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Created December 15, 2015 12:03
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import sys
import os
import glob
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import argparse
# Future improvements
# 1. Marker QC on marker info instead of dosage file.
# 2. merge subsets using dataframes rather than PLINK - this seems slow.
VERSION = 'V1.2'
def get_options():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dosage', action='store', dest='dosage_file', required=True,
help='Input dosage file')
parser.add_argument('--out', action='store', dest='out_file', required=True,
help='Output file')
parser.add_argument('--exclude', action='store', dest='exclude_file',
help='File of SNPs to exclude')
parser.add_argument('--remove', action='store', dest='remove_file',
help='File of samples to exclude')
parser.add_argument('--maf', action='store', dest='maf_threshold', type=float,
help='MAF threshold for excluding SNPs')
parser.add_argument('--r2', action='store', dest='r2_threshold', type=float,
help='Beagle r2 threshold for excluding SNPs')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def make_fam(input, output):
Create an appended .fam file for dosage summary analysis. Write file to disk.
Also create header files for individual dosage file - required when using list file
fam_file = output + '.fam'
df = pd.DataFrame()
fam_files = sorted(glob.glob(input + '*.fam'))
for (counter, file) in enumerate(fam_files, start=1):
header_file = output + ".header%s" % counter
fam_info = pd.read_table(file, header=None, sep=' ')
fam_info.to_csv(header_file, header=False, index=False, sep=' ', cols=[0, 1])
df = df.append(fam_info)
df.to_csv(fam_file, header=False, index=False, sep=' ', float_format='%.f')
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {input}.'.format(**locals()))
def write_dosage(input, output):
Merge dosage subsets. Output written to disk.
dosage_list = output + '.dosage.list'
fam_file = output + '.fam'
# create dosage file list
f = open(dosage_list, 'w')
dosage_files = sorted(glob.glob(input + '*subset*.dosage'))
for (counter, file) in enumerate(dosage_files, start=1):
header_file = output + '.header' + str(counter)
f.write("1 %s %s\n" % (file, header_file))
# merge using PLINK
plink_cmd = "plink --noweb --allow-no-sex --fam %s --dosage %s list format=1 sepheader --write-dosage --out %s --silent" % (fam_file, dosage_list, output)
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {input}.'.format(**locals()))
def make_map(input, output):
Create a map for dosage summary analysis. Write file to disk.
map_file = output + '.map'
bim_file = glob.glob(input + '*1.bim')[0]
df = pd.read_table(bim_file, header=None)
df.to_csv(map_file, header=False, index=False, sep=' ', cols=[0, 1, 2, 3])
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {input}.'.format(**locals()))
def marker_summary(input, output):
Generate dosage summary stats. Output written to disk.
fam = output + '.fam'
map = output + '.map'
dosage = output + '.out.dosage'
plink_cmd = "plink --noweb --dosage %s format=1 --fam %s --map %s --out %s --silent" % (dosage, fam, map, output)
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {path}.'.format(**locals()))
def average_r2(input_dir, output_dir):
Calcualte the average Beagle r2 score across the subsets to be used in marker QC.
info_file = output_dir + '.r2'
list = []
info_files = sorted(glob.glob(input_dir + '*.bgl.r2'))
for file in info_files:
info = pd.read_table(file, header=None, names=['SNP','R2'])
ave_r2 = pd.concat(list).groupby(['SNP']).mean()
ave_r2['SNP'] = ave_r2.index.values
return ave_r2
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {input_dir}.'.format(**locals()))
def format_markers(output_dir, marker_r2):
Format marker data. Return dataframe of marker information.
marker_file = output_dir + '.assoc.dosage'
df = pd.read_table(marker_file, sep=r'\s*')
df.drop(['OR', 'SE', 'P'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# create new fields
df['MAF'] = np.where(df['FRQ'] > 0.5, 1 - df['FRQ'], df['FRQ'])
df['RESIDUE'] = np.where(df['SNP'].str.startswith("AA_"), df['SNP'].str.split('_').str[-1], 'NA')
df['MARKER'] = np.where(df['SNP'].str.startswith("AA_"), df['SNP'].str.split('_').str[0:3].str.join('_'), df['SNP'])
df['GENE'] = np.where(df['SNP'].str.contains("_"), df['SNP'].str.split('_').str[1], 'SNP')
# include Beagle r2
df = pd.merge(df, marker_r2, on='SNP')
return df
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {output}.'.format(**locals()))
def format_dosage(input):
Transpose dosage data and exclude low quality variants. Output written to disk.
dosage_file = input + '.out.dosage'
# deal with multiple entries in header.
with open(dosage_file, 'r') as f:
header = f.readline()
header = header.split()
header_concat = header[:3] + [i+'-'+j for i,j in zip(header[3::2], header[4::2])]
# transpose dosage - use unique_header for column names.
df = pd.read_table(dosage_file, sep=r'\s*', skiprows=1, header=None, names=header_concat, index_col=0)
df.drop(['A1', 'A2'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = df.T
df.insert(0, 'FID', header[3::2])
df.insert(1, 'IID', header[4::2])
return df
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {input}.'.format(**locals()))
def qc_dosage(dosage_df, marker_df, maf_threshold, r2_threshold, snp_exclude, sample_remove):
QC the transposed dosage file.
snp_exclusions = []
# get list of composite markers
amino_acids = [x for x in list(dosage_df.columns.values) if ('AA' in x) & (len(x.split('_')) > 4)]
composite_markers = [x for x in amino_acids if len(x.split('_')[4]) > 1]
print ' --excluded %s composite markers' % len([x for x in composite_markers if x not in snp_exclusions])
# maf threshold
maf_exclusions = list(marker_df['SNP'][marker_df['MAF'] < maf_threshold])
print ' --excluded %s low MAF markers' % len([x for x in maf_exclusions if x not in snp_exclusions])
# r2 threshold
r2_exclusions = list(marker_df['SNP'][marker_df['R2'] < r2_threshold])
print ' --excluded %s low r2 markers' % len([x for x in r2_exclusions if x not in snp_exclusions])
# append from supplied list
if snp_exclude:
snp_supplied = [line.strip() for line in open(snp_exclude, 'r')]
print ' --excluded %s markers based on supplied list' % len([x for x in snp_supplied if x not in snp_exclusions])
# exclude failed SNPs
dosage_df.drop(snp_exclusions, axis=1, inplace=True)
# list of samples to exclude
if sample_remove:
sample_exclusions = [line.replace(" ", "-").strip() for line in open(sample_remove, 'r')]
#sample_exclusions = ["-".join(line.split()) for line in open(sample_remove, 'r')]
dosage_df.drop(sample_exclusions, inplace=True)
print ' --excluded %s samples based on supplied list' % len(sample_exclusions)
return (dosage_df, snp_exclusions)
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {path}.'.format(**locals()))
def merge_fam(fam, df):
Merge fam info with dosage file. Retrun modified dataframe.
fam_info = pd.read_table(fam, header=None, sep=' ')
fam_info.drop([1, 2, 3], axis=1, inplace=True)
fam_info.columns = ['ID', 'sex', 'phenotype']
df = fam_info.merge(df)
return df
except IOError:
sys.exit('Cannot open {path}.'.format(**locals()))
def main():
# define input/output
options = get_options()
# merge individual dosage files.
print 'Merging dosage subsets and transposing file'
make_fam(options.dosage_file, options.out_file)
write_dosage(options.dosage_file, options.out_file)
dosage = format_dosage(options.out_file)
print '\nInitial dosage file contains %s markers and %s samples\n' % (len(dosage.columns) - 1, len(dosage.index))
# Prepare marker information
print 'Preparing marker information'
make_map(options.dosage_file, options.out_file)
marker_summary(options.dosage_file, options.out_file)
marker_r2 = average_r2(options.dosage_file, options.out_file)
marker_info = format_markers(options.out_file, marker_r2)
# QC transposed dosage file
print 'Excluding markers and samples'
dosage_qc, marker_qc = qc_dosage(dosage, marker_info, options.maf_threshold, options.r2_threshold, options.exclude_file, options.remove_file)
dosage_outfile = options.out_file + '.qc.dosage'
dosage_qc.to_csv(dosage_outfile, index=False, header=True, sep=' ', float_format='%.4g')
# write QC'd marker information
marker_info.set_index('SNP', inplace=True, drop=False, append=False)
marker_info.drop(marker_qc, inplace=True)
marker_info['SNP'] = marker_info['SNP'].str.replace('1kg','X1kg')
marker_info['MARKER'] = marker_info['MARKER'].str.replace('1kg','X1kg')
marker_outfile = options.out_file + '.marker_info'
marker_info.to_csv(marker_outfile, sep = ' ', index=False, float_format='%.4g')
print '\nFinal dosage file contains %s markers and %s samples\n' % (len(dosage_qc.columns) - 2, len(dosage_qc.index))
if __name__=='__main__':
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