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Created December 22, 2017 18:02
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Monkeying Around : Fun With Trees
module Tree =
type NodeId = | Id of string
member this.unapply = match this with | Id x -> x
module internal Node =
type NodeBase<'a> () = class
member val internal Children : NodeBase<'a> list = [] with get, set
abstract member Level : int
type Root<'a> () = class
inherit NodeBase<'a> ()
override this.Level = 0
type Node<'a> (id: NodeId, value : 'a option, parent : NodeBase<'a>) = class
inherit NodeBase<'a> ()
member val Value = value with get, set
member this.Id = id
member this.Parent = parent
override this.Level = parent.Level + 1
type internal ConstructOperation<'a> =
| PushChild of NodeId * 'a option
| AddSibling of NodeId * 'a option
| ModifyValue of ('a option -> 'a option)
| Pop of int option
type VisitOperation<'a> =
| VisitRoot
| VisitChild of NodeId
| ReadValue of NodeId * 'a option
| Pop
type Tree<'a> () = class
member val private ops : ConstructOperation<'a> list = [] with get, set
member this.PushChild x = this.ops <- PushChild x :: this.ops; this
member this.AddSibling x = this.ops <- AddSibling x :: this.ops; this
member this.ModifyValue x = this.ops <- ModifyValue x :: this.ops; this
member this.Pop ?x = this.ops <- ConstructOperation.Pop x :: this.ops; this
member this.Build () = TreeCursor<'a> (this.ops)
and TreeCursor<'a> internal (ops) = class
let rec applyOp op (node : NodeBase<'a>) : NodeBase<'a> =
match op with
// Push a child on to the given node and return it
| PushChild (x, v) ->
let child = Node (x, v, node)
node.Children <- upcast child :: node.Children
upcast child
// Add a sibling to the given node and return it
| AddSibling (x, v) ->
match node with
| :? Node<'a> as n ->
let sibling = Node(x, v, n.Parent)
n.Parent.Children <- upcast sibling :: n.Parent.Children
upcast sibling
| _ -> failwith "Cannot add sibling to root"
// Modify the tag of the given node and return it
| ModifyValue f ->
match node with
| :? Node<'a> as n ->
n.Value <- f n.Value
upcast n
| _ -> failwith "Cannot modify value of root"
// Pop (recursively) to an ancestor of this node and return it
| ConstructOperation.Pop l ->
match node with
| :? Node<'a> as n ->
let level = l |> Option.defaultValue (n.Level - 1)
if (n.Parent.Level = level) then
elif (n.Level > level) then
applyOp (ConstructOperation.Pop (Some level)) (n.Parent)
failwith "How did we get here?"
| _ -> failwith "Cannot pop root"
let current = List.foldBack applyOp ops (upcast (Root()))
let visitRoot start =
let rec visit (node : NodeBase<'a>) =
match node with
| :? Root<'a> as r -> seq { yield node }
| :? Node<'a> as n -> seq { yield node; yield! visit n.Parent }
| _ -> Seq.empty
visit start
let root = visitRoot current |> Seq.last :?> Root<'a>
member this.PathToRoot =
let readValue (nb : NodeBase<'a>) =
match nb with
| :? Node<'a> as n -> ReadValue (n.Id, n.Value)
| _ -> VisitRoot
visitRoot current |> readValue
member this.PreOrderPath =
let rec visit (node : NodeBase<'a>) =
seq {
match node with
| :? Node<'a> as n -> yield ReadValue (n.Id, n.Value)
| _ -> yield! Seq.empty
for child in node.Children |> List.rev do
match child with
| :? Node<'a> as c ->
yield! seq {
yield VisitChild c.Id
yield! visit child
yield VisitOperation.Pop
| _ -> yield! Seq.empty
visit root
member this.VisitRoot<'o> (processor : 'o -> VisitOperation<'a> -> 'o) (seed : 'o) = Seq.fold processor seed this.PathToRoot
member this.VisitPreOrder<'o> (processor : 'o -> VisitOperation<'a> -> 'o) (seed : 'o) = Seq.fold processor seed this.PreOrderPath
open Tree
let main argv =
let printNode res curr =
let c =
match curr with
| ReadValue (id, vo) -> sprintf "%s%s" id.unapply (vo |> (sprintf " (%A)") |> Option.defaultValue "")
| VisitRoot -> "|"
| VisitChild id -> "↓"
| VisitOperation.Pop -> "↑"
sprintf "%s %s" res c
let t = Tree<string> ()
let t = t.PushChild (Id "a", None)
let t = t.PushChild (Id "b", None)
let t = t.PushChild (Id "b1", None)
let t = t.AddSibling (Id "b2", None)
let t = t.Pop ()
let t = t.AddSibling (Id "c", None)
let t = t.PushChild (Id "c1", None)
let t = t.AddSibling (Id "c2", None)
let t = t.Pop ()
let t = t.Pop ()
let t = t.PushChild (Id "d", None)
let tc = t.Build ()
printfn "Path to root : %s" <| tc.VisitRoot printNode ""
printfn "Pre-Order walk: %s" <| tc.VisitPreOrder printNode ""
0 // return an integer exit code
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