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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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type Building = {
left : int
right : int
height : int
let buildings : Building[] = [| (* ... *) |]
let getHeight building = building.height
let getWidth building = building.right - building.left
let getArea building = getHeight building * getWidth building
type Op = {
map : Building -> int
reduce : int -> int -> int
zero : int
let maxHeight = {
map = getHeight
reduce = (fun l r -> if l < r then l else r)
zero = System.Int32.MinValue
let minWidth = {
map = getWidth
reduce = (fun l r -> if l > r then l else r)
zero = System.Int32.MaxValue
let totalArea = {
map = getArea
reduce = (+)
zero = 0
let fs = [| maxHeight; minWidth; totalArea |]
let limits =
(fun b -> fs |> (fun f -> b))
|> Seq.fold
(fun result curr -> fs |> Array.mapi (fun i f -> f.reduce result.[i] curr.[i]))
(fs |> (fun f ->
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