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Last active March 21, 2016 01:06
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Calculate AUC in a JAGS model
# Create some dummy predictor and response data
J <- 2
n <- 5000
X <- cbind(1, matrix(runif(n*J, -1, 1), ncol=2))
b <- 1:3
p <- plogis(X %*% b)
y <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
# Define a JAGS model
M <- function() {
for(i in 1:n) {
y[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
logit(p[i]) <- inprod(X[i, ], b)
for(j in 1:(J+1)) {
b[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
for (t in 1:length(thr)) {
sens[t] <- sum((p > thr[t]) && (y==1))/n1
spec[t] <- sum((p < thr[t]) && (y==0))/n0
fpr[t] <- 1 - spec[t]
fnr[t] <- 1 - sens[t]
# Calculate area of ROC trapezoid (
auc <- sum((sens[2:length(sens)]+sens[1:(length(sens)-1)])/2 *
-(fpr[2:length(fpr)] - fpr[1:(length(fpr)-1)]))
# Fit the JAGS model
j <- jags(list(X=X, y=y, n=n, J=J, n1=sum(y), n0=sum(!y), thr=seq(0, 1, 0.05)),
NULL, c('b', 'sens', 'spec', 'fpr', 'fnr', 'auc'), M, 3, 1000)
# Calculate AUC from posterior medians of sensitivity and 1-specificity
library(jagstools) # devtools::install_github('johnbaums/jagstools')
sens <- jagsresults(j, 'sens')[, '50%']
fpr <- jagsresults(j, 'fpr')[, '50%']
plot(fpr, sens, type='o', pch=20,
xlab='1 - Specificity', ylab='Sensitivity')
sum((sens[-1]+sens[-length(sens)])/2 * -diff(fpr)) # auc
# Compare to posterior median of AUC
jagsresults(j, 'auc')[, '50%']
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