queue.Enqueue |> ignore
| AddOp _, Some (MulOp _) -> stack.Pop () |> queue.Enqueue |> ignore; token |> stack.Push |> ignore
| AddOp _, None -> token |> stack.Push |> ignore
| MulOp _, Some (MulOp _) -> token |> queue.Enqueue |> ignore
| MulOp _, Some (AddOp _) -> token |> stack.Push |> ignore
| MulOp _, None -> token |> stack.Push |> ignore
| _, _ -> ()
| Error x -> queue.Clear (); token |> queue.Enqueue; stack.Clear ()
let evaluateOutputQueue (queue: Queue<Token>) =
match (queue.Peek ()) with
| Error _ -> None
| _ ->
let evaluationStack = new Stack<int> ()
while (queue.Count > 0) do
match queue.Dequeue () with
| Number d -> d |> evaluationStack.Push
| MulOp f | AddOp f ->
let arg1 = if evaluationStack.Count > 0 then evaluationStack.Pop () |> Some else None
let arg2 = if evaluationStack.Count > 0 then evaluationStack.Pop () |> Some else None
match (arg1, arg2) with
| Some x, Some y -> (f x y) |> evaluationStack.Push |> ignore
| _ -> evaluationStack.Clear () |> ignore
| _ -> evaluationStack.Clear () |> ignore
if (evaluationStack.Count = 0) then None else evaluationStack.Pop () |> Some
let outputQueue = new Queue<Token> ()
let operatorStack = new Stack<Token> ()
str |> tokenize |> List.iter (shunt (outputQueue, operatorStack))
while (operatorStack.Count > 0) do outputQueue.Enqueue(operatorStack.Pop ())
evaluateOutputQueue outputQueue
"1+2+3" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" (Some (1+2+3))
"3*6" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" (Some (3*6))
"3*6+2" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" (Some (3*6+2))
"2+3*6" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" (Some (2+3*6))
"3*6*2" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" (Some (3*6*2))
"1+a+3" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" None
"1+1+" |> Parsing.evaluate |> printfn "Expected: %A; Actual: %A" None
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