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Last active March 2, 2018 00:15
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Three-way interactive scatter, showing where points lie on three axes
<!doctype html>
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<title>Three-way scatter</title>
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disp wt hp name
160 2.62 110 Mazda RX4
160 2.875 110 Mazda RX4 Wag
108 2.32 93 Datsun 710
258 3.215 110 Hornet 4 Drive
360 3.44 175 Hornet Sportabout
225 3.46 105 Valiant
360 3.57 245 Duster 360
146.7 3.19 62 Merc 240D
140.8 3.15 95 Merc 230
167.6 3.44 123 Merc 280
167.6 3.44 123 Merc 280C
275.8 4.07 180 Merc 450SE
275.8 3.73 180 Merc 450SL
275.8 3.78 180 Merc 450SLC
472 5.25 205 Cadillac Fleetwood
460 5.424 215 Lincoln Continental
440 5.345 230 Chrysler Imperial
78.7 2.2 66 Fiat 128
75.7 1.615 52 Honda Civic
71.1 1.835 65 Toyota Corolla
120.1 2.465 97 Toyota Corona
318 3.52 150 Dodge Challenger
304 3.435 150 AMC Javelin
350 3.84 245 Camaro Z28
400 3.845 175 Pontiac Firebird
79 1.935 66 Fiat X1-9
120.3 2.14 91 Porsche 914-2
95.1 1.513 113 Lotus Europa
351 3.17 264 Ford Pantera L
145 2.77 175 Ferrari Dino
301 3.57 335 Maserati Bora
121 2.78 109 Volvo 142E
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