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Last active June 7, 2020 22:48
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Palettes of distinct colours, generated through kmeans clustering of LAB colour space
swatch <- function(x) {
# x: a vector of colours (hex, numeric, or string)
par(mai=c(0.2, max(strwidth(x, "inch") + 0.4, na.rm = TRUE), 0.2, 0.4))
barplot(rep(1, length(x)), col=rev(x), space = 0.1, axes=FALSE,
names.arg=rev(x), cex.names=0.8, horiz=T, las=1)
# Example:
# swatch(colours()[1:10])
# swatch(iwanthue(5))
# swatch(1:4)
iwanthue <- function(n, hmin=0, hmax=360, cmin=0, cmax=180, lmin=0, lmax=100,
plot=FALSE, random=FALSE) {
# Presently doesn't allow hmax > hmin (H is circular)
# n: number of colours
# hmin: lower bound of hue (0-360)
# hmax: upper bound of hue (0-360)
# cmin: lower bound of chroma (0-180)
# cmax: upper bound of chroma (0-180)
# lmin: lower bound of luminance (0-100)
# lmax: upper bound of luminance (0-100)
# plot: plot a colour swatch?
# random: should clustering be random? (if FALSE, seed will be set to 1,
# and the RNG state will be restored on exit.)
stopifnot(hmin >= 0, cmin >= 0, lmin >= 0,
hmax <= 360, cmax <= 180, lmax <= 100,
hmin <= hmax, cmin <= cmax, lmin <= lmax,
n > 0)
if(!random) {
if (exists(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv)) {
old_seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
on.exit(.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- old_seed)
} else {
on.exit(rm(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv))
lab <- LAB(as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0, 100, 1),
seq(-100, 100, 5),
seq(-110, 100, 5))))
if (any((hmin != 0 || cmin != 0 || lmin != 0 ||
hmax != 360 || cmax != 180 || lmax != 100))) {
hcl <- as(lab, 'polarLUV')
hcl_coords <- coords(hcl)
hcl <- hcl[which(hcl_coords[, 'H'] <= hmax & hcl_coords[, 'H'] >= hmin &
hcl_coords[, 'C'] <= cmax & hcl_coords[, 'C'] >= cmin &
hcl_coords[, 'L'] <= lmax & hcl_coords[, 'L'] >= lmin), ]
#hcl <- hcl[-which([, 2]))]
lab <- as(hcl, 'LAB')
lab <- lab[which(!, ]
clus <- kmeans(coords(lab), n, iter.max=50)
if (isTRUE(plot)) {
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isezen commented May 24, 2015

Thank you very much. Nice indeed. But is it possible to have the same distinct colours each time we called the function for the same n value?

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@isezen You can set a seed before calling iwanthue, with, for example, set.seed(1). I've added this behaviour as default, which can be over-ridden with random=TRUE.

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@isezen & @mavam - now packaged in hues, here.

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##          1         2         3         4         5 
##  "#503F44" "#97B2B7" "#C6624D" "#94BF58" "#964FB8" 




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John, thank you very much for writing this - under which license is this available? I have written a software for interactive visual analysis of differential gene expression results in R and could really use your iWantHue. I want to publish my stuff under a FOSS license - probably MIT. Is it okay to copy, modify your function?

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johnbaums commented Jul 7, 2016

@antonkratz - Sorry for the very delayed response... when will GitHub notify us of comments on Gists?? I also believe in FOSS, so feel free to use/modify the code in your own FOSS products. I'm happy for it to fall under an MIT license . I only ask that you list me as a contributor. In case you didn't see, I've packaged the functions up into hues (devtools::install_packages('johnbaums/hues')).

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