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Created December 7, 2015 16:01
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AdventOfCodeDay7
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = new List<string>();
var sr = new StreamReader("../../input1.txt"); // select part one or two here.
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
var wires = new List<Expr>();
foreach (var w in input)
var expr = new Expr();
var parts1 = w.Split(new[] { " -> " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
expr.Name = parts1[1];
var parts2 = parts1[0].Split(' ');
if (parts2.Length == 3)
expr.Operands.Add(new Item(parts2[0], null));
expr.Operands.Add(new Item(parts2[2], null));
expr.Operator = parts2[1];
else if (parts2.Length == 2)
expr.Operands.Add(new Item(parts2[1], null));
expr.Operator = parts2[0];
else if (parts2.Length == 1)
expr.Operands.Add(new Item(parts2[0], null));
expr.Operator = "EQUALS";
int cnt = 0;
while ((cnt = EvaluateAll(wires)) > 0)
var done = wires.Where(a => a.Value != null).ToList();
var notDone = wires.Where(a => a.Value == null);
foreach (var nd in notDone)
foreach (var operand in nd.Operands)
foreach (var d in done)
if (operand.SValue == d.Name)
operand.Value = d.Value;
Console.WriteLine("a = " + wires.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "a").Value);
public static int EvaluateAll(List<Expr> wires)
var unsolved = wires.Where(a => a.Value == null);
foreach (var w in unsolved)
var c = 0;
foreach (var o in w.Operands)
ushort n;
if (ushort.TryParse(o.SValue, out n))
o.Value = n;
if (w.Operands.All(a => a.Value != null))
w.Value = Evaluate(w.Operator, w.Operands);
return wires.Count(a => a.Value == null);
public static ushort Evaluate(string oper, List<Item> operands)
if (operands.Count() == 2)
switch (oper)
case "AND":
return (ushort)(operands[0].Value.Value & operands[1].Value.Value);
case "OR":
return (ushort)(operands[0].Value.Value | operands[1].Value.Value);
case "LSHIFT":
return (ushort)(operands[0].Value.Value << operands[1].Value.Value);
case "RSHIFT":
return (ushort)(operands[0].Value.Value >> operands[1].Value.Value);
else if (operands.Count() == 1)
switch (oper)
case "EQUALS":
return operands[0].Value.Value;
case "NOT":
return (ushort)(~operands[0].Value.Value);
Console.WriteLine("oh noes, something's wrong!");
return 0;
public class Expr
public string Name { get; set; }
public ushort? Value { get; set; }
public List<Item> Operands { get; set; } = new List<Item>();
public string Operator { get; set; }
public class Item
public Item(string s, ushort? v)
SValue = s;
Value = v;
public string SValue { get; set; }
public ushort? Value { get; set; }
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