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Created July 12, 2023 15:57
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Play/Pause Vimeo when scrolling into view
/* src/js/app.js */
import Alpine from 'alpinejs';
import intersect from '@alpinejs/intersect';
import video from '@js/parts/alpine/video';
Alpine.plugin(intersect);"video", video);
window.Alpine = Alpine;
{# templates/_includes/embeddedAsset.twig #}
{% set vimeoQuality = vimeoQuality|default('auto') %}
{% if embeddedAsset.type == 'video' and embeddedAsset.providerName == 'Vimeo' %}
x-data='video("{{ embeddedAsset.url }}", {{ { quality : vimeoQuality }|json_encode|raw }})'
{% else %}
<!-- ERROR: either mobile asset was not a video or the provider was not from vimeo -->
{% endif %}
{% set embeddedAsset = craft.embeddedAssets.get( %}
{% if embeddedAssset %}
{% include '_includes/embeddedAsset.twig' with {
embeddedAsset : embeddedAsset,
vimeoQuality : 'auto',
} %}
{% endif %}
/* src/js/parts/alpine/video.js */
import Player from '@vimeo/player';
* Usage:
* Step 1: Somewhere in JS...
* import Alpine from "alpinejs";
* import video from "./video";
*'video', video);
* Alpine.start();
* Step 2: Somewhere in markup...
* <div x-data="video('url-to-video', { quality : 'auto' })" />
* @param src
* @param options
* @returns {{play(): void, init(): void, iframeCont: null, src: string, pause(): void}}
export default (src = '', options = {}) => ({
src: src,
iframeCont: null,
init() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
var opts = {
url: src,
height: this.$el.clientHeight,
width: this.$el.clientWidth,
allowfullscreen: 0,
autopause: 0,
autoplay: 0,
controls: 0,
loop: 1,
muted: 1,
playsinline: 1,
responsive: 0,
quality: 'auto',
if (!this.iframeCont) {
var play = new Player(this.$el, opts);
this.iframeCont = play.element;
play() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
var player = new Player(this.$el); {
}).catch(e => console.log(e));
pause() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
var player = new Player(this.$el);
player.pause().then(function() {
}).catch(e => console.log(e));
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