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Created December 19, 2016 21:38
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public with sharing class MembershipMigrator {
//public MembershipMigrator() {
// 1968 total
public List<Account> listMemberAccounts() {
return [
select Id,
from Account
where Certified_Date__c != null
and Member_Migrated__c = false
limit 100
// 1535 total
public Map<Id, List<Opportunity>> listMembershipOpps() {
Map<Id, List<Opportunity>> m = new Map<Id, List<Opportunity>>();
List<Opportunity> opps = [
select Id,
from Opportunity
where Type = 'Fee for Service'
and isWon = true
and Transaction_Type__c = 'Event Registration'
for (Opportunity o : opps) {
List<Opportunity> oo = m.get(o.AccountId);
if (oo == null) {
oo = new List<Opportunity>();
m.put(o.AccountId, oo);
return m;
public void migrate() {
List<Account> accounts = listMemberAccounts();
Map<Id, List<Opportunity>> oldOppMap = listMembershipOpps();
List<Opportunity> newOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
for (Account act : accounts) {
newOpps.add(createOpp(act, act.Certified_Date__c, 'New'));
act.Member_Migrated__c = true;
insert newOpps;
List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = addProducts(newOpps, oldOppMap);
insert olis;
update accounts;
public List<OpportunityLineItem> addProducts(
List<Opportunity> newOpps,
Map<Id, List<Opportunity>> oldOppMap) {
String pbid = MembershipSettings__c.getOrgDefaults().Price_Book_Id__c;
MembershipPricebookService svc = new MembershipPricebookService(pbid);
List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
for (Opportunity o : newOpps) {
// If no fee for service opp for a given account just create a
// new membership with cost of 0.
// Renewals are always 0 for history.
Decimal amount = 0;
String newRenew = 'Membership Renewal';
if (o.npe01__Membership_Origin__c == 'New') {
newRenew = 'New Membership';
List<Opportunity> oldOpps = oldOppMap.get(o.AccountId);
if (oldOpps != null) {
Opportunity oldOpp = oldOpps.get(0);
amount = oldOpp.Amount;
PricebookEntry pbe = svc.getPricebookEntry(o.Account.BillingCountry, newRenew);
OpportunityLineItem li = new OpportunityLineItem();
li.OpportunityId = o.Id;
li.PricebookEntryId = pbe.Id;
li.Quantity = 1;
li.TotalPrice = amount;
return olis;
// we will create a membership for each year starting at expiration of original
// as long as start date is in the past.
public List<Opportunity> createMembershipRenewals(Account account) {
List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>();
Date start = account.Certified_Date__c.addMonths(12);
while (start < {
Opportunity o = createOpp(account, start, 'Renewal');
start = start.addMonths(12);
return opps;
public Opportunity createOpp(Account account, Date start, String newOrRenewal) {
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.AccountId = account.Id;
String oppName = 'New Membership';
if (newOrRenewal == 'Renewal') {
oppName = 'Membership Renewal';
opp.Name = (oppName + ' ' + account.Name + ' ' + start.format()).abbreviate(120);
opp.StageName = 'Payment Received';
opp.Paid__c = true;
opp.RecordTypeId = '012d0000000xH9HAAU';
opp.CloseDate = start;
opp.npe01__Membership_Origin__c = newOrRenewal;
opp.npe01__Membership_Start_Date__c = start;
opp.npe01__Membership_End_Date__c = start.addMonths(12) - 1;
return opp;
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