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Created February 9, 2016 16:07
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Align GWAS dataset to reference panel prior to phasing.
# study data details
# reference data details
# shortcuts to executables
# initial align to reference panel
mkdir -p prepare_data/strand_issues
seq 1 22 | xargs -n 1 -P 6 -I {} $shapeit2 -check -B ${DATA}{} --input-ref ${REF_DIR}ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr{}_impute_macGT1.hap.gz ${REF_DIR}ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr{}_impute_macGT1.legend.gz ${REF_DIR}ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3.sample --output-log prepare_data/strand_issues/chr{}.alignments &> prepare_data/strand_issues/alignments.stdout
# create flip file
grep -h strand prepare_data/strand_issues/chr*.alignments.snp.strand | cut -f 3 > prepare_data/strand_issues/1kg_alignments.flip
# flip data
seq 1 22 | xargs -n 1 -P 6 -I {} plink --bfile ${DATA}{} --flip prepare_data/strand_issues/1kg_alignments.flip --make-bed --out prepare_data/dataset/temp_chr{} --noweb --silent
# repeat alignment check on flipped dataset
seq 1 22 | xargs -n 1 -P 6 -I {} $shapeit2 -check -B prepare_data/dataset/temp_chr{} --input-ref ${REF_DIR}ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr{}_impute_macGT1.hap.gz ${REF_DIR}ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr{}_impute_macGT1.legend.gz ${REF_DIR}ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3.sample --output-log prepare_data/strand_issues/chr{}.flip.alignments &> prepare_data/strand_issues/flip.alignments.stdout
# create exclusion list based on persistent alignment errors
grep -h strand prepare_data/strand_issues/chr*.flip.alignments.snp.strand | cut -f 3 > prepare_data/strand_issues/1kg_alignments.exclude
# create an aligned dataset excluding alignment errors
seq 1 22 | xargs -n 1 -P 6 -I {} plink --bfile $DATA{} --chr {} --flip prepare_data/strand_issues/1kg_alignments.flip --exclude prepare_data/strand_issues/1kg_alignments.exclude --make-bed --out prepare_data/dataset/${STUDY}_refAlign_chr{} --noweb --silent
# clean up
rm prepare_data/dataset/temp*
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