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Last active September 9, 2019 03:01
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  • Save johnbaums/6d155cfca28e02b05ad5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save johnbaums/6d155cfca28e02b05ad5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Clump raster cells into patches, with optional neighbourhood distance.
patchify <- function(x, distance, p4s, givedist=TRUE) {
# x: a binary Raster layer (0 or NA for background, and 1 for areas to be clumped)
# distance: the neighbourhood distance. Patches that occur within this distance of
# one another will be clumped. This should be in the units of the CRS given
# in p4s. If this is zero, the function will identify patches defined by
# 8-connectivity (i.e. queen's case).
# p4s: an equal-area projection appropriate for the region. This will be used when
# calculating inter-patch distances. The returned objects will be in the
# original coordinate system.
# givedist: should the distance matrix be returned? (logical). Distances are in the
# units of p4s, and are shortest cartesian distances between patches.
if(!is(x, 'Raster')) x <- raster(x)
if(!is(p4s, 'CRS')) p4s <- CRS(p4s)
if( stop(substitute(x), ' lacks a CRS.')
x[x == 0] <- NA
cc <- ConnCompLabel(x)
p <- polygonizer(cc) #
suppressWarnings(proj4string(p) <- proj4string(x))
pproj <- spTransform(p, p4s)
bproj <- gBuffer(pproj, width=distance)
pproj$patch <- over(pproj, disaggregate(bproj))
b <- spTransform(pproj, CRS(proj4string(x)))
pout <- aggregate(b, by='patch')
pout$patch <- as.factor(pout$patch)
rout <- rasterize(pout, x)
out <- list(patchrast=rout, patchpoly=pout)
if(isTRUE(givedist)) {
poutproj <- spTransform(pout, p4s)
d <- gDistance(poutproj, poutproj, byid=TRUE)
out <- c(out, list(distance=d))
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johnbaums commented Feb 24, 2016


First, simulate some spatially-correlated data

xy <- expand.grid(x=seq(145, 150, 0.1), y=seq(-40, -35, 0.1))
Dd <- as.matrix(dist(xy))
w <- exp(-1/nrow(xy) * Dd)
Ww <- chol(w)
xy$z <- t(Ww) %*% rnorm(nrow(xy), 0, 0.1) 
coordinates(xy) <- ~x+y
r <- rasterize(xy, raster(points2grid(xy)), 'z')
r2 <- raster(r)
res(r2) <- 0.01
r2 <- resample(r, r2)
proj4string(r2) <- '+init=epsg:4283'
rthr <- r2 > quantile(r2, 0.9)
levelplot(rthr, margin=FALSE, col.regions=0:1, colorkey=FALSE)


Source the required gists

Here we load the polygonizer (see here) and patchify gists.

devtools::source_gist('26e8091f082f2b3dd279', filename='polygonizer.R')
devtools::source_gist('6d155cfca28e02b05ad5', filename='patchify.R')

Now identify patches

Here we set the neighbourhood distance to 1000 m, and specify Australian Albers (i.e., EPSG:3577) as the projection that will be used when calculating inter-patch distances. (NB: The returned raster and polygon objects will revert to the original coordinate system.)

foo <- patchify(rthr, distance=1000, '+init=epsg:3577')

The function returns the patches as a Raster object and as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. Below, we plot each.

# raster
spplot(foo$patchrast, col.regions=rainbow)


# poly
spplot(foo$patchpoly, col.regions=rainbow(length(foo$patchpoly)))


What happens if we increase the neighbourhood distance to 10 kilometres?

bar <- patchify(rthr, distance=5000, '+init=epsg:3577')
spplot(bar$patchpoly, col.regions=rainbow(length(bar$patchpoly)), 
    scales=list(draw=TRUE, tck=1:0))


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