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Last active February 19, 2019 23:59
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pylzma, sys, os.path, zipfile, getopt, hashlib, datetime, time, struct, zlib
__version__ = "0.02"
stfu = False
# VZ files follow similar yet more compact formatting to xz
# VZ magic header
# a current revision of format
# 4 bytes unix timestamp
# ~~~~~~~ lzma passthrough
# 4 bytes crc?
# 4 bytes size
# zv footer
# thanks to Ymgve for ↑↑
def printusage( ):
print ( "vzencode %s" % __version__ )
print ( "Usage: %s [-qh] <FILENAME> <DIR>" % os.path.basename( __file__ ) )
print ( "-q be quiet -h this message" )
print ( "where FILENAME will become you wish to create" )
print ( "and DIR is the location you want to compress (ie tenfoot/resource/sounds/)" )
sys.exit( -1 )
def encodeZip( filename ):
tempfile = filename + '.vz.tmp'
outname = filename + '.vz'
if not stfu:
print ( "Encoding %s into %s.hash_size" % ( filename, outname ) )
data = open( filename, "rb" ).read( )
crc = zlib.crc32( data )
datasize = os.path.getsize( filename )
output = open( tempfile, "wb" )
# Write header
# yes, this is compat to py2 …
timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.utcnow( ).timetuple()))
output.write( 'VZa'.encode('utf-8') )
output.write( struct.pack("i", timestamp ) )
output.write( pylzma.compress( data ) )
output.write( struct.pack("I", crc ) )
output.write( struct.pack("I", datasize ) )
output.write( 'zv'.encode('utf-8') )
outname = outname + '.' + hashlib.sha1( open( tempfile, "rb" ).read( ) ).hexdigest()
outname = outname + '_' + str(os.path.getsize( tempfile ))
os.rename( tempfile, outname )
return outname
def encodeFromDir( filename, location ):
# we take paths like tenfoot/resource/sounds/ in location, and encode those in . into a zip
if filename is "":
print ( "missing output filename" )
handle = os.path.dirname( location )
if handle is not "" and not os.path.exists( handle ):
print ( "missing location to compress" )
compressor = zipfile.ZipFile( filename, 'w' )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( handle ):
for file in files:
# print ( os.path.join(root, file) )
compressor.write( os.path.join(root, file) )
compressor.close( )
filehandle = encodeZip( filename )
print ( "Output saved in: " + filehandle )
if __name__ == '__main__':
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"qoh:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
printusage( )
sys.exit( -1 )
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ( '-h' ):
printusage( )
sys.exit( )
elif opt in ( '-q' ):
stfu = True
elif opt in ( '-o' ):
# zipfile doesn’t care, so whatevs
overwrite = True
if len( args ) > 1:
location = args[1]
if len( args ) > 0:
filename = args[0]
if filename is "":
printusage( )
if location is not "":
encodeFromDir( filename, location )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pylzma, sys, os.path, zipfile, getopt
__version__ = "0.03"
stfu = False
# VZ files follow similar yet more compact formatting to xz
# VZ magic header
# a current revision of format
# 4 bytes unix timestamp
# ~~~~~~~ lzma passthrough
# 4 bytes crc?
# 4 bytes size
# zv footer
# thanks to Ymgve for ↑↑
def printusage( ):
print "vzextract %s" % __version__
print "Usage: %s [-qh] <FILE> <DIR>" % os.path.basename( __file__ )
print "-q be quiet -h this message"
print "where FILE is the filename you wish to extract"
print "and DIR is the location you want the files inside the file inside put"
sys.exit( -1 )
def extractZip( filename ):
outname = filename[::-1]
outname = outname.split( '.', 2 )
outname.reverse( )
outname = outname[0][::-1]
if not stfu:
print "Extracting %s into %s" % ( filename, outname )
data = open( filename, "rb" ).read( )
output = open( outname, "wb" )
output.write( pylzma.decompress( data[7:-10] ) )
return outname
def extractToDir( filename, location ):
handle = os.path.dirname( location )
if handle is not "" and not os.path.exists( handle ):
os.makedirs( handle )
filehandle = extractZip( filename )
if zipfile.is_zipfile( filehandle ):
if not stfu:
print "Extracting %s into %s" % ( filehandle, location )
extractor = zipfile.ZipFile( filehandle, 'r' )
extractor.extractall( handle )
extractor.close( )
os.remove( filehandle )
if not stfu:
print "%s is not a zip file" % filehandle
os.remove( filehandle )
if __name__ == '__main__':
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"qoh:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
printusage( )
sys.exit( -1 )
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ( '-h' ):
printusage( )
sys.exit( )
elif opt in ( '-q' ):
stfu = True
elif opt in ( '-o' ):
# zipfile doesn’t care, so whatevs
overwrite = True
# behaviour here triggers steamdb-requested unzip behaviour
# remove this line to return to sensible
location = "."
if len( args ) > 1:
location = args[1]
if len( args ) > 0:
filename = args[0]
if filename is "":
printusage( )
if location is "":
extractZip( filename )
extractToDir( filename, location )
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