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Last active June 15, 2018 15:20
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Diamond Space python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
class Line(object):
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
self.a = float(a)
self.b = float(b)
self.c = float(c)
self.d = float(d)
class DiamondSpace:
def __init__(self, spaceSize, height, width, searchRange, Normalization, SubPixelRadius, margin, vp):
self.pSpace = np.zeros((spaceSize, spaceSize), dtype = np.uint)
self.spaceSize = spaceSize
self.Normalization = Normalization
self.SubPixelRadius = SubPixelRadius
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.searchRange = searchRange
self.margin = margin
self.vp = vp
def getVisSpace(self, drawMax = True, pdd = 2):
maxVal = np.max(self.pSpace)
if maxVal < 1:
return np.zeros((self.spaceSize, self.spaceSize), dtype = np.uint8)
visSpace = self.pSpace / float(maxVal) * 255
if drawMax:
x, y = self.find_maximum()
x = int(round(x))
y = int(round(y))
visSpace = visSpace.astype(np.uint8)
visSpace = cv2.cvtColor(visSpace, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
if self.vp == 2:
# draw top search region
cv2.rectangle(visSpace, (int(self.spaceSize/2 - self.searchRange/2), self.margin),
(int(self.spaceSize/2 + self.searchRange/2), self.searchRange), (0,255,0))
#draw bottom search region
cv2.rectangle(visSpace, (int(self.spaceSize/2 - self.searchRange/2), self.spaceSize - self.searchRange),
(int(self.spaceSize/2 + self.searchRange/2), self.spaceSize - self.margin - 1), (0,255,0))
# draw maximum point
cv2.rectangle(visSpace, (x-pdd, y-pdd), (x+pdd, y+pdd), (0,0,255))
return visSpace
return visSpace.astype(np.uint8)
def sgn(self, val):
return (0 <= val) - (val < 0)
def sign(self, val):
return (0 <= val) - (val <= 0)
def lines_end_points(self, lines, space_c):
center = int(round(space_c))
endpoints = []
for line in lines:
a = line.a
b = line.b
c = line.d
alpha = float(self.sgn(a*b))
beta = float(self.sgn(b*c))
gamma = float(self.sgn(a*c))
a_x = alpha*a / (c + gamma*a)
b_x = -alpha*c / (c + gamma*a)
end1 = int(round((a_x + 1) * space_c))
end0 = int(round((b_x + 1) * space_c))
end3 = int(round((b / (c + beta * b) + 1) * space_c))
end2 = center
end5 = center
end4 = int(round((b / (a + alpha * b) + 1) * space_c))
end7 = int(round((-a_x + 1) * space_c))
end6 = int(round((-b_x + 1) * space_c))
endpoints.append((end0, end1, end2, end3, end4, end5, end6, end7))
return endpoints
def lineV(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, weight):
slope = (x1 - x0) / float(y1 - y0)
x_start = float(x0) + 0.5
x_iter = x_start
step = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1
slope *= step
y = y0
c = 1
while y != y1:
self.pSpace[int(x_iter), y] += weight
x_iter = x_start + c * slope
y += step
c += 1
def lineH(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, weight):
slope = (y1 - y0) / float(x1 - x0 - 0.00001)
y_start = float(y0) + 0.5
y_iter = y_start
step = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1
slope *= step
x = x0
c = 1
while x != x1:
self.pSpace[x, int(y_iter)] += weight
y_iter = y_start + c * slope
x += step
c += 1
def rasterize_lines(self, lines, endpoints):
for line, end in zip(lines, endpoints):
weight = int(line.d)
for i in range(0,6,2):
if abs(end[i+3] - end[i+1]) > abs(end[i+2] - end[i]):
self.lineV(end[i], end[i+1], end[i+2], end[i+3], weight)
self.lineH(end[i], end[i+1], end[i+2], end[i+3], weight)
self.pSpace[end[7],end[6]] += weight
def addLines(self, lines):
space_c = (self.spaceSize - 1.0)/2.0
EndPoints = self.lines_end_points(lines, space_c)
self.rasterize_lines(lines, EndPoints)
def find_maximum(self):
R = self.SubPixelRadius
if self.vp == 1:
dd = 5
hs = int(self.spaceSize / 2)
self.pSpace[(hs-dd):(hs+dd),(hs-dd):(hs+dd)] = 0
y, x = np.unravel_index(self.pSpace.argmax(), self.pSpace.shape)
y += 1
x += 1
topRegion = self.pSpace[self.margin:self.searchRange,
int(self.spaceSize/2 - self.searchRange/2):int(self.spaceSize/2 + self.searchRange/2)]
bottomRegion = self.pSpace[(self.spaceSize - self.searchRange):(self.spaceSize - self.margin),
(int(self.spaceSize/2 - self.searchRange/2)):(int(self.spaceSize/2 + self.searchRange/2))]
maxTop = np.max(topRegion)
maxBottom = np.max(bottomRegion)
if maxTop > maxBottom:
y, x = np.unravel_index(topRegion.argmax(), topRegion.shape)
y += 1
y, x = np.unravel_index(bottomRegion.argmax(), bottomRegion.shape)
y += (self.spaceSize - self.searchRange) + 1
x += int(self.spaceSize/2 - self.searchRange/2) + 1
oSize = 2 * self.SubPixelRadius + 1
O = np.zeros((oSize, oSize), dtype = np.float)
ist = y - R
iend = y + R + 1
jst = x - R
jend = x + R + 1
for i in range(ist, iend):
for j in range(jst, jend):
if i > 0 and i < self.spaceSize and j > 0 and j < self.spaceSize:
O[i - ist, j - jst] = self.pSpace[i, j]
sumSR = 0.0
sumSC = 0.0
sumO = 0.0
for i in range(-R, R+1):
for j in range(-R, R+1):
sumSR += O[i+R, j+R] * i
sumSC += O[i+R, j+R] * j
sumO += O[i+R, j+R]
return x + sumSC/sumO, y + sumSR/sumO
def normalize_PC_points(self, PC_VanP):
return (2 * PC_VanP[0] - (self.spaceSize + 1)) / (self.spaceSize - 1), (2 * PC_VanP[1] - (self.spaceSize + 1)) / (self.spaceSize - 1)
def PC_point_to_CC(self, PC_NormVP):
x = float(PC_NormVP[0])
y = float(PC_NormVP[1])
m = max(self.height, self.width)
v1 = y / x
w2 = (self.sign(y) * y + self.sign(x) * x - 1) / x
u3 = 1.0
return (v1 / self.Normalization * (m - 1) + self.width + 1) / 2, (w2 / self.Normalization * (m - 1) + self.height + 1) / 2
def calc_Vanp(self):
PC_VanP = self.find_maximum()
# print PC_VanP, "\n"
PC_NormVP = self.normalize_PC_points(PC_VanP)
# print PC_NormVP, "\n"
CC_VanP = self.PC_point_to_CC(PC_NormVP)
return CC_VanP
inst = DiamondSpace(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
result = inst.calc_Vanp()
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so this code is from optimization repo -
looking at the code - not sure why the example code is so off. need better parameters.

def init(self, spaceSize, height, width, searchRange, Normalization, SubPixelRadius, margin, vp):
inst = DiamondSpace(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

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