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TensorFlow Python reference documentation
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TensorFlow Python reference documentation | |
Building Graphs: | |
add_to_collection | |
as_dtype | |
bytes | |
container | |
control_dependencies | |
convert_to_tensor | |
convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices | |
device | |
DeviceSpec | |
Dimension | |
DType | |
get_collection | |
get_collection_ref | |
get_default_graph | |
get_seed | |
Graph | |
GraphKeys | |
import_graph_def | |
load_file_system_library | |
load_op_library | |
name_scope | |
NoGradient | |
op_scope | |
Operation | |
register_tensor_conversion_function | |
RegisterGradient | |
RegisterShape | |
reset_default_graph | |
Tensor | |
TensorShape | |
Asserts and boolean checks.: | |
assert_equal | |
assert_integer | |
assert_less | |
assert_less_equal | |
assert_negative | |
assert_non_negative | |
assert_non_positive | |
assert_positive | |
assert_proper_iterable | |
assert_rank | |
assert_rank_at_least | |
assert_type | |
is_non_decreasing | |
is_numeric_tensor | |
is_strictly_increasing | |
Constants, Sequences, and Random Values: | |
constant | |
fill | |
linspace | |
multinomial | |
ones | |
ones_like | |
ops | |
random_crop | |
random_gamma | |
random_normal | |
random_shuffle | |
random_uniform | |
range | |
set_random_seed | |
truncated_normal | |
zeros | |
zeros_like | |
Variables: | |
all_variables | |
assert_variables_initialized | |
assign | |
assign_add | |
assign_sub | |
constant_initializer | |
count_up_to | |
device | |
export_meta_graph | |
get_checkpoint_state | |
get_variable | |
get_variable_scope | |
import_meta_graph | |
IndexedSlices | |
initialize_all_variables | |
initialize_local_variables | |
initialize_variables | |
is_variable_initialized | |
latest_checkpoint | |
local_variables | |
make_template | |
min_max_variable_partitioner | |
moving_average_variables | |
no_regularizer | |
ones_initializer | |
random_normal_initializer | |
random_uniform_initializer | |
report_uninitialized_variables | |
Saver | |
scatter_add | |
scatter_sub | |
scatter_update | |
sparse_mask | |
trainable_variables | |
truncated_normal_initializer | |
uniform_unit_scaling_initializer | |
update_checkpoint_state | |
Variable | |
variable_axis_size_partitioner | |
variable_op_scope | |
variable_scope | |
VariableScope | |
zeros_initializer | |
Tensor Transformations: | |
batch_to_space | |
bitcast | |
boolean_mask | |
cast | |
concat | |
copy | |
depth_to_space | |
dynamic_partition | |
dynamic_stitch | |
expand_dims | |
extract_image_patches | |
gather | |
gather_nd | |
meshgrid | |
one_hot | |
pack | |
pad | |
rank | |
reshape | |
reverse | |
reverse_sequence | |
saturate_cast | |
shape | |
shape_n | |
size | |
slice | |
space_to_batch | |
space_to_depth | |
split | |
squeeze | |
strided_slice | |
string_to_number | |
tile | |
to_bfloat16 | |
to_double | |
to_float | |
to_int32 | |
to_int64 | |
transpose | |
unique_with_counts | |
unpack | |
Math: | |
abs | |
accumulate_n | |
acos | |
add | |
add_n | |
argmax | |
argmin | |
asin | |
atan | |
batch_cholesky | |
batch_cholesky_solve | |
batch_fft | |
batch_fft2d | |
batch_fft3d | |
batch_ifft | |
batch_ifft2d | |
batch_ifft3d | |
batch_matmul | |
batch_matrix_band_part | |
batch_matrix_determinant | |
batch_matrix_diag | |
batch_matrix_diag_part | |
batch_matrix_inverse | |
batch_matrix_set_diag | |
batch_matrix_solve | |
batch_matrix_solve_ls | |
batch_matrix_transpose | |
batch_matrix_triangular_solve | |
batch_self_adjoint_eig | |
batch_self_adjoint_eigvals | |
batch_svd | |
ceil | |
cholesky | |
cholesky_solve | |
complex | |
complex_abs | |
conj | |
cos | |
cross | |
cumprod | |
cumsum | |
diag | |
diag_part | |
digamma | |
div | |
edit_distance | |
erf | |
erfc | |
exp | |
fft | |
fft2d | |
fft3d | |
floor | |
floordiv | |
ifft | |
ifft2d | |
ifft3d | |
igamma | |
igammac | |
imag | |
inv | |
invert_permutation | |
lbeta | |
lgamma | |
listdiff | |
log | |
matmul | |
matrix_determinant | |
matrix_inverse | |
matrix_solve | |
matrix_solve_ls | |
matrix_triangular_solve | |
maximum | |
minimum | |
mod | |
mul | |
neg | |
polygamma | |
pow | |
real | |
reduce_all | |
reduce_any | |
reduce_max | |
reduce_mean | |
reduce_min | |
reduce_prod | |
reduce_sum | |
round | |
rsqrt | |
scalar_mul | |
segment_max | |
segment_mean | |
segment_min | |
segment_prod | |
segment_sum | |
self_adjoint_eig | |
self_adjoint_eigvals | |
sign | |
sin | |
sparse_segment_mean | |
sparse_segment_sqrt_n | |
sparse_segment_sqrt_n_grad | |
sparse_segment_sum | |
sqrt | |
square | |
squared_difference | |
sub | |
svd | |
tan | |
trace | |
transpose | |
truediv | |
unique | |
unsorted_segment_sum | |
where | |
zeta | |
Strings: | |
as_string | |
reduce_join | |
string_join | |
string_to_hash_bucket | |
string_to_hash_bucket_fast | |
string_to_hash_bucket_strong | |
Histograms: | |
histogram_fixed_width | |
Control Flow: | |
add_check_numerics_ops | |
Assert | |
case | |
check_numerics | |
cond | |
count_up_to | |
equal | |
greater | |
greater_equal | |
group | |
identity | |
is_finite | |
is_inf | |
is_nan | |
less | |
less_equal | |
logical_and | |
logical_not | |
logical_or | |
logical_xor | |
no_op | |
not_equal | |
select | |
tuple | |
verify_tensor_all_finite | |
where | |
while_loop | |
Higher Order Functions: | |
foldl | |
foldr | |
map_fn | |
scan | |
TensorArray Operations: | |
concat | |
pack | |
split | |
TensorArray | |
unpack | |
Tensor Handle Operations: | |
delete_session_tensor | |
get_session_handle | |
get_session_tensor | |
Images: | |
adjust_brightness | |
adjust_contrast | |
adjust_hue | |
adjust_saturation | |
central_crop | |
convert_image_dtype | |
crop_and_resize | |
crop_to_bounding_box | |
decode_jpeg | |
decode_png | |
draw_bounding_boxes | |
encode_jpeg | |
encode_png | |
extract_glimpse | |
flip_left_right | |
flip_up_down | |
grayscale_to_rgb | |
hsv_to_rgb | |
non_max_suppression | |
pad_to_bounding_box | |
per_image_whitening | |
random_brightness | |
random_contrast | |
random_flip_left_right | |
random_flip_up_down | |
random_hue | |
random_saturation | |
resize_area | |
resize_bicubic | |
resize_bilinear | |
resize_image_with_crop_or_pad | |
resize_images | |
resize_nearest_neighbor | |
rgb_to_grayscale | |
rgb_to_hsv | |
rot90 | |
sample_distorted_bounding_box | |
transpose_image | |
Sparse Tensors: | |
shape | |
sparse_add | |
sparse_concat | |
sparse_fill_empty_rows | |
sparse_maximum | |
sparse_merge | |
sparse_minimum | |
sparse_reduce_sum | |
sparse_reorder | |
sparse_reset_shape | |
sparse_reshape | |
sparse_retain | |
sparse_softmax | |
sparse_split | |
sparse_tensor_dense_matmul | |
sparse_tensor_to_dense | |
sparse_to_dense | |
sparse_to_indicator | |
SparseTensor | |
SparseTensorValue | |
Inputs and Readers: | |
batch | |
batch_join | |
decode_csv | |
decode_json_example | |
decode_raw | |
FIFOQueue | |
FixedLenFeature | |
FixedLengthRecordReader | |
FixedLenSequenceFeature | |
IdentityReader | |
input_producer | |
limit_epochs | |
match_filenames_once | |
matching_files | |
PaddingFIFOQueue | |
parse_example | |
parse_single_example | |
placeholder | |
placeholder_with_default | |
QueueBase | |
RandomShuffleQueue | |
range_input_producer | |
read_file | |
ReaderBase | |
shuffle_batch | |
shuffle_batch_join | |
size | |
slice_input_producer | |
sparse_placeholder | |
string_input_producer | |
TextLineReader | |
TFRecordReader | |
VarLenFeature | |
WholeFileReader | |
Data IO (Python functions): | |
tf_record_iterator | |
TFRecordWriter | |
Neural Network: | |
atrous_conv2d | |
avg_pool | |
avg_pool3d | |
batch_normalization | |
bias_add | |
bidirectional_rnn | |
compute_accidental_hits | |
conv2d | |
conv2d_transpose | |
conv3d | |
ctc_beam_search_decoder | |
ctc_greedy_decoder | |
ctc_loss | |
depthwise_conv2d | |
depthwise_conv2d_native | |
dilation2d | |
dropout | |
dynamic_rnn | |
elu | |
embedding_lookup | |
embedding_lookup_sparse | |
erosion2d | |
fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler | |
in_top_k | |
l2_loss | |
l2_normalize | |
learned_unigram_candidate_sampler | |
local_response_normalization | |
log_poisson_loss | |
log_softmax | |
log_uniform_candidate_sampler | |
max_pool | |
max_pool3d | |
max_pool_with_argmax | |
moments | |
nce_loss | |
normalize_moments | |
relu | |
relu6 | |
rnn | |
sampled_softmax_loss | |
separable_conv2d | |
sigmoid | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits | |
softmax | |
softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits | |
softplus | |
softsign | |
sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits | |
state_saving_rnn | |
sufficient_statistics | |
tanh | |
top_k | |
uniform_candidate_sampler | |
weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits | |
Neural Network RNN Cells: | |
BasicLSTMCell | |
BasicRNNCell | |
DropoutWrapper | |
EmbeddingWrapper | |
GRUCell | |
InputProjectionWrapper | |
LSTMCell | |
LSTMStateTuple | |
MultiRNNCell | |
OutputProjectionWrapper | |
RNNCell | |
Running Graphs: | |
AbortedError | |
AlreadyExistsError | |
CancelledError | |
DataLossError | |
DeadlineExceededError | |
FailedPreconditionError | |
get_default_session | |
InteractiveSession | |
InternalError | |
InvalidArgumentError | |
NotFoundError | |
OpError | |
OutOfRangeError | |
PermissionDeniedError | |
ResourceExhaustedError | |
Session | |
UnauthenticatedError | |
UnavailableError | |
UnimplementedError | |
UnknownError | |
Training: | |
AdadeltaOptimizer | |
AdagradOptimizer | |
AdamOptimizer | |
add_queue_runner | |
AggregationMethod | |
audio_summary | |
clip_by_average_norm | |
clip_by_global_norm | |
clip_by_norm | |
clip_by_value | |
ClusterSpec | |
Coordinator | |
do_quantize_training_on_graphdef | |
exponential_decay | |
ExponentialMovingAverage | |
FtrlOptimizer | |
generate_checkpoint_state_proto | |
global_norm | |
global_step | |
GradientDescentOptimizer | |
gradients | |
histogram_summary | |
image_summary | |
LooperThread | |
merge_all_summaries | |
merge_summary | |
MomentumOptimizer | |
Optimizer | |
QueueRunner | |
replica_device_setter | |
RMSPropOptimizer | |
scalar_summary | |
Server | |
SessionManager | |
start_queue_runners | |
stop_gradient | |
summary_iterator | |
SummaryWriter | |
Supervisor | |
write_graph | |
zero_fraction | |
Wraps python functions: | |
py_func | |
Summary Operations: | |
tensor_summary | |
Testing: | |
assert_equal_graph_def | |
compute_gradient | |
compute_gradient_error | |
get_temp_dir | |
is_built_with_cuda | |
main | |
BayesFlow Stochastic Graph (contrib): | |
DistributionTensor | |
get_current_value_type | |
get_score_function_with_baseline | |
MeanValue | |
NoValueTypeSetError | |
SampleAndReshapeValue | |
SampleValue | |
score_function | |
StochasticTensor | |
surrogate_loss | |
value_type | |
Statistical distributions (contrib): | |
BaseDistribution | |
batch_matrix_diag_transform | |
Bernoulli | |
Beta | |
Binomial | |
Categorical | |
Chi2 | |
Dirichlet | |
DirichletMultinomial | |
Distribution | |
Exponential | |
Gamma | |
InverseGamma | |
kl | |
Laplace | |
Multinomial | |
MultivariateNormalCholesky | |
MultivariateNormalDiag | |
MultivariateNormalDiagPlusVDVT | |
MultivariateNormalFull | |
Normal | |
normal_congugates_known_sigma_predictive | |
normal_conjugates_known_sigma_posterior | |
RegisterKL | |
StudentT | |
TransformedDistribution | |
Uniform | |
FFmpeg (contrib): | |
decode_audio | |
encode_audio | |
Framework (contrib): | |
add_arg_scope | |
add_model_variable | |
arg_scope | |
arg_scoped_arguments | |
assert_global_step | |
assert_or_get_global_step | |
assert_same_float_dtype | |
assert_scalar_int | |
convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor | |
create_global_step | |
deprecated | |
deprecated_arg_values | |
get_global_step | |
get_graph_from_inputs | |
get_local_variables | |
get_model_variables | |
get_or_create_global_step | |
get_unique_variable | |
get_variables | |
get_variables_by_name | |
get_variables_by_suffix | |
get_variables_to_restore | |
has_arg_scope | |
is_non_decreasing | |
is_numeric_tensor | |
is_strictly_increasing | |
is_tensor | |
local_variable | |
model_variable | |
reduce_sum_n | |
safe_embedding_lookup_sparse | |
variable | |
VariableDeviceChooser | |
with_same_shape | |
with_shape | |
Graph Editor (contrib): | |
bypass | |
connect | |
detach | |
detach_inputs | |
detach_outputs | |
matcher | |
ph | |
reroute_a2b | |
reroute_a2b_inputs | |
reroute_a2b_outputs | |
reroute_b2a | |
reroute_b2a_inputs | |
reroute_b2a_outputs | |
select_ops | |
select_ts | |
sgv | |
sgv_scope | |
SubGraphView | |
swap | |
swap_inputs | |
swap_outputs | |
Transformer | |
ts | |
Layers (contrib): | |
apply_regularization | |
avg_pool2d | |
batch_norm | |
convolution2d | |
convolution2d_in_plane | |
convolution2d_transpose | |
flatten | |
fully_connected | |
l1_regularizer | |
l2_regularizer | |
max_pool2d | |
one_hot_encoding | |
optimize_loss | |
repeat | |
separable_convolution2d | |
stack | |
sum_regularizer | |
summarize_activation | |
summarize_activations | |
summarize_collection | |
summarize_tensor | |
summarize_tensors | |
unit_norm | |
variance_scaling_initializer | |
xavier_initializer | |
xavier_initializer_conv2d | |
Learn (contrib): | |
BaseEstimator | |
DNNClassifier | |
DNNRegressor | |
Estimator | |
evaluate | |
extract_dask_data | |
extract_dask_labels | |
extract_pandas_data | |
extract_pandas_labels | |
extract_pandas_matrix | |
infer | |
LinearClassifier | |
LinearRegressor | |
ModeKeys | |
NanLossDuringTrainingError | |
read_batch_examples | |
read_batch_features | |
read_batch_record_features | |
run_feeds | |
run_n | |
RunConfig | |
TensorFlowClassifier | |
TensorFlowDNNClassifier | |
TensorFlowDNNRegressor | |
TensorFlowEstimator | |
TensorFlowLinearClassifier | |
TensorFlowLinearRegressor | |
TensorFlowRegressor | |
TensorFlowRNNClassifier | |
TensorFlowRNNRegressor | |
train | |
Monitors (contrib): | |
BaseMonitor | |
CaptureVariable | |
CheckpointSaver | |
EveryN | |
ExportMonitor | |
get_default_monitors | |
GraphDump | |
LoggingTrainable | |
NanLoss | |
PrintTensor | |
StepCounter | |
StopAtStep | |
SummarySaver | |
SummaryWriterCache | |
ValidationMonitor | |
Losses (contrib): | |
absolute_difference | |
add_loss | |
cosine_distance | |
get_losses | |
get_regularization_losses | |
get_total_loss | |
hinge_loss | |
log_loss | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy | |
softmax_cross_entropy | |
sum_of_pairwise_squares | |
sum_of_squares | |
RNN (contrib): | |
AttentionCellWrapper | |
CoupledInputForgetGateLSTMCell | |
GridLSTMCell | |
LSTMFusedCell | |
TimeFreqLSTMCell | |
Metrics (contrib): | |
accuracy | |
aggregate_metric_map | |
aggregate_metrics | |
auc_using_histogram | |
confusion_matrix | |
set_difference | |
set_intersection | |
set_size | |
set_union | |
streaming_accuracy | |
streaming_auc | |
streaming_mean | |
streaming_mean_absolute_error | |
streaming_mean_cosine_distance | |
streaming_mean_iou | |
streaming_mean_relative_error | |
streaming_mean_squared_error | |
streaming_percentage_less | |
streaming_precision | |
streaming_recall | |
streaming_recall_at_k | |
streaming_root_mean_squared_error | |
streaming_sparse_precision_at_k | |
streaming_sparse_recall_at_k | |
Utilities (contrib): | |
constant_value | |
make_ndarray | |
make_tensor_proto | |
ops_used_by_graph_def | |
stripped_op_list_for_graph | |
Copying Graph Elements (contrib): | |
copy_op_to_graph | |
copy_variable_to_graph | |
get_copied_op |
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