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Created November 23, 2015 14:34
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Saltstack pillar data assignment based on structured minion ID
import re
# Some hosts have legacy names so remap them here
known_hosts = {
r'^fmfa([0-9]+)($|\.)' : 'gr-prod-f-app-%1',
r'^fmpa([0-9]+)($|\.)' : 'gr-prod-p-app-%1',
standard = """
(?P<loc>[a-z0-9]+)- # Location part
(?P<env>[a-z0-9]+)- # Environment part
(?P<cat>[fpc])- # Category
(?P<type>[a-z0-9]+)- # Machine type part
(?P<num>[0-9]{1,2}) # Number part
standard_regex = re.compile(standard, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
cat_map = { 'f': 'free', 'c': 'common', 'p': 'premium', 'z' : 'custdmz' }
loc_name_map = {
'sal': 'Salisbury',
'lon' : 'London',
'aws' : 'Amazon Web Services'
# List full environments where beta stuff should be added in parellel
envs_with_beta = [ 'aws-dev' ]
def run():
hostname = __grains__['id']
# Deal with existing hosts by mapping their names to a standard form
hostname = map_known(hostname)
pillar = match_general(hostname)
if pillar:
# Record the canonical name in the pillar
# If the machine was a "known host" then this will be the name
# we mapped it to
pillar['canonical_name'] = hostname
# Add the list of included SLS files
return pillar
def map_known(hostname):
for key in known_hosts.keys():
match = re.match(key, hostname, re.I)
if match:
return replace_groups(known_hosts[key], match)
return hostname
def match_general(hostname):
result = {}
match = standard_regex.match(hostname)
if match:
# Now we have loc, cat, env, type, num
# First, turn cat into a word, e.g. f -> free
result['category'] = cat_map['cat')]
# Keep location and environment unmodified
result['location'] ='loc')
result['environment'] ='env')
# Add a key for the full location name
result['location_full_name'] = loc_name_map.get(result['location'],
# Full env is loc + env
result['full_env'] = result['location'] + '-' + result['environment']
# Beta ?
result['include_beta'] = result['full_env'] in envs_with_beta
# Store the type field
result['type'] ='type')
# Primary role is just the type field, initially.
# E.g. 'nginx'
result['primary_role'] ='type')
# Add the number field to pillar too (might be useful)
result['num_in_pool'] ='num')
# We have some special case handling
# This might decorate the primary role, e.g. 'app' -> 'app-1'
special_cases(result, int('num')))
# Roles array is the main role, e.g. iis, plus the same decorated with
# the category, e.g [ 'iis', 'free-iis' ]
# If the primary role has been decorated, those will be added too, e.g.
# [ 'db', 'free-db', 'db-master', 'free-db-master' ]
result['roles'] = list(set([
result['category'] + '-' + result['type'],
result['category'] + '-' + result['primary_role']
# Finally, the primary role should include the category too
result['primary_role'] = result['category'] + '-' + result['primary_role']
return result
def special_cases(pillar, machine_number):
# For each app server, the number is part of the role
if pillar['primary_role'] == 'app':
pillar['primary_role'] = 'app-%d' % machine_number
# For database and dns servers, number 1 is a master and the rest are slaves
if pillar['primary_role'] in ['db','dns']:
if machine_number == 1:
pillar['primary_role'] = '%s-master' % pillar['primary_role']
pillar['primary_role'] = '%s-slave' % pillar['primary_role']
# For nginx servers, number 1 is a primary one
if pillar['primary_role'] == 'nginx':
if machine_number == 1:
pillar['primary_role'] = 'nginx-primary'
def replace_groups(text, regex_match):
Replace %1..%9 placeholders in text with
groups from the provided match object
def get_replacement(m):
# Match group 1 contains the number from the "%n" string
ix = int(
return re.sub(r'%([0-9])', get_replacement, text)
def add_includes(pillar):
# Includes are based on roles and environments
# We tend to include a smaller number of files based on more specific data
# since those files if required can include shared general case data
# If we didn't do this you'd have to create a lot of empty sls files just
# to avoid errors
# Include based on primary role, e.g. 'free-nginx' -> ''
pillar['include'] = [ 'role.' + pillar['primary_role'].replace('-','.') ]
# Include based on location and environment
# e.g. 'bs' and 'prod' -> ''
env_include = '.'.join([ 'env', pillar['location'], pillar['environment'] ])
# Include beta env if required
if pillar['include_beta']:
pillar['include'].append(env_include + '.beta')
pillar['debug_include'] = pillar['include']
return pillar
# ---------------------------------------------
# Select by OS
'G@os:Ubuntu or G@os:Debian':
- match: compound
- os.linux
- match: grain
- pillar
- all
- saltmine
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