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Last active June 3, 2020 09:46
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An iTerm2 script which changes profiles dependent on variables
import asyncio
import iterm2
This is where you put your configuration.
Edit this hash once you've set up your iTerm2 Profiles and created any
[variable_name]: {
[variable_value]: [profile_name]
Example of creating these variables in your .bash_profile file:
function aws-staging() {
export AWS_PROFILE=threads-staging
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=blah
function aws-prod() {
export AWS_PROFILE=threads-production
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=blah
function aws-labl() {
export AWS_PROFILE=labl
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=blah
function iterm2_print_user_vars() {
iterm2_set_user_var aws_profile "$AWS_PROFILE"
DARK_MODE=$(defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyle 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $DARK_MODE == "Dark" ]]; then
iterm2_set_user_var ui_mode "$UI_MODE"
iterm2_set_user_var aws_profile_ui_mode "${AWS_PROFILE}-${UI_MODE}"
The order of variable names matter. The earlier the name
the higher in precence. If there is no value, this will continue
to the next variable (and so on) until a value is found.
profile_maps = {
"user.aws_profile_ui_mode": {"labl-dark": "Labl Dark",
"labl-light": "Labl Light"},
"user.aws_profile": {"threads-production": "Production"},
"user.ui_mode": {"dark": "Default",
"light": "Light"}
async def SwitchProfile(connection, session, profile_name):
app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)
print("Switching profile to: " + profile_name)
partialProfiles = await iterm2.PartialProfile.async_query(connection)
for partial in partialProfiles:
if == profile_name:
full = await partial.async_get_full_profile()
await session.async_set_profile(full)
def AddToStack(stack, stack_index, profile_name, profile_map):
if profile_name in profile_map:
stack[stack_index] = profile_map[profile_name]
stack[stack_index] = None
async def SelectProfile(connection, session, stack):
for profile_name in stack:
if profile_name is not None:
await SwitchProfile(connection, session, profile_name)
async def MonitorSession(connection, session, stack, stack_index, variable, profile_map):
profile_name = await session.async_get_variable(variable)
AddToStack(stack, stack_index, profile_name, profile_map)
await SelectProfile(connection, session, stack)
async with iterm2.VariableMonitor(
session.session_id) as mon:
while True:
profile_name = await mon.async_get()
AddToStack(stack, stack_index, profile_name, profile_map)
print("Profile stack has been updated")
await SelectProfile(connection, session, stack)
def CreateTasks(connection, session):
stack = list(map(lambda _x: None, profile_maps)) + ['Default']
for i, (variable, profile_map) in enumerate(profile_maps.items()):
connection, session, stack, i, variable, profile_map))
async def main(connection):
app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)
for window in app.terminal_windows:
for tab in window.tabs:
for session in tab.sessions:
CreateTasks(connection, session)
async with iterm2.NewSessionMonitor(connection) as mon:
while True:
session_id = await mon.async_get()
session = app.get_session_by_id(session_id)
CreateTasks(connection, session)
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